Individual letters ofthe alphabet
English Alphabet - Worldometer
- W
- Languages
- English Alphabet
The English alphabet consists of 26 letters. Each letter has an uppercase ("capital letter") and a lowercase ("small letter") form.
# | Capital Letter | Small Letter | Phonic (pronunciation) | Name |
1 | A | a | /eɪ/, /æ/ | a |
2 | B | b | /biː/ | bee |
3 | C | c | /siː/ | cee |
4 | D | d | /diː/ | dee |
5 | E | e | /iː/ | e |
6 | F | f | /ɛf/ | ef |
7 | G | g | /dʒiː/ | gee |
8 | H | h | /(h)eɪtʃ/ | (h)aitch |
9 | I | i | /aɪ/ | i |
10 | J | j | /dʒeɪ/ | jay |
11 | K | k | /keɪ/ | kay |
12 | L | l | /ɛl/ | el |
13 | M | m | /ɛm/ | em |
14 | N | n | /ɛn/ | en |
15 | O | o | /oʊ/ | o |
16 | P | p | /piː/ | pee |
17 | Q | q | /kjuː/ | cue |
18 | R | r | /ɑːr/ | ar |
19 | S | s | /ɛs/ | ess |
20 | T | t | /tiː/ | tee |
21 | U | u | /juː/ | u |
22 | V | v | /viː/ | vee |
23 | W | w | /ˈdʌbəl. | double-u |
24 | X | x | /ɛks/ | ex |
25 | Y | y | /waɪ/ | wy |
26 | Z | z | /zi/zɛd/ | zee/zed |
- Five of the letters in the English Alphabet are vowels: A, E, I, O, U.
- The remaining 21 letters are consonants: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, X, Z, and usually W and Y.
Written English includes the digraphs: ch ci ck gh ng ph qu rh sc sh th ti wh wr zh. These are not considered separate letters of the alphabet. - Two letters, “A” and “I,” also constitute words.
- Until fairly recently (until 1835), the 27th letter of the alphabet (right after "z") was the ampersand (&).
- The English Alphabet is based on the Latin script, which is the basic set of letters common to the various alphabets originating from the classical Latin alphabet.
Old English
- The Old English alphabet letters were 29: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X Y Z & ⁊ Ƿ Þ Ð Æ
- The Old English alphabet was recorded in the year 1011 by a monk named Byrhtferð and included the 24 letters of the Latin alphabet (including ampersand) and 5 additional English letters: Long S (ſ), Eth (Ð and ð), Thorn (þ), Wynn (ƿ) and Ash (ᚫ; later Æ and æ).
- With respect to Modern English, Old English did not include J, U, and W.
See Also:
- NATO Phonetic Alphabet
Individual Letters -
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5 Ways to Learn the Alphabet Quickly and Easily with a 3-6 Year Old Child – Somersault
Before learning the alphabet with a child, it is important to understand what you are not going to do. Namely, learning to read. This is a more complex skill, so it is worth putting it off until the time when the child gets acquainted with all the letters and will confidently recognize them and write on their own. Until then, put off the alphabet and reading by syllables.
In this article, we have put together the basic principles to quickly learn the Russian alphabet with a 3-6 year old child in a playful way. For all games with letters, you can use plasticine, paints and any improvised means or magnetic letters - they will easily attract the attention of the child.
- Learn the Alphabet Easily: Basic Principles
- 5 ways to learn the alphabet with your child
- From alphabet to reading
How to Learn the Alphabet Easily: Basic Principles
Each child can find an easy way to learn the alphabet that suits him or her, but there are basic principles that are important for all children. If you do not follow them, study will turn into drill and the child is unlikely to ever love to read. Here are a few such principles on how to properly learn the alphabet for a child.
- Learn sounds first, not letters . At the first stage of learning, it does not matter how the letters in the alphabet are called correctly. Now only sounds are important for the child - "d", and not the letter "De". The names of the letters will only confuse the child, who first needs to learn to recognize the shape of the letters and their sound.
- Not learning the alphabet in the correct sequence . Until a child goes to school, it is of no use to him to know how the letters are arranged in the alphabet. This information will only distract him from what is really important: how the letters look and sound. The sequence of the alphabet can be learned later or even at school, where this knowledge will be tested by the teacher.
- Do not turn learning into a lesson .
Learning from call to call is difficult even for children at school, let alone a baby. Therefore, all learning should take place in a playful way and not for long: 5-7 minutes a day to get acquainted with the letters will be enough. Gradually, this time can be increased, especially if the child likes the proposed games with letters.
- Use material objects . At the age of 3-6 years, the child learns the world by touch and taste. It is difficult for him to work with abstract letters spoken aloud. Therefore, it is better to stock up on plasticine and paints and create letters that are more understandable to the child and can be touched. Such a game for children will allow the child to learn the letters of the alphabet and he will recognize them in different forms regardless of what they are made of.
- First vowels, then consonants . Vowel sounds are easier to pronounce, so it's worth starting with them.
The main thing is not to force anyone. If you see that the child is inquisitive, enjoys exploring the world and is ready to learn, you can move on to learning letters and the alphabet. So the child will be happy to learn the alphabet in a playful way and gradually learn to read. So that the game is not abstract, you can use the magnetic letters TUMBLING.
5 ways to learn the alphabet with your child
1. Use an interesting topic to study
Use your child's interest to spur his motivation to learn. For example, if your kid is crazy about cars, let them be the topic in which you learn the alphabet. Use any words related to cars:
"A" - bus
"B" - trunk
"C" - driver, etc.
You can show cars and their parts, draw or sculpt from plasticine. It is important that the child's focus shifts from learning to doing what they love. Additionally, the method will help expand vocabulary and knowledge about the world.
2. Cross out a letter of the alphabet in the list
Fill in a small square with arbitrary letters. The task is to cross out only the letter that you are studying. This will help the child focus on one letter and not get distracted by the ones he doesn't remember or don't know.
3. Pulling the letters of the alphabet out of the pouch
The soft-touch magnetic letters are perfect for this method. Put the letters in a bag and give the child the task, without looking, to pull out only the letter that you thought of. Let there not be too many letters in the bag, otherwise the child will get confused. 6-7 pieces will be enough. To start, use letters that are very different in shape, such as "O" and "M". Gradually, the complexity can be increased and searched among similar letters, for example, "K" and "X". Don't forget to praise and encourage your child. You can alternate the learning process with desktops.
4. Recognize letters of the alphabet by ear
You pronounce a word, and if it contains a hidden letter, the child claps his hands.
With this game for kids, you can learn individual letters or the entire alphabet. For example, you name a word, and the child inserts its first letter into the insert frame. To stimulate your child's interest, you can use only words from his favorite topic, for example, the names of animals.
5. Guess words starting with the first letter
You choose one letter and think of a word that starts with that letter. For example, the letter "Z":
- What is this animal with big ears and loves carrots?
- Hare!
This game form is again suitable for learning individual letters or the entire alphabet. If you learn only one letter, the child gets used to quickly recognizing it in different words. And if you give words with different letters, the child as a whole learns to understand with which letter they begin. With the study of the account and the English language will also help TUMBLING.
From the alphabet to reading
When a child learns the Russian alphabet, confidently recognizes all the letters in different words and can draw or mold them on his own, it is worth moving on to reading. Because you need to learn the alphabet just so that the child can read. If knowledge is not used, it will hang as an extra burden, and by the time school will be forgotten. Therefore, you should not learn the alphabet too early: at 3-4 years old, a child is simply not interested in reading books in order to learn something new. He is more interested when his mother reads. Conversely, by the age of six, the child will be glad to have his own books to read them himself.
English alphabet with pronunciation and transcription
Practice 16.4K
There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. However, they do not always represent the same sounds. This, perhaps, is the main difficulty of English pronunciation. English words don't always read the way they are written.
But first things first. In this article we will figure out how to pronounce individual letters of the English alphabet correctly.
English word alphabet originates from two letters of the Greek alphabet: alpha and beta.
There are 5 vowels in English: A, E, I, O, U . Sometimes this list includes Y . Depending on the reading in a particular word. For example, this letter is read as a vowel in the word sky [skaɪ] and as a consonant in the word yes [jes] .
In British and American English, all letters are pronounced the same except Z . Variant [zed] is British, variant [zi] is American.
If you need to help your baby learn the alphabet, children's songs with the repetition of letters or bright colorful pictures depicting the letters of the English alphabet are very good. To each card, you can add a drawing with an object or animal whose name begins with this letter. This will make it easier to remember.
Knowing the alphabet will help if you need to spell individual words. For example, you check into a hotel or take part in some kind of event where you may be asked to spell your first or last name in order to spell it correctly. Can say: How do you spell your name?
As for words, letters in various combinations are pronounced differently. We will deal with this in the following articles. Until then practice!
Next, you can listen to how the letters of the English alphabet sound.