Fun games with 2 year olds

10 fun and educational games to play with toddlers

The right game can boost your kid’s cognitive, physical and emotional skills. Kick off playtime with some easy toddler games that are fun and educational!

You’ve probably heard the saying that kids are like sponges—this is especially true for toddlers. Little ones between the ages of one and three are always absorbing new things. Their main mode for learning: Playtime. They begin by playing side-by-side (called parallel play), then progress into more interactive stuff, where they engage with and absorb information from their playmates. The right game can boost your kid’s cognitive, physical, and emotional skills, so get your toddler started with one of these games:

1. Simon Says

A game that you can play one on one or with a group of kids, Simon Says is a classic that teaches kids how to follow instructions. The rules are easy: You are Simon and what you say goes. Call out commands—“Simon says touch your toes!—and your kid has to follow them. It’s key they listen for the words “Simon says”—if you call out a command like “Jump up!” without prefacing with Simon says, players can be eliminated. Be sure to throw in some funny commands, too—do a silly dance, wiggle your ears, hop like a frog! This game is great for teaching toddlers the names for their body parts.

2. Hot and cold

See his favourite stuffy over there? Hide it and then have him search the room. If he’s wandering away from it, he’s cold, and as he gets closer he’s warm, warmer, hot! If he gets frustrated, you can hold his hand while he looks around. This game will sharpen your kid’s emotional skills—he’ll learn patience, perseverance and the idea that just because you can’t see something, it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

3. One for you, one for me

Perfect for younger toddlers, this game teaches sharing (see here for more on teaching your toddler how to share). Set out a pile of objects like crayons or buttons and ask him to distribute them between you while saying “One for you, one for me.” Make sure you each have a container to hold your growing collections.

4. Hokey-Pokey

Another classic, this one is super fun to play and helps your kid follow instructions and learn the names for his body parts. The song “Hokey-Pokey” is a simple one with instructional lyrics. Playing is easy (you just do as the song says) and there are no losers!

You put your left foot (you can substitute for any body part) in,

You put your left foot out,

You put your left foot in, and you shake it all about!

You do the Hokey Pokey
(Raise hands, wiggle fingers, move arms—you can do whatever, really)

And you turn yourself around
(Turn around in a full circle)

That’s what it’s all about!
(Clap with each syllable)



Often played at daycares or preschools, this game is best with more than two people. Spread out a large sheet (or a parachute if you have it!) and have everyone hold an edge tightly in both hands. Working together, you can slowly raise it overhead and say “Up, up, up!” then lower it saying “Down, down, down!” When you call “Under, under, under!” everyone can let go of the sheet and hurry under. Alternatively, you can get under the sheet while still holding its corners. This games helps kids develop their fine motor skills while teaching them to wait and listen.

6. Scavenger hunt

Is there anything more fun than a scavenger hunt? Send your toddler hunting for objects around the house based on commands, such as “find me something round” or “find me something red.” Or, you could ask her to choose a bunch of random objects and ask her questions like “Which one is blue?” or “Which one is longer?”



Teach your little kid problem solving skills by hiding from him! Or, if you’d rather not hide, you can always ask your her to hide an object in another room or sneaky spot of her choice—it could be as simple as asking her to go put a wrapper in the trash without telling her where the trash can is.


Obstacle course

Promote gross motor skills, coordination and balance with a fun, safe obstacle course. If space allows, you can set up a small course in your living room or outside in the yard to get your kid rolling, jumping and running around, over or under objects or markers.

9. Puzzles

Puzzles are great games for toddlers because they cover all bases: Physical (from making the pieces fit), cognitive (actually solving the puzzle) and emotional skills (learning how to be patient.) Building a puzzle can also boost your kid’s memory, teach him about different shapes, and help him set (and meet!) simple goals.

10. Odd one out

Place a series of blocks of the same colour in front of your toddler, making sure to add at least one block that’s a different colour (you could also do this with small fruit or veggies). Once she’s had a chance to look at all the blocks, ask her which one is the odd one out. You can make this game harder by using flash cards of shapes or plants, then ask her which ones are similar and which ones are different.

Read more:
6 fun indoor activities for toddlers
5 toddler games to play when you’re sick
Baby talk: Bad for your toddler’s language development?

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40+ Quick & Easy Activities for Two-Year-Olds

Our two-year-old kids *love* to BE BUSY with all sorts of activities.   We have a two-year-old boy and girl and they are constantly doing and creating. I am sure my toddlers are not alone in the seemingly boundless energy. Below are some of the games that my 2-year-olds love to play.

Let’s play today!

Fun Activities for Two Year Olds

1. Measuring Activity for 2-Year-olds

Help your child learn how to measure using kitchen stuff in this fun activity from Kids Activities Blog.

2. Letter Recognition Activity

Your 2-year-old will enjoy learning about letters when you make letters with playdough along with them!

3. Simple Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiment

Awaken the scientist in your toddler as you both explore chemical reactions with baking soda and vinegar.

4. Fun Music Time with Toddlers

Jam to musical instruments with your 2-year-old in this fun musical activity!

5. Cool Color Game for Your Little One

Play with a muffin tin and toy balls as a color game for toddlers.

6. Colorful Playdough Hair Activity

Get wacky with your 2-year-old as you both decorate faces with playdough hair.

7. Fun Squishy Aquarium Project

Make Squishy bags into an aquarium for your kids to explore.

8. Healthy Snack Necklace

Make a fruit (or veggie) snack necklace for your little ones to make and eat.

9. Wondeful Toddler Birthday Party Ideas

Throw your child’s favorite toy, a birthday party.

10. Bubbles and Balls Bath Play

Play with bubbles and balls in a tub.

11. Awesome Music Tubes for 2-year-olds

Get some PVC pipes, add some seeds – tubes for toddlers!

12. Foam Plate Fun Activity

Stab at a foam plate with this toddler activity.

Help your Child Develop With these Fun Toddler Activities

13. Cut-Up Straw Bracelets

Make bracelets from cut-up straws. Great for fine motor development!

14. Pick-Up Items Game for 2-Year-Olds

Dig out the kitchen tongs and have fun picking up items.

15. Super Fun Pompom Game Idea

Play with pompoms! Let your kiddo try blowing them across the floor.

16. Fun Craft Stick Ideas For 2-Year-Olds

Build with craft sticks –  just use Velcro dots to make them reusable.

17. Collage-Making Toddler Project

Make collages together – a fun two-year-old activity.

18. Basketful of Play Items for Toddlers

18. Create a basket of play items – great for the development of play!


Plank Walk Balancing Game

Practice balancing with a plank of wood (aka. Balance beam).

20. Yummy Edible Sand

Create an edible “sand” using cheerios and start the afternoon toddler fun!

Easy Toddler Crafts & Ways to Get creative with Play

21. Crafty Beads and Pipe Cleaners Project

Use beads and pipe cleaners to create sculptures.

22. Colorful Spray Bottle Paint

Watch your kids have fun and create with “spray bottle” paint.

23. Fun Outdoor Nature Activity

Go on a nature hunt around your neighborhood with your 2-year-old.

24. Lovely Halloween Luminary Project

Make a night light for your kids to interact with. This tutorial is for a Halloween luminary but you can easily make it with any shapes and characters your child loves.

25. Edible Jewels for 2-Year-Olds

Play with “edible jewels” and eat pomegranate seeds.

26. Toddler Finger Painting Activity

Finger paint while in the bath. It is a great way to have less-mess art time.

27. Fun Chalkboard Games

Make chalkboard games with your kiddo, outside!

28. Clever Animal Tracks in Playdough

Let your little ones make tracks in playdough with their favorite toy animals.

29. Awesome Pouring Activity with 2-Year-Olds

Practice pouring with your child. Give them a pitcher and some cups.

30. Crafty Slime Recipes for Kiddos

Make different slime recipes with your kids to expose them to many weird and ooey-gooey textures.

More Toddler Fun for 2 Year Olds

31. Baby Shark in the Bathtub Game

Your 2-year-old will love playing with Baby Shark crayons in the bathtub.

32. Fine Motor Practice with Scissors

Give your child a pair of funky scissors and let them shred paper.

33. Lovely Floating Bouquet

Let your little ones play with petals in a floating bouquet.

34. Playdough and LEGO Activity

Make lego puzzles in playdough to teach your 2-year-old about shape matching.

35. Crafty Felt Binder Activity

For a quiet-time Kids Activity, have your kids play with a felt activity binder.

36. Floating Bouquet Project for Toddlers

Play with petals in a floating bouquet in this super fun activity!

37. Toddler-Friendly Edible Playdough

Make edible play dough, just in case.

38. Fun Crafts and Activities for Toddlers

Here are 32 *other* fun ideas of things to do with your kids.

39. Colorful Sensory Bags for Little Ones

Create sensory bags with your toddler and watch them get amazed!

40. Clever Invitation Ideas

Create an invitation to playtime – in a bag! Every kid will love to get one.

Toddler Early Learning Fun

Have you tried the ABC Mouse app? Our toddlers learned how to count and learned the alphabet from playing games on it! Check it out and get a 30-day FREE trial here!

So many fun things to do…

More Fun Activities For Kids from Kids Activities Blog

What 2-year-old activities are your toddler’s favorite play ideas?

Outdoor games for children 2-3 years old

Birds in nests

Children - "birds" - stand on small elevations (cubes, bars 5-10 cm high) located on one side of the room. The adult says: “The sun is shining outside, all the birds fly out of their nests, looking for grains.”

"Birds" jump or descend from hills, "fly", wave their "wings", squat, "peck" "grains". At the signal of an adult: "It's raining!" The birds fly to their nests.

Pancakes and Pancakes

A large hoop is placed in the center of the room (it's a "pancake"), and around it are several small hoops ("pancakes"). Children run around the room, then an adult says, "Damn," or, "Pancakes." Children need to stand in the appropriate hoop.

Throw toys

If you have a lot of soft toys at home, you can play a very fun game. Divide the carpet in the room in half (to mark the border in the middle of the carpet, put a long rope).

Divide soft toys equally between you and your child. You throw your soft toys on the child's territory, and he - on yours. Task: to transfer all soft toys to the area of ​​another player.

Day - night

The driver says: "Day" - everyone runs, - "Night" - freeze in place. The driver must notice who is moving. Who moved - becomes the driver.


Each player is designated as a "car".

His “garage” can be a chair or a hoop on the floor. "Cars" "drive" around the room "rule" and try not to crash into each other.

You can complicate the task and put a wide long plank (bridge) on the floor, put obstacles in the form of chairs, boxes, etc. On a signal: "Cars, in the garage!" - everyone is trying to quickly take their "house".


Children stand one after another in a column and put their hands on the shoulders of the child in front. It turns out a "train" that slowly moves around the room with the words:

Here comes our train,
wheels are rattling
and on this train
the guys are sitting.
"Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo"
- locomotive running
far away
he took the guys far, far away.

But here's the stop:
"Who wants to get down?
Get up guys
Let's go for a walk!"
(A. Anufriyeva)

At the last words, the children scatter and can pretend to pick mushrooms - berries. At the signal of an adult, they again stand one after another, depicting wagons.

Mosquitoes and a frog

An adult is assigned as a "frog", children - as "mosquitoes". Each child has a handkerchief. Children run around the room, flapping "wings". An adult says:

A mosquito sat on a bush,
On spruce on stumps,
He hung his legs under the leaf, hid!

Children, having heard these words, sit down on chairs prepared in advance and cover their heads and faces with handkerchiefs. "Frog" is looking for "mosquitoes", saying: "Kwa-kva! Where are the mosquitoes? Qua-qua!" Then the game is repeated.

Birds and cars

Girls are assigned as "sparrows" and boys as "cars". The adult says: "The birds flew out for a walk." Girls - “birds” - “fly” around the room, “flap their wings”, “peck grains”. At the signal of an adult: “The cars have left!” - the "birds" quickly run away from the road, and the boys begin to pretend to be cars: "turn the steering wheel" and "drive" along the "road". Next time, the children can switch roles.


Children - “bees” - run around the room, “flap their wings” and buzz: “F-f-f”. A “bear” appears (an adult or a toy in the hands of an adult) and says:

Bear-bear is coming
The bees will take away the honey.
The bees answer:
This hive is our house.
Go away, bear, from us,

“Bees” flap their “wings”, buzz, driving the “bear” away from their “hives”.


Children pretend to be crows. Children squat down and pretend to sleep. Adult says:

The crows are fast asleep,
Everyone sits in nests
And wake up at dawn
They will croak in the yard."

At the last word of the poem, the children wake up and say: "Kar-kar-kar", - they begin to "fly" around the room and flap their "wings". An adult accompanies their actions with the words:

Fly, fly,
The crows flew: "Kar-kar."
Aunt went out on the path,
Crows sprinkles crumbs.
The crows flew
Everything was pecked to the crumbs:
"Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock" -
They banged their beaks.

Children - "crows" - squat down and tap their fingers on the floor, saying: "Knock-knock-knock". The adult takes the dog toy and says:

Tuzik walked around the yard,
Raven scared:
"Wow, wow, wow!"

(A. Anufriyeva)

The dog "catches up" with the "crows", and the "crows" "fly away" to their "nests" and squat down.

Bunnies and houses

Hoops are laid out on the floor according to the number of children. Children - "bunnies" - jump and run around the room. To the words of an adult: “Grey wolf!” - the children run into their "houses".


Children pretend to be moths. An adult pronounces the words of the poem:

On the green in the meadow
Moths fly.
And from flower to flower
They flutter merrily.
Children run, wave their winged arms, “flutter”.
Tanya went out to the meadow,
She has a bag in her hands.
Watch out, moth
Fly away quickly, my friend!
(A. Anufriyeva)

"Moths" run away from an adult who holds a bright net in his hands and tries to catch them.

A toy for each!

Soft toys are spread out on the floor in different places. Children run around the room, trying not to touch the toys. At a certain signal: clapping, hitting a tambourine, ringing a bell - each child picks up one of the toys in his arms. Then he puts the toy back and the game continues.

Find your partner

Children pair up. Each pair of children is given the same subject, for example, one pair - a red ribbon, the other pair - a small ball, etc.

At the signal of an adult, the children disengage and randomly run around the room. At the second signal, each child must find his mate as soon as possible. The couple that has been looking for each other the longest loses. This game can be played without items - players must remember each other.

Author: Darya Koldina

(Updated January 14, 2021)

Fun and interesting games for children 2-3 years old

What to do with the baby when he asks to play? How to play with it so that it is not only fun, but also useful? Perhaps these educational games for kids can help you!

1. We develop fingers - we light windows.
Show your child a picture or photograph (for example, on a monitor screen) showing a multi-storey building at night. Draw his attention to the fact that lights are burning in the house - this is the light in the windows. Then show him a house glued from colored paper: Invite him to “light the windows” in this house - stick yellow squares in place of the “windows”: Sticking a “window” exactly on the window silhouette is not an easy task for a 2-year-old baby. In this creative game, the thinking and fine motor skills of the child are well developed.

2. Sorting with glue
Show your child the “houses” (squares) where different animals live. Ask the baby to “close” the “window” in each house - stick a circle of the desired color and hide the animal in the house.
With the help of this game, the child develops several skills at once: learns to sort by color, develops logical thinking, trains fine motor skills (the kid will try to stick the circle exactly in the window, and at 2 years old this is a great warm-up for his fingers).

3. Big wash.
This task develops hand motor skills and thinking well.
Tell the baby that his doll (or other toy) has soiled his handkerchief (sock, hat, etc.). Ask him to help the doll - arrange a big wash.
Pour water into a basin, show your baby how to wash the handkerchief, how to rinse it, wring it out, how to hang it on a string and how to fasten it with a clothespin. Help your child complete all these activities on their own.

4. Clothespins.
Stretch a rope in the room. Ask your child to help you hang “underwear” with clothespins - handkerchiefs, socks, and other trifles. This task develops children's fingers very well (which has a good effect on the development of speech and thinking of the baby).

5. Bathe Katya doll.
This game develops the child's fingers, as well as his thinking.
Tell your child that his Katya doll (or other toy) is dirty and needs a bath. Pour water into the basin, invite the child to bathe the doll, lather it with a sponge, rinse, wrap it in a towel.

6. Collect sticks.
Scatter long pasta or counting sticks in front of your baby. Ask the child to collect them and lower them into a narrow hole (a hole in a colander, a sugar bowl, a bottle with a narrow neck, a slot in the box). Collecting small things from a flat surface is not an easy task for children's fingers ... Well, let alone lower them into a narrow crack - and even more so.
This exercise develops fine motor skills, which has a positive effect on the development of speech and thinking of the child.

7. Find it!
Play with the child in the "scrambler". Search together:
- what's big in this room? what about small?
- what is solid in this room? what is soft?
- what is fragrant in this room?
- what is blue, red, yellow in this room?
— what is fluffy, red, transparent, tasty and so on in this room…
This game develops the child's attention, expands his knowledge of the world and vocabulary.

8. Finish the drawing.
This game is worth a try if the child is already 2.5 years old. Draw fragments of simple geometric shapes and simple pictures on the cards: Ask the child to complete the drawing.
This task develops logic, imagination and fine motor skills. Of course, it is worth starting to play this game with the simplest tasks.

9. Sort by color.
Sorting is one of the most popular skills that are trained in children from 2 to 3 years old.
This game helps to learn colors, and also develops the skill of sorting (and with it - logical and mathematical thinking).
Lay out various interesting objects in front of the child and offer to sort them by color. You can put items in multi-colored cups or cups. Or use colored cards for this. You can line the bottom of the organizer with colored paper for an exciting sorting aid (organizers like this are available at most hardware and "repair" stores.

10. The second life of a favorite construction set:
Ask your child to match the silhouettes drawn on paper with the three-dimensional figures of the construction set. This lesson will become much more interesting if you try to put together a pretty picture from the details of the designer.

11. Large, smaller, smallest.
Invite the child to arrange the objects in descending order of size: large, smaller, smallest. It is not necessary to have a color printer to make a manual. Any mother can draw simple pictures for sorting - birds, houses, flowers or trees. It's not difficult and everyone can do it. And of course, you can not draw anything at all, but use what is at hand.
For example, seat toys according to their height (the largest toy - on the largest “rug”, a smaller toy - on a smaller rug, etc.).

12. Repeat pattern.
This game develops attention in children. It is easier to play for children who are already 2.5 years old.
Draw a house on a piece of paper. This house has many, many rooms. And each contains an item. Ask the child to repeat the drawing and decorate the first floor of the house with exactly the same items as on the second (after all, kittens live in this house .

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