How to create a tongue twister
How to Write a Tongue Twister – Kenn Nesbitt's
Tongue twisters are one of the most fun forms of wordplay for kids. The more challenging they are to speak, the more fun they can be. Most tongue twisters take one of three forms:
- Phrases that are hard to repeat several times in a row, such as “toy boat” or “unique New York.”
- Phrases or sentences that are hard to say, such as “she sells sea shells by the seashore” or “rubber baby buggy bumpers.”
- Poems like “Betty Botter” by Carolyn Wells.
You can create your own tongue twisters too. All you need is a pencil and paper, and a little imagination. Let me show you how.
Alliteration Tongue Twisters
The simplest form of tongue twister is one that simply uses alliteration, where the words you use all have the same first consonant sound. A classic example of this is:
Round the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran.
You’ll notice that most of the words in this sentence start with the letter “r. ” However, what makes the sentence a tongue twister is not just that the words start with the same consonant sound, but that they have different vowel sounds as well: “ow” in round, “uh” in rugged, “ah” in rock, and a short “a” in ragged, rascal, and ran. Moreover, “rugged” and “ragged” are so similar, that it’s easy to get them mixed up.
“Betty Botter” uses a similar technique.
Betty Botter bought some butter;
“But,” said she, “this butter’s bitter!
As you can see, this tongue twister poem uses alliteration with the letter “b” and also uses similar words like Botter, butter, and bitter, as well as Betty, bought, and but.
You can create your own alliterative tongue twister by following these steps:
- Pick a consonant.
- Write down as many words as you can think of that start with that letter. The more alike they sound, the better.
- Make up a sentence that uses as many of your words as possible.
For example, let’s say we use the letter “p.” Here are some words that start with “p”:
- Peter
- Potter
- Poodle
- Peanut butter
You could string these together like this:
Peter Potter put a poodle in his peanut butter.
Now it’s your turn. Pick a letter and see if you can think of a bunch of similar sounding words that you can string together into a sentence. Try this with several different letters and see which one is the hardest to say.
More Advanced Tongue Twisters
If you want to write more challenging tongue twisters – ones that are harder to speak without tripping up – here are a couple of things you can do:
Almost Alliteration
Find consonant letter combinations that are almost alliterative, but not quite, such as “c,” “cl,” and “cr.” For example, you might write something like this:
Cam crammed creamed clams in clean clam cans.
Another example is using the letters “s,” “th,” and “f,” as in this famous tongue twister:
Theophilus Thistle, the thistle sifter,
Sifted a sieve of unsifted thistles.
You could even make your own version of this one by finding other words with similar sounds. How about something like this?
My sister sifted thistles by the fistful.
Reversing Similar Sounds
Find words that sound almost the same, but reverse the positions of the letter sounds. This is why “she sells seashells by the seashore” is one of the most famous tongue twisters. Reversing the positions of “s” and “sh” in “she sells” and “sea shells” makes it difficult to say. I used this particular tongue twister for the basis of my poem “Shelley Sellers” from my book My Hippo Has the Hiccups.
For example, I wrote a poem called “Gabby Bought a Baby Beagle” for my book The Tighty-Whitey Spider.
In this poem, the words “Gabby” and “Beagle” reverse the positions of the “g” and the “b,” and even throw in the word “baby” which has two b’s, making it especially difficult to say.
Tongue Twister Poems
Once you’ve practiced and can do all of this, at last comes the trickiest part of all: Creating a tongue twister poem. To turn your tongue twisters into poems, all you have to do is write several lines of tongue twisters, with rhyming words at the ends of the lines, and hopefully tell a little story. Betty Botter is a classic example, as is the famous poem, Ned Nott and Sam Shott.
Here’s an example of a tongue twister poem I wrote using all of the above techniques.
My Sister Sifted Thistles
My sister sifted thistles by the fistful.
My sister sifted thistles by the shore.
My sister whistled wistfully
while sifting thistles fistfully
until her fists were bristly and sore.My sister sifted thistles by the fistful.
My sister sifted thistles by the shore.
Her thistle-sifting history
made sister’s fists all blistery,
so now she sifts no thistles anymore.
Are you ready to have fun writing your own tongue twisters? Start by writing short tongue twisters, with practice, you’ll get better and better at it, and eventually you’ll be amazing your friends with your own tongue twister poems.
More Tongue Twisters
If you would like to read even more, check out the world’s largest collection of tongue twisters in 118 different languages, including nearly 600 in English.
How to Make Your Own Tongue Twisters
Twitch, twiddle, and twirl talented tangled tongues!
While it’s not a common thing to include in writing, adding a tongue twister can be a great way to make your passage stand out from others. Plus, it’s fun to do!
They’re also not the easiest literary device to use or create from.
Then again, knowing writers as I do probably means they’d want to include more of them if it’s challenging, not less!
There are also a thousand ways under the sun to come up with a fun tongue twister to use in your writing. But like many things in life, the more you practice them, the better you get.
So, here’s one method I use whenever I want to twist a few tongues and frustrate readers. As it’s easier to focus on alliteration in my opinion, that’s the focus of this method.
Let’s jump in!
Note: You can stop this process at any point after #3 and count it as a tongue twister! They don’t have to inherently be long, many tongue twisters can be just one, two, or three words that then get repeated over and over to produce the twist.
How to create a tongue twister in 7 easy steps
Step #1. Grab your tools
This exercise is probably easiest to do if you have access to a computer with internet. You can also do it on your phone but the experience might be a bit clunkier, as this method involves flipping between websites a bunch.
Open up a thesaurus and a rhyme tool tab on your browser. For instance, I often use Power Thesaurus and Rhyme Zone for quirky exercises like this. Also, for getting ideas for words to include that start with your preferred letter, I use a website called The Free Dictionary.
This last tool is probably all you need, depending on how complex you want to make your tongue twister.
Step #2. Start with a noun
Perhaps you have a specific idea in mind for your tongue twister. If that’s the case, great! Start with the noun of your idea and go from there.
If you don’t, then I like to think of a one-letter or two-letter consonant blend like in this list.
For example, I’m going to use the name Greg, since it’s a common name and “gr” is a fun two-letter consonant with many examples of words.
Step #3. Add an adjective
We’re going to take your first noun, then add an adjective to it that uses alliteration (the same sounding beginning letters).
- Green Greg
- Groggy Greg
- Greedy Greg
Step #4. Add a verb
Now it’s time to add a verb after the described noun. What is it that your noun is doing? Let’s have some fun and make sure it follows the same flow and style!
- Green Greg grifts
- Groggy Greg gripes
- Greedy Greg grabs
Step #5. Add an adverb
At this point, we can add an adverb to describe the verb we just placed in the tongue twister.
- Green Greg greedily grifts
- Groggy Greg graciously gripes
- Greedy Greg gracefully grabs
Step #6. Add another noun
This is all leading into the what of the tongue twister, which comes before the why and conclusion. At this point, we need to answer what Greg is doing, before answering why and finishing it off.
- Green Greg greedily grifts a grail of green grapes
- Groggy Greg graciously gripes at the groovy groom
- Greedy Greg gracefully grabs the grocery gristle
Step #7. Add a reason
Finally, we could try to add a why to the tongue twister and answer it, all within the same structure and style! This is starting to get more advanced by this point, which usually means more time searching for the perfect words to include, so feel free to stop already!
So, why is Greg doing what he’s doing? Let’s try to answer with a combination of adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs and see what we come up with.
- Green Greg greedily grifts a grail of green grapes to greet his grandkids.
- Groggy Greg graciously gripes at the groovy groom to grease his grumpiness.
- Greedy Greg gracefully grabs the grocery gristle to grip his gratin.
That’s it! Hopefully, you were able to create an alliterative tongue twister to use in your own writing. And if you had too much trouble with it, don’t worry, practice does make perfect with these types of things.
I’d love to hear your own tongue twisters in the comments or any questions you might have if you tried out my method too. Thanks for reading!
J.J. Pryor
Head over here for more of my shenanigans.
200 tongue twisters for developing diction / AdMe
198695533 Here are 200 difficult to pronounce tongue twisters that will make your speech clearer and more beautiful. Revised revision ADME .
- The interviewer interviewed the interviewer.
- Once upon a time there were three Chinese: Yak, Yak-zedrak, Yak-zedrak-zedrak-zedroni.
Once upon a time there were three Chinese women: Tsypa, Tsypa-drypa, Tsypa-drypa-drympamponi.
They all got married: Yak on Tsyp, Yak-zedrak on Tsype-drypa,
Yak-zedrak-zedrak-zedroni on Tsyp-drype-drympamponi. nine0005 And they had children. Yak with Chick has Shah, Yak-Zedrak with Chick-Drypa has Shakh-Sharakh, Yak-Zedrak-Zedrak-Zedroni with Chicken-Drypa-Drympamponi has Shah-Sharakh-Shirakh-Shironi. - Tell us about your purchases! — What kind of purchases?
About purchases, about purchases, about your purchases. - Snout white-faced pig, blunt-nosed; I dug up half the yard with a snout, dug, undermined.
- The tongue twister spoke quickly,
That all tongue twisters cannot be spoken quickly, you cannot speak quickly,
But, speaking quickly, he spoke quickly,
That all tongue twisters will be spoken quickly, but you will not speak too quickly. - And tongue twisters jump like carp on a frying pan.
- Karl stole advertising from Clara, and Clara stole the budget from Karl.
- Ads for tongs have seams with coverage, and tacks without coverage were snatched.
- Merchandisers lied — samovar sampling failed!
- The core of consumers of piasters are pirates, and pirates are piranhas.
- The strip about carpets was replaced by two half strips about vacuum cleaners. nine0009
- Small biceps on a bodybuilder's cityboard.
- The creative is not creative in a creative way, it needs to be recreated!
- Brainstorm: din, thunder, ortov, feast of rhymes, suddenly - boom! Shine!
- Rolls-Royce cleaner sample is not representative.
- Popcorn bag.
- Bankers were rebranded, rebranded, rebranded, but not rebranded.
- In Cannes, the lions only did not wreath the lazy.
- In Kabardino-Balkaria valocordin from Bulgaria. nine0009
- De-ideologized-de-ideologized, and pre-ideologized.
- Their pesticides don't out-pesticide ours in terms of pesticide.
- Coconut cookers cook coconut juice in a quick cooker.
- Employees of the enterprise privatized, privatized, but not privatized.
- Lilac tooth picker.
- A fluorographer fluorographed a fluorographist.
- I am a vertical cultivator. I can vertikultaputsya, I can vertikultaputsya. nine0009
- Staffordshire terrier zealous, and black-haired giant schnauzer frisky.
- Is this colonialism? — No, this is not colonialism, but neo-colonialism!
- A sorcerer worked in a barn with wise men.
- We ate-ate ruffs at the spruce. They were barely eaten.
- Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard!
- Our head over your head over your head, over your head.
- Pavel Pavlushka swaddled, swaddled and unswaddled.
- Reported, but did not report; reported, yes reported. nine0009
- Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria.
- In our backyard the weather got wet.
- At Senya and Sanya in the hallway there is a catfish with a mustache.
- A wasp does not have a mustache, not a mustache, but a mustache.
- Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge lope, Senka off his feet, Sonya on the forehead, all in a snowdrift.
- Osip hoarse, Arkhip osip.
- He does not want to mow a scythe with a scythe, he says, a scythe is a scythe.
- Net caught on knot.
- Seven by themselves sat in the sleigh. nine0009
- There was an overload of watermelons from body to body. In a thunderstorm, in the mud from a load of watermelons, the body collapsed.
- The flute is whistling with a flute.
- Two rivers: Vazuza with Gzhat, Vazuza with Gzhat.
- Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.
- Sasha walked along the highway, Sasha found a sachet on the highway.
- The heron has withered, the heron has withered, the heron has died.
- Pike scales, ingot bristle.
- Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and mice, which are worse, noisily rummage around for pennies. nine0009
- Forty mice walked and six found pennies, and the worse mice found two pennies each.
- Pea quarter without wormhole.
- Quartermaster incident.
- Challenger case.
- Konstantin stated.
- The empathetic Lukerya felt the unsympathetic Nikolka.
- Appreciates the flail mowing.
- Mower Kasyan oblique mows obliquely. The mower Kasyan does not mow the mowing.
- Uzha - hedgehog, snake - uzhat. nine0009
- It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.
- Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner.
- The river is flowing, the stove is baking.
- Tongs and pincers - these are our things.
- The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.
- The train rushes grinding: w, h, w, w, w, w, w, w.
- The heron chick tenaciously clung to the flail.
- Even your neck, even your ears, you stained with black ink. Get in the shower soon. Rinse the mascara off your ears under the shower. Rinse the mascara off your neck under the shower. After shower, dry off. Dry neck, dry ears - and don't dirty your ears anymore. nine0009
- There is no ring near the well.
- The ground beetle is buzzing, buzzing, but not spinning.
- The nervous constitutionalist Proprokolokropenko was found acclimatized in Constantinople.
- Jasper in suede.
- Zyamka stinged suede, Zyamka chewed zhamka in the castle.
- In a hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles silks and, juggling with knives, eats a fig.
- Boxwood, boxwood, how tightly sewn you are.
- On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney. nine0009
- Fedka is eating a radish with vodka.
- Grek was driving across the river, he sees Grek - there is cancer in the river.
He stuck the Greek hand into the river, cancer by the hand of the Greek - tsap! - A captain with a captain, a captain with a captain.
- Brit Klim is a brother, Brit Ignat is a brother, and brother Pankrat is bearded.
- To the Habsburgs from Strasbourg.
- Mom did not spare soap. Milu's mother washed soap with soap.
Mila did not like soap, Mila dropped the soap. - A protocol has been logged by a protocol. nine0009
- Splitting needles.
- In one wedge, Klim, stab.
- The commander spoke about the second lieutenant under the colonel,
But under the lieutenant colonel, he said nothing about the lieutenant. - The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks at the grains.
Don't smoke, Turk, pipe; do not peck, trigger, grits. - The nervous constitutionalist was found acclimatized in Constantinople.
- Water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply.
- Our head over your head over your head, over your head. nine0009
- Served the rake to the crab crab.
- From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
- You can't over-speak all tongue twisters, you can't over-speak.
- A wasp does not have a mustache or a mustache, but a mustache.
- A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's scarves.
- Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch.
- Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole clarinet from Karl.
- Pankrat Kondratievich forgot the jack,
And without a jack, you can’t lift the tractor on the tract. nine0009 - The sorcerer used to conjure in the barn with the Magi.
- Arboretum rhododendrons.
- Magpie with quick juicer.
- Varvara was picking grapes on Mount Ararat.
- The weather got wet in the backyard.
- The empathetic Lukerya felt the unsympathetic Nikolka.
- Longboat arrived at the port of Madras.
A sailor brought a mattress on board.
In the port of Madras, a sailor's mattress
Albatrosses tore in a fight. - I am driving along a pothole, I will not leave the pothole.
- Once a jackdaw scaring a pop,
I noticed a parrot in the bushes,
And here a parrot says:
“You scare the jackdaws, pop, scare.
But, only jackdaws, pop, scaring,
Don't you dare scare the parrot! - The Queen gave the Cavalier a caravel.
- Aground we lazily caught burbot,
You exchanged burbot for tench.
Didn't you kindly pray for love for me
And beckoned me into the fogs of the estuary. - Coolies on the hill, I'll go up the hill and put the sack.
- Exhibitionist's biceps are small. nine0009
- Under-qualified.
- Employees of the enterprise privatized, privatized, but not privatized.
- Sasha hit a bump with a hat.
- Case for drill.
- White-oak smooth-planed tables.
- Colored clothes were removed from Hope,
Without clothes Hope does not beckon as before. - A cap is sewn, but not in the style of a bell,
a bell is poured, but not in the style of a bell.
It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap. nine0005 It is necessary to re-bell the bell, re-bell. - The snake has stung.
You can't get along with the snake.
Already from horror it has already become -
the snake will eat
for dinner and say: ( start over ). - A fluorographer fluorographed a fluorographist.
- A cone dryer is required for a cone dryer to work on a cone dryer. A cone dryer must have experience in cone drying on a cone dryer using high-quality cone drying technology. He must also distinguish between a cone dryer and a non-cone dryer, repair a cone dryer, distinguish cones suitable for cone drying from those unsuitable for cone drying, distinguish under-cone dried cones from over-cone dried cones, for each under-cone or over-cone dried cone the cone dryer will receive a cone dryer on the head. nine0002 Cone drying technology:
After cone collection, all cone harvested cones suitable for cone drying are sent to the cone drying factory on a cone truck.
The pine cone carrier dumps the cones into the cone sorting department with the help of a cone dumper. Cone sorters using a cone sorting machine sort cones suitable for cone drying from those unsuitable for cone drying. Cones suitable for cone drying go to the cone grinding department. In the cone grinding department, cone grinders on cone grinders grind cones from non-cone drying cone processes. Cones that have undergone cone grinding fall into the cone crushing department. Cone crushers on cone crushers crush cones to a cone-crushing state, throwing non-cone cones into a cone dump, where cone crushers burn non-cone cones in a cone oven. Pine cones are dried in cone dryers. nine0006
- The hysterically nervous constitutionalist Constantine was found acclimatized in constitutional Constantinople.
- The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground, the sailors ate caramel aground for two weeks.
- The crab made a rake to the crab, gave the rake to the crab: "Rob the gravel with the rake, crab.
- Four men were walking from the Kostroma region; they talked about auctions and purchases, about cereals and grains.
- Ivan the blockhead chatted milk, but did not blurt it out. nine0009
- Kubra cooked cabbage soup for kubra, when the bukara came, she sipped it.
- Weaving fabric on Tanya's dress.
- A quail and a quail have five quails.
- There is a mop with a pod, and under the mop there is a quail with a quail.
- Rake - row, broom - revenge, oars - carry, skids - crawl.
- Goats climb into a vine in a thunderstorm - goats gnaw into a vine in a thunderstorm.
- A beetle buzzes over the honeysuckle. Heavy casing on the beetle.
- You are welcome to our hut: I will cut the pies and ask you to eat. nine0009
- I got the beans, I finished the bottle, I forgot the crutch.
- Near the stake of the bell, near the gate there is a whirlpool.
- Incident with the quartermaster, precedent with the challenger, intrigue with the schemer.
- I don't feel sick.
- Chukchi cleans chuni in the plague. The cleanliness of the Chukchi is in the plague.
- Pankrat Kondratiev forgot the jack under the bed, and Pankrat Kondratiev cannot lift the tractor on the tract without a jack.
- Bombardier bombarded the young ladies of Brandenburg with bonbonnieres. Pharaoh's favorite for sapphire was replaced by jade. nine0009
- Farrier forged a horse,
Horse with a farrier's hoof,
Farrier with a horse's whip. - Little chatterer
Chatted and chatted milk,
Yes, she didn’t blurt out. - Petya was small and crushed mint.
When my mother saw me, she didn't order me to knead. - Isn't it me for love?
- Slava at Vlas ate all the fat.
- Klava put the bow on the shelf,
Called Nikolka to her. - Only for a young man and a golden man,
What is a tin button. - Slava ate salty lard,
Yes, lard is not enough for Slava. - Goat-miller,
Who did you grind flour for,
Who did you not grind for? - Fili had them,
they drank at Fili,
Yes, they beat Fili. - Feofan - blockhead:
He shook the milk,
Yes, he did not blurt it out. - Dear Mila
Soaped with soap,
Soaped, washed off -
So Mila lathered. - Pop stands on a shock,
Cap on a priest,
Head under a priest,
Pop under a cap. nine0009 - Nervous constitutionalist Konstantinov was found acclimatized in constitutional Constantinople, engaged in the invention of a dust bag beater.
- Grandfather Dodon blew a pipe,
Grandfather hit Dimka with a pipe. - Zhenya became friends with Zhanna.
Friendship with Zhanna did not work out.
To live amicably with friends,
It is not necessary to offend friends. - Two woodcutters, two woodcutters,
Two woodcutters sharpened their axes,
Axes sharp to the point,
Axes are sharp for the time being, until time. - Their pesticides don't out-pesticide ours in terms of pesticide.
- A little girl walks around the courtyard,
Leads children around the cages. - I met a hedgehog in the thicket,
- How is the weather, hedgehog?
- Fresh.
And they went home, trembling,
Hunched over, cowering, two hedgehogs. - Brit Klim is a brother, Brit Ignat is a brother, and brother Pankrat is bearded.
- In our backyard
The weather got wet. - Horse with rider,
Yes, without saddle and bridle, without girth and bit. - A hedgehog lies by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles,
And below, they look like small hedgehogs
Last year's cones lie on the grass. - You, well done, tell the good fellow,
Let the good fellow tell the good fellow,
Let the good fellow tie the calf. - Don't blow your lips on the oak,
Don't blow your lips on the oak. - In a hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles with silks
And, juggling with knives, he eats a fig. - Scared of a bear cub
Hedgehog with a hedgehog and a cub,
Swift with a shear and a haircut. - Hedgehogs made friends with mice in the rye.
Gone into the reeds - and not souls in the rye. - The snake has stung.
You can't get along with the snake.
Already from horror it has already become -
the snake will eat for dinner. - Already granted hedgehogs
A dozen new pajamas.
Old pajamas
Pricked by hedgehogs. - In our backyard the weather got wet.
- A woodpecker heals an ancient oak,
A good woodpecker loves an oak - A ram-buyan climbed into the weeds. nine0009
- Green-white-lipped cucumbers.
- White-oak tables, planed smooth-cut.
- There was a white-winged ram,
He changed all the rams. - Bagel, bagel, long loaf and loaf
The baker made dough early in the morning. - Varvara guarded the chickens, and the crow stole.
- Open, Uvar, the gate, there is firewood on the grass by the yard.
- Beavers are brave, they go to the forests,
Beavers are kind for the beavers. - The sorcerer used to conjure in the barn with the Magi.
- Do not wear trousers instead of a shirt,
Do not ask for rutabagas instead of watermelon.
You can always distinguish a number from a letter
And can you distinguish between ash and letters? - Granny bought Marusya beads.
- Babkin's bean blossomed in the rain,
Grandma's bean will be in borscht. - Take from the white-bearded man
Half a glass of sour milk. - Bought Valerik and Varenka
Mittens and felt boots. - Georgy Georgievich speaks to Grigory Grigorievich about Grigory Georgievich, and Grigory Grigorievich speaks to Georgy Georgievich
o Georgy Grigorievich. - Valerik ate a dumpling,
A Valyushka - cheesecake. - The raven crow has missed.
- Tall Vavila merrily tossed his pitchfork.
- Straw cart driver was carrying.
- The exquisite ligature of words has a great effect on us.
- Valya wet her felt boots on a thawed patch.
- Valin felt boots fell into thawed patches.
- Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey,
Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey. - I don't feel sick. nine0005 Honey cake is on my mind, but I don’t care about honey cake.
- The commander talked about a colonel and a colonel,
About a lieutenant colonel and a lieutenant colonel.
About the lieutenant and about the lieutenant,
About the second lieutenant and the second lieutenant,
About the ensign and about the ensign,
About the lieutenant, but said nothing about the lieutenant. - The king is an eagle.
Bright Side/DIY/200 diction tongue twisters
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100 little diction tongue twisters
100 small tongue twisters for diction A list of small tongue twisters that develop clear diction in adults and children.
- The interviewer interviewed the interviewer.
- Once upon a time there were three Chinese: Yak, Yak-zedrak, Yak-zedrak-zedrak-zedroni.
- Once upon a time there were three Chinese women: Tsypa, Tsypa-drypa, Tsypa-drypa-drympamponi.
- All of them got married: Yak on Tsyp, Yak-tsedrak on Tsype-drypa,
- And they had children. Yak and Chick have Shah, Yak-tsedrak and Chick-drypa have Shah-balls, Yak-zedrak-zedrak-zedroni and Chick-drypa-drympamponi have Shah-balls-balls-shironi. nine0009
- Tell us about your purchases! — What kind of purchases?
- About purchases, about purchases, about your purchases.
- The snout was a white-faced pig; I dug up half the yard with a snout, dug, undermined.
- The tongue twister spoke quickly,
- That you cannot speak all tongue twisters, you do not speak too quickly,
- But, speaking quickly, you spoke quickly,
- That you will speak all tongue twisters, but you will not speak too quickly.
- And tongue twisters jump like carp in a frying pan. nine0009
- Carl stole advertising from Clara, and Clara stole the budget from Carl.
- Ads for potholders have seams with coverage, and potholders without coverage were snatched up.
- The merchandisers lied - the sampling of samovars was disrupted!
- The core of piastre consumers is pirates, and pirates are piranhas.
- The carpet strip was replaced with two half strips for vacuum cleaners.
- Small biceps on a bodybuilder's cityboard.
- Creative is not creative in a creative way, it needs to be recreated!
- Brainstorm: din, thunder, ort of mouths, feast of rhymes, suddenly - boom! Shine!
- Rolls-Royce cleaner sample is not representative.
- Popcorn bag.
- Bankers were rebranded, rebranded, rebranded, but not rebranded.
- In Cannes, the lions only did not wreath the lazy.
- In Kabardino-Balkaria valocordin from Bulgaria.
- De-ideologized-de-ideologized, and pre-ideologized.
- Their pesticides won't outdo ours in pesticide. nine0009
- Coconut cookers cook coconut juice in a quick cooker.
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- Lilac picker.
- A fluorographer fluorographed a fluorographist.
- I am a vertical cultivator. I can vertikultaputsya, I can vertikultaputsya. nine0009
- Staffordshire terrier zealous, and black-haired giant schnauzer frisky.
- Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neo-colonialism!
- Magician in the barn with the Magi.
- We ate ruff by the spruce. They were barely eaten at the spruce.
- Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard!
- Our head over your head with your head, over head.
- Pavel Pavlushu swaddled, swaddled and unswaddled.
- Reported, but did not report; reported, but reported. nine0009
- Regulator Ligurian regulated in Liguria.
- In our backyard the weather got wet.
- There is a catfish with a mustache in Senya and Sanya.
- A wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.
- Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge lope, Senka off his feet, Sonya on the forehead, all in a snowdrift.
- Osip hoarse, Arkhip osip.
- He does not want to mow a scythe with a scythe, he says, a scythe is a scythe.
- The net caught on a knot.
- Seven of them got into the sleigh themselves. nine0009
- There was an overload of watermelons from body to body. In a thunderstorm, in the mud from a load of watermelons, the body collapsed.
- The flute is whistling with a flute.
- Two rivers: Vazuza with Gzhat, Vazuza with Gzhat.
- Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.
- Sasha walked along the highway, Sasha found a sachet on the highway.
- The heron has withered, the heron has withered, the heron has died.
- Pike scales, ingot bristles.
- Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the mice, which are worse, noisily rummage around for pennies. nine0009
- Forty mice walked and six found pennies, and the worse mice found two pennies each.
- Pea quarter without wormhole.
- Quartermaster incident.
- Challenger case.
- Konstantin stated.
- The empathetic Lukerya felt the unsympathetic Nikolka.
- Appreciates the flail mowing.
- Mower Kasyan oblique mows obliquely. The mower Kasyan will not mow the mowing.
- A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a snake has a narrowed one. nine0009
- It's terrible for a bug to live on a bitch.
- Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner.
- The river is flowing, the stove is baking.
- Tongs and tongs - these are our things.
- The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.
- The train rushes grinding: w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w.
- Heron chick tenaciously clung to the flail.
- Even your neck, even your ears are stained with black ink. Get in the shower soon. Rinse mascara off your ears under the shower. Rinse the mascara off your neck under the shower. After shower, dry off. Dry neck, dry ears - and do not dirty your ears anymore. nine0009
- There is no ring near the well.
- The ground beetle is buzzing, buzzing, but not spinning.
- The nervous constitutionalist Proprocolokropenko was found acclimatized in Constantinople.
- Jasper in suede.
- Zyamka stinged suede, chewed Zyamka zhamka in the castle.
- In a hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles silks and, juggling with knives, eats a fig.
- Boxwood, boxwood, how tightly sewn you are.
- On a black night a black cat jumped into a black chimney. nine0009
- Fedka is eating a radish with vodka.
- Grek was driving across the river, he sees Grek - cancer in the river.
- He put the Greek's hand into the river;
- A captain with a captain, a captain with a captain.
- Brit Klim is a brother, Brit Ignat is a brother, and brother Pankrat is bearded.
- To the Habsburgs from Strasbourg.
- Mom did not spare soap. Milu's mother washed soap with soap.
- Mila did not like soap, Mila dropped the soap.
- The protocol was recorded by the protocol. nine0009
- Splitting needles.
- In one wedge, Klim, stab.
- The commander spoke about the second lieutenant in the presence of the colonel,
- But in the presence of the lieutenant colonel, he said nothing about the lieutenant.
- The Turk is smoking a pipe, the trigger is pecking at the grains.
- Do not smoke, Turk, pipe; do not peck, trigger, grits.
- The nervous constitutionalist was found acclimatized in Constantinople.
- The water carrier was carrying water from under the water pipe.
- Our head over your head over your head, over your head.