Meaning of sight words
Top 100 Sight Words and How to Teach Them
Sight words is a common term in reading that has a variety of meanings. When it is applied to early reading instruction, it typically refers to the set of about 100 words that keeps reappearing on almost any page of text. “Who, the, he, were, does, their, me, be” are a few examples.
In addition to their being very frequent, many of these words cannot be “sounded out.” Children are expected to learn them by sight (that is, by looking at them and recognizing them, without any attempt to sound them out.)
Unfortunately, this means minimal teaching. Often, little is done other than to show the word and tell the child what it is “saying.” For many children, this is not enough, with the result that their reading of these critical words is laden with error.
What does this mean for parents who are helping their children master reading? Basically it means spending some time in truly teaching these words so that your child gains real mastery of them. The key to achieving this goal is accurate writing (spelling)—via memory. That is, the child writes the word when the model is not in view.
You can do this by creating simple sentences that the child reads. (By using sentences, you will automatically be using many “sight words.” In addition, you will be giving your child the opportunity to deal with words in context—a key to meaningful reading) After showing the sentence and having your child read it, turn it over and then dictate the sentence. If there is an error, you immediately stop your child and take away the paper. Then you show the model again and repeat the process. In other words, the writing of the sentence has to be fully accurate, starting with the first word.
If you want a list of those words to help guide your efforts, here is the top 100 according to the American Heritage Word Frequency Book by John B. Carroll.
A: a, an, at, are, as, at, and, all, about, after
B: be, by, but, been
C: can, could, called
D: did, down, do
E: each
F: from, first, find, for
H: he, his, had, how, has, her, have, him
I: in, I, if, into, is, it, its
J: just
K: know
L: like, long, little
M: my, made, may, make, more, many, most,
N: not, no, now
O: or, one, of, out, other, over, only, on
P: people
S: said, she, some, so, see
T: the, to, they, this, there, them, then, these, two, time, than, that, their
U: up, use
V: very
W: was, with, what, were, when, we, which, will, would, words, where, water, who, way
Y: you, your
Click here to download our Recommended Top 100 Sight Words.
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What Are Sight Words? - Teaching Expertise
// by Marissa Wright
Sight words are an essential part of the reading process. They are hard words for students to "break down" or "sound out." Sight words do not follow the standard English language spelling rules or the six types of syllables. Sight words usually have irregular spellings or complex spellings that are hard for children to sound out. Decoding sight words is hard or sometimes impossible, so teaching memorization is better.
Sight word recognition is an essential skill that students will learn while in elementary school.
They are the building blocks to creating fluent readers and a strong foundation of reading skills.
Sight words are words found in a typical book at the elementary level. Fluent readers will be able to read a complete sight word list for their grade, and sight word fluency builds strong readers.
What are the differences between phonics and sight words?
The difference between sight words and phonics is simple. Phonics is the sound of each letter or syllable that can be broken down into a single sound, and sight words are words that are part of the building blocks of reading, but students will not always be able to sound out the words due to sight words not following standard spelling rules or the six types of syllables.
Phonics instruction gives students a basic understanding of how letter sounds are made and sound out a new word. The rules of phonics are clear when students are learning, but do not always apply to sight words, which is why students memorize them. Phonics comprehension is needed to have a solid foundation and progress students' reading capabilities.
Knowing both phonics skills and sight words will help students' reading progress and help them create a lifetime of reading.
Sight words are also different from high-frequency words. High-frequency words are the most common words used in texts or a typical book but mix decodable words (words that can be sounded out) and tricky words (words that don't follow the standard English language rules).
Each grade level will have a standard list of sight words and phonics rules that students will learn during the school year.
What are the types of sight words?
There are many types of sight words. Sight words are the most common words found in an elementary level book that don't follow the spelling rules or six types of syllables.
Two common sight words lists are Fry's sight word lists, created by Edward Fry, and the Dolch sight word lists, created by Edward William Dolch.
There is a foundation of sight words for each grade level in elementary school, and most of them are built using either Fry's or Dolch's sight words lists. Each list holds a unique set of examples of sight words, and is created for every level of student.
Written below are lists of sight words common to teach in elementary school.
Edward Fry Sight Word List Level 1
the | of | and | you | that |
for | with | his | they | have |
from | had | words | but | what |
all | were | your | can | said |
use | each | their | them | these |
Edward Dolch Sight Word List Kindergarten
all | black | eat | into | our |
am | brown | four | must | please |
are | but | get | like | pretty |
ate | came | good | new | saw |
be | did | have | now | say |
How to teach sight words
Many teaching strategies can help students learn sight words quickly and easily. The goal to learn sight words is to help students memorize every word.
Here is an essential guide to sight words teaching techniques. Listed below are the easiest ways to introduce students to sight words and help them become efficient readers.
Teaching sight words is a large part of the method of teaching reading that helps students become efficient readers.
1. Sight words lists
Teachers can assign a sight word list to students as a tool to take home and study. It is easy to print out a leveled list to send home with students to practice at home.
Depending on the level of students (e.g. advanced students), you can assign students new lists and levels if they have already mastered the sight word list for their grade or level.
2. Sight words games
All students love to play games. That includes sight words games and sight word activities. Students can practice sight words in a fun, interactive way. There are so many games you can play with your students, pick a game that works well for your specific class.
Games are also perfect for non-readers or reluctant readers! They are an effective strategy to expose students to sight words while having fun.
Many sight word games can be interactive, such as sensory bags to spell words, find words in the morning message or announcement, and build words with bricks and legos. These are examples of hands-on interactive games that are fun for both the student and teacher.
3. Sight word games online
There are many educational online games that help students learn their sight word lists. The best online games are usually free to educators and students. Students love playing games online, they might even be encouraged to play them at home. has a great game called "Sight Word Smash" where students 'smash' the word they are looking for by clicking it. They win the game by showing they know and can find all of their sight words.
It is easy to find other online games, such as sight word bingo, sight word memory, and many other fun games.
4. Sight words flashcards
Students can make flashcards or you can print them out for the whole class. It's an easy way to practice memorization. Just flip through the cards to test students on their sight word skills.
Don't forget to correct mistakes while students are playing games, doing activities, or reviewing flashcards. Giving students opportunities for repetition will allow them to memorize the sight words more easily.
Sight words takeaway
Memorization is the main key to increasing reading fluency and helping students remember sight word lists.
Helping students memorize their words will assist students in their long-term reading goals. You will see student fluency in reading increase if students can memorize their sight words.
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Category: Classroom Ideas
What does sight mean - Meanings of words
sight in the crossword dictionary
- Collection of Russian poet S.
I. Kirsanov
- Sniper front sight
- "compass" firearms
- Weapon guide
- Rifle optical
- Weapon "pupil" of a rifle
- "azimuth" firearms
- Weapon aiming device
- firearms optics
- targeting device
- The lens is for the photographer, but for the sniper?
- Weapon "pupil" of a rifle
- "compass" firearms
- "azimuth" of firearms
- If shot down, then marks in milk
- A device that puts an end to a person
- The lens is for the photographer, but for the sniper?
- Collimator …
- It is especially clear in it that a person does not have much time left.
- Detail of a firearm for aiming at a target
- If it is downed, then there is nothing to count on besides milk
- Fly on a rifle
- Collimator on a rifle
- Optical invention of Russian mechanic Andrey Nartov
- Optical on a rifle
- Collection of Russian poet Semyon Kirsanov
- Collimator .
- A device or mechanism for aiming a weapon at a target
- Targeting, aiming
- An important detail of firearms
- A device for accurately aiming a weapon at a target
- A device on a firearm that allows it to be placed in the position necessary to hit a target
- Device for precise aiming of weapons
- A device on some crossbows and throwing machines that allows for an accurate shot
- lifeless fly
Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

sight, m.
Attachment on rifles, machine guns and artillery pieces, which serves for the correct aiming of a weapon or gun at the target. Aim frame.
Same as aiming. Sight line. Take (take) on the sight of someone that -
aim, aim;
rev. focusing on something, to criticize (new). The writer took aim at a whole gallery of types.
Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.
-а, m. Artillery, rifle station Optical, laser, radar station
Targeting, aiming. Sight line. Take (take) on p. someone-sth. (aim at someone sth.; also trans.: pay special attention to someone sth.,. take under observation; colloquial). Far, distant item, with a distant, distant sight (trans.: about a distant, usually hidden goal, plans, plans).
app. aiming, th, th. Aiming device.
New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
- target.
Targeting; aiming.
rev. What someone is for. strives for what is intended to be achieved; target.
Scope is a device used to aim a weapon at a target. In small arms, depending on the conditions of use, various optical devices are used: the simplest "front sights", optical sights with lens groups and laser target illumination. Sights include mounted front sight and sight rear sight . When shooting, the sight is adjustable in direction, the front sight - vertically.
Reticle (values)
Reticle :
- A scope is a device used to aim a weapon at a target.
- The sight is a radio broadcast by Dmitry Dobrynin on Radio Russia.
Sight (radio transmission)
The program first aired in May 2004 at 21:10 Moscow time on Radio Russia. The transfer lasted 30 minutes. Then this time increased to about 45 minutes. Until 2008, the program was called "Rock sight", after which it was decided to rename the program to "Sight" for legal reasons. The radio program was built from headings that sometimes change, thus, there are no strict limits in the program, but, despite some changes, "Sight" was distinguished by constancy. Usually the air talks about rock bands, the latest news from the world of heavy music, often paid attention to world history, religion, mythology and literature. Practically, in each issue, information was given about the events that took place this week in world history. Also, attention was paid to the latest releases of the bands, significant concerts. Special attention was paid to the letters of the listeners. Some questions were read on the air. Sometimes an issue could be entirely devoted to letters from listeners. The responses were provided both in the form of text and music. Periodically released thematic issues of "Sight" dedicated to historical events. The early history of the "Rock Sight" is associated with "metal characters" - Daria Turunyevna and Lyokha Porshn and their friends.
A later episode is connected with a character named "Misterius" - a wise old man who tells about various historical facts. The voice of "Misterius" was given by the actor and musician Pavel Smeyan. This fact became known after his death on July 10, 2009. For some time on Saturday, an additional half-hour edition of "Rock Sight" was released. But after a while it was replaced by a new program - "High Voltage". "Sight" was one of the few public radio programs in Russia that talked about rock culture and its features. For a long time, the program was one of the sources of information about rock music for listeners before the advent of the Internet in Russian cities and towns. The program included competitions related to both creativity and knowledge of rock music.
Starting May 30, 2011, "Sight" and "Eighth Note" will be aired at 20:10 Moscow time. From May 16 to August 8, these programs were aired at 21.10 Moscow time.
Examples of the use of the word sight in the literature.
The fact that my coccyx is an angular velocity sensor, buttocks are roll and g-force sensors, and the corners of my eyes are an artificial horizon, a periscope and a sight at the same time.
And when one day the head of the district catering called him, inquired about life, well-being, Anvar Abidovich, not particularly complaining, but with a long-range aim said: would you and the head of police, your friend, come and see how I live here , stayed with me, looked at the capital.
Only after carefully looking at it, Artyom realized that it was a TT, with a long silencer screwed to it, and with some other device on top, apparently a laser sight.
As soon as these short flashes had time to add illumination to the ancient city, as from all sides of the square shots began to increase with triple force - Ari's team used the moment, catching enemies in the crosshairs of sights.
He let her sail two hundred meters, then stood at the stern of Tuscany, legs apart, a bazooka on his right shoulder, his eye pressed to the scope.
Standing at the stern and resting on the flagpole, he carefully adjusted the bazooka until he realized that he could hit the cannon barrel from a distance of two hundred meters in no more than two attempts.
At the very entrance to the attic, Bespaly ran into a blue-eyed stranger holding a rifle with a telescopic sight, muzzle down.
Occasionally, through the green haze of the sight, jackals appear as predatory phantoms, resembling small outbred dogs with cowardly tucked tails.
Indeed, the rifle had a laser sight with active illumination, and it was easier to shoot from it than from air guns in a shooting range, and Larisa was not a skier, as Shulgin believed, but a biathlete and almost fulfilled the norm of a candidate master.
Julius appointed Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici as legate to Bologna, wishing to keep Tuscany at gunpoint and bring it under the control of the Vatican as soon as possible.
When Volokolamsk was left behind, Kokhan approached the bomber so close that it was possible to shoot without aiming.
Look, I cock the trigger, aim, and the sight and front sight are automatically illuminated.
It was definitely filled with imaginary money, or rather, it caused the correct aim at an imaginary, but in reality, non-existent object.
The completed complex of improvements included the installation of overhead ventral armor plates that protected the drive box, generator and fuel pump, filling the fuel tanks with polyurethane foam and pressurizing them with nitrogen, which prevented ignition and explosion when fragments and bullets hit them, changes in the design of the ASP-17 sight, eliminated overheating.
This rifle, due to increased requirements to reduce the force of recoil, vibration and heat, had a weight of 6.5 kilograms with a schematic eight-fold optical sight.
Source: Maxim Moshkov Library
AIM - the meaning of the word AIM
meaning, definition of the word
AIM, -lying, -lyush; soy. 1. Aim at the target (gun, weapon). P. in the beast. 2. trans. Prepare to do something, aim (colloquial). II carried. aim, -ayes, -ayesh. II n. aiming, -i, cf. (to 1 value). II adj. sighting, -th, -th (to 1 value). Aiming distance. P. fire (on target).
A bicycle is being made
...included in the series of parodies "The Adventures of Store". This time, Lukyanenko wittily parodies not so much specific authors as a whole trend in science fiction - Soviet science fiction near sight ..…
Women's toast honor of women. According to Shakespeare, a woman is nothing, but in my opinion she is everything! (Screams: enough! sit down!) Without her, the world would be the same as a violinist without a violin, without a pistol sight and without clarinet valve. (...
... bent the cuff, glumly assessed the massive Swiss watch and turned sight on the sentry. The sentry trembled, as if raised on a stake, the reflection of the hall darted in his eyes, flat and metallic like a mirror ...
Under the gun
... explosions in the very center of London, and a nuclear mushroom rises over the Afghan mountains, and the figure of the American president is in sniper scope . The goal of the intriguers from London is to weaken Ross as much as possible ...
Under the gun of war
The book is unique in that in it Leonid Emelyanov, a scientist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, collected the memoirs of fifteen scientists-naturalists - witnesses and participants in the Great Patriotic War, who in the post-war years became researchers of science and achieved significant success in it . Their sincere stories and memories urge the younger generation to study the history of their country and never forget that a cruel price was paid for peace in their native land.
Words similar in meaning
- AIM , -a, m. 1. A device, a mechanism for aiming a firearm or missile weapons on target. Artillery, shooting gun....
- SLOT , -i, f. 1. Through cut hole.
P. sight. 2. View through thread (in 2 digits) (special). Artistic p.
- FLY (2) , -i, f. A small protrusion on the front of the rifle barrel weapon for aiming. Take on someone. ...
- RIFLE , -i, f. Screw-threaded handguns barrel channel, with a bayonet. V. with optical ...
- TAKE SIGHT , -I am, -I am; owls. Trial shots set correct aim. The battery fired. II Nesov. shoot, ...
- SHOOT , -yayu, -yaesh; - spruce; owl., what. trial shots determine the correct sight, aiming. P. tool. Height well.
- GIVE UP , - I will wake up, - you will come to life; owls. 1. Zoom in close (face, eyes, ear). P. to the keyhole. P. forehead to the glass. 2....
- INSTALL , -ovlyu, -bvish; - owned; soy., what. 1. Put properly; mount. U. sight. U. appliances, ...
- LINE , -i, f. 1. A line on a plane, on some. surface or in space. Direct l. (the shortest distance between two...
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