Math addition for first grade
Addition Games for 1st Graders Online
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1: Why is learning addition important?
Ans: Addition is one of the four basic arithmetic operators without which one cannot imagine any calculation. Be it, finding total cost of some articles or just counting different group of people, counting objects or money; addition is everywhere.
Q2: What do first graders learns in addition?
Ans: First graders learn adding two one-digit numbers using various strategies.They learn to identify and form addition sentences in the form a + b = c; which they can solve mentally as well as by counting forward. Addition can also be done visually using number line.
Q3: How do you add two numbers?
Ans: Numbers can be added using various strategies. We can count on from first number to add. Numbers can also be added using number line, using fingers, on hundreds chart and mentally. If you want to add 4 + 3, start with 4 and count up 3 more as 5,6,7; the number you reach is the answer. Here, 4 + 3 = 7 is the answer.
Q4: What is simple addition?
Ans: Simple addition means adding small numbers in a simpler way. The easiest way is to count on to add the numbers. If you want to add two numbers,start from the first number and count on the second number of times. The number you reach is the answer.
Overview of the topic- Addition
The main purpose of early childhood education is to reinforce opportunities for learning and developing necessary skills. currently, even in the primary phase education, the educational pedagogies are completely based on instruction based or knowledge based learning, limiting the learning domain of the child.
Learning of mathematics should not be limited to imparting only the theoretical and factual knowledge with properly defined procedures and tasks to carry out; instead from the research standpoints, the overall aim of the mathematics curriculum should be the development of mathematical proficiency amongst the children.
This type of technique helps the child to connect with their immediate surroundings, developing his knowledge domain, for example, arithmetical operations; where the child applies appropriate mathematical skills in selecting right operations for problem solving, knowing when to perform addition or subtraction.
In the first 2-3 years of schooling, a child develops skills of identification and counting numbers till 1000. They are competent in ordering numbers on a number line. in grade 1 math focusses on extending the skill of counting numbers and identifying objects to sorting similar things in different groups and then summing them up together through proper and appropriate real-life settings.
The puzzle games and math worksheets focus on single digit addition, double-digit addition, the communicative property of addition, 2 digit addition with regrouping, number bonds etc. These funbrain games help the children to master the skill of simple addition without compromising on their playtime.
Math Addition
Addition definition: addition is the "putting together" of two groups of objects and finding how many in all. The concept of addition can be easily developed through hands-on experiences with countable objects or place value blocks.
Commutative property addition:
What is the commutative property of addition?
Look at the picture first:
Now, 7 added to 4 will be equal to 11 and so will be when 4 is added to 7. Thus, changing the order of addends does not change the sum. This is called the commutative property of addition.
Take another example
Here one important thing must be kept in mind that subtraction is not commutative in nature.
Let us understand more about it using commutative property of addition worksheets or online quizzes.
Addition Table
An addition table is a mesh of numbers that helps in adding single digit number. We can easily look for the result in the table.
Children can use this addition chart and learn to add natural numbers with its help.
Number line method: adding whole numbers within 20
One of the math aid to solve math problems is the usage of the number line. A number line comprises a graduated straight line with whole numbers or integers marked on it at equal intervals. It is useful in addition and subtraction of numbers.
In grade 1 math, we will restrict ourselves only to whole number addition. how to add integers will be taught in grade 2 and grade 3.
Every point of a number line is a whole number. The starting point of the line is 0.
How to add numbers using a number line?
- Form a number line from 0-20, going from left to right.
- Now define a math problem, say add numbers 5 and 3.
Here 5 will be the first number and 3 is considered as the second number.
- Find the first number of your addition problem on your number line.
Put your finger there. In this example place your finger at 5.
Mark the number or encircle it.
This is the point from where to start counting to add 3.
- Move your finger to the right to the next hashmark and number. You have now moved 1 space.
- Move your finger the same number of spaces as the second number in addition problem, then stop. This will make sure you end on the answer to your problem.
Don't move more spaces than the second number in your addition problem.
For example, if the second number in your math addition problem is 3, you will move 3 spaces. Our answer is 8.
Math Addition Games for Kids
Mathematics is primarily taught to develop the power of thinking and reasoning. Learning of mathematics is entirely based on cognitive processes such as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, elimination of possibilities etc.
While designing educational games on an addition for grade 1 children, Robert Mager’s approach was the focal point. According to him, it is important to define objectives of learning in terms of behavioral changes that are expected in the child at the end of the lesson.
Children are often taught to know how to add, subtract, multiply and divide, but may still be unable to decide which to do when faced with a real problem. The major goals of these fun games for kids are to stimulate child’s mathematics task motivation, build up self-concept by involving them in solving simple everyday math problems that apply to real life. This also facilitates their growth from one level to another level of education. online math problem solvers and learning games are a great way to develop a foundation for math skills playfully and are in alignment with the core curriculum.
Teaching addition through simple manipulative
1. Loading the truck to Mississippi: Single Digit Addition Game
Ronald is shifting to Mississippi with his family. They need to load their cargo in the trucks. Help him in doing so.
Ronald has packed his stuff in different colored boxes. The boxes are loaded into color coordinated trucks. Count the number of similar colored boxes loaded in each truck.
Write its value in the circles provided. The third truck is named the sun truck.
Now add the numbers in both the circles and write the sum in the square box. Now place these many boxes into the sum truck.
The key features of this online educational game for kids are:
- It is appropriate for kids in the age group 3-6 years.
- It’s a great math application to learn and practice the concept of addition along with color coordination for kids of grade 1.
- This grade 1 addition game make the study of addition interesting and purposeful.
- Children are acquainted with problem solving and computational skills.
- the children count the correct number of boxes loaded in each and write it in the box provided.
- They then add the total number of boxes in both the trucks and drag these many boxes and load the sum truck.
2. Bunny hops
Its Easter time and everyone is blooming with joy and celebrations. But our little Booso the bunny is unhappy as he has not finished the task of collecting enough Easter eggs for the celebrations.
Please help him in doing so.
Count the number of eggs in each basket by choosing the correct number given below. Add the total eggs in both the baskets and place the total count from the list of numbers given below.
The key features of this online math educational game for kids are:
- It is appropriate for kids in the age group 3-6 years.
- It’s a great math application to learn and practice the concept of addition for kids of grade 1.
- It is a simple double digit addition math game.
- the game features a bunny rabbit shows the way to a garden full of Easter eggs and baskets, where children learn and practice addition concept.
- the children identify the correct number of images and then drag these numbers to the correct blocks.
3. Communicative property of addition game: Swapping the Flags
Match the numbered flags from the appropriate boxes and drag them to its place.
4. 2 digit addition with regrouping
This math worksheet/math activity is based on double digit addition without carrying. The children sum up the digits individually and write the answers in the space provided.
If the answer is correct then they get a chance to untie the balloon with the same number written.
5. Addition with number line: Single Digit Addition
using number line in single digit addition.
6. Frog hop: Commutative Property of Addition with Number Line
Fergus, the frog is playing with its friends in the pond. They start playing a hopping game.
Move the frog on the numbers lotus leaves as the addition word problem is displayed on the screen.
7. Make the Fergus jump 4 steps + 3 steps
Where did Fergus land? ________
Now make the Fergus jump 3 steps first and them 4 steps.
Where did Fergus land? +________
This means:

Hand over flash cards with drawn number lines to the children.
Now roll the dice and ask them to add numbers using a number line.
9. Missing Addend Worksheets
10. Missing addend game: Associative Property of Addition
About SplashLearn and math worksheets
The expert at SplashLearn design the core curriculum based single digit addition worksheets, addition with regrouping worksheets, addition without regrouping worksheets and online addition games for the kids required for developing the necessary the cognitive skills. These acquired skills help the child to apply the concepts learned to real life problems and situations.
The fun addition games and simple addition worksheets designed by the experts are age appropriate and help in stimulating the curiosity and develop an interest in math education.
The SplashLearn lab activities help the child to explore mathematical ideas by doing. It emphasizes on the heuristic approach of learning.
Engaging yourself and your child in SplashLearn programs helps your child to develop math educational skills and important life skills to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of this competitive world while having fun.
1st Grade Math Games | First Grade Math Skills
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Play select games from the ST Math first grade curriculum. Concepts include place value, addition, subtraction, number line, shapes, and more.
Tens and Ones with Spaceships
Count and represent numbers to 20 using place value.
- Decompose numbers into groups of tens and ones by using visual models.
- Levels begin with representing sets of spaceships ≤10 on a ten frame, then move to representing ≤20 spaceships by creating a set of 10 and 1’s.
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 5
- Level 6
Push Box Addition and Subtraction
Develop strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems.
- Use problem solving strategies to find missing values in visual addition and subtraction situations where blocks are added or subtracted.
- Determine if a situation requires addition or subtraction, or a combination of both.
- Levels begin with finding sums or differences given a visual model, then move to determining which value (a missing addend or subtrahend) is needed.
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 5
- Level 6
- Level 7
- Level 8
Numbers on a Number Line
Estimate and plot numbers on number lines to 20.
- Build the concept of numbers as equidistant points on a line by plotting and estimating numbers to 20.
- Levels start by using number lines to 10 ticked and labeled with all the numbers, then progress to showing only benchmark numbers.
- Apply concepts of numbers on a number line to estimate numbers to 20.
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 5
- Level 6
- Level 7
Composite Shapes
Create a composite shape by arranging the given shapes.
- Compose a given 2-dimensional shape by using smaller shapes.
- Levels begin by simple matching of shapes, then move to more complex problems that require close attention to specific attributes of given shapes.
- Develop spatial strategies for reasoning about angles and sides to compose a larger shape.
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
Making Tens and Ones with Ten Frames
Decompose quantities less than 20 into tens and one using visual models and equations.
- Represent numbers 11-19 as a set of 10 and 1’s using ten frame models
- Solve missing addend equations.
- Levels start with finding the missing addend for numbers less than 10 with ten frames, then progress to representing numbers 11-19 using equations in the form 10+ _ (ones).
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 5
- Level 6
- Level 7
- Level 8
Tug Boats Equal Groups
Create equal groups of tug boats using addition and subtraction strategies.
- Develop addition and subtraction strategies for creating equal groups.
- Levels begin with visual models, then progress to working with numbers to create equivalent sets.
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 5
- Level 6
- Level 7
- Level 8
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Summary of the lesson “Addition of the conditions of the problem. Problem solving" in mathematics for grade 1
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Summary of a lesson in mathematics for grade 1 according to the TMC 21st century
SUBJECT : “Addition of the condition of the problem. Problem solving.
OBJECTIVES: 1. Learn to identify parts of a problem, be able to supplement conditions, teach problem solving.
2. Development of computational skills, logic, thinking.
3. Education of mutual assistance, self-control.
1. Oral counting. page 177 of the textbook
name all the numbers in order
how the numbers are arranged
read ascending line
to 3+5
how much is 3 less than 5
how much is 8 greater than 5
name the next number 13
name the previous number 11
name the neighbors of the number 16,18
Three children were given 2 candies each.
How many sweets were given to the children?
There were 3 flowers in 1 vase. 2 more were added to them. How many flowers did it become?
How many wheels do you need for 2 cars?
2. Explanation of the new material.
TOPIC of the lesson: “Addition of the condition of the problem. Problem solving»
The aims of our lesson is to learn how to highlight parts of the problem, complete the conditions of the problem, learn how to solve problems
P.177 - textbook.
Task N 1. Read.
Fan out how many cups there were?
How many cups was the tea poured into?
How many cups of coffee?
Model this task.
Complete the task condition.
There were 9 cups. Compote, milk, tea, coffee were poured into these cups. How many cups could there be with each drink?
- milk
- tea
- compote
- coffee
3. Working with chips in pairs.
Read task 2.
Is it possible to immediately answer the question of the problem? Why?
How can I find out?
Model this task.
5. Work in notebooks page 54
Circle the numbers on the dotted lines.
Solve the examples in pairs.
Match examples with the same answer.
How many examples are left to connect?
Who did the same? Put a plus.
Read the problem. Can we solve the problem?
Let's complete the condition of the problem.
Lilies of the valley - 5
Roses - 3
Violets - 4
How many flowers do girls have? Write down the equation.
What questions can be added to the condition of the problem?
How many flowers do Dasha and Valya have? Write down the equation.
How many flowers do Vali and Masha have? Write down the equation.
How many more flowers does Dasha have than Valya? Write down the equation.
Well done!
5. Look at the blackboard.
COCK 10 - 2 1 5 3 4
- What needs to be done? (make an equation)
Work in pairs .
6. Differentiated work.
Green chips - draw the letter Z, from the marked point.
Blue chips - write down the numbers.
Here is a summary of the lesson on the topic “Addition of the conditions of the problem. Problem solving”, which you can download for free on our website. Subject of the abstract: Mathematics (Grade 1). Also here you can find additional training materials and presentations on this topic, using which, You will be able to interest the audience even more and present even more useful information.
Download abstract (29. 5 Kb) View related abstracts
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- Guys, today we will
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Another answer:
Open your textbooks on page 60
and do orally No. 3, No. 4, No. 7.
Open your notebook. Step back from the previous
work 4 cells down. Write down the number. Cool
work. Step back in the middle 1 cell down write down No. 5. Solve the examples from No. 5 p. 60.
April 14th.
Cool work.
No. 5.
- Guys, don't forget to retreat 4 cells to the right,
, when you start solving the second column. We write beautifully and neatly!
-Guys, remember what units of length do you know?
Answer: centimeter, decimeter,
- How many centimeters are there in 1 dm?
Answer: 1 dm = 10 cm.
This must be remembered and applied when solving
No. 6 from page 60.
- Guys, step back from the previous number 2
cells down, write down No. 6 and solve it in
Textbook on page 60. Orally do
-Read the first problem from #1 on page 60.
The kiosk sold 10 postcards in a day.
How many postcards are left in the kiosk?
- Can we
solve this problem?
- No, we don't know how many postcards were in the kiosk.
- Complete the condition of the problem so that it can be solved. For example, there were 20 postcards in the kiosk.
- Solve this problem in a notebook.
No. 1.
Check your decision
against the sample.
It was - 20 from.
Sold – 1 0 off.
Remaining - ? from.
2 0 - 1 0 = 10 (from.)
Answer: there are 10 cards left.
- Read the second problem from No. 1 on page 60.
There are 7 tourists in one group, and
more in the other. How many tourists are in the other group?
- What data is missing
to solve this problem?
- It is not known how many more tourists are in the other
- Complete the problem so that it can be solved. For example, and in the other group, 3
-Solve this problem in a notebook by completing
7 v.
Check your decision
against the sample.
? by 3 <
? t.
7 - 3 = 4 (t.)
Answer: there are 4 tourists in another group.
-Read the third problem from #1 on page 60.
Bora is 9 years old. He has a younger sister.