Good night love story
21 Short, Romantic, And Funny Bedtime Stories For Girlfriend
Reading your girlfriend bedtime stories will make her feel loved and cherished.
image: Shutterstock
Falling in love is a beautiful feeling, and you leave no stone unturned to pamper your partner. And if you are looking for some exciting bedtime stories for girlfriend to make her feel extra special, then your search ends with our post. A sweet and beautiful story lets you convey your emotions with her, and you will enjoy the sight of her sleeping with a smile on her face.
Also, it helps strengthen your bond and lets you get an inch closer to her every day. So, read on for some lovely stories and give a wonderful touch to your love story, making it a memorable one.
21 Bedtime Stories For Girlfriends
Short Bedtime Stories For Girlfriend
1. Love in difficult times
Gerald watched Elaine across the table as she carefully picked up her muffin and examined it. He looked at the clothes she was wearing and realized that her sweater was inside out. He usually made sure things like these didn’t happen, but they seemed to happen more often lately.
Their waitress, Maria, walked towards them holding a tray of milky, sweet tea (just the way Elaine liked it), a plate of delicious-looking butter cookies, and a wide smile.
“How are you doing today?” she asked brightly. Elaine flinched at the tone. Gerald looked warningly at Maria. When one had dementia, there was no saying how the day would go.
Maria took the hint, quietly placed the tray on the table, and walked away. Gerald offered Elaine the cup of tea, which she took with her hands trembling.
“When are we going to get married?” she asked.
Gerald sighed. They had been married for the last forty years.
“Soon, my love,” he said, placing his hand over hers. Elaine looked at his hand and then up at him and smiled.
“I love you, you know. You must talk to my father soon,” she said happily.
“I love you too, my dear. I love you, too,” Gerald said.
After they had finished their tea and biscuits, they walked away slowly, holding hands.
2. Love at first sight
Joseph didn’t believe in “love at first sight.” He thought you had to know a person to fall in love with them. How could you fall in love with someone you had just met?
But that was before he met Anna. It was raining cats and dogs that day, and Joseph had been drenched to the skin on the short walk from the taxi to the entrance of his office block. Anna was in a similar condition. As she ran to get out of the rain, they collided in the doorway. Her bag fell to the floor, and its contents spilled out. Joseph immediately apologized and bent down to help her pick up her things.
When he handed her the file and make-up bag, he looked up at her and felt his world shift. Her hair was the color of spun gold, and her eyes were blue. He had never seen a lady more beautiful than her. Joseph didn’t know her name yet, but he knew she was the perfect woman for him.
And thus, a beautiful journey of friendship and love started on a rainy day.
Related: 50+ Sweet And Romantic Goodnight Poems For Her
3. Worthy love
Image: IStock
One day, a husband brought home a bouquet of beautiful roses for his wife.
The wife was pleasantly surprised and delighted, but before she could ask what they were for, their daughter piped up, “What are they for, Daddy?”
He smiled and said, “All my colleagues were discussing how tired they were of their marriage. It made me feel so lucky to have your Mommy in my life. She is the most understanding and charming woman in the entire world!”
His wife beamed with joy, and they all came together in a family hug. It was a perfect moment.
(Source: Upsmash)
4. Blind sight
There was a girl who loved a boy. She loved the way he took care of her, and she loved the way he talked to her. The only hurdle, she thought, was that she was blind.
She wished she could see him as he could see her.
She had built a perfect image of how he might look in her mind.
One day, her parents gave her the good news that they had found an eye donor for her, and she could now get an eye to see the world.
After the operation, she told the doctors that the boy must be the first person she sees when she opens her eyes. As promised, the doctors brought the boy to the room.
As soon as the doctors unwrapped the bandages, she saw the boy standing in front of her. The mental image of him that she had was wrong; he was even more perfect in real life.
It was then that she learned her eye had been donated by the boy just so that she could see.
(Source: Upsmash)
5. Coincidence
A boy was single.
A girl was single.
They met.
And then they weren’t single anymore.
Because two singles sometimes become a double, and that is not a coincidence.
Quick tip
Indulging in roleplay while narrating stories at night can get you an inch closer to your girl and relieve her day’s stress.
6. Night of love
One night, a girl decided to tell her boyfriend how much she loved him. She leaned in close to his ear and whispered, “I love you so much. I love you more than anything and anyone in my life.”
She assumed he was sleeping as it was pretty late.
But she was to be surprised.
The boy opened his eyes and pulled her into a hug. He whispered, “I love you too, my darling. I love you more than you could ever imagine!”
Related: 101 Cute Long Goodnight Paragraphs For Her
Romantic Bedtime Stories For Girlfriend
7. Love forever
A young student once asked her teacher why she became a nun. The teacher shared the story of her life with her.
Many years ago, when she was much younger, she loved a boy. The boy loved her too. The only problem was that he was from a wealthy family, while she was from a poor one.
The boy talked to his parents, but they were against him marrying the girl. Instead, they started looking for eligible girls from among their acquaintances.
There was nothing else to it then, the young lovers thought. They decided to elope. They could not end their relationship for anything in the world.
A priest knew their story and was supportive of them. With his assistance, the young lovers planned to run away. The priest made arrangements with another priest to hide them till the danger had passed.
On the planned day, the lovers silently bid goodbye to their homes and families and traveled long and hard. Soon, they were out of danger. They married and lived happily.
Both of them were gratified by the service the priests had done for them, and they began taking an active interest in the Church’s humanitarian missions.
After the man passed away, the woman took her vows and became a nun.
(Source: TheMindFool)
8. Unexpected love
Image: IStock
‘“High school romances aren’t forever!” he had heard enough people say. He never knew what to think about it, though. He had never been romantically involved with anyone.
Alexa walked into the class with their teacher one day. “Students, She is your new classmate, Alexa,” the teacher announced.
As luck would have it, he had an empty seat beside him, and that was where Alexa sat. However, after the first formal greetings and introductions, she didn’t seem inclined to speak to him at all.
He got immersed in his studies again and quietened his aching heart by looking at Alexa whenever she wasn’t looking.
The year came to an end. On the last day before the holidays, he mustered courage and walked up to Alexa. She was surprised to see him there. He cleared his throat and said, “Alexa, there has been something I have been meaning to tell you for some time.”
Alexa waited.
He said, “I like you. I didn’t know how to convey it to you as I was scared you would reject me. But now that we might never meet again, I want you to know this.”
Alexa’s eyes filled up with tears. She said, “I liked you from the first day I saw you! When I came to sit next to you, I was so overwhelmed that I had to purposely keep an aloof face because I thought you didn’t like me at all!”
They laughed and held hands for the first time. ’
The grandchildren clapped as their grandmother, Alexa, told them the story of how she met their grandfather.
9. Online love
They met on Facebook. He had been lonely. She had just had a breakup. He was a loner and an introvert. She was gregarious and an extrovert. He loved reading. She loved watching movies and meeting people. They were very different from each other, but as the saying goes, opposites attract.
As they overcame their inhibitions and shared more details about themselves online, they realized they had more in common than they realized. Both of them loved pasta. Both danced to jazz music. Both of them were learning French. He loved painting, and she loved drawing.
They slowly realized they were falling in love with each other. They couldn’t spend a day without messaging each other. They had to share their day’s happenings with each other.
The only hurdle between them was that they lived many miles apart.
After several months, they decided to meet each other. She was traveling to London with her parents, and their flight had a stopover. He agreed to meet her at the airport.
They met at the appointed time and place. Although they had shared pictures over Facebook, seeing each other face to face was different. He thought she looked prettier. She thought he looked more handsome.
He met her parents too. They seemed to be sensible people to him. All too soon, they heard the announcement for their boarding.
“I will message you as soon as we land,” she promised him.
“I will wait for it,” he said.
As she walked away, she turned back and saw him watching her. His eyes held a promise for a better future.
10. Ultimate love
A girl and a boy were the best of friends. But the boy considered the girl to be more than a friend. He had fallen in love with her, but he couldn’t find the right words to tell her.
One Sunday, he decided he would tell her about his feelings. He decided that even if she didn’t reciprocate his love, he would convince her to remain friends as they already were.
He picked her up from her home, and they went on a long drive. After some moments of silence, both of them talked at the same time.
“I wanted to…” he said.
“You know what…” she began.
They laughed, and he motioned for her to continue.
“Well, I was saying that I wanted to tell you something for the longest time,” she began again.
His heart started beating faster.
“What is it?” he asked, without looking at her.
“I am in love with this guy, but he doesn’t know about it,” she said. His heart nearly stopped beating. He looked at her for a second before concentrating on the road again.
When he was a bit calmer and was sure his voice wouldn’t shake when he talked, he asked, “Who is the lucky guy? Do I know him?”
“Of course, you do! Do you not know any of my acquaintances?” she asked, rolling her eyes at him. “I won’t tell you his name, though. I have written his name on this,” she said, handing him a piece of paper.
He took it and put it in his pocket when all he wanted was to tear it into a million pieces and throw it out the window. He was painfully aware of it. He felt as though it was burning his skin through his shirt.
The moment he reached home that evening, he pulled out the piece of paper and angrily unfolded it. He stopped short when he saw that the name was his.
Beneath his name, she had written, “I could never find anyone as perfect as you, and no one could understand me as well as you do. ”
He smiled, then laughed, and he was in a relationship with his best friend in the whole world.
(Source: Upsmash)
Related: 11 Beautiful Princess Stories For Kids To Read
11. Truth or dare
It was that time of the year. The prom was fast approaching, and Mike didn’t have anyone to go with him. All the girls seemed to be going with some handsome boy, while Mike, neither handsome nor a smooth talker, didn’t seem to attract anyone.
“Why don’t you ask Rita out? No one seems to have asked her,” Mike’s friend, Joe, said with a smirk. Mike knew why Joe was smirking. Rita was the most unpopular girl at school. She wore thick glasses and braces. Mike groaned, “Oh, no! Not Rita!”
But time was running out fast, and Mike knew he had to do something quickly, or he would be the only boy without a date on prom night. So, with an internal sigh and a shudder, he asked Rita out. Rita agreed.
When Mike went over to pick Rita up on prom night, he noticed that she was wearing a lovely dress. She had also done something with her hair. If he decided to overlook her large glasses, he might have said that she looked stunning.
When they reached the venue, they were immediately pulled onto the dance floor. As they danced, Mike realized that Rita was, in fact, a good dancer. She could also carry on a conversation without making anyone feel awkward. He realized with some surprise that she could make him laugh, and her laugh was easy too. He loved hearing her laugh.
That prom night culminated into something beautiful. Mike and Rita started dating each other, and soon enough, they were in a serious relationship.
Mike loved Rita, and he was planning to pop the question that evening. He shuddered to think what would have happened if he had not asked her out to prom that night.
(Source: Think aloud)
12. The worst fight
Image: IStock
A husband and wife had the worst fight. She was furious that she packed his things in a bag and asked him to get out of the house.
He slowly picked up the bag and left.
After a while, the wife calmed down and started worrying. “Where has he gone?”
She tried calling his friends, but nobody had a clue to his whereabouts.
Now, the wife was worried. “What if he had done something bad?” she thought.
She ran out of the house in the snow and walked up the sidewalk searching for a taxi. She didn’t know where to go or what to do but walking gave her a sense of purpose.
Suddenly, she saw a hunched figure sitting under the streetlamp at the corner of the street. On closer inspection, she realized that it was her husband.
She slowly brushed off the snow off his clothes and took him home. “I am sorry,” she sobbed. “I thought you would have gone to one of your friends’ homes. I didn’t realize…” she was at a loss of words.
“I couldn’t leave knowing that you would be alone here without me,” he said simply. “Whatever you think about me, I care for you deeply.”
She burst into tears as she hugged and kissed him repeatedly. She vowed to herself to never fight with him so much and never, ever, turn him out of their home. She loved him.
(Source: Upsmash)
Funny Bedtime Stories For Girlfriend
Quick tip
Reading stories and sharing personal instances helps couples discover each other’s innermost feelings, desires, and emotions, giving them a deeper understanding of love.
13. The reasons to love
One day, a girlfriend asked her boyfriend to give her at least one reason behind his love for her. The boyfriend was surprised; he hadn’t been expecting such a question. “Why do you want to know? Is it not enough that I love you?” he asked. But the girl was insistent. She wanted to know.
The boy pulled out a sheet of paper from his bag and started writing in it. The girl was surprised, but she held her tongue until he stopped writing and handed over the paper to her.
On it was written, “I have written down 100 reasons why I love you. Now, write down one reason why I shouldn’t love you.”
(Source: Think aloud)
14. A dozen flowers
When Jack handed over a dozen flowers to his wife, she looked at them in surprise. There was one plastic flower among the others.
“What is this plastic flower doing here?” she asked Jack.
“Why do you think it is there?” Jack replied.
But as much as she thought about it, she couldn’t understand the meaning of the one artificial flower.
Finally, when she had given up, Jack smiled and said, “That flower is my love. I will love you until that flower dies.”
Hearing this, she was overcome with tears and hugged him with all the love she had for him.
(Source: Think aloud)
Related: 75 Sweet & Romantic Goodnight Messages For Her To Feel Special
15. Best of the best
A boy and a girl were deeply in love. The girl once asked the boy, “Do you think I am pretty?”
The boy answered, “No.”
The girl was disappointed with his answer, but she asked the next question anyway, “Do you want to be with me forever?”
The boy said “No” again.
The girl’s eyes filled up with tears. “Will you be sad if I leave you?” she asked.
The boy said, “No.”
The girl decided to walk away. She had just turned when the boy caught her arm and turned her tear-streaked face towards himself.
He said, “You asked if you were pretty, and I said no because you are not just pretty, but you are the most beautiful woman on this planet. You asked me if I wanted you, and I said no because I don’t want you, but I need you like we need oxygen. You asked me if I would be sad if you left me, and I said no because I will no longer be alive when you leave me.”
When she heard these passionate words, the girl smiled through her tears and hugged the boy tightly.
(Source: Think aloud)
16. Like or love
One day, a girl mustered the courage to tell a boy about her feelings for him.
She told him, “I like you very much. Do you like me too?”
He answered, “No, I don’t like you.”
The girl was sad to hear this reply and slowly turned away. But before she could walk away, the boy caught her hand and said, “I said I don’t like you. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you.”
The girl turned towards him in delight and hugged him.
(Source: Think aloud)
Point to consider
If you are in a long-distance relationship, making a video call to read stories is more effective than an audio call.
17. Future mom
Image: Shutterstock
One morning, a boyfriend took a photograph of his girlfriend when she had just woken up.
“Ugh, I look horrible! Why are you taking my picture when I have no make-up on, and my hair is all over the place?” she questioned.
The boyfriend smiled and answered, “I want to show my kids that their mother is beautiful even without make-up and combed hair. She is perfect; the most perfect woman on Earth.”
(Source: Upsmash)
18. Drunk boyfriend
One night, a girlfriend had to pick her drunk boyfriend up from the bar. She was furious with him, but there was little she could do other than to drag him into the car.
She somehow hauled him up to their apartment and helped him onto the bed. Then she started removing his filthy clothes. First, his shoes came off and then his shirt. But when she reached the buckle of his jeans, he pushed her away, shouting, “Go away, woman! I have a girlfriend I love very much! Don’t you dare touch me!”
The girlfriend found herself laughing as she changed and went to sleep.
(Source: Upsmash)
19. Invited bride
Image: Shutterstock
A boyfriend asked his girlfriend, “Will you come to my wedding if I invite you?”
The girlfriend was shocked. Of all things, she hadn’t been expecting this. In fact, she had been expecting her boyfriend to propose to her!
She stuttered a weak, “Wha..what? Are you seeing someone else? Have your parents found a match for you?”
The boyfriend laughed and said, “No, my dearest! I want to marry you and was about to invite you to my wedding as a bride. Will you accept the invitation?”
The girlfriend couldn’t believe what she heard and answered with a resounding, “YES!” and a kiss.
(Source: Upsmash)
Related: 48 Cute And Romantic Ways To Surprise Your Girlfriend
20. Impossible things
There was a girl who had very low self-esteem because of some past issues. She thought she was ugly.
She liked a boy but was never sure how to approach him. When he came and talked to her, she was surprised.
One day, she mentioned that she didn’t think he should be with her. “I am too ugly,” she said.
The boy immediately said, “I am pregnant.”
The girl’s eyes widened. “How can you say that? It is impossible!” she exclaimed.
The boy smiled and answered, “Just as this is impossible, so is you being ugly impossible. You are beautiful.”
(Source: Upsmash)
21. I like potatoes
A lady felt insecure about her weight. She thought she looked terrible in certain dresses. She married the man she loved, but a few days after marriage, she stopped wearing frocks and nightdresses and wore baggy t-shirts and pajamas instead.
Her husband questioned her about the choice of her clothes. She tearfully replied, “I look like a potato in those clothes!”
Her husband looked at her, bewildered, and said, “But I like potatoes! What is there not to like about them?”
This brought a smile to her face, and slowly, with her husband’s encouragement, she overcame her insecurities.
(Source: Upsmash)
1. What are the tips for telling a good bedtime story for a girlfriend?
You can make the storytelling experience amazing for your girlfriend by following a few simple tips:
- Select a story based on her mood and the things she has been going through lately
- The story should reflect the stage of your relationship you are in and may include some intimate conversations
- Make sure the bedroom is cozy and romantic to get the best effects of a bedtime story
2. What is the importance of bedtime stories for a girlfriend?
Bedtime stories are a great way to bridge the gap in a long-term relationship. Your girlfriend’s day may not have been perfect but at night, a bedtime story can help her de-stress and be lost in your thoughts. This will help consolidate your bond and keep the flame of your love burning.
Telling bedtime stories to your girlfriend is an intimate way of spending some quality time together, and it will also make her feel special. So keep picking from our collection of short, romantic, and funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend and convey your emotions and feelings for her. You can also combine the stories and develop a new version of your own. Sharing these stories will also help you know more about her likes and dislikes and help you get an inch closer to her.
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25 Romantic And Cute Bedtime Stories for Girlfriend
Nighttime is one of the best times to pamper your partner and shower her with care and love. One of the most romantic ways to convey your emotions to her and strengthen your bond is to narrate bedtime stories to your beloved. Not only will this pull you two closer together, but you'll also get the chance to make her sleep like a baby. People who are in a long-distance relationship often have the feeling of missing out, so they might want to hear your soothing voice. If you wish to fill the gap in your relationship and evoke feelings of love and romance, then here are some great bedtime stories for girlfriend.
One day, Mark went to a florist and asked him to pack a beautiful bouquet of lilies and roses (as they were the favorite flowers of his wife). He went home happily to surprise his wife. As soon as his wife opened the door and saw him with a bouquet of gorgeous flowers, she was delighted, but before she could ask what they were for, their daughter asked, "Why did you bring these flowers, Daddy?"
He beamed with a smile and said, "My fellow colleagues were discussing their spouses today, and reminiscing about the time when we first met our respective partners. It made me feel so happy, and I feel so lucky to have your Mommy in my life. She is the most kind-hearted, warm, and charming woman in the entire universe." His wife's eyes got filled with pride and joy, and they all hugged together. It was a blissful moment for the family!
This is one of the most beautiful short stories by O. Henry and is about a man and his wife who were poor yet lived together happily. One Christmas, they long to give each other meaningful Christmas gifts, but are constrained by their meager budget. So, they both decide to give up their treasure to afford a gift for one another.
The wife who adorns her beautiful hair sells them to buy a watch fob for her husband, and he pawns his treasured watch to purchase a beautiful jeweled tortoise-shell comb for his wife's beautiful locks. When he comes home, he is shocked to see his wife with short hair. Tears flowed simultaneously from their eyes when they realized they both have given precious things to each other, but the tears were not for the futility of their actions, but for the purity of their love.
On a beautiful night, a girl wanted to tell her special one what she feels for him. She thought he was sleeping, and so she leaned in close to his ear and whispered softly, "Just like it is difficult to count the number of stars in the sky, it is difficult to measure my love for you. I love you with all my heart, and soul."
The boy opened his eyes, pulled her closer to him, and said, "I love you too, honey. Thank you for these sweet words, and I promise you I will be by your side now and always."
4. Truth or DareOne day, one of the most popular guys in the college was given a dare— he had to ask a shy girl to the prom. He couldn't complete the dare, but despite losing at the game, he won in life because that game allowed him to unravel the sweetness of the girl. They became friends, 3 years later, he proposed to her, and she said yes! He lost the game that day, but won the heart of a lovely girl!
5.
A husband came back home and presented a dozen flowers to his wife. She was very happy to receive them, but was a bit perplexed when she saw that one flower was artificial. Out of curiosity, she asked her husband, "Honey, why did you give me 11 fresh flowers, and one artificial one?"
The husband smiled and answered, “Be it real or artificial flowers, they might fade away one
day, but my love for you will never ever fade, my darling."
6. The High School Romance"High school romances don't last forever!" Ben thought, but then he met the beautiful, kind-hearted Alexa. She entered his classroom and sat on the empty seat beside him. They soon became best friends, but he didn't have the audacity to confess his feelings to her, until one day, on her birthday, he bent to his knees and said, "Alexa, since the time I have seen you, I have not stopped thinking about you. I love everything about you but was scared of rejection, but now, I want you to know that you have someone who will always take care of you. "
To his surprise, Alexa replied, "Even though I liked you from day one, and when we became friends, I was so overwhelmed. I hesitated to say anything because I didn't want to jeopardize our beautiful friendship. I had no idea you liked me at all. I am so glad you said it all today. I love you too." They looked into each other's eyes and held hands for the first time.
7. True Love Is EnoughOnce, a man and woman got stuck in the middle of a forest and had no food or water left. The man was talking to her with a gentle smile on his face, and it seemed like being stuck there didn't matter to him.
The woman asked him, "You talk with such a pretty smile on your face, what's the reason behind this beautiful smile?" To this, he replied, "You are the only reason why I smile. When I have you, my life is complete. I don't need anything else then." They were able to get out of that dense forest and live a beautiful life together.
When Max was diagnosed with cancer, the doctors told him he had only ten weeks left to live. He was shocked and broken to hear this, but decided that he will use the time wisely and make all the arrangements for Carol, his beloved wife.
After his demise, Carol found out that he hid more than a hundred notes around the entire house before he died. She found one note after another, and it served as a reminder of his love. It was the most beautiful farewell gift one could ever imagine.
9. The Sweet BickeringOnce a husband and a wife had an argument that turned into an ugly fight. She got so furious that she yelled at her husband and asked him to leave. He packed his bag and left. Shortly after, the wife came back to her senses and started panicking about him. She called his friends, but no one knew about his whereabouts. She started worrying, and negative thoughts started haunting her mind. It was snowing outside, but she didn't care, all she wanted was to find her husband.
She walked up the sidewalk searching for a taxi. Suddenly, she saw someone sitting on a bench in a garden ten feet away. When she came closer, she realized it was her husband. She sobbed and said, "I am so sorry, I thought you must be with your friends. I was so worried about you." Her husband replied, "I care a lot about you, and couldn't have left you alone." They both burst into tears, apologized to each other, and went back to their home. From that day onwards, they made it a point not to fight so bitterly, and hurt each other with their words or actions.
10. The Tipsy BoyfriendOne night, a couple went to a bar, and the guy got a little drunk. She got furious at him as to why he drank too much, but there was little she could do other than take him home safely. She dragged him into the car and drove to their apartment.
She then helped him lie on the bed and removed his shoes so that he can sleep peacefully. As soon as she reached for his clothes, he pushed her away, yelling, "Go away! I love my girlfriend, so don't touch me at all!!" Hearing this, the girlfriend didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she knew that he loves her so much and is loyal to her.
11. Story of ManjhiIt is said that true love has the power to move mountains, and the real story of Dashrath Manjhi can make everyone believe that. Manjhi was a simple man who loved his wife a lot, but as fate would have it, she tragically died because of serious injuries after she fell while crossing a nearby hill.
He was heartbroken, but made up his mind to carve a small path through the mountain so that the villagers can get easy access to medical assistance. Initially, he was ridiculed by everyone, but he finally succeeded. He is known as the Mountain Man, and what he did shows how much he loved his wife. This is one of the most romantic bedtime stories for girlfriend that is based on a real story.
On a dinner date, a man asked his girlfriend, "Honey, tell me — will you come to my wedding if I invite you?" The girlfriend was aghast hearing this. How could he say such a thing, she thought?
She gathered a moment to ask, "Why did you ask me that? Do you not see any future with me? Or are you seeing someone else?"
The boyfriend chuckled and replied," No, honey! I wanted to invite you as my bride. So, will you accept the invitation?" They both laughed heartily, and she answered with a resounding, "Yes" and gave him a kiss.
13. You Are BeautifulAdvertisement
There was a girl who had a lot of insecurities about herself because of some past issues. She thought everyone was beautiful except her. She loved a boy but was hesitant to approach him, as she feared rejection. One day, as he walked towards her, she was surprised. He asked her name and asked if she wanted to grab a cup of coffee. She said yes, and soon they became friends. Slowly and gradually, the boy fell in love with her, and when he confessed his feelings to her, she was astounded.
"But I am too ugly," she said when he told her about his feelings, to which the boy replied, "You know we can count the number of stars easily in the sky." The girl's eyes widened, "That's practically impossible!" she exclaimed.
The boy smiled sweetly and said, "Just like counting stars in the sky is impossible, your being ugly is also impossible. You are the most beautiful person for me in this world." They hugged each other and smiled.
This is one of the cutest bedtime stories for girlfriend.
14. Like Or LoveOne day, when a boyfriend and girlfriend were having fun chatting at a cafe, the girl mustered the courage to ask the boy if he likes her.
He answered, "No, I don't like you. " Her eyes got moist hearing this, and she got up and started walking out of the cafe when the boy caught her hand gently and said," How can I like you when I am deeply in love with you? Yes, I love you a lot!" The girl was delighted to hear this and gave him a tight hug.
A girlfriend asked her boyfriend, "Give me one reason why you love me?" Her sudden question surprised him. He had no idea how to answer it, and this made her feel that if he has no reason, that means he doesn't love her. She began sulking, and this is when the boyfriend hugged her tight and said, "I don't need a thousand reasons to love you, because divine love needs no reason." Hearing this, the woman smiled and gave him a kiss.
16. Frank And AliceAdvertisement
Frank and Alice were married for 20 years, and one day, Frank's life changed unexpectedly when his wife met with a car accident. She had bruises all over her body, as well as some internal injuries, due to which she fell into a coma. The doctors said that they have no clue when she can wake up, but Frank didn't lose hope.
He visited her every day and told stories about their past. On their wedding anniversary, he showed her the album of their wedding day, and she slowly began to move her lips. She began to gain consciousness, and after a few weeks, she finally woke up and recovered. This tells us that true love never dies and conquers everything.
17. Ultimate LoveA girl and a boy were best friends, but the boy had feelings for the girl. However, he didn't have the courage to tell her. One fine day, he decided to tell the girl that he had fallen for her. He made up his mind that even if she didn't love him, he would ask her to be friends with him. He met her in the evening, and after a long silence, told her that he wanted to talk about something.
"I also want to talk about something", she replied.
"Ok, you go first", said the boy. "I am in love with a guy, but he has no clue about it," she exclaimed. His jaw dropped, and his heart skipped a beat. He calmed himself down, and asked, "That's great to hear! Who is he?"
She replied, "You know him because you know all of my friends. I have written his name on this piece of paper."
With a heavy heart, he took that paper and went back home, tears still falling from his eyes. When he reached home, he pulled out that piece of paper and was going to throw it away, when he saw that the name she had written was his. He smiled and immediately called the girl to tell her how much he loved her.
18. Online LoveThey met online on an app. The lady was an introvert, and he was an extrovert. Both of them shared different likes and dislikes, yet they found comfort in talking with each other. As they started to get to know more about each other, they realized that they had more in common than they realized. They started falling in love with each other, and couldn't spend even a day without talking to each other. The only constraint they felt was distance, and so one day, they decided to meet one another.
They both met and bonded over a cup of tea. As they left, they both promised each other to talk every day and never leave each other's hands. Soon, the man relocated to her city, and they moved in together and lived happily ever after.
19. The Tale of Pure LoveA boy was single and looking for love, and a girl was single,and she was also looking for a connection. One day, they met at a party, and then they weren't single anymore. Was it a mere coincidence? No, it was Cupid at work!
20. The Blind Girl
Once, there was a girl and a boy who were madly in love with each other. The girl was blind, and the boy took proper care of her. She really wished she could see him and had an image of his looks in her mind.
One day, she received news that made her jump with joy, she got to know that her parents have finally found an eye donor for her. She was eager for the operation to get done and see the world and the love of her life. Once the operation was done, she saw her man standing in front of her, and felt excited to see him for the first time. It was at that moment that she learned her eyes had been donated by him so that she could see.
21. The Hidden LoveMaria and Eric had been married for 15 years, and after all these years, the spark in their relationship had gone. The couple didn't go out for candlelight dinners, movies, or shopping. Eric used to be very busy with his work and couldn't even bring gifts for her on their wedding anniversary. Maria tried to make him understand that they need to rekindle their romance, but he used to shut her up by saying that whatever he is doing is for both of them. She stopped saying anything after that.
Once, Eric had to go to New York for a business meeting, and he couldn't even spare five minutes to speak with Maria. She packed his suitcase and bid him farewell. Once Eric reached his hotel in NYC, he opened his bag and found a file that he needed for the meeting. With that file, there was a pink envelope in which their family photo was put with both of them happy and smiling. It made him go back to his past memories. It also had a note that read, "I know you are busy with your work, but I miss you every day, my honey bear." He realized his mistake and on his way back, he bought a pair of earrings and his wife's favorite chocolates. Maria was super- duper happy to receive the gifts. After all, the love was never lost, just hidden deep inside their hearts.
22. The Pet DogOnce there was a woman who loved pet dogs but couldn't keep them because her husband was scared of dogs as he once got badly bitten by one. Her husband also didn't like the fact that she is not able to have a cute dog because of him, but as he was highly scared of them, he couldn't muster the courage to have one at their home.
Once, a woman was walking in a park when she saw a cute, little puppy shivering in the cold. Her heart went out to it, she removed her jacket, and wrapped it all over the pup. She brought the puppy home, fed it, and put it to sleep. She also said to the pup, "Don't make any noise, or my husband will get to know about you."
At night, when the man came into the house, he could sense something fishy as she was all over the place. At night, when he heard barking, he went to the room where the pup was sleeping and got a bit scared. But soon he became aware of the fact that his wife loves pets so much, and woke her up saying the pup needs her.
The woman asked him to caress the pup and that it won't harm him. He lent his hand towards the pup, and it started sniffing and licking his fingers softly. Soon, his fear vanished away, and the pup became their new family member. The man on his wife's next birthday gifted another pup to her, and they all lived together as a happy family.
Liam was an introvert and his wife, Emma, was an extrovert. He loved staying back at home, and she rejuvenated herself by going out and meeting people. People thought they would be a difficult match, and they won't last forever. But they did because their love for each other was greater than the differences in their personalities.
They used to take interest in each other's hobbies – Liam used to go out and attend parties sometimes, and Emma used to stay back at home and watch a movie from the comfort of their home sometimes. Together, they found a way to channelize their energy into something positive and find a common ground to enjoy each other's company. Their story teaches us that with love, we can cross any hurdle to stay happy.
24. The PhotographOne lovely morning, a man took a photograph of his wife after she woke up.
"Why did you click my picture like this? I don't look good when I have just woken up" she said.
He smiled and answered, "You are the prettiest woman for me, and I want to show my kids that their mommy is beautiful without makeup. Their mommy is the perfect woman on Earth."
To this, she smiled and they both kissed each other.
25. The HugOne day, a girl went to his boyfriend's place to visit him. The guy had a pet dog, and she was scared of the pet, which is why he always used to put the pet on a leash whenever she visited him. But, this time, he kept the dog without a leash, and when she entered, the dog went up to her. She was scared and hugged her boyfriend tight. The naughty trick worked for him.
These were some of the best bedtime stories for your girlfriend. Read these amazing romantic stories to her and make her believe in the power of true love all over again. This activity will also strengthen your bond and bring you two closer together.
ALSO READ: Best 25 Love Letters for Wife That Will Melt Her Heart
Good night Love "Love Stories" Lyrics of the Accord
Popular songs for guitar
"Love Stories"
__ Lyrics
_ _ Recommended drawing:
(in tonality AM)
Introduction: Am G F Dm C E7
_AM am/g f f/e dm/dm6/h e7
_AM am/g f f f/e
River Luna flies into the house
_dm dm/c dm6/h e7
but not up to sleep . .. We will understand later
Who was wrong, the night will judge
Leave the keys when you leave.
Nobody believes words, nobody believes tears,
_ _ . . . _Dm .
_AM am/g f f/e
Chorus: good night, love, and goodbye, dream
_dm dm/c dm6/h e7
_ _naver, you are not ready to stay here forever
_ _The only a few words save us sometimes
_ _ _Good night, love, and goodbye, dream.
I am looking for the missing light in my eyes,
Fragments of phrases will leave a trace.
The sand in the clock froze at the bottom,
At least in dreams come back to me.
No one believes words, no one believes tears,
A simple plot of ordinary melodramas.
(in original key)
Intro: Dm C B Gm(VI) F(V) A70015
_dm dm/c b/a
River Luna flies into the house
_ _gm Gm/F Gm/E A7
But not up to sleep . .. We will understand then
who was wrong, judge the night
Keys, leave the keys when you leave.
_ _B B7/A
Nobody believes in words, no one believes in tears,
_ _gm a7
A simple plot of ordinary melodramas.
_dm dm/c b/a
Chorus: good night, love, and goodbye, dream
_ _gm gm/f gm/e7
_ _naver, you are not ready to stay here forever
_ _Vue only a few words save us sometimes
Good night, love, and goodbye, dream.
Love stories - Good night love. Selection of chords for the blind
Love stories - Good night, love. Chord selection for the blindMenu: song search, favorites, regular version
MP3 song player:
play/pause (NUM8 key),
from beginning (double press NUM8)
Line-by-line reader:
start from the beginning (double press NUM5),
previous line (NUM4 key),
repeat current line (NUM5 key),
next line (NUM6 key),
listen to chord fingerings in the current line (NUM2 key )
Lyrics with chords:
Dm C Dm C A# The moon will flow into the house like a river, Am Gm F Gm A But not before sleep, we'll understand later.Dm C A# Who was wrong, the night will judge. Am Gm F Gm A Leave the keys when you leave. A# Nobody believes the words Dm Nobody believes in tears Gm A A simple plot of ordinary melodramas. Chorus: Dm C Good night, love, A#F Goodbye dream. Gm F Probably you are not ready Gm A Stay here forever. Dm C Just a few words A#F Save us sometimes. Gm F Good night, love, Gm A Goodbye dream. Looking for the lost light in my eyes Shards of phrases will leave a trace. The sand in the clock froze at the bottom, At least in dreams come back to me. Nobody believes the words Nobody believes in tears A simple plot of ordinary melodramas. Chorus: Good night, love, Goodbye dream. Probably you are not ready Stay here forever. Just a few words (stay) Save us sometimes (stay). Goodnight love (stay) And goodbye, dream (stay). Solo. Good night, love... Chorus: Good night, love, Goodbye dream. Probably you are not ready Stay here forever. Just a few words Save us sometimes.