Learn letter m
20 Letter M Activities for Preschool
Letter development for preschool-age children is extremely important for both motor skills and letter recognition. Throughout the year teachers are constantly looking for creative ways to teach these letters and keep our little minds engaged and excited. We've researched creative learning activities and came up with a list of 20 letter activities for the letter M to bring into your preschool classroom. Make an alphabet activity pack or use them individually. Totally up to you, but either way, enjoy these 20 activities all about the letter M.
1. Mud Tracing
M is for mud. What kid doesn't like playing the mud? Head outside and play in nature for a bit with this fun activity OR use brown paint pretending that it's mud. Your students will love getting their hands dirty while tracing this letter shape.
Learn more: Early Learning Ideas
2. M is For Mice
This super cute activity will be great for students to practice their pre-writing skills. Using pom poms, students will enhance their letter-building skills by working with the structure of the M's, and also students will enjoy the cute little mice.
Learn more: School Time Snippets
3. Play-Doh M's
Along with most letters, play-doh can make a great letter M activity. Whether you're using centers or whole group, play-doh can help bring the letter to life.
Learn more: Teach My Toddlers
4. M Drawings
Monster creations are so much fun for students. After watching a video or reading a story about monsters, have students create their own! Print out an outline or let them use their own imaginations with construction paper and some scissors!
Learn more: Pinterest
5. M is For Macaroni
An all-time favorite activity for young minds is macaroni art! Using things they love while building letters can help them to stay engaged and keep talking about the activity!
Learn more: Pinterest

M is for mice, another mice activity. Letter sheets are fun to have hung around the classroom. Especially when they are student art. This will be a great activity and also can be used with a story!
Learn more: Takamul Academy
7. M is For Mountain
Variety of letter use is important in the development of letter recognition. Using different stories and background knowledge will help students to make connections. A mountain activity like this will make a fun connection to the environment!
Learn more: Verona Story Time
8. M Buckets
M buckets are a great way to engage students in learning and associating their letters. Buckets for all the alphabet letters can be left out in the classroom for students to play with and talk about with each other, with you, or even with parents!
Learn more: Teacher Mom Plus 3
9. M is For Monkey
Students love monkeys!! This engaging motor activity might be a bit challenging for students, but once they get the monkeys in the right spot they'll be so excited to share!
Learn more: ABC Jesus Loves Me

Tracing inside a bubble letter like this upper-case and lower-case m will help to enhance students letter building skills. It can be used as an extra activity or as an assessment.
Learn more: Little Dots Education
11. Letter M is Tracing
A great worksheet to practice handwriting skills! Students will love to show off how skilled they are at tracing their upper-case and lower-case m's.
Learn more: Daycare Worksheets
12. Sensory Tray Tracing
Rice buckets are part of a very popular alphabet curriculum in Preschool. Students will be so excited to be able to play in the rice sensory bucket! Have them develop and practice their handwriting skills in this creative, hands-on letter activity.
Learn more: Messy Little Monster
13. Clay Letters
Including and fostering STEM skills in the lower grades is super important. Using clay in the classroom to help kids build their letters will help them to better understand letter shape and overall structure.
Learn more: PreKinders
14. Shaving Cream Practice
Shaving cream is a popular way to practice writing alphabet letters! Students will love this messy activity and will be engaged when writing and working with their letters.
Learn more: Mess for Less
15. Writing With Yarn
This activity is a great use of motor skills and letter drawing. Enhance your students learning skills with this yarn activity. Have them first trace or draw the letters with crayons and then outline in yarn! Students will have so much with the challenge of this activity.
Learn more: Growing Book by Book
16. Circle Dot Tracing
Color coding letters can be super fun for students! They all LOVE stickers and this is a great way to let them use what they love but still be practicing their pre-writing skills.
Learn more: Montessori from the Heart

Teacher-Approved Videos Letter M - Simply Kinder
Home » Teacher-Approved Videos Letter M
Still searching for activities and video to help teach the letter M? We’ve got you covered with these teacher-approved videos and activities! Keep scrolling to find all the links you need to teach the letter M!
Finding appropriate videos on YouTube can be difficult sometimes. So we’ve previewed and made a list of Teacher-Approved Videos Letter M to help teach all about the letter M.
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Letter M Song by Have Fun Teaching (3:35)
This song identifies m as a consonant and reviews commonly read letter m words to practice the sound. This upbeat song also includes time to practice writing the letter b in the air.
Learn the Letter M with Jack Hartmann (3:58)
You know the kids love Jack Hartmann. He practices letter identification, letter writing, initial sound, words that begin, and words that end with letter m.
The Mighty M by Story Bots (1:23)
Your students will recognize these fun educational robots. They will singing along with them in no time reviewing the sound of letter m and reading high interest words!
The Letter M Song by ABCMouse.com (2:27)
Your students will be begging you to play this one again. So fun to sing along with this song that also rhyming while singing through dozens of words that begins with m.
Letter M | Alphabet A-Z | Jack Hartmann Alphabet Song (3:55)
Learn to recognize the upper and lowercase letter M, how to write the letter M and the sound that letter M makes.
Do you have any other favorite Teacher-Approved Videos Letter M you like to use?
At Simply Kinder we work together to bring you ready-to-use resources to partner with great teaching for any curriculum, a Facebook community where teachers talk all things Kindergarten, and low-prep learning ideas that your students will love. Be sure to stay up to date with all things kindergarten on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and through email. Simply Kinder: where teaching Kinder is definitely better together!
5 Ways to Learn the Alphabet Quickly and Easily with a 3-6 Year Old Child – Somersault
Before learning the alphabet with a child, it is important to understand what you are not going to do. Namely, learning to read. This is a more complex skill, so it is worth putting it off until the time when the child gets acquainted with all the letters and will confidently recognize them and write on their own. Until then, put off the alphabet and reading by syllables.
In this article, we have put together the basic principles to quickly learn the Russian alphabet with a 3-6 year old child in a playful way. For all games with letters, you can use plasticine, paints and any improvised means or magnetic letters - they will easily attract the attention of the child.
- Learn the Alphabet Easily: Basic Principles
- 5 ways to learn the alphabet with your child
- From alphabet to reading
How to Learn the Alphabet Easily: Basic Principles
Each child can find an easy way to learn the alphabet that suits him or her, but there are basic principles that are important for all children. If you do not follow them, study will turn into drill and the child is unlikely to ever love to read. Here are a few such principles on how to properly learn the alphabet for a child.
- Learn sounds first, not letters . At the first stage of learning, it does not matter how the letters in the alphabet are called correctly. Now only sounds are important for the child - "d", and not the letter "De". The names of the letters will only confuse the child, who first needs to learn to recognize the shape of the letters and their sound.
- Not learning the alphabet in the correct sequence . Until a child goes to school, it is of no use to him to know how the letters are arranged in the alphabet. This information will only distract him from what is really important: how the letters look and sound. The sequence of the alphabet can be learned later or even at school, where this knowledge will be tested by the teacher.
- Do not turn learning into a lesson .
Learning from call to call is difficult even for children at school, let alone a baby. Therefore, all learning should take place in a playful way and not for long: 5-7 minutes a day to get acquainted with the letters will be enough. Gradually, this time can be increased, especially if the child likes the proposed games with letters.
- Use material objects . At the age of 3-6 years, the child learns the world by touch and taste. It is difficult for him to work with abstract letters spoken aloud. Therefore, it is better to stock up on plasticine and paints and create letters that are more understandable to the child and can be touched. Such a game for children will allow the child to learn the letters of the alphabet and he will recognize them in different forms regardless of what they are made of.
- First vowels, then consonants . Vowel sounds are easier to pronounce, so it's worth starting with them.
The main thing is not to force anyone. If you see that the child is inquisitive, enjoys exploring the world and is ready to learn, you can move on to learning letters and the alphabet. So the child will be happy to learn the alphabet in a playful way and gradually learn to read. So that the game is not abstract, you can use the magnetic letters TUMBLING.
5 ways to learn the alphabet with your child
1. Use an interesting topic to study
Use your child's interest to spur his motivation to learn. For example, if your kid is crazy about cars, let them be the topic in which you learn the alphabet. Use any words related to cars:
"A" - bus
"B" - trunk
"C" - driver, etc.
You can show cars and their parts, draw or sculpt from plasticine. It is important that the child's focus shifts from learning to doing what they love. Additionally, the method will help expand vocabulary and knowledge about the world.
2. Cross out a letter of the alphabet in the list
Fill in a small square with arbitrary letters. The task is to cross out only the letter that you are studying. This will help the child focus on one letter and not get distracted by the ones he doesn't remember or don't know.
3. Pulling the letters of the alphabet out of the pouch
The soft-touch magnetic letters are perfect for this method. Put the letters in a bag and give the child the task, without looking, to pull out only the letter that you thought of. Let there not be too many letters in the bag, otherwise the child will get confused. 6-7 pieces will be enough. To start, use letters that are very different in shape, such as "O" and "M". Gradually, the complexity can be increased and searched among similar letters, for example, "K" and "X". Don't forget to praise and encourage your child. You can alternate the learning process with desktops.
4. Recognize letters of the alphabet by ear
You pronounce a word, and if it contains a hidden letter, the child claps his hands.
With this game for kids, you can learn individual letters or the entire alphabet. For example, you name a word, and the child inserts its first letter into the insert frame. To stimulate your child's interest, you can use only words from his favorite topic, for example, the names of animals.
5. Guess words starting with the first letter
You choose one letter and think of a word that starts with that letter. For example, the letter "Z":
- What is this animal with big ears and loves carrots?
- Hare!
This game form is again suitable for learning individual letters or the entire alphabet. If you learn only one letter, the child gets used to quickly recognizing it in different words. And if you give words with different letters, the child as a whole learns to understand with which letter they begin. With the study of the account and the English language will also help TUMBLING.
From the alphabet to reading
When a child learns the Russian alphabet, confidently recognizes all the letters in different words and can draw or mold them independently, it is worth moving on to reading. Because you need to learn the alphabet just so that the child can read. If knowledge is not used, it will hang as an extra burden, and by the time school will be forgotten. Therefore, you should not learn the alphabet too early: at 3-4 years old, a child is simply not interested in reading books in order to learn something new. He is more interested when his mother reads. Conversely, by the age of six, the child will be glad to have his own books to read them himself.
Learning letters and sounds with children
Before teaching a child to read, parents are advised to first teach the child to recognize and distinguish sounds. Some children understand the difference between letters and sounds after the first explanation, while others do not. And then the mother has to connect her imagination and all her pedagogical abilities in order to first understand herself, and then explain to the child why to distinguish between sounds and letters and how to do it.
It is necessary to understand the following pattern: there are many more sounds than letters, sounds are more important than letters, letters in themselves do not mean anything, and all qualities, for example: sonority, softness, etc., are related to sounds. One letter can represent several sounds. Therefore, we begin to learn to speak and read precisely with sounds.
Tell a kid a story:
“People lived in ancient times. They already knew how to speak and therefore loved to tell each other fairy tales and sing songs. But everything they told was quickly forgotten, because people did not know how to write. Fairy tales and songs were so interesting that a person wanted to remember them for a long time. And then people came up with special letter icons. The letters denoted the sounds that people uttered when telling a fairy tale. So the ancient man began to write down his fairy tales with the help of letters. Therefore, letters-icons now live in books, but they are always silent until you want to read them aloud. And as soon as you want to read a letter, sound will immediately appear. Sound and letter are the closest friends and cannot live without each other. A letter without a sound is silent, and a sound without a letter immediately disappears.
There will be 33 houses in the city, because there are 33 letters in the alphabet. A river will flow through the city, which will divide it into three parts. One coast is called "Vowers", the second - "Consonants", and empty houses are built on the third coast. However, houses will be built in the city not only on the shore, but also on the river. Floating houses are special. They can be painted in two colors, and empty houses in one gray color.
Houses in the city are divided into three types: with two tenants, with one and empty houses.
On the bank of vowels there will be 6 single houses: a, i, o, u, s, e.
Houses were built on the bank of consonants, where 2 sounds live at once - hard and soft: b-b, v-v, g-g, d-d, z-z, k-k, l-l, m-m, n -n, p-p, r-r, s-s, t-t, f-f, x-x, and single houses: f, c, w, d, h, u. In total, 21 houses were built on the bank of the consonants.
Suitcase houses will live on the river, there are only 4 of them. Two sounds Y-E live in the house E, sounds Y-O live in the house YO, in the house Yu - Y-U, in the house I - Y-A. These houses were built on the river because vowels and consonants coexist in them.
There are empty houses on the third bank: b sign and b sign. Nobody lives in these houses. Therefore, these letters do not have sounds. They are only for writing.
Play with the drawn map.
Discuss with your child in the following sequence: the letter B is the house of two friends: a large and hard sound B and a small and soft sound b. Compare how the letter B sounds, for example, in the words Bom and Bim. (In the word Bom we hear a hard sound B, in the word Bim - a soft sound b).
When examining a book, ask: “Where is the letter M in the word BEAR? And what sounds live in the house-letter M?" The child must remember the map or directly examine it with you at this moment and show with a finger that sounds live in this house: big and hard M and small and soft m.
When studying consonants, call them by the sound they denote, i.e. not "me" or "em", but "m". Otherwise, later it will be very difficult for the child to learn how to combine letters into syllables and words.
The ratio of sounds and letters is a rather abstract thing for kids. And it will be easier for them to understand it if they are guided by the picture and create images in their imagination.
The Razumeikin website will help your child learn letters in the "Letters and Reading" section and get acquainted with the characteristics of sounds in the "Preparing for Literacy" section - educational videos and interactive tasks will turn learning to read into an exciting game!
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Online classes on the Razumeikin website:
develop attention, memory, thinking, speech - namely, this is the basis for successful schooling;
help to learn letters and numbers, learn to read, count, solve examples and problems, get acquainted with the basics of the world around;
provide quality preparation of the child for school;
allow primary school students to master and consolidate the most important and complex topics of the school curriculum;
broaden the horizons of children and in an accessible form introduce them to the basics of various sciences (biology, geography, physics, chemistry).