Good sight word
Top 100 Sight Words and How to Teach Them
Sight words is a common term in reading that has a variety of meanings. When it is applied to early reading instruction, it typically refers to the set of about 100 words that keeps reappearing on almost any page of text. “Who, the, he, were, does, their, me, be” are a few examples.
In addition to their being very frequent, many of these words cannot be “sounded out.” Children are expected to learn them by sight (that is, by looking at them and recognizing them, without any attempt to sound them out.)
Unfortunately, this means minimal teaching. Often, little is done other than to show the word and tell the child what it is “saying.” For many children, this is not enough, with the result that their reading of these critical words is laden with error.
What does this mean for parents who are helping their children master reading? Basically it means spending some time in truly teaching these words so that your child gains real mastery of them. The key to achieving this goal is accurate writing (spelling)—via memory. That is, the child writes the word when the model is not in view.
You can do this by creating simple sentences that the child reads. (By using sentences, you will automatically be using many “sight words.” In addition, you will be giving your child the opportunity to deal with words in context—a key to meaningful reading) After showing the sentence and having your child read it, turn it over and then dictate the sentence. If there is an error, you immediately stop your child and take away the paper. Then you show the model again and repeat the process. In other words, the writing of the sentence has to be fully accurate, starting with the first word.
If you want a list of those words to help guide your efforts, here is the top 100 according to the American Heritage Word Frequency Book by John B. Carroll.
A: a, an, at, are, as, at, and, all, about, after
B: be, by, but, been
C: can, could, called
D: did, down, do
E: each
F: from, first, find, for
H: he, his, had, how, has, her, have, him
I: in, I, if, into, is, it, its
J: just
K: know
L: like, long, little
M: my, made, may, make, more, many, most,
N: not, no, now
O: or, one, of, out, other, over, only, on
P: people
S: said, she, some, so, see
T: the, to, they, this, there, them, then, these, two, time, than, that, their
U: up, use
V: very
W: was, with, what, were, when, we, which, will, would, words, where, water, who, way
Y: you, your
Click here to download our Recommended Top 100 Sight Words.
Literacy and reading expert, Dr. Marion Blank
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The Best Sight Word Videos that will Engage Every Student
Videos are a truly engaging way to teach and reinforce skills that require a ton of repetition and practice to master. When I think lots of repetition: I think SIGHT WORDS. Can we ever have enough practice? I rounded up the best sight word videos so that you don’t have to!
Quickly recognizing and reading sight words and high frequency words is such an important skill for new readers. The most common 100 sight words make up 50% of any text! For our new readers, that percentage is much, much higher.
Teaching sight words and high frequency words can be challenging because it requires so much repetition.
We practice and practice (and practice some more), and even then, some students still don’t quite grasp it.
Then one day, as if a switch has been turned on, they remember them! It’s kind of a magical process. 🦄
But I know it can be exhausting (and frustrating), too. These videos are meant to supplement other sight word instruction to add another layer to your instruction. No matter what list you use, there are videos here to help you out. 👏
Note: Did you know there is a difference between sight words and high frequency words? You can read more about that here!
Miss Molly’s Sight Word Videos Playlist
I think of Miss Molly as the queen of sight word videos. ? This playlist has SEVENTY ONE sight word songs! 😳🥳
Each one covers a different sight word. Each video says the word and spells it several times. It also puts the word into several sentences with visuals.
I especially love these videos because the music is very calming so it won’t hype kids up. 😅 Miss Molly is a go-to for me in my classroom!
Heidi Songs Sight Word Videos Playlist
Like Miss Molly, Heidi Songs has a ton of sight word videos. This playlist has 32 sight words songs that students enjoy to sing and dance along with.
The videos spell the word, say the word alone and in a sentence several times. There are fun actions that go along with the words and they are very catchy. (So catchy, you may find yourself lying awake at night with them running through your head. 🤪)
Meet the Sight Words
Preschool Prep Company has several sight word videos on YouTube that my students really enjoy. The one I have linked is a 30 minute video that I show in pieces as we learn new words in my classroom. It introduces and reinforces several of the most common sight words.
Each word has a short video that lasts about 45 seconds. The letters of the word make up part of the picture and are characters in the shorts story. While the word is said over and over again, it is never spelled out verbally or put into a sentence.
I build understanding by asking my students why the word is doing that action or in that place. In that way, this video is more of an interactive experience in my classroom.
For example, the word “play” is playing baseball. Students can make the connection between the word and what it is doing. I also ask them to look at the word and spell it.
The Sight Word Song
Harry Kindergarten’s sight word song is a favorite for many. The song is catchy, it spells the word and reads it.
This song covers many of the most common sight words so students get the repetition that will help them memorize the words. My kids love, love, love to sing along with this song.
New Sight Words with Jack Hartmann
This Jack Hartmann videos shows the letters, says them and then says the word. It pauses the second time through so that students have the chance to read the word on their own.
Kids love this silly video and it’s catchy tune. They will have the words in it memorized in no time!
Sight Word Rap with Jack Hartmann
This Jack Hartmann video is similar to the previous one but with a different tune and different words! He says the letters and then reads the words. It says the word several times as the word flashes on the screen giving great repetition.
If you students are like mine, they will think Jack Hartmann “rapping” is HILARIOUS and super silly. They’ll also pick it up really quick and rap it back and forth to each other. 😅
Kindergarten High Frequency Words
I think this video is a.dor.a.ble. It is a teacher made video with students reading a word and then saying it in a sentence. The words are on the screen as well so students can see them.
My students LOVE hearing other kids reading to them. The first time we watched this video, they were in awe. When I told them we could make a video just like it, they were super excited.
We made our own video in the spring once we had a good handle on many sight words. Each student chose a word and created a simple sentence for them. I typed each word and sentence on it’s own slide in a powerpoint.
If you want to make a video like this, it is really easy! All you have to do is create a powerpoint, video the powerpoint and let the students read the words.
This list of videos includes many of my student’s favorite videos as well as channels that have tons of videos for individual sight words. Did I include your favorite? Let me know below! 👇
Do you need hands on practice for your students, too? I know the lists of words and number that need to be memorized varies hugely from district to district and from state to state.
That’s why I created this super magical resource! These Editable Sight Word Printables can be customized to any list without any formatting or special fonts downloaded. All you do is type your words and 10 different activities are immediately generated! Like I said: magical! 🦄
Synonyms and antonyms "vision" - analysis and associations to the word vision.

- Translation
- Associations
- Anagrams
- Antonyms
- Synonyms
- Hypernyms
- Morphological analysis
- Declensions
- Conjugations
Translation of the word sight
We offer you a translation of the word sight into English, German and French. nine0025 Implemented using the Yandex.Dictionary service
- English
- German
- French
- view - look, vision, eye
- point of view
- eye examination
- eyesight
- poor eyesight
- visual
- visual organ
- Sehkraft - eye
- Sehvermogen
- nine0040 Augenlicht
- Visus - visual acuity
- Sehen - Vision
- Gesichtssinn - sense of sight
- Gesicht - Vision
- nine0109
Hypernyms of the word vision
- ability feeling
Hyponyms of the word vision
- kosina
Scope of the word vision
MedicineGeneral vocabularyTechnologyProgrammingDiplomatic term
Morphological analysis (part of speech) of the word vision
Part of speech:
Noun declension vision
Pa 7 Pa 7
Question Unit Mn. number
Nominative (who, what?) vision vision Genitive (who, what?) view visions Dative (to whom, what?) vision vision Accusative (who, what?) vision vision Creative (by whom, what?) sighted visions Prepositional (about whom, about what?) vision vision Sight sentences
Please help our robot to recognize the mistakes. There are still a lot of them, but with your help they will become much less. Here are some suggestions he made.
1. Normal vision is definitely a thing of the past
2. Deprived of sight foolishly allowed before an early death
0 nine0028
Meaning, Definition, Suggestions .
What is good vision
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The meaning of the word "GOOD"
Positive in quality, quite satisfactory, as it should be;.
See all meanings of the word GOOD
Meaning of the word "VISION"
One of the five external senses, the organ of which is the eye; the ability to see.
See all meanings of VISION
Sentences with "good vision"0024 If we want to make a good drawing, we must have good eyesight, see and observe, learn to compare things and have a rich imagination.
And to be honest, my eyesight is not very good.
True, Georges, unfortunately, does not have very good eyesight.
I repeat: my eyesight is not as good as before; again, it was quite dark, and besides, I did not look closely. nine0028
If he can make bad eyesight almost blind to be able to see, can't he make good eyesight into very good eyesight?
The shepherd boy must have had very good eyesight to count the number of nails in his winter boots!
River dolphins have very small eyes for their size and their eyesight is not very good.
Other results Yes, it's true, peripheral vision is even too good.
You know, rats have poor eyesight but a very good sense of smell.
They had relatively good daytime vision and large brains compared to other lemurs.
Bony fish that live in shallow water tend to have good color vision due to their life in a colorful environment.
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