Fun kid girl games
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Free Kids Games For Girls
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Fun games with kids at home: 22 ideas
We have all recently seen that a family can be stuck at home for a long time, and a child can be left without communication with peers. How to make the faces of the household do not become sadder day by day? Find at least half an hour for a fun game.
Kidpassage has collected family games that do not require special equipment. You can play some of them with your child when you are preparing dinner or when you want to lie in bed longer in the morning, and the child has already come running to communicate. Others will require more activity - but all will drive away boredom.
- Games for children 2-4 years old
- Games for children 5-8 years old
- Games for children 9-12 years old
- Games with parents
- Games from books
- Competitions
Games for children 2-4 years old
To develop a child, it is not necessary to sit with a set of geometric shapes and a book about colors. You can fool around together and be pleasantly surprised when you notice new skills in your baby.
1. Mirror
One player shows movements or grimaces, and the second tries to repeat them simultaneously and exactly. It gets even funnier if both players look in a real mirror at the same time.
2. Worm and apple
You need a real apple, and a child will become a worm. He will need to sit on the floor and, pulling himself up with his legs, get to the apple. Parents can also participate, only for fairness, the distance that they have to crawl needs to be increased.
3. Feather
Players sit around a table with a feather (cork, a piece of tissue or cotton will also work). You need to blow on the feather, driving it towards the opponent. You can make the floor a training ground for the game, and drive a feather with a wave of any impromptu fan.
4. Home orchestra
What happens if you tap a plastic container upside down with a spoon? And if you run the same spoon over clothespins on a string? And bang on a large saucepan? Extract sounds from all the objects at hand and sing along or dance to the beat of the resulting music. If there are several children, a parent can become a conductor and manage an orchestra.
Games for children 5-8 years old
Preschoolers and younger schoolchildren already know how to do a lot, they develop a sense of humor. Who will you become in their game - leading or active players?
5. Window dressing
A well-known game can be easily simplified for a small children's company. Let the theme of the game be animals or school supplies - their names should be written on pieces of paper and put in a box. Each participant pulls the task out of the box and tries to explain to others with gestures and movements what is hidden.
6. Barrel of laughter
The rules are simple: each player thinks of a word and pronounces it in response to the host's question. No one knows the questions, the answers are random, and therefore funny. "What did you have for breakfast?" - "Grandma." “Who brings gifts to children in winter?” - "Hippopotamus".
7. Pillow fight
Two players enter the ring, marked with strips of colored tape, with pillows in their hands. The goal of each is to push the opponent out of the ring using only pillow strikes. The referee monitors compliance with the rules, he also gives a signal if the fight goes on for a while. To keep the game safe, it is better to keep fragile items away and equip players with lightweight synthetic-filled pillows.
8. Haute Couture
For the game you will need different clothes and shoes - all this must be put in a pile. One of the players turns away from the pile, and the other players take turns picking up a piece of clothing and asking, "Where to wear this?" The turned away player names a part of the body, the rest dress according to his instructions. You can turn around when all the clothes are taken apart. You can add more fun to the game if you announce a competition for the best name for the resulting costume.
Games for children 9-12 years old
The older the children, the more complex games they can be offered. For younger students, you can simplify the rules, and even teenagers and adults will like the ingenious options.
9. Hat
This game is also known as Alias or Say Different. If there is no ready-made board game or application on your smartphone, you can write any words on pieces of paper and put them in a hat (or any container). The goal of each player is to pull random words out of the hat and explain them to others so that they can guess which word it is. The winner is the one who manages to explain as many words as possible in a minute.
10. Twister
Colored circles are a polygon to show reaction speed and flexibility. The presenter spins the arrow on the scale with markings and announces what the arrow has shown, for example: “Right foot on red!” Players must complete the command as soon as possible. With each move, the situation becomes more complicated, and in the end someone falls, dragging the others with them. A ready-made set for this game is for sale, but the color fields can be marked on the floor or fabric on your own, and the determination of which color to put your hand or foot on is entrusted to pieces of paper with inscriptions or an application.
11. Danetki
The facilitator tells the end of a story, and the players must ask him questions to understand what happened at the beginning. The ending usually sounds paradoxical, and questions should be such that they can only be answered with "Yes", "No" or "Unknown". Ready-made stories can be found on the Internet, and then, having got the hang of it, compose it yourself.
12. I'm going to the sea…
The facilitator thinks of some pattern - for example, words that end in a vowel. Then he tells the players: "I'm going to the sea and I'm taking my cap with me (chooses a word that matches the pattern)." The rest of the players take turns saying: “I am also going to the sea and taking it with me ...” - and then they pick up different words, trying to calculate the pattern. If the word fits, the host tells the player: “You are going to the sea”, if not, “You are not going to the sea”.
Games with parents
There are children's activities in which parents become active participants. In such games, new talents are discovered, and trust between family members is also strengthened.
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13. Family Canvas
Large sheet of paper (even a piece of smooth wallpaper will do), pencils and felt-tip pens - that's all you need for the game. Sit at a table or on the floor and start painting the big picture. For example, draw a dream house in which everyone will depict their own room and add something important to those places where the whole family gathers - the kitchen or living room.
14. Soap stories
To start the game, you will need to dissolve food coloring or gouache in a small amount of water, and then add dishwashing liquid. Beat the foam by blowing into the solution through a straw, and then touch the bubbles with a piece of paper. Think with your child what the print looks like and draw the necessary details. You can just sprinkle paint on the sheet, fold the paper in half, then unfold it and think about what the resulting blots look like.
15. Fanty
An adult writes fun tasks on pieces of paper and puts them in a box. Children take turns pulling out pieces of paper and doing what is written there: for example, they read poetry in a squeaky voice or draw a picture with their eyes closed. In games with older children, all participants can write tasks - with the risk that their own phantom will fall out to them.
16. Swings
A game for toddlers, which even older children sometimes like to play. The child lies down on the blanket, the parents take the blanket by the corners and swing it.
- Best entertainment for kids
Games from books
Reading is also a good option for family leisure. And how many times have children imagined themselves as characters in books! But in books you can still find descriptions of children's games that have been forgotten over time.
17. My love is called A…
The game played by the characters of Lewis Carroll's Alice Through the Looking-Glass was popular in Victorian England. Its goal is to compose a story according to a given scheme, filling in the gaps with words for one letter. One of the schemes is as follows: “My love is called on ... I love him because he ... I am afraid of him because he ... I feed him ... He lives in ... ". The answers may be out of place: Alice, whose love in the game was called Z, fed her casseroles and splinters.
18. Don't step on the floor
Pippi Longstocking from the book by Astrid Lindgren taught this game to her friends Tommy and Annika. Players need to go around the room without going down to the floor. You can move around furniture, build transitions from suitable objects, jump from place to place. Tommy and Annika got very dirty during the game - but they played in an untidy kitchen with an oven.
19. Peepers
Leo Kassil described the fun, popular in pre-Internet times, in the book “Konduit and Shvambrania”. Two players sit opposite each other and look into the eyes, trying not to blink or laugh. The one who blinked, looked away or laughed is considered the loser. Agree whether during the game you can make faces and try to incapacitate your opponent in other ways.
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Some children love to compete and win. Compete with the whole family - even the struggle for an individual victory can unite.
20. Tongue without bones
Who, without stuttering even once, is the fastest to say “Karl stole the corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Karl”? Tongue twisters develop diction well, but at first all participants laugh at their own attempts to pronounce complex combinations of sounds.
21. Life on other planets
You will need balloons according to the number of participants - these will be uninhabited planets. All participants populate their balls by drawing on them with markers. There can be several awards at once: for the most densely populated planet, for the most beautiful alien, for convenient infrastructure (will someone draw roads, shops and kindergartens?).
22. Sell an elephant
Why do only parents convince children that broccoli is healthy and a scarf is necessary? Give each member of the family an item, and let everyone try to convince others how important this item is and how it can be used for other purposes. It's a good way to give a different look to a smartphone, sofa cushion, or cookie cutter.
You may soon get into the habit of playing with the whole family in the evenings, or on Saturdays, or on rainy days. What family games would you recommend to Kidpassage readers?
Funny games for children - analogies not
- Yes-No
- Smeshinka
- Drawing games
- Ha ha and hee hee
- Laughter
Funny games for kids for kids of all ages. Play at home, at school, in kindergarten, at a children's party and just with your playground mates!
Funny games for kids: the top 10 most exciting and fun games, plus the 11th and 12th games as a bonus!
I like someone who…
Children stand in front of an adult, and he gives them a sign of someone he likes and counts out loud to 5. They need to quickly find and touch this sign.
For example: — I like the one with pigtails! (everyone runs and touches the girl with pigtails). Variations: I like the one who has something red/white sneakers/something made of iron/who screams loudly and jumps on one leg!
Knockout (over 8 years old) - who last touched the desired item is out of the game, and so on until 1 winner.
A daisy is made from paper. On the reverse side of each petal, funny tasks are written that an adult reads to them.
Children tear off the petals and begin to perform tasks: walk in single file, crow, jump on one leg, sing a song, say a tongue twister, etc. , how mom prepares dinner, how the laundry is squeezed out ... More ideas for tasks for this game in the topic Funny tasks for fans Funny tasks for fans.
Wild people
Stand in a row and learn a few simple exercises:
- stood up straight, arms out to the sides
- raised arms up
- lowered arms, raised left leg
- lowered left leg, raised right leg
- clapped hands and jumped
First practiced, everyone is doing great. Now invite the guys to repeat the same exercises to the music and turn on a very, very fast melody. Of course, children will become confused in movements.
"Come on, don't stop," the host encourages those who are confused. “Start with everyone together!”
Funny little people
Equipment needed: sheets of paper, felt-tip pens (pencils or pens). Number of players: from 2 to 6.
Players, each on their own sheet, draw a predetermined hero in parts, the drawn part is folded, sheets are exchanged, then a continuation is drawn, and so on in several steps. It is best to divide the drawing into three parts: head, torso (with arms), legs. Then we look at the result.
Grandpa's panties
This game will help you to keep up a cheerful mood. Initially, we agreed on the so-called code word, that is, a universal answer to any question of the presenter. A word or a couple of words should be chosen funnier. We agreed that our code words would be "grandpa's pants. "
It's harder to keep from laughing in this game.
So, the host asks:
- What is your favorite toy?
- Grandpa's panties!
- What's on your plate?
- Grandpa's panties!
And again, the one who laughed out of the game.
We awarded the most serious player (who lasted the longest without laughing) a chocolate bar.
Draw a monster
This is a drawing game. Each player is given a sheet of paper, a pencil, and then blindfolded. The facilitator names some object or living being, and all players begin to draw. Even if someone has finished drawing, he does not remove the bandage until the last participant has finished drawing.
Then the players, on the leader's command, remove their blindfolds and admire their masterpieces. It's okay that instead of a cat someone will get a monster, because here it is absolutely not necessary to depict the object exactly.
The player with the most ridiculous drawing can be given a small prize.
Don't laugh!
It is clear from the name that the main goal of the game is not to laugh. The host gives tasks, and the players perform. Each task is a certain movement.
For example:
- take the neighbor on the right by the ear
- slightly pull the ears of the neighbor on the left
- slightly pull yourself by the nose
- twist the neighbor on the left at the temple
- make "horns" to the neighbor on the right
Even persistent players after a while can't help it and start laughing.
Funny danetki -
Without candy wrappers,
Only "yes" and only "no" -
Give the correct answer!
- If you run to the buffet,
So you're hungry?… (Yes)
— There is a moon and a star in the sky —
So it's noon?… (No)
— On the airfield of the train
Ready to take off into the sky?… (No)
— Who eats a lot of sweets,
He has a sweet tooth, right? ... (Yes)
- Pot and pan
Needed for catching fish? . .. (No)
- Keeping a big secret
Very difficult, right? ... (Yes)
- If you love ballet,
Will you go to the theater? ... (Yes)
- Mustaches and beards grow
For those who go to kindergarten?… (No)
— If you are always lazy,
In the five’s diary?… (No)
— You ate dinner with appetite,
Need to say thank you?… (Yes)
— If you lie everywhere, always,
So you are truthful?… (No)
— There is clear water in the well,
To swim and dive there?… (No)
All the children stand in a circle, and each is given a name . For example: Saucepan, Ladle, Rolling-pin... We, so that no one would be offended, called all kitchen utensils (otherwise, if you call one Ladle and the other Dead Eye, insults cannot be avoided).
The facilitator's task is to walk around the children one by one and ask each one a question. The task of the children is to answer the question in one word - with their new name. For example:
- What is your name?
- Ladle.
- What did you eat today?
- Saucepan.
Whoever laughs is out of the game.
Equipment needed: sheets of paper, felt-tip pens (pencils or pens). We paint a picture together. Each participant needs a sheet of paper and a pencil (pen). It is better if there are 4-5 players, but two, in principle, are enough.
Each participant thinks of some kind of creature - a dog, a turtle, a man, a monster that can be drawn standing up. Without peeping into someone else's sheet, everyone draws the head of "his" being. The sheet is folded so that the head is not visible, but so that the torso can be completed.
Then the participants exchange their sheets (if there are more than two participants - clockwise) and each in a new sheet continues to draw his intended creature - a torso with arms.
The paper is folded over again and passed around. Participants draw legs. Then, in turn, open all the sheets. The result is very unusual creatures.
Optimal: 4 - 5 players and the creature is divided respectively into 4 - 5 parts for drawing (i.e., for example, head, torso to the waist with arms, torso from the waist and legs to the knees, legs from the knees).
Ha-ha and hee-hee
The conditions are quite simple: the first player says "ha" loudly, the second "hee" and so on in a circle. When the turn reaches the first player again, he says "ha-ha", the second player "hee-hee". And so with each circle, one syllable "ha" and "hi" is added. The more repetitions, the faster the pace of the game.
After a while, the game turns into a general merry laughter, and along with “ha-ha” and “hee-hee”, “ho-ho”, “he-he” and other funny sounds are heard.
Before the start of the game, a leader is chosen, he is given a handkerchief in his hands. The rest of the children stand around the leader. The host throws the handkerchief high, the players should start laughing.