Obstacle course game for kids
5 Indoor Obstacle Courses for Kids
Maybe it’s too hot to play outside or you live in the city with not an ideal park for your kids to get the physical activity they need! But who says you need playground equipment to have fun? Bring the excitement indoors for your little ones with these 5 indoor obstacle courses for kids! It’s a fun way to keep kids busy without screen time. Not only will they have a blast, but you’ll be entertained and laughing for hours as they navigate through the obstacles ideas below.
How Much Physical Activity Do Children Need?It’s incredibly important for a child’s developmental health to get ample amounts of playtime. Depending on your child’s age, they require different amounts of playtime. The average amount of time is an hour for most children — but it’s recommended that children stay active throughout the day for a cumulative time of three hours. This may sound like a lot but with the time spent setting up indoor activities for your young ones it’s easy to achieve this, and a fun way to bond with kids! 1
Indoor Obstacle Course Ideas for Toddler-Aged or Preschool-Aged Children (ages 3 through 5 years)#1 Hula Hoop Hopscotch
Set up time: 5 minutes
Objective: The child will hopscotch in each of the hula hoops laid on the floor.
For this remix on hopscotch, your preschooler will jump hoop to hoop to complete the indoor course – no chalk required! Jumping in and out of hoops is a perfect indoor activity to get your kid moving and grooving. Below are a few ideas to make the challenges more difficult:
- Spread the hoops further apart
- Make different moves for each colored hoop (E.g. Blue hula hoop you hop in with your right foot, green hula hoop you do jumping jacks, and red hula hoop you frog jump to the next hoop)
#2 Pool Noodle Sword Fight
Set up time: 1 minute
Objective: First child to tap their noodle on the other wins the round
This is a quick set up! For your child’ safety, it’s a good idea to clear the room of any fragiles before the pool noodle sword fight commends between your little ones. It’s a great game that can last for quite a while and exhaust your preschooler just in time for a nap.
#3 The Hot Lava Obstacle Course
Set up time: 10 minutes
Objective: Race to the finish line but don’t touch the floor (it’s hot lava!)
Maybe you played this game when you were younger so you remember just how fun it is! To play this game, it’s best to use multiple rooms to set up the hot lava obstacle course. Your role in this will be the referee. If your kiddo jumps into the hot lava, it’s back to the start line for them!
“Stepping stones” or objects to act as safety from the hot lava, should be placed throughout the course so that your little ones can cross the finish line. Examples of items to use as household “stepping stones” include:
- Chairs
- Couch cushion
- Pillow
- Towel
- Rope (this can be used as a balance beam)
This game does not just have to be for your toddler or younger children – little ones aged 5 or older can play as well! Sometimes even older kids and adults can’t resist the fun of this game.
Indoor Obstacle Course Ideas for Elementary-Aged Children (ages 6 through 13 years)#4 Hula Hoop Challenge
Set up time: 5 minutes
Objective: Time your child to see how quickly they can complete all the hula hoop challenges.
With this indoor obstacle course for kids, set up different colored hula hoops across the floor with about at least 5 feet in between each so every child playing has their own space to move around. Every color of hula hoop represents a different activity with the hula hoop. Below are some examples of what each hula hoop color can represent:
- Yellow – Do jumping jacks in the hula hoop 5 times
- Red – Jump rope with hula hoop 5 times
- Blue – Hula hoop around your hips 10 times
- Purple – Throw 5 bean bags into the hoop
If you want to professionally set this hula hoop course up, create colorful signs that are assigned to each hula hoop station!
#5 Laundry Basket Bean Bag Toss
Set up time: 5 minutes
Objective: Child to get the most bean bags in the laundry basket wins the round
Although an easy game to set up, this challenge can get competitive pretty quickly. Set up two laundry baskets on each side of the room and give each child the same amount of beans bags to toss. Additionally, join in on the competition by challenging your kiddo to a laundry basket bean bag toss!
Here are a few alternatives to beans bags:
- Stuffed animals
- Bouncy ball or whiffle ball
- Soft toys
This laundry basket bean bag toss can be combined with other indoor obstacle games that we have mentioned.
We hope these obstacle courses for kids spark a bunch of fun playtime with you and your kiddos. By keeping them active with indoor activities, your child will strengthen their bones and muscles, while also boosting their imagination. For more fun activities and parenting advice, visit the Children’s Bureau parenting blog or talk with one of our helpful team members today!
- https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/children/index.htm
Reviewed by:
Ronald E. Brown, President & CEO
Dr. Ronald E. Brown has been the President & CEO of Children’s Bureau since 2018. He joined Children’s Bureau in 2000 where he managed the operations of Children’s Bureau’s foster care, adoption, mental health and child abuse prevention programs. He holds a B.A. in Social Sciences from the University of California, Santa Barbara, an M.B.A. from California State University, Long Beach, and a Ph. D. in Public Policy and Administration from Walden University.
25 Easiest Low Prep Obstacle Courses for Kids
Find some ideas how to organize the best obstacle courses for kids that will keep them occupied for hours!
Lately, my kids love a more challenging play time. They have been asking me to set up and prepare obstacle course.
I think obstacle courses are great for kids. They encourage thinking and problem solving. Also most of the obstacle courses require lots of physical movement which is so hard to achieve these days.
I've searched and re-searched for obstacle courses for kids that require low prep, but bring most fun for kids!
Jump to:- 25 Obstacle Courses for Kids
- 1. Water Obstacle Course
- 2. Spy Training Obstacle Course
- 3. Backyard Obstacle Course
- 4. Obstacle Course themed Birthday Party
- 5. Animal Sounds Obstacle Course
- 6.
Build your own Obstacle Course together
- 7. Sidewalk Obstacle Course
- 8. Simple Obstacle Course for Crawlers
- 9. Balloon Obstacle Course
- 10. DIY Obstacle Course
- 11. Obstacle Course for young kids
- Fun Ideas For Kids
- 12. Pipe Obstacle Course
- 13. DIY Cavaletti
- 14. Make your own Obstacle Course
- 15. Yarn Obstacle Course
- 16. Pool Noodle Obstacle Course
- 17. Dad Approved Obstacle Course
- Indoor Obstacle Courses
- 18. Super Easy Obstacle Course
- 19. Shape Obstacle Course
- 20. Train Obstacle Course
- 21. Obligatory Morning Obstacle Course
- 22. Easy Gross Motor Obstacle Course
- 23. Indoor Obstacle Course
- 24. Spy Scavenger Obstacle Course
- 25. String Obstacle Course
25 Obstacle Courses for Kids
Source: Meaningul MamaUsing balloons, pool noodles and lots of water, this obstacle course is perfect for all ages!
Kids love to pretend as spies or as action characters. Start their training by creating your very own Spy training camp!
Using your garden planters and house buckets, you can build the easiest obstacle course ever!
Source: Martha StewartYour kids would definitely enjoy an obstacle course themed birthday party and it might be the best birthday party they would ever have!
If you have lots of stuffed animals at home, stored somewhere in the attic, this is the right time to bring it all out!
Nothing beats a family activity, so make it more exciting by assembling your own obstacle course!
Source: PlaytivitiesUsing only a box of colored chalks, you can create your own obstacle course even without a backyard!
If you're looking just to be told an ACTIVITY TO DO EACH DAY -- what you need and how to do it -- join The Activity Room. It's structured like a meal planning service -- but with activities.
It's geared towards 2-5 year olds.
Toddlers love crawling, don't they? It's time for the little ones to have their own obstacle course!
Using a pack of balloons, make your next obstacle course activity more fun!
Source: Imagination SoupIf you are looking to create your own obstacle course, check out this easy instructions and customize your obstacle course!
If your children are still too young to accomplish complex obstacle courses yet, try out this custom obstacle course for young kids!
Fun Ideas For Kids
Interconnected pipes are one of the best materials to use for any outdoor activity, especially for creating your own obstacle course!
Source: Jax Dog MomOne of the best things about an obstacle course is that you can put any activity in it. Try out this homemade DIY Cavaletti!
No time to go on a quick beach getaway? Try out this pool themed obstacle course using your own pool noodles, pipes and a small inflatable pool!
A ball of yarn can go a long way to give your kids a more exciting day!
Source: Learn Play ImagineWith your pool noodles hanging around your house after the summer getaway, you can still use it for this awesome obstacle course.
Not all obstacle courses are dad approved, it is actually a lot more fun and advanced if Dads approve it! So check everything first, before you let them do it.
Indoor Obstacle Courses
You don't need a lot of materials to do this. Just look around your home for toys that can be used for every station for the obstacle course.
Source: Toddler ApprovedAnother indoor obstacle course to help your kids to memorize the shapes easily!
For indoor plans during the school days, surprise them with train tracks all around your home!
For your future long weekend plans, start it with a tiring yet fun activity like this morning obstacle course!
Source: Adventures At Home With MumAn indoor obstacle course to enhance your children's motor skills!
If summer is over and you are still craving for obstacle courses, you can always do it indoors!
If there is an outdoor Spy training course, this indoor Spy obstacle course is much easier to do!
Source: Hands On As We GrowUsing a deck of cards and a couple of strings, you can have an indoor obstacle course to make your weekends more exciting!
- Ultimate Water Balloon Games
- 10 Surprises For Kids That Won't Cost You a Dime
- 10 Absolutely Coolest Backyard Games For Kids
- 30 Funniest Simon Says Ideas
Obstacle course and 13 more outdoor games for a children's holiday.

If you are organizing a home children's party or helping to organize a New Year's party at school or kindergarten, you can't do without outdoor games - you need to release children's energy. We offer games for children from 3-4 years old, which can be included in any holiday scenario - for example, dedicated to sports. Don't forget to think of rewards for the winners of each competition, such as homemade medals. Then you will get a real Olympics! nine0004
Long jump
You will need: rope or ribbon; one tag (plastic cap, loto chip, or marked piece of paper) per player.
Mark the start with tape or rope. Let the child stand on the start and jump forward. Put a mark on the place where he landed. Then let him jump again. If this time he jumped further, then move the marker to the place of the new landing, if not, leave it where it was. Let the child jump 5 times. Put a mark on the place of the farthest jump. nine0005
Have each child jump in the same way. The one who jumps the farthest wins.
Discus throw
You will need: rope or ribbon, paper plates.
Use string or tape to mark off a square at the end of the room. Let the child move away and try to hit this square with paper plates. Two or more children can throw plates in turn, competing in accuracy. You can mark the plates with different colors for each child or write their names on them. nine0005
Javelin throw
You will need: rope or ribbon, toothpicks.
Use string or tape to mark two lines on the floor at a distance from each other. Give each child 5 toothpicks. Let the players take turns standing behind one of the lines and throw toothpicks one at a time to the second line. Score points for those toothpicks that touched or crossed the second line. The child with the most points wins.
Shot put
You will need: rope or ribbon, balloons, badge or medal.
Use tape or string to mark two lines spaced apart. Give each player a balloon. Let the players take turns standing behind one of the lines and throw one ball at a time to the second line.
The balls do not fly far, so the player whose ball touches or crosses the second line deserves a reward.
Ring throw
You will need: scissors, small paper plates, bottle, candlestick or other long, stable object.
Cut out the center of each plate, leaving a 3 cm ring. Place a bottle, candlestick, or other tall, stable object on the floor. Let the child move away and try to throw the rings from the plates onto the bottle.
Two or more children can compete to throw the most rings. You can mark the children's rings with different colors or sign the child's name on them. nine0005
Obstacle course
When you create an obstacle course, consider the age and number of children, their abilities and the space you have available. Here are some ideas to get you started. For most children, 10 trials are sufficient.
- Crawl under or over a row of chairs.
- Crawl under a rope stretched between the legs of two chairs.
- Jump in and out of the hoop 5 times.
- Walk across the plank. nine0060 Get the rattle into the laundry basket.
- Run with a rattle on your head.
- Roll over.
- Jump in place, repeating the rhyme.
- Do 10 leg jumps together - legs apart.
Golf newspapers
You will need: newspaper, tape, tape and paper or empty tins, 1 tennis or golf ball for each player.
Make a golf club for each player by rolling up a few sheets of newspaper and tying them tightly. Using tape and sheets of paper or jars lying on their sides, mark several "holes" on the floor. Let the child use his club to try to drive the ball into the holes. nine0005
Ball racing
You will need: rope or ribbon, one soft ball per player.
Mark two lines with tape or string, spaced apart.
Give each player a ball. Let the children stand at the start. Say: “Get started! Attention! March!". Players must rush to the finish line in one of the following ways:
- crawl while holding the ball on their back;
- run with the ball between your legs. nine0061
The player whose ball fell on the way to the finish is out of the game.
Coin Hunt
You will need: Coins, one plate or cup per player.
Have the children leave the room while you hide the coins. You can hide them under sofa cushions, in drawers, behind curtains, on books, etc. When the children return, give everyone a plate or cup. At your signal, they should start looking for coins. After 5 minutes, the search stops and the found coins are counted. The one with the most coins wins. nine0005
Blind Coin Hunt
You will need: Eyepatch for each player, coins, paper bag per player.
A large spacious room is suitable for this game. Remove all objects that children can hit. Tie each player a blindfold and scatter coins on the floor. Give everyone a paper bag. At your signal, the children should begin to crawl on all fours and look for coins by touch. After 5 minutes, on a signal, the hunt stops and the results are calculated. The one who collects the most coins wins. nine0005
Cross the river
You will need: rope or rope.
Mark two lines at a distance from each other with a line or string. It will be a river. Have the players take turns trying to jump over the river. Widen the river by moving the ropes a little. Have the players try to jump over again. Make the river wider until the players can jump over it. The one who jumps over the widest river wins.
Running in pillowcases
You will need: rope or ribbon, one pillowcase per player.
With string or tape, make two lines on the floor at a distance from each other. Have each player stand at the starting line wearing a pillowcase, holding onto the top of the pillowcase. At the signal, the players must start jumping towards the finish line. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.
Hide the clock
You will need: clock or timer that ticks loudly.
This game is good for children of all ages. Children leave the room, and the adult hides the clock or timer. On a signal from an adult, the children return and try to find the clock. The one who finds them first wins. nine0005
Change of costumes
You will need: 2 boxes or 2 suitcases, changing clothes (hats, scarves, jackets, skirts, etc.).
This fun game requires 4 or more players. It is good to play it with the whole family, because children really like it when adults have fun with them.
Fill suitcases or boxes with an equal amount of items. Items must be large enough for any player to wear. Place the boxes at one end of the room. nine0005
Divide the players into 2 equal teams. Have the teams line up in two lines opposite the boxes at the other end of the room. On the command "Forward!" a player from each team runs to one of the boxes and puts on all the things that are in it, over the things that he is wearing. Agree in advance whether to fasten zippers and buttons. When the player puts on all the things, he must quickly take them off, put them in a box and run to the end of his team. Then the next player runs, and so on. The team that finishes first will win. nine0005
Methodological development: Outdoor game "Obstacle Course" for children of senior preschool age and preparatory groups for school. | Methodological development in physical education (preparatory group) on the topic:
State budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 52 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg
197345, St. Petersburg, st. Tourist, d.18, building 2, LOCK A
Methodical development: outdoor game "Obstacles Street" for older preschool children and preparatory for the school of kindergarten. nine0005
Author's development
Educational field: Physical development
Technologies used:
Outdoor games.
Competitive activity.
Developed by
Instructor of FC (pool) GBDOU No. 52
Primorsky district
Firsov Sergey Vladislavovich
This paper presents the development, description and rules of the outdoor game "Obstacle Course" for implementation in the conditions of physical education classes on the street in the summer, for children of senior preschool age and kindergarten groups preparatory to school. nine0005
Table of Table of Contents
- Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3
- Main part …………………………………………… ……………………………………………………4
- Conclusion……………………………........………………… …….....…..6
- Purpose and tasks.
To form interest among preschoolers in physical culture and sports.
Social and Communication Development NGO
1. Bring joy to children, stimulate the desire to participate in contests and competitions, win them. nine0005
2. Develop a sense of community by helping and supporting your comrades.
NGO "Physical Development"
1. To promote a healthy lifestyle.
2. Train attention and concentration.
3. Develop basic physical qualities: speed, strength, agility, flexibility, endurance.
Quest game "Obstacle Course" involves the passage of several different stations by children, requiring the use of the physical qualities of the child, without stopping, in the shortest possible period of time. nine0005
I consider the street and the adjacent territory to the kindergarten (sports ground) to be the most suitable conditions for this game.
Main part
This quest game can be implemented in 3 versions:
- As a personal competitive activity
- As a team competitive activity (relay race)
- As a collective passage of obstacles, without identifying winners 90 Personal competitive activity
- Tunnel
- Upland snake
- Jump over
- Snake on the ground
- Frogs
An even number of participants is required (4 or more people). The game is played in a knockout and until the strongest is revealed, by means of a round fight.
Example for 16 participants: an obstacle course is built for 4 participants (each has the same number of obstacles and the length of the distance), the children stand on the marked starting line, and at the command of the teacher they start passing obstacles, the first two children at the finish line go to the next round competitions.
Round wrestling for 16 people starts with ¼ final (16 people participate, 8 people go to the next round), then ½ final (8 people participate, 4 people go to the next round) and final (4 people participate and fight for prizes) . It is also possible to hold additional consolation finals, where places from 5-16 are played out.
This version of the game is suitable for children's sports activities. The following game options are more suitable for playing the game directly in the physical education class. nine0005
Team competitive activity (relay race)
For this variant of the game it is necessary, but not necessary, also an even number of people, in the absence of such, you can use the option when one child passes the strip twice.
It is necessary to divide the children into an equal number in each team (from 2 to 4 teams).
An obstacle course is lined up for each team (each has the same number of obstacles and the length of the course). Ready teams stand in one column in front of the starting line, and at the command of the instructor they begin to pass obstacles (one from each team), the next member of the team runs out onto the runway only after his teammate completes the distance completely, the instructor needs to carefully monitor this to avoid conflict situations. The team in which all players pass the obstacle course first wins. nine0005
This version of the game is suitable for children's sports activities, as well as for conducting as part of physical education classes.
Collective passage of obstacles, without identifying winners
In this version of the game, the number of participants does not matter, if there are too many children, then for the convenience of the lesson, you can divide them into 2-3 teams.
The course of this variant of the game involves building one obstacle course for all participants, and the guys go through the obstacle course one after another, running out onto the obstacle course at the command of the teacher. The winner in this option is not revealed. For a more interesting and varied passage, you can change the location of obstacles, as well as move the start and finish lines to one or another obstacle. nine0005
This version of the game is suitable for children's sports activities, as well as for conducting physical education classes (most relevant).
Obstacle course
The obstacle is built from hoops on a flat surface, securely attached to it with the help of improvised means. The hoops are placed one by one, forming a tunnel. The task is to get through the hoops without knocking them down.
The obstacle is built of medium-sized wooden blocks (for example), in the shape of a snake, with a small distance between them - the size of the child's step, the blocks must be of sufficient size so that the child can stand on them and not fall. The task is to go through each cube from above without stepping on the ground.
The obstacle is built from two cones and a stick fixed between them, the cones are placed in pairs, one after the other at a short distance. The task is to jump over the sticks without knocking them down. nine0005
The obstacle is lined up from cones standing on a flat surface, in the form of a snake, at a distance of 1 meter from each other. The task is to run a snake between the cones and not knock them down.
The obstacle consists of two lines indicating the beginning of the obstacle and the end. The task is to move from the beginning to the end of the "corridor" by jumping - "frogs"
The obstacle course can be supplemented and changed depending on the goals and tasks set for the trainees, the availability of the necessary equipment, the location of the classes, as well as the imagination of the teacher.