Making letters with your body
Make Letters with Your Body – Everyday Funday
missangela on
*Mini Class video is at the end of this post.*
Do you sometimes find your child not knowing what to do with her/his energy and just starting to run around the house?
It’s good to have physical exercise time everyday, however, that is not always easy, right? It’s not always possible to go for a walk or go to the park to play. I’m a person who forgets about the importance of physical movement or exercise all the time.😐 If you are like me (🤭), save today’s activity in your folder – or wherever you put things to remember – because this activity can give a little time for your child to move her/his body and help focusing on things again. It’s a brain break for young children.😉
- Alphabet Affirmation cards
- Game template
- Small object to use it as a marker
- Choose a game template (Peach/Blue)
- Choose a word from the template
- Person #1 (who can read): Take the letters of the word from the Alphabet Affirmation cards set.
- Person #2 (child who is learning letters): Get ready to answer the questions and get to the castle.
(for the word “GREAT” on the Peach Game Template)
Person #1: Take the first letter card (letter G) and say “what’s the first letter of “GREAT”?” And make the letter G sound for your child to connect the sound and letter.
(🤦♀️I made a mistake here. Somehow I thought the word for letter G on the Alphabet Affirmation cards was “GREAT”, not “GRATEFUL”.🤦♀️😓😓) When you do a game for the word “GREAT”, don’t show the card after your child’s guess because the card doesn’t say the right answer “GREAT”. Sorry about my mistake.)
Person #2 (child): Guess the first letter of “GREAT”. Say the name of the letter and make the letter with her/his body.
Alphabet Affirmation Cards for Word “GREAT”
Person #1: When your child gets the answer, you can give the letter G card to her/him, and the child can move to the next gate. Move the marker to the next gate.
Person #1: Take the second letter card (letter R) and say “what’s the first letter of “RESPECT”?” And make the letter R sound.
Person #2: Guess the first letter of “RESPECT”. Say the name of the letter and make the letter with her/his body.
Repeat this process until your child finishes guessing all the letters of the word.
You can do it again with another word on the game template.
You can do this game as a brain break before a focus time or just as a fun movement activity by itself. Being able to move during the activity can help children stay longer on the activity.
You can make the alphabet learning more fun through this letter making game. Get the Alphabet Affirmation cards from Everyday Funday, go through the cards often, and when your child starts to pick up the sound of letters, try this game! 👍
Happy learning and quality time!
🦄 Do you want to do this activity with Missangela?
🦄 Get your materials and let’s do it!
Activities #alphabet, #grossmotor, #language, #letters
18 Amazing Alphabet Videos to Help Kids Learn Their ABCs
Is there anything more important in a young student’s life than learning their ABCs? This fundamental skill opens up the world of reading and writing, which can take kids just about anywhere! These alphabet videos help teach and reinforce the letters and their sounds in fun and engaging ways. Kids will beg to watch them again and again!
1. Take a trip to Sesame Street
When it comes to alphabet videos, no one does it better than Sesame Street. This compilation of songs includes famous musical guest stars like Usher and India.Arie, plus familiar characters like Elmo and Kermit the Frog.
2. Rap the alphabet
It’s the ABC song, but with a hip-hop twist. This video also covers the sounds each letter makes, making the alphabet more meaningful.
3. Watch the Alphablocks
This video episode of the popular show opens with the Alphablocks trying to sing the familiar ABC song—but some letters want more than their fair share! You can watch just this part alone, or play the entire video to see the Alphablocks on their various adventures.
4. Workout to the letter sounds
Popular kids’ entertainer Jack Hartmann gets little ones up and moving as they work out and learn their letters at the same time. This one is perfect for a movement break!
5. Canta la alphabeto en Español
Why limit yourself to English? Gina Rodriguez and Elmo are here to help you learn to sing the ABCs in Spanish too!
6. Learn the yoga alphabet
Learn the alphabet and basic yoga poses, all at the same time! Watch the video through once, then go back and play it slowly letter-by-letter, doing the yoga poses along the way. This is such a fun way to do the ABCs!
7. Transform the letters of the alphabet
Kids who love to play with cars and trucks will get a kick out of this alphabet video. Each letter drives onto the screen in pieces, then transforms itself into position.
8. Do the alphabet dance
We love alphabet videos that get kids up and moving! In this one, little learners make the shapes of the letters with their bodies as they dance along to the upbeat music.
9. Meet the dinosaur alphabet
Dino-obsessed kids will love this video! It features a dinosaur for every letter of the alphabet, plus fun facts about each species.
10. Sing a new alphabet song
Ready for a new alphabet tune? This video features a competitor on “Alphabet Idol” crooning the ABCs to a new melody and rhythm.
11. Listen to
Chicka Chicka Boom BoomWhether they’re new to the book or already know it by heart, kids will enjoy this syncopated performance accompanied by colorful visuals. For another fun version, watch Ray Charles reading this beloved favorite!
12. Come to the alphabet party
What happens when you invite all the letters to a party at your house? Find out in this sweet song! (B is blowing bubbles and K is fascinated with her kite, for starters. )
13. Visit the Alphabet Lost and Found
Oh no! So many words have lost their letters! What will they do? Visit the Alphabet Lost and Found, of course! (Love They Might Be Giants? Watch the whole Here Comes The ABCs album here.)
14. Join the StoryBots to learn the alphabet
The StoryBots take you through the alphabet from A to Z in this longer musical video, giving examples along the way. Kids will have fun pretending to be robots as they sing along.
15. Dine on alphabet veggies
Learn the ABCs and a whole lot of healthy vegetables too! From arugula to zucchini, they’re all here, and they’re all nutritious.
16. Dance to the Boogie Woogie Piggies Alphabet
Sesame Street has done so many alphabet videos over the years, but this barnyard classic remains a favorite. Sing and dance (and oink) along with the Boogie Woogie Piggies as they perform the ABCs. (For more throwback fun, check out the time Big Bird thought the alphabet was one long word!)
17. Try the alphabet backwards
Look at the alphabet in a whole new way when you try to sing it backwards. Learning their “CBAs” is new for most kids, and it’s a terrific way to get them to think outside the box.
18. See it, say it, sign it
We love the idea of teaching all kids the sign language alphabet. Even if they never learn another sign, they’ll have the basic skills to communicate with those who are deaf/hard of hearing .
Enjoying these alphabet videos? Keep the learning going with 26 Fun Easy Ways For Kids to Practice Their ABCs.
Plus, 26 Awesome Ways To Use Alphabet Beads For Learning.
How to teach a child to write beautifully ✅ Blog
Beautiful handwriting in a child is the dream of many parents. However, in fact, few children can write beautifully and competently. Certain systems, methods and rules will help develop this skill.
It is possible to draw letters beautifully and confidently only with developed motor skills, logic and visual memory. With effort, you can turn any handwriting into an elegant one, and every person can do it. How to learn this? Read the advice of teachers on how to teach a child to write beautifully:
Draw letters
For an adult, a letter is a sign that represents a sound. For children, this is just a picture in the form of some kind of squiggle, the sun, a month, a ladder, a house, a little man.To get acquainted with letters, experts recommend drawing pictures in early childhood that a child associates with a certain element of the alphabet.
Develop motor skills
It is impossible to write beautifully and accurately without well-developed fine motor skills. It is useful for children to engage in such entertaining and educational activities as drawing and coloring with pencils, modeling from plasticine, mosaics, designing from small parts, working with scissors, origami, sorting out cereals. Such regular tasks will prepare the muscles of the hand for school work and will contribute to the development of beautiful handwriting. -
Constant training
Impeccable calligraphy is possible only with regular and systematic lessons. To do this, the prescription is in a hurry to help. For additional classes, you can buy copybooks that are used at school, or you can choose others - in the form of funny animals and funny pictures.It is useful for preschoolers and first graders to hatch, stroke and draw by cells. To practice calligraphic handwriting, children in grades 2-4 are recommended to perform cheating exercises. Take any text from a textbook or book and ask the child to carefully copy it into a notebook.
Calligraphy for children: why is it important?
Not all adults understand why having a beautiful handwriting, especially when actively using gadgets and digital technologies. This category of parents does not try to develop calligraphy skills in their children. However, there are weighty arguments why it is important to learn how to write beautifully:
- With a legible and neatly written text, there is no doubt that it will be correctly perceived by the addressee.
- Smooth and neat letters evoke pleasant emotions, such a text makes you want to read it.
- Having beautiful handwriting, you can sign a greeting card without hesitation.
- A child who makes efforts and strives to improve his handwriting grows up disciplined.
- Calligraphy helps to organize thoughts and calm down.
- Beautiful handwriting develops love for beauty.
- While writing letters, thinking actively develops.
Careless writing inevitably leads to typos and errors, which affects academic performance not only in the Russian language, but also in other school disciplines. Even a mathematically gifted student with poor, sloppy handwriting will make miscalculations and typos.
Causes of handwriting problems in children
Poor handwriting is not always caused by a child's unwillingness to write beautifully. Other reasons may be “guilty” here:
Uncomfortable workplace
Pay attention to the chair and table at which the baby is engaged. It is important to adjust the height of the furniture to match the age and height. To write a line, the child should not reach up or, conversely, bend over strongly. This will lead not only to ugly handwriting, but also to problems with the spine.Furniture should not creak and stagger, because it is distracting and annoying. Also, there should be order in the workplace during the exercises - no toys and distracting objects. Make sure that for right-handers, the light falls on the left, and for left-handers, on the right. In the evening, when there is not enough daylight, in addition to the table lamp, the overhead light should also be turned on.
Incorrect position of the notebook
Often children write ugly just because the notebook is not on the table correctly. It is important that the middle of the worksheet is located slightly to the right of the middle of the child's chest. The lower left corner of the sheet should be slightly lowered, and the upper right corner should be raised. -
Weak back
In order for a child to write beautifully, he must have a sufficiently strong back. Many do not understand how the physical condition of the child's body can be associated with handwriting.A straight back, a strong shoulder girdle, a straight posture are prerequisites for accurate writing.
In childhood, it is important that writing instruments are not only correct, but also attractive and desirable. Teachers recommend buying notebooks, pens and pencils, choosing them with your child.
Do developmental exercises from Aikyusha
Writing disorders: types of dysgraphia
Writing disorders among children of preschool and early school age is a common phenomenon, which is denoted by the term "dysgraphia". According to statistics, this problem is observed from 5% to 20% of primary school students. Moreover, among boys, the disorder occurs 4 times more often than among girls.
Dysgraphia is a long-term inability to master the skills of correct writing. It is important that there are no intellectual and mental disorders. Dysgraphia has different degrees of manifestation. Sometimes a child cannot master the writing of a certain element of a letter, but there are also cases when difficulties arise with reproducing a whole letter on paper.
Depending on the complexity of the problem, acoustic, motor and optical dysgraphia are distinguished.
Acoustic dysgraphia is manifested by the inability of the child to distinguish between individual sounds, especially those that are similar in sound. Such a violation results in the inability to express these sounds using letters.
Motor dysgraphia is caused by incorrect hand movement while writing. The disturbance is associated with visual and auditory perception of sounds.
Optical dysgraphia - the inability to correlate the visual perception of a letter with its writing.
Children's handwriting - correction methods
Parents often ask teachers how to correct a child's handwriting. You will need our tips to solve this problem:
Take a pencil
When working on the formation of calligraphic handwriting, use a simple pencil to correct possible errors. -
Keep the lines
Teach your child to stay within the lines. If the letters are too large or there is no difference between lowercase and small letters, use a notebook with large cells. The child needs to be explained that we “hide” the lowercase letter in the house, because the rest should be 2 times smaller. -
Writing the alphabet
Several times a week, have your child write the alphabet from beginning to end in uppercase and lowercase letters. Then ask them to write the letters in pairs with different connections.
The more a child is engaged in calligraphy, the more this skill is strengthened and improved. For the perfect writing of letters, constant and frequent practice is important, which contributes to beautiful handwriting.
Writing posture
During the exercises, it is important to sit with a straight back and hands placed on the edge of the table. Legs should be bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees, and the feet should be on the floor or on a special stand. The distance from the corner of the eyes to the notebook is about 30 cm. If you fall apart in a chair or bend over the notebook, you will not be able to write letters beautifully.
Teach your child to hold a pen correctly
From the first moment a child picks up a pen, it is important that he does it correctly. How to hold a pen correctly? It should lie on the middle finger, be held by the pad of the thumb and be covered from above by the index finger. The little finger and index finger, when writing, serve as a support for the hand and sliding on paper.
In most cases, almost all schoolchildren hold a pen incorrectly. It is not difficult to wean from this, for this use the following tricks:
With the help of this exercise, the child will understand how to hold the pen correctly for comfortable writing. The essence of the method is simple: the baby must grab the writing instrument with three fingers at the very top - thumb, index and middle.And then gradually lower your fingers lower and lower until the handle itself takes the desired position.
Another effective way to quickly learn how to hold the pen correctly. Before you start writing tasks, draw a bright dot on the child’s middle finger. It will serve as a support for the handle. Then, using a sticker or tape, make the same mark on the handle. This will be the level below which the fingers should not fall. -
Give your child a tissue that he can hold with his little finger and ring finger, pressing it firmly against the palm of his hand. Explain that these two fingers are busy, therefore they cannot take part in the letter. Thus, only faithful fingers remain free.
What should be the pen
When choosing writing instruments, pay attention to the physiological characteristics of the child's hand. The subject for writing should not be too thick, thin or heavy.
Gel and ballpoint pens. For preschoolers and younger students, the second option is suitable. The accuracy and beauty of writing depends on the quality and composition of the ink. A gel pen should be able to write neatly, avoiding blots and streaks. Therefore, it is not suitable for children of primary school age. In addition, such pens can abruptly stop writing and begin to scratch the sheet of paper.
When choosing a ballpoint pen, it is also important to know some rules and features. The rod should be thin, so it will leave a neat, clear mark. Before buying a pen, you must definitely check it in action by drawing several strips on paper. If the object is completely made of metal or plastic, this is not the best option - children's fingers will slide on such material. It is desirable that the place where the fingers are located has a rubber pad. The optimal length of the product is 15 cm.
Develop fine motor skills
Poor or insufficiently developed motor skills are the main cause of ugly and sloppy handwriting. In children who do not develop this ability, a lot of unnecessary broken and curved lines form in the letter, the letters “jump” on the lines, their proportions are violated.
The development of fine motor skills will help increase the mobility of fingers and hands, improve coordination of movements, which are important when writing. You can do this with the following exercises:
Finger exercises
Act out short stories or fairy tales with your fingers. It is best to choose rhyming pieces because they are easier to remember. During such exercises, the child must memorize not only rhymes, but also the sequence of movements and the position of the fingers. In finger gymnastics, all fingers of both hands are involved, while their compression alternates with relaxation. -
Finger Twister
This board game is a must have for all children whose parents want them to have beautiful handwriting. You can buy it at any children's store or make your own playing field out of cardboard by drawing colored circles on it and attaching a spinning arrow.You will also need dice to play. The essence of the game is to put your fingers on the playing field as it fell out in roulette. The winner is the one who can correctly place and hold the fingers of both hands in this position.
Shadow theater
This exciting game is an effective way to develop precise and coordinated finger and hand movements. Also, shadow theater improves concentration and perseverance. For the lesson, you only need a floor lamp or a table lamp, and the game itself can be played in the evening. Place the lighting fixtures so that the shadow falls on the wall. Sit with the child at a distance of 3-4 meters from the wall so that the shadows are the right size. With the help of fingers and hands, you can show both individual animals and entire scenarios of fascinating stories. The most popular stories among children of preschool and early school age are the birth and flight of a butterfly, a barking dog, a swan or a goose.
Spatial thinking
At the beginning of learning to write, many children encounter a violation of letter spacing, mirror spelling of letters, confuse visually similar elements, write too broadly or too narrowly. Such violations indicate that the child has poorly developed visual-spatial thinking. In this case, the child's brain incorrectly perceives the position, shape and size of both written characters and all objects in general.
To form beautiful handwriting, do the following exercises:
This task will help you better navigate in space and have good control over your body. Ask the child to look at himself in the mirror, and then run his hand over his face from nose to mouth and back again. At the next stage of the exercise, you need to repeat the movements without a mirror, and then with your eyes closed. -
Graphic dictation
Drawing in checkered notebooks, which is done under dictation. The adult says how many steps (cells) the child needs to move with a pen in a notebook. The result should be a finished drawing. Graphic dictation helps to navigate in the space of a notebook, and also contributes to the development of visual-spatial thinking.For younger children, coloring pages and mazes are also helpful.
Treasure Hunt
The goal of the game is to find a hidden object. You give hints on where and how to move in space - to reach the window, bend down, turn around, go forward. An alternative to this developmental activity is also the game "Cold-hot". -
Hatching finished contour drawings is one of the favorite activities of preschool and primary school children. You can hatch a drawing with different lines and in any direction - horizontally, vertically, diagonally, wavy and even broken. Hatching contributes to the development of patience, perseverance, accuracy and correct spatial perception.
Forming graphic skills in children
Drawing lessons also help to consolidate graphic skills. During drawing, the development of the left and right hemispheres of the brain, concrete-figurative and abstract-logical thinking takes place. Also, this lesson is useful because:
trains coordination of movements;
builds a connection between thinking and speech;
organizes a large amount of acquired knowledge;
reinforces new information.
The development of graphic skills contributes to the formation of beautiful handwriting, if the following rules are observed:
- Classes are held regularly and systematically.
- Graphic materials are used in the lessons.
- Children perform tasks step by step, that is, drawing should not be arbitrary.
- Classes should be held in a room with a favorable environment and a creative atmosphere.
In order for children to graphically depict an object, they must have an idea about it. The teacher or parent is faced with the task of drawing children's attention to the main properties of the object that are important in their depiction on paper.
Secrets of beautiful handwriting
The following life hacks will help you learn to write beautifully:
correct posture;
the correct position of the notebook on the desk.
a role model - for example, copybooks in which letters are already written;
no rush. Do not rush the child, everyone has a different temperament: someone writes faster, someone slower. When you get good at writing letters, you can speed up a little.
concentration - during classes it is important not to be distracted by foreign objects.
Writing skills training
Start developing writing skills only when the child's hand is ready for it. The readiness of the hand for writing can be independently assessed using a simple test. Offer to shade the shape or contour image of the object. If the strokes are even, parallel, spaced at the same distance from each other, do not go much beyond the contours of the image, then you can start learning calligraphy.
Start training by drawing ordinary sticks, dots, hooks, curls. Give your child the opportunity to draw them on a piece of paper the way he wants. When the child copes with this task, proceed to work in copybooks.
Calligraphy exercises
At the age of 5-6 you can already start mastering printed letters. It is important here to show in what sequence all elements are written and what proportions should be between them. Start with the simplest - the letters "o", "s", "a", "l", and then move on to more complex ones. To consolidate the skill, you can ask the child to write his name every time at the end of the lesson.
There is one important rule in calligraphy - do not use your wrists when writing. Lowercase letters need to be written by lifting only the fingers from the sheet of paper, and to create curls and capital letters, we use the elbow and shoulder.
Recommendations to parents on the formation of beautiful handwriting in a child
Not all classes on the formation of beautiful handwriting bring benefits to children and have a positive effect. To achieve your goals, it is important to follow the rules on how to teach a child to write beautifully, accurately and quickly:
- It is better to practice 20-30 minutes a day every day than several hours every 2-3 days.
If the lesson lasts 30-45 minutes, be sure to take a 5-minute break.
- If your child is busy at school, alternate homework with handwriting exercises.
- When checking completed assignments, focus on your child's successes, not his failures. Children should definitely be enough, encouraging them to acquire new knowledge and improve already acquired skills. Praise should be reasoned: it is important to indicate what exactly the child did correctly so that he himself sees and understands it.
- Study according to proven educational aids - V.A. Ilyukhina, V. G. Goretsky or use special notebooks for calligraphy.
- Classes should be held in a calm environment, without shouting or harsh remarks. Learning should inspire joy and inspiration, not fear. It is important to understand that the child will not succeed immediately, so be patient, understanding and gentle.
Please note that before school the child must have the following writing skills:
to navigate the lines and cells well, not to get lost in them;
draw straight, oblique and curved lines;
draw lines in directions - from top to bottom, from left to right;
connect opposite corners of the cage;
perform graphic dictations.
With these basic skills, the child will be able to quickly adapt to the learning process and apply new knowledge and skills in a quality manner. Cursive writing will allow the child to easily learn the school curriculum, keeping up with classmates. What else should a future first grader know? About this in our article What a child should know before school.
Aikyusha and the team
Boring English for children: learning the alphabet
It is better to learn any foreign language from childhood. It is known that children who grew up in a multilingual environment are much easier to adapt and absorb new information much faster.
In order for a child to start learning English as early as possible and not get bored of this process, it is enough to turn boring learning into a game. So it will become much easier for the baby to memorize new words and phrases, and you will spend time with your child not only fun, but also productive.
In this article we will talk about how to learn the English alphabet in a simple and easy way for both children and all beginners and give some poems and songs for learning.
English alphabet
The English alphabet is called alphabet or simply ABC. It has 26 letters, of which 20 are consonants and only 6 are vowels.
Vowels: A, E, I, O, U, Y
Consonants: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Z
Alphabet with transcription and pronunciation:
Aa [ei] [hey]
Bb [bi:] [bi]
Cc [si:] [si]
Dd [di:] [di]
Ee [i:] [i]
Ff [ef] [ef]
Gg [dʒi:] [ji]
Hh [eitʃ] [eh]
Ii [ai] [ai]
Jj [dʒei] [jay]
Kk [kei] [kei]
Ll [el] [el]
Mm [em] [em]
Nn [en] [en]
Oo [ou] [o]
Pp [pi:] [pi]
Qq [kju:] [cue]
Rr [a:] [aa, ar]
Ss [es] [es]
Tt [ti:] [ti]
Uu [ju:] [yu]
Vv [vi:] [vi]
Ww [ `dʌbl `ju: ] [double]
Xx [eks] [eks]
Yy [wai] [wai]
Zz [zed] [zed]
Almost all letters of the alphabet are pronounced the same by Americans and British, except for the last one. In American English, Z will sound like "zi" [ziː].
The study of the alphabet usually begins with an alphabet song (alphabet song): this way it is easier for the child to remember the pronunciation. She sings along the lines:
You can learn along with me!
A, B, C, D, E, F, G
H, I, J, K
L, M, N, O, P
Q, R, S,
T, U, V
W, X, Y and Z
Now you know your alphabet!
By the way, due to the difference in the pronunciation of the letter "Z", the end of this song will sound different in the British and American versions:
X, Y, Z - Now I know my alphabet (Now I know my alphabet) or Now you know your alphabet (Now you know your alphabet).
Now I know my ABC, twenty-six letters from A to Z Now I know my ABC, next time won't you sing with me (Now I know my alphabet, would you like to sing with me next time).
It is with the study of the alphabet that an exciting journey into any foreign language begins. Everyone needs to know ABC by heart in order to know how to write and pronounce individual letters correctly. Especially if you need to spell a word. Spelling is how a word is spelled. There is no direct analogue of spelling in Russian, but the Americans even have a whole Spelling Bee game in which you need to spell a word without errors. Spelling Bee competitions and competitions are often held in the USA.
But you need to start simple, especially for children. We tell you a few tricks on how to make it so that your child learns the alphabet as easy as ABC (easier than easy).
Word cards
One effective way to learn new words and memorize the alphabet is to make colorful cards with letters and words that begin with them and hang them in a prominent place.
The same technique can be used to enrich vocabulary: just hang cards with translations over the objects that you have in your apartment - let the child remember how words are spelled and pronounced.
One of the easiest options is to use words that are familiar to the child. It can be the names of animals or everyday objects.
Here are the letters with the corresponding words, which will allow you to remember not only spelling, but also practice pronunciation:
A - Apple (Apple)
B - Banana (Banana)
C - Cat (Cat)
D - Dog (Dog)
E - Elephant (Elephant)
F - Fox (Fox)
G - Giraffe (Giraffe)
H - House (House)
I - Ice-cream (Ice cream)
J - Jam (Jam)
K - Key (Key)
L - Lemon (Lemon)
M - Mouse (Mouse)
N - Nose (Nose)
O - Owl (Owl)
P - Panda (Panda)
Q - Queen (Queen)
R - Rabbit (Rabbit)
S - Squirrel (Protein)
T - Turtle (Turtle)
U - Umbrella (Umbrella)
V - Violin (Violin)
W - Wolf (Wolf)
X - Ox (Ox)
Y - Yacht (Yacht)
Z - Zebra (Zebra)
You can find a set of these cards in any bookstore, or you can make your own.
Verse for learning the English alphabet
In verse form, it is much easier to remember the order of letters and words beginning with this letter. Many teachers read the following rhyme to the smallest students to get acquainted with the alphabet:
There is a knock on our door. Letter B, like a ball - ball S. went hunting Don't go near the letter D, The letter E is whiter than snow. Green sowing on a leaf, Don't be friends with this letter, H will blow anyone's nose. We are so similar with the letter I: Sweet tooth letter J K will open locks for everyone, The letter L came next, Letter M for monkey, N you won't get tired of hanging. From dawn to dawn Pirate - young pirate Here I will sing a song Why is there a rumor No coincidence the letter S T. is calling us to Detsky Mir. If you see the letter U, Hey! Run, hold, catch! W, known to all, The doctor said from behind the door: Hey, get on the oars! What is the letter Z?
- Who's there?
- The letter A and autumn - autumn.
To everyone, so as not to be sad,
They give an apple - an apple.
Jumps, hides under the table.
It's a pity I don't have time to play:
I am reading a book
- Mice! Take the paws!
So that today for lunch
Do not get a cat - cat.
Otherwise it will bite D.
The cat runs without feeling legs,
There is a dog in the yard.
C E originates egg,
Egg is hatched by a quok.
Here is the end - the end. And point!
The letter F croaks loudly,
Because frog is a frog,
The famous wahoo.
The letter G is recognized.
It is important to lift your head,
Looks down - giraffe.
My horse is racing like a whirlwind.
There is no barrier for him,
If the rider is wearing a hat - hat.
I and I are one and the same.
We don't cry, we don't mope,
If there is ice cream - ice-cream.
Sweeter than buns and cakes.
The letter J is familiar to everyone,
Who tasted the sweet jam.
She has a key - key,
In the kingdom - kingdom will take,
The magical world will open.
To help the lamb - lamb,
He is afraid to go to bed,
He asks for a lamp - lamp to light.
For a cheerful nimble monkey.
She is waiting for treats,
Melon - she needs a melon.
On the branches of the nest - a nest.
It has chicks in it. We would like
Count their number - number.
Waves oak branch - oak-tree.
He calls everyone under the vault of branches,
Muttering under his breath: "O.K."
With parrot - glad to parrot:
- Look, this is us
Waving a branch of a palm tree - palm!
In honor of the beautiful letter Q,
Because the queen is the queen
He loves to have fun.
"Beware of the letter R"?
I will tell you a secret
There is no nastier rat - rat!
In the sky - sky sparkles star -
A very bright star.
We are glad to visit you:
There will make friends with you
Each toy is a toy.
So soon it will rain.
U got kinder today -
Gave an umbrella - umbrella.
On the filing letter V.
The ball went straight to the sky,
I love volleyball.
Inverted M.
In the dark, flashing with a fang,
A gray wolf walks - a wolf.
- I'm taking you to X-ray.
- What? Maybe a prisoner?
— No, just for x-rays.
The letter Y rushes into the sea.
On a long journey, the guys are calling
White sailboat - a yacht.
You will see when you take the ticket,
Wolf, tiger, and goat
In the zoo - in the Zoo.
Games for learning the English alphabet for children
Interesting games using the same cards will allow the child to get used to it faster and not get bored while learning the English alphabet. What can you play with your child:
Draw a letter
Tell your child a letter of the English alphabet and ask them to draw it with their fingers or with their body. You can play in turn and show some letters yourself.
"Draw a letter"
Put the alphabet cards in front of the child and invite him to draw the letter himself on a piece of paper. So he will quickly learn not only to visually recognize letters, but also to write them in the future. Similarly, you can take plasticine and ask the baby to mold the letters of the English alphabet from it.
Word Ball
A more active game in which you can pass the ball to each other and name letters in alphabetical order or, for more advanced ones, words that begin with that letter.
Stop Song
Place the letter cards in front of the child and turn on the alphabet song in English. Stop it at an arbitrary moment - the child must repeat the last letter he heard and show the corresponding card.