How to spell invent

Correct spelling for invent [Infographic]


I would have invented

you would have invented

he/she/it would have invented

we would have invented

they would have invented

I would have invent

you would have invent

he/she/it would have invent

we would have invent

they would have invent


I would have been inventing

you would have been inventing

he/she/it would have been inventing

we would have been inventing

they would have been inventing


I would invent

you would invent

he/she/it would invent

we would invent

they would invent


I would be inventing

you would be inventing

he/she/it would be inventing

we would be inventing

they would be inventing


I will invent

you will invent

he/she/it will invent

we will invent

they will invent


I will be inventing

you will be inventing

he/she/it will be inventing

we will be inventing

they will be inventing


I will have invented

you will have invented

he/she/it will have invented

we will have invented

they will have invented


I will have been inventing

you will have been inventing

he/she/it will have been inventing

we will have been inventing

they will have been inventing


you invent

we let´s invent


to invent


I was inventing

you were inventing

he/she/it was inventing

we were inventing

they were inventing




I had invented

you had invented

he/she/it had invented

we had invented

they had invented


I had been inventing

you had been inventing

he/she/it had been inventing

we had been inventing

they had been inventing


I invent

you invent

he/she/it invents

we invent

they invent


I am inventing

you are inventing

he/she/it is inventing

we are inventing

they are inventing




I have invented

you have invented

he/she/it has invented

we have invented

they have invented


I have been inventing

you have been inventing

he/she/it has been inventing

we have been inventing

they have been inventing


he/she/it invent


I invented

you invented

he/she/it invented

we invented

they invented

Invented Spelling and Its Role in the Learning Process

When you live in a world filled with LOLs and BRBs, it’s not surprising to see many words with invented spellings. The trouble is, no award-winning author actually thought “tho” was the correct way to spell “though.” So, does invented spelling fit anywhere into the learning process? The honest answer is yes. Invented spelling isn't something that can be totally avoided. In fact, it's a natural part of developing spelling skills. Take a look at how to incorporate this simple fact of life into your next spelling lesson.

Children Drawing Invented Spelling


About Invented Spelling

Invented spelling, sometimes referred to as inventive spelling, is the practice of spelling unfamiliar words with an educated guess based on phonetic knowledge. Examples of invented spelling include:

  • "iz" for "is"
  • "flawrs" for "flowers"
  • "is cream" for "ice cream"
  • "lov" for "love"
  • "prpul" for "purple"
  • "culrs" for "colors"
  • "difrint" for "different"

Invented Spelling Research

In 1975, linguist Charles Read conducted a study of preschoolers who were beginning to relate letter names to the sounds of the alphabet. He discovered that students commonly "invented" spellings for words in their daily vocabulary by rearranging letters to fit their perception of the rules of the English language.

Read concluded, "One sees clearly that different children chose the same phonetically motivated spellings to a degree that can hardly be explained as resulting from random choice or the influence of adults." A key takeaway from this study is that learning how to spell is much more than just memorizing words. It's a developmental process that goes far beyond just exploring the relationships between the symbols used to illustrate speech sounds. Thus, the process of invented spelling can play an important role in leading young learners to develop a deep, phonetically-based understanding of how to spell many words.

Key Considerations for Invented Spelling

Many teachers consider invented spelling to be a developmentally appropriate step in the early stages of a child’s reading and writing. Proponents argue that invented spelling does not interfere with a child's ability to spell correctly in later years.

Invented spelling can be compared with the efforts a child makes when first learning to speak. A parent wouldn’t criticize a child's first attempts to reproduce the sounds of the verbal language. Accordingly, a child's efforts to master written communication skills should also be encouraged. After all, young learners have to start somewhere.

The Advantages of Invented Spelling

It's important to note that, from a technical standpoint, invented spelling is not an instructional technique. It’s merely a natural process that all children use as they’re beginning to write. There are advantages to incorporating invented spelling into the classroom. When monitored closely, it can offer a number of benefits for blossoming spellers.

  • Invented spelling can help build a sense of confidence, pride and control over the learning process.
  • It allows students to express themselves creatively through writing without worrying about the spelling of unfamiliar words.
  • Writing using invented spelling techniques allows for extensive practice of phonics because students are using letters to represent the sounds they hear.
  • Teachers can discover important information about a student's growing knowledge of phonemes by reading a composition that the student created using invented spelling techniques.


The Disadvantages of Invented Spelling

In a classroom where invented spelling is allowed, a teacher wouldn’t deduct points from the student's grade for misspelled words in a composition. The potential disadvantages of allowing invented spelling are probably what you’d expect.

  • It may reduce the incentive for children to learn to spell words correctly.
  • It could possibly lead to problems in communication since others may not always be able to decipher what the student has written.
  • Highly logical children may become frustrated when the teacher doesn’t insist there’s only one correct way to spell a particular word.

Using Invented Spelling to Encourage Reading and Writing

Learning to spell, just like learning to speak, is an ongoing process. There are a few important tips to keep in mind if you are a parent or teacher of a child in a school where invented spelling is encouraged.

  • Provide writing opportunities on a regular basis. At home, parents can encourage children to help prepare shopping lists, write letters to grandparents or make up a story for a younger sibling.
  • Resist the urge to criticize or point out mistakes with what the child writes. The goal of invented spelling is to promote creative expression.
  • Refer to the child's creative spellings by the title of "invented spelling" to help distinguish them from the correct conventional spelling.
  • Ask children to read their writing aloud. This will help you decipher how they have spelled words while also giving them reading practice.
  • Be sensitive to the struggles children face as they seek to master the written component of the English language.


Beyond Invented Spelling

As young learners start to move beyond invented spelling to mastering correct spelling, your approach to helping them build skills will need to change. Get ready to help your little learners build on their earliest spelling and writing skills. Start by learning how to teach sight words by grade level. Then, get ready to share fundamental spelling rules for everyone to know. Use fun spelling activities to help young learners build strong skills they'll be able to expand upon over time.

Staff Writer

  • elementary school
  • kindergarten
  • preschool

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Stop reinventing the wheel! / Habr

Hello, dear habradevelopers.

With your permission, I'll philosophize a bit on the topic of developing us as a community of developers using the wonderful PHP language. I will say in advance that many may not support my point of view and I will be happy to discuss this in the comments. So let's get started...

A bit of history

PHP has historically been considered a simple language.
It was originally created to quickly write small dynamic web applications by a low-skilled (read - inexperienced and novice) web developer.
The abbreviation PHP back in 1994 meant "Personal HomePage".

Since then, 14 years have passed, the PHP engine has been rewritten from scratch twice (if my memory serves me), acquiring "adult" functionality and breaking the stereotypes of its limitation to projects like Facebook and Wikipedia.
It's worth waiting just a little longer and PHP 5.3 will be released with the long-awaited namespaces, the undeservedly ignored Late Static Binding and some additions of syntactic sugar.

What is the problem?

It seems to me that PHP is now suffering from its heritage of simplicity.
It develops much faster than its developer community, which does not have time to adapt to changes in the language itself.
No, I'm not talking about you personally, %username%!
You probably already know why you should always validate data coming from external sources; why it is worth separating logic and presentation; how to properly use (or not use) OOP and design patterns… you develop as expected. But the development of our developer community as a whole worries me.

For example, the most elementary question of template engines has been sucked in my memory for 7 years, and nothing fundamentally new has been invented during this time (not counting XSLT, but it’s generally offtopic here).
Developers in crowds, right through one, produce new template engines, the syntaxes and functionality of which are like two drops of water similar to each other. Particularly advanced ones write extensions in C to ostensibly improve performance. Oh, optimization is generally a separate issue. When a database fetch takes 90% of the script running time, and the processing of the template (relatively speaking) is the remaining 10%, then it is the template engine that must be optimized! Although, this is a completely different topic . ..

I cited the topic of template engines as an example. In the same way, we proliferate database adapters and a bunch of other libraries, big and small. And now a new fashion is starting - to write not just your own bicycle library, but a whole bicycle framework! Well, how cool it is to write your own framework! You can burst with pride, closing your eyes to the fact that it differs from a competitor only in that the fetchAll/fetchRow/fetchOne methods are called getAll/getRow/getOne.

The other side of the coin

A critical habra person at this place should be indignant and object that if everyone uses ready-made solutions and stops writing their own, the developer community will finally become dumb.

I partly agree with this. I myself wrote my own template engine. And he wrote his own database adapter. The only difference is that no one has seen these handicrafts except me :) After picking them up a bit, I gained experience and realized that I didn’t come up with anything fundamentally new. With a clear conscience, I threw my crafts into /dev/null so as not to clog the “ether”, and took a ready-made mainstream library that allowed me to solve the same problem, if not an order of magnitude easier, then at least at someone else’s expense - after all, this library is supported its developers and other users, catching bugs and optimizing it as much as possible. This allowed me to focus on implementing my ideas in my application, and not on writing another bicycle templating engine ...

Business Perspective

Each of us wants our favorite language to be popular and bring him income. I don't know the exact situation in Russia, but here in Ukraine (or rather, in Kyiv), Java and DotNet developers earn on average 50-80% more than PHP developers of the same level. Why? Because Java and .NET are "enterprise" and PHP is shit coding. This is not my opinion, this is the opinion of employers. And our community fully confirms this, continuing to pick the unfortunate template engines, instead of getting down to business.

But why, why did such bullshit happen to our community? Why are Javisists and Dotnetchiks okay with this? (Well, okay, okay, they also have enough problems of their own, but now we are specifically talking about "bicycles")
I think that this is due to the fact that behind each of these technologies there is a large company that literally by the hand (or by the ear :)) leads developers in the right direction, not allowing them to toil with garbage and invent "bicycles" that have long been invented for them. You need a template engine - get it. Database access adapter - easy. Logging functions - as much as you like. All solutions are typical and standard. If you need something special - good luck, write your own ... but it is unlikely that it will be useful to anyone except you, because if at least a significant number of developers needed it, this functionality would be included in the standard library. And if to solve your problem you have to implement almost all auxiliary classes from scratch, then either you really implement some kind of supernaturally original functionality, or you are just a woodpecker and do not know how to use what lies under your nose :)

How to be?

So how come. .. Java has Sun, .NET has Microsoft, and PHP has none?
Wrong! PHP has Zend!
Yes, the guys missed the moment and did not interfere in the development environment for too long, letting everything take its course.
PEAR doesn't count - it appeared in the heyday of PHP 4 without a proper object model and, to be honest, the code quality of its packages leaves much to be desired.

But now Zend has realized its mistake and released the Zend Framework last year.
I have carefully studied its architecture since the first beta versions.
It was unusually raw (it still has enough sharp corners), but I liked the ideas of the authors, their general mood.
I was imbued with them and decided for myself that I would use, support and promote this framework.
I do not agree with all architectural decisions, I came across a decent amount of bugs and wrote bug reports. The Zendites themselves changed their views and methods of solving various problems several times, but this is good, this is even wonderful - it means that they are trying for us, so that it would be more convenient for us to use their achievements.
And when I see some kind of jamb in ZF, I don’t start screaming “that’s shit, now I’ll write my own framework with blackjack and whores!”.
Instead, I'm trying to make ZF better. Fix a bug, add something new and share with the community.
At the same time, if I don’t like the controller mechanism, I don’t rush to write my own, but try to delve deeper into the existing one and understand how to use it correctly.

Stop reinventing the wheel!

This is what I wanted to call on all of you, dear lukewarm Habradevelopers, who have read up to these lines.
Stop reinventing the wheel! Better help improve ready-made solutions, catch all the jambs and add new features to them that may be useful to the community. Yes, you can never say “I am the author of this wonderful framework” ... or even a separate class. But in my opinion, it’s better to add three lines of code to a common class that will be used by thousands of developers and hear their silent “thank you” than to write your own “bike” for thousands of lines of code that no one will need.

PS: Of course, I approve of innovation. If you have a revolutionary idea that no one has ever realized - go for it, glory awaits you! But let's face it: another templating engine is a bit off...

PPS: I wanted to write that the Zend Framework is just an example of a large project worth supporting. In its place can be Symfony, ADODb, Propel or any other open source library. Still, the Zend Framework deserves your support more than anyone else, because without Zend there would be no PHP itself. If we decide to use a third-party library, then let Zend, IMHO, supervise the development of this library.

Surname Invent: origin, history, essence, meaning, translation and declension of the surname

Detailed information about the name Invent, namely its origin, history of formation, the essence of the surname, meaning, translation and declension. What is the origin story of the name Invent? Where does the surname Invent come from? What is the nationality of the person with the surname Invent? How to spell Invent? The correct translation of the surname Invent into English and declension by cases. You can read the full description of the surname Invent and its essence online in this article for free without registration.

Contents of the surname overview

Origin of the surname Invent

ancestor features) or other generic names.

History of the surname Invent

Surnames appeared in different social strata at different times. The history of the surname Invent has several hundred years. The first mention of the surname Invent occurs in the 18th-19th centuries, it was at this time that the surnames of service people and merchants began to spread in Russia. At first, only the richest - "eminent merchants" - were honored to receive the surname Invent. At this time, numerous boyar and noble families began to be called. It was during this time period that noble family names appeared. The surname Invent is inherited from generation to generation through the male (or female) line.

The essence of the surname Invent spelled

The surname Invent consists of 10 letters. Surnames that contain ten letters are an indicator of a bright, artistic nature. Such people turn their life into an original role of appropriate duration. And they need what any actor craves - admiration, worship, flowers and - standing ovations. After analyzing the meaning of each letter in the surname Invent, you can understand its essence and hidden meaning.

  • and are romantic, refined and sensual natures. Kind, dream of harmony with the outside world. In a difficult situation, they show practicality. Sometimes they are prone to loneliness and asceticism. The inability to obey anyone at the same time indicates indifference to authority.
  • З - developed imagination, good intuition, isolation; in difficult moments - withdraw themselves, do not want to solve problems. People whose names contain such a letter are constantly under someone's control, it is difficult for them to relax and concentrate on what is important.
  • O - strive for self-knowledge, are able to experience strong feelings. They want to know their true purpose. The desire to improve and improve the world. High intuition, properly manage money. The pursuit of excellence. Change of mood from delight to despondency.
  • B - a sign of sincere romanticism, constant and reliable people. The ability to take the initiative, easily overcome difficulties. Desire to achieve material well-being.
  • R - resist outside influences, self-confident, brave, enthusiastic individuals. Capable of taking unjustified risks, adventurous natures are prone to indisputable judgments. The ability to take risks for a goal. Desire and potential for leadership.
  • E - self-expression, the desire to exchange experience. They act as a mediator in conflicts. Perceptive, understand the world of secrets. Chatty. A strong love of travel, in life such people can often change their place of residence, restless.
  • Т — creative, sensitive people; have high intuition, are in constant search for the truth. Often desires do not match opportunities. They strive to do everything quickly, without putting off until tomorrow. Demanding to others and to yourself. Striving for the search for truth. Reassessing your abilities.
  • A is the strongest and brightest letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. Individuals with such letters in their surnames always strive for leadership. Often they compete with themselves. Indicates a desire to change something, to achieve the highest level of comfort in the physical manifestation and in the spiritual.
  • Т — creative, sensitive people; have high intuition, are in constant search for the truth. Often desires do not match opportunities. They strive to do everything quickly, without putting off until tomorrow. Demanding to others and to yourself. Striving for the search for truth. Reassessing your abilities.
  • b - the ability to smooth out conflict situations, softness of character. The desire to consider everything "under the microscope", to detail.
  • Meaning of the surname Invent

    The surname is the main element that connects a person with the universe and the surrounding world. It determines his fate, the main character traits and the most significant events. Inside the surname Invent lies the experience gained by previous generations and ancestors. According to the numerology of the surname Invent, one can determine the life path of the family, family well-being, advantages, disadvantages and the nature of the bearer of the surname. The number of the surname Invent in numerology is 6. Representatives of the surname Invent are cheerful people who can achieve success in various fields. Fate is favorable to them and provides its patronage throughout the life path. These are optimists who lose their fortune with a smile on their face and earn big money without much effort. Yes, yes - all these words refer to people with the number 6 in their last names. The influence of luck can be traced in all key moments: such people are born into a poor family, but at the same time they break out into high society, they skip couples at the university, and choose the only studied topic on the exam. It is these guys who break the jackpot in the casino and perform operations that are unthinkable in their complexity.

  • Life path of family and surname Invent .
    The influence of luck can be traced from an early age. For such people, everything turns out by itself: they receive the best gifts, win the hearts of the first beauties in the class, beat their classmates in gambling. Luck contributes to popularity and an increase in the number of enemies. They are openly envied, admired and hated at the same time. Bearers of the surname Invent seem to have stepped out of the pages of glossy magazines: their clothes correspond to the latest fashion trends, and there is a mobile phone of the latest model in their pocket. These people easily support small talk, give beautiful ladies compliments and skillfully flirt with the opposite sex. But this is just a beautiful sign and the preconceived opinion of the surrounding people. The surname Invent is assigned a certain image, which has to be consistent throughout life.
  • Family life with the surname Invent .
    Parents help people with the surname Invent in building a family life. They give a brand new apartment, a cozy house or a small cottage outside the city. Such expensive gifts impose certain obligations on the bearers of the surname Invent certain obligations, which eventually begin to weigh them down. They are cool about their family life, but at the same time they are madly in love with children. The main problem of family life is the lack of an established life. People with the surname Invent do not tolerate lengthy repairs, the need to build housing on their own or do work on a personal plot. Despite the outward lovingness, they treat treason with contempt and remain faithful to one person. They do not like to cook food, and therefore they are happy to shift this responsibility to their soul mate.
  • Recommended professions for the surname Invent .
    Bearers of the surname Invent are recommended creative professions without clear deadlines and explicit deadlines. They independently form their work schedule and do not tolerate business style. These are dandies who can come to the office at the end of the working day and leave it early in the morning. Optimal professions - designer, stylist, artist, journalist, writer. Success in the business sphere is possible: but it is most often temporary. If the bearers of the surname Invent managed to earn the first capital, then it will quickly disappear due to an incorrectly chosen development strategy. Therefore, the best option is to earn money and get out of business.
  • Personal virtues of a person with the surname Invent .
    Cheerful disposition, responsiveness, love of life and optimism. The ability to see the positive side even in the most deplorable situations, the ability to charm people and natural charm.

    How to spell the surname Invent

    In Russian, the literate spelling of this surname is - Invent. In English, the surname Invent can have the following spelling - Izobretat.

    Declension of the surname Invent by cases

    Case Question Surname
    Nominative Who? Invent
    Genitive No Who? Invent
    Dative Glad To whom? Invent
    accusatory See Who? Invent
    Creative Satisfied with whom? Invent
    Prepositional Thinking About whom? Invent

    Video about the surname Invent

    Do you agree with the description of the name Invent, its origin, history of formation, meaning and the stated essence? What information about the name Invent do you still know? What famous and successful people with the surname Invent do you know? We will be happy to discuss the surname Invent in more detail with visitors to our site in the comments.

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