List of irregular sight words
English Irregular Sight Words and Spelling
Irregular Sight Words: List 1 List 2 List 3 These words cannot be sounded out. They do not follow traditional phonics rules.
We will work on identifying, noticing, spelling, and feeling confident with these words. To support at home, you may also use these lists for practice or make flashcards at home. OR a favorite game at home is "Password" where you put a post-it with the word on it and stick it to the entrance of each room in your home. Then, before entering that room, everyone must SAY, SPELL, and SAY the word first. Change the words weekly, or as your child gains mastery with it. You can even be silly and add funny words to mix it up! -->List 1 is generally considered 1st grade words, list 2 is typically the 2nd grade list, and list 3 is the 3rd grade list. -->These words, when known automatically, help your child be an even more fluent reader. --> You can use these files to practice on a screen using Google Slides, or you can print the slides out with as many slides per page as possible. This will make you a set of flash cards. Print them on card stock and put them on a ring. Below are the 3rd grade spelling patterns we work on in class. We will not be having weekly tests, but will focus on identifying, noticing, spelling, and feeling confident interacting with these words. There will be periodic assessments on the spelling patterns we have covered. Use this as a guide through the year. There may be homework linked to these words, as well. AND - for students who like an extra challenge - we will have a SPELLING BEE at the end of the year using these words. These are also great words to use for practicing cursive or using in sentences, if your family would like more practice with English word patterns.
2nd Semester Spelling Words Short Vowel Games |
Irregular Words - Sight Words, Reading, Writing, Spelling & Worksheets
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Decoding words using phonics enables children to read words fluently and correctly spell words. However, not all words can be decoded; irregular words need to be automatically identified. These words are phonetically irregular as they do not follow the phonic or spelling “rules”. Interestingly approximately 25% of the most frequently used words in children’s books are irregular.
Guidelines for Teaching an Irregular Word
Sharon Vaughn and Sylvia Linan-Thompson wrote a book called Research-Based Methods of Reading Instruction for Grades K -3, which provide the following guidelines when teaching irregular words:
- Teach irregular words that a student will encounter regularly.
- The number of words to teach in each session will vary depending upon the student.
- Teach the irregular words prior to reading them.
- Review those words on a daily basis.
- Provide your child with opportunities to use the newly taught words (i.e. writing and reading).
Irregular Word – Beginner Readers
Vaughn and Linan-Thompson provided a list of 30 irregular words for beginner readers. Since these irregular words do not have a letter-sound relationship, they will need to be learned as whole words. A child will need to automatically recogize them and memorize how to spell these words.
the | you | said | his | people |
to | they | were | do | know |
was | would | are | some | your |
of | there | because | as | mother |
is | one | what | could | who |
two | too | should | put | whose |
Most of these irregular words are also sight words or high frequency words – they are commonly found in printed material. All of the above words are included on Dolch’s sight word list with the exception of the following: should, whose, people & mother. Dolch intentionally excluded nouns from his sight word list.
Irregular Words – Common Words
Similiar to the beginner reader irregular words, these common words do not follow regular spelling or phonics rules.
a | again | answer | any | been |
both | brought | cold | color | come |
does | earth | enough | example | eyes |
father | find | four | friend | from |
give | great | have | kind | learn |
listen | live | many | most | move |
off | often | old | on | once |
only | other | their | though | through |
want | water | where | word | work |
Learning to read and spell correctly is a lengthy process that can be approached in many different ways. Every child progresses differently so what may work well with one child may not for another.
Source: Fry, E.B., Ph.D. & Kress, J.E., Ed.D. (2006). The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists 5th Edition. Sanfransico, CA: Jossey Bass.
Rath, L.K., Ed.D & Kennedy, L. (2004). The Between the Lions Book for Parents. New York, NY: Harper Collins.
Reader Interactions
Table of irregular verbs in English ‹
Table of irregular verbs in English is a nightmare for everyone who has studied and is studying the language. We were forced to learn it at school, then at the university, and it already seems that all three forms should bounce off the teeth, but we can’t use them in speech. All because there is no practice. We will give a table of the most commonly used irregular verbs in English, as well as tell you how to learn them correctly.
In the first column of the table you will see the verbs in the form in which they appear in the dictionary, that is, it is an infinitive ( Infinitive ). The second column is verbs in time Past Simple . Use the verbs from the third column in the tenses of the group Perfect . And, of course, all irregular verbs are given with a translation into Russian, so that it is easier to remember the word.
Infinitive | Past Simple ( V2 ) | Participle II ( V3 ) | Translation |
arise | arose | arisen | climb |
awake | awoke | awoken | awaken |
be | was (were) | been | be |
bear | bore | born | give birth, endure |
beat | beat | beaten | beat |
become | became | become | becomes |
begin | began | started | start |
bend | bent | bent | tilt |
bet | bet | bet | bet |
bind | bound | bound | bind |
bite | bit | bitten | bite |
bleed | bled | bled | bleed |
blow | blew | blown | blow |
break | broke | broken | break |
breed | bred | bred | breed animals |
bring | brought | brought | bring |
build | built | built | build |
buy | bought | bought | buy |
catch | caught | caught | catch |
choose | chose | chosen | choose |
cling | clung | clung | cling |
come | came | come | come |
cost | cost | cost | cost |
cut | cut | cut | cut |
deal | dealt | dealt | conduct business |
dig | dug | dug | dig |
do | did | done | do |
draw | drew | drawn | draw, pull |
drink | drank | drunk | drink |
drive | drove | driven | drive a car |
eat | at | eaten | eat |
fall | fell | fallen | fall |
feed | fed | fed | feed |
feel | felt | felt | feel |
fight | fought | fought | fight |
find | found | found | find |
fleece | fled | fled | run away |
fly | flew | flown | fly |
forbid | forbade | forbidden | prohibit |
forget | forgot | forgotten | forget |
forgive | forgave | forgiven | forgive |
freeze | frozen | frozen | freeze |
get | got | got (gotten) | receive |
give | gave | given | give |
go | went | gone | go |
grow | grew | grown | grow |
hang | hung | hung | hang |
have | had | had | have |
hear | heard | heard | hear |
hide | hid | hidden | hide |
hit | hit | hit | hit, hit |
hold | held | held | keep |
hurt | hurt | hurt | hurt |
keep | kept | kept | keep, observe |
know | knew | known | know |
lay | laid | laid | put |
lead | led | led | lead, lead |
learn | learned | learned | learn, learn |
leave | left | left | leave, leave |
lend | tape | tape | lend |
let | let | let | allow |
lie | lay | lain | lie down |
light | lit | lit | light up, light up |
lose | lost | lost | lose |
make | made | made | make, make |
mean | meant | meant | means |
meet | met | met | meet, get acquainted |
pay | paid | paid | pay |
put | put | put | put, put |
read | read | read | read |
ride | rode | ridden | ride |
ring | range | rung | call |
rise | rose | risen | rise, rise |
run | ran | run | run |
say | said | said | say |
see | saw | seen | see |
seek | sought | sought | look for |
sell | sold | sold | sell |
send | sent | sent | send |
set | set | set | install |
shake | shook | shaken | shake |
shine | shoneshone | shine, shine | |
shoot | shot | shot | shoot |
show | showed | shown | show |
shrink | shrank | shrunk | shrink |
shut | shut | shut | close, close |
sing | sang | sun | sing |
sit | sat | sat | sit |
sleep | slept | slept | sleep |
slide | slide | slide | slide |
smell | smelt | smelt | smell, sniff |
speak | spoke | spoken | talk |
spell | spelt (spelled) | spelt (spelled) | pronounce or spell |
spend | spent | spent | spend, spend time |
spill | spilt (spilled) | spilt (spilled) | spill |
spin | spun | spun | twist |
split | split | split | split, split |
spoil | spoilt (spoiled) | spoilt (spoiled) | spoil |
spread | spread | spread | unfold, distribute |
stand | stood | stood | stand |
steal | stole | stolen | steal |
sting | stung | stung | sting |
stink | stank | stunk | stink |
strike | struck | struck | strike, strike |
swear | swore | sworn | swear, swear |
sweep | swept | swept | sweep |
swell | swelled | swollen (swelled) | swell |
swim | swam | swum | swim |
take | took | taken | take |
teach | taught | taught | teach |
tear | tore | torn | tear |
tell | told | told | tell |
think | thought | thought | think |
throw | threw | thrown | throw |
understand | understood | understood | understand |
wake | woke | woken | wake up |
wear | wore | worn | wear (clothes) |
win | won | won | win |
wind | wound | wound | wrap, bend |
write | wrote | written | write |
↓ Download the table of irregular English verbs (*. pdf, 247 Kb)
- Learning all one hundred irregular verbs is not an easy task. But you will succeed if you use the author's poems from the teacher Irina in the article "The correct approach to irregular English verbs."
We advise not only to learn the table with forms and thoughtlessly repeat do-did-done and go-went-gone for the hundredth time, but also to practice immediately using all forms of irregular English verbs in sentences and exercises. On the sites and you will find more than 30 exercises on this topic. If you already know all three forms well, then we suggest you take our test in the article “Regular and irregular verbs of the English language: regular and irregular verbs”. Make it a rule to learn a dozen verbs a day, then do a couple of exercises, and you yourself will not notice how naturally you will begin to use them in speech.
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