Learn color baby
9 Simple Ways to Get Your Toddler to Learn Colors
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Once your child has reached the big milestone of turning 1, you’ll notice they become little sponges of information. They start walking, talking, and being so much more independent now that the baby stage is long gone.
Around this age is when you can start introducing them to colors. It’s important for a child to start hearing words often in order to remember it.
Even though they probably won’t be able to fully understand and retain the concept of colors until around 18 months, it’s a good idea to start teaching it early on. This is when learning colors will start to make sense to them, just like learning names of objects made sense to them around the 1 yearmark.
Color matching (putting the red piece on the red spot) is one of the simplest forms of learning colors. It may occur first, along with recognizing and choosing colors when asked for them (handing you the red piece when you say give me the red piece). Lastly comes naming colors (being able to say red when asked what color is this?).
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The key to your child learning colors is over-exposure. As I’ll talk about below, you want to give them tons of opportunities to hear you say the colors names, be asked the color’s names, and see them often.
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I started really introducing my daughter to colors around 16 months old and she got a grasp of the concept quickly. Here are some simple tips to teach your toddler their colors:
1. Start simple
Don’t overwhelm your toddler with too many colors at once. Focus on two at a time and then add more in as they become familiar with those.
Whenever you see those two colors, point them out to your child, but don’t label any other colors yet. For example, choose to teach your child red and green first. Whenever you see anything red or green, point it out. Give them only red and green objects at certain playtimes.
Clearly label and talk about the red versus green objects. Ask them to sort only objects that are red or green. Once they are familiar with red and green and the differences between those two, add in yellow. Of course they will see other colors while they play, but really try to only speak about the few colors that you choose.
Showing them less choices will help them to remember the colors easier.
Related post: Pom Pom Tube Drop: Toddler Fine Motor Activity
2. Use small, colorful objects for sorting
I love using fun, simple objects for learning colors and counting. Toddlers love little pompoms because of their softness and they’ll be excited to learn with them.
I like to group and sort them by color as my daughter puts them into their correct pile. If your child is just learning colors, naming the colors of each pompom works great too.
This Rainbow Counting Bears Sorting Toy makes a fun learning resource for introducing color recognition & basic mathematics concepts such as counting and addition. It can also be used for kids math and counting games for toddlers and great for developing fine motor skills with the tongs.
Have your toddler sort the bears into their same color cup. They can use their hands or tongs . They’ll also have a fun time using their imagination to make stories and games with the bears.
3. Distinguish contrasting colors
It’s best to use colors that are not at all similar to each other so you don’t confuse your toddler. Items that have contrasting colors will stick out more to them when they’re learning.
For example, if you’re teaching colors side by side, don’t put blue and purple together, red and orange, red and pink, etc. Colors that pair well with contrast are red/green, blue/yellow, purple/green, and black/white. There are plenty more combinations to use.
Also, sometimes certain shades of a color will be closely related like a yellowish green will look similar to yellow or a turquoise could look closer to a green or blue. Try to stick to the basic primary colors when teaching them.
Check out our post on the Pompom Whisk Activity for Toddlers where you child can try a fun activity while also learning their colors.
4. Color puzzles
Puzzles are a great activity to develop language, cognition, and fine motor skills. My daughter loves the Melissa & Doug Colorful Fish Puzzle and is always asking to do it.
While we play, I verbally label each color as she puts the piece in the board so that she hears it over and over and can match the color name with what she sees.
Since this color puzzle is using all fish, your child won’t have to focus on the pictures or objects on the puzzle, but will be able to just pay attention to the colors. I think this was one of the best aids that taught my daughter her colors so early.
5. Use the same objects
The concept of colors may be a little difficult for babies and toddlers to understand because it’s a word typically used to describe something else. So far they have been learning words of actual things, like ball, car, mommy, milk, etc.
All items they can see or hold and names of these objects can make sense to them.
To get them to understand the concept of colors better, make sure you’re using two identical objects to point out the color differences. For example, don’t show your child a red car and a blue block because she will just think that you’re naming it differently because the object is different.
Instead, use a red car and a blue car to distinguish the differences.
This activity below works on color matching and sorting which are the first color activities your toddler will be able to do. We used MegaBlocks, but you can really use any blocks or toys that have different colors.
Simply put construction paper on the floor in the colors of the blocks and have your child match their toy to the colored paper. Read more about this activity here.
6. Label EVERYTHING with a color
This will help them to quickly build their language and vocabulary. Anything they see in their everyday world has a color. Make sure to verbally label objects with their names and colors as you see them, pass them, and give to them.
When you’re first starting to introduce colors, you may want to just label the colors on their own so they’re not confused by the color and the name. You’d be surprised how quickly children pick up these concepts and understand that you’re not naming the object, but just describing the color.
Related Post: Sticker Letter Activity: Letter Learning for Toddlers
7. Color with crayons and markers
Coloring is a great skill for toddlers to develop fine and visual motor skills (coordinating their hands and eyes to perform a task). Have your child use crayons to scribble on paper and point out and label the colors that they use.
You can print out free blank coloring pages of their favorite characters or objects hereif using a blank paper gets boring to them.
For little hands, I highly recommend these finger crayons. They are perfect for tiny fingers to wrap around and promote a proper grasp around the crayon. Skinny or chunky crayons just don’t allow your young toddler to hold it the correct way and it will end up tiring them out quicker.
8. In their natural environment
Kids learn best in the context of their everyday environment. Point out the contrasting colors at:
- mealtimes (green beans, yellow corn, red raspberries)
- during dressing (blue shirt, black pants)
- during playtime (red blocks, blue balls)
- outdoors (blue sky, green grass, pink flower)
9. Fingerpainting
Sensory experiences where children are actively touching, tasting, hearing or smelling things are one of the best ways to teach your kids new concepts. Your toddler will love trying out their artistic capabilities by rubbing their hands on paper with finger paint.
By just getting 3 primary colors (blue, red, yellow) of finger paint, you can mix them until you make secondary colors (green, purple, orange).
Have your toddler rub their hands and fingers in the paint and just smudge it onto paper. Talk about the colors they are using and ask them what color is on their hands and on the paper.
You can make your own finger paint at home so quickly, which is safe and even edible for your child. Check out this post: Sensory Edible Finger Paint for the recipe!
Related Post: Edible Finger Painting Recipe
10. Songs and Videos
Toddlers and babies love to hear music. Whether it be songs on the stereo, mommy singing, or making their own sounds by shouting at the top of their lungs, they are drawn to it.
Using songs (especially with visuals) is a great way to teach your child new concepts. Putting words to music helps things to stick better in their brain and will give them a higher chance of learning the skill.
Here is a short video that can help your toddler to learn their colors by combining colorful graphics to a catchy tune. You can also make up your own songs and melodies to sing as you show them colors.
Even just saying the colors but having a little rhythm to it will help your child to remember the colors easier.
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When Do Toddlers Learn Color? Questions Answered
Here’s a fun fact: Toddlers learn best during fun and play! Teaching colors can also be fun and interactive. Toddlers are naturally attracted to bright colors and teaching them how to recognize these colors can be effortless. This article will serve as an easy guide on how you can help your little ones learn and identify basic colors and shapes.
Image from Piqsels
When Do Toddlers Learn Colors
According to the American Optometric Association, an infant’s vision can significantly improve during the first few months after birth. Babies can already see shades of black, white, and gray while color vision will start to develop at around 4 months.
Depth perception will start developing after 5 months where your baby can see more clearly and follow movements with their eyes.
At 2 years of age, your child’s in-depth perception and eye-hand coordination should already be well developed. Children at this age are always on the move. Their curious little minds make them highly interested in looking around and exploring their environment. This is one of the best times to let them start learning colors and basic shapes.
Issues Toddlers Encounter When Learning Colors
Some children identify colors faster than others and some can identify only one or two. The rate of how fast kids learn multiple colors varies on their developmental stage. Frequent exposures through fun activities and color games can help strengthen your child’s color recognition skills.
Though learning colors may not be bright and sunny at all times. Parents encounter a lot of issues that hinder their child’s ability to tell color differences. For example, by presenting the same objects for color reference the child would likely associate those objects with their color name. For a child to be able to develop the ability to discern colors from the same object will take time and patience.
Developmental Issues in Learning Colors
Most children get confused with the different color shades at first, that is normal, you can’t expect every child to get it right the first time.
But in cases like, when your child is having difficulty verbally communicating the color names even if they know it or having trouble recognizing the green ball from the red one, aside from other colors, then they might be experiencing some developmental issues.
There are a lot of developmental concerns that can delay a child’s pattern of development. Color blindness, for one, can prevent the child from learning certain colors. Autism is another factor that can cause a developmental delay in learning shapes and color
Different Facets of Learning Shapes and Colors
For your little ones to be able to grasp the basic concept of color and recognize a shape is a developmental milestone. It is an age-specific task that young children can accomplish at a certain age.
We are living in a world filled with different colors that our children can see every day. From the blue sky to the green grass and a red ball in the backyard, your kids should be able to distinguish which color is which.
Allowing your child to be aware of the colors in their surroundings is understanding how important it is for them to understand the different aspects of learning colors.
Tips on How to Teach Colors and Basic Shapes to Toddlers
A toddler’s brain is like a sponge, they are ready to absorb everything that is going on around them. For them, the world is a big classroom. It is the perfect time for them to master foundations for future skills.
There are a lot of different ways that you can come up with creative ideas to help your child enjoy while learning. From indoor to outdoor activities to fun and games, the sky’s the limit. Here are some tips on how you can help your child learn the simplest forms of learning shapes and colors:
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Try to Engage Them Is Simple Activities Like Painting and Color Matching
Trying to match the colors, like putting the blue block beside the blue shirt is one of the simplest ways to learn color matching. Aside from practicing their fine motor skills, it enhances their ability to recognize colors.
The idea of using colorful objects to help learn the primary colors is both fun and effective when dealing with toddlers.
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Painting is another creative and fun activity to help kids learn colors and shapes. Painting helps a toddler explore color mixing. It can be a little messy, but using washable paints can give your child the freedom to discover new colors on their own by mixing paints.
Image from PxHere
Same Color Games With Colorful Objects
Activities such as sorting red blocks from blue ones are also a fun way of encouraging the cognitive way of color sorting. You can also use flashcards or ask them to find objects around that house of the same color. Place down a colored paper on the table and let your child match it with the same colored block.
These kinds of activities can stimulate and reinforce your child’s mind to know the differences between various colors and objects they are trying to match. Color learning can also be a great way for parent and child bonding.
Learning perception is different between kids and adults. Kids mostly learn through association. Using colorful objects and associating them with different color names can be the best way to help them learn colors faster.
Engage Them With Coloring Activities
Color activities such as coloring books and color words are fun ways to keep them busy and occupied. Plus, it helps with color learning.
These types of activities can stimulate their creativity and also be an exciting way to introduce colors. Coloring materials can also foster their awareness of the different colors that they can use to color the whole image.
Allowing your child to take part in such activities can also strengthen their ability to focus, coordinate and cultivate their hidden creative talents. Letting them complete their coloring tasks can boost their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment.
Related Read: How to Color Easter Eggs with Food Coloring & Natural Dyes
The Best Time Teach Shapes for Most Children
Most toddlers begin identifying primary colors at the age of 2 years old. But, naming shapes is a type of skill that might take a little longer to develop for some kids. Generally, at the age of 3, many children can already identify some of the more advanced shapes.
Common shapes such as squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles should already be recognized by toddlers aged 2 years old and above. It can be easily reinforced by pointing out objects inside the home that are shaped the same.
The Best Age for Toddlers to Learn the Alphabet
Learning the alphabet is another educational milestone that will prepare them in learning how to write and read in the future. Usually, young children should be able to recognize the alphabet at the age of three.
Though some will need more time to learn it, you can always help your child gain competency by teaching and encouraging them to sing the alphabet song daily. Colorful alphabet books and other visual aids can also make your child’s learning experience with letters fun and interactive.
Best Time for Toddlers to Start Learning Numbers
Introducing number recognition to toddlers is important to help them understand the concept of counting. Some children start counting from one to ten at the age of two. Though they can’t understand the concept, they can learn it through repetition.
Letting them count common objects that they can see around them is a great activity to exercise their mind. Kids learn faster if the topic interests them and using fascinating objects can keep them more engrossed with the learning activity. Though we all know that children learn and develop at different rates, learning numbers can happen in their own time.
Best Time for Toddlers to Learn Nursery Rhymes
Nursery rhymes can benefit toddlers through language and cognitive development. It is where they can learn new words, practice memorization, and easily recall. Nursery rhymes are also a great way to teach toddlers how to count and say the alphabet. But when is the best time to let your toddler memorize nursery rhymes?
Most children who are exposed to nursery rhymes at a very young age can memorize and sing the tune at 2 years of age. By the time they are four, they can sing the tune with the lyrics. One of the best moments of being a parent is to watch your child sing along with their favorite nursery rhyme. It is both delightful and entertaining.
Best Time for Toddlers to Learn Sensory Skills
Toddlers use their sensory skills to explore the things around them. Sensory play and activities help promote a child’s sensory development. This can build up their ability to accomplish more complex tasks and support other skills such as language development, social interaction, problem-solving skills, and cognitive growth.
The best time for your toddlers to learn sensory skills is during the time when your child starts to react to different sensory experiences. Providing your children with more opportunities to actively explore their senses is crucial for their brain development.
Newborns from 0-to 12 months will already start using their sensory skills as an observer. They take in new sensations such as sound, smell, taste, and texture as an active participant.
By the age of 12 months, they will start grabbing and putting things in their mouth. When they reach the toddler stage it is easier to introduce the different senses through sensory activities. At this rate, they are slowly trying to get a grip of what their senses are for.
Related Read: Are Exersaucers Bad for Babies?
Image from Flickr by Nenad Stojkovic
Frequently Asked Questions
Should a 2 Year Old Learn Colors?
A two-year-old may not be able to understand the concept of colors completely but they should be able to identify at least one color at this age. By this time, the child should learn how to name colors and identify basic shapes and numbers. Allowing them to participate in fun activities can effectively help them learn primary and secondary colors faster.
What Age Should Toddlers Identify Colors?
Most children can identify at least 2 colors when they are 3 years old. It is also the best time to play a matching game using the different objects that can be seen around them. There are a lot of ways that you can help your toddler learn colors more quickly. You just have to be more patient and supportive when teaching them.
Final Thoughts
You can make learning fun and stimulating for toddlers to help them accomplish their developmental milestones. Some of the kids will develop their skills sooner than others but allowing them to learn at their own pace can help them enhance their ability to accomplish more complex tasks in the future.
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3 years can't learn colors
04/29/2013 16:24
In all other respects, by age, good memory, learns quickly or easily poetry. Collects puzzles, but here are the colors :( We fight with the teacher with him, everything is like peas against the wall :( Can anyone tell me how best to learn colors? We learn from various aids. While learning shows the right colors, the day has passed and everything will never show me where the blue typewriter:( And the problem is even while you are studying, among the items to choose from, it will show the desired color, but will never name it correctly, it will start sorting through all the colors. Or can we go to the doctor? The child is 3 years and 1 month
29.04.2013 16:31
well learn at four - what's the difference?
04/29/2013 16:36
I didn’t bathe until my teacher told me that it could be echoes of sensory alalia, I read a lot and I felt terrible. All the children in the group, and there are only 6 of them, know the colors, even those who younger :(
29.04.2013 16:49
I may be wrong, but sensory alalia is in non-speaking children... in my opinion, not your case. We learned the colors from the mosaic. Before that, none. And then the grandmother brought a new mosaic, we sat down to sort it out, name all the colors and voila ... What am I leading to - even if the mosaic does not work out, the main thing is to find material that is interesting to the child on which it will be INTERESTING to study the colors.
Henrietta +
04/29/2013 17:06
he is interested, he asks me what color it is, otherwise. He does not stay all this in his head :( And the problem is not in memory, because he learns poetry quickly and for a long time. There is something else here, it does not allow him to remember and correlate what he knows (color name) and what he sees And mazayka, and cars, and stickers, and just color guides: ((((And maybe the problem is that I don’t have enough patience, I have enough a day for 15-20 minutes, then I start to boil internally and we smoothly stop this process
29.04.2013 22:46
You don't have to specifically sit and cram these colors, learn them as you go: hold a red apple, baby, a green pear is on you, and look what a yellow car drove off. Will remember in time. Mine, too, could not remember colors for a long time, but he knew a lot of poems and songs.
mar1 C.S.
29.04.2013 17:08
When you walk, for example, constantly name colors. A blue car drove by, a white dog runs, take a red scoop (even if this scoop is alone in the sandbox). And talk like a parrot for so long :) do not insist on the correct answer, but designate it yourself all the time.
Tiffa C.S.
04/30/2013 00:43
Try it through educational cartoons, download in the internet. And in others, focus on this, say, in Chuggington, when the trains leave, the pictures change - the colors of the tunnels, you can shout them together before V calls :-)
Allllenka C.B.
30.04.2013 01:04
can teach you how to mix colors? pour paint into jars. and let it mix by simply saying that blue and yellow together is green. And let him mix. Maybe this way he will be interested?
Prairie dog V.I.P.
30.04.2013 12:32
And at the age of 3, mine knew colors and many shades very well, but did not collect puzzles. And now at 5 she doesn’t collect much (I didn’t collect either). Children are different, a child is not required to know colors exactly at 3 years old. Many familiar children at the age of 3 were still confused, but at 4 everything was clear for everyone. Wait a bit, then you can go to a speech therapist.
04/30/2013 12:38
2.5 years knows the colors of the name, but sometimes confuses, but already shows the basic ones. We learn by clothes, dress while I pronounce what we wear and what color.
30.04.2013 13:25
were there no birth injuries? recently there was a top also about colors and there seemed to be damage to the cervical region. look in the archive. we need a teacher who will help the child associate the color with its name. can he, for example, divide a bunch of colored cubes or mosaics by color, not by name, but by color? red to red, blue to blue
Zaichun V. I.P.
30.04.2013 15:19
no birth trauma, no hypoxia and problematic pregnancy. The only thing was born immature and then compared to the standard :) That is, childbirth at 38 weeks. Sort by color without problems
04/30/2013 13:46
Teach in everyday life. They went out into the street: Look, Vasenka, what a blue car drove off! Give me, Petenka, a red owl! and you dy and you py
JaLa C.B.
04/30/2013 13:29
And they tried associations. To speak not green, but like grass, not blue, but like a stream, not yellow, but like the sun, etc. The main thing is to be able to correlate colors. For example, for a green car, he will choose a green garage, for a yellow boot, a pair of the desired color.
30.04.2013 14:05
I am not the author, but the second child has the same problem. A defectologist taught my daughter at the age of five in a few lessons, and before that I tried everything for three years. Now my son is 3.5 years old and the same thing. All I have achieved is that he now says to me: "Look, the car has gone like snow, and this one is like grass, but like the sea." Moreover, he recognizes the colors themselves, like his daughter, he can repeat the picture by color, he will choose a green garage for a green car, but the words for the names of colors (green, white, blue, red, etc.) are not given.
30.04.2013 15:20
Is it too early to visit a defectologist at the age of 3? or is it already possible?
04/30/2013 15:21
Defectologists begin to teach the child one color at a time. Red for example. Put white and red sticks and choose ONLY red ones. Cubes are only red and white and choose only red ones. and in the picture only two colors choose red color. And when red is unmistakably chosen from two colors, then one more color is added and again only red is chosen, when red is unmistakably chosen from three colors, then another color can be taught. And of course, associations are also good as hints.
Neanta V.I.P.
04/30/2013 15:21
correlates colors, sorts by color. I checked this many times, because I already had suspicions that he was color blind and simply did not distinguish between them.
05/01/2013 09:10
It was exactly the same with us, I remembered the colors later than other children in the group. When everyone already knew the shades, colors only “reached” him. Now he is 6, he knows everything. Now another problem, numbers 6, 7, 8, 9. There is only one answer: I don’t remember, I remembered the letters, but also not right away.
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Film Take the hit, baby! (Russia, 2016) – Afisha-Kino
Russia, 2016
35 reviews
4.7apparently, not the last comedy about the change of fate and destinies: the boxing champion changes places with her twin sister. The consequences and comic situations are appropriate: the hero of Mikhail Porechenkov teaches his fifa sister to take a hit, and the athlete is weird on television.
GenresComedy, Sports
Director Araik Oganesyan
Duration1 hour 42 minutes
Release date October 6, 2016
Release date in Russia October 6, 2016
Official site hold on!
Age Limit12+
165.1Hit it, baby!
Ekaterina Vladimirova
Take the hit, baby!
Mikhail Porechenkov
5.1Take the hit, baby!
Konstantin Kryukov
5.1Take the hit, baby!
Daniil Vakhrushev
5.1Take the hit, baby!
Viktor Khorinyak
5.1Take the hit, baby!
Teimuraz Tania
5.1Take the hit, baby!
Vitaly Gogunsky
Also starring Nastasya Samburskaya, Yulia Takshina, Igor Vernik, Olga Buzova, Anna Tsukanova-Kott, Oleg Vereshchagin, Roy Jones Jr., Andrey Kryzhny, Sergey Pogosyan
The most anticipated events
films directed by Araika Oganesyan
3Araik Oganesyan
films: 4
Doctor whistle
2022, comedy 9000
The best reviews of the film "Take the hit, baby!"
44 reviews, 146 ratings, rating 783
Once again, having read the laudatory paid reviews, which, by the way, pour like a cornucopia in the first 2 weeks of rental, I had to be cruelly deceived. .. But you really want to get a high-quality domestic product, which, as I think, many just on naked patriotism strive for domestic, "native" cinema ... TAKE IT, HOLD THE POOP ... the native film distribution tells us ... the bablosik paid, - sit soak...
And after all, the faces are pleasant, and the picture is pleasing to the eye .. the colors are jaunty ... but the script seemed to be written on their knees in a reserved seat car ... it was shaking very much, the aunts distracted the scriptwriter with trunks according to the character of the screenwriter ... so he smears specifically in milk... the story of opposite and interchangeable doubles is a thing in the comedy genre as old as the world... but there is Belmondo with his "Beast", and at least Elektronik with Syroezhkin... after all, there is...
So first, uncle, write good jokes ..... and then just turn on the camera !!!
And also on my own behalf - a deep Komsomol censure for the shameless clogging of our wonderful city with apple cores!!! Decent girls don't litter our beautiful streets with their stupid apple cores. .. there are trash cans..
P.S. Be carefull!!!
October 10, 2016
Dmitry Lysoivan
71 reviews, 87 ratings, rating 206
An ideal solution for a damp and cold autumn to go to the movies for a good comedy. "Take a hit, baby!" not such a budget film, there is not such an abundance of stars, Comedy residents or just rich kids of big uncles. but there is a quite decent family history of mutual assistance and support, as well as many real situations, close to each of us. yes, they are, of course, exaggerated and exaggerated in many moments, but this is a comedy, a game of contrasts) young actors play very brightly and emotionally, lively and with fire) more famous guys like Konstantin Kryukov or Daniil Vakhrushev also fit perfectly into this youth format cinema) what can I say, even Porechenkov here turned out to be very out of place in the role of an understanding father of twins! jokes in the film are a separate topic, they are funny and understandable) kind in one word! all this together adds up to such a fascinating and funny picture that time flies by unnoticed and you leave the hall with a slight smile and absolutely calm thoughts) it would be very great if such films appeared at the box office in greater numbers) the film is universal, suitable for viewing in any company, as they say "without age restrictions")))
October 6, 2016
Nastasya Melnikova
41 reviews, 61 ratings, rating 110
very cool movie, I would even say Hollywood format! everything is stylish, funny and banter) musical accompaniment of Basta himself, glamorous TV presenters and intrigues behind the scenes, well, the favorite topic of all fitness and health people now is sports! the plot is not new and similar films appear at the box office with enviable constancy (something like the Boy in a Girl or Freaky Friday) . .. but the Russian film is somehow closer and easier to perceive its subtle humor and bright everyday jokes) Of the well-known actors lit up here Misha Porechenkov, Kostya Kryukov and even Roy Jones Jr.! two sisters like two drops similar to each other agree on an exchange ... um, lives) I don’t think that in real life a girl can make such global changes - not everyone is able to get from a sweaty gym to a chic party and not fall into the mud with her face) but in the film, this whole situation looks funny and real) the film is full of various ridiculous situations that a person who is out of his element can get into, for example, a prison cell or a date) touching moments of meeting the relatives of not your boyfriend, hard blows to the face and bitchy " friends" - here everything became common for the girls) what I liked was that the film was not dragged out and ended on a very positive note, there is no need for more from a comedy) I think Ara Hovhannisyan will shoot more than one cool film, but he definitely succeeded!
October 7, 2016
Miu Miu
2 reviews, 2 ratings, rating 6
What am I thinking? I think about what, of course, terribly cheap, absolutely not funny, humiliatingly disastrous films are being made in Russia!!! "Take a hit, baby!" What a fail! What a fail!
I would like to wish the actress who played the main role not to confuse her personal life or her personal connections with the film industry😂
October 11, 2016
Igor Neofitov
10 reviews, 196 ratings, rating 27
Another vomit.