Kids d words
Words That Start With D For Kids
d words for kids example of dog
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How do you like to compile your vocabulary lists for students? There are many ways to approach this all-important topic. If you want to go letter by letter, we've prepared an extensive list of words, grade by grade. Check out over 50 words that start with D for kids, as well as several interactive letter D activities.
Preschool D Vocabulary List
Do you remember the sense of accomplishment you felt when you spelled your first word? It was probably something like dog. It's a special moment in every student's life. Set your little learners up for success with this list of D words for kids.
- dab - a quick touch or pat
- dad - your father
- den - a small, cozy room in a house
- did - the past tense of the verb "do"
- dig - to break up, remove, or unearth
- dip - to put into a liquid and then take out
- do - to perform an action
- dog - a four-legged animal often kept as a family pet
Trace the Letter D Printable
Learning the alphabet in preschool and kindergarten serves as an important foundation for all the learning to come in later grades. It starts with learning how to print the letters in the first place, so we've provided a tracing worksheet below for printing the letter D. Download and print a copy for all your little learners!
Printing letter d worksheet
Click to View & DownloadKindergarten D Vocabulary List
Once kindergartners have mastered the Dolch sight words, they can move on to longer D words. These words include consonant blends that help students with basic phonics skills. Incorporate these short words that start with D into your everyday vocabulary lessons.
- damp - slightly wet
- dance - to move in a rhythmic way to music
- dart - a small pointed missile
- date - the day of the month
- deal - an agreement between people
- dear - precious or highly thought of
- deep - at a great depth
- dent - an indentation in the surface of something
- dirt - earth or garden soil
- dish - a container used for holding and serving food
- dive - a headfirst jump
- dock - a pier for boats
Matching D Words Printable
Kindergartners who need a bit more practice with D words benefit from matching images to words. Take a look at this printable worksheet with six vocabulary words that start with D for kids. You can assign it as classwork, small group practice or homework.
D words for kids matching activity
Click to View & DownloadEarly Elementary: D Vocabulary List
First, second and third graders can advance from those three-letter words to something more substantial. It'll be fun to share new sounds like the "nk" sound in words like drink. Here's a healthy start to your early elementary D words for kids.
- dangerous - potentially harmful
- dash - a small amount of an ingredient
- data - facts or figures
- dawn - the first light of a new day
- decay - the state of rotting
- deed - an action performed intentionally
- defend - to protect or guard
- deny - to refuse to admit something
- describe - to give details about something or someone
- device - a tool or technique used to do a task
- digest - breaking down into parts that are easier to use
- discover - to learn something new
- distant - separated or far away
- doze - to be half asleep
- dragon - a mythical flying reptile creature that breathes fire
- dread - extreme fear
- drift - to be carried away by currents
- drink - a liquid made for swallowing
- drowsy - a feeling of being sleepy, tired, or not fully awake
- duty - something required by one's religion, job, or position
Create Index Card Sentences
Work on basic sentence structure with your students.
- On 10 index cards, write basic subjects (using your vocabulary words), such as "The dragon," "David," or "The drink."
- On another 10 cards, write sentence predicates in a different color ink. You might write "eats chocolate," "built a treehouse," or "tastes like watermelon."
- Ask students to pick index cards from the "subject" pile and the "predicate" pile.
- If they can read, ask them to read the sentence aloud. If they can't read yet, you can read the sentence aloud and wait for the chuckles to unfold.
Design Delightful Compliments
Practice parts of speech and focus on the letter D at the same time. Have students come up with a list of adjectives that start with D for more inspiration! They can write complimentary cards to each other during a focus on kindness, or craft messages to their parents for Mother's and Father's Day. You can use these positive words that start with D for more inspiration.
Upper Elementary D Vocabulary List
Vocabulary words start to balloon in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades while reading and comprehension skills continue to blossom. Take this time to introduce the complexities of these D words for kids.
- dashboard - a panel under the windshield of a vehicle
- dawdle - to waste time or move excessively slowly
- daybreak - the beginning of day; dawn
- debate - a formal discussion between opposing sides of a specific subject
- deceitful - intentionally untruthful
- decline - a lessening
- decrease - to become smaller or fewer
- dedicate - to devote to a specific purpose
- delegate - to assign a task to someone else
- desolate - unhappy or bleak
- detect - to uncover or sense something previously hidden
- diagram - a graph, chart, drawing, or plan that explains something
- difference - features that make one thing distinct from another
- difficult - hard to understand or do
- dignity - the personal quality of being worthy of honor
- disappointed - missing hope, desire, or expectation
- discuss - to talk about and consider all aspects
- distaste - to dislike or displease
- develop - to grow or become more advanced
- distribute - to divide, scatter, or hand out
- document - a piece of paper containing information
- documentary - a nonfiction film that shows a story or situation
- dormant - inactive, sleeping, or quiet
- drama - a story or situation which presents some sort of conflict
Draft Distinctive Poetry
Use your vocabulary words to develop topics your students can write about. Say you choose the word disappointed. Maybe they'll write about a disappointed puppy. Or, how about dormant? How does a dormant garden sound? You can open up the floor to any variety of poetry. Perhaps you'll require a certain rhyming pattern or allow free verse.
Work on Alliteration
Once students have experience with writing poetry, they can identify alliteration in other written works. Use these alliteration examples for kids to teach the value of repetition and sound devices in literature and poetry. Incorporate the repeated D sound to focus on the letter of the week.
Deliberate Determination Gets the Deed Done
With deliberate determination, you can help your students embrace a lifelong love affair with words. Let the learning begin as you not only introduce new words to your students but also allow them to find new ways to implement them into their everyday lives.
When you're ready for more D words to use with students, head over to WordFinder's list of words that start with the letter D. Simply fill out the advanced search tool to find words with the correct letters and length! If you're enjoying these letter-by-letter vocabulary lessons, keep going through the alphabet with words that start with E for kids.
D Words for Kids -
Elementary | Homeschool | Kindergarten | Preschool | Printables
Do you need some D words for kids? If so, today I’m going to give you some delightful words that begin with D that you can dutifully share with your diligent students.
We are not just going to dabble in D words, we are going to dive in head first and give you D word lists for preschoolers, kindergartners, and elementary students. As well as, D word lists for three-letter D words, four-letter D words, and common foods, animals, and objects that all start with D.
Note: Don’t forget to get the free printable D Words for kids Activity Pack that is available at the end of this post.
The Sounds of D
The letter D makes the /d/ sound as in: dime, dollar, and dance (D pronunciation). This sound is articulated when a quick downward movement of the tip of the tongue releases a voiced puff of air. (This D sound is similar to the T sound but is voiced.)
Note: The /d/ sound can be combined with the /r/ sound to create the ‘dr’ letter blend for words like: dream, drop, and drip.
The Sound of D:
- /d/ as in: dog, dad, dish
D Words for Preschool
The letter D offers us lots of wonderful D words for preschool. These words include familiar animals and objects, as well as, common easy D words preschoolers might use every day.
Note: Is your preschooler working on letter recognition, letter sounds, prewriting? If so, here are some printable resources you can use to reinforce these concepts: Printable Preschool Learning Folder, Preschool Daily Skill Builder, and Prewriting Book 1.
D words for preschool:
- Dog – My dog wags her tail when she sees me.
- Day – This has been a good day.
- Dig – I can dig a hole with a shovel.
- Drum – He kept a steady beat on the drum.
- Dark – My room is dark at night.
- Dad – I love my dad.
- Dice – I rolled the dice when it was my turn.
- Daisy – Jill picked a daisy and gave it to her mother.
- Doll – My doll’s name is Susan.
D Words for Kindergarten
Expand your kindergartener’s knowledge of the letter D by teaching them more words that begin with D. Here are some of our favorite D words for kindergarten:
Note: check out the printable Kindergarten Daily Skill Builder for more kindergarten practice with letter recognition, beginning and ending sounds, and beginning reading.
Words that begin with D for Kindergarten:
- Den – The bears live in a den.
- Dip – I dip my toes in the water to see how cold it is.
- Deep – The water was deep so I wore a lifejacket.
- Dish – The casserole dish needed to be washed.
- Deer – There are deer living in our backyard.
- Duck – The duck led her ducklings to the pond.
- Dolphin – The dolphin swam quickly through the water.
- Desk – I organized my desk.
- Drink – I need a drink of water.
- Dinner – We had pizza and salad for dinner.
- Dirt – I got dirt all over my new clothes.
- Drive – We are gong to drive to the store.
- Dinosaur – I have a toy dinosaur.
- Dime – A dime is worth ten cents.
- Dark – I feel afraid in the dark.
- Doctor – I went to the doctor when I broke my toe.
- Dance – My mom and I like to dance together.
Words that end with D for Kindergarten:
- Bad – He felt bad saying those unkind words.
- Mad – Jack was mad that Mark took his toy.
- Sad – She felt sad when her mother went away.
- Bed – My bed is so comfortable.
- Kid – The kid left his bike in the driveway.
- Lid – She twisted the lid off of the jar.
- Bud – The rose bud was pink.
- Mud – I got mud all over my new dress.
- Glad – I am glad that you were able to come over today.
- Shed – She shed a few tears when she broke her glasses.
- Need – I need sunshine.
- Good – You are such a good daughter.
- Around – He drove around the parking lot while he waited.
DR Words for Kindergarten:
- Drag – Do not drag your coat in the mud.
- Dragon – The dragon landed on the castle roof.
- Drain – Drain the bathwater and get out.
- Drama – I am part of the drama and acting team at school.
- Drank – I drank too much soda.
- Draw – I love to draw pictures of my family.
- Dream – I hope I have a good dream tonight.
- Dress – Sara wore a yellow dress to school.
- Drill – I watched my dad drill a hole in the wood.
- Drink – Tina helped her baby sister take a drink.
- Drip – There is a constant drip coming from the faucet.
- Drive – My mom said she would drive me to school today.
- Drop – Try not to drop the platter of food.
- Drum – He beat the drum with his fist.
- Dry – My raincoat kept me nice and dry.
Easy D Words for Beginning Readers
Introducing three letter D words to early readers is really the beginning of their reading journey. Not only are these easy D words beneficial for phonemic awareness but they help to boost the young reader’s confidence.
Three letter D Words for Kids
- Dad
- Dot
- Day
- Deb
- Den
- Dew
- Dib
- Did
- Die
- Dig
- Din
- Dip
Four letter D Words for Kids
Once readers get acclimated to three letter D words they can move onto trying some four-letter D words.
- Daft
- Dads
- Dame
- Dale
- Dank
- Dark
- Darn
- Desk
- Dial
- Dice
- Died
- Dill
- Dike
- Dime
- Dink
- Dink
- Dire
- Dusk
- Duty
- Dart
- Dash
- Data
- Daub
- Date
- Dawn
- Daze
- Deep
- Deer
- Defy
- Deli
- Delt
- Demo
- Dent
- Deny
- Digs
- Dine
- Dump
- Duly
- Deaf
- Deal
- Dean
- Dear
- Debt
- Deck
- Deed
- Deem
- Dirt
- Disc
- Dish
- Diva
- Diss
- Dock
- Doer
- Dogs
- Dole
- Duel
- Dull
- Dues
- Doll
- Dome
- Dong
- Door
- Doom
- Dose
- Dote
- Doth
- Dots
- Dove
- Down
- Doze
- Drag
- Draw
- Drop
- Drug
- Duck
- Duet
- Dyke
D Words for Elementary Students
Learning multiple words for each letter of the alphabet is a great way to enhance your student’s vocabulary. Here is a handful of D words for elementary students:
D Words for Elementary Students:
- Dish – Will you scrub out that dish?
- Doll – She left her doll at the park.
- Drop – Try not to drop the books on the floor.
- Dive – I am going to dive head first into the pool.
- Drip – I heart the faucet drip so I got up to turn it off.
- Drum – He played the drum with good rhythm.
- Drain – Drain the dishwater from the sink.
- Dear – We love our dear elderly neighbors.
- Drive – You can drive when you turn sixteen.
- Dream – He had a dream about eating pizza with anchovies.
- Doing – I am doing the dishes for my mom.
- Damage – He wanted to take back his words, but the damage had already been done.
- Daughter – My daughter is seven years old.
- Driver – Our mailman is a very good driver.
- Dabble – In my spare time, I like to dabble in the arts.
- Daily – Our daily newspaper is sitting on the porch.
- Dinosaur – I have never seen a dinosaur in real life.
- Dragonfly – The dragonfly landed on the fence.
- Dozen – I bought a dozen eggs at the grocery store.
- Dumpling – We had chicken and dumplings for dinner.
- Dwarf – I liked the fairies and dwarfs in the movie.
- Doctor – Our family doctor is on vacation.
- Director – She is the director of this establishment.
- Digit – There are four digits in our house number.
- Diaper – The baby needed her diaper changed.
- Diesel – The semi truck stopped to fill up on diesel.
- Decoration – The party decorations were lovely.
- Dance – We are planning to dance together at our wedding.
- Drink – Do you need a drink of water?
- Dollar – I have one dollar and five cents.
- Dock – Dock the boat and get out of the water.
- Desert – The desert is dry and hot.
- Devil – Don’t mess with the devil.
- Diary – She kept a diary of her daily thoughts.
- Dress – Her dress was long and flown.
- Daisy – Rebecca wore a white daisy in her hair.
- Daffodil – We had one lone daffodil blooming in our flower bed.
- Dinner – We invited the Jones family over for dinner.
- Diner – We ate at the late night diner.
- Dessert – We are having blackberry pie for dessert.
- Deserve – You deserve and pat on the back for your effort.
- Decent – I am looking for a decent price on gas.
- Delight – I delight in seeing you happy.
- Desire – Her desire was to help him through college.
- Destiny – Helping others was her destiny.
- Describe – Can you describe your favorite pair of shoes?
Challenging D Words for Kids
For upper elementary students up into middle school, here are s few challenging D words for your kids to try.
- Devoted – The married couple were fully devoted to each other.
- Dedicated – I dedicated the book to my mother.
- Distinguished – He was a distinguished guest at the royal ball.
- Desirable – The over-ripe fruit looked less than desirable.
- Decisive – His decisive manner kept the project moving.
- Delicious – We ate a delicious dinner at the steakhouse.
- Delightful – We had delightful evening at the restaurant.
- Descriptive – Her descriptive writing made her a great author.
- Diplomatic – His diplomatic way of handling the situation made it all better.
- Disciplined – The children were disciplined in their studies.
- Destined – His IQ made him destined for greatness.
- Determined – She was determined to finish her paper before bedtime.
- Dapper – The gentleman looked dapper in this three piece suit.
- Descendant – We are all descendants of Adam.
- Delicatessen – We stopped by the delicatessen but it was already closed for the day.
- Debacle – The villain orchestrated this evil debacle.
Nouns That Start with D
For common nouns that start with letter D, here are some word lists to get you started. Check out these foods, animals, places, and objects that start with D:
Foods that start with D:
- Duck
- Date
- Dairy
- Doritos
- Durian
- Doughnuts
- Dumplings
- Dandelion
- Daikon
- Dill
- Danish
- Dough
Animals that start with D:
- Deer
- Dachshund
- Dalmatian
- Dingo
- Dog
- Donkey
- Dove
- Dormouse
- Dolphin
- Duck
- Dragonfish
- Dodo
Places that start with D:
- Denmark
- Djibouti
- Dominica
- D.C.
- Dubai
- Disney
Objects that start with D:
- Daffodil
- Daisy
- Dandelion
- Doormat
- Decal
- Deck
- Decoration
- Doorbell
- Dots
- Dough
- Dragon
- Dress
- Dye
- Dynamite
- Den
- Desert
- Desk
- Dessert
- Diamond
- Dime
- Dinosaur
- Dome
- Domino
- Donkey
- Drill
- Drum
- Duster
- Dustpan
- Dip
- Dirt
- Dish
- Disk
- Dock
- Doll
- Dollar
- Dolphin
- Door
- Donut
- Duck
- Dumbell
- Dresser
Vocabulary Activities for Teaching D Words
(This list of ideas contains Amazon Affiliate Links. )
- Make a D Word Craft – Turn the letter D into a Dinosaur or create a paper plate donut. Or if you aren’t interested in either of those ideas, look up other letter D word craft ideas for kids. Crafting is a fun can creative way of learning new D word vocabulary.
- Practice Printables for D Words – Worksheets, free letter D coloring pages, and printable activities can be great for reinforcing reading and writing skills, as well as, building D word vocabulary. (btw, be sure to get the free D Word Learning Pack in this post!)
- Read Books D Word Books – Check your bookshelves at home or make a trip to the library for some letter D books (letter D books are books that feature or repeat D words throughout.) Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey and Go, Dogs, Go by Dr Suess are great examples of letter D books.
- Write a D Word Acrostic Poem – Have your child pick a word from their D words list and write an acrostic poem for it.
An acrostic poem is where you write your D word vertically then write a sentence starting with each letter given. (See more acrostic poem ideas for kids.)
- Practice Spelling D Words With Letter Tiles – Get a handful of letter tiles and look over your D words list. To practice spelling, call a D word from the list, then have your student find the letters and spell it with their alphabet squares. For your early readers or preschoolers who are working on letter recognition, write down the D word for them to copy.
Free Printable Letter D Words Activity Pack
Get our free printable D Words Activity Pack! This letter D resources contains D word learning pages for preschool through elementary, including a printable D word list. For access, Join Inspire the Mom Community and sign in with Grow for this exclusive content!
Get it Now!
Free Printable:
Download the Free Printable D Word Learning Pack!
What would you add to the D words for kids lists?
This post contains Amazon Affiliate Links.
Post Tags: #elementary#Homeschool#kindergarten#Preschool#Printable
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Letter D
We study the letter D.
The material was collected to study the ABC together with the child. Here you will find interesting tasks for learning the letter D, coloring pages and poems about the letter D.
Tasks to be completed:
1) Color the letter D, color the pictures and connect them with a pencil with the letter.
2) Try to write large and small capital letters D.
3) Find and circle all the letters D
4) Read the words starting with the letter D.
5) Write capital letters D
6) Listen to the poems starting with the letter D and guess the Riddle.
letter d
9000 What is impossible without D,Dima, Dasha and friends,
It is impossible to build a House without D!
There is no kinder doctor in the world
He helps everyone: the doctor is a friend of children.
Go to the doctor, little children
This same doctor is the best in the world!
The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow,
The oak hollowed like a chisel!
The dragon got completely wet in the rain.
He couldn't breathe fire.
Seriously caught a cold -
Turned into a dinosaur.
The woodpecker is hollowing out his house,
On a tall, pine tree,
He is hammering a strong hollow,
The letter D will be warm.
D - like a neat house
With a high gable roof.
Here it is, blowing smoke,
The letter D is a stove chimney.
Riddles about the Letter D
A woodpecker sits on a trunk,
Pecks a hole in a tree.
Gets a pest,
Spoil an amateur's trunk.
The woodpecker knocked everywhere,
Turned into a letter... (D)
Rain drumming on the roof:
Louder, quieter, louder, quieter!
The rain wet the sock
And the sand in the sandbox,
Wet the path,
The girl and the cat,
He wet everything everywhere,
And then he became a letter ... (D)
See also other Letters. Alphabet assignments. A letter and, y letters E, ё letter y letters E, u, I
letter m 9000 Letter G letter x
letter in letter F
letter p letter T letter Sh Download alphabet from razvitierebenka. com one file
Download here 9000 9000 9000
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Living letter D - dinosaursource
Source: Natalia Tkachenko "We learn to read from 2 years old. Alphabet, primer, copybook "
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The letter D for preschoolers
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I. Vasilyeva “Druzhok: Lessons of a speech therapist. Learning letters”
Tasks for preschoolers “Letter D” for non-reading children. In the worksheets, the tasks are aimed at developing visual gnosis, fine motor skills, fixing the image of the letter D:
- carefully examine the letters, find similarities and differences;
- find the hidden letters D, circle them;
- name the crossed out letters;
- identify the letter in the wrong position;
- color only those houses on which the letter D is written correctly;
- add the missing elements of the letter D;
- circle the familiar letter D;
- write the letter D.
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Logopedic primer
Elena Novikova "Speech therapy alphabet. Rapid Reading Learning System
Logo primer
Tasks in the primer are selected in such a way that the child not only memorizes the letter D, but also learns:
— to distinguish soft and hard sounds D — D;
- read direct and reverse syllables;
- simple words with oppositional sounds;
- coordinate numerals with nouns;
- consolidated the reading skill.
Natalia Tegipko "Speech therapy primer"
Assignments for preschoolers in teaching literacy. The first worksheet is to get acquainted with the letter D, write the printed letter D, search for a letter among a number of other letters, read syllables, analyze words.
The second worksheet - coloring, color only those pictures in the name of which there is a soft sound D.
The third and fourth sheets - determining the position of the sound Д, Дь in words.