Learn number games
Number Sense Games for Kids Online
Learning Numbers Games for KidsThe idea that kids are uncomfortable with numbers is a myth. A lot of it actually depends on how they are exposed to the world of mathematics. Kids develop number sense gradually and with practice.
To understand numbers better, kids need to visualize them in multiple contexts. When students are able to take the numbers outside of their textbooks and apply them in real-life scenarios, their understanding becomes concrete. Math games for number sense accelerate this process by providing children with an interactive environment and using cases that they can connect with.
Number recognition games, number sequence games, counting games, writing numbers games, skip counting games, place value games, etc. can help improve your child’s understanding of numbers greatly.
Some other math games that you can explore are: addition games, fraction games, decimal games, geometry games, measurement games, algebra games, etc.
Number sense is a concept that some people can find challenging to define. In today's time, children are exposed to a variety of concepts and activities that help them develop more clarity.
Number sense includes knowing the relationship between the number and the quantity, understanding the concept of more or less, and larger than and smaller than, understanding the order of numbers in a list and identifying if there are any missing numbers, understanding symbols and number vocabulary. Number sense math games for kids can be used to introduce and teach number sense related concepts in a way so that children can have absolute mastery over the subject.
How can we make number sense fun for kids?Number sense can be made fun for kids by using gamified learning tools. These tools enhance the learning experience by making it more immersive and relatable. Through math games for number sense, children are encouraged to practice number sense using real-life situations in order to have a more practical knowledge of the concept.
Number sense math games for kids help students to deepen their understanding of number sense. They help children to identify and recognize numbers, count and compare objects, sequence numbers, compose and decompose numbers, recognize patterns, match numbers and use math operations like addition and subtraction to enhance their number sense skills.
FAQs1. How do you practice number sense for kids?Several times, parents may not be as comfortable with number sense and may lack the teaching methods to help their kids develop this skill. This is where gamification can make a considerable difference. Interesting online games can help your child develop a natural liking for the subject. Number sense games are wonderful to learn and practice the concept of number sense with ease.
2. How to teach number sense?In the absence of number sense, kids tend to rely on lengthy procedures and can get unnerved when they see a new problem.
They are also unable to figure out if their answer is reasonable and logical or not. In such scenarios, there are high chances they may start disliking math. Learning numbers games can be used to teach and develop a strong number sense. They can help children become more comfortable with numbers, their relationships, and calculations.
Number sense math games can be used to teach your child the concept of number sense. They help children visualize numbers in different contexts and make your child comfortable with numbers and their values. Online number sense games gently take kids out of their comfort zones only to make them more confident in their mathematical skills. They make practicing number sense easy while making learning fun and enjoyable.
4. How can kids play games on number sense?
Online games help students to apply the concepts of number sense better. Children need considerable practice to become comfortable with number sense, spotting patterns, and predicting outcomes. Math games for number sense help in building these skills with ease. As kids move across levels, their learning gets reinforced. These games provide a platform for children to explore numbers at a pace they’re comfortable with.
Math activities to practice number sense may include counting and grouping a set of objects, using a number chart or flashcards, solving number puzzles, building numbers using ten-frames, etc.
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Number Games for 5th Graders Online
The development of counting skills and number sense in the previous grades is helpful to solve multi-step word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. With the knowledge of the base-10 blocks, place-value system, ordering, and comparison of numbers is used to establish the relationship and represent using math symbols. Followed by the representation of numbers as fractions and mixed numbers, a large set of data is represented using line-plot and bar-graphs for easy interpretation.
Grade-5 math skills extend the representation of fractional numbers as decimals. To express numbers in the decimal form, the place-value grid is used to comprehend the technique. Graphical representation methods such as line-plot and base-10 blocks are used to order, compare and depict numbers.
What are “number” games?
The scope of the number-games for the 5th graders is:
Representation of numbers in the decimal form for fractions and the estimation of the nearest whole to fluently perform math operations.
The upcoming section reviews the associated learning outcomes and prerequisites for grade-5 math.
Math Games for learning about numbers
The in-depth knowledge of number-sense and fractions promulgate mathematical reasoning to comprehend word-problems in geometry, measurement, and statistics. Interactive games aligned with common core math standards from SplashLearn contribute in nurturing fast math skills during classroom teaching.
Following sections delineate the learning outcomes and the corresponding math skills for grade-5 math.
Learning and outcomes
The development of counting skills for numbers in “hundred-thousands” as well as representing fractions & mixed numbers in previous grades foster math inquisitiveness. The grade-5 math enhances the number-sense with the use of decimal values. As the measurement conversions of physical quantities, drawing angles and data representation deals with significant mathematical values; knowledge of numbers using decimal point is beneficial.
The projected learning outcomes for the grade are listed as follows:
- Comprehending the number-sense for decimal numbers using place-value grid
- Determining the decimal values between two whole numbers using line plot and counting skills in hundreds
- Nurturing the reading and writing comprehension of the decimal values to frame logical answers to word problems
- Analyzing the relationship between two or more decimal numbers to compare and order them with math symbols
- Estimating the nearest whole number for any decimal number to quickly compute the approximate answer
- Converting fractions and mixed numbers to decimal values and whole numbers
Required math skills
The essential math skills to achieve the projected learning outcomes in grade-5 insist on fluency in applying the knowledge of number-sense, counting skills and fractions. Akin to the estimation of nearest multiples of tens and hundreds; decimal numbers are converted to whole numbers for multiplication and division.
The comprehensive learning games for SplashLearn are meticulously designed by math experts to contemplate math rationally in the later grades. With a unique set of word-problems, math riddles and puzzles to apply the number-sense skills, kids find the versatile theme-based games highly engaging and motivating to excel in math. The noteworthy learning games as per the curriculum of common core math standards are appreciated by parents engaged in homeschooling.
Grade 5 “Number” games
The number-games for grade-5 are primarily focused on fractions and decimal numbers. The understanding of mixed numbers, components of fractions such as numerator & denominator and correlating the multiples of 10 in solving the problems results in accelerated math learning.
Understanding decimal numbers
To start with the decimal number comprehension, the place-value grid is divided into the two sections. The first section before the decimal place denotes the whole numbers in one, two or more digits. The other section, post the decimal place denotes the value which is 1/10th of the respective place corresponding to a decimal number.
Represent decimal numbers – place value
The decimal numbers exist between two whole numbers. Thus, the first decimal number starts from 0. As 0 can also be written as 0.0. There can exist multiple decimal numbers between 0 and 1.
The upcoming section illustrates the representation of decimal numbers.
Numbers less than 1
The decimal numbers less than 1 exist between 0 and 1. For example, if the value between 0 and 1 is divided into ten equal portions, the numbers can be written as:
- 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and so on till 0.9.
In a decimal number such as 0.4, the place value associated with the digits is represented as follows:
As a fraction, 0.4 can be written as 4/10. The decimal value 0.4 is equivalent to 0. 40 or 0.400. The trailing zeroes after a digit do not change the arithmetic value of the number.
Numbers greater than 1
The decimal numbers occurring after the number “one” are the numbers between any two whole numbers which are more than “0”. For example, the value between 2 and 3 upon dividing into ten equal parts, the intermediate numbers such as 2.1, 2.4 etc. are written as:
Any decimal number between 2 and 3, such as 2.6 (2.600 – up to 3 decimal places) can be written as:
Represent decimal numbers – Using line plot
The line plot representation is another method to represent decimal numbers graphically for better comprehension. The value between two whole numbers can be divided into ten, hundred or thousand equal parts to represent decimal values up-to different places.
Numbers less than 1
To represent numbers less than 1 on a line plot, mark the whole numbers on a line first. Followed by marking, divide the space into equal parts (it can be any number more than 2 such as 5, 10, 100 or even 1000).
The figure below represents the decimal number 0.8 on the line plot.
Figure: The decimal number 0.8 exists between 0 and 1.
Numbers greater than 1
The decimal numbers with arithmetic value more than 1 can also be represented on a line plot in a similar way. For example, the intermediate numbers between 1 and 2 are represented as follows:
Ref Image: The decimal number 1.6 between 1 and 2 on a line plot.
Decimals and fractions
The fractions can be written in the decimal form by dividing the value in the numerator with the denominator. The resulting quotient can be a whole number or a decimal number.
The comprehension of decimal numbers and fractions is akin to the base-10 block representation of the whole number along with the remaining value.
For example:
- Represent the fraction 2/10 or the decimal value 0.2
Reference image: The two blocks in the shaded region represent the value 0.2.
The first digit to the right after the decimal point is referred as the 1/10th value corresponding to the number.
The two digits to the right of the decimal point are referred as the “hundredth or 1/100th” value for the number.
Mixed numbers
The mixed numbers as decimals are represented similarly like tenth and hundredth value. Depending on the number, suitable representation is chosen.
The number-sense for decimal numbers are like whole or fractional numbers. The upcoming section delineates the comparison and ordering of the decimal values.
Comparison and ordering of decimals
The decimal numbers can be compared and arranged using place-value grid and line-plot for easy interpretation. The suitable math operators “<(less than)”, “> (more than)” and “= (equal to)” are used to frame a mathematical equation.
Less than 1
To compare decimal numbers less than 1, fill the place-value grid as depicted.
- For example
- Compare 0.4 and 0.9
Thus, the equation will be 0. 4 < 0.9
- Compare 0.68 and 0.27
Thus, the equation will be 0.68 > 0.27. As the fraction 68/100 is greater than 27/100.
- Order 0.6, 0.9 and 0.3 in the decreasing order
- The numbers will be ordered as:
- 0.9 > 0.6 > 0.3
Greater than 1
To compare decimal numbers greater than 1, the whole numbers before the decimal point are compared with each other to select the least value. In case, the whole number of both the decimal numbers is same, the values after decimal are compared with each other.
- For example:
- Compare 1.7 and 1.3
Thus, the equation will be 1.7 > 1.3
- Compare 3.87 and 3.92
Thus, the equation will be 3.87 < 3.92, as 0.87 is less than 0.92.
- Order 1.9, 2.6 and 1.5
- Following line-plot represents the decimal values
Thus, the equation will be 1. 5 < 1.9 < 2.6
Rounding decimals
The rounding of decimal numbers is used in math operations such as multiplication or division to frame answers within a scalable value. Also, rounding of the decimals is useful in the approximation of results. The previous grade math skills employ the concept of rounding the whole numbers to the nearest multiple of ten or hundred.
To round the decimal numbers, the numbers after the decimal point are analyzed. The digits are changed to the figure “zero” and the rounding digit is either preserved or increased by one. The suitable operation is selected on the basis of the arithmetic value of the digits in the right.
Terms to Remember
The applicability of decimal numbers is not limited to only mathematics. The decimal numbers are also widely used in subjects like physics, chemical sciences, and geography. To represent time measurement, angles within geometric figures and fluently multiplying or dividing numbers, the knowledge of decimal numbers is highly recommended.
The eclectic knowledge of numbers from basic counting to decimals up to 3 digits forms the basis of learning math in each grade. To proliferate the interest in classroom teaching, SplashLearn games offer numerous math riddles, puzzles, and coherent word problems. The comprehensive worksheets for grade-5 envision math as an essential to grasp the operations like division and measurement units conversion using decimal numbers. As a math apprentice to parents for homeschooling children during summer-vacation, fun learning games to practice daily math substantially prevent skill loss. Equipped with a real-time progress dashboard and playful themes, math games boost confidence and nurture problem-solving aptitude to excel in math.
90,000 development games Learn numbers for childrenContent
- Cards with “Learn numbers”
- Cose-ciphera
- Cover the correct numbers
- numbers
- of the game “Learn numbers” for children
- Make a number
- Numbers by numbers
- Finders
- Pantomime
- Laughter
- Gymnastics by numbers
- Find the mistake 900 with numbers 5 Memory 0005 Tangram “Figures”
- Coloring numbers
- Table games “Learn numbers” for children
- Mixed Domino
- Print tasks “Learn numbers” for children
- Digital Labyrinth
- We count on fingers up to 10
Developing games “Developing games” Learn numbers" for children: a selection of fun games and tasks. Print out children's tasks with numbers for preschoolers.
Children aged 2-5 usually do not yet know all the numbers, but only name or “recognize” some of them. Kids confuse a number and a number, a number and a letter, they confuse numbers with each other: zero and the letter 0, G and 1, 2 and 5, 9and 6, 1 and 4, etc. Often violate the sequence between adjacent numbers from a series.
Certain difficulties arise in some children when the result of the count must be indicated by a number or the figure must be correlated with the required number of items.
Lessons "Learn numbers" for preschool children will allow you to easily and quickly eliminate such problems in a playful way.
Here: games for children "Let's learn letters".
Cards with sheep "Learn numbers"
Educational cards - visual material, convenient for explaining any topic. Therefore, it is successfully used in the study of numbers.
Copy-book numbers
Here: Print additional copy-book numbers for children.
Circle the correct numbers
Lego numbers
Learning numbers games for kids
Name it!
Numbers made from different materials are considered: paper, cardboard, fabric, printed on cards of different sizes and colors, written or printed, etc. In the process of such a lesson, you can find out what numbers the child knows and where he saw them.
Make a number
It is proposed to lay out numbers from circles, sticks, cubes, triangles, mosaics, mold them from plasticine, clay. You can cut out numbers from velvet or plain paper, old newspapers or magazines, fabrics and stick them on.
For plasticine figures there is a wonderful manual - Plasticine account. It will teach a child to sculpt a number and help to remember it by creating an illustration for it from plasticine.
Numbers by cells
It is necessary to paint over the cells, as in the sample, and get numbers from 0 to 9.
Cards with numbers are laid out on the table. The child receives a card with a number. You have to find yours.
The adult draws a number in the air with his finger, and the child guesses it, then they switch roles.
By drawing or drawing, the figures turn into "little men", "animals" or other funny figures.
Gymnastics by numbers
An adult offers (squat, jump) to a child as many times as the number indicates.
Find the mistake
The child is shown two cards. The kid needs to determine whether the image of the number on one card matches the number of circles, triangles or objects on the other card.
Memory with numbers
The child examines cards with numbers and memorizes them. The adult swaps them. The kid points out what has changed. If any card is removed, the child guesses which number is gone.
Tangram “Numbers”
Sensorics will help you remember writing numbers: write numbers, mold from plasticine, lay them out from buttons, pompons, figurines, sticks . .. Here are the numbers from the tangram.
More tangram tasks here.
Coloring pages for numbers
You can take coloring pages with numbers and invite your child to color them. The child will be interested in creativity, and at the same time consolidate knowledge about the new figure.
Here: Print out the number coloring tasks.
So that the coloring process does not bore the child, you need to use various interesting techniques for this
- paint numbers not only with pencils, but also with paints, wax crayons, stamps;
- lay out numbers from sticks, cubes, mosaics, buttons, peas, pebbles;
- model numbers from plasticine,
- color with fingers using finger paints;
- use non-traditional drawing techniques: cotton buds, crumpled paper, blots, etc.
Board games "Learn numbers" for children
Any walking board games teach counting. Children must understand the number corresponding to the number of dots on the top face of the die that has fallen out, and make the corresponding number of moves forward.
When your child has learned to easily count up to 6, play with two dice at the same time, so you will train not only numbers and numbers up to 12, but also addition.
Download and print board games for free!
Mixed domino
The difference between this domino and the classical one is that the child must quickly analyze and correlate the written number and the number of dots.
It is difficult to play with paper dominoes;
Includes 36 dominoes.
Print tasks "Learning numbers" for children
Digital maze
Counting on fingers up to 10
And what tasks for children for learning numbers from the proposed did you like ?
Educational games for learning numbers / Malyutka
Preparing a child for school involves teaching a preschooler to read and count, and in order to learn how to read or count, a child must first learn the base - letters and numbers.
It is recommended to start studying numbers with a child at the age of 2-3 years. The task of parents is to turn the study of the basics of mathematics into a fun and exciting game, because if the study of numbers is associated in a child with difficult and boring activities, then you can completely discourage him from studying mathematics in the future. Various educational games come to the aid of parents, the numbers in which the child will learn easily and interestingly.
How to teach a child to count?
In order for the study of numbers and counting not to become a difficult task for the child, it is better to give him as much information as possible regarding these concepts from a very early age, show the baby what this or that number looks like, ask him to draw them and pronounce the names. You should not burden the child with studying all the numbers at once - it is better to start studying the basic 10 numbers, and devote a separate day of study to each of them. Various cubes or chips with numbers on them will be excellent utility items with which you can ask the child to find one or another number. It is much more difficult to explain to a child not the name and type of a particular number, but its meaning and the ratio of the values \u200b\u200bdenoted by them.
Educational games for children, in which the child will learn the numbers playfully, are aimed at both learning Arabic numerals and understanding their meaning. An effective training course for the smallest is the technique developed by physiotherapist Glenn Doman. He believed that under the age of 6, a child learns three times more new information than in the rest of his life. That is why it is so important at this age to engage with the child in various educational games for learning.
To study numbers, Doman developed special cards on which not abstract symbols were depicted - numbers, but red dots - sets. So, for example, the number 3 was represented by three circles, the number 5 by five circles, and so on. Such cards are not difficult to make on their own at home, and, according to Doman, it is much more important for a child to first learn the essence of the concept of quantity, and only then the order of counting. Therefore, you should not show the baby strange squiggles depicting numbers, it is much more important to explain what they mean by themselves.
The kid first learns to recognize and compare the number of red circles on the cards, and then, when he learns the sets on each of them, the circles can be replaced with standard Arabic numerals. In order for the transition from circles to numbers to be smooth and not cause bewilderment in the baby, it is better to first attach the corresponding number to each Doman card.
The easiest developmental game to learn the ratio of numbers and numbers is the game "Count how many fingers". Parents show the baby any number of fingers, let's say two, and ask the baby to count how many fingers they show, and then find a card corresponding to this number with a figure. For this educational game for children, in which numbers are learned by looking at real objects, you can use sweets, coins, small toys - in general, any objects that the child shows interest in. Thanks to such a “visualization” of numbers, the baby will learn not only to count, but also to draw conclusions which number is larger.
The more often parents engage in educational games with their child, the numbers in which the baby will learn while having fun, the faster the child's progress will manifest itself. It is important that parents do not turn the study of numbers into lessons in the truest sense of the word, because you can learn to count on a walk, watching your favorite cartoons, at breakfast, moving in transport, drawing them with chalk on the pavement or with a stick on the sand, being away, etc. .d.
Also, when choosing an educational game for learning, parents need to pay attention to how the child best absorbs information coming from the outside world, namely:0186 • Via sight – looking at pictures or images;
• By ear, with the help of sounds associated with various objects;
• With the help of touch - tactile sensitivity, remembering the texture and size of objects.
Number learning: educational games for kids made at home
Creating educational games aimed at learning numbers requires imagination and creativity. With the help of improvised items, you can create the following educational games for children, in which the child will learn to understand and count while having fun:
• The developing game "We draw and count" aimed at studying numbers. For this game, parents need to prepare a set of sponges for washing dishes, scissors, multi-colored watercolors, several bowls and a piece of paper. From the sponges, having worked a little, you need to cut out the numbers from 0 to 9 or buy ready-made spongy numbers. In pre-prepared bowls, watercolors are diluted, and whatman paper is spread either on the table or on the floor. Then the parent calls out any number aloud, the child must find it among the pre-prepared spongy numbers, dip it in paint and print it on paper;
• For little boys, an effective educational game, the numbers in which he will remember while playing fun, is the game "Park the car. " For this game you will need a piece of paper, a marker and ten different medium-sized cars. On the sheet, parallel to each other, parking spaces are drawn with a marker, indicated by numbers from 1 to 10. Then the parent calls the number of the parking space on which the baby should park this or that car;
• An educational game aimed at learning numbers "Guess the number by touch". This game will teach the child not only to count and recognize numbers, but will also contribute to the development of fine motor skills of his hands. The parent prepares in advance 20 cardboard cards 10x12 cm in size, on which he embroiders numbers from 0 to 20 from buttons. The parent blindfolds the child and asks him to recognize by touch which number is shown on the card. This game is suitable for children aged 5-7 years.
Educational computer games for learning
Computer educational games are an excellent help for parents in learning counting and numbers.