Kindergarten letter people
Letter People – 80s Baby
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PBS / Television / The Letter People / Viewers Like You
Posted by John Bilancini
Come and meet the Letter People
Come and visit the family
Words are made of Letter People
A, B, C, D, follow me!
How did you learn how to read? For me, it was two things: In elementary school I learned all the nuances in Phonics class. That’s right, before it was a joke found on Atlantic City boardwalk t-shirts and at county fairs in the 90s and early 2000s, Phonics was an actual thing that was taught in schools.
The irony is if you find this shirt funny you probably needed more Phonics studyBefore St. Joseph Elementary School and associating letter groupings with sounds, I had to learn the letters themselves. This occurred in kindergarten, thanks to the Letter People. When I mentioned the Letter People to my wife last week she had no idea what they were. This was very surprising to me because I had just assumed they existed everywhere and these terrifying creatures were how all children in the 80s and early 90s learned the alphabet. Then I remembered she grew up in the greater Boston area and as evidenced by their creative pronunciations children there learn an entirely different alphabet than the rest of us. I assume she learned to read via anti-Yankees novelty t-shirts.
If you weren’t exposed to The Letter People at an age prior to really developing critical thinking skills, the first thing you’re going to notice is that the show is weird. The concept was developed in the 1960s and first appeared in schools in 1968, then aired on PBS beginning in 1972. It’s very much of its time. Letter People Land is a black void populated by garishly designed puppets with letters affixed to their chests. It’s the Muppets set on the moon, or the Manson Family of learning.
There was a TV series on Syfy called Channel Zero that aired until January of 2019. The first story arc on it, Candle Cove, involved Paul Schneider remembering a children’s puppet TV series that he watched as a child, except the show didn’t actually exist. I had put The Letter People out of my mind for about 30 years before remembering it recently, and it almost felt like Schneider remembering Candle Cove. Was this a show that actually existed?
Well, let’s take a look at an episode. The entire thing is on YouTube so I picked one at random.
Mr. N! He has a noisy nose, as you may have gathered.
If you made it through the entire clip, more power to you. I didn’t and I’m writing the article. I started skimming three minutes in. The general sequence of one of the episodes is the Letter Person introducing himself or herself via a song in which its letter is used as often as possible. This particular installment then segues into a story being read by what appears to be a Non Letter Person. She infiltrated their land! Every time Mr. N hears a word with a N sound, he reacts by blowing his noisy nose like a horn. The next scene is the very same concept as the previous one, this time with the noisy nose people in cartoon form. Next comes another puppet sequence, this time with Nardo the detective looking for a big hairy Nasty that will “only be frightened away by words that start with the same sound that starts noisy nose.” That means the return of Mr. N! This is followed by another cartoon, and the episode wraps up with a quick lesson on shapes.
Episodes of The Letter People
are a lot longer and feature many more sequences than I remembered. In fairness, I saw these when I was 5. My main concern every day at 5 was finding my next door neighbor who was also my classmate so she could tie my shoes for me. I used to accomplish this by walking up to her and thrusting my foot out, never uttering a word. Thanks Rachel! Once I got the shoes tied there was plenty of time left to watch a 17 minute episode of The Letter People, plus we also only tackled one of these a day.
The creators of the Letter People built an entire module of teaching tools around the characters, including cardboard cut outs of them that ringed our kindergarten classroom. We had Mr. Noisy Nose and his crew staring down at us during nap time. Being immersed in this land of creepy muppet hippies was effective though. I learned to read and to love reading early on. If you have a kid and want to creep him or her out while employing valuable learning tools the entire series of The Letter People videos is on YouTube.
Did you learn to read from The Letter People? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter.
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Compilation of a letter to children from a neighboring kindergarten
Synopsis of organized educational activities
“Compilation of a letter to children from a neighboring kindergarten”
for children of the preparatory group
1. Exercise children in the ability to compose a story from memory about their kindergarten, creating an image of a preschool educational institution.
2. Develop logical thinking, imagination, creativity. nine0003 3. Cultivate a sense of pride in your kindergarten, a desire to listen to the children's answers to the end.
Preliminary work: conversations with children, teacher's stories, reading fiction and literature, excursions in the garden, looking at photographs from the kindergarten.
Materials: a set of photographs of the garden, landscape sheets, pencils, brushes for drawing, gouache, text of the poem "My favorite kindergarten".
Progress of organized educational activities:
Educator: Guys, would you like to visit the neighboring kindergarten and meet the guys? Would you like one of them to be in our kindergarten? Then we should invite them to visit. But I don't know how to do it. Help me please.
Children offer ways to invite guests.
Educator: Let's write a letter. In it, we will be able to tell about all the beauty of our kindergarten: about the toys and books that are in it, about what you like to do and how you play together. And then the children from the neighboring kindergarten will definitely want to come to our amazing kindergarten. Let's think together about what we will write in our letter. nine0007
The children together with the teacher decide to talk about the art studio, Dymkovo toys, the gym, the People's Hut museum.
Educator: Guys, you know our kindergarten and teachers well. I propose to write about them all in our letter. Let's start with the history of our garden and greetings to fabulous friends:
“Hello, dear children! Children from the neighboring kindergarten "Petrushka" are writing to you. We really want you to come visit us. In this letter we will talk about our favorite kindergarten. "Petrushka" is already about 40 years old. It brings up 150 people. nine0007
Educator: Guys, who will help me continue the letter?
Okay, dictate to me, please.
Sample story of a child:
“Dear guys. Our kindergarten has the best teachers, many interesting books and games. The most interesting is the Museum "People's Hut", which contains old household items. The kindergarten site is decorated with flowers and beautiful buildings.
Educator: Well done! The children from the neighboring garden will love your story. Let's talk about the gym now. Who will tell us about it? nine0003 Sample child's story:
“Another favorite place of ours is the gym. It contains soft modules, balls, hoops, exercise equipment. In the gym there are classes that help us become strong and healthy.”
Educator: Very good. Please tell us about the games you like to play, and I will continue to write a letter.
Sample child's story:
“In our garden there are board games such as hockey and football. We love to play with them. We also love to play volleyball. nine0007
Teacher: We listened to a story about our favorite kindergarten. And now Arina will read a poem, which is called “Our beloved kindergarten!”. Listen to him please.
I wake up together with the sun,
I am glad to come in the morning.
Quickly, quickly going to
I'm going to my favorite kindergarten!
Books and toys there,
My beloved friends there,
My faithful girlfriends,
I can't live without them!
The dearest teacher,
Helps us and teaches.
She is almost like a mother to me.
And our kindergarten is the best!
(I. Gurina)
Educator: Very good poem, Arina, thank you!
You also offered to write about our art studio. Who will tell about it?
Sample story of a child:
“The art studio is located on the second floor. Elena Georgievna teaches us folk craft. Recently we got acquainted with Dymkovo toys. Clay toys have been made for a very long time. All of them are very beautiful. Masters make their toys with great love. Dymkovo toys are known all over the world.” nine0007
Educator: Well done! Very well. Children from the neighboring garden will now definitely want to come to visit us. Guys, if one of the children cannot come to us, then I propose to draw our kindergarten, your favorite toys, and send the drawings with a letter. Look, I have prepared landscape sheets, pencils, gouache, brushes. Choose your favorite colors and draw. But do not forget about the rules when drawing.
Get to work.
Educator: Well done guys! The work turned out just amazing. I think the kids will really like them. What words will we end our letter with? nine0003 Children offer answers, the teacher writes down.
“Dear children, we think you liked the story about our kindergarten and would like to come to us. We will be very happy to meet you."
Educator: On this, guys, we will end our letter. In it, we talked about the most interesting things in our garden. Children will definitely want to come to visit us. And we look forward to hearing from them. In the envelope we will definitely put the drawings of the kindergarten and our favorite toys. nine0003 In their free time, the children with the teacher re-read the letter, seal it in a large envelope, write the address on it. And on a walk, they pass an envelope to children from a neighboring garden.
Letter of thanks from the head of the kindergarten
Here is a collection of texts for a letter of thanks from the head of the kindergarten from parents. All texts are in prose (not poetry).
All names and surnames, names of institutions and settlements were used only for clarity, do not forget to change them to the ones you need. Design guidelines are at the end of the page. nine0007
Option №1
Dear Anna Makarovna!
We sincerely thank you for your conscientious and diligent work in the field of preschool education, for talent and skill, love and dedication to the chosen cause.
Your professionalism is successfully combined with many years of experience, high responsibility, the ability to show a creative approach in any endeavor. Under your strict guidance, the preschool has become the second a home to which you want to come, and a team of teachers - a second family to us and to our guys. Thanks to your patience and wisdom, sincere interest in the well-being and comfort of all participants in the educational process, visiting kindergarten leaves us with the most pleasant impressions and memories. nine0007
We wish you inexhaustible health, active longevity, energy and inspiration for new achievements! Let work bring you only satisfaction, pleasant surprises and endlessly opens up new perspectives!
Parents of pupils
Lutility group
MBDOU Kindergarten No. 37
Option No. 2
Dear Sofya Pavlovna!
On behalf of all parents of the preparatory group No. 12 of the State Educational Establishment "Kindergarten" Rassvet "we express our deep gratitude to you and your team for creating favorable conditions for the development and education of our children, for honoring the traditions of preschool education. Your work deserves the highest praise. nine0007
We leave the preschool with a load of happy memories and gratitude for the attention received here, high-quality babysitting and professional advice from masters of their craft - talented teachers. We are confident that we and everyone who will visit the institution after us, lucky to find a place where children really get what they need at preschool age.
We wish you and your team a bright professional way, more joyful events in life and prosperity! Welfare, health and understanding! nine0007
Option No. 3
Dear Margarita Stepanovna!
On behalf of the parent team of kindergarten group No. 3 "Razvivayka" accept the words of sincere gratitude for the success in the field preschool education, high professionalism and competence, purposefulness and hard work.
We wish you new victories and achievements in your work, prosperous implementation of all ideas and plans! Good health, patience and optimism to you and your loved ones! nine0007
parents of 2022 graduates
Naberezhnye Chelny
Option No.

Head of MADOU
Kindergarten Semitsvetik
S. L. Tyurina
Dear Veronika Yakovlevna!
Please accept my sincere gratitude for the successful work in 2022, for many years of promoting life safety and bringing the preschool institution in line with safety standards.
Every year the circle of questions becomes wider, everything more complex tasks that you have to solve. We believe that your professionalism, responsibility, active life position and enthusiasm, ability to correctly use the accumulated experience will allow you to successfully cope with professional tasks. nine0007
On behalf of the parent community, we wish you a strong health, patience and optimism, success in all endeavors. May you always there is enough energy, time, strength and inspiration for everything! May you always have support of those on whom the successful implementation of your noble intentions!
With respect,
parents of pupils
group No. 5
Option No. 5
We express our sincere gratitude to the staff of the kindergarten No. 10 "Wonderland" Solikamsk represented by the head
Elizaveta Ruslanovna Korotkova
for high professionalism, pedagogical skills, sensitive attitude towards children and parents, care, attention, kindness, individual approach to each family and high-quality feedback.
The work of the institution is organized in a highly professional manner. level, the needs of all participants in the educational process are taken into account, clearly all daily tasks are solved.
We wish prosperity and success to all employees, teachers, administrative staff. May you be surrounded by grateful, loving and people who respect you, and the number of gifts of fate will be equal to the number lived days! nine0007
Group of parents gr. No. 8
Option No. 6
Dear Nina Viktorovna!
We express our sincere gratitude to you for your huge personal contribution to the development of the preschool education system in general and to the effective work of the preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Zvezdochka "in particular. For the creation of favorable conditions for the development of the creative potential of the younger generation, conscientious attitude to work and sensitivity when interacting with the parents of pupils - a special thank you. nine0007
We especially want to note your professionalism and responsibility manifested in the creation of a friendly team of real experts in preschool education, which is not afraid to entrust the care of children. Daily communication with talented teachers brings invaluable experience. The results of this fruitful cooperation we will be able to enjoy for many years growing up of our children.
We wish you strength and energy, good health and prosperity! Let work brings the return that you expect from it. And may all the good hopes will be justified, labors will not be in vain, goals will be achievable, and dreams – doable! nine0007
Parents of pupils of group No. 2
Preschool educational institution "Zvezdochka"
Option No.

Head of MDOU "Center development
children - Kindergarten No. 22 "
Nikolaeva Zh. A.
Dear Zhanna Andreevna!
From the parents of the pupils of group No. 6, please accept the words of sincere gratitude for initiative, active life position and significant personal contribution to improving the infrastructure of preschool educational institutions "TsRR - Kindergarten No. 22". nine0007
Thanks in large part to your enthusiasm, responsible and creative attitude to work, on the territory of the institution entrusted to you, all conditions for aesthetic, ecological, physical and cultural development children.
We are confident that your best professional and personal qualities will continue to contribute to the development of a comfortable, healthy and creative environment for all participants in the educational process (teachers and staff, students and their parents).
We wish you, your team and the institution entrusted to you sustainable development and prosperity. Let the reputation of your institution be - enviable, teachers - talented, material and technical base - constantly updated, and the quality of the pre-school education received here is consistently high! Happiness to you and good!
Option No. 8
Dear Claudia Albertovna!
On behalf of the team of parents of group No. 4 of kindergarten No. 60, we express We are deeply grateful to you and the administration of the preschool institution for your support. our initiatives aimed at improving the educational process, improvement of the material and technical base of the institution and the creation of a favorable atmosphere for the all-round development of students. nine0007
Your professionalism, managerial talent, ability to creatively work and flexibility in solving various issues help to find effective solve everyday problems to improve the conditions of our children's stay at territory of the institution entrusted to you.
I would especially like to thank you for your sincere generosity, openness and kindness. May the love never leave you in the future. your work and dedication to the profession!
We wish you good health and prosperity, bright achievements and brilliant victories in the chosen field, success in your difficult, but important and necessary work! nine0007
Option No. 9
Your creativity and diligence know no bounds!
Low bow to all employees of the kindergarten for their attention, care, kindness, sensitivity and responsiveness. Please accept my warmest wishes for the future creative success in the difficult but noble cause of educating the younger generations! nine0007
With respect,
parents of group No. 7
Option No. 10
Dear Alevtina Fedorovna!
Please accept our sincere thanks for your great contribution to creating a warm atmosphere in a preschool institution in which children feel comfortable develop, teachers - to work, and parents - to maintain emotional equilibrium.
For the formation of an excellent teaching staff, brilliant organizational skills, daily creative activities for maintaining the viability of the kindergarten, the results of which we have the opportunity to use - a separate thank you. nine0007
We wish that your efforts will always be rewarded, and may the reward will be generous! May success accompany all your good deeds and undertakings!
Parents of graduates
Kindergarten "Pribrezhny"
Option No. 11
From the bottom of our hearts we express our deep gratitude administration of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 40", Cherepovets, represented by the head Fokina Elvira Dmitrievna and the teaching staff for the fruitful, effective the work of educating and educating our children. nine0007
You and your close-knit team gave the children a happy childhood, making kindergarten a second home.
We wish all the teaching staff and administration so that the wonderful traditions of preschool education, preserved and multiplied You, served as a reliable foundation for the further prosperity of the institution. Let it go favorable conditions are always preserved within these walls for a comprehensive personality development. Happiness, health, joy and prosperity to you and yours close ones!
Group of parents of group No. 9
Option No. 12
Dear Natalya Filippovna!
Parents and pupils of the group "Berries" State Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 109" express their heartfelt gratitude to you and your team for the professionalism, indifference and endless self-improvement. Thanks to your responsibility and professionalism in preschool is supported a decent level of care, supervision and comprehensive development of children.
Thanks to your experience, strong support and tireless control, we, parents, could work calmly and not be afraid to leave our children in the care of your team for several years spent by our children in kindergarten. nine0007
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you and your employees peaceful everyday life, more bright events, mutual understanding and inexhaustible inspiration. Let the potential of yours and your institution not be depleted from time to time, but only increase. And may only joy and a happy childhood always live within these walls. Well-being and health to you and your loved ones!
Parents of graduates
of the Yagodki group
Option No. 13
Dear Evgenia Konstantinovna! nine0007
On behalf of the parent team of group No. 7, let me express my deep gratitude to you for the huge contribution to life support Kindergarten No. 3, which has become a second home for us and our children.
Thanks to your efforts, all employees of the preschool institutions are a single organism, working smoothly and clearly. Atmosphere institution is imbued with love for children and care for them, it is felt immediately, as soon as you get inside this oasis of childhood. Within the walls of the building and on the adjacent territory always reigns order, comfort, the spirit of creativity and creation. nine0007
The employees of the institution entrusted to you are always friendly and Welcoming, contact and responsive, timely provide all parents are interested in information and successfully implement quality feedback. We especially want to note that teachers have the proper competence, tact, endurance and stress tolerance.
Special thanks for the excellently organized: meals, medical supervision, additional classes with specialized specialists (teacher music, speech therapist, psychologist, swimming coach), cleaning and easy interaction with administrative staff. nine0007
All of the above makes it much easier for us fulfillment of parental responsibilities, streamlines our everyday life and brings in life a sense of stability, order and harmony. We highly appreciate your efforts, professionalism and experience. You and your employees are not afraid to entrust the most the most valuable thing we have - our children.
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you stability, prosperity and confidence in the future. May you always have everything you need to achieve your goals and solve your tasks. And let your daily work not become a feat for you - they are given easily and bring only joy. Happiness to you and all the best! nine0007
Parents of pupils gr. No. 7
Option No. 14
Dear Luiza Evgenievna!
On behalf of all parents of pupils of the kindergarten "Kindergarten No. 46" We express our deep gratitude for the support and assistance in organizing environmental action "Trees are our friends!".
Your responsiveness, initiative, experience in organizing events and personal participation helped to realize our plans at a high level. Thank you for supporting our initiatives and being open to modern trends in educating the younger generation. Thanks to you, all participants gained valuable experience and a lot of unforgettable impressions, and the event contributed to the formation of a careful and responsible attitude towards nature and the environment in children. nine0007
We hope that such events will become a good tradition in a preschool. We wish that your professional and personal life were filled with bright events, joyful memories and interesting discoveries!
With best wishes,
parents and pupils of preschool educational institution №46
St. Petersburg
Option №15
Dear Daria Arkadyevna!
On behalf of the parent community and the parent committee of the Ostrovok Kindergarten, I express my sincere gratitude to you for your active participation, support, significant contribution to the preparation and holding of festive events dedicated to the new year 2022 at a high organizational and professional level. nine0007
Your help helped make the holidays bright and memorable. All participants and spectators of the events received joyful impressions and pleasant memories.
We sincerely wish you and the staff of the preschool good health, inexhaustible love of life, cheerfulness and peace of mind! Let New Year will bring you new ideas, plans and dreams. And may they all be successful come true!
Chairman of the parent committee
V. O. Kirillova
Design recommendations
- After the header (top of the sheet), the main text is laid out in the center of the page. If the design (drawing) of the page does not allow the layout to be centered, place the (text) on the left edge or in width.
- After the main text, on the left side (in the place of the signature) indicate the group of parents and the number (or name) of the group.
- If somewhere in the text it was already mentioned from whom (which group and which garden) the letter was written, it is allowed not to indicate this information again in the place of the signature. See how it is framed in samples No. 2, No. 3, No. 7, No. 8. nine0408
- If the author of the letter is a team (and not 1-2 people), the names are not listed.
- The last entry on the page will be the date and name of the settlement.