Not your mama dinosaur
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#foryourpage #fyp #tiktok #viral #trending #foryou #foryoupage #comedy #90s #dinosaurs #notthemama #babysinclair #dinosaurstvshow #90sthrowback #90s
30. 9K Likes, 303 Comments. TikTok video from MoNkEyMaN82 (@mrmonkeyman_82): "#foryourpage #fyp #tiktok #viral #trending #foryou #foryoupage #comedy #90s #dinosaurs #notthemama #babysinclair #dinosaurstvshow #90sthrowback #90s". BABY SINCLAIR | I | D | .... original sound.
original sound - MoNkEyMaN82
#dinosaurstvshow #babysinclair #notthemamma #fyp #fypシ
17.4K Likes, 167 Comments. TikTok video from pluto (@pluto897pluto): "#dinosaurstvshow #babysinclair #notthemamma #fyp #fypシ". I'm the baby gotta love me!. original sound.
original sound - pluto
Hard drive died, so I lost all the footage and photos of Baby Sinclair 😭 #thebaby #iwouldliketoseethebaby #sfxmakeup #ForTheLoveOfBeauty #dinosaurs
TikTok video from Sinistry (@sinistry): "Hard drive died, so I lost all the footage and photos of Baby Sinclair 😭 #thebaby #iwouldliketoseethebaby #sfxmakeup #ForTheLoveOfBeauty #dinosaurs". original sound.
original sound - Justin Mousseau
Replying to @gohst040 Absolute Legende 😍💚 #legend #baby #dinosaurs #junior #sinclair #diedinos #nichtdiemama
6.7K Likes, 27 Comments. TikTok video from DIE DINOS (@diedinos): "Replying to @gohst040 Absolute Legende 😍💚 #legend #baby #dinosaurs #junior #sinclair #diedinos #nichtdiemama". original sound.
original sound - DIE DINOS
J.p. Carson
#fypシ #babysinclair #masleche #dinosaur #dinosaurios #utilizaesteaudio
1. 9K Likes, 12 Comments. TikTok video from J.p. Carson (@j.p.carson): "#fypシ #babysinclair #masleche #dinosaur #dinosaurios #utilizaesteaudio". Utiliza este audio sabiabiamente 😏. sonido original.
sonido original - J.p. Carson
" Baby Sinclair "en mode Narvalo ! 🤬🦕 #tiktok #pourtoi #humour #parodie #comedie #dinosaurs #babysinclair #comique #rouelibre #narvalo #gitan
143 Likes, 8 Comments. TikTok video from CamilleLeBanner (@camillelebanner): "" Baby Sinclair "en mode Narvalo ! 🤬🦕 #tiktok #pourtoi #humour #parodie #comedie #dinosaurs #babysinclair #comique #rouelibre #narvalo #gitan". " Dinosaurs Family " | Parodie. son original.
son original - CamilleLeBanner
#fyp #foru #foryoupage #foryourpage #trending #tiktok #viral #dinosaurs #dinosaurstvshow #baby #notthemama #gottaloveme #90s #90skids
6K Likes, 72 Comments.
TikTok video from MoNkEyMaN82 (@mrmonkeyman_82): "#fyp #foru #foryoupage #foryourpage #trending #tiktok #viral #dinosaurs #dinosaurstvshow #baby #notthemama #gottaloveme #90s #90skids". Dinosaurs | Baby sinclair is born . original sound.
original sound - MoNkEyMaN82
#dinosaurstvshow #notthemumma #notthemomma #babysinclair #fypシ #fyp
1.3M Likes, 13.2K Comments. TikTok video from pluto (@pluto897pluto): "#dinosaurstvshow #notthemumma #notthemomma #babysinclair #fypシ #fyp". Not the Momma, Not the Momma!. original sound.
original sound - pluto
Performance "Mom, I'm a Dinosaur-r-r", Mosconcert on Pushechnaya in Moscow
A performance-transformation for the whole family.
In one of the most ordinary city, in the most ordinary family, an incredible event happened - the girl Sonya turned into ... a dinosaur.
Why and under what circumstances, one can only guess. Dad is at a loss, who should I call an ambulance or a veterinarian? Mom-paleontologist is trying to determine the species and habitat of her daughter-dinosaur, Grandmother protects her beloved ficus from him. And the teacher in the kindergarten cannot put the dinosaur to sleep during the day, along with other children. No one understands how to feed a dinosaur, how to dress it and what to teach. Only the director of the zoo knows exactly what to do with a dinosaur - put it in a cage! But Sonya is a cute and harmless dinosaur, so first Sonya's parents, and then their friends stand up for her.
This performance will tell how love for a child can unite first one family, and then the whole city.
A ticket is purchased for each spectator, regardless of age!
Children under the age of 12 can attend the performance only if accompanied by an adult!
A performance-transformation for the whole family.
In one of the most ordinary city, in the most ordinary family, an incredible event happened - the girl Sonya turned into ... a dinosaur.
Why and under what circumstances, one can only guess. Dad is at a loss, who should I call an ambulance or a veterinarian? Mom-paleontologist is trying to determine the species and habitat of her daughter-dinosaur, Grandmother protects her beloved ficus from him. And the teacher in the kindergarten cannot put the dinosaur to sleep during the day, along with other children. No one understands how to feed a dinosaur, how to dress it and what to teach. Only the director of the zoo knows exactly what to do with a dinosaur - put it in a cage! But Sonya is a cute and harmless dinosaur, so first Sonya's parents, and then their friends stand up for her.
This performance will tell how love for a child can unite first one family, and then the whole city.
A ticket is purchased for each spectator, regardless of age!
Children under the age of 12 can attend the performance only if accompanied by an adult!
A performance-transformation for the whole family.
In one of the most ordinary city, in the most ordinary family, an incredible event happened - the girl Sonya turned into ... a dinosaur.
Why and under what circumstances, one can only guess. Dad is at a loss, who should I call an ambulance or a veterinarian? Mom-paleontologist is trying to determine the species and habitat of her daughter-dinosaur, Grandmother protects her beloved ficus from him. And the teacher in the kindergarten cannot put the dinosaur to sleep during the day, along with other children. No one understands how to feed a dinosaur, how to dress it and what to teach. Only the director of the zoo knows exactly what to do with a dinosaur - put it in a cage! But Sonya is a cute and harmless dinosaur, so first Sonya's parents, and then their friends stand up for her.
This performance will tell how love for a child can unite first one family, and then the whole city.
A ticket is purchased for each spectator, regardless of age!
Children under the age of 12 can attend the performance only if accompanied by an adult!
Project "Dinosaurs - who are they?" | Project around the world (preparatory group) on the topic:
TOPIC: Dinosaurs - who are they?
EDUCATIONAL AREA: Cognitive development
Topic of dissertation research: development of the cognitive interest of older preschoolers through research activities.
Completed: | Ramilya Mansurovna unit, teacher MBDOU "Intergirling Kindergarten" p. Mezhdogoreni |
Head: | Muratova Angelia Arturovna. PhD, Associate Professor |
Title sheet
Explanatory note
Matrix of the project
Literature List
Appendix (abstracts of classes, workshops, scenarios of holidays, etc. )
Explanatory note
Today there is an increased attention of science and practice to the questions of human cognitive interests. Changes in the environment are very intense and a person needs to stay in harmony with it, applying the acquired knowledge and habitual behavioral patterns.
From birth, a child is a researcher of the world around him, so the preschool period is the most significant for the development of cognitive interest. In this case, adults play a key role in the upbringing and education of the child.
With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, the content of the educational area "Cognitive Development" is focused on the formation of cognitive interests in preschoolers, which largely depend on the various types of activities that they master in joint work with adults. This development also occurs in the process of cognitive research activity.
It is in cognitive research activities that preschoolers get the opportunity to satisfy their natural curiosity (why; why, how does the world work?), practice in establishing cause-and-effect, generic, spatial and temporal relationships between objects and phenomena, which allows them to satisfy their ideas about the world.
This type of activity activates the cognitive processes of a preschooler, enriches his practical experience, teaches him to learn from his own mistakes.
Cognitive research activity is manifested in the older preschooler in the form of experimentation with objects, verbal research, questions asked by the teacher.
Topics for research work of children can be different: fantastic (focused on the development of non-existent fantastic objects and phenomena), empirical (involving their own observations and experiments), theoretical (focused on the study and generalization of facts, materials contained in various sources ).
This project is aimed at developing research activities in preschool children on the topic "Dinosaurs". It is this theme that gives children the opportunity to do what interests them; to develop the simplest research methods and skills; broadens the mind; teaches to see the relationship of a particular subject under study with the surrounding objects and the environment.
Project Matrix
Project Name: "Dinosaurs - who are they?"
Theme of the project
Development of the cognitive interest of the older preschooler through the study of ancient animals - dinosaurs.
Problem field of the project:
Insufficiency of manifestation of exploratory behavior of preschoolers when getting acquainted with the amazing phenomena of the planet's history.
Pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques used in the organization of children's activities within the framework of the project
Study of the living conditions of dinosaurs in antiquity
Study of the external structure of dinosaurs by type of food (carnivores, herbivores), by habitat (aquatic, flying)
Experimenting on growing a dinosaur from an egg.
Initiation of the exploratory behavior of a preschooler
- To form children's ideas about ancient life on Earth (about the origin, life and extinction of dinosaurs)
- 0148
Search and research activities
- cause interest in the knowledge of the world through acquaintance with ancient animals
- to develop the ability to build statements, the ability to present object
Planned results
- manifests a steady interest in studying ancient animals;
- is able to independently attract the attention of an adult or a child in order to communicate information about ancient animals - dinosaurs;
- is able to perform intellectual operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, comparison) in the process of studying the appearance of dinosaurs;
- is able to confidently follow the example (instruction) of the teacher in the process of describing the dinosaur;
- is able to develop a plan of action to create a product, write a descriptive story about dinosaurs;
Type of the project - cognitive - research
- Children - group, senior preschool age
- Teachers - kindergarten teachers
- Parents, grandparents - organizers of educational activities (prepare at home a presentation of one of the dinosaur representatives according to the plan and recommendations of the teacher)
Season, duration of the project and each stage
0003 | Stage | Contents parents: cartoons, films, books about dinosaurs - teachers: cartoons, films, books about dinosaurs | 1 week | |
Forms of work | Name / Topic | Dates | ||
1 | Activity of the teacher | Organization of educational activity Organization of independent children 9000 spatial environment | ||
2 | Joint activities of the teacher and children | Conversations Watching movies, cartoons Reading popular science and fiction | “Dinosaur babies”, “Why did the dinosaurs die out?” "Earth BC", "Walking with Dinosaurs", "Dinotopia" cartoons. | |
3 | Joint activities of children with each other | Looking at books, pictures of dinosaurs Assistance to each other in the manufacture of a product | ||
4 | Independent activities of children | Creating a product - the manufacture of Passpart with a signature | 9000 | Joint activity of the child with parents | Performance design. Public performance rehearsal | Preparation for the performance |
6 | Parents | Selection and joint viewing of films and films, Reading arts |
Children's Conference "World of Dinosaurs"
Description of the product resulting from the project
Speech at a conference introducing your dinosaur.
Integration of educational areas,
Social and communicative development (interaction with peers, participation in joint activities)
Speech development (discussion of an object of nature, consideration of encyclopedias; acquaintance with works of fiction, preparation of an oral presentation)
Environmental education (acquaintance children with the nature of antiquity, natural living conditions of dinosaurs)
Artistic and aesthetic development (modeling of a dinosaurian, creation of applique)
No. PP | The name of the educational field | Content (short) |
Tasks |
1 | Artistic and aesthetic development | Diplodocus figure modeling - to consolidate the skills of working with plasticine, combining the constructive and plastic modeling methods; - develop visual perception, tactile sensation, creative imagination; | |
“Dinosaur Skeleton” pasta appliqué | To form the ability to create a flat design, selecting material according to the sample; To develop curiosity, attention, memory, creative thinking, initiative and fine motor skills of | ||
2 | 2 Cognitive development | Analysis of the natural conditions of the dinosauric era, of the appearance of dinosaurs | To develop the ability to analyze, classify animals according to the type of food and habitat. |
“Entertaining experiments”: “Why were dinosaurs so big?”, “Growing dinosaur babies from eggs” | Develop the ability to independently analyze information, put forward a hypothesis, conduct experiments, draw conclusions and conclusions | ||
Dinosaur Talks, Baby Dinosaurs, Why Did Dinosaurs Die? | To form a cognitive interest in the animal world of the past; To develop the ability to distinguish dinosaurs by appearance; Give an idea about their life, nutrition, the appearance of offspring, the causes of the death of ancient animals. | ||
Excursion to the virtual paleontological museum | Give an idea about the paleontological museum, exhibits; Develop observation, thinking; Expand your understanding of ancient animals. | Expand ideas about ancient animals; Develop the ability to read an encyclopedia; | |
Viewing pictures of dinosaurs in pictures and books with 3-D drawings of dinosaurs, dinosaur skeletons. | Develop cognitive interest when looking at illustrations, 3-D drawings, The ability to find similarities and differences between animals in pictures, | ||
Modeling a dinosaur from Lego constructor | Development of creative and productive activities of children through modeling from Lego constructor; To form cognitive and research activity in children, the desire for mental activity. Develop fine motor skills of hands, aesthetic taste, constructive skills and abilities. | ||
Board game "Assemble the dinosaur", "Assemble the puzzles". | To consolidate the ideas about dinosaurs, The ability to restore an animal image, Development of fine motor skills | ||
9000 3 | Speech development | 9000 Reading poems about dinosaurians: V. loves dinosaurs"; I. Carde “Dinosaur Asked for a Dinosaur”; A. Mont "At the mother-dinosaur" Reading Maxim Naumov's fairy tales about a dinosaur named Neumekha (a series of instructive tales) Reading Maria Shkurina's fairy tale "Dinosaur is looking for a mother". | To introduce works of fiction, the main character of which is a dinosaur; Active vocabulary enrichment;
Describe the dinosaur board game | Development of the ability to compose simple short stories about dinosaurs, describe their appearance, develop monologue speech | ||
Production of the LEPBUK "Era Dinosaurs" | |||
4 | Physical development | Find dinosaurus 9000 herbivores”, “Show one, two, three dinosaurs”, “Jumping dinosaurs”, “Reach the palm tree with a ball”. | Form orientation in space, teach to act on a signal, develop dexterity, attention. |
Project for 1 week