Letter o books for preschoolers
Books for Letter O - The Measured Mom
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Oliver, by Birgitta Sif
This book was new to me, and I’m so glad I discovered it! Oliver is different. He likes to play by himself with his toys and stuffed animals. But he always feels left out — until he meets Olivia, who’s a little different too. A treasure!
An Octopus is Amazing, by Patricia Lauber
This book has a fair amount of text, which may be too much for the youngest preschooler. My Three resisted, but then listened with interest to the whole book. You’ll love the fascinating information. Did you know an octopus lays about 200,000 eggs? Or that if a predator tears off an arm, it will grow back? Perfect nonfiction for young kids!
Oliver, by Syd Hoff
Brought to you by the author/illustrator of Danny and the Dinosaur, this is another book for kids to love. When the circus has one elephant too many, Oliver must find something else to do. The zoo doesn’t need an elephant, it doesn’t work to pretend to be a woman’s dog, and Oliver doesn’t make a good horse. Finally, after an afternoon with children at the park, the circus man rediscovers Oliver and welcomes him to the circus after all.
Little Hoot, by Amy Krause Rosenthal
Admittedly, the word “owl” doesn’t do a great job of teaching the letter O sound, but this book is such a delight that I had to include it. Little Hoot is a happy little owl – except at bedtime. Because unlike his animal friends, he has to stay up late. The tired little owl begs his parents to let him go to bed, but they make him play for one more hour. It’s as adorable as it sounds.
Owl at Home, by Arnold Lobel
Owl is silly and lovable, and both parents and kids will laugh out loud at his antics. Our favorite chapter is when he makes tear water tea. To make the tears Owl must think of very sad things… like pencils that are too short to use, and mashed potatoes left on a plate because no one will eat them. We always laugh at the chapter where Owl is terrified of the bumps at the end of his bed (they are, of course, his feet under the covers). This is one of those classics that everyone should read.
How to Hide an Octopus & Other Sea Creatures, by Ruth Heller
My Five loved to listen to this rhyming book and find all the ocean animals camouflaged throughout the story.
Olivia, by Ian Falconer
If you’ve never read an Olivia book, then you’re missing out on one of the best new characters in children’s literature in the last 15 years. Olivia is a precocious little pig who “can sing 40 very loud songs and is very good at wearing people out.” The black and white illustrations with red accent give the book a special charm.
An Octopus Followed Me Home, by Dan Yaccarino
This rhyming book tells the story of a little girl who begs to keep the stray octopus that has followed her home.
But her dad is fed up with her animal collection– including crocodiles under the bed, seals in the pool, and penguins in the fridge. He demands that his little girl return the octopus to its ocean home — and his daughter discovers a stray dinosaur on her way back.
Oscar the Otter, by Arnold Lobel
Oscar the Otter loves to slide down into the pond. One day he decides to create his own slide, despite a warning from his father — it’ s so far from the pond that he is in danger of other animals. When a wolf chases him, Oscar has a wild adventure.
Owen, by Kevin Henkes
This is a book we own, and one I’ve read countless times. Owen is a little mouse who is very attached to his blanket. Despite the tsk-tsks of neighbors and the concerns of his parents, Owen will not let his blanket go. What will he do when it’s time for school? Thankfully, Owen’s mom has the perfect solution.
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Letter O Book List
Today, we’re sharing 8 books in our Letter O Book List that fit nicely while teaching the letter o. Of course, you are more than welcome to use these books ANY time, but they compliment the activities you’ll find in our free letter o packs:
- Learning the Alphabet Letter O Printable Pack
- Reading the Alphabet Letter O Lesson
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Letter O Book List
The books in this list feature these letter o words: octopus, opposites, old, otters, owen, over, ocean and ox.
Octopus Opposites by Stella Blackstone isn’t your average opposite book. With brightly colored illustrations, featuring different animals, your child will be entertained. She not only compares different sea animals, but sometimes shows how one sea animal can do opposites, like sea urchin out, sea urchin in. Such a cute book!
Old MacDonald Had a Farm with Pete the Cat by James Dean features the groovy, well-loved cat and the classic song of Old MacDonald. While the book has him in some of the illustrations, the song does not mention him, but sticks to the classic words. For my toddler, seeing Pete the Cat was enough, but it may not be for other tots and preschoolers.
The Level 1 readers of National Geographic are GREAT! And there are a ton of them! The text is written at a higher level, so older readers {about late 1st grade/early 2nd grade}, but the photographs are interesting enough for preschoolers and some tots. Sea Otters shares lots of information about sea otters, but I don’t read each and every fact with my toddler and preschooler. More than anything, we flip through the book and talk about the pictures {and I can read the text when they ask questions about the pictures.}
Owen, by Kevin Henkes- Owen carries his blanket everywhere he goes. When a nosy neighbor keeps mentioning to his parents that it isn’t proper for him to take that blanket everywhere, his parents begin to help him get rid of it. But Owen just won’t have it. He continues to carry it everywhere. But what will happen when he goes to school? Owen’s mom has a plan that just might work!
While the book may be a bit too lengthy for younger toddlers {at least it is for my 3 year old}, preschoolers and up will enjoy the story line.
I must say that the images in Over in the Ocean by Marianne Berkes have got to be some of the most amazing images I’ve seen in a picture book in some time! The story is written to the tune and rhythm of Over in the Meadow and is such a fascinating book. It is longer, but my younger ones enjoy it more when we sing the words and add some clapping or even hand motions as we read along.
My Very Own Octopus by Bernard Most is a cute book about the benefits of owning an octopus. It’s fun to read the book and then think of other benefits that having a pet octopus would have. With older kids, I’ve compared this book with Who Wants a Cheap Rhinoceros? by Shel Silverstein, as the books are very similar in theme.
Ox-Cart Man by Donald Hall has got to be one of my favorite books to read around Thanksgiving, but it can be read any time of the year. It follows the journey of a New-Englander throughout the year, showing how life was before TV’s and cars, the fast food drive-thru, and even having lots of cash to spend. The pictures are a wonderful springboard and I love the language such as flax and embroidery needle that kids don’t hear very much these days.
See all our Letter of the Week book lists & printable packs HERE.
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Book "Letters. The whole alphabet from A to Z. 7 educational games for children from 3 years old. Level 6" Kulikova E N
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learning letters with pleasure.

Sometimes we don't think about the fact that the ABC is the most important book in our lives. 33 pages with letters of the Russian alphabet and pictures that make them easy to remember - a classic format familiar to everyone. What could be easier and what could be more difficult. These 33 letters are the foundation of future literacy and the first acquaintance with the native language.
The creators of the alphabets try to choose the most understandable and visual word or image for each letter that will illustrate it. And this is not always easy, especially in the case of vowels "ё" or "ы". And it’s not at all easy to understand “th”, “b”, “b”.
However, educators note that despite these difficulties, children (especially from reading families) intuitively learn the differences between letters and sounds and do not experience major problems with learning the alphabet.
With all the inviolability of its structure, the alphabet often becomes a source of inspiration for famous poets, writers and artists. Writing or drawing your own alphabet is a unique task, comparable to inventing or describing your own world.
The artist decides to experiment ... and as a result, an unusual book appears, which causes real delight in children.
Svetlana Minkova created the unique ABC with Holes, a non-standard game book made using the collage technique. The book does have slit holes, from which characters and fragments of illustrations peek out, as if inviting a child to play with them. Minkova's hand-made illustrations captivate with their ingenuity, it seems that the flight of her imagination knows no bounds.
The famous artist Nikolai Vorontsov, whom we all used to call by a cozy home name "Uncle Kolya Vorontsov", came up with his own "A-a-alphabet".
Ah-a-ABC is a great first book to read. In addition to letters, their stories and adventures, here you can find various tasks that will make it easier to memorize the alphabet. The book invites the child to active co-creation - somewhere you need to finish the picture, somewhere to play a fun game, count something or practice writing letters. An important detail is that in the Vorontsov alphabet, the letter to which this or that section is devoted is highlighted everywhere, and not only at the beginning of the word, as in the vast majority of alphabets. For example, not only "pancake", "alarm clock", but also "bagel", "drum".
Usually one or another letter is illustrated by objects (a - orange, b - roll, c - felt boots, etc.). David Plaksin took a completely different path. Not nouns, but adjectives tell about his "Such different letters". This is how watermelon A, vegetable O, pirate P, and lantern F. appeared. Each letter is supplemented by a work (or a fragment thereof) kept in the treasury of world culture - the Hermitage. The small format of the alphabet makes it especially cozy and homely. Perhaps the most touching spread of the book is devoted to the letter "M". The word "mother" is illustrated by Raphael's Madonna and Child...
By learning this alphabet, the child begins to perceive art as a natural part of his life, and after that he is unlikely to be bored in museums and galleries.
Most often, author's alphabets are written in poetic form. First, rhyming lines allow children to better remember single-letter words. Secondly, poetry is inextricably linked with the language game, in which children readily join. Reading an incredible rhyme where the word is encrypted, memorizing funny lines in which each word begins with "d" or "f" - this kind of literary game is always liked by little listeners and readers.
Classical poets created their own alphabets, which are still popular with children and parents. Who would refuse to have their child learn letters together with Sergei Mikhalkov, Samuil Marshak, Agniya Barto or Boris Zakhoder. Many of us grew up on these lines:
The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow,
Oak hollowed like a chisel
Spruce looks like a hedgehog:
Hedgehog in needles, Christmas tree - too.
The beetle has fallen and cannot get up
He is waiting for someone to help him.
(S. Ya. Marshak "Merry ABC. About Everything")
An interesting event for all connoisseurs of poetry was the publication of the "Working ABC", written by a very young Iosif Brodsky. In poetic form, the future Nobel laureate describes various professions. The artist Igor Oleinikov approached the illustration of this book with all responsibility and turned his drawings into an educational game - on each page there are images of things, phenomena and creatures that begin with one letter or another. The task of the reader is to find and name them.
Modern poets keep up with their famous predecessors.
Children's poet and writer Andrey Usachev can rightly be called the "king of the alphabet", so he fell in love with this genre. Among his collections you can find the "Magic Alphabet", where cheerful gnomes are looking for the missing letters, it's good to while away the winter evenings with the "ABC of Santa Claus", for all brave sailors there is the "Naval Alphabet", and even Buka and Baba Yaga deserve from the poet in their own alphabet !
The remarkable poet Mikhail Yasnov is also partial to letters and the alphabet.
His "ABC with transformations" will make the reader smile, think, look for suitable words and letters hidden inside the lines. For a first acquaintance with letters, this book is a bit complicated, but for an "advanced" reader who already knows how to play words and detect rhymes, it will cause real delight.
Apparently, Mikhail Yasnov loves dogs very much. How else to explain that after the book "Airedale Terrier and the letter" R ". ABC for everyone" from his pen came out a wonderful "Puppy alphabet", where all the adventures, joys and sorrows of dogs are spelled out!
Modern alphabets for children are not only bright and creative, but also technological.
Publishing house "Labyrinth Press" has released an electronic alphabet of Peter Sinyavsky in two versions - for boys and for girls. Now you can not only read a short poem dedicated to the letters of the alphabet, but also listen to how words starting with "a", "b", "c", etc. sound. It is noteworthy that Sinyavsky's "ABCs" differ not only in their design, on which the artist Ksenia Pavlova worked, but also in their content. Where girls describe a doll, shoes, lilies of the valley, roses and violets, boys have moles, a pumpkin, a lion cub, a radish, a flag.
One of the most unusual recent alphabets is Igor Zhukov's "Mythological Alphabet", published in a special series "Colorful Alphabets" published by "Akvarel" publishing house. It is intended for lovers of myths and legends and has collected the most incredible creatures under its cover.
Perhaps one of the most famous children's books about the alphabet was "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" by Alexei Tolstoy. As we remember, the silly little wooden man sold his alphabet "with weird pictures and big letters" in exchange for a ticket to the puppet theater. From this, his incredible wanderings and adventures began.
Tatyana Tolstaya and Olga Prokhorova, granddaughter and great-granddaughter of Alexei Tolstoy, wrote a collection called "The very alphabet of Pinocchio", where each letter of the alphabet is dedicated to a poem telling about Tolstoy's heroes and their further adventures.
Alexander Timofeevsky also followed this path, his alphabet is also based on the magical world of the fairy tale by Alexei Tolstoy.
So, the first steps have been taken, the alphabet has been learned, but the letters are still the heroes of children's literature.
The creators of the book "When A was a crossbow" see the letters everywhere and write funny fairy tales-legends about them. B looks like a camel, O looks like a hoop, D looks like a house. This is a fun game that children with their creative and playful perception of the world will join with pleasure.
The name of Grigory Oster is associated primarily with the funny "Bad Advice" that has become an immortal classic for many generations of schoolchildren. The alphabet in his performance certainly turned out to be very funny. But do not think that you can only laugh at its pages. This is a whole collection of tasks, puzzles and examples that will help you remember letters, learn to read, write and even count.