Meaning of phonogram
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[ foh-nuh-gram ]
/ ˈfoʊ nəˌgræm /
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a unit symbol of a phonetic writing system, standing for a speech sound, syllable, or other sequence of speech sounds without reference to meaning.
Should you take this quiz on “shall” versus “should”? It should prove to be a quick challenge!
Question 1 of 6
Which form is commonly used with other verbs to express intention?
Origin of phonogram
First recorded in 1855–60; phono- + -gram1
pho·no·gram·ic, pho·no·gram·mic, adjectivepho·no·gram·i·cal·ly, pho·no·gram·mi·cal·ly, adverbWords nearby phonogram
phonics, phono, phonocardiogram, phonocardiograph, phonochemistry, phonogram, phonograph, phonographic, phonography, phonol. , phonolite Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
How to use phonogram in a sentence
Soon after, he took top leadership roles at British record labels including Arista, Phonogram and MCA UK.
Piers Morgan’s Comeback Strategy|Shelley Ross|February 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Attention is not called here to the various vowel sounds, but the complete phonogram is taught at sight.
How to Teach Phonics|Lida M. Williams
A pupil thinks of a word containing a known phonogram, which is communicated to the teacher.
How to Teach Phonics|Lida M. Williams
The teacher writes a phonogram on the board and below it all the consonant sounds from which words may be built.
How to Teach Phonics|Lida M. Williams
When he has finished the sheet, or Phonogram, as I call it, it is ready for putting into a little box made on purpose for mails.
Buchanan's Journal of Man, December 1887|Various
It then came to stand as a phonogram to express the word nefer, good.
Evolution in Art|Alfred C. Haddon
British Dictionary definitions for phonogram
/ (ˈfəʊnəˌɡræm) /
any written symbol standing for a sound, syllable, morpheme, or word
a sequence of written symbols having the same sound in a variety of different words, for example, ough in bought, ought, and brought
Derived forms of phonogram
phonogramic or phonogrammic, adjectiveCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
How to Teach Phonograms (+ 3 FREE Printable Games!)
by Marie Rippel
Understanding phonograms is vital to your child’s success in reading and spelling—but the thought of teaching them may seem intimidating.
Fear not! Phonograms are actually very simple to understand and easy to teach.
Let’s start with a quick definition.
What Are Phonograms?
A phonogram is a letter or combination of letters that represent a sound. For example:
- CK is a phonogram that says /k/ as in clock.
- S is a phonogram that says /s/ as in sat or /z/ as in has.
- OY is a phonogram that says /oi/ as in boy.
The word phonogram comes from Greek and is literally translated as the “written symbol for a sound.”
Why Should You Teach Phonograms?
Simply put, phonograms make learning to read and spell much easier!
Take a look at the word past. If you pronounce the word slowly to hear the individual sounds, you will hear four different sounds: /p/–/ă/–/s/–/t/. For each sound, we can write down a phonogram. This 10-second video shows exactly how this is done.
That was an easy example, but the same principle also applies to multisyllable words. Here’s the word winter.
As you can see, your child doesn’t need to remember w-i-n-t-e-r as a random string of letters. Instead, he can just segment the word and represent each sound with a phonogram.
Listen to the Phonograms with Our Free App
Just click a button below to hear the correct pronunciation of the phonograms.
(If you are on a slow internet connection, there may be a slight delay. The downloaded version of the app will not experience this delay.
You can download the free app on your computer, tablet, or phone here.
The button colors match the colors of our letter tiles to reinforce learning, and the phonograms are arranged in logical groupings, matching the labels provided with the letter tiles.
Phonograms Are Like Building Blocks
Phonograms are the building blocks of almost every English word. In fact, a study of 17,000 words showed that the vast majority of words follow the regular phonogram sounds. Only 3% of the words are completely irregular (such as said and of).1 This means that there are very few words that must be learned through repetition and rote memorization.
Since phonograms represent sounds, the number of letters in a word doesn’t necessarily correspond to the number of phonograms. Here are some examples:
How to Teach Phonograms
If you’ve been hanging around our blog for a while, you know by now that we teach everything very incrementally, step-by-step. It would overwhelm most kids to have to learn all the phonograms at once, so we teach just a few phonograms at a time. Once your child has mastered those, we introduce a few more.
Flashcards (known as Phonogram Cards) are an efficient way to teach and review the phonograms, and we include them right in the All About Reading and All About Spelling programs.
The front of the card shows the phonogram. This is the side you show your student.
The back of the card has information for you, the teacher. It shows the sound of the phonogram, along with a key word.
If you are using All About Reading or All About Spelling, these steps are included right in the lesson plans.
- Show the Phonogram Card.
- Demonstrate the sound.
- Have your student repeat the sound.
- After several repetitions, see if the student can say the sound without your prompting.
The goal is to flip through the flashcards and have your student say the phonograms without pausing to think.
Organizing Your Phonogram Review Cards
To stay organized, sort the Phonogram Cards behind three dividers:
- “Review” divider: Cards that your child is currently learning go here.
- “Mastered” divider: This is where you’ll put the Phonogram Cards that your child knows inside and out.
- “Future Lessons” divider: This is the parking spot for cards that haven’t been presented yet.
And this is important: after your child knows the phonograms, don’t forget to review! Quickly flip through a handful of cards at the beginning of every lesson to keep them fresh in your child’s mind.
Download These 4 Free Printable Games to Practice Phonograms
There’s no better way to review phonograms than by playing a game! Choose one of these games (or all four!) to make practice time go by more quickly.
Try Not to Moo
Try Not to Moo is an effective and super silly new way to practice phonograms that makes review time extra me-moo-rable! Designed to be used in conjunction with All About Reading or All About Spelling, this activity can also be used independently.
Get instant access to Try Not to Moo!
Swatting Phonograms
If your phonograms review and practice sessions are falling a little flat, here’s a great hands-on activity that you can slip in whenever you have a few extra minutes. It’s so much fun your child might not even realize he’s practicing!
Check out our super fun (and kind of gross) Swatting Phonograms activity!
Fun with Phonograms
Playing games is a great way to reinforce learning with children, and our easy-to-assemble printable game boards give you five different ways to have fun with phonograms! It’s as easy as 1-2-3—just download, print, and play!
Get instant access to Fun with Phonograms!
Phonogram Jungle Bingo
It’s easy to review phonograms when you have a great game to play! And who doesn’t love a good game of Bingo? Just print our jungle-themed bingo boards and grab your phonogram cards. You’re ready to go!
Download the PDF for Phonogram Jungle Bingo!
The Bottom Line for Teaching Phonograms
With phonograms, reading and spelling are much easier! Here are a few things to keep in mind:
- An understanding of phonograms is vital to your child’s success in reading and spelling.
- Phonograms are simple to understand and easy to teach.
- Tools like the Phonogram Cards, the Phonogram Sounds App, and simple games are a great way to help your child master the phonograms.
- Review is essential!
Was this post on phonograms helpful to you? Let me know in the comments below! And then download our “20 Best Tips for Teaching Reading and Spelling” for even more great information!
1. Hanna, P.R., Hanna, J.S., Hodges, R.E., & Rudorf, H. (1966). Phoneme-grapheme correspondences as cues to spelling improvement. Washington, DC: United States Office of Education Cooperative Research.
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