Fun reading activities for 1st grade
First Grade Reading Comprehension Activities
First grade is an exciting time of discovery for early readers. They’re spending less time decoding and word solving and more time comprehending and making sense of the texts they’re reading. Early readers are building reading identities and reading for meaning and joy. Explicitly teaching reading comprehension strategies like making predictions, asking questions, retelling, and inferring helps young readers build the skills they need. These first grade reading comprehension activities are a good place to start.
1. String up a retelling rope
Learning how to retell a story helps young learners as readers and thinkers. It helps them organize their thoughts as they read and recognize when their thinking changes. Using these symbols representing different elements of a story, students can string up a cute retelling rope while gaining valuable comprehension skills.
Learn more: First Grade W.O.W.
2. Visualize the story with illustrations
Visualizing is an important skill for understanding what you’re reading. This blog includes two fun visualizing activities. In the first, students are given a title and are asked to draw an illustration that matches that title. In the second, students are given clues about an object and are asked to draw the object the clues are hinting at.
Learn more: You Clever Monkey
3. Make predictions with a graphic organizer
Making predictions is a just-right reading strategy for emerging readers. During a read-aloud, find a few good stopping points to ask students what they think will happen next.
Learn more: Brown Bag Teacher
4. Make a “beginning, middle, and end” flip chart
One tried-and-true way to teach summarizing to early readers is instructing them to identify the beginning, middle, and end of a story. This easy-to-make flip chart is just an 8 x 11 piece of plain paper folded vertically then divided into thirds. On the front half, students will draw a picture of what happens in the three sections of the story.
Underneath each flap is a short written description.
Learn more: Bishop’s Blackboard
5. Ask questions with story sticks
Good readers ask questions before, during, and after they read. These cute story sticks make a game of first grade reading comprehension. Perfect to use with small reading groups or with partners.
Learn more: The Happy Teacher
6. Master the five-finger retell
One strategy you can teach students is the five finger retell. Each finger stands for a different part of the story. Assigning a different finger for each part gives students a kinesthetic connection and makes it easier for them to remember.
Learn more: Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade Tidbits
7. Summarize using simple signal words
Sometimes with early readers, simpler is better. Start with these basic questions—who?, what?, when?, where?, how?, and why?—to help kids go deeper into their understanding.
Learn more: This Reading Mama

There are tons of fun tools to help students build reading comprehension, and story maps are one of them. Here are 15 free downloadable story maps to help your first graders practice going beyond just the words when they read.
Learn more:
9. Figure out problem and solution with a graphic organizer
Every fiction story has, among other elements, a problem and solution. This lesson helps students understand that a story’s problem and solution fit together like pieces of a puzzle.
Learn more: My Primary Paradise
10. Retell the story using LEGO bricks
Put two things that first graders love together: reading and building. Read a story together, then allow students to use blocks to build a scene from the story. As they build, they can describe details from the story.
Learn more: The Educators’ Spin On It
11. Retell using story cubes
Retelling is a helpful comprehension skill for readers. These six cubes encourage readers to retell the story in different ways. They are prefect for reading partners and to use with small groups.
Learn more: Every educaid
12. Play the Oh Snap! word game
Sight words (aka high-frequency words) are words readers encounter most frequently in texts. Early readers benefit from knowing a large bank of sight words, which encourages fluent reading. This fun sight word game is a great way to improve reading skills and build reading fluency.
Learn more: School Time Snippets
13. Use scooping phrases
The goal of reading fluency is better comprehension. To read with fluency or expression, readers must comprehend the story events. Teach early readers to use “Scooping Phrases” to scoop up words to form phrases within sentences. This effective strategy also works well with struggling readers.
Learn more: This Reading Mama
14. Introduce wordless picture books
As readers encounter more-difficult texts, character traits become less explicit. To determine what the character is like, the reader has to do more inferential work. Using wordless picture books is a great way to introduce early readers to making inferences.
Learn more: Ashleigh’s Education Journey
15. Inference using thought bubbles
Foundational inference activities give first graders an opportunity to practice their inferring skills. As they move into texts, first graders can infer what a character is thinking in the story and then add a thought bubble to explain it.
Learn more: The Teacher Next Door
If you like these first grade reading comprehension activities, check out our fun, printable first grade writing prompts.
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29 Fun and Easy 1st Grade Reading Comprehension Activities
First grade is such an important time for a child. They are becoming more independent in a variety of ways! One of the most important aspects of this independence is their reading. Reading will be the foundation for everything they do in the future. This is why reading comprehension comes in full force during these pivotal developmental years.
Building comprehension skills can be a daunting experience for parents, caregivers, and educators. This is most likely why you ended up here. Keep reading for a total breakdown of some of the best comprehension strategies that can be both used at home and in the classroom!
Keeping It Fun
1. Puzzle Retelling
In first grade, we LOVE puzzles. This is why puzzle retelling builds such excellent comprehension skills. Using background knowledge helps kids to be confident and excited about a comprehension activity. Puzzle retelling is also super easy to set up!
Learn more:
2. Five Finger Retell
Any elementary teacher will tell you how much they love the 5-finger retelling comprehension activity. This activity gives students the visual of retelling a story. It’s also, so much fun! Teachers have been known to incorporate finger puppets, a comprehension worksheet, and many different creative comprehension strategies.
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3. Sight Word Practice
Sight word practice is one of the all-important reading and comprehension skills for Grade 1. Creating active readers by building vocabulary through an active vocabulary game is one of the best ways to keep your children engaged. Here are a few great sight word comprehension activities.
Cute story sticks are always a great way to teach sight words! This is something you can easily make for your classroom and at home!
4. Sight Word Bingo
Bingo is always a favorite! It is great and always a highly rated vocabulary game. Here you'll find a FREE resource that allows you to generate a bingo card based on the sight words students are learning and the basis of their background knowledge.
5. Color By Sight Word
There are so many colorful reading comprehension reading worksheets that go along with sight word vocabulary. There are tons of these worksheets throughout the web, here is a FREE resource to see how your students and children will respond.
6. Mental Images
First grade is a time of discovery for children. Visualizing and making mental images is an exciting time for young learners. Providing them with the comprehension skills they need for a love of reading. Mental images can be a great way to incorporate writing prompts into your child’s reading comprehension activities.
Mrs. Jump’s class has some great comprehension activities. Here are some mental image comprehension activities!
7. Comprehension Checks
Comprehension checks may not sound that exciting BUT they can always be fun! Your children will love all of the colorful reading comprehension worksheets that come with comprehension checks. You can make them yourself quite easily, which makes them perfect for at home or in the classroom. Here are some resources for your classroom!
8. Brain Movies
Brain Movies are a great way to build student comprehension skills. Making a Brain Movie is easy for you and for your students. Here is a great way to incorporate it into your classroom.
During a read-aloud, pause when you come across a descriptive passage. Have students close their eyes and picture what is happening, while you are reading! This blog gives a great breakdown of how to incorporate this in your classroom and the importance of Brain Movies incorporation.
9. Printable Story Mats
Printable story mats are easy to make and great for comprehension! You can make them any size that fits your needs. You can find a free download online here.
10. Puppets Steal the Show
Puppets are a great way to get your students engaged, active, and laughing. Puppets can be used for a variety of comprehension activities. Here is a blog that gives an amazing breakdown for using puppets to build comprehension skills.
11. Active Reading
Modeling active reading with your students is extremely important when reading anything. It is important to discuss what is happening in the story as you read. This will help your child to understand and empathize with the characters.
Make sure to ask questions that the child can relate to - Have you ever felt this way? What do you think happened? How do you think he/she/it feels? - Provoking and furthering a child’s thinking process will most definitely help their comprehension skills.
Here is a great blog post to help you practice active reading in the classroom and at home.
12. Think-Aloud
Think-alouds are one of the most amazing comprehension tactics! Think-alouds give students the space to make connections in their lives. When practicing the think-aloud comprehension strategy you should always connect a book back to a time that the child can relate to.
By connecting the book to other book’s the child has read, the child’s life experiences, and the ideas and lessons in the book you are helping to build a relationship with books. Here is a great blog that will help you use this comprehension strategy.
13. Read and Answer!
Incorporating media into the classroom has long been a part of the newest curriculum. It can sometimes be difficult to use media effectively in your ELA curriculum. This video can be used as an entire class, or in small groups. Either way, it will help you to assess students on their knowledge of reading aloud or in their heads and answering questions.
Learn more: North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
14. Listen and Comprehend
This is another video that will be perfect for your kiddos to complete on their own or in small groups. Listening to others read is very important for first grade, language development. In this video, students will listen to the story and answer the questions that follow.
Learn more: Hand 2 Mind
15. Reading Comprehension Check-in
Wordwall provides some of the most entertaining lessons on the web! These lessons are created and shared by other teachers. The activity below can be used in both small groups or as a whole group lesson to assess where your students are in their level of comprehension!
Learn more: Worldwall
16. The Random Story Wheel!
The random wheel is such a fun classroom integration. Project this wheel on a smartboard and have students spin on their turn. Whether students answer these questions in small groups or individually, they will love to play. The best part about this random wheel is that it can be used with any story.
Learn more: Worldwall
17. Open the Box Activity
Another amazing activity offered by Word Wall is "Open the Box". This activity resembles a bit like the random wheel, but students are asked to click on a box instead of spinning the wheel. Put a twist on this game and use the questions to make your very own classroom board!
Learn more: Worldwall
18. Teach to Understand
Giving even our youngest learners a clear understanding of exactly what is expected from a lesson is vital to their success. This video provides students and teachers with a better understanding of what it means to visualize. Understanding vocabulary can make explanations and student understanding that much stronger at the end of the day.
Learn more: Shannon McGilloway
19. Visualize Through the Senses
It's important to note that most stories that are aimed at younger students have some sort of connection to their feelings. Therefore, using a visualization strategy that connects the story to different feelings a child might have, could be vital to helping them better understand and comprehend the story.
Learn more: Toni Allen
21. Visualize Song
Any teacher knows that songs help students to remember and understand different strategies and lessons. Just like with anything else, making a song for visualizing a story will help students refer back to their understanding. This song is great for exactly that and it's definitely one to get stuck in your head!
Learn more: Teacher Friend
22. Story Retell
Being able to retell the story is part of the common core curriculum in first grade. It's important to provide students with a variety of different stories throughout your lessons. With some being ones they know by heart and others being totally new. Use this short Tortoise and the Hare read aloud and have students reenact it!
Learn more: Get Set Parents
23. Parts of the Story Song
Well, just like with visualizing, it's pretty evident that teachers know how important songs are to students' understanding and comprehension. This song is perfect for being able to retell the story. Students will have a better understanding of the different parts of the story, making it easier for them to understand and retell the story.
Learn more: Jack Hartmann Kids Music Channel
24. Retell the Story
In a world that is centralized around distance learning and working from home, it's important to have materials ready to go in an event that students won't be in school. This video does just that and provides details for both students, teachers, and even parents to have a full grasp of the learning objective.
Learn more: Mandy Yates
25. Character Traits
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A post shared by Life Between Summers (@lifebetweensummers)
Another very fun activity for reading comprehension is understanding different character traits! A simple and fun way to do this in first grade is to make a poster together about one of the student's favorite stories. First, read the story together and then create a poster that can be displayed in the classroom.
Learn more: Life Between Summers
26. Dot to Dot
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A post shared by Invitation to play and learn (@invitationtoplayandlearn)
This is a pre-reading comprehension strategy that can really be tailored for any grade, age, or story! This dot to dot activity with help to activate prior knowledge and build vocabulary that may arise in the story.
Learn more: Invitation to Play and Learn
27. Christmas Word Families
There's no doubt that reading comprehension and fluidity go hand in hand. Constant practice with students' reading skills, will ultimately help them to improve their comprehension skills.
Learn more: Invitation to Play and Learn
28. Retell Activity
This video will walk students through a read-aloud and retelling activity. The best part about this video is that you can take it and complete it with students or send it home for an at-home distance learning activity. Tailor is to your curriculum and enjoy!
Learn more: The Elementary ELL Teacher, Mrs. Brenda Pearson
29. Brown Bear Brown Bear, Game Show Quiz
In all honestly, bringing a game show on the computer into the classroom can be a total hit or miss. Although, this particular game show is right at the level of most first graders! Making it that much more engaging. At the end have your students join the leaderboard and see if you can get to #1.
Learn more: Worldwall
school of Russia, harmony, Zankov, 2100, perspective, 21st century, planet of knowledge, perspective. elementary school
- Category: Elementary School
It's time to relax and gain strength. Reading is a pleasant pastime for summer evenings or rainy days. And just a book at night is a healthy and useful habit. Here you will find a list of literature for the summer for students who graduated from Grade 1 under the programs "Perspective", "School of Russia", "21st Century", "2100", Harmony, Promising Primary School, Zankov. Do not be afraid if your list of books differs from the one given by the teacher after the first grade, the main thing is that the books are interesting and useful for your child. Or you can even have time to read all the books listed on the page, it will only be more useful. But it is absolutely not necessary to read everything from cover to cover, the main thing is not to discourage the child from reading, which means that if a book is completely uninteresting to him, switch to another. On our website you can find both printed and audio versions of books , which can be turned on by the child or listened to with him or downloaded. nine0009
List for the summer under the program "Perspective"
- Tales of the peoples of Russia.
- Russian folk tales.
- Amusing folklore: tongue twisters, rhymes, fables
- V. Zhukovsky. "Cat and Goat", "Bird"
- A. Pushkin. "The bird of God does not know..."
- W. Dahl. "What does leisure mean?"
- D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The Tale of the Brave Hare"
- A. Tolstoy. "My Bells" nine0013 L. Tolstoy. "Filipok".
- K. Ushinsky. Animal Tales
- N.M. Artyukhov. "Girlfriends"
- W. Bianchi. "Latka", "Arishka-coward"
- Oster. "Bad Advice".
- L. Panteleev. "How a piglet learned to speak"
- S. Marshak. "Merry counting from 1 to 10", "Luggage", "Children in a cage"
- T. Sobakin. "Songs of hippos"
- A. Usachev. "Smart dog Sonya"
- G.-H. Andersen. "Ugly Duckling"
- D. Bisset. "About a pig that could fly"
- Brothers Grimm. Thrush King
List of literature for the summer “School of Russia”
Russian literature
- A.
S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”
- D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Grey neck”
- L.N. Tolstoy “Three Bears”, “Kitten”, “Bulka”, “Two Comrades”
- N. Nosov “Live hat”, “Steps”, “Patch”, “Entertainers”, “Adventures of Dunno and his friends”
- M.M. Zoshchenko “Christmas Tree”
- V. Kataev “A pipe and a jug”, “Flower-seven-flower”
- P.P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof”
- M. Prishvin “Hedgehog”, “Birch bark tube”, “Fox bread”
- V. Bianchi “Like an ant hurried home”, “Arishka coward”, “Who sings with what”
- V.V. Medvedev "ordinary giant"
- E.N.Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends”, “Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat”
- A.M.Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”
Foreign literature:
- G.Kh. Andersen “The Princess and the Pea”, “Thumbelina”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “The Little Mermaid”, “The Ugly Duckling”
- Brothers Grimm “Sweet Porridge”, “Golden Goose”
- Ch.
Perrault Sleeping Beauty, Puss in Boots, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood
- J. Rodari "Journey of the Blue Arrow"
- T. Jansson “Little trolls and a big flood”
- A. Lindgren “Three stories about the Kid and Carlson”
- A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all"
- R. Kipling ”Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”, “Why a camel has a hump”, “Elephant”, “Where did armadillos come from”
- B.Zakhoder “Merry Poems”, “Bird School”
- S. Mikhalkov “Sleep and care”, “About mimosa”, “Uncle Styopa”, “Callwriting”
- S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, “Children in a Cage”, “Schoolchild as a Memory”
- K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”
- G.B. Oster “Bad advice”, “Exercise for the tail”
Alternative list for the school of Russia
- Russian folk tales: The cockerel and the bean seed. Fox and Grouse. Fox and Crane. Porridge from an ax. Swan geese.
- Pushkin A.S. The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.
- Krylov I.A. Swan, Cancer and Pike. Dragonfly and Ant.
- Tolstoy L.N. Old grandfather and granddaughters. Kitty. Filipok. nine0014
- Prishvin M. Guys and ducklings.
- Bianchi V. Musician. Owl.
- Kharms D. Poems.
- Chukovsky K. Confusion. Fedorino grief.
- Marshak S. The cat and the loafers.
- Mikhalkov S. My secret. Strength of will.
- Barto A. Rope. Vovka is a kind soul. To school.
- Nosov N. Entertainers. Living hat. nine0014
- Oseeva V. The magic word. Good.
- Zakhoder B. Poems.
- Uspensky E. Crocodile Gena and his friends.
- Berestov V. Poems.
- V. Dragunsky The secret becomes clear.
- Perro C. Puss in Boots. Red Riding Hood.
- Andersen G. The Princess and the Pea.
List Perspektiva + School of Russia (Boykina M.V)
- V.
Suteev. Under the mushroom An Apple. Uncle Misha. Christmas tree. Angler cat. A bag of apples. Other.
- A. Preussen. About a kid who could count to ten. Happy New Year.
- L. Muur. Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond.
- A. Balint. Dwarf Gnomych and Izyumka.
- E. Blyton. The famous duck Tim.
- N. Nosov. Living hat. Dreamers. Entertainers.
- W. Bianchi. First hunt. Like an ant hurried home. Whose nose is better. Forest houses. Owl. Who sings what? And other stories. nine0014
- M. Plyatskovsky. Sun for memory.
- M. Zoshchenko. Smart animals. An exemplary child.
- V. Krotov. How Ignatius played hide and seek. Like a worm, Ignatius almost became a dragon.
- D. Bisset. All somersault.
- F. Khitruk. Toptyzhka.
- Oster. Tail charger.
- Tsyferov. Steam locomotive from Romashkovo.
- E. Charushin. Tyupa, Tomka and Magpie.
- S. Mikhalkov.
Three piglets. nine0014
- E. Uspensky. Crocodile Gena and his friends.
- Russian folk tales. Cockerel and bean seed. Teremok. Wolf and fox. Morozko.
- O. Fomin. Literary reading. We read in the summer. 1 class.
List of books for the summer “21st century”:
- Russian folk tales
- Grimm's Fairy Tales
- Andersen's Tales (The Ugly Duckling, Wild Swans, The Princess and the Pea, The King's New Outfit, etc.) nine0013 Mikhalkov "The Feast of Disobedience"
- Tokmakova “Alya, Klyaksich and the letter “A”, “Happily, Ivushkin!” etc.
- Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”
- Chukovsky. Poems and fairy tales
- Marshak. Tales, songs, riddles
- Bazhov “Silver Hoof”
- Garshin “Traveling Frog”
- Oseeva “Magic word”, “Kind hostess”, etc.
- Charushin. Stories nine0013 Dragoon “He is alive and glowing” and other stories.
- Nosov "Dreamers", "Entertainers" and other stories.
- Bianchi. “Tails”, “Whose nose is better”, “Who sings what?”, “Like an ant hurried home”, etc.
- Mamin-Sibiryak "Alyonushka's Tales"
- Perrault Cinderella, Puss in Boots, Sleeping Beauty
- Kataev “Flower-Semitsvetik”
- Poems of Russian poets about nature
- Poems by Zakhoder nine0053
- Russian folk tales “Sivka-burka”, “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Feather Finist-clear Falcon”, “The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and living water”
- Epics “Dobrynya Nikitich”, “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”
- Tales of the peoples of the world: - Tales of the peoples of the Baltic States - Tatar folk tales - Thirty-three Egorkas (patter) - Japanese folk tales
- A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”
- Bazhov "Tales"
- Ershov “Humpbacked Horse”
- Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”
- M.
Korshunov "Petka and his, Petka's life", "House in Cheryomushki"
- E. Charushin “Nikita and his friends” (Modern version of Nikita and his friends)
- N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends"
- Courland “Return of the Prodigal Parrot and Other Stories for the Littlest and Biggest Children”
- A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”
- V. Khmelnitsky “The Nightingale and the Butterfly”
- Berestov “How to find a path”
- Zakhoder poems and fairy tales
- O.Grigoriev "Poems"
- L. Kvitko Poems for children
- S. Marshak Tales, songs, riddles
- N. Matveeva verses
- G.Oster “Bad advice”
- Moritz “A big secret for a small company” verses
- Demyanov "Children's book"
- A. Shibaev “Native language, be friends with me”
- Yu.Vladimirov "Eccentrics"
- Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino”
- C.
Graham “wind in the willows”
- A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all"
- A. Lindgren “Baby and Carlson”
- A. de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"
- Tolkien "The Hobbit" nine0013 T. Jansson “Magician's Hat”
- Russian folk tales. 2 to choose from.
- A.S. Pushkin. 1 fairy tale.
- I.A. Krylov. 2 fables.
- L.N. Tolstoy. Kitty.
- A.P. Gaidar. Conscience. Chuk and Gek.
- V.A. Oseev. Magic word. Sons.
- C.G. Paustovsky. Steel ring.
- V.P. Kataev. Semi-flower.
- V.V. Bianchi. How did the ant get home? Arishka is a coward. nine0014
- B.S. Zhitkov. Brave duck.
- E.N. Uspensky. Crocodile Gena and his friends. Uncle Fedor, dog and cat. (1 to choose from)
- N.N. Nosov. Living hat.
- V.Yu. Dragoon. Denis' stories.
- B.V. Zakhoder. What is the most beautiful thing?
- Russian folk tales;
- Tales of other nations;
- K. G. Paustovsky "Steel Ring";
- S. G. Kozlov "The Amazing Barrel and Other Tales";
- Yu. I. Koval "Sagebrush Tales";
- A. P. Gaidar "Chuk and Gek";
- V. Yu. Dragunsky "Childhood Friend", "Tell me about Singapore";
- N. N. Nosov "Live Hat";
- A. N. Tolstoy "As if nothing had happened"; nine0014
- G. Ya. Snegirev "Elephant", "Wild Beasts", "Beetle" and other stories;
- V.P. Astafiev "Kopalukha", "Songsinger", "Shorthair Creak";
- Poems by I. P. Tokmakova, V. D. Berestov, B. V. Zakhoder, E. E. Moshkovskaya.
- V.V. Bianchi "Like an ant looked for a house" "Snow Book"
- VV Golyavkin "Our Conversations with Vovka". Stories.
- G. Oster "Kitten named Woof"
- Sangir G. "Forest Alphabet"
- N.
N. Sladkov "Forest Tales"
- L.N. Tolstoy "Stories and Fables"
- E.N.Uspensky "Colorful family" .Poems.
- K.I. Chukovsky "Fairy tales, poems"
- G.M. Tsyferov "Like a frog was looking for a father". Fairy tales.
Foreign literature.
Brothers Grimm Golden Goose. Fairy tales.
Ch.Perrot Tales
A. Preisen "About a kid who could count to 10"
D. Rodari "The Train of Poems" - A. Aleksin "In the country of eternal holidays"
- G.-H. Anderson "Thumbelina", "The Snow Queen"
- Bianchi "Like an ant hurried home", "Teremok", "Tails"
- Gaidar "Campaign", "The Tale of the Military Secret, of Malchish-Kibalchish and his firm word"
- L. Geraskina "In the land of unlearned lessons"
- Gorky "Sparrow"
- Grimm "Tales"
- V. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories"
- Zhitkov "Help is coming"
- Zakhoder "About furry and feathered", "The Tale of a good rhinoceros"
- Zoshchenko "The Most Important"
- L.
Kassil "Conduit and Shvambrania"
- Kipling "Elephant"
- Yu. Koval "Sparrow Lake"
- M. Korshunov "Petka and his, Petkina, life", "House in Cheryomushki"
- A. Lindgren "Pippi Longstocking"
- S. Lagerlöf "Niels' wonderful journey with wild geese"
- J. Larry "The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali"
- L. Lagin "Old Man Hottabych"
- M. Lobato "Order of the Yellow Woodpecker"
- Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad"
- Mikhalkov "What do you have?"
- Nosov "Entertainers", "Patch", "Dreamers", "Cucumbers", "Fedya's task", "Mishkin's porridge", "Adventures of Dunno"
- V. Oseeva "The Magic Word"
- Oster "Exercise for the tail", "Bad advice"
- L. Panteleev "Letter "you", "Fenka"
- Paustovsky "Disheveled Sparrow, Steel Ring", "Caring Flower"
- R. Pogodin "Brick Islands"
- Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"
- Rodari "Gelsomino in the land of liars"
- Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends"
- G.
Tsyferov "What do we have in the yard?"
- E. Charushin "Nikita and his friends"
- T. Jansson "Wizard's Hat"
- Poems by Y. Akim, A. Barto, G. Graubin, S. Marshak, Y. Moritz, I. Tokmakova, D. Arms, K. Chukovsky, M. Yasnov
- Oleg Roy of the book series "Drakosha Tosha", "Fairy Patrol" "," Jingliks ".
- Ekaterina Matyushkina "Spruce Brooms...", books from the Da Vinci Cat series.
- Andreas H. Schmachtl "Tilda Apple Seed"
- Back
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Summer reading list “School 2100”:
Foreign authors:
List by UMK Planet of Knowledge
We keep a reader's diary (notebook): full name of the author, title of the work, characters, main idea, drawing.
Literature according to the Zankov program for the summer for grade 1
List of literature for the summer after grade 1. Program Harmony
1. Ushinsky "Wind and Sun", "Two Goats",
2. L. Tolstoy "Stories and Fables"
3. Mamin-Sibiryak "Alyonushka's Tales"
4. Russian folk tales (about a fox)
5. Sladkov "Forest strongmen", "Why November is piebald", "The Bear and the Sun"
6. Prishvin "Fox bread", "Forest Doctor", "Golden Meadow"
7. Mikhalkov "Storks and Frogs", "Three Bears"
8. Barto "I am at the lesson for the first time!", "We are with Tamara"
9. Zakhoder "Sounding Day"
10. Oseeva "Two stories"
11. Nosov "Steps", "Cucumbers", etc.
12. Permyak "Pen and Inkwell"
13. Golyavkin "Our Conversations with Vovka"
14. Emelyanov "The Brave Girl"
15. Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time"
16. Ch. Perro
17. K. Chukovsky
18. G.Kh. Andersen
19. Brothers Grimm
List of literature for the summer under the program "Promising elementary school"
More on this program:
List of literature for the summer. Promising Elementary School
1. E. Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat"
2. V. Dragunsky The first day
3. N. Nosov Dunno on the Moon
4. V. Bianki Musical canary, Sinichkin calendar
5. M. Prishvin Earth
6. K. Paustovsky Badger Nose
7. Russian folk tales
8. Tales of the peoples of the world
9. J. Rodari Chippolino Adventures
10. H. K. Andersen Tales
11. A.S. Pushkin Tales, poems
12. V. Oseeva Stories
13. N. Sladkov Stories
14. E. Charushin
15. K. Paustovsky
16. L. Carroll Alice in Wonderland
17. A. Lindgren Malysh and Carlson
From modern authors, you can add to the list:
Children who don't want to read at all can be offered books in comics format, there are a lot of them now, very beautiful and exciting :)
30 books children should read in elementary school
Do you have a junior school student in your family? Schoolboy - sounds serious, but he is still younger. So feel free to pick up a book and read together. Reading at night is a great excuse for a serious adult, overwhelmed with important things, to immerse themselves in their favorite children's books for a few minutes and relive them.
1. Eleanor Porter - "Pollyanna"
A good book about how to look with optimism at all life's troubles and find joy even where it would not occur to others to look for it. Little Pollyanna is an orphan, lives with a stern aunt, but at the same time manages to infect the whole town with happiness and a desire to play her wonderful game.
2. James Crews - "Tim Thaler, or Sold Laughter"
This is a fantastic story about a boy who traded his laughter for wealth, but did not become happy from it. Tim had to go through many trials in which he found true friends and returned his real wealth. nine0009
3. Alexander Volkov — "Magic Land"
The cycle of stories about the Enchanted Land begins with the book "The Wizard of the Emerald City". Despite the fact that the first book was written based on the story of Oz, the world created by Volkov turned out to be richer and more exciting.
4. Eduard Uspensky — "Warranty Little Men"
A wonderful fairy tale about little men who live in household appliances and repair them while the warranty period is in effect. Each tiny master has his own special character, and involuntarily you wonder what the little man who lives in your computer looks like. nine0009
5. Nikolai Nosov - "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"
Shorties live in the Flower City. These are tiny little men for whom the lawn is a real forest. The mischievous Dunno constantly brings chaos to a calm and measured life.
6. Jonathan Swift - "Gulliver's Travels"
After a shipwreck, Gulliver finds himself in amazing Lilliput. The tiny inhabitants of this country are very glad to have a guest and do their best to please the Big Man. But very soon it becomes clear that it is not at all easy to swim away from the Lilliputians. nine0009
7. Jules Verne - "Children of Captain Grant"
A book about the exciting adventures of the English, who travel around the world looking for a shipwrecked captain and his sailor. The action takes place on several continents, which allows the author to tell a lot of interesting things about the people and animals that live there.
8. Elvira Lindo - "Manolito Bespectacled"
An honest and ironic story about everyday life, seen and understood by a modern child, in whose mind television clichés are intertwined with observations of the real world.
9. Evgeniy Schwartz — "The Tale of Lost Time"
In this fairy tale, our beloved magician Evgeniy Schwartz tells children about a very adult truth - the value of time. If you treat it carelessly and spend it in vain, you yourself will not notice how you will turn into an old man and you will regret what you did not have time to do in your life. Happy ending is attached. nine0009
10. Kir Bulychev - "Alice's Journey"
Little Alice Selezneva's father works as a cosmobiologist and takes his daughter on an expedition. Together they collect amazing animals on other planets for the Earth's space zoo. Alice proves to be a very useful member of the expedition. Some of the mysteries of the universe are easier for little girls. For example, tame the Talker and unravel the mystery of the Third Planet.
11. Felix Salten - Bambi
A wonderful book about growing up a little deer. A story about the discovery of the world, its joys and difficulties, about real grief and real victory. Inspiring the animals, Salten opens the realm of the forest to children, teaches empathy and resilience, the ability to look at the world with different eyes and never give up.
12. Maria Parr - "Waffle Heart"
A kind and atmospheric book about childhood in a Norwegian farm. It will be interesting for children to hear about the adventures of their peers, and for parents to return for a few minutes at a time when the sun shone brighter, the trees were higher and it was impossible to walk calmly - the legs jumped by themselves, and the grandmother cooked wonderful goodies to please her grandchildren. nine0009
13. Wilhelm Hauff - "Dwarf Nose"
For intemperance and rudeness, the evil witch turns the boy Jakob into an ugly dwarf. He has to go through many trials. Only by learning to be patient, kind, and hardworking does he understand how to regain his normal appearance. The undoubted merit of the book is vivid, memorable descriptions.
14. Antoine de Saint-Exupery - The Little Prince
This is one of those rare books that one gets acquainted with in childhood, carries with them through the years and each time finds more and more new meanings in it. A book that grows with the child.
15. Selma Laherlef - “Wonderful Niels with wild geese”
Durals in the crumbs of the crumbs into a crumbs man. He travels around his native country, various adventures happen to him. Along the way, Niels learns to be brave, honest and true to his word. nine0009
16. Anthony Pogorelsky — “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants”
A sad story about how a kind and smart boy, having received an unprecedented wealth for a child, becomes a magical seed and betrays his friends.
17. Roald Dahl - "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"
This is a magical story about a chocolate factory, in the mysterious depths of which unprecedented sweets are invented. And, of course, about the eccentric Willy Wonka, who punishes capricious and naughty children and rewards the kind and generous boy Charlie. nine0009
18. Andrey Nekrasov - "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel"
Sailing the yacht "Trouble" is a fun, sometimes absurd adventure, in difficult moments, the heroes do not give up and witty solutions are not found no matter how illogical they may seem.
19. Sergey Aksakov - "The Scarlet Flower"
A beautiful story about beauty and the beast, about loyalty to one's word, kindness and love. This tale is retold in a thousand ways in a variety of variations, but none of them sounds so lyrical, colorful and native as the one written by Aksakov in the middle of the 19th century. nine0009
20. Anne-Catherine Westley - "Dad, Mom, Grandmother, Eight Children and a Truck"
This book for family reading teaches the young reader the lessons of life, with humor, without moralizing or edification.
21. Maurice Sendak - "Where the Monsters Live"
The hero of the book, Max, after a quarrel with his mother, goes to a magical country inhabited by Horror-images. The most important thing there is a boy who has fun from the bottom of his heart until he gets bored and returns to his house, where he smells of his mother's pie. nine0009
22. Clive Lewis - "The Chronicles of Narnia"
An amazing and beautiful story of a magical land ruled by love and kindness, where animals and birds speak and think like people, and gnomes and giants live in the forests and centaurs. This book is hard to put down for both children and adults.
23. James Barry - "Peter Pan"
This is a story about a flying boy who didn't want to grow up at all. Once he made friends with guys from the ordinary world, and together they went to a far, far away island. There they met mermaids, fairies, Indians and even pirates with their insidious leader Hook! nine0009
24. Daniel Pennak — "Dog Dog"
The world through the eyes of a homeless dog who has come a long way from homelessness to a person who needs a dog no less than he needs a master. A touching and funny story that will appeal to both children and adults.
25. Kenneth Graham - "The Wind in the Willows"
For more than a century, readers large and small have been captivated by the incredible adventures of Maul the Mole and his friends: the water rat Rat, the good-natured Badger, and Tod This book is unhurried, like the flow of a river, it leaves a trail, seemingly imperceptible, like the gentle sound of the wind in the willows. nine0009
26. Valentina Oseeva "Dinka"
A story about a touching friendship between a girl from a respectable family and a little tramp. Early 20th century, summer at the Volga dacha. The restless Dinka, trying to help people, all the time gets into different adventures, but the early grown-up boy Lenka looks after her and helps her out of troubles.
27. "Ernest and Celestine" by Gabriel Vincent
The Belgian artist Gabrielle Vincent became world-famous due to the children's series of picture books about the adventures of the good-natured bear Ernestine and baby Celestine. The whole palette of feelings on the face: childish resentment, jealousy, confusion and love in all its manifestations. nine0009
From 11 years old…
28. “The Boy Who Wanted to Become a Man”, Jorn Riel
The story of a Viking boy, Leyva, who, as a result of a shipwreck, ends up in a Viking eslander. He learns to speak the local language, to take from nature only what is necessary. Will the little Viking, growing up, be able to give up revenge, wealth and power?
29. Roald Dahl - Matilda
A wonderful, witty and interesting book about a smart little girl. And about how no one around her understands, because she is Different. This story is also worth reading to parents in order to better understand children and remember their childhood.
30. Michael Ende - "Momo"
The amazing girl Momo has a rare gift to listen to other people.