Rhyming words help
221 best rhymes for 'help'
1 syllable
- Belt
- Dealt
- Melt
- Felt
- Held
- Yelp
- Welp
- Kelp
- Smelt
- Stepped
- Bent
- Went
- Slept
- Rent
- Spent
- Vent
- Meant
- Kept
- Sent
- Helt
- Pelt
- Welt
- Yelled
- Knelt
- Stressed
- Wrecked
- Blessed
- Best
- Quest
- West
- Vest
- Dressed
- Chest
- Rest
- Test
- Messed
- Left
- Checked
- Dwelt
- Celt
- Selbe
- Guest
- Cared
- Scared
- Smelled
- Breast
- Est
- Shared
- Nest
- Elk
- Belk
- Stared
- Spelled
- Pressed
- Pest
- Swelled
- Spend
- Send
- Friend
- End
- Bend
- Tend
- Dent
- Jest
- Dreamt
- Shelled
- Swept
- Dwelled
- Weld
- Felled
- Meld
- Desk
- Trend
- Celled
- Theft
- Quelled
- Temp
- Stretched
- Pent
- Lend
- Crept
- Tent
- Hemp
- Blend
- Lent
- Crest
- Lest
- Wept
- Kemp
- Ent
- Mend
- Fest
- Kent
- Etched
- Fetched
- Prepped
- Dared
- Decked
- Zest
- Sketched
2 syllables
- Present
- Accept
- Except
- Percent
- Content
- Seatbelt
- Repent
- Heartfelt
- Expect
- Subject
- Respect
- Obsessed
- Perfect
- Collect
- Effect
- Connect
- Depressed
- Protect
- Suggest
- Correct
- Arrest
- Project
- Reflect
- Invest
- Contest
- Concept
- Prevent
- Prepared
- Compared
- Cement
- Comment
- Intent
- Possessed
- Impressed
- Reject
- Expelled
- Neglect
- Direct
- Affect
- Compelled
- Event
- Excelled
- Defend
- Girlfriend
- Weekend
- Boyfriend
- Pretend
- Inject
- Propelled
- Object
- Digest
- Upheld
- Seinfeld
- Accent
- Suspect
- Withheld
- Misspelled
- Rebelled
- Repelled
- Marveled
- Handheld
- Offend
- Dispelled
- Marvelled
- Impelled
- Request
- Torment
- Infect
- Protest
- Resent
- Conquest
- Invent
- Extent
- Frequent
- Dissect
- Consent
- Erect
- Depend
- Oppressed
- Descent
- Detect
- Inspect
- Expressed
- Select
- Prospect
- Undressed
- Midwest
- Detest
- Aspect
- Addressed
- Suppressed
- Incest
- Lament
- Impaired
- Adept
- Eject
- Ascent
- Ingest
- Confessed
- Compressed
3 syllables
- Represent
- President
- Roosevelt
- Disrespect
- Intellect
- Comprehend
- Paralleled
- Compliment
- Resurrect
- Manifest
- Intercept
- Disconnect
- Reinvent
- Document
- Discontent
- Dialect
- Recollect
- Underwent
- Circumvent
- Announcement
4 syllables
- Unparalleled
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Near rhymes with helpB-Rhymes | B-Rhymes
Word | Pronunciation | Score ? | ||
1 | phelps | fel_p_s | 3860 | Definition |
2 | yelp | yel_p | 3772 | Definition |
3 | whelp | wel_p | 3772 | Definition |
4 | felt | fel_t | 3765 | Definition |
5 | smelt | s_mel_t | 3765 | Definition |
6 | spelt | s_pel_t | 3765 | Definition |
7 | svelte | s_vel_t | 3765 | Definition |
8 | veld | vel_t | 3754 | Definition |
9 | belt | bel_t | 3678 | Definition |
10 | dealt | del_t | 3678 | Definition |
11 | dwelt | d_wel_t | 3678 | Definition |
12 | gelt | gel_t | 3678 | Definition |
13 | knelt | nel_t | 3678 | Definition |
14 | melt | mel_t | 3678 | Definition |
15 | welt | wel_t | 3678 | Definition |
16 | whelk | wel_k | 3678 | Definition |
17 | beheld | bihel_d | 3668 | Definition |
18 | held | hel_d | 3668 | Definition |
19 | upheld | aphel_d | 3668 | Definition |
20 | withheld | withhel_d | 3668 | Definition |
21 | kelp | kel_p | 3662 | Definition |
22 | spelled | s_pel_d | 3659 | Definition |
23 | shelled | shel_d | 3659 | Definition |
24 | veldt | vel_d_t | 3648 | Definition |
25 | elk | el_k | 3633 | Definition |
26 | scalp | s_kaal_p | 3624 | Definition |
27 | heartfelt | harr_tfel_t | 3585 | Definition |
28 | roosevelt | ruh_uuzuhvel_t | 3574 | Definition |
29 | weld | wel_d | 3572 | Definition |
30 | meld | mel_d | 3572 | Definition |
31 | geld | gel_d | 3572 | Definition |
32 | celt | kel_t | 3567 | Definition |
33 | kelt | kel_t | 3567 | Definition |
34 | pelt | pel_t | 3567 | Definition |
35 | shalt | shaal_t | 3529 | Definition |
36 | eld | el_d | 3527 | Definition |
37 | alp | aal_p | 3491 | Definition |
38 | palp | paal_p | 3426 | Definition |
39 | alb | aal_b | 3397 | Definition |
40 | unparalleled | anpaaruhlel_d | 3392 | Definition |
41 | catafalque | kaatuhfaal_k | 3349 | Definition |
42 | scaled | s_ke_il_d | 3332 | Definition |
43 | failed | fe_il_d | 3332 | Definition |
44 | calque | kaal_k | 3331 | Definition |
45 | talc | taal_k | 3331 | Definition |
46 | veiled | ve_il_d | 3321 | Definition |
47 | mailed | me_il_d | 3244 | Definition |
48 | engrailed | eng_re_il_d | 3244 | Definition |
49 | buchenwald | bukuhnvaal_d | 3232 | Definition |
50 | hilt | hil_t | 3120 | Definition |
51 | heeled | heel_d | 3116 | Definition |
52 | heald | heel_d | 3116 | Definition |
53 | stilt | s_til_t | 3111 | Definition |
54 | spilt | s_pil_t | 3111 | Definition |
55 | silt | sil_t | 3111 | Definition |
56 | silk | sil_k | 3111 | Definition |
57 | afield | uhfeel_d | 3106 | Definition |
58 | downfield | dah_uunfeel_d | 3106 | Definition |
59 | field | feel_d | 3106 | Definition |
60 | sealed | seel_d | 3106 | Definition |
61 | shield | sheel_d | 3106 | Definition |
62 | unsealed | anseel_d | 3106 | Definition |
63 | revealed | riveel_d | 3096 | Definition |
64 | hobnailed | hobne_il_d | 3064 | Definition |
65 | mild | mah_il_d | 3051 | Definition |
66 | wild | wah_il_d | 3051 | Definition |
67 | bilk | bil_k | 3023 | Definition |
68 | built | bil_t | 3023 | Definition |
69 | gilt | gil_t | 3023 | Definition |
70 | guilt | gil_t | 3023 | Definition |
71 | inbuilt | inbil_t | 3023 | Definition |
72 | jilt | jil_t | 3023 | Definition |
73 | lilt | lil_t | 3023 | Definition |
74 | milk | mil_k | 3023 | Definition |
75 | milt | mil_t | 3023 | Definition |
76 | quilt | k_wil_t | 3023 | Definition |
77 | wilkes | wil_k_s | 3023 | Definition |
78 | wilt | wil_t | 3023 | Definition |
79 | bield | beel_d | 3019 | Definition |
80 | weald | weel_d | 3019 | Definition |
81 | wheeled | weel_d | 3019 | Definition |
82 | wield | weel_d | 3019 | Definition |
83 | yield | yeel_d | 3019 | Definition |
84 | distilled | dis_til_d | 3005 | Definition |
85 | skilled | s_kil_d | 3005 | Definition |
86 | unskilled | ans_kil_d | 3005 | Definition |
87 | ilk | il_k | 2978 | Definition |
88 | dovetailed | davte_il_d | 2954 | Definition |
89 | detailed | deete_il_d | 2954 | Definition |
90 | child | chah_il_d | 2940 | Definition |
91 | childe | chah_il_d | 2940 | Definition |
92 | piled | pah_il_d | 2940 | Definition |
93 | tiled | tah_il_d | 2940 | Definition |
94 | winfield | winfeel_d | 2926 | Definition |
95 | windshield | win_dsheel_d | 2926 | Definition |
96 | whitfield | witfeel_d | 2926 | Definition |
97 | westfield | wes_tfeel_d | 2926 | Definition |
98 | warfield | wawrfeel_d | 2926 | Definition |
99 | wakefield | we_ikfeel_d | 2926 | Definition |
What is B-Rhymes?
B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.
Rhymes to attract the attention of schoolchildren to sounding speech | Methodological development in speech therapy (grades 1, 2, 3, 4):
Chain rhyme
- Teach children to answer with a word consonant with the name
- Learn to feel rhythm, rhyme play.
We will choose different words
Say any words, okay?
But only such that it turns out ... (smoothly).
What words similar in sound can be matched to the word bird?
Little titmouse, little songbird.
By the word bunny
Know-it-all, Dunno, runaway, jumper
By the way cat?
Spoon, bowl, basket, accordion, midge, potato, window, leg, earring, matryoshka.
By the way, a mouse?
Bump, bear, topty, etc.
Option: the teacher throws the ball and pronounces a word, the one who catches the ball answers with a word consonant with the name.
- sheep, river, bird - Sinichka, Soroka - Beloboka, Bunny - Escaping
Find a couple of
- Learn children to compare words, similar and different in sound structure
- Develop visual memory
Teacher. Connect the words of the two columns so that you get a rhyme
Options: You can propose words - Pictures. Children find a picture that is similar in sound-rhythmic structure.
Game with pictures
- Teach children to match the word - the name of the picture
- Develop language flair
First you need to prepare cards with pictures from which you can make rhyming words, for example, a picture of a pipe, another picture of a sponge.
All pictures are placed on a large table or on a carpet on the floor. Children distribute them in rhymes. For example, near the picture of a river there is a picture of a stove, a donkey is a goat, a cat is a spoon, a watering can is a snake, etc.
- One child takes a picture, the other finds a picture with a rhyming word. Both loudly repeat their words, the whole group repeats.
- Place pictures face down. Open one picture and say the corresponding word out loud. Whoever can name the rhyming word gets a picture and can open the next one.
- One picture is opened. All children draw an object called a rhyming word. Here the solution is represented by a figure.
Say a word
- Teach children to write rhyming lines on their own
TEACHER. You already know how to pick up rhyming words. Today we will try to make sentences.
Where have you been, squirrel?
I collected nuts
The squirrel jumped fast
I lost all the nuts
I brought a squirrel to you.
Yesterday we were walking in the forest
We saw a huge mushroom
There was a fungus on the side
could not find it0003
Like a small yellow
became torn boots
And our squirrel
Clean plates
We are poets
- ,0006,0007 to teach children to compose fourth -ending, B. containing the whole story.
The teacher says to Paraska:
“What fairy tales have you read?”
Paraska thinks: "Oh,
I haven't read any!"
And from behind whispers: “Turnip!”
Paraska yelled: “Cap!”
Today we will also come up with funny poems. Who or what do you want to write about?
The children answer.
Let's talk about the cat, let's support Seryozha. I will write down what you tell me, and then I will read out what we have done. Children come up with unexpected situations with a cat by rhyming words.
CHILDREN. The cat sat on the window. The cat saw a midge. The cat took a basket and went for potatoes. The cat sat on the window and dangled its legs. The cat put all the spoons in a basket.
Stories in rhyme
- To teach children to compose simple rhymes
- To teach to distinguish between the sound and semantic aspects of speech.
Teacher. You already know what rhyme is in poetry. For example, the word leaf can become a rhyme for the word flower, the word porridge can be rhymed with curdled milk. Bear cub Misha can teach you how to do it. They drew funny pictures with Druzhok and came up with inscriptions in verse for them. And the last word in the second line of each rhyme was not completed. Find the right rhyme yourself. It's not difficult at all.
A friend behind the fence and looks timidly,
How cleverly a friend we use ... (with chalk).
Druzhka is disturbed by a single thought
Will they see ... (elephant)
When Mishka gets tired of playing
Let him stand in the gate ... (mouse)
All morning they searched, searched until
Found a new bowl) ... (Druzhka) 3
Help Dunno to compose poetry
- To teach children to distinguish between sound and semantic sides of speech.
The teacher brings in the book by N. Nosov "The Adventure of Dunno"
TEACHER. Guys, did you recognize this book? Today I will tell you how Dunno wrote poetry.
After Dunno failed to become an artist, he decided to become a poet. Dunno came to the poet Tsvetik and said:
- listen, Tsvetik, teach me to compose poetry. I also want to become a poet.
- Do you know what a rhyme is?
- Rhyme? No, I do not know.
- Rhyme is when two words end in the same way, - explained Tsvetik. For example: a duck is a joke, a shortbread is a walrus. Understood?
- Understood.
- well, say a rhyme for the word "stick".
- Herring, Dunno answered.
Guys, help Dunno.
Game in progress.
Dunno wrote poems all day long and finally came up with:
Znayka went for a walk to the river,
Jumped over a sheep.
Hurry was hungry -
He swallowed a cold iron.
Under Avoska's pillow
There is a sweet cheesecake.
Found a new bowl ... (Druzhka)
Find rhymes
- Help children identify rhyming words by comparing them.
TEACHER. Today I will read you B Shergin's story "Rhymes", and your task is to hear rhyming words. Do you agree?
Shish went to the city on his business. It was summer, it was hot. An uncle rides ahead on a horse. Shish and asked him to give a lift. He sat down next to his uncle. But Shish cannot sit silently. He is only silent when he sleeps. He says:
- Uncle, let's play rhymes.
- What are rhymes?
- And let's say it in such a way that it is smooth.
-Come on.
- Here, uncle, what was your father's name?
- My father's name was Kuzma.
Shish says: I'll take your Kuzma by the beard!
- Why are you going to take my dad by the beard?
Shish says:
- This, uncle, is for rhyme. Tell me what your grandfather's name was.
- My grandfather's name was Ivan.
Shish says:
- Your grandfather Ivan
Put the cat in his pocket.
The cat cries and sobs,
scolds your grandfather.
The uncle got excited:
- Why would my grandfather put a cat in his pocket? Why are you picking up such rubbish?
- This, uncle, is for rhyme.
- I'll tell you a rhyme. What is your name?
- My name is ... Fedya.
- If you are Fedya,
Then catch a bear in the forest.
Ride a bear
Get off my horse!
- Uncle, I asked. My name is Stepan.
Uncle says:
If you are Stepan, get on the aeroplane,
On the aeroplane and fly, And get off my horse!
- Uncle, I was joking. My name is not Stepan, but ... Silantiy.
The uncle says:
-If you are Silantius, Then you will get off my horse.
- What are you, uncle, there is no such word - "tears".
- Even though you don't, get off anyway!
Shisha had to get off the cart. It serves him right. If a kind person carries you on a horse, you sit silently, and do not invent all sorts of trifles.
Children find rhyming words in the text and name them.
15 words with the correct pronunciation - Teacher's newspaper
Let's rhyme and memorize! The amazing Russian language is full of mysteries and peculiarities. Emphasis is placed either at the beginning or at the end. How to understand and not get confused in certain words? We continue a series of publications under the heading "Literacy", dedicated to the purity of our speech. We offer easy-to-remember rhymes that will help you learn and pronounce words once and for all .
When a person speaks beautifully, and his speech is coherent and clear, involuntarily this causes respect and admiration. Information is perceived easily, you want to listen to such a speaker. In order for speech to be smooth and beautiful, classes are required, sometimes these are years of work on oneself and constant study of the native language. After all, you can learn the Russian language all your life and at the same time learn something new every time.
It is important to put stress in words correctly. If we turn to Russian dictionaries, then everything immediately falls into place. To memorize, you need to come up with simple rhyming variations for yourself that even a child can remember.
Nettle is a genus of flowering plants of the nettle family characterized by pungency. Noun. In different regions, they often mistakenly put stress on the last syllable in colloquial speech.
Nettle grows beautifully in the forest.
Agreement - a written or oral agreement. Noun. Many people get confused and mistakenly stress the first syllable.
The contract was violated by a thief.
Cakes are round shaped confectionery. Mn. number, in units including a cake. Noun. There are no questions with the word “cake”, but in the plural there is often confusion when you want to put the emphasis on the last syllable.
Come to the resorts to taste the cakes.
Beetroot is a vegetable, fodder and technical plant of the family. haze. Noun. The word "beetroot" has an aristocratic origin. This word was found in the ancient Greek language - seukla - beets. After the letter "ё" was officially introduced into school textbooks in Russia, the stress began to be placed on the first syllable and the spelling became strictly "beet", and nothing else.
Ruddy Fyokla was planting beets in the garden.
Covid is an acute infection (from the English CoronaVIrus). Noun. New realities give birth to new words that are included in everyday use - and they have their own pronunciation features.
Covid is a terrible parasite!
Yoghurt is a fermented milk product with a high solids content. Noun. In colloquial speech, there are two variants of the pronunciation of this word: where the stress falls on the vowel "o" of the first syllable and where the stress falls on the vowel "y" of the second syllable. However, according to the literary norm of the Russian language, the stress in the word "yogurt" should be placed on the first syllable. But in disputes and conversations, you can always counter with the possibility of an unusual pronunciation.
Yoghurt and yogurt will sing, together they will heal together.![]()
Ticklish - about the sensation caused by tickling. Adverb. There are many variations of this word in different regions. However, the orthoepic norm is with an emphasis on the second syllable.
I tickle the puppy's coat.
Shell is a hard protective cover of some invertebrates. Noun. Many prefer the older form of the word with the stress on the first syllable. But 150 years have passed since the outdated form. Today, the stress is on the second syllable.
A shell sings in the cat's ear.
Scarves - a fabric or knitted product in the form of a long strip, worn around the neck, head or shoulders. Scarf - unit. number. Noun. When we talk about the plural, one wants to put the stress on the last syllable, only dictionaries and literary language dictate to us on the first!
There were lampshades in the hall, Shura was sitting in scarves.![]()
Lighten is a perfect verb that is usually used in the sense of “to reduce the weight of something”. Also, the word has a second figurative meaning - to simplify (make less complicated).
To make learning easier, you need to learn the rules!
Envy - is used to denote a feeling of envy. Adverb.
You eat jam, but I'm envious.
Masterski - derived from the adjective "masterful", means "skillfully", "perfectly", "exemplary". Adverb.
Masterfully shaved whiskey.
Quarter - a part of the city, bounded by several intersecting streets, also has a second meaning - a quarter of a year, a period of three months. Noun. It so happened that this word is often used by accountants with an emphasis on the first syllable. But it is correct to put emphasis on the second.
Our entire sleepy quarter ran after the bus.![]()
A hyphen is a short connecting line between two words. Noun.
Denis put a hyphen.
Reflection is the ability to consciously pay attention to one's thoughts and behavior, evaluate decisions and perspectives. The word comes from the Latin word "reflectio" - "reflection". Noun.
There was a reflection in Valencia.
We hope that our simple tips will help you quickly deal with stress and remember the correct pronunciation of words. Subscribe to the network publication "Teacher's Newspaper", write questions, comments and suggestions on publications. Soon there will be new materials on the topic of the purity of our speech at " Literate "!
Earlier in the network edition "Uchitelskaya Gazeta" we talked about "Top 15 stresses that even literate people put incorrectly" and what rhymes will help you quickly remember and correctly place stresses in the words airports, asymmetry and symmetry, accountant , boutique, accountant, gross, etc.