How to draw jack and the beanstalk

Drawing Of Beanstalk - Illustrationen und Vektorgrafiken


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"Illustrierter Durcheinander gewürfelter Rebseitenrand in einem handgezeichneten Stil. Obere, mittlere, hintere Reben und Hintergrund befinden sich alle auf separaten Ebenen. Der zusätzliche Ordner enthält Illustrator CS2 AI- und PDF-Dateien."

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von 1

A Lesson in Perspective, Symmetry and Value

Today we are going to read the story of Jack in the Beanstalk. 

We will then be drawing our own giants from the story, and planting our very own beanstalks!

When they grow, the vines will wrap around our giant, so it will look like he is looking down the beanstalk at Jack! Let's read the story of Jack in the Beanstalk:

While the video is playing, docents, please make sure you have the following supplies for the project:


Sample Giant
Printed template (preferably on cardstock) - see below for the template
Scrap paper for the desks
Black Sharpies

Oil pastels in all colors (classroom pack)
Googly Eyes - 2 per
Bamboo Skewers - 2 per
Pre-filled plastic cup with potting soil
1 bean seed

  • Before we begin, let's talk about PERSPECTIVE. What do you notice about this giant? Why do you think we made his head so small, and his pants and boots so large? That's right! We want our giants to look very big, and like he is looking down from the beanstalk (or that Jack is looking up at the giant). PERSPECTIVE is a technique in art where we're creating the illusion of something else - that our giant is looking down. Is he really looking down? No - but we're going to draw him from that PERSPECTIVE so that when people look at him, they'll think that he's doing that. Let's begin our drawing.
  • It's going to be very important for you to follow along as we draw and do our coloring of the giant together. We are going to be learning some new shading techniques as we color, so let's make sure to listen. (Docents, please use the document camera or the white board to draw with the students - show AND tell).
  • This will be the template we will use. Do you see how the top (his head) is small, his middle gets a bit larger and the bottom (his pants) are very large? This is how we will show PERSPECTIVE in our project! Let's begin drawing.
  • First, add his pant legs on the bottom:

  • Next we're going to draw his boots:
  • Now we're going to add another small part to the pant leg and then draw a Y for the giant's boot:

  • Now we're going to add the boot laces:
  • Now let's move onto the giant's shirt. We're going to draw his arms (like two "bananas" on each side - these will be his sleeves). Add a sash for his "belt" and two lines on each side for his suspenders:

  • While some of our fellow artists catch up, let's talk a minute about SYMMETRYSYMMETRY means when objects in our piece of art balance each other out. Can you find examples of SYMMETRY in our project? His boots, his trousers, his suspenders and his arms are all SYMMETRICAL or in balance in our project.
  • Now for his face. I made my giant's face kind of angry, with curly hair, but you can make yours however you would like! The most important thing is two eyes and his mouth (we don't need a nose as we're going to draw him with a beard):

  • Take a look at your giant - how does he look? Let's take your Sharpie and outline your boot laces, the arms of your giant's shirt and his face. You don't need to outline anything else - just those few things.
  • Are you ready to move onto coloring our giant? (Docents, please hand out oil pastels. The artists will need Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Black, Brown and Peach or Tan (for their giant's face).
  • Before we begin, let's talk about VALUE. We used VALUE when we created our Chengdu Pandas. Do you remember what VALUE is? VALUE is how we show light and dark in our artwork. Do you notice on my sample giant that his boots are orange, but that the bottom and the top are different shades of orange? Same with his pants - they are both blue, but they are different shades of blue. This is VALUE. In order to do this in our art today, please follow along carefully as I teach you how to show this on your paper!

  • First we will want to very lightly color the bottom of the giant's boots with orange pastel:  
  • Next, add yellow pastel over the top and blend the two colors together until it is all the way colored in!

  • Now for the top of the giant's boot, we will do the same thing, but we're going to start with a little bit of red and then color over the top with orange. To help you stay in the lines, I find it easier to outline and then color. 
  • Now let's move onto the giant's pant leg. We're going to add a small amount of black to his pant leg. Outline like before and then just a little up the middle of the pant leg:

  • Now we're going to blend those areas inside his pant leg with blue.
  • Now for the rest of the giant's pant leg. Outline in blue and color it all in. Make sure to blend the black in all the way. 
  • When you are done coloring in the blue, add white oil pastel over the blue, and add his red belt to the top of the trousers.
  • Next, color his shirt yellow and his suspenders green. You can add three small buttons down the front of his shirt with your Sharpie if you'd like!
  • Now color in your giant's face with a peach or tan oil pastel, and then his hair and beard.

  • Now we are ready to cut out your giant! Please do this carefully - all the way around the outside, and the inside of his trousers/boots:

  • Docents: While the artists are cutting, please pass out two bamboo skewers, two googly eyes and two pieces of tape to each desk. Once you are done cutting, put your name on the back of your giant. Now take the two bamboo skewers and line them up on the back of your giant like this (show the back of the sample giant). Please make sure they are equal and tape them down.
  • Now turn your giant back over. Our parent helpers are going to come around and put two drops of glue on your giants for his eyes. Please add your googly eyes and put your giant somewhere safe to dry. You can then go wash your hands and clean up your area.
  • Docents: While the students are cleaning up, please bring a clear cup of potting soil and a bean to each desk. Students, are you ready to plant your beanstalks? Make a small hole with your finger down the center of the cup. Then drop in your seed and gently cover it with soil. Please bring it to the back of the room and one of our parent helpers will help you water your beanstalk! Add your giant and you are DONE! You may take these home with you and watch your beanstalk GROW up to your giant! Make sure to water them! 
  • Extra Credit: If you would like to decorate your plastic cup with more characters from Jack and the Beanstalk, you can find a printable here! Ask mom and dad to print it off, you can color it and cut out some characters, and tape them on your cup!

  • How does a seed become a plant? Let's find out!


Jack and the Magic Beans - 139 photos

Artist Scott Gustafson

Jack and the beanstalk giant

Giants Jack the Conqueror

Jack and beanstalk

Bean tree

Jack and bean steeel

Magic Fairy World

Jack the Giant Slayer 2013

Jack and the beanstalk cartoon 2009

Jack and the beanstalk cartoon giant

Movie Jack the Giant Slayer

Jack and the beanstalk movie 2013

Jack and the beanstalk

Jack and the beanstalk

Jack and the bean tree

Jack and the beanstalk cartoon 2009

Movie Lord of the Giants

Ian McShane Jack the Giant Slayer

Jack and the beanstalk illustration

Giants Jack the Conqueror

Jack and the beanstalk giant

Jack the Giant Slayer

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the bean tree giant

Eleanor Tomlinson Jack the Giant Slayer

Jack and the beanstalk movie 2001

Beautiful fantasy pictures

Jack and the bean tree

Jack and the Magic Stem

Jack and the beanstalk movie

Jack and the beanstalk true story

Jack and the beanstalk 2009

John the Conqueror of the Aelicans

Movie Lord of the Giants

Once upon a time 7 13

Jack and the beanstalk true story

Jack and the beanstalk

Two fantasy worlds

Rapunzel fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm art

Vanessa Redgrave Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk 2001


John Teller Jack the Giant Slayer

MTG Nissa art

Magic Beans background

Creative illustrations for fairy tales

Magic Beans Once Upon a Time

Jack and the bean tree fairy tale

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack Sparrow and Ariel

Jack the Giant Slayer

Jack and the beanstalk 2 episode

Jack and bean steeel

Book of Magicians

Giants cartoon 2018

Jack the Giant Slayer 2013

A girl in a magical forest

Keepers of Dreams Kromeshnik

Jack the Giant Slayer Isabelle

Scott Gustafson Jack and the Beanstalk

Jackie beanstalk

Jack and the beanstalk Author

Jack and the Beanstalk Giant

Forest of elves

Final Fantasy x Farplane

Jack King of the Giants

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the beanstalk

Elinor Tomlinson Jack the Giant Slayer

Jack and the beanstalk cartoon 2009

Michael Whelan Stormlight Archive

Peng Journey to Neverland Tiger Lily

Once upon a time shooting

We draw fairy tales on TV3

Jack and the beanstalk art

Jack and the beanstalk giant

Movie Lord of the Giants

Bard sorcerer

Fantasy dreamers

Jack and the beanstalk cartoon 1931

Five Kingdoms of Ireland

Games fantasy magic

Jack the giant slayer (2013)

Jack and the Magic Stem

Alawar Academy of Magic

Hajar Traves

Nicholas Hoult Jack the Giant Slayer

Jack and the beanstalk movie 2013

Fantasy art herbalist

Little elf

Jack the Giant Slayer 2013

Jack and the beanstalk

Fantasy adventure art

Jack Beanstalk game

Jack the Giant Slayer 2013

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk Movie 2013

Jack the Giant Slayer 2013

Jack the Giant Slayer movie stills

Characters from English folklore

Girl fantasy art

Photo shoot pirates

Fairy Valley Pollen Tree

Lara Croft jungle art

Fantasy young girl

Today all spirits from fairy to demon

Ma-ko Art.

Elinor Tomlinson Jack the Giant Slayer

Jack and the Beanstalk slot machine

fairy ding ding anime

Fantasy love

Jack Lord of the Giants

Dinner Dinh Fairy Pirate Island Mystery

Mystical illustrations

Jack and the beanstalk

Efanda Urmanskaya Princess

Captain pix and wonderful Diamond

Mila Kunis in Oz the Great and Powerful

Fantasy Robber

Liana girl

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the beanstalk movie 2009

Fantasy boat

Witch Halloween game

Wallpapers fantasy fantasy

Jack and beanstalk

Jack and the beanstalk

Jack the Giant Slayer Beanstalk

Romantic fantasy anime

Fantasy maid

Wizard of Oz 2013

fantasy witch

Silvanus skin

Ariel slash

Fairy Monsters

Fantasy river girl

90,000 Jack and the Beanstalk is an English fairy tale. The story of the boy Jack.

A tale about a poor widow's son, Jack, who traded his family's only breadwinner, a cow, for magic beans. With the help of them and their ingenuity, Jack and his mother got rich.

Once upon a time there lived a poor widow. She had an only son named Jack and a cow named Belyanka. The cow gave milk every morning, and the mother and son sold it in the bazaar - this is how they lived. But suddenly Belyanka stopped milking, and they simply did not know what to do.

— How can we be? What to do? the mother repeated in despair.

— Cheer up, mother! Jack said. - I'll get someone to work with.

— Yes, you already tried to get hired, but no one hires you, — answered the mother. “No, apparently, we will have to sell our Belyanka and open a shop with this money.

“Well, okay, Mom,” Jack agreed. - Today is just a market day, and I will quickly sell Belyanka. And then we'll decide what to do.

And Jack took the cow to the market. But he did not have time to go far when he met a funny, funny old man, and he said to him:0003

- Good morning, Jack!

— Good morning to you too! - Jack answered, and was surprised to himself: how does the old man know his name.

— Well, Jack, where are you going? asked the old man.

- To the market, to sell a cow.

— Yes, yes! Who should trade cows if not you! the old man laughed. “Tell me, how many beans do I have?”

- Exactly two in each hand and one in your mouth! - answered Jack, apparently, not a small mistake.

- That's right! said the old man. “Look, here are those beans!” And the old man showed Jack some strange beans. “Since you’re so smart,” the old man continued, “I’m not averse to trading with you—I’m giving these beans for your cow!”

— Go on your way! Jack got angry. “That would be better!”

"Uh, you don't know what beans are," said the old man. “Plant them in the evening, and by morning they will grow to the sky.

— Yes, well? Is it true? Jack was surprised.

- The real truth! And if not, take your cow back.

- Coming! - Jack agreed, gave the old man Belyanka, and put the beans in his pocket.

Jack turned back home, and since he did not have time to go far from home, it was not dark yet, and he was already at his door.

- Are you back yet, Jack? mother was surprised. - I see Belyanka is not with you, so you sold her? How much did they give you for it?

— You'll never guess, Mom! Jack answered.

— Yes, well? Oh my good! Five pounds? Ten? Fifteen? Well, twenty something will not give!

- I said - you can't guess! What can you say about these beans? They are magical. Plant them in the evening and...

— What?! cried Jack's mother. “Are you really such a simpleton that you gave my Belyanka, the most milking cow in the whole area, for a handful of some bad beans?” It is for you! It is for you! It is for you! And your precious beans will fly out the window. So that! Now live to sleep! And don’t ask for food, you won’t get it anyway - not a piece, not a sip!

And then Jack went up to his attic, to his little room, sad, very sad: he angered his mother, and he himself was left without supper. Finally, he did fall asleep.

And when he woke up, the room seemed very strange to him. The sun illuminated only one corner, and everything around remained dark, dark. Jack jumped out of bed, dressed and went to the window. And what did he see? What a strange tree! And these are his beans, which his mother threw out of the window into the garden the day before, sprouted and turned into a huge bean tree. It stretched all the way up, up and up to the sky. It turns out that the old man was telling the truth!

The beanstalk grew just outside Jack's window and went up like a real staircase. So Jack had only to open the window and jump onto the tree. And so he did. Jack climbed the beanstalk and climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed until he finally reached the sky. There he saw a long and wide road, as straight as an arrow. I went along this road and kept walking and walking and walking until I came to a huge, huge tall house. And at the threshold of this house stood a huge, enormous, tall woman.

— Good morning, ma'am! Jack said very politely. “Be so kind as to give me breakfast, please!”

After all, the day before Jack had been left without supper, you know, and now he was as hungry as a wolf.

— Would you like to have breakfast? - said a huge, enormous, tall woman. “You yourself will get another for breakfast if you don’t get out of here!” My husband is a giant and a cannibal, and he loves nothing more than boys fried in breadcrumbs.

— Oh, madame, I beg you, give me something to eat! Jack didn't hesitate. “I haven’t had a crumb in my mouth since yesterday morning. And it doesn't matter if they fry me or I'll die of hunger.

Well, the ogre's wife was not a bad woman after all. So she took Jack to the kitchen and gave him a piece of bread and cheese and a jug of fresh milk. But before Jack had time to finish with half of all this, when suddenly - top! Top! Top! - the whole house even shook from someone's steps.

- Oh my God! Yes, that's my old man! gasped the giantess. - What to do? Hurry, hurry, jump over here!

And just as she pushed Jack into the oven, the ogre himself entered the house.

Well, he was really great! Three calves dangled from his belt. He untied them, threw them on the table and said:

— Come on, wife, fry me a couple for breakfast! Wow! What does it smell like?

I smell the spirit of the British here.
Whether he is dead or alive,
Will go to my breakfast.

— What are you, hubby! his wife told him. - You've got it. Or maybe it smells like that lamb that you liked so much yesterday at dinner. Come on, wash your face and change, and in the meantime I will prepare breakfast.

The ogre came out and Jack was about to get out of the oven and run away, but the woman wouldn't let him.

“Wait until he falls asleep,” she said. He always likes to take a nap after breakfast.

And so the giant had breakfast, then went to a huge chest, took out two sacks of gold from it and sat down to count the coins. He counted and counted, finally began to nod off and began to snore so that the whole house began to shake again.

Then Jack slowly got out of the oven, tiptoed past the sleeping ogre, grabbed one bag of gold and God bless! — straight to the beanstalk. He dropped the bag down into his garden, and he began to descend the stem, lower and lower, until at last he found himself at home.

Jack told his mother about everything, showed her a bag of gold and said:

— Well, Mom, did I tell the truth about these beans? You see, they are really magical!

“I don’t know what these beans are,” answered the mother, “but as for the cannibal, I think it’s the one who killed your father and ruined us!”

And I must tell you that when Jack was only three months old, a terrible ogre appeared in their area. He grabbed anyone, but especially did not spare the kind and generous people. And Jack's father, although he was not rich himself, always helped the poor and the losers.

“Oh, Jack,” the mother finished, “to think that the cannibal could eat you too!” Don't you dare climb that stem ever again!

Jack promised, and they lived with their mother in full contentment with the money that was in the bag.

But in the end the bag was empty, and Jack, forgetting his promise, decided to try his luck at the top of the beanstalk one more time. One fine morning he got up early and climbed the beanstalk. He climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, until he finally found himself on a familiar road and reached along it to a huge, enormous tall house. Like last time, a huge, enormous, tall woman was standing at the threshold.

“Good morning, ma'am,” Jack told her as if nothing had happened. “Be so kind as to give me something to eat, please!”

- Get out of here, little boy! the giantess replied. “Or my husband will eat you at breakfast.” Uh, no, wait a minute, aren't you the youngster who came here recently? You know, on that very day my husband missed one sack of gold.

— These are miracles, ma'am! Jack says. “It’s true, I could tell you something about it, but I’m so hungry that until I eat at least a piece, I won’t be able to utter a word.

The giantess was so curious that she let Jack into the house and gave him something to eat. And Jack deliberately began to chew slowly, slowly. But suddenly - top! Top! Top! they heard the steps of the giant, and the kind woman again hid Jack in the furnace.

Everything happened just like last time. The ogre came in and said: “Fi-fi-fo-foot…” and so on, had breakfast with three roasted bulls, and then ordered his wife:

- Wife, bring me a chicken - the one that lays the golden eggs!

The giantess brought it, and he said to the hen: “Come on!” And the hen laid a golden egg. Then the cannibal began to nod and began to snore so that the whole house shook.

Then Jack slowly got out of the oven, grabbed the golden hen and was out the door in no time. But then the hen cackled and woke up the ogre. And just as Jack was running out of the house, he heard the giant's voice behind him:

— Wife, leave the golden hen alone! And the wife answered:

- Why are you, my dear!

That's all Jack could hear. He rushed with all his might to the beanstalk and almost flew down it.

Jack returned home, showed his mother the miracle chicken and shouted: "Go!" And the hen laid a golden egg.

Since then, every time Jack told her, "Rush!" The hen laid a golden egg.

Mother scolded Jack for disobeying her and going to the cannibal again, but she still liked the chicken.

And Jack, a restless guy, after a while decided to try his luck again at the top of the beanstalk. One fine morning he got up early and climbed the beanstalk.

He climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed until he reached the very top. True, this time he acted more carefully and did not go straight to the cannibal's house, but crept up slowly and hid in the bushes. I waited until the giantess came out with a bucket for water, and darted into the house! I climbed into the copper cauldron and waited. He didn’t wait long, suddenly he hears the familiar “top! Top! Top!", and now the ogre and his wife enter the room.

- Fi-fi-fo-foot, I smell the spirit of the British here! shouted the cannibal. “I can smell it, wife!”

— Can you really hear it, hubby? says the giantess. “Well, then, this is the tomboy who stole your gold and the goose with golden eggs. He's probably in the oven.

And both rushed to the stove. Good thing Jack wasn't hiding there!

- Always you with your fi-fi-fo-foot! grumbled the ogre's wife, and began preparing breakfast for her husband.

The ogre sat down at the table, but still could not calm down and kept mumbling:

— Still, I can swear that… — He jumped up from the table, rummaged through the pantry, and chests, and sideboards…

He searched all the corners, only he didn’t guess to look into the copper cauldron. Finally finished breakfast and shouted:

- Hey, wife, bring me a golden harp! The wife brought the harp and put it on the table.

- Sing! the giant ordered the harp.

And the golden harp sang so well that you will hear it! And she sang and sang until the ogre fell asleep and snored like thunder.

It was then that Jack lightly lifted the lid of the cauldron. He got out of it quietly, quietly, like a mouse, and crawled on all fours to the very table. He climbed onto the table, grabbed the harp, and rushed to the door.

But the harp called loudly:

— Master! Master!

The ogre woke up and immediately saw Jack running away with his harp.

Jack ran headlong, and the giant followed him. It cost him nothing to catch Jack, but Jack was the first to run, and therefore he managed to dodge the giant. And besides, he knew the road well. When he reached the bean tree, the ogre was only twenty paces away. And suddenly Jack was gone. Cannibal here, there - no Jack! Finally, he thought to look at the beanstalk and sees: Jack is trying with his last strength, crawling down. The giant was afraid to go down the shaky stalk, but then the harp called again:0003

- Master! Master!

And the giant just hung on the beanstalk, and the beanstalk trembled all under its weight.

Jack descends lower and lower, and the giant follows him. But now Jack is right above the house. Then he screams:

- Mom! Mother! Bring the ax! Bring the ax!

Mother ran out with an ax in her hands, rushed to the beanstalk, and froze in horror: huge legs of a giant stuck out of the clouds.

But then Jack jumped down to the ground, grabbed an ax and hacked at the beanstalk so hard that he almost cut it in half.

The ogre felt the stalk swaying and shaking and stopped to see what had happened. Here Jack strikes with an ax again and completely cuts the beanstalk. The stalk swayed and collapsed, and the ogre fell to the ground and twisted his neck.

Jack gave his mother a golden harp, and they began to live without grieve. And they did not remember about the giant.

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