Letter f songs for preschoolers
Letter F Activities for Preschool in 2023
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It's time for Fabulous "F"! This is a fun one because there are TONS of great words that start with the letter f with activities for preschoolers.
We just need to get those creative juices flowing with ideas that can match those words with some great activities to teach this super letter!
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Letter f crafts for preschoolers and toddlers
If you are looking for some crafts ideas to teach the letter f to your little ones, here are a few ideas. (And look a little further below for a cute letter f frog craft template, too.)
Pick a word that start with the letter "F", and form any kind of craft around it.
For a "F"ish, you can either use paints, crayons, or any kind of art supplies to create a cute fish. (While eating goldfish, maybe?).
Here's a couple of cute paper and paper plate fish craft activities I found on YouTube:
Letter F frog craft template
Of course, if you are going to be teaching the Letter F, you are going to have to incorporate a frog somehow, right?
In case you need a template for a frog while you are teaching about Letter F, here ya go:
Letter F worksheets for preschoolYou may also need some worksheets and printables that reinforce what you have already taught for the Letter F. And of course, when you teach your student how to write the Letter F, you'll need some worksheets for practice.
You are welcome to grab this FREE Letter F printable from me!
A few more places you can find some Letter F worksheets:
This one has several different activities, (similar to the one I provide above).
And I like this one because she provides a whole bundle of cute "F" printable worksheets!
.. And there are several more here to try!
Letter F templateYou'll also need some tracing sheets for practice, or maybe even some Letter F coloring sheets.
Here's a good tracing sheet you can grab for free.
Letter f dayMaybe consider the great idea of having a Letter F day for school! Let your whole day revolve around activities that have to do with the fun letter F.
In the morning, create a craft (see above) of a frog or fish.
At lunch or snacks, focus on items that start with the letter "F", like Fish (goldfish), French Fries, Fresh Fruit, and Fig Newtons or a Fritter for dessert.
In the afternoon, you could have a Firetruck visit full of Firemen! This is especially fun in a hot season, so the firemen can spray water and let the kids play.
Letter f games preschool
Definitely take the time to think up some fun games for the letter f that you can incorporate throughout the day or week.
Play leapFrog, go Fish, or paint using Feathers!
You can also go on scavenger hunts for words that start with the letter F, or play Freeze Tag.
Grab this cute Fishing Game to have on hand in your classroom for letter F week:
Quick Public Service Announcement! Are you teaching the alphabet your kiddos? I just put up some fun activities and games for alphabet learners. And I bundled many of them together for only a few dollars. Posted here for you!
Preschool letter f books
You've gotta incorporate good books into learning Letters! And not just for something fun to do. Seeing the letter IN the books the kids read help them to connect letters with words, words with books, and books with learning.
It all start with letters and building up that phoneme recognition. Here are a few fun books to grab from the library or purchase for your own library.
Letter f science activities for preschool
Incorporate the letters of the alphabet into all the subjects you teach. You can study letter f items for social studies or science, or any other subject.
Here's an idea for a letter f science activities for your preschoolers - a flower dissection video!
Letter F Preschool Songs
You always gotta have some good songs to teach your learners how to say and know the Letter F! I found these on YouTube for you:
Activities that start with FUse your imagination to come up with all kinds of activities that start with F! And get your kids involved. Maybe they can come up with some on their own.
Here's another fun video to check out for the Fabulous Letter F..
Letter F is a GREAT letter! You are well on your way to teach all the letters of the alphabet to your kiddos.
I hope some of these ideas have inspired you to teach Letter F. If you have more ideas, leave them in the comments below for others to use, too.
And don't forget your FREE LETTER F printable! You can even grab ALL the letters of the alphabet on that page. Plus, there is a temporary discount for you to check out as you teach the alphabet.
Thanks for stopping by!
Table of Contents
- Letter f crafts for preschoolers and toddlers
- Letter F frog craft template
- Letter F template
- Letter f day
- Letter f games preschool
- Preschool letter f books
- Letter f science activities for preschool
- Letter F Preschool Songs
- Activities that start with F
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More Letter Pages to Check Out for Activities, Crafts, Worksheets, Printables and More Great Ideas..
Letter A
Letter B
Letter C
Letter D
Letter E
Letter F (You are here!)
Letter G
Letter H
Letter I
Letter J
Posted in Freebies, Printable, Reading Activities, Teaching Reading, Teaching Resources Tagged alphabet, freebie, letter f, letter sounds, letters, phonicsAll rights reserved © My Three Readers Theme by Seos Themes
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33 poems about the letter F for children: learning the alphabet
Poems about the letter F for children. We continue our selection of poems about the letters of the Russian alphabet.
This article contains poems about the letter F for easy memorization by the child of the letter F. This is a consonant.
All the most interesting nursery rhymes about the letter F for preschoolers and for grade 1 you will find on this page.
⇐ Poems about the letter Y
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Poems about the letter X ⇒
A selection of poems about the letter F for preschool children who want to easily memorize the alphabet.
The moon hangs like a lantern,
The fairy-night is full of miracles:
The eagle owl hooted - he scared everyone,
The hedgehog snorted: “Here you are impudent!”
Author: Beshentsev А.
Owl, Flag, Fen and Lantern…
Here is a dictionary for the letter F.
Author: Ivanov S.
Under the Purple Flag
Lanterns are burning.
You've been familiar with the letter F for a long time
And I'm glad of the Good Fairy.
Author: Manfish А.
A pop-eyed eye aims,
Like a camera.
Author: Stepanov V.
Do you like poems about the letter F?Do you want poems about all the letters of the Russian alphabet always at your fingertips?
So that you can reinforce the material with your child?
Look at our Mini-book "Poems about the Alphabet"
It is made in .pdf format, it contains bright pictures from the articles of our site in good quality.
The letter F puffed out her cheeks,
lifted her nose, her hands were on her hips!
Wow! However!
This letter is a pushover!
Author: Manzhos N.
The letter F plays football,
Scores the ball into the goal.
Author: Krasnikova I.
F — to extract sounds from the Flute
A very complicated science.
But the Flute in our class
is best played by Vasya.
Author: Zelenaya K.
Fyodor Fekla called for dinner,
Firs is angry, Frol has a cold,
Felix is simple, Thaddeus is smart,
Filaret and Filimon.
Author: Shiryaev N.
Fedya loved knowledge —
He taught flora and fauna.
Fauna - pheasant, trout.
Flora - fruits, ficus, spruce.
Fedya Filya surprised -
Flora crossed with fauna!
Author: Yakovenko L.
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Owl - ears on top,
Ficus - in an old tub,
Phlox - the most delicate aroma,
Happy with fruits, old and young,
Sleeping bean in a pod,
Trout swims in the river.
Author: Ukhanova I.
Funtik and Fantik spruce dates,
Fekla's fruit boiled in compote,
A lively flamingo pecked at a pheasant,
A cat snorted after eating sour cream.
Author: Varteresyants E.
Eagle owl loves the brightness of Headlights,
Sounds of Flute and FanFar,
And Fountains and Porcelain,
He is a Philosopher-Dreamer.
Author: Smiles D.
Faina likes Fitness,
Philip - Fencing,
Filimonov sisters -
Figure skating ...
And Fedya is very keen on
Football on the couch,
He, like a Fan, is in love with the game.
But only on the screen.
Lying down and eating french fries
Fillet and Meatballs,
Or some Fast Food,
Or Beans with sausages.
affected Fedya's Figure.
In the Final,
"Troyak" in Physical Education came out in the quarter.
Author: Radchenko N.
The magician is dressed in a tailcoat,
He turned the torch into a bouquet,
The fairy will jump out of there.
Is it a trick or a miracle?
Author: Berestov V.
See also:
35 amazing poems about the letter L for children
Fedya Fokin is a dreamer.
He said that their driver
Carries fruits every day,
Fedya is too lazy to eat them.
African Santa Claus
I brought a new uniform,
A cool camera
And a giraffe for rent…
They know the school, house and yard:
Fedya Fokin is a dreamer!
Author: Schott K.
Owl bought a felt-tip pen on the market,
Owl put a felt-tip pen in a case
Immediately bought a flag and a T-shirt
And for football, that there are forces. hurried.
Author: Tselishchev S.
Fedya, Filya and Faina
Ate FRUITS from the basket:
Dates, pears, grapes,
Oranges and pomegranate.
Author: Trushina L. Tel.
Owl - jump, owl - lope,
Filinenka gave a flag.
Owl is happy, happy -
Two lanterns are on.
Author: Sapgir G.
Flamingo, eagle owl, pheasant
Fenya drew in the album.
Because the letter eF,
Fenya loves the most.
Author: Belova V.
Fylin Fedya Lanterns,
Does not turn on until dawn.
Author: Limonova N.
I bought a Pheasant Bassoon,
He played it for a year,
He sang out of tune with Falsetto. ..
He sold the bassoon in the summer.
Author: Shusharina S.
The fleet sails to the native land,
The flag on each ship.
Author: Samuel Marshak
Sand molds
All kids love it.
They are loved by quiet people,
They love rascals.
Yellow and blue,
Green and red,
Round, square,
All so different.
Author: Goryunova I.
Eagle owl keeps shouting:
“Uh-huh, I can scare mice!”
Author: Ditkovskaya I.
Pistachios Fedya ate pistachios
With Kolya and Natashka.
Petya suddenly approached them,
He gave them a taste of hazelnuts.
Author: Slutskaya L.
Owl - two huge eyes -
Reminds me of the letter F at once.
A pop-eyed eye aims,
Like a camera.
Author: V. Stepanov
F is a serious figure,
Philosophical nature.
Hands like resting on the sides,
You won't look down.
Author: Iris Revue
Fencer, hairdryer and focus,
Fleet, surname and ficus.
Philharmonic, hair dryer, fact,
All the words on the "F"? Yes, yes.
Author: Iris Revue
Magician, foil, folklore,
Let's insert a word into the conversation.
We take a photo when,
Not a philonym, yes.
Author: Iris Revue
The eagle owl is dressed up,
Dressed up in a tailcoat.
Owl hunting
Be beautiful in the photo.
Author: К.
No flute in our class
Vasya plays best of all.
Author: I. Ukhanova
Eagle Owl - ears on the crown,
Ficus - in an old tub,
Phlox - the most delicate aroma,
Happy with fruits and old and young,
Bean in a pod Trout swims in the river. Poems about the letter U
Poems about the alphabet and letters from A to Z
Beautiful children's poems about all 33 letters of the alphabet with pictures. Funny and funny poems by Russian songwriters about letters from A to Z and author's poems about the alphabet, the alphabet. Many are suitable for kids in kindergartens, there are “older” rhymes for schoolchildren for competitions and presentations. In addition to poetry, there are riddles about letters.
Poems about letters
letter A
10021 Alphabet is starting!
Asters, storks, pharmacies
We are friends with the letter “A” forever!
Here are two posts diagonally,
And between them is a belt.
Do you know this letter? A?
The letter A is in front of you.
(S.Ya. Marshak)
We need to know the letter A,
To read something,
Oh, Antoshka, Aibolit -
We need to know the alphabet!
A - the beginning of the alphabet,
That is what she is famous for.
And it's easy to recognize her:
She puts her feet wide.
(A. Shibaev)
Everyone knows the letter "A" -
The letter is very nice.
And besides, the letter "A"
In the alphabet is the main one.
Astra, alphabet, quince
Beginning with A.
Ending with A
Astra, alphabet, quince.
the letter B
The letter B is a big beech,
Eyebrows frown and mumble:
— I will not forget the letter brothers
Even small offenses!
Here I'll take it and be bad -
I'll show my tongue to you!
Or - a terrible bully!
Boo-boo-boo yes be-be-be...
Give her a sweet bagel,
Tie a white bow -
The letter B will be kinder,
Become friends with letters!
A ram galloped to the cry,
He began to beat the drum,
Call the letter "B" for help,
To rescue a girlfriend!
Letter B - in mother's beads,
Letter B - in large watermelons,
In a kind, sweet grandmother
And a beautiful butterfly!
Cheerful, fat clown
Plays the trumpet.
This pot-bellied
Looks like the letter "B".
letter B
Bactrian camel carries letter B
Proud carries on its back.
It's a shame for the one-humped man -
The letter B is not visible on it.
(S. Ostrovsky)
“V” is a very important letter,
I imagined it was terrible.
The chest is a wheel, the stomach is inflated,
As if nothing is more important here.
the letter G
G is a cheerful, kind dwarf!
There are many fairy tales about him.
He comes to children's dreams
At night and even during the day!
On the letter G, like on a horse,
Gleb drove around the garden,
But on the pea beds
Gleb did not run with his feet.
The goose cackles ha-ha-ha,
Where are the guests, gentlemen?
I was expecting guests today,
I called the letter G to my place.
Geese, jackdaws and loons,
Rook, capercaillie and dove,
Containers-bars among themselves,
They love G, my friend.
Stork on one leg
Resembles the letter "G".
letter D
Here is a house where good friends are,
There is smoke above the house, and there is a door in the house.
We guessed - you and me -
What should D write now.
The letter D is a spacious House.
It is warm and cozy in it.
Toys live there,
Dolls and animals.
You will find it everywhere:
In the gray beard,
And at the very bottom in the water.
Guessed? It is D!
"D" like a neat house
With a high gable roof.
the letter E
Next will be the letter E,
I'll show you too.
The tall spruce is growing.
The hedgehog chews the blackberry.
Grandfather is riding a cart.
He is one hundred years old.
A raccoon lives under a bush.
Yegor is going outside.
(V. Lomovtsev)
"E" looks like a hairbrush,
Can make everyone's hair.
Learning, learning the letter "E" -
That's all learned.
(V. Anoshina)
In the word spruce we will hear “E”,
We will write the letter “E” like this:
Trunk and three branches near the trunk.
Let's remember the letter "E", kids.
With the letter E, we always have:
There is wonderful food,
And the ride - after all, from it
We will go to the letter Yo. :
- I'm not Yo now, but E!
From the wings of a ladybug
Deftly brushed off two dots,
Secured them with grass
Letter Y over her head.
In parting she said:
— I have a lot of dots!
Don't worry, letter Yo,
It's all yours now!
If there are two dots on top of "E",
This is "Yo" - we know for sure.
If all points are removed from “E”,
“E” will turn out again.
The letter “ё” is always with eyes
And with prickly hedgehogs.
Hedgehog carries her on the back
With blackberry and blade of grass.
letter Zh
Look at the picture:
“Zh” looks like a snowflake.
Here's another one -
"F" are fluttering by the window.
The letters are spinning in the air,
They lie on my palm!
Here are three more letters "Ж"...
No, melted already!
(A. Usachev)
“Zh” has so many legs,
As if the letter could crawl.
The letter "Ж", for sure,
On paper, the shadow of a beetle.
the letter Z
The letter "Z" in the number "Three"
Says in the ear:
- Look, look,
Dear friend,
What's up,
What's up,
What's up
We too
We have common features,
You are like me,
And I am like you.
We are like chicks,
Maybe we are twins?
In the star you will find the letter 3,
In both gold and rose,
Earth, diamond, turquoise,
Dawn, earth, frost.
The letter Z is similar to B.
Head, tummy too.
Only on the left without a line
You draw the letter Z.
letter I
At the needle-needle
The nose is thin and prickly,
And it sticks out of the eye
You embroider with a needle,
Don't give injections in vain.
And prick, turn
Into a non-thorn letter ... (I)
"I" looks like an accordion,
Like a frightened cat.
"And" between two straight roads
One lay down obliquely.
Look at the gate:
How is it not the letter I?
Between two straight boards
One lay down obliquely.
The donkey repeats the letter I,
Adding the letter Y.
Will not calm down in any way -
Everything screams: ia! and I!
letter Y
At the station "I short"
We were greeted with a riddle:
"Read, dare and guess -
How, without getting up,
Can you turn tram
into many trams?”
One of us for about three minutes
Thought about the solution
And answered: “Erase the hook
Above the letter“ And short ”.
There are very few words with "Y":
Yogurt, iodine, and the word yoga.
"Y" at the end we usually write:
Tea, random, secret, extra.
The letter "Y" and the letter "I" -
They are very similar.
Two sticks, also oblique
Such a crossbar.
letter K
The alphabet is interesting,
In the continuation of the rhyme,
Next will be the letter Ka,
Half of a beetle.
The carousel is spinning in a circle.
A mouse is not a cat's friend.
The brush dips the paint.
The finger presses the button.
The cactus grows in the room.
Kolya Kostika - will find.
(Vladimir Lomovtsev)
Where did the letter K go?
Apparently, she also ran away,
It became boring in the primer,
Here, she is walking in the yard.
Friends with a cat and a dog,
And with a bully goat,
Yes, she ran to the cow,
Then she chatted with the chickens.
I rode on a swing,
Yes, I rushed off to the primer again.
Questions begin
With the letter "Ka"... just questions!
Who, where, when, to whom?
How to answer? I don't understand!
The letter is very curious,
He wants to know everything about me.
(V. Anoshina)
"K" dances with one paw,
And waves with the other paw.
And at the same time the letter "K"
Like the antennae of a beetle.
letter L
Let's write the first letter L.
Two boards covered with a roof.
Let's put on the belt for the letter L -
Let's change the letter L for the letter A.
Let's write the letter L again.
We emphasize with a lower line,
We put the legs on the sides -
The letter D comes out to us.
If you managed to write two letters L
You managed to write next to it,
Then they will please everyone
They will turn into the letter M.
2 not to lose the letter L.
An avalanche of glorious "L" pours -
They hit me on the head with a downpour,
These "L" love me,
They stick like I'm Lucy.
The alphabet will continue our
The letter “L” is a forest hut.
the letter M
I will tell the guys to everyone,
There are no problems with the alphabet,
For those who know the letter em.
My dear mother,
Washing a dirty pot.
The car is standing outside the window.
The mouse in the hole squeaks.
Many benefits from carrots.
Misha plays the ball skillfully.
A car came to us:
Mishka brought us Raspberries,
Delicious Honey and Milk,
And left far away.
Jumped the Ball - "It's me!
The letter "M" is now mine!
We need to know the letter "M"!
Knowing this letter is easy,
Who has been at least once in the subway,
In the evenings we all shine
Between the houses the letter "M".
Mom is the best of words,
The letter “em” is ready for the baby
To learn from the cradle:
“Mom, I think!” - screams awake.
letter H
Rhino shouts to friends,
I brought the letter H to you,
You need to know the letter H,
To celebrate the New Year.
The letter H is like a ladder,
We all move forward,
Like a ladder, miraculous,
Calls us to the world of knowledge!
I have about the letter “H”
Suddenly there was a song:
N-n-n-n-n-n-n -
It turned out to be a ladder.
letter O
"Oh!" - said the letter "O", -
"Everyone has known me for a long time,
I look a lot like:
A ring, a steering wheel too,
A circle, a bun.
Wheel, moon, flower -
Dandelion or chamomile.
On a plate of semolina!”
The letter "O" - the moon and the sun,
There is a round window in the house.
And the clock and the wheel,
And that, it seems, is not all.
There is no corner in this letter,
That is why it is round.
She was so round,
She could roll.
letter P
Someone recently spoke:
"P" looks like a gate,
I was too lazy to object,
I knew that "P" is like a stump.
The letter P in the gym
They called it the crossbar -
Come on, dear, don't be lazy,
Come and pull yourself up.
Petya, Petya, Petushok,
Gets acquainted with the letter P,
For Dad to read,
Everyone needs to know the letter P.
letter P
How to remember the letter "P"?
Everyone can, for example,
Put a hand on the barrel
And introduce “P” to each other.
The crow says: “Karrr!
I have a huge gift.
I'm an example to all the guys,
The letter "P" is not difficult for me.
She will tell, for example.
About the turnip and the fish.
Guys, this is the letter P -
We will say without error.
The letter R is growling,
Simply wonderful.
With this trill letter
Waxwings love.
letter C
Rainbow to the skies
The letter "C" bent.
Strained her sides -
Supports the clouds.
And the huge weight of the bridge
The letter "C" also holds.
A river flows under the bridge -
Concrete bridge for centuries.
The letter "C" - heavyweight.
The letter "C" serves people!
(S. Ostrovsky)
What kind of letter
glows with the old clear moon?
Crescent moon in the dark sky
Letter C hanging over the house
Letter C we need to know,
To read the word,
Laughter, ingenuity, airplane,
Letter C calls to fly.
The elephant stands so big,
He shakes his head,
He gives us the letter C,
The same O, but in half
the letter T
The tram has become under the letter T:
If you want to go, don’t yawn!
T - calls you in a taxi.
You ask the driver -
He will deliver you in an instant
Exactly in the specified area
T - antenna -
Above the roof -
He will see everything, hear everything,
Turn on the TVs,
We do not miss the screens.
Looks like a "T" antenna,
And looks like an umbrella too.
The letter T will cover you
From rain,
From snow,
letter Y
I find it interesting,
I, guys, the letter U.
Coal gives us heat,
Hurricane carries a log.
Knot holding two ropes.
Clever already dexterous in hunting.
There is a corner for punishment.
Ulyana is busy knitting.
A duck can do everything —
Catches fish with a fishing rod.
She will have an ear for dinner.
She needs dill for her fish soup.
Lots of "U" words around:
Morning, street, iron.
We need to know the letter "U"!
Everyone knows the letter from the cradle.
Finger raised, looking menacingly,
"UUUU!!!" humming seriously.
The letter "U" resembles ears
At the head of a hare.
Snails also have horns.
So they look like the letter “U”.
letter F
A pheasants asked for:
- Find us the letter F, owl.
But, sighing heavily,
Owl hides in a hollow.
Owl even with a flashlight
Can't see anything during the day.
Everyone knows without a hint:
The letter F is like the key to a fairy tale.
He will never be taken away from us
Karabas will not take him away
F was slightly angry,
Hands resting on the sides.
Owl, flag, hair dryer and lantern...
Here's a dictionary for the letter F.
The letter "F" puffed out her cheeks
Or put her hands at her sides.
letter X
The letter "X" laughed:
"Although it's cold in winter,
I'm not tired of sledging
Riding down an icy hill. "
The letter “X”, you are a laugher
And a good boaster!
We will start a round dance,
We will sing together, merrily.
the letter C
We learned a lot of letters,
We got to the letter C.
There are words where C is at the beginning,
Where in the middle, where at the end.
Chain, flower and number - here
C at the beginning everyone will read.
And in the words Father, fighter
C we write at the end.
A heron walks through the swamp,
Her chicks are waiting in the nest.
The circus will open on Saturday,
The wrestlers have already arrived.
The workshop came to work
Young blacksmiths.
In each line, the letter C -
Like a pebble in a ring.
And each has a page,
On the border and in the capital.
And in the chickens on the porch
There are also two letters C.
This hook letter
With a cunning, tenacious paw.
- Come, whoever cares,
I'll scratch you in an instant.
This is the letter C:
With a claw at the end.
Like a cat's paw
Letter C —
Hook at the bottom,
Just like a faucet tank.
The letter "C" stands sideways
And catches everyone with a hook.
letter H
Letters, letters…
Give them free rein —
Let the letters go wild.
The whole day the trumpet was silent,
I missed the owner...
The letter H came to the trumpet -
The trumpeter found the trumpet.
The trumpeter played on it -
It immediately became more fun!…
The letter H said: “Yes!”
Saluted someone.
Yes, you made the right decision:
H we write as four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We must not confuse letters.
Insects have the letter "Ch"
Found in crickets and locusts;
Grasshopper, butterfly, bee -
Oddly enough, "Ch" is nice to everyone!
(M. Yasnov)
Turtle Tortila
Grabbed the letter H,
Turtle, come out as soon as possible,
Return the letter H to children
letter Sh
What do we have in the forest with the letter Sh?
This bump flopped, rustling.
A bumblebee and a hornet rummage noisily in the porridge.
Sheburshat in the wild rose insects.
What else is in the forest with the letter Sh?
Noise and rustle near the hut.
The letter "Sh" in these words:
School, pole, charade, check.
I wrote the letter "Sh":
Three poles and a sleeper at the bottom.
The jackal ran along the road,
He lost the letter Sh,
Help me friends,
I can't live without Sh.
Look at the letter Sh -
The letter is very good,
can be used to make E and Y. Or a couple of breams,
Yes, sorrel narvi for cabbage soup”
This letter from “borscht”,
What kind of letter? This is... Shch.
Even the softest sign
Will not soften me in any way!
Solid sign "Ъ"
Write like this:
Wheel and match,
Behind - pigtail.
letter Y
We will correct the soft sign on Y,
If we add a dash.
The letter Y is famous for that,
That it is from the alphabet.
Do not stand at the beginning of a word,
And at the end, you are ready to stand!
(T. Bokova)
"Y" - what a fat woman you are!
Your tummy is like a pillow.
To make it easy for you to walk,
I had to get the wand.
In Russian, alas,
There are no words starting with "Y".
letter b
It is not so difficult for us to do it,
So that the ship does not run aground.
Cross out the soft sign -
And the waterway is free.
A soft sign stands aside,
Doesn't bother anyone,
But quietly and lightly
Address it.
Salt calls, and the day, and the stump -
And it's not too lazy to help him!
Although he looks quiet -
He will stand up for himself!
Our shadow is getting shorter,
This means the day is coming soon.
The shadow is growing, moving away,
This means that the night is coming soon.
A soft sign is a cunning sign.
Do not say it in any way.
It is not pronounced,
But it is often asked for in a word.
Why near the house CORNER
Turned immediately into COAL,
No fire, just like that?
This was done by a soft sign.
Let's draw a soft sign
Gently with a drop,
Like this.
A drop will soften the letter -
The word will sound soft.
Letter P reversed
And they sat down as if on a chair,
And they called the letter like this -
Soft sign - "b".
the letter E
The letter E on C is amazed,
As if looking in a mirror.
There is a resemblance for sure,
Only there is no language!
Letter E — once Echo
Almost burst with laughter.
The echo fell from the tree,
Laughed until it fell.
Above the meadows in the blue
The letter E flies.
This is a swallow in spring
Returns home.
The letter "E" - no matter how you look -
You will see pincers and claws.
letter Yu
On the way, in an unknown land,
Compass is our best friend.
One capital letter Yu
South is marked on it.
Above the clouds we fly
Compass to the south.
To the seashore,
to Southern Crimea,
Where there is no blizzard in winter.
So that O does not roll away,
I'll nail it firmly to the post.
Oh, look,
What happened:
It turned out ... the letter Y.
The letter “Yu” is bent all over,
Holds his wand.
Looks like this -
An old grandmother with a stick.
Yu – Yula (or spinning top),
Colorful rainbow barrel.
Neither more nor less —
Danced all day
the letter I
Letter “I” to everyone in the world
Ready to report:
— Do you know who I am?
You don't know who I am?
I am not only the letter "I" -
I am a letter, a syllable and a word!
Pile of apples on the counter. ..
And I noticed, I'm friends:
If an apple had two legs,
The letter "I" would immediately come out.
Poems about the alphabet
A verse in which each line begins with a letter of the alphabet.
The stork spent the summer with us,
And in the winter he stayed somewhere.
Behemoth opened his mouth:
Behemoth asks for rolls.
Sparrow asked the crow
Call the wolf to the phone.
A mushroom grows among the path, —
A head on a thin stem.
The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow,
Oak hollowed like a chisel.
Spruce looks like a hedgehog:
A hedgehog with needles, a Christmas tree too.
The beetle has fallen and cannot get up.
He is waiting for someone to help him.
We saw the stars during the day
Over the river, over the Kremlin...
Hoarfrost lay on the branches of the spruce,
The needles turned white overnight.
The cat caught mice and rats.
Rabbit leaf cabbage gnawed.
Boats are sailing on the sea
People are rowing with oars.
The bear found honey in the forest, —
Not enough honey, a lot of bees.
The rhinoceros gores with a horn.
Don't mess with the rhinoceros!
The donkey was angry today:
He found out that he was a donkey.
Turtle wears a shell,
Hides its head in fear.
The gray mole digs the ground -
Ruins the garden.
The old elephant sleeps calmly —
He knows how to sleep while standing.
The cockroach lives behind the stove -
Such a warm place!
The student taught lessons -
He has ink on his cheeks.
The fleet is sailing towards the native land.
Flag on every ship.
A ferret walks in the forest,
A predatory little animal.
An important, nosy heron,
Stands all day like a statue.
Watchmaker, screwing up his eyes,
Repairing watches for us.