I am dinosaur
I'm a Dinosaur | Kartoon Channel
13 Episodes
MPAA Rating
G – General Audiences
The world of the dinosaurs as they lived more than 65 million years ago. Each brings their world to life in their own inimitable style, confiding their quirks, strengths and weaknesses.
Many pre-school and early grade school children are fascinated by dinosaurs. I’m A Dinosaur provides these children a wide array of prehistoric animals to explore. In each animated episode, dozens of different dinosaurs introduce themselves and describe their traits and habits in language and pictures that young children can understand. I’m a Dinosaur provides viewers an interesting, engaging, and amusing introduction to the world of pre-historic creatures and offers a range of questions that parents can explore with their children.
- Watch the show with your child and talk about what you have seen.
- Take your child to a museum of natural history containing fossils or models of pre-historic animals.
- Most libraries contain numerous children’s books about dinosaurs; read and talk about them with your child.
- Since dinosaurs are extinct, talk with your child about the ways in which scientists might find out about different dinosaurs’ size, appearance, and habits. If we have never seen a live dinosaur, how can we know what they are like?
- Look for any kind of animal tracks in your yard or neighborhood and discuss with your child what such tracks imply about the animal that made them (e.g. size and weight).
- Many web sites feature dinosaurs; explore some of these sites with your child (e.g. The American Museum of Natural History).
- Have your child measure the length of some of the creatures presented in I’m a Dinosaur by “walking” their assumed length. Ask your child to consider the likely relationship between length and weight; between length and food intake; between length and agility.
Traditional (7 - 25 minutes)
5 - 8
9 - 11
Traditional (7 - 25 minutes)
5 - 8
9 - 11
S1E1 - Baryonyx
S1E2 - Beipiaosaurus
S1E3 - Apatosaurus
S1E4 - Brachiosaurus
S1E5 - Tyrannosaurus Rex
S1E6 - Afrovenator
S1E7 - Diplodocus
S1E8 - Abelisaurus
S1E9 - Compsognathus
S1E10 - Edmontosaurus
S1E11 - Elaphrosaurus
S1E12 - Eustreptospondylus
S1E13 - Corythosaurus
Songs and rhymes about dinosaurs for preschool Pre-K and Kindergarten.

Sung to: "Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear" Sung to: "Mary had a Little Lamb" Sung to: "Muffin Man" Sung to: "The Ants go Marching" Sung to: Oh My Darling Clementine Great big dinosaurs, great big dinosaurs, Great big dinosaurs, great big dinosaurs, Sung to: " 5 Little Ducks" Did you ever see my dinosaur, my dinosaur, my dinosaur? Did you ever see the dinosaur I have for my pet? He hides in my bedroom, He wears my pajamas. ![]() If you've never seen my dinosaur, you'd like to I bet! Sung to: " Oh I Wish I Was an Oscar Mayer Wiener" The Tyrannosaurus Rex went GRRR, GRRR, GRRR, The Triceratops horns went POKE, POKE, POKE The Brontosaurus went MUNCH, MUNCH, MUNCH, Sung to: "Little White Duck" My name is stegosaurus; My front two legs are very short. Sometimes another dinosaur comes by and wants to fight. Sung to: "Alouette" Allosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Apatosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex! Stegosaurus, Trachodon, Triceratops, Pterandon. Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, Oh... Allosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Apatosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex! Sung to: "10 Little Indians" | BECOME A MEMBER MEMBERS' LOG - IN |
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Series "I'm a dinosaur" Series 40
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- Description
- 6 reviews
2013, For children, Foreign, Cartoon series, For the little ones, France
The French animated series will tell about amazing creatures that died out hundreds of millions of years ago and which have not yet been fully studied by mankind. The plot of each mini-series contains a unique story about one of the types of dinosaurs. Each representative will tell you what his name is, what size he is, where he lives, what his character is and a lot of other incredibly interesting information.
Dinosaurs have stoked the curiosity of millions of viewers for centuries. These mysterious reptiles are of interest to people of science, as well as to ordinary adults and children. Not surprisingly, many animated films are dedicated to these fantastic animals that have inhabited the Earth since prehistoric times. But there are not so many cartoons all over the world that provide informative and truthful information about prehistoric pangolins. French animators decided to eliminate this gap.
Thanks to the animated series, you can plunge into the incredible prehistoric world and see how giant animals actually lived. What are the habits and weaknesses of each species? What did they like to eat? What did they think about the world around them? You will get answers to these and many other questions by watching the animated film I Am a Dinosaur!
The French animated series will tell about amazing creatures that died out hundreds of millions of years ago and which have not yet been fully studied by mankind. The plot of each mini-series contains a unique story about one of the types of dinosaurs. Each representative will tell you what his name is, what size he is, where he lives, what his character is and a lot of other incredibly interesting information. Dinosaurs here
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RussianMom, I'm a dinosaur-r-r, reviews, schedule and tickets for the performance, Moscow - Afisha-Teatry
Performance in Moscow
Production Komiks Theater
Buy tickets © facebook. com/teatrcomix
About the performance Schedule Reviews (1)
Performance-transformation for the whole family. In one very ordinary city, in the most ordinary family, an incredible event happened - the girl Sonya turned into ... a dinosaur. Why and under what circumstances, one can only guess. Dad is at a loss, who should I call an ambulance or a veterinarian? Mom-paleontologist is trying to determine the species and habitat of her daughter-dinosaur, Grandmother protects her beloved ficus from him. And the teacher in the kindergarten cannot put the dinosaur to sleep during the day, along with other children. No one understands how to feed a dinosaur, how to dress it and what to teach. Only the director of the zoo knows exactly what to do with a dinosaur - put it in a cage! But Sonya is a cute and harmless dinosaur, so first Sonya's parents, and then their friends stand up for her. This performance will tell how love for a child can unite first one family, and then the whole city.
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Mama , I am a dinosaur-rr" 1
145 reviews, 284 ratings, rating 160
Very kind performance
10What did you dream of becoming as a child? 🦖
The girl Sonya really wanted to turn into a dinosaur, because then you can splash around in the bathroom longer, and most importantly, then your mother will definitely devote more time to Sonya, because her mother is a paleontologist, and what She is primarily interested in dinosaurs. And then maybe dad and grandmothers will also remember Sonya. Well, in the meantime, everyone has their own affairs, the girl decides to write a letter to Santa Claus, although she no longer believes in his existence.
The story of this family goes beyond the apartment, new characters appear in the plot, they are all different, although only 4 people play the roles. Bravo, to the actors of the Comic Theater, you will have a fun, instructive and New Year's performance.
After watching, I want to create, take corrugated cardboard and cut out of it, if not a character, then at least a TV. Adults, well, remember, did they play with boxes in childhood? And the creators of the performance came up with so many interesting things from the corrugation - a lot of ideas 🗯
In the production, the brown color of the cardboard echoes the material of the costumes, there are no flashy colors, the look is resting.
The recommended age is 6+ and my six-year-old girl was very good at understanding (by the way, the main character is the same age), but there were younger children, someone fidgeted, someone watched enthusiastically. Here you need to understand that the performance is not about animals, it is about people and relationships.
In general, adults, watch this performance with children 😉
November 18, 2020
All reviewsCollections of "Posters"
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