Dra levels for 2nd grade
2nd Grade / Fountas and Pinnell Reading Level Chart
Reading Levels
Grade Levels
What Reading Level Should a Second Grader Be At?Making English Fun
Both learning to read and reading to learn are an essential developmental skill and assessment tool at all levels of education from second grader to university level.
Reading levels are an integral educational tool to not just assess progress of students but also give information to help teachers, parents and educators plan to improve students reading levels.
A second grader reading level will range between 6 to 20 on RR and Pm Reading levels. There will be outlying numbers depending on the situation of individual students. Reading levels allow teachers to choose appropriate reading materials to effectively develop students reading and comprehension skills.
This what reading level should a second grader be at article will also cover the following information:
- What are reading levels and how they can be used to help your 2nd graders to improve their reading skills.
- What you can do to support your students, 2nd grade and others, to progress.
- Reading skills and concepts that students will learn in second grade.
- Links to our 2nd grade reading resources ( and other resources)
If you are looking for worksheets for grade 2 we have a large collection here in the article below.
What Is a Reading Level?
There are multiple different programs and tools to assess students reading levels. The majority of these reading level assessments all share common indicators. They assess the comprehension, pronunciation, decoding and fluency ability of a student of English while they are reading a short leveled text.
Second graders are highly unlikely to be reading at a seventh grader level and it would not be useful or effective to have them reading the same materials. At this stage, in second grade, there is still more emphasis on reading skills and the actual mechanics of reading.
Reading comprehension is included in 2nd grader lessons but it is introduced as their hard reading skills become more developed. It is impossible for them to understand something they cant actually read!
Scholastic, have detailed information on the different reading level assessments and programs which, as highlighted above, all have commonalities. They do of course have difference as well, with some like Lexile concentrating on word count or difficultly of words and others like the PM benchmark looking at simplicity of both words and sentence construction.
Different schools, regions and educational systems will use different reading assessment tools, but the chart below offers a handy comparison to help both teachers and parents when it comes to choosing reading materials.
The different systems can be confusing at first and when choosing what reading levels books to choose for 2nd grade classrooms it is definitely of use to spend some time with both your reading resources and the chart to make sure they fit the reading level of your students.
We use this chart in all our reading level articles.
Many Guided reading publishers have developed their own systems as well.
- Scholastic Guided Level Reading Program
- CCSS Lexile Recommendations
- DRA Level
- PM Benchmark
For both ease and continuity, ( as we have used this Reading level assesment tool in our other reading level articles) we will use the DRA reading level today.
What is the DRA Reading Levels Assessment.The DRA ( Developmental Reading Assessment) is a reading skill assessment tool that aims to evaluate students reading levels to enable teachers and parents to assess students reading skills including fluency, comprehension and phonics. They aim to discover the independent and instructional reading level of students.
What is an Instructional Reading Level?
Instructional Reading level is the reading level directly below independent. Students should be able to comprehend and decode upwards of 80% of the text at an instructional level. This level can vary between students and also between subjects as students have interest and motivators that differ.
What is an Independent Reading Level?
An independent reading level is a level of reading ability that allows students to read texts without assistance from teachers or parents. When reading this level of text students will be able to decode over 90% of words and answer increasingly complex comprehension questions independently.
What is a Frustration Reading Level?
Frustration level reading can be defined as text that are to complex for a students current reading level. Texts at this level will not help progress students to higher levels, conversely attempting to read at this level will demotivate students and hinder their development of reading skills.
In 2nd grade, as well as other grades, classrooms and homes teachers and parents should aim at using an instructional reading level. This enables students to comprehend and therefore engage with texts with minimal assistance, and gives them the motivation to see they are doing well, but still have the support and guidance of teachers and parents.
Guided reading, for which we have many articles and resources, is an excellent way of introducing text at this levels to small groups of 2nd graders. In fact is it more beneficial to introduce guided reading at this stage as students have matured and are becoming more independent. Check out the links to know more. We have an article here on what age you can start teaching guided reading.
What 2nd Graders Learn Throughout the Year.
As we mentioned above a second grader can be reading from about reading level 6 to level 20. However please don’t worry if your students or children are below this, or be to confident if they are above this.
As time progresses so will your students reading levels. Just aim to to the best job you can, and provide them with appropriate leveled 2nd grade materials and the time to cover them.
The next section covers what skills they will learn to help them improve their reading levels through out the second grade.
Note: Children develop at very different speeds, and different learning environments will impact. If English is a second language, or if there are other demands on students or parents time will all play a part. Be assured that in the vast majority of cases, with a little planning, all students progress and develop their reading skills.
What Reading Skills They Will Learn in Second Grade
Although we mentioned in our What level should a first grader be at article, that an essential part of learning and reading in first grade is comprehension, this is not just a face value statement. In First grade there is a focus on shared reading or story telling which is undertaken in whole class or larger groups. This asks students to read together more than in small groups.
They have to retell stories and predict outcomes and books will be fairly formulaic story books with similar phonic and sentence structures. In Second grade, as mentioned above, emphasis can be moved on to guided reading sessions.
According to Reading Rockets, a second grader will be focusing on the following English and reading skills. We have put this information in a table to provide resources for FREE download to help you as well.
Vowels and long vowels will be introduced in greater detail in second grade including Silent E, and some alternative spellings like diphthongs and vowel digraphs. The teaching of these will help students increase their decoding skills and improve their vocabulary.
Punctuation is another essential part of the second grade year. Exclamation points, question marks, periods might be introduced in some grade one classrooms, but will certainly make an appearance in second grade classrooms.
Semicolons and colons might be introduced in more advanced lessons or towards the end of the year. you can find some punctuation worksheets here and on the link in the table above.
Reading and writing skills such and conjunctions, pronouns will be built on and by now capitalization will have been covered so revising that may be necessary if you notice your children or students forgetting or not using this. We have some worksheets here and in the table above if you need. Pronouns are likely to be expanded on as well.
Phonics Flash Cards - Learn to Read in 20 Phonic Stages - Digraphs CVC Blends...
- 31%
Learning Resources Sight Word Swat a Sight Words Game - 114 Pieces, Ages 5+...
$12.25 $17.99
Sight Words Level 2 Bingo Game
$13. 99
Sentences and constructing sentence will become more important in second grade. Reading materials will include more complex versions and teachers and parents can use reading levels to gain appropriate levels of text for their students and children. We have some on the site for free, and in addition we also have sentence making and sentence scramble worksheets as well (link)
However some of the best ways to engage 2nd graders is through online games. By this time they will have become aware of tablets and phones being help in parents and siblings hands. We have articles on some of the best online games, and have a page that has all the ones we make as well. These are free to play and very popular and certainly add motivation to your lessons!
What Can Teachers Do to Improve Reading Levels at 2nd Grade.
Teachers can develop a love of reading in classrooms and encourage students to take control of their own learning as well.
- Have a selection of levelled suitable for 2nd graders covering fiction and NON fiction texts.
- Make sure there is a mix of text types and text subjects.
- Try to have a corner in the classroom for quiet reading.
- Mix up ways of presenting resources, online games, worksheets readers etc.
- Read stories and continue doing story time, many children don’t get chance to experience this enough.
- Display reading strategies and phonics strategies on walls for students to reference. ( also put in their day books or on desks)
- Run Guided reading lessons. ( you can get information on this here)
What Language Will Books at Grade Two Reading Levels Contain?
During students second grade year, Language contained in reading resources will move from three to four letter words and start to include fairly familiar longer words and two or three syllable words. Common words will be used like days of the week, hobbies, weather and more o help increase vocabulary.
Parents.com suggests asking your child questions about books, stories, and sentences that they’re reading. This allows them to process information as they are reading and to move from just learning words to attaching meaning to them. Our reading materials include 3 to 5 questions to help with this. These can be asked verbally or they can complete them as a worksheet post reading.
This is taken from our Reading for first grade article but applies across all grades.
- Break down every word into individual letters. If there’s a combination (sh, th, ough), separate it into its own chunk. This starts to introduce syllables to students.
- Focus on words that they already know how to say. If they’re familiar with the word, they’ll be able to use contextual clues to figure out how to read it.
- Don’t study for too long. Short 15-minute study sessions hold their interest long enough to prevent reading from becoming a boring chore.
Little and often is better.
- Use the resources from school and online to supplement these skills. you can access using the following links the 1000s of reading resources on our site for free and premium downloads.
How Can Parents Help Their Second Grader Develop a Love for Reading?
Parents, especially at first and second grade, play a vital role in helping your child become interested in reading. Story telling, appropriate reading resources and books in the house will all help. However we have a list below to help you gather some ideas as well.
Here’s a list of ways that you can help your second grader develop a love for reading:
- Find reading material that they’re interested in. For example, if they love animals or nature , choose those books over anything else. Also allow them to choose as well. It’s not the concept that matters; It’s the words found throughout the reading that makes a big difference.
We have some leveled reading material aimed at young learners here. However sites like Starfall offer online stories that may help as well.
- Offer incentives for their reading. Although the aim is to have them choose to read for fun all things start slowly and build momentum. If you can associate reading with enjoyment and reward (extrinsic in the first place) then they will start to enjoy reading and learning for its own merits.
- Picture books can keep your child’s interest . If you stop reading after 15 to 20 minutes, they’ll be begging to jump back into the material. Its great bonding time as well
- Use alternative texts, screen magazines etc. Children can be introduced to different text types to show there are reading opportunities everywhere.
- Ask what your children are covering in school. If you ask their teachers they will be happy to share and offer advice on how to help your second grader progress as well as they can.
- Take a look at using online games to diversify how you introduce learning and reading.
Children are always seeking out new opportunities to learn. Parents can simply guide them to make sure there is a little structure to their learning. Using their interests to guide their reading means they are learning about topics they like and improving their reading. As they progress so with their reading levels.
We have covered the average reading levels for second graders in native classrooms, of course there will be some difference in ESL or other classrooms. They key takeaway from all of this is that children will progress at their own speed. you can help them on their reading journey but you shouldn’t force them
Reading should be a joy not a chore.
Here’s a quick recap of the post:
- Second graders typically fall between a 6 to 20 reading level.
- Focus on reading for fun, decoding skills, and comprehension.
- Follow their interests, it helps motivate them to read
- Use additional resources and activities to engage and inspire them
if you are looking for other grades reading levels then we have these in the table below.
Other Grades Average Reading Levels.
We have a selection of articles on reading level expectations for different grades below.
- Scholastic – Learn About Leveled Reading
- Reading A to Z – Levelled Books
- Amazon Second Grade Reading.
Hi I’m Marc. A teacher of over 15 years, English, General Studies and Outdoor Education. Thought it was about time to sharing both what I have learnt during that time and the resources I have put together. On this site we aim to teach the theory and share our thoughts, but also go that one step further and give you access to the hard resources you need for your class or for you children
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I have been a teacher of English for over 15 years, in that time i made hundreds and thousands of resources and learnt so much i think its worth sharing. Hopefully to help teachers and parents around the world.
Respirator protection classes
June 29, 2018
One of the main characteristics of a respirator is the filtering activity class or protection class. This indicator characterizes the ability of the protective device to retain harmful substances in the filter.
According to the European standard EN-149:2001, respirators are divided into three classes.
For the correct choice of personal respiratory protection equipment, it is necessary to know the indications of the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the room and the characteristics of the SIDOS itself.
Class 1 respirators (FFP1)
1. Degree of filtering activity
They are used in well-ventilated rooms with medium dustiness with a maximum allowable concentration of impurities in the air from 2 mg/m3. times, detaining up to 80% of dust, liquid and solid aerosol particles.
2. Protection
Used in industrial premises with non-toxic dust, agriculture, food industry. Indispensable in mines and quarries, when working in limestone quarries, as well as in woodworking. Good protection against dust particles of calcium carbonate, natural and synthetic graphite, gypsum, chalk, cement, plaster, marble, zinc oxide, plant pollen, cellulose, sulfur, cotton, coal and metal filings. Suitable for work in smoky rooms (with non-toxic smoke), in foggy conditions.
3. Models
- 3M 8101. One of the most popular respirators in its class. Ergonomic design and soft inner padding make it comfortable to use, and the technical characteristics allow you to reliably protect the respiratory system.
- "Alina" 100. Equipped with 3D FLEX-TO-FIT tapes, which allows you to adjust the size of the headband. Fits snugly to the face, securely fixed, but does not impede breathing due to the wide filter surface.
- U-2K. It has two valves - for inhalation and exhalation. Equipped with a nose clip for maximum tightness. It is used in the temperature range from -10 to 35°С at humidity up to 98%.
Neva 100, 110, 119 and others are also popular.
Respirators 2 protection class (FFP2)
1. Degree of filtration activity
Suitable for closed, poorly ventilated areas with MPC greater than 0.05 but less than 2 mg/m3. Reliably protect the respiratory system in conditions of up to 10 times the maximum allowable concentration of irritating substances in the air. At the same time, up to 84% of impurities are retained.
2. Protection
Used in enterprises where work is connected with solid particles of medium toxicity, asbestos, copper, barium, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese dust. They are mandatory when working with hardwood and coal, when welding, at mining, chemical, metallurgical industries, in shipbuilding. Suitable for areas with harmful carcinogenic dust, smoke and oil- and water-based aerosols in the air.
3. Models
- 3M 8122. One of the best protection in its category. Provides safe operation when the concentration of hazardous particles in the air exceeds the maximum allowable standards by 12 times. Equipped with stiffening ribs that allow the respirator to restore its shape even after long-term storage. Anti-allergic soft interior lining enhances comfort of use.
- Particulate control 9322. Equipped with advanced electret filter and parabolic exhalation valve. Easy to use, does not impede breathing and speech. Soft inner lining helps avoid irritation. Can be used at temperatures from -30 to 70°C.
Equally effective respiratory protection is ensured when using models "Alina" B and 200, "Julia" 209, 215, 219 and others.
Respirators of the 3rd protection class (FFP3)
1. The degree of filtering activity
Indispensable in industries with a high concentration of toxic substances in the air, the MPC of which is from 0. 05 mg/m3. They are effective in conditions of exceeding the maximum permissible concentration by 30 times, retaining 99% of impurities dangerous to humans.
2. Protection
Used for welding and soldering. Suitable for enterprises where work is related to the use of beryl, antimony, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, radium, strychnine, radioactive substances.
3. Models
- With valve 9332. Compact protection equipped with an exhalation valve and a sweat-wicking layer on the nose clip. Fits tightly and tightly, does not impede speech.
- "Alina" 310. Able to protect when the maximum permissible concentration of hazardous substances is exceeded by 50 times. It can be used at various temperatures, while maintaining the most comfortable humidity and temperature conditions.
- "Julia" 319. One of the best representatives of the class with a seal made of foamed polymer, which allows to ensure optimal humidity and temperature inside the respirator.
Has adjustable straps to fit.
All of the above respiratory systems are certified and comply with GOST or technical regulations of the customs union. Also in the lineup are other respirators that allow you to work in hazardous conditions without harm to health.
The selection of protective equipment in each specific case is carried out after testing, determining the type of harmful substances in the ambient air and their concentration. Back to Contents List - this auto-butler has long been in the top games of its genre and is distinguished by a special variety of creatures and strategies. You can find a separate material on Battlegrounds with tips from SilverName here, but if your knowledge is limited to the completed tutorial and the two top 8 games, then it's time to talk about the most important.
We won't explain the basics of the gameplay to you - Bob will do just fine after starting the mode for the first time. We are ready to dig deeper and talk about the holy of holies of all Hearthstone, namely about creatures and their features.
Don't forget that Battlegrounds is an incredibly versatile auto-battler, and you can win with any cards and through any strategy. At the same time, knowing and understanding the basics of each type of creature is vital, because it is from understanding core cards and their features that absolutely all your gameplay is built.
In this article we will only talk about the features of each class, and also describe the main and proven connections between the creatures of a particular archetype. How to mix them, replace them and what cards to use in other strategies - this will only come with experience.
1. Dragons
Kalecgos is not a guarantee of victory!
© Blizzard
Cores: Kalecgos 6*, Nadina the Red 6*, Razordeath the Indomitable 5*
Strong Links: Tarecgosa 3* + Exhibition Dragon 4*
One of the most obvious classes in the game based on high stats on creatures and divine shields. Kalecgos, the main dragon card from Tavern 6, has always been a core minion for scaly strategy, yet it can easily give you a false sense of advantage. This card needs time to ramp up and usually additional sources of buffs. So if you've invested a bunch of resources into excavating Kalecgos, and you've got an empty table and low HP, then there's a good chance you'll fly off in the next game before your dragons start biting really hard.
However, this card is very strong and has always been a major power-up for dragon strategies. To help Kalecgos, you can take the Whelp Trader, especially if it is collected in a triplet. The second stage is finding Nadina Krasnaya. This card gives divine shields to all dragons on the table and is an incredibly powerful buff to your table. But do not forget that a skilled player is able to counter it with the purchase of an Unstable Ghoul (“ghouls”). Beginners and intermediate players almost never use this life hack, because they are not well versed in the mechanics of the game.
Another strong dragon card that can also be played in hodgepodges is Tarecgosa. An incredibly powerful creature in the hands of a skilled player. Tarecgosa permanently retains temporary effects, so in combination with the Exhibition Dragon, she can gain insane numbers of stats.
2. Quilboar
Core cards: Charlga 6*, Captain Bluntfang 6*.
Strong Links: Throttusk + Flag Bearer + Dynamic Duo
Pure stats and nothing more. The whole quilboar archetype involves the skillful manipulation of blood gems in order to hit the enemy in the face as painfully as possible. Quilboar have almost no useless cards, they all find their way in one way or another. Your main task is to find a good source of blood gems and form a link between the power-ups of the pigs.
This class only has one divine shield, and that is Thrugtusk from the second tavern. Since Divine Shields is one of the strongest mechanics in the game, this card should not be ignored. Quilboar builds usually start after receiving some kind of Blood Gems generation. If you decide to sell an already buffed pig - do not forget about the presence of Necrolyte, which pumps fragments into the desired creature. This allows, for example, to use the Earthshaker for early victories, in order to get rid of it painlessly later.
In fact, the section of core cards in the case of quilboar is rather a convention, because it is possible to make strong pigs without Charlga or the Captain. By the way, Aggem Curse of Thorns is one of the best maps for hodgepodges, in the presence of constant generation of gems, and Captain Blunt Fang is very often used for advanced strategies through the Pirates Crusher and Peggy.
3. Elementals
Your creatures did their best!
© Blizzard
Core cards: Nomi 5*, Blinding Spawn of Light 4*, Ragnaros 6*
Strong combos: Molten Boulder 2* + Celebrational 2* + purchase of any elements (at the start of the game)
Elementals have always been favorites players in Hearthstone, and at medium ranks you can meet 4-5 elem players in one lobby. Nomi, the key creature of the archetype, is one of the core cards of a kind of “golden list”. When players make a triplet to the fifth tavern, they almost always hope to find it there.
Early Nomi allows you to quickly accelerate and guarantees an almost unlimited increase in stats with the right approach to buying cards. They almost always try to find a Renewable Spirit to him in order to provide themselves with free rerolls. Nomi has a mini analogy - Blinding Spawn of Light. It works similarly, but for this map you definitely need to have a couple of good provocateurs. All buffs always try to give to Crackling Cyclone (because of the divine shield) and Rampant Fire Elemental. Also in the fourth tavern there is a Majordomo Executus - a good card to strengthen the elementals, but one Majordomo is not enough to make a competitive table.
Ragnaros is also one of the core cards of the elems. One Ragnarosh - this one is like Kalecgos in terms of strength (that is, it is not a fact that it will ensure victory in solo), but at high levels of the tavern it gives strong buffs. Usually, after buying Ragnaroshi, Nomi is sold, because these cards do not work well in conjunction.
4. Murlocs
Core Cards: Brann Bronzebeard 5*, Murloc Spy 5*
Strong Links: Selfless Heroine 3* + Baron Rivendare 5*
The most clumsy and one-sided class in the game. He threw poisons, gained health - he won. This is a joke, of course, but in most cases, murlocs are really only played according to one plan.
Anyone who wants to do "rrrr" is looking for the two main murloc cards - Brann and Murloc Spy. The first provides creatures with attack and health, and the second poisons. Without at least one of these cards, murlocs generally don't have the ability to rack up enough stats to compete with other strategies. Therefore, if you have been hit with murlocs, then your goal is to download the fourth tavern and make triplets in the fifth to find one of these cards. Or, of course, look for them already on the fifth.
If you're lucky enough to get a Murloc Spy, it's a good idea to grab Argus' Defender in time to make two cards provocateurs and ensure a reliable supply of poisons.
Highly advanced players at some point replace Brann and the weakest murloc with a strong combination: golden Selfless Heroine + Baron Rivendare to provide their cards with divine shields
5. Pirates
Reaver 5*, Peggy Brittlebone 5*, Dread Admiral Eliza 6*, Naval Marauder 3*
If you think fast and can do a thousand actions in a minute, then you might be able to handle the pirates. Most pirate strategies are played through the main card: Captain Dr-r-tugger. This hyena provides the player with a large amount of gold, which allows you to make an unrealistic promotion with proper skill and the presence of cards in the tavern. Newbies trying to collect pirates get their first Naval Marauder - and this is a really good start, but it is the Crusher that is the basis of all the most popular builds.
At the same time, you won't go far with one Crusher: it is desirable to make it gold, and it is important to have an additional source of stats - Peggy Brittle Bone and a marauder. Since the hyena, especially the gold hyena, gives a lot of gold, you are required to buy and sell pirates very quickly, while keeping an eye on the gold limit. In this way, you can score wild numbers of attack and health. The Crusher is also often used in hodgepodges and builds through Captain Bluntfang (quilboar), but these are already more advanced strategies.
Secret build for real professionals.
© Blizzard
But there is something else that you might not immediately guess. Build through the so-called “shushpins” (hello from SilverName). We will show its final version, and how to get into it - think for yourself.
So. Shalopayka (without buffs, preferably 2 pieces and in a taunt) + Eliza + Baron Rivenderr + Khadgar. There should be no other cards on the table. There can be two or even three Khadgars.
6. Demons
Core Cards: Wrathcaster 1*, Ravenous Ur'zhul 5*, Starving Felbat 6*
Strong Links: Megaphernal 4*\Soul Juggler 3* + demons with deathrattles
Enough interesting
a set of creatures, with taunts, death rattles and devours. The demon player generally follows two main strategies. The first is the purchase of demons from the start, if the Wrath Caster came to you (“red”, as he is also called). Reno players often make it gold right away. This unit spends the player's HP every time any demon is placed on the board, while gaining buffs itself. Beginners are afraid of this strategy, and for good reason: you need to be able to manipulate health and stop in time. However, defeating the player on the red at the start is almost impossible, because this card accelerates too much. The third tavern has Katra'natir, which gives the player's hero immunity to these hits, so purchasing it is a priority.
Next, players usually buy taunt demons in combination with Soul Juggler.
And it's a really strong pick for the mid game, but don't make the mistake of getting rid of him in time - he won't take out the end game. Here the Ravenous Ur'zul and the core-card from the sixth tavern - Starving Felbat (gargoyle) come to the rescue. These cards are the basis of the second strategy and they are self-sufficient, so if you draw an early gargoyle, then you can go into demons and win.
7. Mechanisms
Cor-cards: Omega-wheeler 6*, student of Kangora 5*, Baron Riveder 5*
Strong ligaments: lubricant 4*\ Roboleslebosvet 5* + Divine shields
One of the most complex archetypes in the game, which requires a good understanding of the game and the correct placement of units. The whole essence of cars is divine shields and death rattles. Strategies through mechanisms do not imply huge permanent stats of units, because their power is revealed already on the battlefield. There are a lot of options for playing through mechanisms, and they are all equally complex.
Ultimate core card - Omega Crusher in combination with Baron Rivendare, and it is important to get Kangor's Apprentice with them. The Crusher must be one of the first (or all the Crushers, if there are several of them), and after them - an apprentice who will immediately resurrect them.
Mechanisms have a lot of useful auxiliary cards. One of the most useful creatures in the mid-game is Blockobot, a card that boosts its attack and gains a divine shield when a mechanism is summoned during combat. Therefore, various collapsing units are bought to it - the Replicator, the Mechano-Egg and others.
In general, apart from the Omega Crusher, there are no exact strategies for mechanisms. We need to act according to the situation.
8. Beasts
Core Cards: Goldrinn 6*, Mama Bear 5*, Hopper 2*
Strong Connections: Rat Pack 3* + 904 on Bird Friend 3* (9002 3*)
Not as complex as mechanisms, but still quite a variable archetype.