Kindergarten math topics

Math concepts your children will learn in Kindergarten

In a preschool math class, children will learn basic concepts such as numbers, shapes, and measurements. They will also begin to develop problem-solving skills and an understanding of basic mathematical operations. But, what will they learn in Kindergarten?

Understanding what your kiddos will learn in Kindergarten is important so you can support their learning at home. Or, if your kiddos are homeschooled, you may be wondering which skills they will need to learn in their Kindergarten year. So, here are the essential math concepts taught at the Kindergarten level.

My top teacher tip for math with young children? Keep it fun! It’s extremely important that learning math is a positive experience. This encourages enthusiasm for math (and helps prevent math anxiety later in life).

Math concepts your children will learn in Kindergarten

Kindergarten math concepts: What will they learn?

During their preschool years, children will have learned basic concepts such as numbers, shapes, and measurements. They will also have begun to develop problem-solving skills and an understanding of basic mathematical operations. These early math concepts helped prepare them for Kindergarten, where basic math concepts are explored at a deeper level.

Here’s a look at the BC Kindergarten math curriculum, so you have an idea of what they learn.

By practicing important math skills early on, and working to reinforce concepts throughout their Kindergarten year, your child will be better equipped to succeed in school and in life. This is just one of the 10 important reasons that Allison Master, PhD, finds math important.

Why is Kindergarten math important?

Kindergarten math concepts are important because they help children develop strong mathematics foundations. These foundations will be necessary as they begin to learn more advanced mathematics concepts later in school. Additionally, Kindergarten math can help children develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills. By learning how to count, identify patterns, and solve simple problems, children can begin to develop the mathematical skills they need to be successful in school and in life.

The basics: Numbers, shapes, and measurements

Pre-school math typically covers the basics of numbers, shapes, measurements, and the likeliness of events. Children learn to identify, count, and manipulate numbers 1-10, as well as to recognize common shapes such as circles, squares, and triangles. They also begin to develop an understanding of basic measurements such as length, width, and height.

These concepts lay the foundation for more advanced mathematics concepts that children will learn in school. Math in the early years also covers how to understand time, money, and patterns among other important math skills! Additionally, by understanding the basics of numbers, shapes, and measurements, children can begin to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Why learning basic math concepts is important for your child

I may have hinted at this once or twice, but Kindergarten math is important for your child because it helps them develop strong mathematics foundations. After all, math is all around us! Regardless of how we feel amount math (trust me – I didn’t start enjoying it until teacher’s college!), we use fundamental mathematical concepts every single day.

Hint: Have you ever bought groceries, planned an exciting trip, or watched a sports game? They all use basic math skills!

The foundations learned in Kindergarten will be necessary as they begin to learn more advanced mathematics concepts in their elementary school education. Additionally, math can help children develop problem-solving, critical thinking, and reasoning skills. By learning how to count, identify patterns, complete simple addition, and solve simple problems, children can begin to develop the skills they need to be successful in school and in life.

Problem-solving skills: Developing a logical mindset

One of the most important skills that children can develop through the Kindergarten math curriculum is problem-solving. By learning how to identify patterns and solve simple problems, children can begin to develop a logical mindset. This is important for young learners because it helps increase academic performance, confidence, creativity, and self-esteem, according to Mrs. Meyer’s Learning Lab.

The skills learned in Kindergarten will be essential as they encounter more complex mathematical problems later in life. Having a strong foundation in mathematics will therefore help them learn other math skills down the road. Additionally, problem-solving skills can help children develop critical thinking skills. By learning how to break down problems and find solutions, children can begin to think more critically about the world around them (while getting more resilient in their learning, too!).

Math concepts your children will learn in Kindergarten

Number sense: Understanding quantity and value

Another important part of Kindergarten math is developing number sense. This involves understanding quantity and value. If I were to say it in teacher talk, I would say they learn ‘one-to-one correspondence’ – Basically, this number concept teaches that a number has a corresponding value (for example, one object = 1).

Children also learn to identify and count numbers while developing their rote counting abilities. Rote counting is the ability to memorize numbers and repeat them (displayed by counting 1-10 in sequential order).

Addition and subtraction are other abilities your kiddos will practice in Kindergarten. At this age, the number manipulation is pretty basic. Stick with numbers under 10! For example, you could ask your child questions like “You have two apples and add three more. How many apples do you have in total?” At this age, using manipulatives (real objects) is super important. By using objects, you can help children understand the very abstract concept of counting. If you don’t have apples, use wooden blocks! (Or whatever else is available).

Patterns: Recognizing and creating order

Pattern recognition is another important part of Kindergarten math. By learning to identify patterns, children can begin to develop a sense of order. This lets them organize information in a logical way while learning to identify different shapes and sort objects. Plus, pattern identification is important for more than just math – This is also a foundational skill for reading (rhyming, predicting text) and music, among other subjects!

Measurements: Understanding size, weight, and capacity

Measurements are a part of our daily life. From weighing out our groceries to picking the correct size of clothing while shopping, we rely on these concepts a lot. Children learn to understand basic concepts such as length, width, and height. Understanding physical objects is a skill that they will continue to explore throughout their elementary experience (and high school, too!). So, enhancing the child’s understanding of measurement at a young age is a foundational skill, too.

Geometry: Understanding basic shapes

Children will also learn to identify and understand basic geometric shapes such as squares, circles, and triangles. Since shapes are all around us and are more concrete than abstract concepts like numbers, this can easily be practiced day to day. In everyday interactions, this might look like recognizing different objects as shapes. Ask your child questions like “what shape is this ball?” to help them practice this. At this age, it’s all about keeping it fun!

Mathematical operations: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division

Mathematical operations are first taught at the pre-K level, starting with basic math activities and easy math concepts. In Kindergarten, children will learn to understand and perform basic operations such as addition and subtraction. In the early years of elementary school, they will begin exploring more complicated concepts, like multiplication and division.

A big part of this stage is developing the appropriate language (more than, less than, how many in total). As they practice counting and become confident at it, you can start incorporating basic addition into daily routines. Again, use manipulatives (hands-on activities) as much as you can and keep it fun!

They will also practice skip counting, which is basically counting in groups, like counting by 2’s or 5’s. Not only is this a basic part of adding and subtracting, but it’s a foundational skill for multiplication down the road.

They are also ready to write numbers at this stage, which helps with number recognition. You can practice this skill through fun activities like making numbers from play do then writing them down.

Putting it all together: Using math in everyday life

Kindergarten-aged kids are learning so much. In order to keep it fun and exciting, it’s important to make practicing math a part of their daily routine. Just like it takes a ton of practice to read, write, and speak, Kindergarten math skills require a lot of repetition!

If you consistently make math a part of your everyday life, it won’t feel like such a daunting task for your kiddos. Number sense doesn’t need to be taught in worksheets and by rote memorization. Children learn best when they’re having fun, anyway! Judy Willis did a pretty cool study on the neuroscience behind this – Read it here!

Math concepts your children will learn in Kindergarten


Kindergarten math concepts are important because they help children practice many skills that are a part of early child development. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are among the most important of these! The basics of numbers, shapes, and measurements also lay the foundation for more complex mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. By understanding and using math in everyday life, children can develop a better understanding of the world around them.

By encouraging children to practice their skills through fun math activities, children understand big ideas in a way that makes sense to them. If you are working with young children, it’s important to look for fun ways to teach math – You could sing songs or play games, for example. This keeps learning fun and helps children understand the world around them through play.

In Kindergarten, you can expect that your children will learn the basics of addition and subtraction, how to recognize shapes, how to count and manipulate small numbers, the basics of financial literacy and telling time, how to predict the likelihood of future events, and basic graphing (among other skills).

In conclusion, Kindergarten math is essential in preparing children for kindergarten and beyond. By teaching them the basics of numbers, shapes, and measurements, they will be better equipped to understand more advanced concepts that they will encounter in school and in life.

BTW, if you’re working on learning math and money, we’ve created some free worksheets. Get them here!

Other posts about math

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  • Kindergarten math word problems
  • Free number tracing worksheets (Numbers 1-10)
  • Tally mark worksheets (with free printable!)
  • Ways to teach preschool math in nature (with free printable)
  • 10 Nature counting activities for preschoolers
  • Simple sorting activities for preschoolers

Kindergarten Online Math Lesson Plans

View Our Lesson Demos!

The Time4Learning kindergarten math lessons put a fun spin on learning important foundational skills for the youngest of students. In addition to engaging, interactive activities that teach the lessons, each of the chapters features an overarching theme such as safari, playtime, and cooking.

This page provides information on what kindergarten math a student should know, math objectives for the year, and why Time4Learning is the best choice to help your child reach all of the kindergarten math goals and objectives.

What Math Should a Kindergarten Student Know?

Kindergarten math is all about becoming familiar with the basics and setting a solid foundation. Students will learn to count and recognize numbers, identify shapes and their attributes, add and subtract numbers, and complete patterns.

Below are some of the other skills that a student should know in kindergarten math.

  • Create, describe and compare 2-D and 3-D shapes
  • Compare groups using the terms greater, less, fewer, more
  • Use tally charts and picture graphs to represent numbers
  • Recognize that larger numbers are made up of smaller numbers
  • Order events in a sequence

Kindergarten Math Objectives

For most students, kindergarten is their first official year of schooling. Gaining a solid understanding of basic concepts now, will help them feel confident and prepared as they learn new math skills in the years to come. That’s why it’s so important that students use a comprehensive curriculum, like Time4Learning, to help them master these concepts and reach all their kindergarten math goals and objectives.

Below are some of the math objectives a kindergarten math curriculum should help your child achieve.

  • Count objects up to 20
  • Use an analog and digital clock to identify time to the nearest hour
  • Identify pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters and know their value
  • Compare the length and weight of objects
  • Explore properties of addition and subtraction

Time4Learning’s Kindergarten Math Lesson Plans

Chapter 1: “Tutorial”

Lesson 1: Tutorial –
1 Activity

Functionality of buttons and interactions, and practice questions from lessons based on objectives.

Chapter 2: “Under the Sea”

Lesson 1: Adventures Under the Sea –
4 Activities

Recognize likenesses and differences between pairs of items.

Lesson 2: Searchers of the Sunken Ship –
4 Activities

Sort objects by appearance (e.g., color, size, and shape). Recognize items that are the same and different. Extend and identify a repeating pattern.

Lesson 3: Sea Sorting –
4 Activities

Sort representations of living things by appearance. Create items with given attributes. Recognize one-to-one correspondence.

Lesson 4: Fantastic Fish –
4 Activities

Align sorted objects to determine whether a one-to-one match exists. Determine which set has more or fewer members when a one-to-one match does not exist. Create and interpret picture-graph displays.

Lesson 5: Sea Symphony –
4 Activities

Copy, continue, and complete patterns involving two attributes.

Chapter Test: Under the Sea

Chapter 3: “Playtime in the Park”

Lesson 1: Moose Park Footrace –
4 Activities

Use positional words to describe vertical and horizontal relationships. Recognize that more than one term may be appropriately used to describe a positional relationship. Create a positional relationship by following directions.

Lesson 2: Digby Hide-and-Seek –
4 Activities

Use positional words to direct investigations that occur in different locations. Use positional words to describe locations.

Lesson 3: A New View –
4 Activities

Recognize that vertical and horizontal relationships are often determined by point of view. Recognize that individual items may each appear different from different perspectives.

Lesson 4: Shape Hunt –
4 Activities

Investigate the features of a circle, triangle, square, and rectangle, and identify their presence in contextual settings. Identify likenesses and differences between pairs of shapes. Construct shapes.

Lesson 5: Shapes, Shapes, Everywhere –
17 Activities

Analyze, compare, create, and compose two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts, and other attributes.

Lesson 6: Photo Finish –
8 Activities

Construct and/or complete simple scenes formed with plane figures. Construct, complete, and describe patterns formed with plane figures.

Chapter Test: Playtime in the Park

Chapter 4: “Let’s Go On a Safari”

Lesson 1: Jungle Safari –
6 Activities

Recognize that objects can be counted and represented by numerals. Recognize that cardinal numbers represent a quantity (numbers 1-5). Read and represent numbers 1-5. Recognize that different arrangements represent the same quantity (numbers 1-5).

Lesson 2: Safari Tales –
6 Activities

Compare groups to determine more/greater/less/fewer. Use one-to-one correspondence when comparing sets. Recognize the concept of zero as representing an empty set. Construct and interpret picture graphs.

Lesson 3: Wild Animals –
10 Activities

Recognize that objects can be counted and represented by numerals (0-20). Recognize that cardinal numbers represent a quantity (numbers 0-20). Read, write, and represent numbers 0-20. Recognize that different arrangements represent the same quantity (numbers 0-20).

Lesson 4: Sounds Wild! –
8 Activities

Use one-to-one correspondence to represent and compare quantities of 0-10. Use tally charts and picture graphs to represent 0-10. Recognize sequence of numbers on a number line. Describe position in a sequence of whole numbers on a number line up to 10.

Lesson 5: Animal Keeper at Work –
10 Activities

Recognize that larger numbers are formed from combinations of smaller numbers. Explore addition models. Recognize that smaller numbers are formed by taking apart sets. Informally explore subtraction models.

Chapter Test: Let’s Go On a Safari

Chapter 5: “What’s Cooking?”

Lesson 1: Snack Time –
9 Activities

Use a calendar as a tool to identify months, days, and dates. Use a calendar as a tool to identify today, yesterday, and tomorrow. Identify parts of a day (morning, afternoon, evening). Use an analog clock to identify time to the nearest hour. Use a digital clock to identify time to the nearest hour. Order events in a sequence. Identify temperature using a thermometer.

Lesson 2: Harriets Piggy Bank –
5 Activities

Identify penny, nickel, dime, quarter. Identify value of penny, nickel, dime, quarter. Combine coins to make values up to 10 cents.

Lesson 3: Tasty Treats –
6 Activities

Compare the length of objects. Identify and correct common errors in linear measurement. Estimate and measure length using nonstandard units. Measure length using standard units.

Lesson 4: Sharing Snacks –
4 Activities

Separate items into equal parts through an active comparison of their length. Informally explore commonly used fractional parts of a whole (fourths, thirds, halves).

Lesson 5: Measurement Matters –
6 Activities

Compare the weight of objects. Compare the capacity of objects. Recognize tools of measurement. Informally explore the concept of area.

Lesson 6: Writers Corner –
1 Activity

Use a calendar as a tool to identify months, days, and dates. Use a calendar as a tool to identify today, yesterday, and tomorrow. Identify parts of a day (morning, afternoon, evening). Use an analog clock to identify time to the nearest hour. Use a digital clock to identify time to the nearest hour. Order events in a sequence. Identify temperature using a thermometer. Identify penny, nickel, dime, quarter. Identify value of penny, nickel, dime, quarter. Combine coins to make values up to ten cents. Compare the length of objects. Identify and correct common errors in linear measurement. Estimate and measure length using nonstandard units. Measure length using standard units. Separate items into equal parts through an active comparison of their length. Informally explore commonly used fractional parts of a whole (quarters, thirds, halves). Compare the weight of objects. Compare the capacity of objects. Recognize tools of measurement. Informally explore the concept of area.

Chapter Test: What’s Cooking?

Chapter 6: “Numbers in the Neighborhood”

Lesson 1: Number Sense Center –
7 Activities

Read and represent numbers 11-20. Recognize that larger numbers are formed from combinations of smaller numbers (11-20). Demonstrate understanding of conservation of number (recognizing that size does not affect number). Explore numbers 0-100. Explore number patterns, counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s.

Lesson 2: Graphing Data Drive –
5 Activities

Use data to create picture graphs. Use data to create bar graphs. Interpret data from graphs and use it to solve problems.

Lesson 3: Probability Place –
4 Activities

Understand basic concepts of chance and probability. Describe events as likely or unlikely.

Lesson 4: Addition Avenue –
10 Activities

Recognize that larger numbers are formed from combinations of smaller numbers. Explore addition models. Explore properties of addition. Use addition number sentences to record the combining of sets. Solve addition number sentences.

Lesson 5: Subtraction Street –
6 Activities

Explore subtraction models. Explore properties of subtraction. Use number sentences to record subtraction. Solve subtraction number sentences.

Lesson 6: Writers Corner –
1 Activity

Use data to create picture graphs. Use data to create bar graphs. Interpret data from graphs and use it to solve problems. Use data to create picture graphs. Use data to create bar graphs. Interpret data from graphs and use it to solve problems. Understand basic concepts of chance and probability. Describe events as likely or unlikely. Explore addition models. Explore properties of addition. Use addition number sentences to record the combing of sets. Solve addition number sentences. Explore subtraction models. Explore properties of subtraction. Use number sentences to record subtraction. Solve subtraction number sentences.

Chapter Test: Numbers in the Neighborhood

Scope & Sequence Copyright © 2023 Edgenuity, Inc. All rights reserved.

Why Choose Time4Learning Kindergarten Math Homeschool Curriculum

Setting up students for success in math or any other subject starts as early as kindergarten. Helping them master counting, shapes, basic addition and subtraction will have a big impact on their performance in later years.

Time4Learning’s kindergarten math curriculum uses bright, colorful and engaging activities to make math fun and enjoyable for the little ones. Students are able to log in on their time and progress at their own pace. The curriculum is simple to follow and material is presented in a suggested sequence that builds on itself.

Parents have access to lesson plans, student planners, and plenty of resources to make homeschooling simple. In addition, our automated grading and recordkeeping system keeps track of all of your child’s work and makes it simple to print reports and create homeschool portfolios. And if you plan on using the kindergarten math curriculum as a supplement, you will have full access to these features as well.

Interested in other kindergarten subjects? Learn more about our online kindergarten curriculum, designed to teach your student their fundamental concepts.

lessons, presentations, class notes, planning, electives, knowledge assessment

Publish and download methodological developments for a preschool kindergarten teacher in mathematics in preschool education. Publication of interesting and necessary materials for a teacher on teaching children mathematics in a preschool educational institution with a free certificate of publication in the media.

The section of mathematics in preschool education in kindergarten contains:

  • NOD in the senior group
  • Development of logical thinking of preschool children
  • Kindergarten Mathematics Presentations
  • Synopsis of the open GCD in the middle group according to FEMP
  • Abstracts of classes in mathematics in kindergarten
  • Mathematical leisure
  • Lesson in mathematics in the 2nd junior group
  • Abstract of a lesson for children with disabilities in mathematics
  • Synopsis of GCD for FEMP
  • Journey to the Land of Mathematics
  • Abstract of the sensory class
  • Abstract of the integrated lesson in mathematics
  • Lesson on FEMP in the 2nd junior group
  • Consultation for the educator
  • Summary of the lesson on the formation of FEMP
  • Summary of the final lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations
  • Construct for the formation of mathematical representations
  • Graphic dictations in the formation of visual-motor coordination
  • Interactive Math Game
  • Mathematical game library
  • Summary of GCD in mathematics in the middle group using innovative technologies
  • Methodical development of a lesson on the development of mathematical and sensory abilities in children
  • Technological map of GCD for FEMP in the senior group
  • Synopsis of OOD on the development of quantitative representations in children
  • The development of mathematical abilities in children through play activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard DO

The development of speech, logic and mathematics can be carried out in a playful way and perceived by the baby as a fun pastime.

Mathematics in kindergarten begins in the second junior group, where they begin to carry out special work on the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

The development of mathematics by preschoolers plays an important role not only in preparing for school life, but also for the formation of logical thinking skills, the development of intelligence and understanding. Mathematics for preschoolers is usually included in the traditional developmental curriculum in kindergarten.

Here you will find lessons, notes, tests, presentations, plans, activities and other useful materials for the work of the teacher and the education of the student.

Synopsis of OOD on FEMP for children of senior preschool age "Flower-Semitsvetik"

Synopsis of OOD on FEMP in the senior group on the topic "Flower - seven-color" Tasks: Improve counting skills within 10. Compare objects by length. Improve knowledge of geometric shapes. Develop the ability to navigate in space. For ...