Hurt feelings kit
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Hurt Feelings Kit Trump Election Liberal Democrat Clinton Millenials IFAK AID
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Just in time for the Election results. Do you know a sad, sad Liberal Democrat? Are they experiencing pain and suffering right now? It's your duty to help them overcome their malaise.The country needs to heal. Here's how to start.FINALLY, a First Aid Kit for what really matters.... YOUR FEELINGS! (or that someone "special" that you know is hurting after 11/08/2016).Your kit will come heat sealed from our hurt free facility, to keep out any negative thoughts. Easy tear opening makes for quicker deployment under stressful situations.Full content list shows you exactly what's inside, so when the hurt is flowing, you'll know exactly what to reach for.(CONTENTS)Your Hurt Feelings Kit comes chock full of goodness, ready to patch what ails you. From Butt-Hurt, SVS, Uncontrollable Sobbing, Leaking Body Fluids (due to extreme fright), Hug Deficiency, or just a case of the snivels, we have what you need. No more calling the Wambulance, just retreat to a safe location, take out your kit, and mend those hurt feelings. Contents may vary slightly.
Each Kit Includes:Emergency STOP PlacardButt-Hurt Cleansing PadMultigina Soothing PadMultigina SealTear CatcherEmergency Hug TourniquetEmergency Affirmation StickerFairy Dust (Freshly Squoze From Fairies)Boo-Boo BandageThumbs Up Sticker*********************Emergency STOP Placard:Use this to stop your assailant in their tracks, and give you time to flee to safety.Butt-Hurt Cleansing Pad:1) Remove any clothing to expose butt-hurt region.2) Remove Butt-Hurt pad from wrapper.3) Spread butt cheeks apart using empty hand.4) Gently wipe pad across your butt-hurt.5) For extreme cases of butt-hurt, softly whisper toyourself, "There, There...Everything will be O.K."Multigina Soothing Pad:Multigina Soothing Pad for the Vagina/Mangina. Cures panties in a wad, sand in vagina syndrome (SVS), extreme whining or pussification. Be sure to wipe front to back, because your 'Gina is inflamed enough already.Multigina Seal:For use with leaky vagina/mangina.
Affix seal to inside of panties, (men's orwomen's). Slim design fits well with unisex skinny jeans. Will stop urineleakage caused from excessive crying, screaming, or hysterical behavior fromlosing an argument. Can also be positioned over the anus to catchanal leakage caused from having the crap beat out of you.Tear Catcher:Super absorbent tear catcher in a non aggressive, passive color. Absorbs all yourtears resulting from hurt feelings, boo-boos, disagreements, and generalmalaise. Perfect for crying when offended by words and demanding an apology.Not recommended for all out blubbering, hissy fits, or tantrums.* Will not absorb copious amounts of tears from an ass whoopin'.Emergency Hug Tourniquet:1) Grasp one end of EHT in each hand. 2) Extend arms outward and place EHT behind shoulders. 3) Cross arms. 4) Enjoy the warm feeling of a simulated hug. *Note: If warm feeling travels down leg, you have scared the piss out of yourself fromhugging too hard. Immediately discontinue hug, assume fetal position, and apply the included MultiGina Seal.
Emergency Affirmation Sticker:Did someone disagree with you?Did someone not like your opinion?Did someone say something that hurt you?Are you not getting the apologies you deserve?Is society not listening to your demands?Just place this Emergency Affirmation sticker upside down on your chest,(your head will be down anyway), and shout the phrases: (Phrases Included)Fairy Dust:If your feelings get hurt there's no better cure than spritzing yourself with Fairy Dust. Pour the contents of the bag into your hand, throw the Fairy Dust up in the air, close your eyes, and run through it. BE SURE TO CLOSE YOUR EYES! Failure to do so can result in Fairy Eye, which in turn can cause SVS and pussification. If Fairy Dust gets in your eyes, (when you are done crying), flush eyes with water and then wipe your 'Gina ... read more
Set of associative cards “Fears. Grievances. Heroes»
Classes: d/s , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Keywords: fears, resentment mind maps
Modernity dictates new speeds of life: rapidly changing events create just as quickly and rapidly changing problems and tasks, including psychological ones.
They take very little time to decide. And then associations can come to the rescue. Why exactly this mechanism is often the most productive, let's see.
Association (lat. Associatio - connection, relationship), in psychology and philosophy - a naturally occurring connection between individual events, facts, objects or phenomena reflected in the mind of an individual and fixed in his memory. Ideas about the relationship of objects in the imagination developed in ancient philosophy (Aristotle, Plato), but the term "association" itself was introduced in 1698 by John Locke to denote the relationship between perceptions caused by chance.
The physiological basis of association is a short-term neural connection, and the foundation of this psychological phenomenon rests on conditioned reflexes. Association is based on short-term conditional generation of mental connections responsible for subject similarity. For example, we see an object, the subconscious analyzes it, and the imagination synthesizes something similar (generally analyzes the object, circumstances).
Famous Russian scientist Sechenov I.M. devoted a lot of time to studying associations and explaining their physiological nature. He defined association as a “continuous sensation” that arises as a result of a successive series of conditioned reflexes:
“Association is, as it was said, a continuous series of touches of the end of the previous reflex with the beginning of the next one. The end of a reflex is always movement; and the necessary companion of the latter is muscular sensation. Therefore, if we look at association only in relation to a series of central activities, then it is a continuous sensation. Indeed, in every two neighboring reflections, their average terms, i.e. sensations (visual, auditory, etc.) are separated from each other only by movement, and the latter, in turn, is accompanied by sensation. Consequently, an association is just as much an integral sensation as any purely visual, purely auditory, only it usually lasts longer, and its character is constantly changing. (M.I. Sechenov, "Reflexes of the brain")
All this leads us to understand that associations are a serious and convenient mechanism in the work of a psychologist. And, probably, one of the most popular in our activity. Psychologists use it in the framework of counseling, in conversation, to establish contact, when working with drawing tesks and art therapy techniques. Used when working with texts. in drama therapy. In sand therapy. Many, like me, use associative cards in their work with both adults and children.
Associative cards , also known as projective, associative-metaphorical, therapeutic, are high-quality, convenient projective didactic material used in group and individual work with children and adults. The range of application of associative maps is huge. Usually, this is not a method of work, but a means of interaction with the child, whose choices, most often, cannot be evaluated.
The use of associative cards (AC) gives the child the opportunity to metaphorically model reality in a playful way; creating a common space when discussing a particular situation from life. AK stimulates thinking, reduces defenses and helps create a safe environment for self-disclosure, helps to “melt the ice” in the initial stages of work. At the same time, such processes of perception become available that take place outside of consciousness. AK helps to bring deep feelings to the surface and thus promote self-knowledge. The metaphorical nature of AK allows the child to perceive problems from a distance and symbolically. Working with any metaphor is a search for a resource, it involves relying on it in the person himself.
For every psychologist, the initial contact is a very important step. Metaphors, drawings, games will be appropriate here, and cards at this stage are lifesaver. Their appearance immediately attracts children, has a calming effect on anxious clients, and creates a safe space. Children, having seen the cards, immediately ask the question: “Oh! What are we going to play?" If the children are silent, tense, but when they see the cards, they immediately begin to examine them, sort them out. Or, as often happens, parents often come to a psychologist not of their own free will, but at the request of teachers with their own defenses and denials. In such cases, a visual metaphor helps to carefully enter the problem field in a playful way. After all, pictures are something frivolous, fearless, you can relax, play, talk, and discover something.
During counseling, it can be difficult to “open up” a child to talk about the root causes of their situation. Especially when it comes to difficult events, depression or, for example, PTSD. Mind maps are a projective technique that helps you quickly "extract" the true problem from the unconscious and work directly with it. Bypassing the "resistance" and closeness of the child. Cards can help to look at the situation from the outside: sort out relationships with loved ones, conflicts at school.
Association Cards (AC) is a set of pictures on small cards, very similar to playing cards. The only difference is that this is a professional problem solving technique.
Why did I create my own sets of associative cards (decks)? I like working with AK because this work is unique. It is possible to turn to the subconscious, to carry out diagnostics and therapy in a short time. First of all, because modern children, especially younger schoolchildren and younger teenagers, for various reasons, lack imagination. In some cases, it has not yet formed, in some it is blocked by the use of gadgets. It should be noted that work with drawing tests, as a diagnostic associative material, is more time-consuming. And also we often encounter either the inability to draw children, or their unwillingness to do so.
A study of the existing MAK kits for children showed that on the one hand they are expensive (the authorship of all is Israel), on the other hand they do not meet the needs of a school child psychologist working in Russia. The use of MAC for adults in working with children is complicated by the paucity of the imagination of schoolchildren and the wide field of metaphorical interpretation. Therefore, in 70% of cases, an attempt to use existing sets of cards with children of this age was not successful.
In my work with younger schoolchildren with psychological risks and psychological traumas, I use three sets of author's associative maps "Moods", "Childhood" and "SOG" (Fears, resentments, heroes).
Set "SOG" (Fears. Resentments. Heroes). This set is essentially an illustrated art therapy technology for working with traumatic situations (fears, insults). Why did you add resentment to your fears? It is worth noting that modern children are very sensitive to their grievances. Modern society itself is also sensitive, seeing insults as a traumatic situation (today it is very common to find an attitude towards punishment as traumatic).
Description set. There are 72 pictures in the set. The name of the set tells about its content. Some of the pictures are an image of what children may be afraid of. Part is a metaphorical image of resentment. The last, third, "Heroes" are images of those who can help, save, support in difficult times.
Among the pictures with fears you can see Baba Yaga and the Clown, ghosts and monsters, darkness and thunderstorms. Among the heroes are a fairy, mother, friends, dogs. Resentments and states of mind are drawn as situations of tension and discomfort, and vice versa: peace and pleasure.
The designation of a group of pictures as “Fear” has a direct meaning: here are collected AKs depicting all kinds of fears.
"Grievances" is not only a metaphorical image of insults, but also difficult situations, difficult or uncomfortable.
"Heroes" - mythical and not so helpers, resources and reserves.
Fears | Resentment | Heroes |
Baba Yaga | The girl is in pain. | Running boy. |
Man in a glass jar. | Something is strangling the girl. | Hercules. |
A child is crying in the desert. | Stone on the soul. | Dwarf. |
The man is standing in the corner. | The boy at the crossroads. | Girl with a flower. |
The boy in the pit. | The boy carries a bag of grievances. | The road to the house. |
Eye behind the door. | Offended child. | Friends. |
Coffin. | Bring the sheep. | Clown.???? |
Storm. | One person penetrates another. | Mother with a child. |
Closed door. | A person is torn to pieces. | Castle in the clouds. |
Twos. | The person falls apart. | Swing in the clouds on the moon. |
Burning tree. |
| Music (gramophone). |
Burning house. |
| Hunter. |
Angry teacher. |
| Tent in the forest. |
Snake. |
| Beach and sandcastle. |
Screaming woman. |
| With a book under the covers. |
Dark scary forest. |
| Reflections, dreams. |
Bat. |
| Books. |
Monsters (5 different types) |
| Meditation in nature. |
Mouse |
| Dissolve in nature |
Hunting knife. |
| Draw. |
Night at the cemetery. |
| Many hands. |
Night window. |
| Drink juice with a friend. |
Spider. |
| Mom's support. |
Ghost. |
| Dog. |
Skeleton. |
| Dream on the clouds. |
Angry dog. |
| Dance. |
Darkness, eyes. |
| Teacher. |
Darkness, lamp. |
| Fairy. |
Evil aunt. |
Syringe. |
The idea is : the child must choose a picture corresponding to his/her fears. Tell, describe. You can choose a picture with an association with an emotional state from the "Grievances" group or from another set, for example, "Mood". It is possible to place pictures on a sheet of paper and draw them to create a story. From the same set, to create and complete a story-picture, you need to select assistants (“Heroes”) who represent a resource, outline ways to solve a problem or the solution itself. Assistants often identify a living person, someone from the child's environment: relatives, friends.
Dealing with fears is a standard procedure: we offer to openly choose a fear (an image of fear) and a hero who can help, overcome, win from the pictures. Any creative work with these pictures is possible, depending on the desire of the child: a conversation, a drawing, a fairy tale. In my practice, I use everything at once. To write a fairy tale, I suggest choosing additional pictures. Often pictures with "grievances" help to convey the emotional state of a person.
Layouts for working with the SOG set
1. With fear. Openly choose pictures: what does my fear look like? What do I feel about it? What or who causes fear? What or who can help? Build a conversation around the selected cards.
2. With resentment. Openly choose a picture - a symbol of resentment. Tell about her. Place the picture on a piece of paper, finish drawing. When completed, an awareness of the reason, motives should come. We choose a resource card - who or what helps to forgive.
3. With negative emotions. Openly choose the picture that most dislikes causes discomfort. Tell - why? Choose the picture you like; tell why. Combine two pictures on a sheet, finish drawing, compose a story.
4. With fear 2. Face up - 1 card - what fear looks like. How long has he been in your life. What feelings does it evoke. 2 card - who or what is the cause of fear. 3 card - any (you can blindly) - help.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the kits turned out to be very interesting and productive when working with adults. [6]
- Gafurova G. N. Metaphorical associative maps in the work of a psychologist with children karty-v-workote
- Dushina I.A., A set of metaphorical associative cards "Childhood",
- Dushina I.A., A set of metaphorical associative cards "Mood",
- Rasskazova El, Metaphorical associative cards as a tool in the work of a practical psychologist, https://www.
- Sechenov M.I., "Reflexes of the brain"
- Borisova N., Vershinina N., Bogdanova M., Perevalova El., Goloborodova V., Piggy bank technician for working with metaphorical associative cards,
Psychologists from the capital will help to cope with resentment
Photo: Pexels
Since the beginning of 2022, family center psychologists have conducted more than four thousand consultations, which helped adults and children work through resentment. Nina Kuznetsova, a specialist at the Vostochnoye Degunino family center, tells more about this.
A married couple, Albina and Sergey, applied to the family center. They have been married for almost 7 years and have two children. But lately, there have been more and more conflicts between them. According to the man, his wife is often offended, and he does not understand what his fault is. As a result, a tense atmosphere is created at home, from which not only adults, but also children suffer.
At the first consultation with a psychologist, the couple was asked to describe how they feel during conflicts. The main task is to explain why everyone experiences this or that emotion. The psychologist advised me to use "I-messages". For example, "I felt pain ...", instead of "You offended me ...".
— During quarrels, I thought about myself and my feelings, it's a shame to be guilty without guilt. Often did not take into account the emotional state of Albina. Realizing how unpleasant and painful it was for her, influenced my attitude to the situation, - Sergey shared.
At the next meeting, the couple was asked to make a wish list for each other. When both lists were ready, the specialist offered to discuss them and what concessions the spouses were ready to make.
— I always expected compliments from my husband. I wanted him to notice how I try for him, and when I didn’t get what I wanted, I was offended. Now I understand that I never spoke about my expectations, I hoped Sergey would understand everything without words, ”Albina said.
As a result of conversations with a psychologist, the couple stopped holding grudges and thinking out the reasons for each other's behavior, and began to talk about their desires. Relationships in the couple improved, which positively affected the emotional state of the children.
How to get rid of resentment?
Resentment is a complex emotion that consists of simpler ones: anger, fear, disappointment. To pacify such a cocktail can be very difficult. Nina Kuznetsova tells how to help yourself with this.
- Admit that you are offended
Resentment may seem something shameful, infantile, therefore it is often ignored. But ignoring the problem is not the answer. Someday, at the most inopportune moment, she will make herself felt.
- Find the real reason
Analyze what exactly upset you. Approach this process rationally, without emotions. Sometimes what lies on the surface is just the tip of the iceberg. Ask yourself questions, they will help you get to the point. For example, why is this important to you? For what reason did it happen? Because of which?
- Think about what can be changed
Having found the cause of resentment, you need to try to eliminate it: discuss misunderstandings, work on yourself or seek help from a specialist.
There are exercises and techniques that are used to work through grievances. Specialists of family centers recommend writing a letter to someone offended. In the message you need to express your feelings, thoughts that do not let go. And even if you no longer maintain a relationship with a person, you have the opportunity to express everything that has accumulated to him. Then destroy the letter. At the same time, visualize: getting rid of what was written, imagine that all the negativity leaves you.
To analyze the situation from different angles, write a “reverse letter”, as if the person you are offended with is addressing you. This is a good way to look at what is happening from a new angle, to try to understand the other person, his experiences.
— Resentment has a strong influence on a person: it spoils relationships with others, prevents you from enjoying life. Therefore, it is so important to be able to cope with chagrin on your own or turn to professionals for help,” said Nina Kuznetsova.
If you or your child is having difficulty working through a grievance, you can contact the specialists of Moscow family centers. They carry out psychological consultations, conduct trainings and developmental classes.
If you cannot cope with your emotions on your own, you can also contact the Moscow Psychological Aid Service. You will be given the opportunity to have five psychological consultations, two sessions of psychological diagnostics, three trainings and eight sessions of psychological rehabilitation during the calendar year free of charge.