Letter name spelling
Letter Names in the English Alphabet and How to Spell Them
Each letter of the English alphabet can be spelled as itself (e.g., a DJ or T-shirt), or it can be spelled out using its name (e.g., a deejay or tee-shirt). Vowels still stand for themselves, and while very rare, the plural of vowels are made by adding -es. In the capitalized form, the plurals are made by either -s or -‘s (e.g., L’s or As).
Letters also have a specific sound associated with them, and not only can you spell them phonetically to sound the same as you pronounce them, but you should also be familiar with the different phonetic spellings of their sound. Take a look at how you can spell each letter sound out.
You can skip ahead to our chart here.
How Do You Spell The Letter A Sound?
Many words use the long A /(ˈ/ˈiː/) sound using the letter a. For example: acorn, agent, data
It can also be spelled:
- A-E: a in the middle of the word, with e at the end as in grade or snake
- AI: aim, train
- AY: delay, essay
- EI: eight, vein
- EA: great, steak
How Do You Spell The Letter B Sound?
B (/ˈbiː/) is used in one of two ways.
- B: bank, baby, bassinet
- BB: babbling, shrubbery, gibberish
How Do You Spell The Letter C Sound?
C (/ˈsiː/ ) is a tricky letter since it has more than one pronunciation and doesn’t sound as its letter unless you spell it as sea or see.
- Pronounce the letter “C” as an “S” sound if the letter “C” is followed by the letters “E”, “I”, or “Y”. For example: city or central
- Pronounce the letter “C” as a “K” sound if the letter “C” is followed by the letters “A”, “O”, or “U”. For example: candy or cut
How Do You Spell The Letter D Sound?
D (/ˈdiː/) has three different spellings.
- D: advertising, deed, disappear
- ED: created, forced, freed
- DD: odd, eddy, forbidding
How Do You Spell The Letter E Sound?
Many words use the long E /(ˈeɪ/) sound using the letter e. For example: he, she, we.
It can also be spelled:
- EA: sea
- EE: seen, see
- EI: receive, either
- IE: belief, piece
- EO: people
- EY: alley, journey
- Y: yearly
- I: mini
How Do You Spell The Letter F Sound?
F (/ˈɛf/) is usually spelled with the letter f, as in fire, first, and family, but it also has some strange phonetic usages as well.
- FF: bluff, cuff, different
- PH: dolphin, photography, trophy
- GH: tough, rough, enough
How Do You Spell The Letter G Sound?
G (/ˈdʒiː/) is usually spelled with the letter g, as in game, go, and garden.
It can also be spelled
- GG: egg, hogg, jagged
- GUE: guest, league, rogue
How Do You Spell The Letter H Sound?
H (/ˈeɪtʃ/) is usually spelled with the letter h, as in horror, human, and house.
It also has some different spellings as well, such as:
- WH: who
- J: Jose (a formal name with Spanish origins)
How Do You Spell The Letter I Sound?
Many words use the long I /(ˈ/ˈaɪ/) sound using the letter i or y. For example: Friday, ice, idea, my, sky, or cry.
It can also be spelled:
- I-E: i in the middle of the word, with e at the end as in kite or bite
- AI: aisle
- EI: heist, meiser
- EIGH: height
- EYE: eye, eyelash
- EY: geyser
- IE: lie, pie
- UY: guy, buy
- YE: bye, dye
- IGH: mighty, high
How Do You Spell Letter The J Sound?
J (/ˈdʒeɪ/) is usually spelled with the letter j, as in jury, adjust, and Jason.
It also has some different spellings as well, such as:
- G: page, cage, gentle
- DGE: pledge, judge
- AGE: garage, mirage
- GG: exaggeration
- D: gradual, educator
How Do You Spell The Letter K Sound?
K (/ˈkeɪ/) is usually spelled with the letter K or C, as in make, take, kind, basic, and cat.
It also has some different spellings as well, such as:
- CC: impeccable
- CK: back, pluck, check
- QUE: plague, queue
- QUI: mosquito, turquoise
- QU: quick, quit
- CH: chord, mechanic, chemical
How Do You Spell The Letter L Sound?
To spell the L (/ˈɛl/) sound, you simply use L or LL. For example: elephant, later, letter, well, sell.
How Do You Spell The Letter M Sound?
The M (/ˈɛm/) sound is almost always spelled using m or mm, such as in example, metal, meal, commercial, or bummer.
It can also be spelled using:
- MB: comb, limb, tomb
- GM: phlegm, diaphragm
- MN: column, autumn
How Do You Spell The Letter N Sound?
The N (/ˈɛn/) sound is almost always spelled using n or nn, such as in any, enemy, no, innocent, or annoying.
It can also be spelled using:
- KN: knit, knife
- GN: gnome, gnat
- PN: pneumatic, pneumonia
How Do You Spell The Letter O Sound?
O (/ˈəʊ/) has many different spellings. Most obvious is with the long O or OO, as in no, go, most, floor, or brooch.
It can also be spelled using:
- O-E: o in the middle of the word, with e at the end as in robe or smoke
- OE: toe
- OA: oat, boat, toast
- OW: snow, slow
- OU: out, sprout, shoulder
- OT: depot
- AU: chauffer
- EW: sew
- EAU: beau, bureau
- AOH: pharaoh
- OUGH: dough, although
How Do You Spell The Letter P Sound?
To spell the P (/ˈpiː/) sound, you simply use p or pp. For example: paper, peep, happy, pepper, or cheap.
How Do You Spell The Letter Q Sound?
Q (/ˈkjuː/) is another tricky letter in that the letter q is never used as a stand-alone and always is followed by the letter u. Together qu sounds like the letters KW together. To hear the letter use it in the word queue.
How Do You Spell The Letter R Sound?
R (/ˈɑː/) is almost always spelled with the letter r or rr, as in rabbit, run, right, correct, or arrest.
It can also be spelled with:
- WR: write, wrong, wrist
- RH: rhyme, rhinoceros
How Do You Spell The Letter S Sound?
S (/ˈɛs/) is often spelled with the letter s or ss, as in series, see, loose, essay, or embarrassment.
It can also be spelled with:
- SC: muscle, science, scene
- C: face, census, cellar
- PS: psalm, psychology
How Do You Spell The Letter T Sound?
T (/ˈtiː/) is another letter that is spelled multiple ways. T and tt are most common as in talk, time, battle, or cattle.
It also can be spelled with:
- ED: cooked, liked
- BT: debt, doubt
- TW: two
- TH: thyme, Thailand
How Do You Spell The Letter U Sound?
U (/ˈjuː/) has a few different spellings. It can be spelled using:
- U-E: U in the middle of the word, with e at the end as in mule or cube
- U: music
- UE: ensue, issue
- EU: feudal, eulogy
- EW: few, pew
How Do You Spell The Letter V Sound?
To spell the V (/ˈv/) sound, you simply use v. For example: valentine, visit, move
How Do You Spell The Letter W Sound?
W (/ˈdʌbəl.juː/) is almost always spelled with the letter w, as in warrant, win, or worry.
It can also be spelled with:
- O: one, once
- Wh: white, whale
How Do You Spell The Letter X Sound?
To spell the X ( /ˈɛks/) sound, you need to first combine it with an e, as in exit or excellent. Otherwise, it is pronounced in the following way:
- If the /X/ is between a vowel and consonant sound it is pronounced as /KS/, as in excel.
- If the /X/ is between two vowel sounds it is pronounced as /GZ/, as in exam.
- If the letter X is at the beginning of a word, then it is pronounced Z, as in xerox.
How Do You Spell The Letter Y Sound?
Y (/ˈwaɪ/), pronounced as wy or why, usually uses the letter y as in yellow, year, or kayak.
It can also be spelled with:
- I: onion
- EU: eulogy
How Do You Spell The Letter Z Sound?
Z (/ˈziː/) has a few different spellings, but utilizes z or zz often as in zero, zip, buzz, or buzzard. It also can be spelled using:
- SS: dessert, scissors
- S: desert, was
- STH: asthma
- X: xylophone, xerox
To see specific examples of how a letter can be spelled exactly how it sounds, take a closer look at our phonetic chart.
Letter | Singular Sound | Phonetic Use | Examples of the Letter Sound in a word… |
A | ay | /ˈeɪ/ | day |
B | bee | /ˈbiː/ | beat |
C | cee | /ˈsiː/ | sea |
D | dee | /ˈdiː/ | deal |
E | ee | /ˈiː/ | easy |
F | eff | /ˈɛf/ | effect |
G | gee | /ˈdʒiː/ | gene |
H | aitch haitch | /ˈeɪtʃ/ /ˈheɪtʃ/ | n/a n/a |
I | i | /ˈaɪ/ | eye |
J | jay | /ˈdʒeɪ/ | Jason |
K | kay | /ˈkeɪ/ | okay |
L | el / ell | /ˈɛl/,[ˈɛɫ] | sell |
M | em | /ˈɛm/ | them |
N | en | /ˈɛn/ | then |
O | o | /ˈəʊ/ | go |
P | pee | /ˈpiː/ | peel |
Q | cue | /ˈkjuː/ | queue |
R | ar | /ˈɑː/ | art |
S | ess | /ˈɛs/ | assess |
T | tee | /ˈtiː/ | teeball |
U | u | /ˈjuː/ | you |
V | vee | /ˈv/ | veer |
W | double-u | /ˈdʌbəl.![]() | n/a |
X | ex | /ˈɛks/ | excellent |
Y | wy | /ˈwaɪ/ | Wyatt |
Z | zee | /ˈziː/ | lazy |
Let’s Review
Almost every letter can be spelled out exactly as they are pronounced, and most also have different ways to spell how they sound as well. These are important rules to understand in order to properly spell out what you hear in a way that can be easily read and understood.
Hopefully, this list explains the many different letter combinations that create various sounds, as well as how to reproduce the pronunciation of the letters themselves.
The Letter Name and Alphabetic Stage
The Letter Name - Alphabetic Stage
The letter name - alphabetic stage is a beginning stage for students to read and write in conventional ways. It is typically seen in Kindergarten-2nd Grade students; however, there are oftentimes struggling students in older grades that are also within this stage. Thus, "students begin to learn words, read text, and their writing becomes readable to themselves and others" (Bear, Invernizzi, Templeton, & Johnston, 2012, p. 149). It is important to note that students in this stage typically only know how to read and write a few words.
Literacy and Orthographic Development of Students in the Letter Name - Alphabetic Stage
Students as readers in this stage are beginning to acquire a vocabulary of sight words that they can both read and write. Children in this stage begin to transition away from predictable patterned reading, such as "I see a cat. I see a dog. I see a bird" to text that does not have patterned phrases on each page. Most beginning readers in this stage "point to words when they read, and they read aloud to themselves" (Bear, Invernizzi, Templeton, & Johnston, 2012, p. 152).
Students as writers in this stage begin to write words more slowly to sound out and hear all of the sounds in words. They also can now read what they have written because they have letter-sound correspondence. Their writing is also typically readable to others.
Students in the letter name - alphabetic stage begin to "use their knowledge about the names of the letters in the alphabet to spell phonetically or alphabetically. For example, students "are likely to spell the word jeep as GP, selecting g as the first letter because of its name ("gee") and p for the final letter because its letter name ("pee") offers a clear cue to the sound it represents" (Bear, Invernizzi, Templeton, & Johnston, 2012, p. 155). It is important to also note that students in the letter name - alphabetic stage typically leave out vowel sounds when spelling words because those sounds can also be heard in consonants. For example, the above speller left out the e sound because it was heard in "gee" or g. Please note the Names of the Letters of the alphabet listed below.
Table 5.2 - Names of the Letters of the Alphabet is from Words Their Way on page 155.
Words Their Way, 2012, p. 319
Word Study Instruction for the Letter Name - Alphabetic Stage
Before beginning Word Study Instruction, students should be given the "Elementary Spelling Inventory" to determine if students are in the early, middle, or late part of this stage. The determining factor is vowel sounds. If students do not attempt vowels, they are at the early part of this stage. If they use and confuse vowels, they are in the middle of the stage. If they spell half or more short vowels, they are at the end of this stage.
Once students have been properly assessed at this stage, instruction can begin. Echo reading and choral reading provide a language experience. In addition, word banks are a wonderful way for students to gather known words together by writing them on small cards to collect over time. These words should be reviewed regularly.
Word sorts should be used to promote consonant and vowel practice, as well as support students in learning word-family rhymes, such as: big, dig, pig, and wig.
The study of short-vowel word families is important to do in the early letter name stage because they have difficulty attending to the vowel sound. Words Their Way suggests starting with the short a word families first, such as sorting words like mat and man. In doing so, this "lays the foundation for future vowel study as students begin to look inside the word for common features" (Bear, Invernizzi, Templeton, & Johnston, 2012, p. 167).
Word Study with English Learners
Most of languages do not have as many single consonants or blends as English; therefore, English learners may need more time in the Letter Name - Alphabetic Stage because they are practicing English letters, sounds, and how to segment sounds together. In this short video below, Donald R. Bear, one of the writers of Words Their Way discusses how the text supports English learners.
Letter name: the meaning of the name, origin, fate, character, nationality, translation, spelling
What does the name Letter mean? What does the name Alpha mean? What does the name Letter mean for a person? What is the meaning of the name Literal, the origin, fate and character of the carrier? What nationality is the name Alphabet? How is the name Literally translated? How to spell the name Letter? Compatibility with the name Alphabet - a suitable color, amulets stones, patron planet and zodiac sign. You can read a complete description of the name Literal and its detailed analysis online in this article for free.
The content of the interpretation of the name
Analysis of the name Letter
The name Letter consists of 9 letters. Nine-letter names are a sign of a tendency to "save energy" or, more simply, to laziness. Such people are most suited to the lifestyle of a cat or a cat. So that “no worries, no hassles”, only the ability to indulge your body when and how much you want, as well as the presence of complete confidence that you will not have to make “excessive movements” to meet your urgent needs. After analyzing the meaning of each letter in the name Literal, you can understand its secret meaning and hidden meaning.

The meaning of the name Letter in numerology
Numerology of the name Letter can suggest not only the main qualities and character of a person. But also determine his fate, show success in his personal life, give information about his career, decipher fateful signs and even predict the future. The number of the name Letter in numerology is 6. The motto of the name Letter and sixes in life: “I am a fighter for justice!”
- The patron planet for the name Letter is Venus.
- Zodiac sign for the name Letter - Taurus and Libra.
- Stones-talismans for the name Letter - apache, red ironstone, carnelian, cat's eye, citrine, glass, jasper, labradorite, marble, moldavite, onyx, peridot, green sapphire, star sapphire, green tourmaline.
"Six" among the numbers of the numerological core is self-denial, bordering on sacrifice, it is a willingness to serve as a priest to a deity, it is devotion, loyalty and honesty, characteristic of the knights of bygone times and followers of Mother Teresa.
"Six" in the numbers of the name - the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of the external appearance - this is the ability to be faithful to the end, regardless of any circumstances. This is a gift of sympathy and understanding, manifested even in relation to unfamiliar people.
People named Letter and with name number 6 love to be in the spotlight, often arrogant and selfish. They usually show concern for others only if it brings them moral satisfaction from their act. There are many people of this number in show business and other public professions.
Number Six is always in search of calmness, balance and harmony. A closed number is perceived as a secretive person, it is difficult for others to understand him. Sixes can be spiritually oriented, or immersed in the material world. The number Six gives innate intelligence, all his life he is engaged in self-development and self-improvement. This is a born judge with a keen sense of justice. Often Sixes with the name Letter have an aesthetic taste, good cooks. From classes, art and music are very suitable for her. A sense of justice often takes precedence over practicality. The best cure for all problems for the Six is sports and an active lifestyle. Able to write and speak beautifully.
- The influence of the name Letter on the profession and career. What does the number 6 mean when choosing an occupation? For self-realization in professional terms, there are many options. Suitable professions: work related to the enforcement of the law, the judiciary, charity.
- The influence of the name Literal on personal life. The number 6 in numerology means a clear predisposition to long-term stable relationships within the framework of marriage. Despite this, the personal life of people of this vibration is not always successful. And in four cases out of five, the first experience of intimacy with a member of the opposite sex is especially painful. The reason is obvious: there will always be those who want to use the sincere feeling of a kind and naive person to their advantage. Sixes with the name Alphabet love harmony and know how to sympathize with others, so it’s easy for them to get along with almost everyone.
Ideal partners for people with the number 6 will be sixes (the union will turn out to be very harmonious), ones, threes, fours and nines.
Planet patron of the name Letter
The number 6 for the name Letter means the planet Venus. It is quite natural that representatives of the name Letter with this type are sensual and loving, since their patron planet is Venus. They are so charming that it helps them in very difficult life situations, when it is necessary to show firmness of character and resourcefulness of mind, i.e. qualities that these people do not possess by nature. The owners of the name Literal love everything beautiful, sublime. Often achieve recognition in a particular area of art. They always have enough money for their favorite activities, as they are often married to wealthy people. Outwardly, the owners of the name Alphabet are very attractive people, they have exquisite taste. They love the weight of the beautiful, but are often arrogant. Often keep up with the times, receptive to everything new. If they are faced with a specific task, they are able to show extraordinary diligence. But most of all, the bearers of the name Literal love to indulge in soul and body rest. The character is peaceful and accommodating. Can get along with any of the nine types.
Zodiac signs of the name Letter
The following zodiac signs are suitable for the name Letter:

Name color Alphabetical
Name color blue Alphabet. People with the name Literal, wearing blue, are true friends, they will always come to the rescue, sympathizing and listening, but you won’t be able to wait for real actions and money from them. The fact is that the meaning of the blue color for the name Letter is such that its owner cannot do otherwise - this is inherent in nature, and you can’t argue with it. By the way, very often, due to their inaction, the owners of the name Bukvennoe cannot find a tolerant employer, therefore they do not stay in one workplace for a long time, although they are loved and respected in the team - they have many friends among former colleagues. The positive character traits of the name Literal are sociability and loyalty. Negative character traits for the name Literal are laziness and irresponsibility.
How to spell the name Literal
In Russian, the correct spelling of this name is - Literal. In English, the name Literal can have the following spelling - Bukvennoe.
Video meaning of the name Letter
Do you agree with the description and meaning of the name Letter? What fate, character and nationality do your acquaintances with the name Letter have? What famous and successful people with the name Letter do you still know? We will be happy to discuss the name Letter in more detail with visitors to our site in the comments below.
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When do you need letter increments after numbers?
Technical design of the text
When do you need letter increments after numbers?
When to use extensions?
Accretion (letter case ending) is used in writing ordinal numbers: 10th class "B"; 11th grade student; 1st car from the center; 5th level of difficulty; take 2nd and 3rd places; early 90-s, 12th route .
Extension not used:
In cardinal numbers: dictionary in 4 volumes; work of 2 employees; a series of 12 exercises .
When recording calendar numbers: March 22, 2003, April 1, January 10. Not: March 22, 2003, April 1st, January 10th.
If the number is a Roman numeral: II International Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language; IX Congress, XXI century, Louis XIV.
In the numbers of volumes, chapters, pages, illustrations, tables, applications, etc., if the generic word (volume, chapter) precedes the numeral: on p. 196, v. 5, in the table. 11, in app. 1 (but: on the 196th page, in the 5th volume, in the 11th table, in the 1st appendix).
How to apply extensions?
The increment of the case ending in ordinal numbers indicated by Arabic numerals can be one-letter or two-letter.
According to the established tradition, the accretion should be one-letter if the last letter of the numeral is preceded by a vowel sound: 5th day (fifth day), 25th anniversary (twenty-fifth anniversary), in the 32nd edition (in the thirty-second edition), in the 14th row (in the fourteenth row).
The extension must be two-letter if the last letter is preceded by a consonant: 5th day (fifth day), to the 25th student (to the twenty-fifth student), from the 32nd edition (from the thirty-second edition), from the 14th row (from the fourteenth row).
If two ordinal numbers follow in a row, separated by a comma or joined by a union, the case ending is increased for each of them: 1st, 2nd cars; 80s and 90s .
If more than two ordinal numbers follow in a row, separated by a comma, semicolon or connected by a union, then the case ending is increased only for the last number: 1, 2 and 3 cars, 70, 80, 90s .
If two ordinal numbers follow a dash, then the case ending is increased:
b) for each numeral, if the case endings are different: in the 11th - 20th rows .
How do you write a noun or adjective that starts with a number? Which is correct: 3-dimensional or 3-dimensional?
Correct design: three-dimensional (preferred) , 3-dimensional .
If there is a numeral in the composition of compound nouns and adjectives, then it can be written in verbal form (in words) or in verbal-numerical form (number and hyphen attached to the noun or adjective). When using the verbal-numeric form of notation, letter increments after numerals are not written.
False | True |
2 sim, 2 sim, 2 sim | dual sim, 2 sim |
150th Anniversary, 150th Anniversary, 150th Anniversary | centennial, 150th anniversary |
Note . In highly specialized publications, it is allowed to replace the adjective (name of a physical unit) with the corresponding short designation: 5-km distance, 12-ton load.
How to write class names: 1a class or 1st “A” class?
There are no special rules for the design of a letter in a class name. In other cases, letter additions, as a rule, are written in lowercase letters without quotes and are attached without a space and without a hyphen to the previous figure: figure 1a, paragraph 2e, house 3a , etc.