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Why Scrabble Has Been The Most Brilliant Game With Friends
The game of Scrabble has been around for over seventy years and is still enjoyed by millions of people the world over. It’s a simple game, but one that can be extremely strategic, providing hours of fun for all players. Why has Scrabble has been so successful? Here are some reasons why it’s one of the most brilliant games with friends!
The History of ScrabbleScrabble was created in 1938 by Dr. Alfred Butts, a student at the University of Cambridge. Butts and his friends were looking for an easy game to play while drinking beers outdoors, and they came up with the idea of creating a board game that consisted of 26 tiles. The tiles were originally designed to spell words, but over time people began to create more complex boards and games were born.
The popularity of Scrabble grew rapidly, and in 1949 Butts sold the rights to the game to a company called J. W. Spear & Sons Ltd. In 1963, Milton Bradley Company acquired Spear & Sons Ltd., and they continue to manufacture Scrabble today.
The Many Variations of Scrabble
There are many variations of Scrabble available today, including Junior Scrabble, Word Scraper, Crossword scraper, and even a board game called Crokinole! Each variation has its own set of rules and is designed for a specific audience (e.g., Junior Scrabble is meant for children aged 6-10).
The Importance of Vocabulary in Scrabble
One of the main reasons why Scrabble has been so popular over the years is that it is incredibly challenging and fun to play with friends.
What Makes Scrabble So Good?There Are Many Ways To Play
Unlike other games where players must follow a set pattern in order to win, Scrabble allows for a lot of creativity and flexibility. Players can create their own scrabble words and strategies, making the game infinitely replayable. There’s virtually no way to lose, which makes it an excellent game to play with friends.
It’s Relatively Easy To Learn But Difficult To Master
Scrabble is one of the easiest games to learn, but it can be quite challenging to become a skilled player. The rules are simple enough that even beginners can understand them, but complex enough that experts will have a lot of fun playing them. This makes it both accessible and exciting for all kinds of players.
It Can Be Played Anywhere And With Anyone
No matter where you are or who you’re with, you can always enjoy a game of Scrabble. The game is portable and easy to play, so it can be enjoyed anywhere there are people willing to play. Plus, because the rules are so simple, even children can easily enjoy the game without feeling intimidated or lost.
How Do You Play Scrabble?Scrabble is a board game, as well as a popular word game, that can be played with two to four players, and it is considered one of the most brilliant games with friends. The object of the game is to get all of your tiles off the board while blocking your opponents from doing the same.
There are several ways to play Scrabble, but the most common way to play is with Wordsmiths. Wordsmiths are players who know how to use all the letters in Scrabble, which gives them an advantage over other players. There are also Noobs who don’t know how to use all the letters in Scrabble, and they have to learn as they go along.
Another way to play Scrabble is with Crosswords. Crosswords are similar to Scrabble because they both require players to use all of their tiles and they both have a word list. However, Crosswords usually have more squares on the grid than Scrabble does, so it takes a bit longer for a player to make their move.
There is also trivia night, where players can compete against each other by answering questions about different aspects of Scrabble. Finally, there is always the option for people to host their own tournaments where everyone can come and compete for prizes.
Best Friends and Scrabble: Why It’s So Brilliant- It’s a social game that can be played by anyone, regardless of age or language barriers.
- There’s something about the mental challenge of scrabble that is just really satisfying.
- You can always make new friends by playing scrabble together!
- It’s a great way to stay active and keep your brain active – which is great for your health!
- Scrabble is also a great way to bond with your family and friends – it can be fun for everyone in the family!
- It never gets old – you can always pick up the game and play it again, no matter how long ago you last played it!
Scrabble has been around for over 100 years, and it is still one of the most popular board games with friends. There are many reasons why this game is so fun and engaging: the strategic gameplay, the different word choices, and the ability to build relationships over time make Scrabble a favorite pastime for many people. Whether you’re looking for an enjoyable way to spend some quality time with your friends or you need a new challenge in your life, give Scrabble a try – you won’t regret it!
Is Children’s Online Gaming a Gambling Addiction Waiting to Happen?
The e-gaming market has grown rapidly in recent years, thanks to more potential for digitization and improved accessibility and OEMs, focused on innovation and cost.
But this has led to some unexpected issues that affect individuals, especially kids. With technology being such an important aspect of everyone’s lives, the gaming business is also thriving.
In terms of revenue, the video game market has more than doubled in the last five years and is expected to exceed $221 billion by the end of 2022. However, players are mainly concerned about mobile gaming, which will account for 80% of total revenue contribution.
Why Mobile Gaming has Become So Popular?Gaming PCs and consoles like the Xbox or Sony PlayStation are still considered a luxury in many homes. On the contrary, playing games on your phone is less expensive. It facilitates newcomers’ integration into the ecosystem. The same games that run on high-end specialized gaming phones and flagship smartphones are also accessible on budget and mid-range phones with decreased graphic and framerate settings.
Portability is more important to the gamers of this generation than performance. While PCs offer higher graphics and performance, cell phones will always outperform PCs in terms of mobility and portability. Because of the pandemic, there has also been a worldwide scarcity of graphics cards. The issue has had a significant impact on the entire supply chain.
Because mobile phones are not upgradeable nor have hardware that can be customized, they provide the convenience of not having to upgrade every few years. Smartphones have become more affordable and now include strong technology capable of running games with moderate to high system needs.
It has increased the accessibility of more immersive games to the general population. Qualcomm Vice President and President Rajen Vagadia claim that the company has had to update its GPUs (graphics processing units) over 700 times in the last 12 years due to user demand. This means that even smartphone GPUs have seen so much advancement that they can run most games without any performance issues.
Smartphones have also become a lot speedier in a short amount of time, especially considering that Android and iOS devices are not even two decades old. Mobile graphics, immersive gameplay, performance, and cloud-based gaming services have all experienced significant improvements. All while maintaining ease of entry for gamers.
All of these factors have made mobile gaming popular over the last few years. And unsurprisingly the majority of gamers now consider smartphones as their preferred device for gaming.
What Problems Arise Due to Online Gaming?Because of the advent of mobile gaming and the removal of restraints such as a big PC or console, young gamers may now take advantage of this vast industry. However, several of these games, particularly those geared at children, have raised security concerns. There appears to be no answer in sight for parents who want to monitor what their children are doing on their phones.
Children necessitate the aid of their parents or guardians. They will encounter cyberbullying and online harassment whether they use their phones for gaming or surfing the Internet. If they perform poorly in-game, many players are verbally harassed and intimidated.
It is really concerning, especially for young children who are unprepared for such risks. They are unsure how to respond to such threats. They keep these concerns hidden deep within themselves and are afraid to address them with anyone because they fear they might feel it’s their fault they got targeted.
Then there is the issue of blatant sexism and sexual harassment of female gamers. Guys when realize they are playing with or against a female will automatically assume they are bad at the game and pass off offensive remarks and disguise them as just teasing or fooling around. They will remark on things along the line that they should be doing house chores instead of gaming.
They will also pass off lewd comments about their voice and sex and make them purposefully uncomfortable. Similarly, if the person, is gay or of a different race, they will comment on their sexuality and race and be toxic on purpose just to seem cool. Homophobic and racist remarks are sadly still a major point of contention and something that is still not abdicated.
Even the monetization system of these games is very obnoxious and in your face. The loot crate system in games like Fortnite, Overwatch, and Elder Scrolls Online attracts young kids to spend money on cosmetic items so they can impress their friends with cool new skins for their characters and weapons. EU considers this gambling and has even banned games like these in the past.
Remember the Counter-Strike gambling fiasco a few years back? A few YouTubers were pushing a gambling website where you could use real money to win Counter-Strike in-game cosmetics. Because children are unaware of the consequences and addiction linked with gambling, it made quite a commotion in the media.
What Can Parents Do?Parents can use the most recent technology breakthroughs to provide immediate aid if they fear their child’s online safety is at risk. To protect their children’s online gaming and mobile gaming experience, parents can use a phone monitoring tool. XNSPY is one such example. It is a dependable remote monitoring solution that is compatible with iOS and Android and can make the internet a safe place for kids.
To keep check of their children’s phone activity, parents can use XNSPY’s remote screen monitoring service. Furthermore, the application prevents children from viewing potentially dangerous websites and online gaming platforms. XNSPY’s advanced tracking capabilities safeguard users against online fraud and malware attacks.
Since most of these attacks can also occur in online games, the program assists parents in tracking their children’s mobile games so that they do not fall victim to similar scams, harassment, or bullying which has become increasingly common over the past few years. Parents can use the app blocker function found in the XNSPY app and block the apps that have a bad reputation for cultivating a toxic gaming environment.
Gaming has long been popular among youth and as technology advances, it is getting easier for phone users to download and play games on their cell phones. The number of online mobile gaming apps has increased significantly because developers and OEMs know it is a gold mine and they are taking full advantage of it by doing the minimum effort.
They will continue to monetize their games with greedy loot crates and pointless cosmetics because they are easy to generate and they can recycle the same content and remodel game assets over and over again.
Cybercrime is becoming increasingly common, especially with the availability of these games on mobile phones. The majority of children are still overly reliant on their parents to monitor what they are exposed to online.
Fortunately, with monitoring apps in the mix and proper Internet safety guidelines, parents may breathe a sigh of relief when it comes to protecting their children’s internet activities and gaming habits. They now have something to safeguard their kids from the never-ending trend of global eSports and smartphone gaming.
3 Ways to Encourage Your Child’s Social Life Without Social Media
Social media has become the main way adults and children alike socialize in today’s world. While it can be a tool to connect with others, social media can also hinder our social lives, especially for our kids. Children need in-person interaction to develop healthy social skills and engage in physical activity.
Regular social media interactions also leave your child more susceptible to cyberbullying or encountering inappropriate websites, which could damage their emotional health and development.
Social media can provide some good. It helps your child stay updated with technology and enables them to participate in online games and discussions with kids like them worldwide. This can help them learn and grow without isolating themselves from other people. However, this is best supervised and limited or your child could experience the unsavory side effects of those activities.
You want your child to be safe, and their online safety is a part of making that happen. One of the best ways to ensure this is to make sure they know the best ways to interact online. Teach them never to give out their personal information or use a credit card without your permission. They should also never use their full name in chat threads or lie about their age when trying to enter a website, regardless of whether their friends use it.
One of the best ways to keep your kids safe online is by experiencing the websites they go on yourself. The more you know about a platform your child visits, the more secure you will feel about their interaction with it.
No matter how kids use social media, a lack of activities outside the web can harm their physical, mental and emotional health. Living their life solely online can lead to social awkwardness and isolation as they grow into adults. It can also cause communication breakdowns since they don’t learn how to respond to body language and other physical cues.
Here are three ways to develop your child’s social life without screens.
1. Get Them Involved in Extracurricular ActivitiesAs your child grows, they will develop interests and personality traits suited for various activities. Encourage them to get involved in a club or sport they’re interested in.
They can get exercise by playing basketball, swimming or hiking, dig into their academic interests by joining a math team or history club, or experience their media hobbies in new ways by playing cards and board games regularly with friends.
Many activities take place on weeknights, giving them something positive to do after school away from the computer.
Interacting with others lets them practice the social skills they will need in adult life, such as having in-person conversations, resolving physical and emotional conflicts, moving their body, and getting fresh air. Other abilities include learning about keeping on schedule and making commitments, which can be much more flexible online than in the real world.
Your child’s mental health is just as important as their physical health, so it’s necessary to nurture it the same.
Children who struggle mentally are less able to engage in interpersonal situations, leaving them feeling isolated and unfit for their activities. Poor mental health also affects their mood, making them appear annoyed or hostile to other kids. These social struggles can be one major reason why kids rely on online social spaces, rather than in-person.
Teach your children the importance of mental health and how they should talk about any thoughts or feelings that bother them. Assure them that getting specialized care is the same as treating a physical illness and nothing to feel embarrassed about.
The more age-appropriate knowledge they have about their mental health, the less likely they will try to bottle up their emotions or engage in unhealthy habits.
You can support your child’s mental health by encouraging healthy relationship with social media, healthy eating, exercising, and talking openly about feelings without yelling or judging. Ensure they can identify when they are struggling and help them find safe individuals to speak with if they are too embarrassed to talk to you about a situation.
3. Be An ExampleYou are your child’s biggest example of how to interact with the world, so it’s important to model positive behaviors for them.
Be active and participate in social activities outside of your work or phone. Treat others respectfully, set appropriate boundaries and limit your screen time.
Your children can also learn how to interact with peers by practicing similar interactions with you, so have fun together. Doing enjoyable things with your child can help you bond and show them how someone who loves and respects them should treat them. All these things help them decide who they will be as an adult.
Your child has unique interests and hobbies. They may find similar peers and activities online, but it’s important to encourage social interactions away from the screen. Helping them learn in-person communication as a child sets them up to be happy, productive adults.
Author bio:
Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of women’s lifestyle magazine, Revivalist. She strives to live a happy and healthy life with her family by her side.
Follow Cora on Facebook and LinkedIn.
How To Set Parental Controls For In-App Purchases
Ensuring your child is safe online doesn’t just mean protecting them from other users. Apps can provide your child with tempting offers of additional features and tokens, encouraging them to spend money. Keep reading to learn how to set parental controls for in-app purchases and keep your child safe online. Don’t miss out on this crucial information.
What Are In-App Purchases?
In-app purchases are a clever marketing strategy for app creators. They allow you to purchase additional features within an app that make using the app more accessible. In-app purchases come in different forms:
- Subscriptions – an example of an in-app subscription purchase would apply to services like Netflix, Spotify, and Amazon prime. For an additional fee, you can subscribe to a premium service by adding to your monthly payments. If you use these applications in your home, your child might subscribe to a premium service and add to your monthly bill without your knowledge.
- Unlocking permanent non-consumable features – some apps allow you to upgrade the features and access more in your plan with a paid upgrade, like unlocking the whole game after a free trial.
- Consumable purchases – many consumable purchases include tokens and lives or spendable in-game currencies.
Consumable purchases can rack up a hefty bill if you’re not on top of your in-app purchase controls.
Now that you know some in-app purchases to look out for, you can begin listing all of the apps and games your child accesses and setting parental controls for these applications.
The Dangers Of In-App Purchases
In-app purchases can be tricky to resist. Often, you purchase an app for a specific purpose and download it only to find that you can’t use it properly without making an in-app purchase.
For children, in-app purchases are tricky to resist, such as purchasing a premium pass to access more of their favorite films and games. Or, your child might purchase lives or tokens to make a game more accessible and lose track of how many lives or tokens they have purchased.
Children are especially vulnerable to in-app purchases, as many do not yet know the actual value of money and can intentionally rack up a hefty bill without your consent.
How To Set Parental Controls For In-App Purchases
Disabling in-app purchases work differently depending on which app or device your child uses. Below you’ll find a list of different platforms and how to disable in-app purchases.
iOS Apple
In the settings menu, there will be an option called ‘screen time’. Here, you can specify that this phone is your child’s phone. This will allow you to set a parental password and place your child’s content and privacy restrictions. You will also have the option to restrict iPhone and Apple Store purchases in this section.
Android primarily operates using Google Play for app purchases. To restrict in-app purchases on an Android phone, you should enter the Google Play settings and select the ‘user controls’ option. Then, you can set a pin for purchases. So long as you do not share this pin with your child, this will mean that they need your consent for any purchases they make on their phone.
As a side note, Android TV Boxes also feature options for parental controls and anti-virus options, so if your children are using them for streaming to a big screen, be sure to set them up correctly.
Games Consoles
Whether your kids are glued to their Xbox, Nintendo, playstation, or one of the lesser known consoles such as the Evercade, or the Atari VCS, you’ll want to rest in the knowledge that they’re enjoying their games safely.
For additional controls for your child’s games consoles you should be able to amend this via the Account Settings menu to set more advanced permissions for your child’s activity.
Educating Your Child About In-App Purchases
In addition to setting parental controls, educating your child about the dangers of in-app purchases and why they must avoid them could be beneficial. Teaching your child the value of money will help them take online spending seriously. In-app purchases can be highly compelling and manipulative, and even older adults can succumb to their appeal. Teaching your child that these kinds of purchases are dangerous will go a long way in establishing their financial awareness for the future.
Implement Parental Control Software
Many parental control tools can help you keep your child safe online and monitor their activity. You can block your child from specific applications and see what they’re accessing on the internet. Of course, you should not use this kind of software to invade your child’s privacy, only to ensure that they are not cyberbullied and that they are not spending money on in-app purchases or revealing personal information to strangers.
Allowing your child to access the internet can be highly frightening for parents. Not only is your child vulnerable to online predators, but they can be preyed upon by companies offering persuasive in-app purchases.
By implementing parental controls, you can be confident that your child cannot spend money online without your permission – which will be a massive weight off your back. You might consider using parental control software if you want to monitor your child’s online activity and set parental controls across all applications.
Education Archives | Safe Search Kids
Nothing is more stressful than finding out that your kid has failed school. Despite learning something, it feels like a year’s worth of effort and time wasted. And the shame accompanying the incident is even more difficult to handle. But, if the year hasn’t come to an end, there’s still time. You can do a lot to help your child. Read more to know exactly what!
According to a reputable Math tutor, the first thing any parent should do is identify the root of the problem. What is causing your child to fail at school?
If you know what is troubling your child, you can find ways to solve it and get your child back on track before the academic session ends. Here are a few common reasons why kids fail school:
- Difficult Studies
Mathematical concepts and physics theories become difficult with time. It’s impossible to deny this fact. And this is not because the school wants your child to fail (trust us, they haven’t bewitched the curriculum so that no child passes!).
It’s because every child has a different pace of learning. Some kids are born with high intellect, while some improve it as they grow up. The latter has to adopt a growth mindset and work consistently to compete with naturally intelligent ones.
So, it’s okay if your child finds the studies too challenging. With a little assistance, he will improve too, and perform better.
Some children simply don’t have the motivation and willpower to study anything at school. They will engage in daydreaming and zoning out. At times, they would forget their learning supplies and make excuses to go out of class.
Meanwhile, some children are willing to study. But when confusion strikes them, they don’t have enough confidence to consider their query valid and ask it. They’re afraid to look dumb and wrong in front of their teachers.
- Personal Issues
Disturbing home conditions and peer pressure are some other reasons why a child might fail school. These events deviate the attention of the child from studies to internal conflicts. He feels anxious, stressed, and distressed.
Mental health issues are becoming increasingly common today. These include depression, anxiety, and even ADHD. Since these problems don’t have physical symptoms, it’s hard to diagnose them. Poor academic performance can be a consequence of these issues.
Discuss the Matter With Your ChildThe second step in understanding your child’s problems is to discuss the matter with him directly. Remember that a doctor isn’t able to provide a diagnosis unless the patient tells him the symptoms and issues.
So, to make your analysis correct, speak to your child and listen to what he thinks is the problem. But be a little careful in how you ask the questions. Don’t ask why questions, instead ask what questions.
The why questions invite your child to make excuses and give incorrect explanations for their behavior. And there’s nothing to blame them for. Chances are that they don’t understand why this is happening to them either.
Once you’ve discussed this with the child, contact the school teachers and staff privately. It’s best if the matter is completely hidden from your child or his peers. Otherwise, he might feel embarrassed by the whole affair.
Investigate the problem further with the teachers. Ask them about the child’s behavior and actions. Does he miss classes on purpose? Are his friends being a bad influence?
Find Suitable SolutionsBy now, you should have a clear picture of the cause behind your child failing school. It’s time to find a suitable solution. A few suggestions include:
- Seek external support – if your child is struggling with difficult subjects, enroll him in a tuition academy. These extra classes will give your child the individual attention and help needed.
- Adopt a positive attitude towards studies – children behave how we teach them to behave.
If your child is slacking on studies because it makes him appear cool or he thinks they are unnecessary, it’s better to fix your attitude first. Show your kid how academics are useful in daily life like math is important for finance management.
- Encourage the effort – teach your child that things can change with the right efforts and approach. Not everyone is born intelligent, but there is always room for growth.
- Consult a medical professional – if none of the problems seem to justify the failing grades, visit an expert to check for mental health concerns.
Last but most importantly, be gentle and patient with your child. Failing school is not the end of the world. Instead of pressurizing your child to do better, help them figure out the problem and fix it together.
Main page | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO and the SDGs
FAO supports governments and partners in developing policies and programs to eradicate hunger, promote food security and promote sustainable agriculture for millions of people around the world.
Hover over the SDG icon for more information
A world free of hunger and malnutrition, where food and agriculture boost standard of living for all
FAO is working with governments and partners to empower some of the most disadvantaged people in the world.
FAO is working with governments and partners to empower some the most disadvantaged people in the world. nine0005
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FAO helps ensure food security by developing production methods food that will prevent hunger for millions of people around the world.
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Good health starts with nutrition. FAO develops global standards and works with governments and the private sector to ensure food quality and safety throughout the food chain. nine0005
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FAO invests in education systems for rural communities and supports expansion access to primary education and school meals to create equal opportunities and chances of lifelong learning.
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FAO supports gender equality in the agricultural sector to improve nutrition local communities and increase agricultural productivity. nine0005
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FAO works with governments to ensure more efficient, equitable and environmentally friendly use of water resources in agriculture.
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FAO promotes the use of renewable energy and works to ensure access to modern energy services throughout the food chain.
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FAO is committed to improving economic opportunities for all by investing in sustainable agriculture and food systems to reduce inequalities and create decent jobs. nine0005
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FAO is committed to securing the future of rural communities through investment in transport, irrigation and storage systems; and communications technology.
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FAO is working with countries and partners to ensure small farmers have access to markets, creating employment opportunities in rural areas and providing access to natural resources of the most vulnerable segments of the population. nine0005
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FAO works to improve urban health, improve water quality and urban food systems to prevent negative impacts urbanization.
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FAO in collaboration with international organizations, the private sector and civil society society coordinates major global initiatives and projects to address problems of food waste and losses. nine0005
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FAO is helping countries respond to the threats of climate change through providing recommendations, data and tools to improve agricultural policies and practices.
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FAO is working with governments and fishing communities to implement best practices in fisheries to protect the oceans as our livelihoods. nine0005
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FAO promotes sustainable approaches to managing natural resources and supports initiatives that contribute to the balance of initiatives in the field of conservation and development.
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FAO plays an important role in the peace process, restoration of livelihoods rural population, increasing resilience to external influences and the ability to quickly recovery, governance and approaches to policy development. nine0005
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FAO acts as a neutral forum for policy making and develops partnerships with all stakeholders in food and agriculture economy by the parties in order to create a world of free from hunger.
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Find out more
Annual Review of the Funding Situation
With continued trust and growing financial support from resource partners, FAO is working to end hunger and poverty around the world.
FAO Strategic Framework
Explore FAO's vision for a sustainable world free of hunger for all in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. nine0005
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems
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Answers to popular questions
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What is an introductory lesson?
At the introductory lesson, the tutor will tell you what an online English school is, introduce you to the platform and help you determine the level and goals.
It's free and takes 30-40 minutes.
When can I take the introductory lesson?
You can get to know the school at any time convenient for you. To do this, just leave a request and sign up for a lesson. nine0005
What do you need to start learning English online?
All you need to study is a computer or phone with a microphone, camera and Internet access. Wherever you are - in Moscow, Kazan, Novosibirsk or Bali - an online English school will be at hand.
I can't come to class, what should I do?
It's okay, it happens! Students have the opportunity to cancel a lesson 8 hours before the scheduled time without losing payment. So you can reschedule it for a convenient time, and the teacher will have the opportunity to adjust the schedule.
I don't have much free time, will I have time to study?
Learn English at your own pace. We will select a convenient schedule and at any time we will help you change the schedule, take a break or adjust the program.
How long is one lesson?
The introductory meeting is 30-40 minutes long, all other lessons in the adult English course are 50 minutes long. nine0005
How to become a teacher?
Leave a request on the site and record a short audio interview about your experience. We will contact you by mail and tell you about the upcoming stages. Don't worry, first we will introduce you to our platform, then the facilitator will play the role of a student in your first class. After successfully passing the selection, you will be able to open the schedule and start teaching immediately.
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