Spelling for 5th graders games

5th Grade Spelling Words - Spelling List #1


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  • 5th Grade Spelling List 1

Fifth Grade Spelling List 1

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List 1
Word Practice Sentence Type
present We will buy the teacher a present. Basic
ready We are ready to go now. Basic
told I told you about the test yesterday. Basic
process The process needs to be refined. Basic
through I went through the woods to get here. Basic
surface The surface was smooth and cold. Basic
destroy I will destroy my sand castle. Basic
girl That girl looks really friendly. Basic
seen I haven't seen my friend all day. Basic
seven There are seven days in a week. Basic
program This program was created by professors. Basic
thirty There are thirty men in the elite unite. Basic
those I wish those people would stop staring. Basic
haircut My haircut looks terrible. Basic
mistletoe My mom will hang mistletoe over the door. Challenge
peninsula Florida is a peninsula. Challenge
competitor He will be the last competitor to sign up. Challenge
exaggerate My little brother tends to exaggerate. Challenge

Fifth Grade Spelling Lists
Spelling List 1 Spelling List 2 Spelling List 3 Spelling List 4 Spelling List 5 Spelling List 6 Spelling List 7 Spelling List 8 Spelling List 9 Spelling List 10 Spelling List 11 Spelling List 12 Spelling List 13 Spelling List 14 Spelling List 15 Spelling List 16 Spelling List 17 Spelling List 18 Spelling List 19 Spelling List 20 Spelling List 21 Spelling List 22 Spelling List 23 Spelling List 24 Spelling List 25 Spelling List 26 Spelling List 27 Spelling List 28 Spelling List 29 Spelling List 30

5th Grade Spelling Words - Spelling List #4


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  • Fifth Grade Spelling Words
  • 5th Grade Spelling List 4

Fifth Grade Spelling List 4

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List 4
Word Practice Sentence Type
however I will make the cake however you like. Basic
find We will find your other sock later. Basic
per You will make twenty dollars per day. Basic
life She is the life of the party. Basic
growls My dog growls at everyone. Basic
belong These shoes belong to James. Basic
sat We sat outside and drank tea. Basic
moral We have a moral obligation to do the right thing. Basic
lot There is an empty lot for sale. Basic
still I still think we should've waited. Basic
heavy The painting is much too heavy to carry by myself. Basic
shown We've shown you all the homes that are for sale. Basic
said She said we could have lunch on Wednesday. Basic
finished I finished all of my homework. Basic
answer The answer was not so simple. Challenge
spaghetti My favorite food is spaghetti. Challenge
Arkansas My uncle has a cabin in Arkansas. Challenge
special We are all special. Challenge

Fifth Grade Spelling Lists
Spelling List 1 Spelling List 2 Spelling List 3 Spelling List 4 Spelling List 5 Spelling List 6 Spelling List 7 Spelling List 8 Spelling List 9 Spelling List 10 Spelling List 11 Spelling List 12 Spelling List 13 Spelling List 14 Spelling List 15 Spelling List 16 Spelling List 17 Spelling List 18 Spelling List 19 Spelling List 20 Spelling List 21 Spelling List 22 Spelling List 23 Spelling List 24 Spelling List 25 Spelling List 26 Spelling List 27 Spelling List 28 Spelling List 29 Spelling List 30

Russian language lesson in the 5th grade.

Using didactic games

Russian language lesson in grade 5. Usage didactic games

Keywords: teaching methods Russian language, didactic game, graphic dictation, phonetics, name noun.

Abstract. Article dedicated to the use of didactic games in Russian language lessons in grade 5. Designed didactic games can be used when studying the topics "Phonetics", as well as "Name noun as a part of speech. Tasks are based on the use symbolic and graphic designations, due to which didactic games act a kind of graphic dictation or graphic dictation by cells.

Didactic game - a type of training session organized in the form of an educational game that contributes to active learning and characterized by the presence of rules and a fixed structure gaming activity [2, p. 295]. The use of didactic games in the classroom creates a certain emotional background, as well as conditions for motivating students to learning difficult topics. The didactic game contains an educational task, which students solve in an entertaining way. methodological value didactic game is that during the game increases cognitive activity of students: they begin to reason, express their opinion, do not being afraid to make a mistake [4, p. 90]. The use of didactic games helps organize the lesson in such a way that all students actively participated in the acquisition of linguistic knowledge, sought to discover new, enthusiastically carried out the proposed tasks.

In program 5 class there are a number of topics that students studied in elementary school. So, for example, students again begin to get acquainted with the topics "Phonetics" or "A noun as Part of speech". Speech sounds and the sound structure of the language (syllables, sound combinations, patterns of connecting sounds in a speech chain) in the field of phonetics, as well as grammatical meaning, morphological features, syntactic role of the name noun and some spelling rules for spelling names nouns are already mastered by pupils in elementary school. Fifth graders fast remember the material covered, and the fulfillment of the tasks of the textbook, duplicating essence of exercise in elementary school, becomes boring for them. Attention students disperse, they cease to work actively in the classroom. So in class educational situations are created in which it becomes appropriate to include in the educational the process of didactic games in the Russian language.

We were several didactic games have been developed that can be used when studying the topics “Phonetics”, as well as “Noun as a part of speech”. The specificity of our tasks is the use of symbolic-graphic designations, due to which didactic games are a kind of graphic dictation or graphic dictation by cells [3, p. 48]. Last type of work is successfully used at an early stage of the formation of graphic skills in preschoolers and first graders. Let's present examples of games and their methodology conducting in the study of these topics.

1. Game "Yes / no"

Theme "Phonetics"

The teacher together with students on a notebook sheet in a cell determines the area on which it will be perform the task (write numbers from 1 to 7 in a column, from 1 to 7 in a line). Teacher reads questions. If the question requires the answer "yes" , then the students paint over a cell of a notebook sheet if the question suggests an answer "no" , then leave the cell of the notebook sheet not filled in.

1 line

1. Speech sounds are not are pronounced clearly and distinctly, they are difficult to distinguish from each other (no)

2. Change only one sound does not lead to a change in the meaning of the word (no)

3. More letters, than sounds (no)

4. Phonetics studies speech sounds (yes)

5. Vowel sounds - These are sounds, during the pronunciation of which the exhaled air does not pass through the mouth free (no)

6. Consonants sounds - these are sounds, during the pronunciation of which the exhaled air does not meet in mouth various obstacles (no)

7. Sounds [l], [m], [n] have paired sounds for voicelessness-deafness (no)

2 line

1. "e" cannot denote 2 sounds (no)

2. "e", "ё", "yu", “I” stands for two sounds if they are at the end of a word (no)

3. The alphabet is the arrangement of letters in a certain order (yes)

4. "e", "ё", "yu", “I” denote two sounds if they are at the end of a word after vowels (yes)

5. “e”, “yo”, “yu”, "I" denote two sounds if they are at the beginning of a word (yes)

6. Transcription cannot accurately convey the sounds of spoken speech in writing (no)

7. Transcription never written according to strictly defined rules (no)

3rd line

1. The letters "I", "yu", "e", "yo" are used in Russian transcription (no)

2. All sounds are divided into 2 large groups - vowels and consonants (yes)

3. Vowel sounds 6 (yes)

4. Consonants sounds 36 (yes)

5. Own name got vowels because they consist only of voice (yes)

6. Own name consonants received because they consist of voice and noise (yes)

7. In noisy consonants prevail voice (no)

4 line

1. Depending according to the amount of noise, consonants are divided into voiced and deaf (yes)

2. Deaf consonants consist only of noise (yes)

3. Deaf people can assign sounds [c], [h], [f] (yes)

4. In voiced consonants besides noise there is a voice (yes)

5. To voiced sounds can be attributed [b], [c], [g] (yes)

6. Sonorant with Latin translates as "sonorous" (yes)

7. In sonor there is almost no noise, the voice prevails in them (yes)

5 line

1. Vowels can be hard and soft (no)

2. In transcription capital letters can be used (none)

3. Phonetic the entry is enclosed in parentheses (none)

4. B spelling is written according to the rules, and in transcription - as they hear (yes)

5. In a word “rebuild” no sound [c] (no)

6. In vowels sounds have noise (no)

7. In phonetic transcription we do not stress (no)

6 line

1. Consonants [g], [w], [c] are always soft (no)

2. There are consonants sounds that do not have a pair of hardness and softness (yes)

3. Consonant [g] has a pair of hardness and softness (none)

4. Most hard and soft consonants form pairs (yes)

5. Consonant [h] always hard (no)

6. In phonetic transcription, you can find such a spelling of the sound [u] (no)

7. [j] is always solid (no)

7 line

1. Between two letters "l" are written "b" (no)

2. In combinations ch, chk, schn “b” is not written (yes)

3. In names nouns of the 3rd declension ending in a hissing "ь" are always written (yes)

4. "b" is written always after sizzling verbs (yes)

5. In names nouns of the 1st declension ending in a hissing "b" are always written (no)

6. In combinations Thu, mon, lf the letter “b” is written (no)

7. “b” is not written in the middle of a word between soft consonants, if when changing the word the second soft consonant becomes hard, and the first one remains soft (no)


1. Theme "Genus noun name."

The teacher dictates the words. The task of the students is to determine the gender of nouns. Depending on the the gender of the noun will change the direction of the arrow. If a noun feminine, use the down arrow if the noun is masculine gender, - the arrow "up", if the noun is of the middle gender, - the arrow "right", a noun of general gender, an arrow to the left.

Didactic material. Cinema, coat, genius, subway, way, taxi, street, door, madam, rainbow, mouse, impression, jam, school, shampoo, highway, stuffing, youth, sheet, surname, Zhenya, bully, coffee, crybaby, slob, grove, Sasha, quiet, computer, piano, lesson, marmalade, Valya, sneak, buffet, rail.

Should work such a drawing.

2. Subject "Noun declension".

The teacher dictates the words. The task of the students is to determine the declination nouns. Depending on the declension of the noun will change arrow direction. If the noun is 1 declension, you need to use up arrow if the noun has 2 declensions, down arrow if 3rd declension noun, - right arrow, noun has no declension (i. e., it has only the form of a plural number), - an arrow to the left.

Didactic material. Brooch, ink, soot, flow, nanny, glade, silence, siskin, lilac, drama, mother, day, steppe, earth, daughter, stream, sun, ink, shorts, cream, watch, morning, canned food, table, hero, window, bed, flower, rye, thing, notebook, lie, shiver, speech, oven, wolf, task, cloud, perfume, youth, army, tongs, cadet, happiness, grain, sky, fisherman, rain, twilight, board, vase, flakes, sister, cat, rake, bouncers, hide and seek, pheasant, bream, blind man's buff, hunter, edge, pitchfork, bee, party, star, line, hunting, yeast, dawn, vein, fishing, headman, scissors, plate, pike.

As a result of the correct execution of the task, it should turn out such a drawing.

3. Game Tic-Tac-Toe

Topic “Declination of nouns”

2 participants leave. Everyone chooses a type of declension. For example, participant No. 1 chose 1 declension, his conventional sign is “cross”, participant No. 2 chose the 3rd declension, his conventional sign is “zero”. Members write the words of their declension in the table. The task is to collect a series of words, as in tic-tac-toe game.

4. Game "Morse code"

Subject "Spelling of case endings of nouns"

Each student has a sheet with an exercise, including words with errors in the endings of nouns. This game is a type the so-called corrective exercise with declared errors or cacographic exercises [1, p. 35; 5, p. 86].

If there is an error in the word, you need to put " - " if there is no error - "•". For example, to the basketball court, to the station square .

In the first case there is no error, therefore, we put •, in the second case there is an error, set - . After you need to explain students that in this example the letter “A” is encrypted in Morse code (• - = A).

Job. Each item corresponds to a certain letter. Write down the received letters and collect the word.

Didactic material:

1) on the roads, along the alley, to the cottages;

2) in the herring, on the exam, on the spruce;

3) spoke in turn, in a thicket, in mathematics;

4) by night, in herring;

5) to the hut, in the story, on the birch, near the desert;

6) about the hero, along the tracks;

7) in books, for daughter;

8) on a Christmas tree, on a mirror;

9) according to the program.

Student's answer is checked against the alphabet table Morse.

Encrypted word - END.

5. Game "Black and White"

Theme "Spelling of case endings of nouns"

Teacher together with students on a notebook sheet in a cell determines the area on which it will be perform the task (write numbers from 1 to 9 in a column, from 1 to 8 in a line). If the students hear a noun with a case ending - and , then they paint over a cell of a notebook sheet. If they hear a noun with an ending -e , leave the cell of the notebook sheet not filled in.

1 row: on occasion, at a lecture, about a hurricane, in a cafeteria, on a ship, in a suitcase, out of habit, in a carriage;

2nd row: about gait, in Russia, from libraries, in biography, at the lesson, to the dacha, along the alley, on the slope;

3rd row: out of the pot, out of the accident songs, near the dacha, in turn, at recess, at school, about the teacher;

4th row: by night, from trip, without plugs, quarters, no score, class, south, europe;

5 row: in an envelope, about strength, from strawberries, at a performance, about dinner, about a friend, on the planet, without a brooch;

6 row: on the mantel, about a man, from pears, guessing, to the tent, in the soil, on the lawn, near the desert;

7 row: in the camp, along the ice floe, for daughters, from the step, in conversation, on the topic, in herring, on the territory;

8 row: about rose, in the rule, in herbariums, on spruces, about tragedy, in a crown, on an estate, about a parrot;

9th row: about an orange, in a fur coat, on building, at a meeting, in an effort, in painting, without help, out of habit.

Designed and tested by us in the practice of teaching the Russian language in the 5th grade teaching games contribute to the formation of logical thinking of students in mastering morphological knowledge, the assimilation of spelling themes of a variable nature, educating the vision of the declared errors and their elimination, implementation symbolic-graphic actions in the study of phonetics, morphology and spelling in Russian language lessons.


1. Gorbatov D.S. Corrective exercises in spelling lessons // Russian language at school. - 1996. - No. 5. - S. 34–36.

2. Maruseva I.V. Modern Pedagogy (with elements of pedagogical psychology): textbook for universities / I. V. Maruseva - M. - Berlin: Direct-Media, 2015. - 624 p.

3. Matveeva N.M. Graphic dictation // Russian literature. - 1999. - No. 1. - P. 47–51.

4. Mendzheritskaya D.V. Education of children in the game. – M.: Enlightenment, 1979. - 128 p.

  1. Tselikova M.L. Kakograficheskie spelling at the lesson of the Russian language // Elementary school. - 2003. - No. 6. - P. 86 - 88.

Spelling of short adjectives with stem into sibilant

Lesson summary on the topic “Spelling of short adjectives with stem into sibilant”.

Objectives of the lesson: 1) to systematize students' knowledge about writing b at the end of different parts of speech with the basis of hissing;

2) to teach to distinguish the short form of adjectives from other parts of speech,

3) to cultivate respect for the history of their country, their native language;

4) develop the speech and creative abilities of fifth graders.

1. Motivation.


Let's define your mood for work, your mood:

- excellent (red plate),

- good (yellow plate),

- not quite ready (blue plate).

Today we have to complete a large number of interesting and difficult tasks.

Since everyone is ready for the lesson, let's get started. Record date and type of work:



2. Update.

Task: form a short form in phrases (with a note on the board):

Beautiful forest (the forest is beautiful)

Close path (the path is close)

Dark night (dark night)

Terrible person (formidable person) )

3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty.

Good person (good person(?))

Thorny flower (flower is thorny(?))

- How do we spell these words?

- What caused you difficulty?

4. Goal-setting and building a project to overcome difficulties.

- Guys, who can tell me the topic of the lesson.

That's right, well done!

Lesson topic: "Spelling short adjectives."

Write the topic on the blackboard by the teacher.

- What are we going to do at the lesson?

- Express your guesses.

Remember that when forming a short form of an adjective in m.s. there is only one change - the ending is removed (remains zero).

- How can we formulate the rule of the lesson?

In short adjectives with stems in sibilant b is not written!

- Check yourself, read the rule in § 45.

5. Physics minute.

One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend down, straighten up,

Three - three claps of hands,

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave arms,

Six - sit quietly in place.

6. Independent work with mutual verification according to the standard.

Write in two columns: 1) b is written; 2) b is not written.

1. I regretted that in vain I ruined a flower that was good (?) in its place ... 2. A summer ray (?) got tangled in the window. 3. The day is cold, gloomy and fresh (?). 4. Night (?) has just embraced the sky . .. 5. And he rushed before the regiments mighty (?) and joyful, like a battle. 6. Our stove (?) somehow howled wildly and strangely on a rainy night (?). 7. The sky is loud, the air is muddy, the mountain spring (?) murmurs a little. 8. Everyone is sighted (?), but not every doctor (?). 9. You will eat amazing(?). 10. This is my adult daughter(?).

Answer key:

1) night, bake, eat, daughter

2) good, beam, fresh, powerful, key, sighted, doctor.

Evaluation criteria

"5" - no errors

"4" - 1 error

"3" - 2 or more errors

7. Reflection of learning activities in the lesson.

Game. The teacher calls the word, if b is written in it, then the guys of the first option raise their hands, and if it is not written, the second option.

Hot, touch, pencil, prickly, smelly, pluck, peel, rye

-Are you satisfied with how the lesson went?

-Was it interesting?

-What difficulties did you encounter in the process of work? How did you overcome them?

- Evaluate our work, what is your mood at the end of the lesson: choose one of the cards on the table and show it to me.

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