Love red riding hood and wolf
Did The Big Bad Wolf ‘LOVE’ Little Red Riding Hood? | by David Hawkins
wikimedia.orgAn Interesting Angle On Today’s Concept Of Love
The story of Little Red Riding Hood is no doubt one of the most popular childhood stories of all time. We’ve all heard it, read it, or had it read to us numerous times as children.
Many of the stories and nursery rhymes we heard as kids originate from local legends, traditions, and testimonies during the middle ages; accounts which have evolved, transformed and been adapted over the years into cute, children friendly stories. The story of Little Red Riding Hood is no different, but is particularly interesting because of its persistent, timeless relevance and original moral, dating back from the late 1600s until today.
According to, Charles Perrault, and The Brothers Grimm, publishers of the “Little Red Riding Hood” story radically changed many aspects of the tale due to their graphic and explicit nature, making the story more suitable for a young audience.
According to experts, this story is one that has undergone the most transformations since its origins, these changes always having the intention of “softening” some images so that a young audience could calmly listen to it. But the truth is that with every change, we lost the original intentionality, because every story contained a doctrine, a lesson that we should all follow. And the one taught to us by Little Red Riding Hood is worth keeping in mind…
Certain images were so brutal that he changed them in order to make it suitable for a young audience. This was the first time that the story of this young girl with her red cap made its way to Europe.
In 1812, the Brothers Grimm also decided to include her in their collection. In order to do this, they drew upon a work by the German Ludwig Tieck entitled “Life and Death of Little Red Riding Hood” (Leben und Tod des kleinen Rotkäppchens), which includes – unlike Perrault’s story – the character of the hunter.
They removed every trace of erotic and bloody elements and gave the story a good happy ending. Because what would a child’s story be without its customary happy ending? As you can already guess, the original story is very different from the one that children read in their books, so let us get to know it.
Regardless of the many versions and adaptations of this story, there is one common thread. A young girl travels across the woods to meet her grandmother. She is confronted by a wolf in disguise. The wolf, pretending to be familiar and friendly, coaxes the young girl to take her clothes off and get in bed with him. The rest is sad history.
It’s safe to say that this story depicts a child predator. A pedophile. If nothing else, a sexually depraved and brutal society. This leads me to the original question.
Strange question, if I might say so myself, however I think its weirdness only highlights today’s equally weird concept of love.
The wolf/predator was very, very attracted to the little girl, to the point that he pulled out all the stops to have his way with her.
But did that attraction translate into love?
When we are attracted to someone, it’s common practice to say that we are “in love”. It is therefore no different to say that the wolf was in love with Little Red Riding Hood.
“What the fuck, David?! How dare you compare today’s concept of love with the creepy disordered thought process of a pedophile?!”
Yeah, I totally agree, it’s a crazy comparison, but when we get past the initial shock of disgust, and look at the circumstances for what they are, the thought processes are the exact same, and prove just how ridiculous and disturbing today’s flawed concept of love is. This same similarity is used by many to support their belief that pedophilia should be legalized.
Yeah, it’s sick.
At this point, it doesn’t matter if the wolf was an old creepy pedophile, or an acquaintance the same age as Ms. Riding Hood. Hell, the wolf could have been her own boyfriend. After all, she was willing to get naked and cuddly in bed, right? But she soon realized that everything was amiss, and the feeling in the air wasn’t actually love.
She was being taken advantage of. At the expense of her own grandmother.
This is the case with so many girls (and boys) in today’s society. We see “love” plastered all over TV, movies, in romance novels and we try to copy and paste it into our relationships, only realizing after it’s too late, that “fuck, we’ve been screwed.” Literally screwed, a lot of the time.
So many people don’t realize this reality and end up in a relentless and vicious cycle of failed relationships and creepy experiences. They feel like they just can’t do the relationship thing. Many spiral into an abyss of depression and feelings of worthlessness. Others embrace the cycle and just live as wild and crazy as possible, ignoring consequences until they become very serious.
The “love” that is fed to us by society is more accurately described as attraction. Desire. Infatuation. Maybe even romance. All those things are great and feel warm and fuzzy, give you butterflies and all the things. However, without the understanding and application of what true love is, they will all come back with a bite in the ass, almost every time, like Red Riding Hood’s experience with The Big Bad Wolf.
Now for the clincher. A child predator can truly love children.
If a predator truly wanted to love children, he/she would recognize and acknowledge his/her urges, control them, and get the help needed to make sure that he/she does no harm to those children, effectively converting from a predator to someone with care, concern and respect. That takes courage. That is work. But then again, true love is hard work.
In the same way, if a guy is truly in love with a girl — or vice versa — he won’t be doing everything possible to get in her pants as quickly as possible. He will put forth the work. The hard work that goes into building a strong relationship based on care, concern, trust, empathy and respect. The sex is an added bonus that will strengthen a loving relationship, not break it apart once the excitement is gone like so many relationships today suffer.
Did the big bad wolf love Little Red Riding Hood? NO. But he probably thought he did.
Do so many people in relationships today really love each other? NO. But they probably think they do.
Is it possible for everyone to love? SURE. But they have to learn how to.
Check out these articles by myself and Sarah Cy, explaining true love.
True Love... What Is It Really?
One of the most commonly mentioned, yet most commonly misunderstood concepts in our world today, is love.
What You Don’t Know About Love Could Destroy You
4 Things Love is NOT, one thing it IS, and How to Find true love
I know this is a rather controversial take on the concept of love, but I’m never one to shy away from controversial topics just because they’re touchy. I’d be extremely interested to hear and discuss your take on this subject, so let’s.
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A wolf fell in love with the little red riding hood - Chapter 1
A wolf fell in love with the little red riding hood
The wolf came upon Little red riding hood were He fall in love to her.. but their Fate are Impossible .. based on a story the wolf is the Bad Character.. but in this story.. The wolf is the one who is good guy..
by YukiharaSakura
We all know that the story of the "little red riding hood " was a story for children
but this story I made was rather different
This story is also for the ones who love fate & Destiny :)
The Story of A wolf fell in love with the little red riding hood.
Once.. there was a little red riding hood lived in a little house on the middle of the forest ,
Her grandmother was very old and sick that she gets worsen day by day by the illness
little red riding hood was worried and decided to find some medicine for her grandmother..
little red riding hood went to town to ask the villagers..
While she was walking through the road there was an old lady carrying a bunch of apples that she can't handle very well.
She rushed into the old lady and helped her.
Old Lady: " Thank you very much, " For your kindness I shall help you a direction through the destination of yours.."
" Direction through the destination..? what do u mean..? said the girl
Old lady : " You know young girl , I am a good witch... I help people when they are good to me and I will help you for your kindness you did today.
but one day I lost my book , so my powers are weak now but I can still able to help u even if it is just small.
Little red riding hood "Oh..I see... can you tell me where can I find a medicine that can cure my grandmother's illness.
.? "
Old Lady : "Of course young Girl .. Then I'll Tell you ... In the middle of the Dark forest there was a Fruit called "blue berry " , It can cure any illness of this world... But there are lots of monsters living there.. so be Careful on your way in there...
Little red riding hood: " Thank you old lady..! which direction I should go to? "
Old Lady : " In south , there you can Find the Dark Forest "
Little red riding hood thanked the old lady and waved her hand to say goodbye as she went to the south where the Dark forest is .
As she walk long enough.
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I know the forest, I love sex: elook — LiveJournal
Joke :The wolf meets Little Red Riding Hood in the forest and asks
Little Red Riding Hood, aren't you afraid to walk here alone at night?
To which Little Red Riding Hood replies: Why be afraid? I know the forest, I love sex!
That's what I thought when I heard about the driver program in Manitoba, a truck and a truck in Africa, and the roads are the same. But as they say, it wasn't there =)
So the decision was made to immigrate to Canada through the so-called trucking. All the necessary documents were collected and translated, namely:
1. Certificate from "Bituah Leumi" (National insurance) - recifut of the labor (something like a work book)
2. Certificate of crossing the Israeli border over the past 10 years
3. Certificate from "Misrad tahbura" (Analogue in Russia, unfortunately I don’t know, but I suspect that this is the traffic police) - about the condition of the driver’s license, category, and when issued
4. Police certificate of no criminal record
5. Certificate of traffic violations
6. A general power of attorney was also issued for a close man left in Israel
7. Certificates from employers for the last 10 years (terms of work, positions and duties)
8. Visas to the USA were opened
Further, with these papers, we rushed to our agency "X" and received a new piece of information.
We were vehemently advised to go separately with my wife, offered to study law in Toronto at the "U" school with which our agency cooperated, and then move on to Winnipeg. To my question "What, there are no driving schools in Winnipeg?" An indistinct answer was received - Yes, but it is more expensive there and something else they mumbled under their breath . ..
And again I had to turn to the Internet for help. And again I was pleased with the result of the search. I will not write here everything that I found. I will share only important information verified on my own skin.
And so the difference between training in Toronto and in Winnipeg.
The cost of studying in Toronto is $2,500 I don't remember the exact number of hours, but it seems to be 25 hours of study.
Tuition in Winnipeg $3400 for 38 hours of tuition, there is also a 20 hour package for $1850. (I don’t name the schools on purpose, everyone who needs information - write, I’ll give you the coordinates with pleasure, because I really liked the school in Winnipeg)
And so, in Winnipeg it’s really more expensive at first glance, but I thought ... First of all, why should I go to Toronto, study there, live somewhere in Toronto, most likely in some kind of hostel, leave my beloved wife in Israel and then just go to Winnipeg and start building a life there? For me it was just a waste of time. And it was decided to go immediately to Winnipeg, which I never regretted!
I will not write in this post about renting a house, car, etc. this will be my next post.
Now I want to consider the pros and cons of this type of immigration. And perhaps I’ll start with the minuses, since they really exist, but you shouldn’t be afraid of them - you need to know the enemy in person!
1. Perhaps the most important disadvantage of this program is the lack of any guarantees! Everything depends on you. Only you are the blacksmith of your happiness, and it will depend only on you whether you can get the rights, whether you can find a job.
2. The next and no less important minus is the work itself. Not everyone is ready to leave home and family for two weeks, then come for 2-3-4 days, and leave again for two weeks. Don't count on short flights! Start from what you will not see at home!
3. These are roads, or rather not roads, but winter and ice. It is especially difficult for us Israelis. .. Winter driving is fundamentally different from driving in any other season, especially on seven trailers. But this will already be told to you in a driving school.
These are the three main disadvantages in my opinion. Now let's look at the pros of
1. This is the fastest and fairly reliable way to get to Canada. Immigration is very fast in Manitoba, just half a year after the start of work, you can already apply for a nomination from the province!
2. Salary! She makes up for the hard work! The salary of a trucker is very different from the salary of a factory worker or something like that. In Winnipeg, a truck driver's starting salary is about $3,500, assuming you drive at least 12,000 miles a month.
3. Working as a truck driver you will see all of Canada, and most of the USA! In my opinion this is a plus!
To sum up, not everyone will be able to do this kind of work, but in some cases this is the only way to get into Canada, and to be honest, this is not the worst job. Yes, this is not office work at the computer, but looking back, I'm not sure that I can return to work in a confined space, see the same faces every day, and see my boss every day =)
I hope the information will be useful
😀 Jokes about Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf
😀 Jokes about Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf- Jokes
- Cartoons and fairy tales
- Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf
Collection of the funniest jokes about Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf.
Read the latest jokes, rate, share with friends on social networks.
A wolf jumps out of the bushes:
- I'll eat you, Little Red Riding Hood!
Leaving, block, blow to the throat, liver, kick in the kidneys.
- What did you eat? I'm not Little Red Riding Hood - I'm a "maroon beret"!
21 #256008
The Gray Wolf returns from MBA courses, walks through the dark forest, sees Little Red Riding Hood coming:
- Well, you understand yourself: you have two options . ..
- What kind?
— Well… Either a merger… or an acquisition.
9 #253665
19th century. Meadows in the foothills of the Alps. The Reapers watch in surprise as the girl calmly drags a huge dead wolf past them.
They don't know what to say...
One cannot stand it and timidly asks:
- A girl, a girl! Why are you wearing a red hat?
How red? - pulls, looks - Bitch, bitten after all ...
16 #250766
— Little Red Riding Hood, why do you go to the forest wearing makeup?
- What if I meet a wolf? ..
11 #243483
- Little Red Riding Hood, here's a basket for you, here's some pies for you, take it to your grandmother!
- Mom, why me again?
- Well, I can take it, but you are an orphan, do you want to remain?
4 #242818
A wolf runs through the forest, holding on to its groin, and a hare meets it.
- Oblique, Little Red Riding Hood did not run here?
- Gray, with a basket and pies?
- No, with a knife and furry eggs!
2 #242737
On the set of a film about Little Red Riding Hood in our time. Director:
- Wolf, let's go! Pounced on Little Red Riding Hood, right! Eat her! I said eat, not...
9 #242733
— Little Red Riding Hood, are your pies tasty, let me try?
- Here's a pie, wolf, eat to your health! ... Hello, mom, he ate! Yes, a good wolf, I checked, the skin does not shed, a couple of hats will turn out!
7 #242414
Who's there?
- It's me, Little Red Riding Hood, I brought pies!
- Pull, baby, by the rope, the door will open.
- Grandma, it's me in nature! Take the stretch!
17 #240473
In the Colombian version of the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood, a girl carried cakes to her grandmother.
6 #239144
Somehow Little Red Riding Hood was walking through the forest with the Gray Wolf... And where else could they go? Grandma took the bed…
7 #239021
Even if you don't know about Perrault's authorship, it's easy to guess that Little Red Riding Hood is a foreign fairy tale. We usually come with pies from our grandmother, and not to her.
18 #236093
- Little Red Riding Hood, where are you going?
"Which way, Grey?" I keep the district!
21 #224722
Little Red Riding Hood took a wrong turn and experienced fifty shades of gray.
20 #218859
Having met a wolf in the forest more than once, Little Red Riding Hood wrote the unlucky notes "50 Shades of Grey".
13 #215623
Little Red Riding Hood! exclaimed the Gray Wolf.
- Gray coat! the girl exclaimed.
17 #194867
I don't know what the cakes were with, but Little Red Riding Hood talked to the wolf and they understood each other quite well.
19 #194440
Living bifidobacteria "Actimel" helped the Gray Wolf digest his grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood even before the hunters arrived!
12 #194126
— Little Red Riding Hood, I'll eat you! said the Gray Wolf.
“Try it,” said Little Red Riding Hood, adjusting her maroon beret with the hilt of a bayonet.
21 #193847
Little Red Hat is walking through the forest with pies, sat down to rest, the car stops, the Wolf comes out.
Where are you going, Hat?
- Yes, I’m bringing pies to my grandmother ... She has a birthday today.
- You know, Shapka, I am the director of the forest radio, you can congratulate your grandmother on the radio, for the whole forest.
— Oh, cool!
They get into the car, go to the Wolf's studio. They come in, Wolf says:
- You know, hat, now is such a time that nothing is rolled for free (takes out the household) ...
- Well, come on ...
- Can?
- Of course!
Hat clicks his head with his index finger a couple of times, clears his throat, and says:
- Dear grandmother ...
16 #192212
Little Red Riding Hood comes to her grandmother and asks:
“Grandma, why do you have such big ears?”
- These are not ears, these are sulfur.
5 #191269
Grandmother says to her granddaughter:
- Be obedient! You know that Little Red Riding Hood was naughty and was eaten by the Gray Wolf.
- I know I know. But Grandma too!
17 #190712
A cow is walking through the forest and suddenly sees Little Red Riding Hood in the clearing. Either sleeping, or unconscious... The cow thinks: "I'll give her milk to drink, maybe she'll get better..." She comes up, stands over Little Red Riding Hood and, accordingly, puts the udder into her mouth. Little Red Riding Hood begins to toss and turn, and so sluggishly, awake, without opening her eyes:
- Ma-a-a-a-alchiki! But not all at once ...
14 #187177
Little Red Riding Hood is walking along the path. The Gray Wolf jumps out to meet her:
— U-tu-tu, who came to us in the forest in a mini-dress?
Little Red Riding Hood turns her back to him and answers:
Pull the zipper, you'll find out.
The wolf pulled the zipper and reads on the buttocks:
- Want to know all about ve-no-ro-logia, ask me - how ...
“So you’re a lecturer from the Knowledge Society!”
12 #183596
Little Red Riding Hood, completely naked, lies under a tree in the forest. A Gray Wolf passes by and says:
- Aren't you afraid? Indeed, in this terrible forest, many of the most terrible things can happen to you!
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m waiting for,” Shapka winks.
- I see, - said the Wolf and broke her leg ...
12 #180891
Forest, darkness, howling wind, terrible rustlings, soul-chilling cries of an owl… a wolf sits under a bush and trembles with fear… suddenly someone hears Rammstein singing “Mutar” at the top of his voice, waving a basket of pies… a wolf makes an effort on himself (you need to look at this), and sticks his head out of the bushes ... Little Red Riding Hood is looking along the path ... the bald girl's wolf says to her:
- Little Red Riding Hood, what are you doing? Aren't you afraid in such a terrible night forest?
And she answered him without complexes:
- And what? - I know the way, I love sex ...
4 #177406
A little girl comes home from school. Naturally, mother begins to take an interest in her, what was at school.
“Today we read a fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood,” the girl answers.
And what does this story teach us?
She teaches us to remember well what our grandmothers look like.
16 #170514
Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest. Suddenly, a wolf's head protrudes from the bushes.
- Where are you going, probably to your grandmother?
- Yes.
- In the basket, perhaps, pies?
- Yes.
— The pies are probably wrapped in newspaper?
- Yes.
- Come on, give me newspapers ...
34 #170442
- Mom, Mom! said Little Red Riding Hood. - I went to my grandmother through the forest, and there the woodcutters saw my little red cap - and began to sexually harass me in every possible way and pester me!
Mom pulling off the girl's little red cap:
“Lumberjacks you say… They molested… Stay at home for a while!” Mom quickly!…
33 #170291
Little Red Riding Hood enters the hut, and there the wolf lies on the bed, drunk in zyuzyu, in the hands of an open bottle of Lieben Frau Milch liqueur. He turns to Little Red Riding Hood and says:
- Go away, you from the last century!
11 #167233
The wolf caught Little Red Riding Hood and dragged it into the bushes.
- Let's!
Wolf, are you crazy?
- I'm telling someone, come on!
- Wolf, you are so big, and I am so small.
"Come on, I'll get mad!"
Little Red Riding Hood lifts her skirt, pulls off her panties.
"What the hell did I bring you here for?" Come on pies!
25 #157725
Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest. Suddenly he sees - the Gray Wolf is sitting under a tree.
“What big eyes you have, Gray Wolf!” said Little Red Riding Hood.
The Gray Wolf took off and ran away. Little Red Riding Hood goes on. I crossed a forest stream. Suddenly he sees - the Gray Wolf hid behind a stump.
“What big ears you have, Gray Wolf!” said Little Red Riding Hood.
And the Gray Wolf only - zyrk! - Little Red Riding Hood. And he ran away.
She goes further. Sneaks through the thicket. Suddenly - look! - in the thicket under the pine tree, the Gray Wolf sits.
“What teeth you have, Gray Wolf!” exclaimed Little Red Riding Hood.
- Your mother, are you going to give me a shit or not? asked the Gray Wolf.
10 #156528
Little Red Riding Hood is walking and sees the Gray Wolf behind the bush
- Gray, I see you, you can not hide
- Damn!
Riding Hood goes on, suddenly again sees the shadow of the Wolf in the neighboring clearing and shouts:
“Wolf, don’t hide, I still see!”
The wolf ran away. It goes further already, and across the river you can see Grandmother's house, but suddenly gray ears peek out behind a small stone and she screamed:
“Wolf, but I still see you.
The wolf from behind the stone shouts in response:
Will you let me go to the toilet or not?
8 #155187
Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother, and at that time the grandmother, having drunk half a liter of vodka, lay down on the bed and dozed off. Approaching the grandmother's house, Little Red Riding Hood knocked on the door:
- Knock Knock!
— Derni!
- For the rope, grandmother?
- Get the hell out of here!
4 #155057
Late in the evening Little Red Riding Hood is going to visit her grandmother. She is asked:
- Are not you afraid?
- Why be afraid, then? I know the way, I love sex!
8 #153401
- Little Red Riding Hood, I feel pies in your purse - can I?
- All right, Wolf - eat!
— Hello! Mom, he ate them. No, I looked - a normal wolf, does not shed, two hats will come out!
8 #151902
Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest, the Wolf met her, stopped, looked at Little Red Riding Hood, put her on a stump and said:
- Riding Hood, let me kiss you where no one else has ever kissed you?
The cap sat, thought and said:
- What about in a basket?
9 #151356
Something was wrong in the forest. Grandmother looked at Little Red Riding Hood like a wolf. But the Wolf couldn't digest Little Red Riding Hood...
7 #151175
Mom reads bedtime book to son:
- And Little Red Riding Hood asks: "Grandma, why are you so big ..."
Son interrupts:
— Silicone?
10 #144981
Gray Wolf meets Little Red Riding Hood and says:
“Well, you yourself understand: you have two options.
- What kind?
— Well… Either a merger… or an acquisition.
9 #144939
Little Red Riding Hood rides across the field on a bicycle to her grandmother. Then a hungry Wolf runs out of the forest and breaks Riding Hood's bicycle ... Suddenly the Bear comes out and says:
- Shameful wolf! Why are you messing around here?! This is my field! Well, I quickly fixed Shapka's bike!!!
The wolf had nothing to do, he took a welding machine, cooked the frame, wheels for a long time .