Letters beginning with l
Words That Start With L
- label (verb)
- label (noun)
- labor (verb)
- labor (noun)
- labor (noun)
- laboratory (noun)
- lack (verb)
- lack (noun)
- ladder (noun)
- lady (noun)
- lake (noun)
- lamp (noun)
- land (noun)
- land (verb)
- landfill
- landing
- landlord
- lane (noun)
- language (noun)
- large (adjective)
- last
- last (verb)
- last (pronoun)
- last (adjective)
- late (adjective)
- late
- lately
- later
- latter (adjective)
- laugh (noun)
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Lag Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.
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[ lag ]
/ læg /
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verb (used without object), lagged, lag·ging.
to fail to maintain a desired pace or to keep up; fall or stay behind: After five minutes of hard running, some of them began to lag.
to move or develop slowly, as toward a goal or objective, or in relation to an associated factor (often followed by behind): to lag behind in production.
to delay or fail in reaching full development: The factory lags regularly in making its quota.
to hang back; linger; delay: The old friends lagged because they wanted to talk some more.
to decrease, wane, or flag gradually, as in intensity: Interest lagged as the meeting went on.
(in video games) to experience a delay between player input or game signals and the in-game manifestation of that action, often due to high network latency: I’m lagging so hard that enemies are killing me before I can even attack them.
Marbles. to throw one's shooting marble toward a line (lag line ) on the ground in order to decide on the order of play.
Billiards, Pool. string (def. 33).
verb (used with object), lagged, lag·ging.
to fail to keep up with: The industry still lags the national economy.
Obsolete. to cause to lag.
a lagging or falling behind; retardation.
a person who lags behind, is the last to arrive, etc.
an interval or lapse of time: There was a developmental lag in the diffusion of ideas.
Digital Technology.
- Also called dis·play lag [dih-spley-lag] /dɪˈspleɪ ˌlæg/ . the delay between a signal input and its display on a screen, as a high-definition television screen or LCD, due to latency in digital data conversion.
- Also called in·put lag [in-poot lag] /ˈɪnˌpʊt ˌlæg/ . (in video games) a display lag between player input or game signals and the in-game manifestation of that action, due to differences in display refresh rate or controller input: To make a competitive speed run, your best display option for minimal lag is still a CRT.
- Also called net·work lag [net-wurk lag] /ˈnɛtˌwɜrk ˌlæg/ . (in video games) such a display lag due to high network latency: If you have an old computer or slow connection, lag makes multiplayer gameplay difficult.
Mechanics. the amount of retardation of some motion.
Electricity. the retardation of one alternating quantity, as current, with respect to another related alternating quantity, as voltage, often expressed in degrees.
Marbles, Billiards, Pool. the act of lagging.
1 loiter, linger.
11 slowing, slowdown.
See synonyms for lag on Thesaurus.com
1 hasten.
See antonyms for lag on Thesaurus.com
Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. Good luck!
Question 1 of 7
Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Origin of lag
First recorded in 1500–50; origin uncertain, probably from Scandinavian: compare Middle Danish lakke, Norwegian lagga “to go slowly”
Words nearby lag
La Fontaine, La Fontaine, Jean de, Laforgue, La Fresnaye, LAFTA, lag, lagan, Lagash, Lag b'Omer, lag correlation, lagen
Other definitions for lag (2 of 3)
[ lag ]
/ læg /
Chiefly British Slang.
verb (used with object), lagged, lag·ging.
to send to penal servitude; imprison
a convict or ex-convict.
a period or term of penal servitude; prison sentence.
Origin of lag
First recorded in 1565–75; origin uncertain
Other definitions for lag (3 of 3)
[ lag ]
/ læg /
one of the staves or strips that form the periphery of a wooden drum, the casing of a steam cylinder, or the like.
Masonry. a crosspiece between ribs in a centering.
verb (used with object), lagged, lag·ging.
to line or cover (an excavation) with lagging.
to cover with insulation, as a steam boiler, to prevent radiation of heat.
Origin of lag
First recorded in 1655–60; from Scandinavian; compare Old Norse lǫgg “rim of a barrel,” Swedish lagg “stave”
Dictionary. com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
Words related to lag
decrease, diminish, fail, fall off, falter, slacken, slow, trail, wane, dally, dawdle, dillydally, drag, ebb, flag, hobble, idle, inch, jelly, limp
How to use lag in a sentence
That way, visitors can still play the video right there on your page, but they won’t deal with any lag in load time.
Why site speed is critical for your SEO success and how to make it happen|Anthony Gaenzle|September 4, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Shared servers are ok for smaller sites, but if you want to avoid the lag time, opt for another type of hosting.
Why site speed is critical for your SEO success and how to make it happen|Anthony Gaenzle|September 4, 2020|Search Engine Watch
I had enough of dropping off important Zoom calls and listening to my partner complain about the lag during video games.
The best things I bought in August|Rachel Schallom|August 30, 2020|Fortune
Those steps are part of the reason for the lag every election.
Morning Report: The GOP Loved Mail Voting Before it Hated it|Voice of San Diego|August 10, 2020|Voice of San Diego
So for example, when you click on a link on your phone, you might notice there’s some lag time to get a response back from the network.
Can You Hear Me Now? (Ep. 406)|Stephen J. Dubner|February 20, 2020|Freakonomics
If detection lag time is 10 days, then that, plus a healthy margin, should be the “deferral” period.
The Outrageous Celibacy Requirement for Gay Blood Donors|Jay Michaelson|November 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And best of all, no TSA and no jet lag (although we make no guarantees against a next-day hangover).
Join The Mile High (Dining) Club|Allison McNearney|September 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Was there a long lag between those tapes and the tapes released more recently?
Going Public With the Nixon Tapes|Scott Porch|August 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Breastfeeding rates for black women have risen but still lag far behind those for white and Hispanic mothers.
Why Poor Mothers Don’t Breastfeed|Brandy Zadrozny|July 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
About 50 percent of clients use the I.V. Doc for other things—stomach bugs and jet lag, for example.
The I.V. Doc Comes to Your House, Fights Hangovers, and Wins|Abby Haglage|July 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Owing to its inertia, it would thus tend continually to lag behind the particles of matter about it.
Outlines of the Earth's History|Nathaniel Southgate Shaler
Ecclesiastical is ever wont to lag somewhat in the rear of political improvement.
The English Church in the Eighteenth Century|Charles J. Abbey and John H. Overton
I was living in Lambeth at the house of an old lag, who practically took nobody but crooks as lodgers.
The Daffodil Mystery|Edgar Wallace
While he was urging on one part of the herd, the others would lag by the wayside and begin to graze.
The Pony Rider Boys in Texas|Frank Gee Patchin
They invariably keep up, and oftener come out ahead than they lag behind.
The Education of American Girls|Anna Callender Brackett
British Dictionary definitions for lag (1 of 3)
/ (læɡ) /
verb lags, lagging or lagged (intr)
(often foll by behind) to hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc
to fall away in strength or intensity
to determine an order of play in certain games, as by rolling marbles towards a line or, in billiards, hitting cue balls up the table against the top cushion in an attempt to bring them back close to the headrail
the act or state of slowing down or falling behind
the interval of time between two events, esp between an action and its effect
an act of lagging in a game, such as billiards
Word Origin for lag
C16: of obscure origin
British Dictionary definitions for lag (2 of 3)
/ (læɡ) slang /
a convict or ex-convict (esp in the phrase old lag)
a term of imprisonment
verb lags, lagging or lagged
(tr) to arrest or put in prison
Word Origin for lag
C19: of unknown origin
British Dictionary definitions for lag (3 of 3)
/ (læɡ) /
verb lags, lagging or lagged
(tr) to cover (a pipe, cylinder, etc) with lagging to prevent loss of heat
the insulating casing of a steam cylinder, boiler, etc; lagging
a stave or lath
Word Origin for lag
C17: of Scandinavian origin; related to Swedish lagg stave
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words starting with the letter L for children. Words that start with L
On this page you will find words that start with L.
There are short words in the selection, consisting of 3-4-5 letters - FOREST, FOX, TAPE, there are also longer ones, consisting of 8-10 letters - LOCOMOTIVE, LOVER and so on.
Select the letter, which you want to read the words:
On the page you will find words that begin with the letter "L".
There are short words in the selection, consisting of 3-4-5 letters - FOREST, FOX, TAPE, there are also longer ones, consisting of 8-10 letters - LOCOMOTIVE, LOVER and so on.
When choosing words, we tried to choose words whose meaning the child should already know. He met them in everyday life, heard them in films or in fairy tales. Some of the words may be unfamiliar to the baby, but their meaning is easy enough to explain.
Learning new words contributes to the expansion of the baby's vocabulary, the development of his memory and horizons.
For example:
LECHO - Hungarian dish of tomatoes and sweet peppers.
LIMAN - a wide bay near the sea or river. usually with healing mud at the bottom.
LUCHINA - a thin long piece of dry wood, intended for kindling a stove or for lighting a hut in the old days.
Read with the child words beginning with the letter L.
Explain the meaning of those words that he does not understand.
3 letters
LAD, LAZ, LAI, LAC, Leo, ice, Forest, Lenon, Face
Light, Lom, Meadow, Luke, Lesh, Ray, Luke
4 Letters
5 letters
STALL, STORE, Noodles, WEASESS, WATERING POOL, LEMUR0003 Liman, lemon, lens, lyceum, boat, spoon
Lapon, burdock, lotus, hole, skiing, strap
6 letters
avalanche, camp, lagoon, palm, liller
lily of the valley, lastic, shack, quinoa, legion
blade, pattern, doctor, lecture, lazy person
Forester, pilot, rain, lyrics, battleships
fox, leaves, sheet, leaves, jigsaw
Logic, loggia, loafer, slogan, elbow
shovels, loronet, shred, salmon, pilot
7 letters
lavender, bench, palm, lasaret
Laseka, varnish, lamps, lamps
laureate, winch, legend, candy coal, lieutenant, leopard, ladder
Treatment, liliput, ruler, Velocum 9,0003 fox, license Sandeline, trap
Speech therapist, hollow, locator, shoulder blade
lottery, horse, Luzhaika, Lukoshko
lunatic, lunar rover, frog
8 letters
Labyrinth, loberent, labrador
Lastwood, tape
petals, LETTLE, LEAR
Forester, staircase, chronicle
linoleum, leaflet, leaf fall
license, lichen, Lugovina
Bat, amateur
9 letters
Bidness, chronicler
Leadership, writer, fever, fever, Lokomotiv, Lokomotiv, Lokomotiv, Lokomotiv, Lokomotiv, Lokomotiv, Lokomotiv, Lokomotiv, Lokomotiv, Lokomotiv, Lokomotiv. letters
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Learning letters in action!: Letter L
The letter L is the 13th letter of the Russian alphabet. The letter L denotes a consonant voiced sound: hard [L] and soft [L '].
Words beginning with letter L , Latvia, liar, lavender, left-hander, light, lecture, medicine, sculpt, pilot, sticky, treat, loggia, lotion, bald head,
The letter L in the middle of the word : elephant, street, smile, orange, squirrel, pancakes, case, tree, hollow, drops, bee, snail, Julia, bread, Alice, blouse, oar, fork, hair, clay, voice, clown, baby, scarecrow, film, dolphin, iron,
Letter L at the end of words : table, chair, spruce, chalk, dust, oval, piano, corner, knot, angel, glass, station, ball, woodpecker, boiler, pencil case, falcon, case, torch, jackal, football, mineral, Istanbul, motorcycle,
A few letters L in the word : bell, lily,
We will add the letter L from skis,
Put the stick up,
One ski stands straight,
The other leans stubbornly.
Poems (here, here)
Mom and I are learning letters.
"L" has the word "onion".
Biting, whining,
Almost like "A" beautiful ...
/ N. Rybakova /
Little fox walks through the forest,
Little fox repeats letters,
One, two, three, four, five,
No matter how the letter L lose.
Leaned against a spruce spruce -
The letter "El" turned out.
We flew high,
We flew low.
We flew far,
We flew close.
We mowed, we were tired,
We lay down under a bush and slept.
Sat down, sat down
And flew again.
Swans flew
And they sat on the water
They poured water, poured, poured,
Watered, watered,
Bathed Lyalenka.
Let's write the first letter L.
Two boards covered with a roof.
Let's put a belt on the letter L -
Let's change the letter L on the letter A.
Let's write the letter L again.
Let's emphasize with a line below,
We put the legs on the sides -
The letter D comes out to us.
If you managed to write two letters L
You managed to write next to it,
Then they will delight everyone
Will turn into the letter M.
Patter (here, here)
In the meadow under the burdock
The frog has a summer house.
And there are frogs in the swamp
She has a big dacha.
He sat down and ate everything.
Polkan pushed the stick with his paw.
Milu's mother washed soap and water.
Malanya-chattered milk,
Mila didn't like soap.
She chatted, but she didn't blurt out!
Riddles (here, here)
At the frog Lushka -
Jumping legs.
Quack Slap! Quack-slap!
M in the swamp with bumps clap!
So that the crane wouldn't eat it,
Lushka became a letter ...
Erased our eraser from paper
Everything that the pencil did,
But the ink failed -
Turned into a letter . ..
In the meadow under the burdock
At the frog summer house.
And in the frog swamp
She has a big dacha.
The ship was carrying caramel
The ship ran aground
And the sailors for three weeks
Caramel was stranded.
Lightly salted cucumber
The son salted it, but the father ate it.
Mom did not spare soap.
Mom Milu soap soap.
Mila did not like soap,
Mila dropped soap.
Chistovorovki (source)
AL-AL-AL - we will have a ball.
OL-OL-OL - in the hall it is necessary to wash the floor.
OL-OL-OL - we put a table in the hall.
UL-UL-UL - put a chair at the table.
AL-AL-AL - guests are entering the hall.
AL-AL-AL - Leonid broke the glass.
LU-LU-LU - fragments lie on the floor.
LY-LY-LY - you need to sweep the floors.
AL-AL-AL - oh, what a fun ball!
Image of the letter L and a picture of the letter L (here)
Sound [L]
Sound [L]
Sound [L] speech therapy. Defectology.
Somehow I accidentally noticed that my son, who is 4g 9m, cannot pronounce the hard letter L (before that there was the opposite problem - he pronounced consonants too firmly and there was no softness in them). Because speech therapist (a) you have to wait a long time for your turn (we are already waiting for 2 months) and (b) it costs a lot, I decided to look for information on how to correct this speech defect myself.
Here are the recommendations that I found (source #1 and #2, added below from source #3):
1) bite the tip of the spread tongue and, stretching the lips in a very wide smile, pronounce the sound in this position of the lips, teeth and tongue "s-s-s";
2) smile, while opening your mouth (there should be a gap of about 2 cm between the upper and lower teeth), and hide the tip of the tongue behind the upper incisors and pronounce the sound "s-s-s";
--> When there is a pure sound "L", proceed to pronouncing the sound in the syllables "AL-OL-UL-YL", "LA, LO, LU, LY, LE", then "ALA, OLO, ULU, YLY, ALO, ULA. ..", then to words, phrases, tongue twisters.
3) open the mouth wide, put the tongue on the lower lip, and, opening and closing the mouth, pronounce the sounds "la", "lo", "lu", "ly", while holding the chin with your hand so that it does not move;
4) Exercise "Brushing your teeth": With a wide tongue, move along the upper and lower lips, as if brushing your teeth, from the inside and outside;
5) "Delicious jam": With a wide tongue, lick off the upper and lower lips;
6) Stick out the tongue and try to reach the tip of the nose;
7) "Painter": Run the tip of the tongue along the upper palate as if you are painting it
--> After 1-2 weeks of practice, learn the poem. It is very important to pronounce all sounds clearly and loudly.
"Winter has come to visit us,
Houses have become white.
Snow is flying here and there.
Kids are going for a walk.
White is white in the yard.
A lot of snow has fallen.
Children's cries are heard,
Sledges are rolling down the mountain" ) the tip of the tongue should be "pressed (pressed)" into the front upper two teeth and try to pronounce "L";
9) Press the tip of the tongue against the upper incisors. The tongue should be tangibly resting on the teeth. With an effort, push off your tongue from your teeth, while pronouncing “lacquer”, “puddle”, “swan”, “chandelier”, “spoon”, “skis”. Note that depending on the vowel after the "l", the position of the tongue changes slightly. When pronouncing the word “chandelier”, the tongue no longer rests on the teeth, but on the upper palate. And during the pronunciation of the word "ski" - to the very edge of the upper incisors. But the principle of pronunciation of the sound "l" is the same - the tongue pushes off the obstacle with effort.
10) If you can’t immediately say a distinct “l”, then you need to make your language work. To do this, perform the following exercise:
- when pronouncing the sound "l" in the above words, clamp the tongue with the tips of the upper and lower incisors, as if biting it. In this way, you will fix the tongue and teach it to the correct position
11) Repeat the following tongue twisters slowly and clearly:
- “Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Karl”;
- “Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, tacked, tacked, tacked, tacked, but did not catch”;
- “Striped mattresses were rinsed by Vlas’s daughter, rinsed and rinsed, the river became striped”
Added later:
upper front teeth, presses against the front teeth, pushes the teeth, lips smile and all the teeth are visible.
2) We fix in the exercise "Strongman": we raise the tip of the tongue to the upper teeth, rest against the upper teeth and push with force with the sound [l-l-l].
3) Exercise "Sound L travels along the paths": how much the finger runs along the path, so much we sing "L-l-l" (you can imagine that we run along the path to the store for L..opata, L..shadka .. ..)
4) Next, you need to automate the sound "L" in reverse syllables (for example, AL, OL, VAL, TIRED, FORGOT ...), then in direct, phrases, etc. (see here for more).
Tricks, if instead of "L" the child pronounces the sound "V" - read here.
Tricks, if instead of "L" the child pronounces the sound "L":
1) We ask the child to repeat the speech material with the tongue sticking out strongly, the teeth are in contact almost with the back of the tongue. At the same time, phonemic work is underway. Further, the tip of the tongue gradually winds up behind the upper teeth.
2) Bite the sharp tip of the tongue to the sound "L" in an automated material.
Staging and fixing the sound L from the book by E.M. Kosinova.
Articulation gymnastics - read and watch here!
Tale about the letter L (source)
The letter L was upset that it was not the best, not the most important.
- The words "mother", "peace", "sea" begin with the letter M.
- The letter C - "sun", "light", "happiness".
- The letter U - "mind", "luck", "success".
The letters M, S, Y calmed her down.
- Good words also begin with your letter: lbdi, forest, literature, ray (sunny and warm).
The letter L cheered up.
- Indeed, many good words begin with my letter: summer, swallow, horse, moon.
-And there is also a good, kind word "weasel". Weasel is a manifestation of tenderness, good disposition, kindness.
And the other letters of the Alphabet said the letter L:
- The letter L! We love you! After all, one of the most important words - "love" begins with the letter L.
Tale about the letter L
Mom frowned menacingly, but the letter L quietly whispered the magic word “I love you” into her ear.
“I love you, my baby,” mother said affectionately and hugged her daughter. Mom kissed her, and the girl fell asleep peacefully.
“Big and small people need love and affection more than anything in the world,” thought the letter L.
She flew everywhere and whispered affectionately: “I love, I love, I love,” so that no one would forget to say this magic word.
Tale about the letter L (source)
On the floor, just below the letter "K", lived the letter "L". It was the kindest and most cheerful, the most affectionate letter of the Alphabet. She was always, always in a good mood, no one ever saw her cry or get upset, no! On the contrary, she always walked around and hummed some tune, like this:
– La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la-la-la.
And everyone who met her felt light and cheerful too. After all, the word “love” begins with the letter “L”! And the letter "L" loved everyone, and other letters reciprocated it!
One day a sad letter "O" came to her. She was very offended by something and cried and sighed:
– Oh, oh, oh, I feel bad, hurt, oh!
– Do not cry, the letter “O”, I will caress you now and make you drunk with “love”!
Near the letter "L" there was a pot of liquid in the cupboard in the kitchen, on which was written: "love". Everyone knew about it, and if someone felt bad, they went to the letter “L” for help. She fed the sick with this drink, "love", because this is the best medicine, right? And everyone recovered immediately.
And the letter “L”, as usual, opened her cupboard to get this pot, but alas, the cupboard was empty! The pot of love was not there!
– Oh, what should I do? - exclaimed the letter "L". - How can I help the letter "O"?
She ran to the letter "A", which was the most important and most intelligent in the Alphabet and knew everything. She told the letter "A" about what happened, and she immediately called all the letters to a meeting and asked:
- Where can I find a pot of love?
They thought letters, thought, but could not come up with anything. Then suddenly the letter "I" said:
- Maybe we should ask the Earth?
- Near the Earth? – everyone was surprised.
- Well, yes, near the Earth. She is full of love, she loves everyone! Look, what beautiful flowers, trees grow on it, and she loves everyone, feeds them, and birds, and fish, and animals, and us, and the guys too.
– Well, all right, – said the letter “A”, – then you, the letter “L” and the letter “I”, go and ask, and I will go about my business, I have a lot to do!
And she dismissed the council and went on business.
And the letter "L" and the letter "I" went down to the very first, lowest floor, where the letter "I" lived, went out into the garden that she grew. They sat down on grass under an apple tree in the garden and let's ask Mother Earth:
- Earth! Earth! Listen to us please! Answer us the question: “Where is the pot of love, where did it disappear at the letter “L”?
- Oh, you stupid little letters! Look for a pot of love, but there was no love in that pot at all!
- How was it not? our letters were surprised.
- And so! This love was always in the heart at the letter "L"! It's just big, big and good! And there is a lot of love! And when she gave the other letters the liquid from the pot, then she, the liquid, was saturated with her love and cured the other letters! And they, too, all of them have love in their hearts.
It's just that those who feel bad have forgotten about it. They need help finding her again.
– So what should I do now with the letter “O”, which is sitting there and crying? asked the letter "L"?
– And you take my leaves from raspberries, currants, cherries, chamomiles, pick flowers, and brew all this into tea! And drink the letter "O"! Just do everything with love, as before. Remember, it's in you, not in that pot!
– Thank you! Thank you! - the letters shouted merrily, picked the leaves and ran upstairs, to the apartment of the letter "L", where the offended letter "O" sat and cried.
And the letter “L” brewed fragrant tea with love and gave it to the letter “O” with love.