Long a words for kindergarten

Long A Words for Kindergarteners

Written by Amber

KindergartenLanguage ArtsResources for Educators

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Learning vowel sounds can be rough on kids.

They might look like simple, single letters, but these five (sometimes six) little letters can make multiple sounds and do so in multiple ways.

The English language is known for its quirky rules that don’t always make a whole lot of sense and the many exceptions to those rules that you’ll encounter.

It can be confusing enough to rattle the brain of a fully grown adult, but for a kindergartner that’s just learning to read, it can be even worse.

I try to keep this in mind when we first start learning to read.

We start with the short vowel sounds as those are typically what are seen most often in regular day to day reading, and those are usually picked up pretty quickly.

But once we move onto the long vowel sounds, we slow way down.

You’ll find far more rules and ways to make these sounds and a few new exceptions to the rules as well.

Today, we’re going to focus on that long A sound and the long A words that your kindergartener will be able to read and spell with it.


Now, like I said before, we typically start learning vowel sounds by covering the short vowel sounds first as these are much more common and give kids the opportunity to immediately start reading short CVC words, but moving onto those long vowel sounds is also really exciting.

Learning these long sounds gives your kindergarteners the ability to really expand the list of words that they’ll then be able to read and spell.

You just have to learn those rules that I talked about earlier.

Ways to Make the Long A Sound

When learning to identify those long A words, your kindergartener should understand that there are a few different way to make them.

The Magic Silent E

This is an easy one to spot and kids always love spotting that magic silent E!

These are VCe or a_e words where the A and the E are separated by a consonant and the E is the last letter in the word. With this combination the E sits silently at the end of the word while making the previous vowel say its name.

Words like ace, cake, fame, and gate are all magic E words.

The Vowel Team AI

There’s an old saying that I learned in school that makes these vowel team rules super simple to remember: when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking.

So, when you see this particular vowel team, ai, the A will make that long A sound and say its name while the I will remain silent.

Examples of the long A words containing the ai vowel team include maid, train, paid, and faint.

The Vowel Team AY

This vowel team works exactly the same as the other when it comes to those long A words.

The A does the talking while the Y stays silent.

You’ll see this vowel team in words like ray, pay, away, and spray.

The Open Syllable

Open syllables occur when a vowel is at the end of a syllable.

Alternatively, syllables that end in consonants are considered closed.

When the letter A is found at the end of a syllable, this produces that long A vowel sound.

You’ll find this in long A words like April, radio, cater, and table.

The Irregular Vowel Team EI

Like I said earlier, there are always exceptions to the rules.

The vowel teams rules would tell us that when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking, but the ei vowel team is the exception.

This team makes that long A sound and can be found in words like eight, vein, neighbor, and reign.

Knowing these five ways to make the long A sound will make it exponentially easier for your kindergarteners to identify them, but it can also be helpful to know the various spellings that they might see.

Spelling Long A Words

There are eight different spelling patterns that can create the long A sound.

  • a (halo)
  • a_e (make)
  • ai (bait)
  • ay (day)
  • ei (vein)
  • eigh (sleigh)
  • ea (break)
  • ey (they)

Now, while it’s important to know the rules, exceptions, and spelling patterns for those long A words, it’s far more important to get in some good old fashioned vowel practice with a list of different long A words.


Long A Word List

Words That Start with Long A

  • aim
  • ail
  • aid
  • able
  • acorn
  • apron
  • April
  • agent
  • aphid
  • angel
  • alien
  • alias
  • age
  • away
  • acre
  • aide
  • apex
  • ache
  • ate
  • ape

More Long A Words

  • baby
  • bait
  • bake
  • base
  • basic
  • break
  • cable
  • cage
  • cake
  • came
  • cane
  • cape
  • case
  • cave
  • change
  • contain
  • crate
  • data
  • display
  • eight
  • essay
  • explain
  • face
  • fame
  • flake
  • game
  • grate
  • gray
  • graze
  • great
  • hail
  • halo
  • hay
  • hazy
  • label
  • lady
  • lake
  • mail
  • main
  • make
  • maple
  • mate
  • may
  • obey
  • pain
  • paper
  • plain
  • potato
  • radio
  • rake
  • rate
  • reign
  • relay
  • say
  • shaky
  • skate
  • sleigh
  • space
  • sprain
  • strain
  • survey
  • sway
  • table
  • take
  • tomato
  • trade
  • tray
  • vein
  • waist
  • weigh

By no means is this an exhaustive list, but it definitely gives you and your kindergarteners a solid place to start.

With time and a little bit of practice, they’ll soon be able to identify the rule that makes each of these long A words as well as be able to spot other long A words in their day to day reading.


Amber is a former preschool teacher turned stay at home, homeschooling mom of 3 and the creator of From ABCs to ACTs.  She loves sharing crafts, activities, and printables that encourage children to learn through play, creativity, and exploration. Learn More

Long A Sound, List of Long A Words and Worksheets

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The long a sound can be spelled several ways. The magic e or final e and the open syllable are the most common ways. In addition, the long a sound can be represented in 2 vowel teams (“ai” and “ay”). Of course, there will be exceptions or odd balls- the irregular vowel team (“ei”).

Five Ways to Spell the Long A Sound

  1. Magic E (VCe or a_e)
  2. The magic E rule states when a word contains the letter “e” at the end, it is usually silent and the preceding vowel says its name (long sound), e. g., cake and date.

  3. Vowel Team – AI
  4. The vowel team rule states when two vowels go walking the first does the talking and the second vowel is silent. The combination of both an “a” and an “i” (double vowels) results in the long a sound. There are many AI words, e.g., maid, brain and paint.

  5. Vowel Team – AY
  6. As noted above, when two vowels go walking the first does the talking. The combination of both an “a” and “y” can result in the long a sound. The AY words, e.g., day and say, are not as plentiful as the AI words.

  7. Irregular Vowel Team – EI
  8. The vowel team rule states when two vowels go walking the first does the talking and the second vowel is silent. Like most things in life, there are exceptions. The combination of the vowels “e” and “i” can result in the long a sound, e.g., eight, sleigh, neigh and weigh.

  9. Open Syllable – Long A
  10. An open syllable occurs when a vowel is at the end of the syllable (it is not closed by a consonant), e. g., A/pril and ha/zy.

Long A Words

The table below contains 169 long A words. The words are categorized into one of the five ways the long a sound can be spelled – Magic E Rule, Vowel Teams (2), Irregular Vowel Team and Open Syllable.

Long A WordsCategoryWord Family / Sound
ableOpen Syllable Ruleinitial sound
aceMagic E Rule-ace
acornOpen Syllable Ruleinitial sound
acreOpen Syllable Ruleinitial sound
afraidOpen Syllable Rule /
Vowel Team - AI
initial sound /
ageMagic E Rule-age
agentOpen Syllable Ruleinitial sound
ailVowel Team - AI-ail
aimVowel Team - AI-aim
aleMagic E Rule-ale
angelOpen Syllable Ruleinitial sound
apeMagic E Rule-ape
apexOpen Syllable Ruleinitial sound
apricotOpen Syllable Ruleinitial sound
AprilOpen Syllable Ruleinitial sound
apronOpen Syllable Ruleinitial sound
AsiaOpen Syllable Ruleinitial sound
ateMagic E Rule-ate
babyOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
badeMagic E Rule-ade
bailVowel Team - AI-ail
baitVowel Team - AI-ait
bakeMagic E Rule-ake
baleMagic E Rule-ale
baneMagic E Rule-ane
baseMagic E Rule-ase
basicOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
basisOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
basteMagic E Rule-aste
bayVowel Team - AY-ay
bladeMagic E Rule-ade
blameMagic E Rule-ame
blazeMagic E Rule-aze
braceMagic E Rule-ace
braidVowel Team - AI-aid
brainVowel Team - AI-ain
braiseVowel Team - AI-aise
brakeMagic E Rule-ake
braveMagic E Rule-ave
brayVowel Team - AY-ay
cageMagic E Rule-age
cakeMagic E Rule-ake
cameMagic E Rule-ame
caneMagic E Rule-ane
capeMagic E Rule-ape
caseMagic E Rule-ase
caveMagic E Rule-ave
chainVowel Team - AI-ain
chaiseVowel Team - AI-aise
chaseMagic E Rule-ase
chasteMagic E Rule-aste
claimVowel Team - AI-aim
clayVowel Team - AY-ay
craneMagic E Rule-ane
crateMagic E Rule-ate
craveMagic E Rule-ave
crazeMagic E Rule-aze
crazyOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
daleMagic E Rule-ale
dameMagic E Rule-ame
dateMagic E Rule-ate
DaveMagic E Rule-ave
dayVowel Team - AY-ay
dazeMagic E Rule-aze
detailVowel Team - AI-ail
drainVowel Team - AI-ain
drakeMagic E Rule-ake
drapeMagic E Rule-ape
eightIrregular Vowel Team - EI-
enableOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
equatorOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
explainVowel Team - AI-ain
faceMagic E Rule-ace
fadeMagic E Rule-ade
failVowel Team - AI-ail
faintVowel Team - AI-aint
fakeMagic E Rule-ake
fameMagic E Rule-ame
fateMagic E Rule-ate
fazeMagic E Rule-aze
flailVowel Team - AI-ail
flakeMagic E Rule-ake
flameMagic E Rule-ame
flavorOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
frailVowel Team - AI-ail
frameMagic E Rule-ame
frayVowel Team - AY-ay
gageMagic E Rule-age
GailVowel Team - AI-ail
gainVowel Team - AI-ain
gaitVowel Team - AI-ait
galeMagic E Rule-ale
gameMagic E Rule-ame
gapeMagic E Rule-ape
gateMagic E Rule-ate
gaveMagic E Rule-ave
gayVowel Team - AY-ay
gazeMagic E Rule-aze
gladeMagic E Rule-ade
glazeMagic E Rule-aze
graceMagic E Rule-ace
gradeMagic E Rule-ade
grainVowel Team - AI-ain
grapeMagic E Rule-ape
grateMagic E Rule-ate
graveMagic E Rule-ave
gravyOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
grayVowel Team - AY-ay
grazeMagic E Rule-aze
hailVowel Team - AI-ail
haleMagic E Rule-ale
hasteMagic E Rule-aste
hateMagic E Rule-ate
hayVowel Team - AY-ay
hazeMagic E Rule-aze
hazyOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
jadeMagic E Rule-ade
jailVowel Team - AI-ail
JakeMagic E Rule-ake
JaneMagic E Rule-ane
jayVowel Team - AY-ay
KateMagic E Rule-ate
labelOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
laborOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
laceMagic E Rule-ace
ladleOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
ladyOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
laidVowel Team - AI-aid
lainVowel Team - AI-ain
lakeMagic E Rule-ake
lameMagic E Rule-ame
laneMagic E Rule-ane
lateMagic E Rule-ate
layVowel Team - AY-ay
lazyOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
maceMagic E Rule-ace
madeMagic E Rule-ade
maidVowel Team - AI-aid
mailVowel Team - AI-ail
maimVowel Team - AI-aim
mainVowel Team - AI-ain
makeMagic E Rule-ake
maleMagic E Rule-ale
maneMagic E Rule-ane
mateMagic E Rule-ate
mayVowel Team - AY-ay
mazeMagic E Rule-aze
nailVowel Team - AI-ail
nameMagic E Rule-ame
napeMagic E Rule-ape
navyOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
nayVowel Team - AY-ay
neighIrregular Vowel Team - EI-eigh
obtainVowel Team - AI-ain
okayVowel Team - AY-ay
paceMagic E Rule-ace
pageMagic E Rule-age
paidVowel Team - AI-aid
pailVowel Team - AI-ail
painVowel Team - AI-ain
paintVowel Team - AI-aint
paleMagic E Rule-ale
paneMagic E Rule-ane
paperOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
pasteMagic E Rule-aste
paveMagic E Rule-ave
payVowel Team - AY-ay
placeMagic E Rule-ace
plainVowel Team - AI-ain
planeMagic E Rule-ane
plateMagic E Rule-ate
playVowel Team - AY-ay
potatoOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
praiseVowel Team - AI-aise
prayVowel Team - AY-ay
quailVowel Team - AI-ail
quaintVowel Team - AI-aint
quakeMagic E Rule-ake
quayVowel Team - AY-ay
raceMagic E Rule-ace
radioOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
rageMagic E Rule-age
raidVowel Team - AI-aid
railVowel Team - AI-ail
rainVowel Team - AI-ain
raiseVowel Team - AI-aise
rakeMagic E Rule-ake
rateMagic E Rule-ate
raveMagic E Rule-ave
rayVowel Team - AY-ay
razeMagic E Rule-aze
relationOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
remainVowel Team - AI-ain
sageMagic E Rule-age
sailVowel Team - AI-ail
saintVowel Team - AI-aint
saleMagic E Rule-ale
sameMagic E Rule-ame
saneMagic E Rule-ane
saveMagic E Rule-ave
sayVowel Team - AY-ay
scaleMagic E Rule-ale
scrapeMagic E Rule-ape
shadeMagic E Rule-ade
shakeMagic E Rule-ake
shaleMagic E Rule-ale
shameMagic E Rule-ame
shapeMagic E Rule-ape
shaveMagic E Rule-ave
skateMagic E Rule-ate
slainVowel Team - AI-ain
slaveMagic E Rule-ave
slayVowel Team - AY-ay
sleighIrregular Vowel Team - EI-eigh
snailVowel Team - AI-ail
snakeMagic E Rule-ake
spaceMagic E Rule-ace
spadeMagic E Rule-ade
SpainVowel Team - AI-ain
sprainVowel Team - AI-ain
sprayVowel Team - AY-ay
stageMagic E Rule-age
stainVowel Team - AI-ain
stakeMagic E Rule-ake
staleMagic E Rule-ale
stateMagic E Rule-ate
stationOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
staveMagic E Rule-ave
stayVowel Team - AY-ay
strainVowel Team - AI-ain
straitVowel Team - AI-ait
strayVowel Team - AY-ay
swayVowel Team - AY-ay
tableOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
tableclothOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
tailVowel Team - AI-ail
taintVowel Team - AI-aint
takeMagic E Rule-ake
taleMagic E Rule-ale
tameMagic E Rule-ame
tapeMagic E Rule-ape
tasteMagic E Rule-aste
tomatoOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
traceMagic E Rule-ace
tradeMagic E Rule-ade
trailVowel Team - AI-ail
trainVowel Team - AI-ain
traitVowel Team - AI-ait
trayVowel Team - AY-ay
vacationOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
vainVowel Team - AI-ain
vaneMagic E Rule-ane
vaporOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
vaseMagic E Rule-ase
vibrationOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
volcanoOpen Syllable Rulemedial sound
wadeMagic E Rule-ade
wageMagic E Rule-age
wailVowel Team - AI-ail
wainVowel Team - AI-ain
waitVowel Team - AI-ait
wakeMagic E Rule-ake
waneMagic E Rule-ane
wasteMagic E Rule-aste
waveMagic E Rule-ave
wayVowel Team - AY-ay
weighIrregular Vowel Team - EI-eigh
whaleMagic E Rule-ale
x-rayVowel Team - AY-ay

Long A Worksheets

We created 30 worksheets to assist a child in learning the various ways the long A sound can be spelled.

Long A WorksheetsLong A Words
Magic E Worksheet 1lace, face, pace & race
Magic E Worksheet 2cage, page & stage
Magic E Worksheet 3bake, cake, make, rake, take & snake
Magic E Worksheet 4came, game, name, same, flame & blame
Magic E Worksheet 5made, trade & grade
Magic E Worksheet 6Jane, crane, cane & plane
Magic E Worksheet 7cape, gape, tape, grape & ape
Magic E Worksheet 8date, fate, late & gate
Magic E Worksheet 9haste, paste, waste & taste
Magic E Worksheet 10Dave, cave, gave & wave
Magic E Worksheet 11male, sale, scale & whale
Magic E Worksheet 12chase, case, base & vase
Magic E Worksheet 13daze, faze, maze, graze & blaze
AI worksheet 1laid, raid, staid, maid, paid & braid
AI worksheet 2hail, mail, tail & pail
AI worksheet 3jail, bail, fail & wail
AI worksheet 4Gail, quail, flail & trail
AI worksheet 5rail, nail, sail & snail
AI worksheet 6gain, main, pain, rain & vain
AI worksheet 7chain, brain, plain, grain & train
AY Worksheet 1 bay, ray, day, say & okay
AY worksheet 2hay, jay, may, lay, way & pay
AY worksheet 3spray, gray, stray, pray & tray
AY worksheet 4 clay, play, sway, stay & x-ray
AY worksheet 5gay, nay, quay, bray & fray
AI and AY worksheet 1pay, paid, stay, staid, lay & laid
EI Worksheet 1eight, neigh, sleigh & weigh
Homophone Worksheetate, eight, way & weigh
Open Syllable Worksheet 1able, acorn, also & April
Open Sylllable Worksheet 2baby, lady, table & gravy

Source: Fry, E. B., Ph.D. & Kress, J.E., Ed.D. (2006). The Reading
Teacher’s Book of Lists 5th Edition.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass

Reader Interactions

Poems for kindergarten - read beautiful children's poems

Preschool time is an important stage of development, which should not be missed. In order for adaptation to kindergarten to be successful, we recommend poems about kindergarten. Here are collected poetic works designed for toddlers, younger, older and preparatory groups. They will be remembered even by the smallest, because they rhyme easily, do not contain unfamiliar words.

Included in the collection about kindergarten short and long poems, sad and funny, funny and serious. Poems about kindergarten are suitable for any solemn occasion, whether it is an acquaintance with a preschool institution, reading at a matinee, a graduation party that marks farewell to a preschool institution.

A poem for the younger group of kindergarten or touching poems about the years spent in kindergarten are equally important. They develop speech, improve memory, contribute to the formation of the right psychological attitude, and motivate you to wake up early.

Poems about children in kindergarten will help if the kid can't get used to the regime and the new, yet unfamiliar society. In poems about kindergarten, short everyday stories take on a new meaning: toys come to life, the face of the teacher shines with a kind smile, the doors swing open on their own, inviting children. Gradually, the child will begin to unconsciously associate the kindergarten with positive emotions. He will have a desire to get up neither light nor dawn and rather rush to his beloved teacher and friends.

* * *

The breeze barely breathes...
Kindergarten is sleeping under the roof,
Its toys are sleeping -
Cubes, little animals...

Soon a new day will begin -
Morning will smile on all of us.
We'll go to "work"
And wake up this house!

* * *

Childhood days are flying farther and farther,
You are not children at all now:
The school opens the doors of knowledge -
It's time to say goodbye to the kindergarten.

And although this holiday is sad,
But in the soul with trembling warmth
We will remember your funny babble
And we will easily wipe away a tear.

In life you will have bright, even roads
And good friends on the way,
Happiness and smiles, of course,
And find a calling for everyone!

* * *

The sun has disappeared behind the houses,
We are leaving the kindergarten.
I tell my mother
About myself and about the guys.
How we sang songs in unison,
How we played leapfrog,
What we drank,
What we ate,
What we read in kindergarten.
I'm being honest
And in detail about everything.
I know, my mother is interested
To know about
How we live.

* * *

Pines lined up in a row,
Maple trees under the window,
The sun enters the kindergarten
Along a bright path.

Will inspect everything in a good hour
Vigilantly in a businesslike way:
Will plunge into a clean basin,
Will lie on a tablecloth.

The windows are clean and shiny,
The plank floor is washed,
Wake up, kindergarten!
Good afternoon guys!

* * *

I wake up with the sun,
I am glad to come in the morning.
Quickly, quickly going
I'm going to my favorite kindergarten!

There are books and toys,
There are my beloved friends,
My faithful girlfriends,
I can't live without them!

The dearest teacher,
Helps us and teaches.
She is almost like a mother to me.
And our kindergarten is the best!

* * *

Lots of toys in the kindergarten,
Our toys stand out:
Puss in boots, long-eared bunnies,
Drum and balalaikas.
Dressed dolls in braids are sitting,
Dolls are looking at hares and bears.
We don't beat or break our toys,
We don't take them away from our comrades.
Our toys are in plain sight -
We have everything in common in kindergarten.

* * *

The breeze barely breathes. ..
Kindergarten sleeps under the roof,
Its toys sleep -
Cubes, little animals...
Soon a new day will begin -
Morning will smile on all of us.
We'll go to "work"
And wake up this house!

* * *

Children live in the kindergarten,
They play and sing here,
They find friends here,
Go for a walk with them.

They argue and dream together,
They grow imperceptibly.
Kindergarten is your second home,
How warm and cozy it is!

You love him, children,
The kindest house in the world!

* * *

Before dad, before mom
I learned to get up.
I'm the most obedient in the morning,
It's time to go to kindergarten!

I am growing, I am trying so hard
Hurry, how to become a dad.
I myself am going to kindergarten,
So as not to be left behind by adults.

I have my own worries
Start in the morning.
Kindergarten is my job
Study and play.

* * *

Kindergarten, kindergarten!
The kids are in a hurry to get there.

Look I'm going to the garden -
What grows in such a garden?

Maybe pears, grapes?
I'm always glad to see them!..

– Don't be ridiculous, uncle! –
The kids tell me.

And ten of them shout:
"We are growing in the garden!"

* * *

I go to kindergarten in the morning,
I lead Alyonka by the hand…
“This is a real brother!” –
One passer-by said.
Well, if people say,
So, we are similar.
A girl Alyonka
I'm not my little sister at all.

* * *

In our kindergarten
Quiet time is coming.
Children close their eyes
And quietly fall asleep.
Somewhere a knock is heard...
It's rain pounding on the roof.
He probably doesn't know,
That the guys are resting.

* * *

What kind of miracle garden is this?
Grapes do not ripen here,
Raspberries do not grow,
Marina lives here,
And also Deniska, Masha and Boris.
If you got into a fight,
Make peace right away!
Because you can't quarrel
You can't quarrel in the kindergarten.
Not snarky things grow here,
Not snarky things, not thorns,
But true friends!

* * *

Taya boasts loudly:
— I'm quite big now!..
And, hugging her friend Asya,
I looked at the guys:
— I'm finishing the nursery —
I'm going to kindergarten!

Poems for children about kindergarten

O. Vysotskaya

We come to kindergarten,
There are toys there.
Steam locomotive,
The guys are waiting.

There are pictures on the wall
And flowers on the window.
I want to -
I will ride
On a toy horse!

Everything is for us in this house -
Fairy tales, song and story,
Noisy dance,
Quiet hour, -
This house has everything for us!

What a nice house!
We grow in it every day,
And when we grow up
Let's go to school together.

* * *


Dmitry Sukharev

Kindergarten starts at eight,
And by eight our yard is filled with a swarm.
Human offspring, lover of fuss,
Silent and gloomy in the morning.

It's time for me to go to work, I'm running,
The yard greets me with chirping burr,
And the offspring are already piling up in the snow
Their towers, their labor quarters.

Sometimes a bulletin, sticking out at the window,
I keep looking and watching for a long, long time,
Like, free and violent, from dark to dark
The shift is accustomed to order and duty.

And the guys leave at seven, in half-darkness,
In a hurry, without saying "goodbye" to each other,
And they hurriedly mince across the frozen ground,
Clutching onto mother's warm hand.

* * *

New nurseries

Z. Aleksandrova

There are cribs in bright rooms
Children will be put into these cribs.

Misha holding on to his mother's hem -
Misha came to the nursery crying.

Olenka boldly walks alone,
She herself ran to the manger.

Wash your face more cleanly, do not spare water -
Your hands will be whiter from soap.

Cows eat tasty grass,
They will give a lot of milk for the children.

The guys began to dine in the garden,
Today there will be pancakes in honey.

The new one spilled his milk,
It's a pity that the pussy is far away now.

Grasshoppers chirp loudly in the field.
The boys were put to sleep in the cold.

Plump Petya is still very small,
Start walking and fell on the grass.

The guys sat down to play on the sand,
Serezha made a tall pie.

Olenka lives happily in the manger,
Likes to dance and dance.

Here came the gray winter,
White hats were put on at home.

New sleds creak in the snow.
The guys were called to the manger for the Christmas tree.

The guys stood in a wide circle,
Someone lit candles on the Christmas tree.

Olenka boldly steps forward,
Little white bunny gives a doll.

Everyone is happy with a good present.
Have fun in the nursery with our guys.

* * *

To school
Z. Aleksandrova

Yellow leaves are flying,
The day is merry.
Escorts kindergarten
Children to school.
Our flowers have faded,
Birds are flying away.
-You are going to
for the first time in the first class to study.

Sad dolls sit
On an empty terrace.
Our cheerful kindergarten
Remember in class.
Remember the garden,
The river in the far field...
We, too, in a year
Will be with you at school.
The suburban train has departed,
Rushing past the windows...
-Promised well,
is the best to learn!

* * *

Day of farewell
I. Demyanov

Sad maples near the fences -
Day of farewell ...
Goodbye kindergarten!
We sit at our desks
This autumn!
Even the teddy bear
Doesn't want to sleep...
Sitting on the floor in the corner
They said goodbye to him.
Here are some raindrops on the glass
Rolling down...
It's a sad day, we guys have
And merry.
Goodbye, kindergarten.
Hello school!

* * *

Odezhkin's house
I. Demyanov

I'm taking my galoshes home,
Today there's a lot to do...
Odezhkin's house1 is completely empty!
And how full it was in winter - sleeves stuck out ...
It used to be, the door, my locker,
I barely closed
Another kid will take you,
I'm going to study!
Clothes house, my locker,
We say goodbye to you forever, like old friends!

* * *

Quiet hour
E. Tarakhovskaya

The shutters are closing,
Children are undressing
- Hush, hush, hush, birds,
Do not sing under the window!
At a quiet hour sleeps so sweetly,
The guys sleep soundly.
Don't clatter, cicadas,
Don't crackle - clack-clack-clack!
The guys need to rest,
They need to sleep for an hour!
Don't croak, frogs,
Under the guys' window!
Rollaway beds here,
The boys are fast asleep here.
Shutters open
Children get dressed...
Tell me, children,
What did you dream about?

* * *

Why are the toys sad?

Why are the toys sad,
Leaning against the sofa cushion?
They look at each other sadly -
Their mistress forgot about them.

The doll in a satin dress has drooped.
How, how can she walk now?
Who will take a ride in a baby carriage
And tell funny stories?

What happened to the girl Mila,
Pretty, funny, nice?
Mom and dad are talking,
That kindergarten is over.

Bought a new leather briefcase,
Books, pens, pencils
And nice shoes too.
Mila rejoices from the bottom of her heart!

Soon, soon cheerful people
Hurry on the way to school.
A girl will become a student,
Mom and dad will be proud.

Hugs toys Mila:
“But I haven't forgotten about you at all.
My sister is growing up,
I will not stand aside,
I will help a little.
Let's play toys together!

* * *

The years have flown by merrily,
Never forget them!
But the time has come to part -
After all, tomorrow we are going to school!
Goodbye dolls, bunnies, bears!
Now more important than notebooks, books,
Be a diligent student,
Success, happiness, good luck!

* * *

Farewell to kindergarten

Goodbye, our beloved, kind kindergarten!
You and I were together for many years in a row!
And now we're parting - we have to go to school,
But we won't forget you on the path of life!

Teachers have become family to us now,
They opened the door to our kindergarten for the first time!
They had fun together with us and taught us,
And now they are seeing us off to school, to the first grade!

We wish them health, happiness and kindness,
We will remember them with love, with joy always!
And when we grow up, we will come to you again
And we will bring our beloved children to kindergarten!

* * *

In September the first bell will ring,
And for the first time you will step on the school threshold!
And the teacher will lead you to the classroom by the hand,
And the first school lesson will begin at the desk!

* * *

Olga Pavlovna

Who will tell about all:
How the factories work,
and what are the machines,
and about how gardeners
Breaking flower beds,
And about the north, and about the south,
And about everything that is around,
And about coal, and about gas,
About the taiga and about the Caucasus,
About the bear, about the fox
And about the berries in the forest?

Who will teach you how to draw,
Build, sew and embroider,
Having seated the children in a circle,
Read them a poem,
Say: “Teach it yourself,
And then read it to your mother”?

Who will figure it out right now,
Why is Oleg fighting,
Why is Galya and Nina
He took away the matryoshka,
Why is the elephant made of clay
Misha immediately broke?

This is the teacher,
This is Olga Pavlovna.

Olga Pavlovna loves
All her children,
Very much Olga Pavlovna
Loves kindergarten!

* * *

New girl
N. Naidenova

New girl
In kindergarten.
To the new girl
I'll be right there.

— Why are you on the sidelines?
It's boring alone.
Here are our toys,
Here is a clockwork elephant.

You see -
I turned him on with the key,
Now he will pass
From the wall to the table.

Here are our cubes,
We build houses.
You will also learn to
Build yourself!

Let's go, I'll take you to the guys
All girls like it

* * *


We invite everyone to the ball

To the smart music hall,

Where there will be music and laughter,

And setting for success,

Smiles, games, songs, speeches,

Hope in the future for meetings,

The fragrance of flowers

An awkward confession in love,

Honor and glory for calling

Great - to love children,

Give the warmth of your hearts,

Where memory will swirl in a waltz:

“Do you remember?. .” “It can’t be… "

“How grown up… matured…”

“We didn't have time to look back…”

And eyes wet with tears —

Everything has its time, its time!

Go ahead baby! Go!

You are full of strength, hope, love.

We believe that your destiny is

Always be happy!


* * *

Playing with the herd

Agniya Barto

Yesterday we played with the herd,

And we had to growl.

We growled and mooed,

Barked like a dog,

We did not hear Anna Nikolaevna's remarks


And she said sternly:

— What kind of noise are you making?

I have seen many children -

I see such children for the first time.

We told her:

— There are no children here!

We are not Petit and Vova —

We are dogs and cows.

And the dogs always bark,

Your words are not understood.

And the cows are always mooing,

Driving away the flies.

And she answered: — What are you doing?

Okay, if you are cows,

Then I am a shepherd.

I ask you to keep in mind:

I take the cows home.


V. Moruga

I love my kindergarten
It is full of children.
One, two, three, four, five…
It's a pity that we can't count them all.
Maybe a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we're together!

Farewell, Courland country,
Ridiculous Fiction!
Let's swim, friends, be bold!
We sail to the land of fantasy,
Far First Class.
On our ship.
Farewell, our fabulous pier,
Both kind and mysterious,
Farewell, our kindergarten!

* * *

Wake-up call

P. Mazikin

Now the sun has peeped in
And in your window, child,
Turned over the fields
Golden canvas.
Get up, look out your window:
The summer day is full of miracles.
Here is a naughty path
She took someone to the forest.
There, on the surface of the sky
The sun is pulling the plane.
Crows cry in the meadow,
The tower-cloud floats.
Joy beats in bird songs.
People are walking in a hurry.
Who goes where, and we go to kindergarten.
Well, get up, mom is waiting!

* * *

Tatyana Agibalova

Today we are all children
Group number eight
Tell us about the kindergarten
Politely ask.
"There are no secrets," -
Natasha will tell us, -
"They give dinner before going to bed,
And porridge for breakfast."
Cyril smiles:
"We go for a walk,
We sculpt, we make crafts here,
we dance round dances."
Children love kindergarten,
He is bright, good,
Just something frown
He suddenly stood at Serezha's.
What happened, what kind?
Answer us right away.
And Serezha says:
"I've been punished since morning."
Didn't dream
I didn't dream today
No magical lands,
I didn't hear from the vines
The cries of birds and monkeys,
I didn't see any parrots,
I didn't see the local owls,
And I wasn't frightened
The roars of lions from behind the bushes.
I didn’t dream for some reason,
It’s not my fault,
Sluggish hippos,
Good-natured elephants,
I didn’t dream about camels either,
No matter how I expected it ...
But I dreamed for some reason,
That I was late for school.

* * *


You are a graduate today,
You graduated from kindergarten.
Pen, eraser and diary
In a brand new knapsack.

We want to receive
Only one mark "five",
Learn a lot,
Kindergarten to remember!
* * *

The last time you came to the kindergarten,
Today you are in full parade,
In one hand is a balloon,
in the other is a brand new Primer.

The sunny summer will rush by,
And you will come to school with a bouquet
We wish you to study well
And make friends with the whole class!

* * *

On the first day of autumn,
Joyful, cheerful,
In a cheerful mood
You will run to school.

You will meet after the summer
There are swirling friends,
And everyone in bouquets
Festive asters.

You will be working until May
We wish you
Study well!

Mom is very dear
Every step you take,
Bring fives
More for her, my friend!

* * *

Katya in the nursery

Z. Aleksandrova

One, two, three, four, five:
We are going to walk.
Tied Katya
Striped scarf.

Katya's sledge carries
From the porch to the gate.
A Seryozha on the path
Throws crumbs to the pigeons.

.. . Girls and boys
Jump like balls,
Stomp their feet,
Laugh merrily.

Why isn't
dancing? Our new one?
Katya is going to the new girl,
Leading her to a round dance.

… The lights went out,
The nursery fell asleep:
Both Lida and Katya,
And the dolls in the bed.

Only Mishka is awake,
Sitting at the window;
Looking at the moon:
"I can't sleep at all!"

* * *

To the future first grader
My dear baby, my dear son,
Today you will return home grown up.
You dreamed a lot that you would become big,
And dad and I will be proud of you.

And then it came, this joyful moment,
Before we blinked, it overtook us.
Can you hear the birds singing outside the windows,
The surf is rustling and the trees are blooming?

All this is for you, my dear, everything around,
The whole world and the smiles of friends and girlfriends!
Let's not be sad, although a little sorry,
That Ladushki is no longer our way,

That this house will no longer wait for us,
Others will play in the sandbox.
Keep love in your heart
Come and visit here with your friends.

Remember all those who loved you here,
In "Ladushki" you understood what "friends" means,
You met care, warmth and comfort,
Good people and fairy tales live here!

Bolder forward, tomorrow - a new life!
Take my hand and hold on tight!


V. Tovarkov
Why do they say that?
Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say that?
We are not aspens,
We are not mountain ash.
Vova, Klava, Mishenka -
These are not cherries!

Kindergarten, kindergarten…
Why do they say that?
We are not leaves,
We are not flowers
Blue, scarlet-
We are little guys!

Kindergarten, kindergarten…
Why do they say that?
Because together in it
We are growing as one family!
That's why they say:
- There is a kindergarten in this house!

Since you are here.

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710 Fraser Street, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1P9
Ph: 250.627.7166 | Fx: 250.627.7482

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