Goldilocks three bears chairs


None “Oh no, Goldilocks! What were you thinking? The Three Bears’ house is no place to visit!” In Debbie and Friends’ musical spin of the classic tale, Goldilocks is so hungry and tired that she doesn’t listen. She tries the Three Bears’ porridge, chairs, and beds, and then she gets a big surprise when the Three Bears come home. “Oh no, Goldilocks! What were you thinking? The Three Bears’ house is no place to be in!” But in this new musical spin of the classic tale by Debbie and Friends, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” Goldilocks is so hungry and tired that she doesn’t listen. She tries the Three Bears’ porridge, their chairs, and their beds. Then she gets a surprise of her own when the Three Bears come home. show full description Show Short Description

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Goldilocks went out for a walk. She came upon the Three Bears’ home. Feeling hungry and oh so tired, she was all alone. She smelled some porridge, so the story goes. She tried the Papa Bear’s bowl, the Mama Bear’s bowl, and the Baby Bear’s bowl. She said it was . . . too hot, it was . . . too cold, it was . . . just right, so she ate it all. She ate it all from the Baby Bear’s bowl. Goldilocks, what were you thinkin’? The Three Bears’ house is no place to be in. Jump up, turn around, and run home now. Ooo-oo-ooh, Goldilocks! I think I hear the Three Bears’ growl! Goldilocks was ready to rest. She came upon the Three Bears’ chairs. Feeling full from the yummy porridge made by Mama Bear. She tried the chairs out, so the story goes. She tried the Papa Bear’s chair, the Mama Bear’s chair, and the Baby Bear’s chair. She said it was . . . too hard, it was . . . too soft, it was . . . just right, so she sat right there. She sat right there. Broke the Baby Bear’s chair! Goldilocks, what were you thinkin’? The Three Bears’ house is no place to be in. Jump up, turn around, and run home now. Ooo-oo-ooh, Goldilocks! I think I hear the Three Bears’ growl! Goldilocks was ready to nap. She came upon the Three Bears’ beds. Feeling tired from the walk in the woods she was ready to lay her head. She tried the beds out, so the story goes. She tried the Papa Bear’s bed, the Mama Bear’s bed, and the Baby Bear’s bed. She said it was . . . too hard, it was . . . too soft, it was . . . just right so she laid her head. She laid her head on the Baby Bear’s bed. (Then the BEARS CAME HOME and the Baby said) Someone’s eaten up my porridge. Someone’s broken my chair. Someone’s sleeping in my bed, and she’s right there! (And with that, Goldilocks woke up, jumped out of bed, and ran all the way home.) Goldilocks, what were you thinkin’? The Three Bears’ house is no place to be in. Jump up, turn around, and run home now. Ooo-oo-ooh, Goldilocks! I think I hear the Three Bears’ growl! Goldilocks, what were you thinkin’? The Three Bears’ house is no place to be in. Jump up, turn around, and run home now. Ooo-oo-ooh, Goldilocks! (Goldilocks, Goldilocks) Oh, Goldilocks. Oh, Goldilocks. I think I hear the Three Bears’ growl.


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Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

English fairy tale

Three bears lived in a beautiful stone house in the forest: Papa Bear - a big big one, Mama Bear - a little smaller, and a little bear cub, Mishutka. Each of them had their own bowl for stew: a small one for Mishutka, a medium one for Bear, and a large one for Papa Bear. At dinner, everyone sat in their own chair: Mishutka - on the smallest one, Mama Bear - on the middle one, and Papa Bear - on the largest one. Everyone had their own bed: Mishutka slept on the smallest one, Mama Bear on the middle one, and Papa Bear on the largest one.

One day Mama Bear cooked delicious stew for dinner and poured it into bowls. But the stew was very hot, you had to wait until it cools down. Therefore, the bears took a basket each and went for a walk in the forest, and at the same time to pick berries.

While the bears were walking, a little girl came out along the forest path to their house. Her name was Goldilocks because she had beautiful golden hair. First she looked through the window, then looked through the keyhole, and finally called:

– Hey, is anyone home?

But, of course, no one answered her. Then she just lifted the latch and pushed the door.

The door was not locked, the bears lived peacefully, did no harm to anyone and did not expect anything bad from anyone. Goldilocks entered the house and looked around. She was very happy to see a large table in the middle of the room, and on it were three bowls of stew.

If Goldilocks had been a well-mannered girl, she would have waited for the bears to return - surely they would have invited her to dine with them. After all, the bears were indeed kind, although, of course, they grumbled at times, like all bears. Nevertheless, they had an agreeable disposition, and they loved guests. But Goldilocks was very tired and hungry. She walked over to the table and tasted the chowder from the biggest bowl, Papa Bear.

– Oh, how hot! - she said. Then she scooped a spoon out of Mama Bear's bowl and grimaced, “Ugh, really cold. Then she saw the smallest bowl, Mishutkina, and tried his stew: - Mmm, but this one is just right.

She liked the stew so much that the girl ate everything to the last drop. After eating, Goldilocks decided to take some rest and climbed onto Papa Bear's chair.

– Oh, how tough! she exclaimed, and moved to Mama Bear's chair. “But it’s too soft here,” she said, and moved to the smallest chair, Mishutkin.

“Oh, this one is just right,” she happily jumped on it. Suddenly the chair collapsed under her, and Goldilocks fell straight to the floor.

However, she was no stranger to falling, she got up, dusted herself off and, looking around, saw a ladder. The girl climbed it and ended up in the bear's bedroom. There were three beds here. Goldilocks immediately climbed the biggest one - Papa Bear.

“Oh, how hard,” she said, jumping on it a little, and lay down on the middle bed - Mama Bear.

– Too soft here.

Finally, she moved onto the smallest bed, Mishutkina: – This one is just right!

Tired Goldilocks settled herself comfortably and fell asleep soundly. In the meantime, the bears walked around the forest and, deciding that their stew had already cooled down, returned home to have lunch and rest.

Papa Bear immediately saw the spoon that Goldilocks had left in his bowl.

– Who ate my stew? he roared in a terrible voice.

Mama Bear came up to the table and also saw a spoon in her bowl.

– Who ate my stew? she growled.

Then Mishutka came running and saw that a spoon had also been left in his bowl, but the stew was gone.

- Someone ate my stew and ate it all! he shouted in his thin voice.

The bears realized that someone had visited their house and left Mishutka without dinner. They began to look around and look around. Papa Bear immediately noticed that his chair had been moved from its usual place.

– Who was sitting in my chair? he roared again.

Mother Bear also saw that her chair was out of place.

– Who was sitting in my chair? she growled.

You already know what happened to the third chair that Goldilocks jumped on.

- Someone was sitting on my chair and broke it! shouted Mishutka in his thin voice.

Then the three bears decided to thoroughly search the whole house. They went up to the bedroom. Papa Bear immediately saw that his bed was rumpled, the pillow was moved.

– Who was lying on my bed? he roared.

Mother Bear also noticed that her bed was all in disarray.

– Who was lying on my bed? she growled.

And little Mishutka looked at his bed and saw that everything on it was neat, and the pillow was where it needed to be, only the lovely curls of Goldilocks were scattered over it - which was completely out of place on his bed.

– Who is that lying on my bed? he shouted in his thin voice. - Ah, here, hold it, hold it!

Goldilocks heard Papa Bear's terrible roar in her sleep, but she slept so soundly that she thought it was thunder. She also heard the grumbling of Mother Bear, but it seemed to her that it was the wind humming. And little Mishutka's voice was so thin and piercing that the girl immediately woke up.

She sat up in bed and was terribly frightened when she saw three bears. She quickly rushed to the window and jumped out of it. With all her legs she rushed away into the forest, and the bears did not see her again.

Papa Bear fixed the broken chair, Mama Bear cleaned up the house, and since then, going for a walk in the forest, the bears began to lock their house.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears: ewitranslate — LiveJournal

Author: Murray Gunn

In the fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", a girl chooses porridge, a chair and a bed that are "just right" for her. The Goldilocks principle is now an economic term describing an economy that is not too hot or too cold, but just right. In recent years, she has hardly appeared, but now, at the end of 2017, Goldilocks is back.

The Goldilocks economy is broadly characterized by not being hot enough to fuel higher prices for consumer goods and services, but not cold enough to cause a recession. Its main features are low unemployment, rising asset prices, low interest rates, strong gross domestic product (GDP) growth, and low consumer price inflation. Such conditions existed during the 1990s, and the first use of the phrase is attributed to David Schulman of Salomon Brothers, who on March 1992 years old wrote: "Goldilocks economy: bears in flight." These same economic conditions were seen again in the mid-2000s as the world recovered from the collapse of the Internet companies.

In 2017, the general consensus focuses on the fact that despite high employment levels, consumer prices are not progressing. Growth around the world is solid and even has a sweet spot where all the major economies are growing. Asset prices are rising and although there will be no more easy monetary policy, the process will be slow, and therefore interest rates should remain low for a long time.

A lot of the hype has recently centered around the belief that instead of creating a monopoly economy where consumers pay excessive fees, technology provides a fairer, more equitable economy where opportunities are limitless and entry costs are low. Whether it be self-driving electric vehicles, the “Amazonification” of the world, or robots, the direction in which technology is being talked about is seen as creating a new economy.

Or should this economy be even newer? Because we have already seen it. When social sentiment is in a positive trend, stock markets rise and new technologies capture sentiment. Whether it's the railroad, the car, energy, the internet, financial innovation, or robots, the picture is always the same - to create something new, you need to create a more constructive and more sustainable economy. Perhaps the most striking example of this social mood is the words of the famous economist Irving Fisher:

“Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanent high plateau. I don't think there will be a 50 or 60 pip decline from current levels any time soon, or ever, as predicted (bears). I expect the stock market to rise noticeably within a few months."

Fisher said this on October 17, 1929, a few days before the US stock market experienced the most famous crash in history.

Of course, not all predictions are so exactly wrong. It takes time for the social mood to get to the point where faith becomes so one-sided. But for the Goldilocks economy, faith was already growing. The chart below shows that interest in the phrase "Goldilocks economy" is now returning to levels seen during the boom years of 2006-2007. After this shock, interest in the Goldilocks story waned, but now social sentiment is again positive enough for it to return.

Central banks believed that their quantitative easing (QE) policies launched after the financial crisis would lead to higher consumer prices. QE is conducted by buying financial market assets with money created from nothing. By printing more money, central banks assumed that the prices of goods and services would rise. Instead, the printed money remained in the financial system, contributing to a natural recovery in social sentiment after the crisis and growth in bonds, stocks and real estate. What do they think should have happened?

Central banks used every means to create "inflation" in the form of rising consumer prices, but this did not happen.

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