Matching letters to words
Unscramble MATCH - Unscrambled 24 words from letters in MATCH
MATCH unscrambles and makes 24 words!Starts With
Ends With
24 Unscrambled Words Using the Letters MATCH
5 letter words made by unscrambling letters MATCH
- match
4 letter words made by unscrambling letters MATCH
- cham
- chat
- mach
- math
- tach
3 letter words made by unscrambling letters MATCH
- ach
- act
- cam
- cat
- cha
- ham
- hat
- mac
- mat
- tam
2 letter words made by unscrambling letters MATCH
- ah
- am
- at
- ch
- ha
- hm
- ma
- ta
How Many Words can be Made From MATCH?
Above are the words made by unscrambling M A T C H (ACHMT). Our unscramble word finder was able to unscramble these letters using various methods to generate 24 words! Having a unscramble tool like ours under your belt will help you in ALL word scramble games!
How many words can you make out of MATCH?
To further help you, here are a few word lists related to the letters MATCH
- 5 letter words
- Words That Start With M
- Words That End With H
- Words That Start With MATCH
- Words That Contain MATCH
- Words That End With MATCH
- Different ways to Scramble MATCH
M A T C H Letter Values in Word Scrabble and Words With Friends
Here are the values for the letters M A T C H in two of the most popular word scramble games.
The letters MATCH are worth 12 points in Scrabble
- M 3
- A 1
- T 1
- C 3
- H 4
Words With Friends
The letters MATCH are worth 13 points in Words With Friends
- M 4
- A 1
- T 1
- C 4
- H 3
If You Unscramble MATCH.

Definition of MATCH When Unscrambled
If we unscramble these letters, MATCH, it and makes several words. Here is one of the definitions for a word that uses all the unscrambled letters:
- Anything used for catching and retaining or communicating fire, made of some substance which takes fire readily, or remains burning some time; esp., a small strip or splint of wood dipped at one end in a substance which can be easily ignited by friction, as a preparation of phosphorus or chlorate of potassium.
- A bringing together of two parties suited to one another, as for a union, a trial of skill or force, a contest, or the like
- A candidate for matrimony; one to be gained in marriage.
- Click here for the full meaning of Match
- Is Match a Scrabble Word?
- is match a Words With Friends word?
More Information on the Letters
MATCH- Permutations of MATCH
- Anagrams of MATCH
- Words With Letters
Unscrambling MATCH for Other Word Scramble Games
- Unscramble MATCH For Word Scramble Games
- Unscramble MATCH Letters For Anagrams
- MATCH in Text Twist
- MATCH in Scrabble
- MATCH in Words With Friends
- MATCH in Jumble
- Unscramble The Word MATCH
- MATCH Unscramble For All Word Games
Scrambling the Letters in MATCH
According to our other word scramble maker, MATCH can be scrambled in many ways. The different ways a word can be scrambled is called "permutations" of the word.
According to Google, this is the definition of permutation:
a way, especially one of several possible variations, in which a set or number of things can be ordered or arranged.
How is this helpful? Well, it shows you the anagrams of match scrambled in different ways and helps you recognize the set of letters more easily. It will help you the next time these letters, M A T C H come up in a word scramble game.
We stopped it at 18, but there are so many ways to scramble MATCH!
Word Scramble Words
- anihonedc
- satbrusta
- wtebsecar
- eerbzmlas
- usecsnrod
- aumdddens
- gsepiaoss
- dsegaered
- pinnceang
- cernsavas
- iaictnern
- siapbarol
- sheucqins
- sblratoke
- sdelieens
- mietferid
- wownlidbs
- tzeeihorr
- herrrabos
- paiashric
Unscramble these letters to make words.

All words were scrambled using word scrambler...
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Combine Words
Bird + Duck = Bick
Apple + Honor = Aplonor
Hand + Locker = Handocker
Combine Names
Brad + Angelina = Brangelina
Robert + Katelyn = Robyn
Gregory + Janet = Granet
Combine words and names with our Word Combiner
You Unscrambled MATCH!
Now that MATCH is unscrambled, what to do? That's simple, go win your word game!
Alphabet Matching | Classroom Strategies
Very young learners are developing their understanding of the alphabetic principle — the understanding that there are systematic and predictable relationships between written letters and spoken sounds. Teachers can help students develop this understanding through lots of fun activities that help students explore the alphabet letters and sounds.
How to use: | Individually | With small groups | Whole class setting |
More phonics strategies
Why teach about the alphabet?
- Letter naming is a strong predictor of later reading success
- Learning letter names helps a child learn letter sounds
- It helps students develop their understanding of the alphabetic principle
Watch: Alphabet In My Mouth!
Students practice each letter-name, sound, and corresponding action to help solidify letter-sound correspondences in an active and engaging way — with a song. See the lesson plan.
This video is published with permission from the Balanced Literacy Diet. See many more related how-to videos with lesson plans in the Letter-Sounds and Phonics section.
Collect resources
Matching upper-case and lower-case
Teachers can use the following activity to ask students to help the "Mama animals" (uppercase letters) find their "babies" (lowercase letters). This game includes matching the uppercase mothers with their lowercase babies. See example >
This link provides a template for a printable "Superhero" upper- and lowercase letter match game. See example >
This file includes uppercase and lowercase letters in a matching game that parents can use with their child at home. See example >
This link provides templates for printing cards to use for writing uppercase and lowercase letters. See example >
Letter formation: using sand, play dough, or flour
This link provides teachers with downloadable mats with the alphabet letters for helping children use play dough for learning letter formation. See example >
Letter bingo
Bingo is a simple game that children enjoy and can be used to help them learn about the upper- and lowercase letters. This link allows teachers to print the letters and board needed to play letter bingo. See example >
Letter stamps
Stamps are an excellent "hands-on" activity for helping students learn about the alphabet. The activity described in the link below provides teachers with some creative ideas for making letter stamps out of sponges. Teachers can use sponges and paint in a variety of ways to help children understand the shape and function of upper- and lowercase letters. See example >
Letter recognition fluency
This online document contains several activities that are helpful for building letter recognition fluency. Teachers can download materials needed and follow the instructions for each activity. There are also some ideas included for extending and adapting each activity to further enhance learning. Some examples are provided below. Download activities >
Speedy Alphabet Arc: Teachers can download and print a copy of the alphabet "arc" and have students use letters to match the ones on the arc. Parents could use this idea at home with magnetic letters by placing the arc on the refrigerator and have the child match the letters. Using a timer and seeing how quickly the child can match the letters is optional.
Glow Go: This activity includes the use of glow in the dark chalk and black construction paper. Students can work together taking turns using a flashlight and naming the letters.
Hungry Letter Mouse: Teachers can utilize this activity for students to work on letter recognition in pairs using an eraser and dry erase marker. One student can use the eraser to be the mouse and the other student names the letter before the "mouse" eats it (i.e., erases it).
Letter books
Teachers can use the downloadable materials form this website to create letter books in which each page contains one letter. The kids draw or cut pictures from magazines that start with the particular letter and glue them into their "book." See example >
Downloadable letter and alphabet cards
Flash cards
The link listed below provides teachers with downloadable ESL flashcards. These are free and printable for use within the classroom. There are large sets for use with teaching letters and vocabulary, and smaller sets for language learning games. See example >
This website provides printable color flashcards that are great for teaching upper- and lowercase letters. These cards are free and use the Zaner Bloser font which is very simplistic — ideal for teaching young children.
See example >
Alphabet cards
The downloadable alphabet cards available from this link have various fonts to choose from, color picture cards to accompany the letters, and creative ideas for activities. See example >
Race track alphabet
The website below offers teachers the ability to download letters of the alphabet in race-track format. Children can use toy cars to trace around the letters to help learn the formation. See example >
Differentiated instruction
for Second Language Learners, students of varying reading skill, and for younger learners
- Begin with a very simple, plain alphabet font like Zaner Bloser. As children become more familiar with letter shapes, progress to different fonts that may present letters slightly differently. For example, consider how the letters /a/, /g/, /t/ appear in different fonts.
- Decide how many letters a child or group should work with at one time. Very emergent learners should begin with fewer letters; other students can manage working with more letters at one time.
- Just for fun! Serve alphabet soup or use Alpha-bits cereal as an extra reinforcement of letters.
See the research that supports this strategy
Adams, M. (1990). Beginning to read: Thinking and learning about print. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Snow, C. , Burns, M., & Griffin, P. (Eds.). (1998). Preventing reading difficulties in young children. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Texas Education Agency. (2002). The Alphabetic Principle.
Children's books to use with this strategy
Farm Alphabet Book
By: Jane Miller
Genre: Nonfiction
Age Level: 0-3
Reading Level: Pre-Reader
The alphabet is presented in upper and lower case letters accompanied by full color photographs that introduce farms and things associated.
Kipper's A to Z: An Alphabet Adventure
By: Nick Inkpen
Age Level: 0-3
Reading Level: Pre-Reader
Upper and lower case letters, clearly printed, are introduced by Kipper and Arnold in a playful, imaginative tale plainly intended as an alphabet book.
Eating the Alphabet
By: Lois Ehlert
Genre: Fiction
Age Level: 0-3
Reading Level: Pre-Reader
Clean lines of both upper and lower case letters combine with colorful fruits and vegetables for a unique way to think about - and even eat through the alphabet.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
By: Bill Martin Jr, John Archambault
Genre: Fiction
Age Level: 0-3
Reading Level: Pre-Reader
Naughty lowercase letters climb the coconut tree but when little Z gets to the top, they all go BOOM to the bottom. After a rescue by grown-up letters (all uppercase), it all seems to start again. Humor, crisp illustration and rhythm make this alphabetic adventure a classic.
ABC: A Child's First Alphabet
By: Allison Jay
Age Level: 0-3
Reading Level: Pre-Reader
Upper and lower case letters introduce familiar objects (e.g., apple) while full page illustrations depict both obvious (and less so) objects that begin with the same letter.
Phonetic analysis of the word. What it is? How to do it? Examples
What is phonetic analysis
Phonetic , or sound-alphabetic, word analysis is an analysis of the sounds and letters that make up this word.
There are 33 letters in Russian, from which we compose words and write them down on paper. When we pronounce a word, we hear sounds - this is how the letters in its composition sound. In some words, the same letter can mean two sounds at the same time or not sound at all. This is where sound-letter analysis comes in handy: it is needed so that we can analyze sounds and letters, write correctly, and also pronounce words.
Demo lesson in Russian
Take the test at the introductory lesson and find out what topics separate you from the "five" in Russian.
How is the phonetic parsing of a word done?
Full transcription of the word.
Vowel sounds: stressed or unstressed, which letter is indicated.
Consonants: voiced, sonorous or voiceless, paired or unpaired; hard or soft, paired or unpaired; which letter is indicated.
The total number of letters and sounds.
You can disassemble words by sounds and letters orally or in writing. These methods are slightly different from each other, so let's consider each one separately. We write down the word and all the sounds that are included in it.
Syllables and stress. We count and write down the number of syllables in a word, we denote the one on which the stress falls.
Sounds. From the next line in a column, we rewrite all the letters in the order in which they appear in the word. Opposite each of them we record the sound and enclose it in square brackets.
Vowel sounds. Next to each vowel we write whether it is stressed or unstressed. And then we indicate what letter it is designated.
Consonants. Next to each consonant, indicate whether it is voiced or voiceless. Further - paired or unpaired in deafness-sonority. After that, we write, hard or soft sound, and then - paired or unpaired in terms of softness-hardness. At the end, you need to indicate which letter denotes the sound.
Number of letters, sounds. We count and write down the number of letters and sounds in a word.
Now let's use this algorithm with examples.
Example No. 1. Written phonetic analysis of the verb search
Search [abysk'ivat'] - 4 syllables, 2nd stressed.
o - [a] - ch., unstressed.
b - [b] - acc., sound. couple, tv par.
s - [s] - ch., shock.
s - [s] - acc., deaf. couple, tv par.
k - [k'] - acc., deaf. steam, soft par.
and - [and] - Ch., unstressed.
c - [c] - acc., sound. couple, tv par.
a - [a] - Ch., unstressed.
t - [t'] - acc., deaf. steam, soft par.
b — [–]
10 points, 9 stars
Example No. 2. Written phonetic analysis of the adjective spring
Spring [v'is'en':y'] - 3 syllables, 2nd stressed.
in - [in '] - acc., sound. steam, soft par.
e - [i] - gl., unstressed.
s - [s'] - acc., deaf. steam, soft par.
e - [e] - ch., percussion.
n - [n':] - acc., sonorn. unpaired, soft par.
and - [and] - Ch. , unstressed.
th - [th'] - acc., sonorn. unpaired, soft unpaired
8 points, 7 stars
Example No. 3. Written phonetic analysis of a noun professor
Professor [praf'es:ar] - 3 syllables, 2nd stressed.
p - [n] - acc., deaf. couple, tv par.
r - [r] - acc., sonorn. unpaired, tv. par.
o - [a] - ch., unstressed.
f - [f'] - acc., deaf. steam, soft par.
e - [e] - ch., percussion.
s - [s:] - acc., deaf. couple, tv par.
o - [a] - ch., unstressed.
r - [r] - acc., sonorn. unpaired, tv. par.
9 points, 8 stars
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Sample oral phonetic analysis
If you need to do sound-letter analysis orally, follow this algorithm:
Syllables and stress.
Count and name the number of syllables in a word, indicate the one that is stressed.
Vowel sounds. Name the vowels in the order in which they sound in the word. For each of them, determine whether it is percussion or unstressed. Then specify the letters with which they are indicated.
Consonants. For each of the consonants, determine whether it is voiced or voiceless, and then - paired or unpaired according to deafness-voicedness. After that, establish whether the sound is hard or soft, as well as paired or unpaired in terms of softness-hardness. At the end of the analysis of each of the consonants, specify which letter it is designated in the word.
Number of letters, sounds. Count and name the number of letters and sounds in a word.
Let's practice oral phonetic analysis on the example of the same words that we have analyzed above.
Example No. 1. Oral phonetic analysis of the verb search
2. Vowels:
first - unstressed [a], marked with the letter about ;
second - shock [s], designated by the letter s ;
third - unstressed [and], marked with the letter and ;
fourth - unstressed [a], designated by the letter a .
3. Consonants:
[b] - voiced double, solid double, marked with the letter b ;
[s] - deaf double, solid double, marked with the letter from ;
[k'] - deaf double, soft double, marked with the letter to ;
[c] - voiced double, hard double, marked with the letter in ;
[t'] - deaf double, soft double, marked with the letter t ;
letter ь does not represent sound.
4. In the word search 10 letters and 9 sounds.
Example No. 2. Oral phonetic analysis of the adjective spring
2. Vowels:
the first is unstressed [i], marked with the letter e ;
second - shock [e], marked with the letter e ;
third - unstressed [and], marked with the letter and .
3. Consonants:
[v'] - voiced double, soft double, marked with the letter in ;
[s'] - deaf double, soft double, marked with the letter from ;
[n'] - voiced unpaired (sonor), soft paired, marked with the letter n . The second n does not form a sound in a word;
[d'] - voiced unpaired (sonor), solid unpaired, marked with the letter and .
4. The word spring has 8 letters and 7 sounds.
Example No. 3. Oral phonetic analysis of the noun professor
2. Vowels:
first - unstressed [a], marked with the letter about ;
second - shock [e], marked with the letter e ;
the third is unstressed [a], designated by the letter o .
3. Consonants:
[p] - deaf double, hard double, marked with the letter p ;
[p] - voiced unpaired (sonor), solid paired, marked with the letter p ;
[f'] - deaf double, soft double, marked with the letter f ;
[s] - deaf double, solid double, marked with the letter with . The second from does not form a sound in a word;
[p] - voiced unpaired (sonor), solid paired, marked with the letter p .
4. The word professor has 9 letters and 8 sounds.
Test yourself
Let's find out how well you understand what phonetic parsing is. Below you will find three tasks with which you can practice this skill.
Task 1
Disassemble the following words according to their sound composition: busy, guest, vacancy, pronounce, speaking.
Task 2
Perform oral phonetic analysis of words: box, hospital, go, union, marine.
Task 3
Read the short text below and make a written phonetic analysis of all the nouns in it.
We wandered in the forest in spring and observed the life of hollow birds: woodpeckers, owls. Suddenly, in the direction where we had previously planned an interesting tree, we heard the sound of a saw. It was, we were told, cutting firewood from deadwood for a glass factory.
For the first time, students start doing phonetic analysis of words in the 3rd grade of elementary school. Over time, tasks in the lessons become more complicated, so it is important to understand the topic in time. If after reading this article you still have questions, we invite you to the Skysmart online Russian language school for knowledge. In the classroom, the teacher will tell you what a phonetic (sound-letter) analysis of a word is and how to do it correctly in order to increase the grade at school.
Wildcard examples
Simple Queries
Simple Queries
Wildcard examples
Access for Microsoft 365 Access 2021 Access 2019 Access 2016 Access 2013 Access 2010 Access 2007 More...Less
If you want to search for a specific item but don't remember the exact spelling, use wildcards in the query string.
Wildcards are special characters that can substitute for unknown characters in a text value and are useful for finding multiple items with similar but not identical data. In addition, they can be useful for obtaining data that matches the specified pattern. For example, searching for all people with the name Andrey living on Tyulpanova Street.
For more information about queries, see Understanding Queries.
Here are some examples of wildcards for creating queries in Access.
Symbol | Description | Example |
* | Matches any number of characters. You can use an asterisk ( * ) anywhere in the character string. | Thu* will match what, reading, and reading, but not honor or mail. |
? | Matches a single letter in a specific position. | st?l will match the words "table", "became" and "chair". |
[ ] | Matches the characters in brackets. | st[ou]l will match "table", "chair", but not "became". |
! | Excludes characters in brackets. | st[!ou]l will match "became" and "styl", but not "table" or "chair". Like "[!a]*" will match all elements that do not start with the letter "a". |
- | Matches a range of characters. Remember that characters must be listed in alphabetical order (A to Z, not Z to A). | The search for s[a-s]n will match the words "san", "son" and "son". |
# | Matches any numeric character. | 1#3 will match numbers 103, 113 and 123. |
Learn more about applying conditions to a request.
Wildcards are used in the template as follows.
Open the query in the designer.
In line Selection condition of the field you need, enter the operator Like before the selection condition.
Replace one or more characters in the condition with a wildcard. For example, the query Like R?308021 returns results RA308021, RB308021, etc.
On tab Designer click the button Execute .
Let's look at some examples of wildcard patterns that you can use in expressions.
C symbols | Compliance |
? or _ (underscore) | Any character |
* or % | Zero or more characters |
# | Any digit (0-9) |
[ charlist ] | Any character included in character_list |
[! character_list ] | Any character not in character_list |
[a-zA-Z0-9]. | Any alphanumeric character |
[AZ] | Any capital letter from A to Z. Note: Character range must be specified in alphabetical order. For example, [Z-A] is an invalid pattern. |
Learn the basics of building expressions.
To match special characters such as question mark (?), pound sign (#), and asterisk (*), enclose them in parentheses.
The CHARLIST function returns matches for one or more characters and allows you to use almost any character in the ANSI character set, including digits. The CHARLIST function is enclosed in square brackets ([ ]) and can be used in conjunction with wildcards for more precise matching.