Ocean kid games
8 Awesome Ocean Themed Games for Kids
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The ocean is a captivating place, but it can be difficult to get little ones interested in something so vast and mysterious. These ocean themed games for kids are designed to help preschoolers fall in love with the ocean, whether they live near the coast or not.
This list of games for preschoolers are the perfect addition to your preschool ocean theme. There are games that can be played individually and others that are great for a group setting.
Some of the games are educational, and others are purely for fun! Choose which ones will best fit your preschoolers’ needs.
These card games and board games are a great option for preschoolers because they’re easy to understand and play, and they are a lot of fun.
Plus, they have the added benefit of teaching kids about marine life and oceanography. Here are some of our favorite ocean themed games for preschoolers.
Ocean Books for Preschoolers
Fill your book basket with a great collection of ocean books for preschool. Most of these books can be found at your local library or used bookstore. If you have a hard time finding them, you can order them through my Amazon affiliate links by clicking the images below.
Commotion in the Ocean – This delightful collection of poems includes fun rhymes about the creatures who live in and around the ocean. Children will delight in the snappy poems and colorful illustrations about whales, walruses, penguins, polar bears, stingrays, and sharks. Over in the Ocean in a Coral Reef – This coral reef is a marine nursery, teeming with mamas and babies! In the ageold way of kids and fish, children will count and clap to the rhythm of “Over in the Meadow” while puffer fish “puff,” gruntfish “grunt” and seahorses “flutter. ” Ocean: A Peek Through Book – Discover a world teeming with life beneath the waves, with graceful sea horses, darting tropical fish, electric eels, and humpback whales.
Round Out Your Unit with These Activities:
Toddlers and preschoolers will love this ocean life sensory bin! This kit contains everything you need for hours of fun.
Explore the 6 layers of water and earth in the Earth’s oceans. Along with textured felt pieces, there are also 16 laminated labels to describe the different ocean layers and the earth beneath them. This contains 2 sets of labels for each layer so it is adaptable to a wider range of ages.
These ocean-themed games are sure to keep your preschoolers entertained for hours on end – not to mention that they’re educational too!
So next time you’re looking for ways to occupy your little ones, consider busting out one (or all!) of these ocean themed games instead of popping in yet another movie.
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27 Fun Under the Sea Theme Ideas and Activities
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These simple ocean-themed activities are sure to lead to hours of laughter and fun. What kid doesn’t enjoy the beach? If you cannot take a trip to the beach, bring the beach to the kids. These under the sea theme ideas will make them feel like they are enjoying a summer day at the ocean.
- A clean, empty two-liter plastic bottle with a cap
- Clear vegetable oil
- Water
- A funnel
- Blue food coloring
- Shells and sea creatures (available from craft stores- be sure to use lightweight items that float)
- One teaspoon of glitter
- White craft glue and a hot glue gun (to be used ONLY by staff or supervised by staff at all times).
- Fill the bottle halfway with water.
- Add a few drops of blue food coloring and swirl around to mix.
- Add glitter and sea creatures/shells and then fill the bottle the rest of the way with vegetable oil using a funnel.
- Make sure that cap and rim are dry— and then apply white glue around the rim and seal cap.
- Use a layer of hot glue around the outside edge of the cap for added protection from leakage.
- Turn the bottle on its side to create a wave in this ocean habitat! From Kid’s domain website.
“Ocean Treasure”–add coins and beads!
TIP: If you have trouble getting the entire label off – you may want to place a label over the ‘old laaber’ and write the “children’s’ names” and “Ocean in a Bottle”.
Either use colored paper plates or paint them.
I painted (the plates in the image are painted) use the less expensive plates without the coated surface. The coated plates will take much longer to dry.
Cut a ‘V-shaped” wedge from one side of the plate. This is the mouth. Glue the cut shape to the other side of the plate–this is the tail.
Glue or draw on an eye…and decorate as desired. Sequins or other embellishments can be applied as desired. Although it doesn’t show in the image—the two fish pictured have glitter glue applied.
Cut a paper plate in half. (This sample used small-sized plates for the jellyfish) Paint the paper halves. When dry glue crepe paper “tentacles’.
NOTE: If you will be hanging the fish and jellyfish–use a hole punch and then thread yarn or string through the hole in the paper plate to hang. (Image by KidActivities.net)
(Paper Pulp can be an alternative to clay!)
Put a cup of shredded newspaper into a blender.
Add 2 cups of water.
BLEND WELL. Very well.
Strain the mixture so that it is mushy, but still very wet. (Adjust paper and water according to the amount you need.)
Put PULP into ‘OCEAN THEMED’ cookie cutters as molds. Use a straw to form a hole at the top. When completely dry, remove from form. Paint as desired and add string/yarn/cord/ribbon for necklaces (or ornaments). Idea and images by Shannon Stewart formerly of Stetson School in Phoenix! To see photographs of Pulp Making and another idea —visit Play ough Category at the bottom of the page!
Inside a small to medium glass vase Use beach sand, shells, small pieces of driftwood, the small discarded shell of a crab, etc., for a SEA SCENE.
TIP: If working with a large group…put small glass vases on your wish list! I imagine that your parents have quite a few vases in their cupboards that they could donate–I get a couple every year with gifts of flowers.
- Give each child a piece of construction paper, and have them draw a picture or write words with the glue. Make sure that they do not put gobs of glue in any one spot.
- Before the glue dries, with the hand, pour/put sand onto the glue. Let it sit for a few minutes and then shake off the excess sand.
- It should dry flat for about half an hour depending on how much glue was used.
TIP: This can also be done with colored sand–but for those on a budget–regular sand works just as well.
- 1 cup sand
- 1 T. powdered paint
- Mix and put into a shaker.
- Put glue design onto paper-Shake sand onto the glue
Scroll down the page of the SAND THEME…there are five there!!!
- Baby food jars or other jars
- Colored sand or sand
- Tempera paint
- If not using purchased colored sand, combine the sand with the dry tempera paint. Make a variety of colors. Salt also works for white.
- Layer the different colors of sand into the jar. (Using small funnels to put the sand into the jars keep areas neat.)
- You can also use a straw or kabob stick to ‘poke’ through desired layers of sand to make designs
- Box of Froot Loops Cereal
- Have children sort the colors.
- Put the different colors into baggies and crush them till powdery.
- Put individual layers in a baby food jar, or clear plastic or glass bottles as you would colored sand.
TIP: This is good for younger children without the hazard of sand…Older kids may also like as a novelty.
Have children weave strips of fabric, ribbon, or yarn on paper plates. Join the plates together to make the scales of a fish on a pre-made fish shape!
Add strips of thinly cut roll paper or crepe paper to simulate seaweed! Cut out a few circles (bubbles) and space above the fish’s head. Photograph of Display Wall by Lisa Tregellas at Display Photos.
Pictured on the right is a close up of two woven plates.
One (the white plate) is very easy to do with slits cut opposite each other on the edge of the plate. The children then simply wrap the yarn or ribbon up and down the front and back of the plate. Do this until all slits have yarn on them. Tie the yarn/ribbon in a knot in the back of the plate.
The second way is a more traditional method of weaving paper. Fold the plate in half and cut a series of slits in the plate. Ribbon or yarn is then woven over and under (or in and out) the slits. The outer circle of this plate was painted before the weaving began.
When the plates were complete, spray adhesive was very lightly applied and glitter sprinkled over the plate. Most glitter adhered and very little came off. (Image by KidActivities.net)
TIP: After doing the two plates with yarn—ribbon or slim strips of fabric would go more quickly.
- 8 Seashells (available from the beach, or at craft supply stores)
- 1 plastic coffee-can lid
- Knitting yarn scraps
- Liquid white glue
- Sharp pencil or paper punch.
- Glue each shell to the end of a short piece of yarn. Use liquid white glue.
- Let dry overnight.
- Punch eight holes equally spaced on the top of a plastic coffee-can lid. Use a sharp pencil or a paper punch.
- Hold the lid with the rim facing up.
Push the eight pieces of yarn through the eight holes of the underside of the lid.
- Tie the end of each piece of yarn in a large knot. Make the knot bigger than the hole so the yarn will not slip through.
- Punch two more holes on opposite edges of the lid.
- Push one end of a large piece of yarn from the top of the lid through one hole. It should come out on the underside of the chime.
- Tie a large knot.
- Push the other end of the yarn through the other hole and knot it.
- Hang the chime on the branch of a tree or in your window.
- Color an underwater scene on the “eating” side of a paper plate.
- Glue goldfish crackers or cut-out pictures from coloring pages to the scene.
- Add a couple of pieces of plastic plant or crepe paper for seaweed…and using glue…add a little sand or soft dirt to make the seafloor.
- Using a second paper plate, cut a circle in the middle.
Cut a circle of blue plastic wrap 1 inch in diameter larger than your hole in the plate.
- On the “eating” side of this plate, glue the blue plastic wrap so that it covers and overlaps the hole on the plate.
- Glue or staple both plates together with the “eating” side toward the inside.
- Punch a hole in the top and string a piece of yarn through the hole to hang your aquarium from the ceiling.
- Paint toilet paper tube.
- When dry cut eight slits halfway up.
- Add googly eyes. An Octopus!
If desired punch hole in top and thread with string or yarn to hang.
- Fill a large plastic soft drink bottle about one-quarter full with water.
- Add a few drops of blue food coloring and a very small drop of liquid detergent.
- Pour in a small amount of clean sand or aquarium gravel. Blow up two small balloons, release most of the air, then tie the ends closed. Push the balloons into the bottle and screw the cap on tightly. When you have finished, you will have a fish tank with two bobbing “fish” inside.
- The fish will swim in the water by holding the bottle sideways and rocking it back and forth. You may just discover that each child will want one of their own.
MAKE AN ‘YARN DOLL OCTOPUS’… Directions are in the ‘YARN DOLL CATEGORY’… (Image by KidActivities.net)
A nice craft for “Beachy” Ocean Theme…
Layout pre-cut long pieces of string, twine, raffia, or fishing line, long-tube pasta, and plastic or fabric tropical flowers.
The kids can string together the flowers and pasta to make fun to wear a lei necklace.
- Craft foam
- Sharpened pencil
- Elastic cording
- Red-and-white striped straws or drink stirrers
- Cut out craft foam stars and use a sharpened pencil to poke a hole in the middle of each one.
- String them onto a length of elastic cording, alternating the stars with sections of straw or drink stirrer.
- Knot and wear.
PUFFY WHITE PAINT…NOT ONLY FOR SNOW SCENES but great for clouds and the ocean!
- White glue
- Shaving cream
- Paper
- Paintbrush
- Measure equal parts of white glue and shaving cream.
- Mix the two ingredients together. It should be very thick and fluffy.
In warm weather, it’s perfect for fluffy white clouds and ‘white caps’ on big ocean waves…The texture is interesting. When dry-it feels much like foam and stays three dimensional.
- Sandbox Sand
- White Glue
- Small Shells
- Mix sand and glue until the sand is syrupy.
- Pour the mixture into a bowl, plate, cup, etc.
- Push shells into the mixture to form a sculpture.
- Let this dry undisturbed; it may take a couple of days.
- When dry–the glue converts the sand to a plaster.
- Wading pool
- Marbles
- Optional sand
- Fill a wading pool with water and the dump marbles into it.
- The sand can also be added.
- The object is for team members to wade in a small pool and try to recover marbles (clams) with their toes –and place them in their bucket.
Rather than winners with each group, see which group can recover the most marbles.
An alternative would be to float Frisbees on the water surface and have the kids place the marbles in the Frisbees.
- Beach bag filled with game item
- A lawn chair for each group.
- Each team will “go to the beach” in relay fashion carrying the lawn chair and the beach bag.
- Each person…
1. Must set up the chair
2. Open the umbrella
3. Layout the towel
4. Put on the sunglasses
5. Sit
6. Open the magazine
7. Repack before returning for the next person to go.
This relay race is fun to watch.
This tag game can be played in an open field or a gym.
One child starts out as the shark and all others are minnows. (If the group is large start out with two sharks)
Minnows stand in a straight line at one side of the field/gym–facing the shark that is in the center of the play area.
The shark shouts, “Minnows swim to me!”
All the minnows run to the other side of the field. If they reach the other side they are safe.
If they are tagged they also become a “shark” or “seaweed”. The game continues with the leader shark saying, “Minnows swim to me” and the minnows try to get to the other side…
There are two versions to the game at this point…
#1. Method: Once tagged the minnows (who are now sharks) also help run and tag the remaining players. The lead shark is always the caller.
The last ‘safe minnow’ becomes the new leader shark.
#2. Method: Once tagged the minnows sit down and become seaweed. The seaweed reaches out as the minnow run/swim by and if tagged–also sit and become seaweed.
The last untagged minnow is the new shark.
TAKE OUT THE: Bowls, Buckets/Pails, Cars & Trucks, Colander, Cookie Cutters, Funnels, Ladles, Magnifying Glass, Measuring Cups, Molds of different shapes, Muffin tins, Plastic Sea animals, Dishes, People, Rolling Pin, Scale, Scoops, Shovels, Sieve, Sifters, Spoons, Strainer
Natural Materials: Seeds, shells, pebbles, sticks…
(Good for Pre-K to Grade 1)
Get enough cushions (or pillows or squares of paper) so there is one per person. Play some background music. Tell the children that they are in the ocean and to start “swimming” around to the music. When you stop the music shout out “There’s a storm coming – dash to an island!” Everyone must jump onto a cushion so no part of their body is touching the ocean (the floor).
Start the music again and the game resumes with a new variation.
Variation: Ask children to be fish–swimming in the sea. When you stop the music tell them there is a big shark coming to eat them.
- You can try other ideas such as: Crocodiles, Pirates or Jellyfish coming to get them.
The children would then be:
Dolphins, Boats, Crabs, Mermaids, mermen, etc. They could also be surfing!
(A listening game-appropriate for Pre-K to Grade 1)
- Children sit scattered about the play area on geometric shapes.
- Without telling the others, each child is assigned a creature that lives in the ocean on the back of their mat.
- One player is chosen as the fisherman.
- The teacher/caregiver calls out, “The ocean is calm”.
- Moving about the play space, the fisherman calls out names of various fish or sea creatures such as:
Shark, eels, starfish, stingray, clams, squid, etc. - When a player hears the name of the creature they have been given—they get up and walk behind the fisherman.
- When most of the players have been called out, the facilitator calls out, ” The ocean is stormy”.
- At this, all the children already caught– must find new seats.
- The child without a seat becomes the next fisherman.
In cold weather climates we often have “A Beach Party” Theme in January/February to boost our spirits–BUT don’t forget about the theme during sunny weather AND and have it outside! (Great for a ‘Good-Bye to Summer’ Theme!)
Play beach music and beach-ball volleyball; put umbrellas in the drinks, limbo dance, make ice-cream and leis! Check out the Outdoor Water Games Here…
- Two long ropes (The waves)
- Divide the children into two teams, on at each end of the play area.
- On your signal, the two teams run and try to jump the ropes.
- Keep on widening the ropes each time.
- If the students fall into the ocean, they must dry their feet back on the beach (lie on their back and shake their legs)
- They then get up and continue the jumps!
A great classroom, party, or afterschool program idea!
Place a basketball hoop in a small child’s swimming pool. Talk about swimming pool fun!
Ocean Theme Party Ideas•Bean bag sea animals
•Vinyl sea creatures
•Sun Glasses
•Sun Visors
•Flip flops
•Swedish Fish Candy or Gummy Fish
•Life Saver Candy
•Fish shaped suckers and candy rings
•Fish squirters
•Bubble necklaces
•Ocean Stamps/Stickers
•Sticker books
•Sticky sea creatures
•Water toys
•Sand/Beach toys (Sand pail, etc. )
•Small containers/tubes sunblock/lotion
•Mini plush fish
•Small toy animals that grow in water
For each child, fill a small cup with goldfish crackers.
Supply pretzel rods for fishing poles and peanut-butter to put on the ends to use as bait to snag the fish.
Fill celery with cream cheese and top them with goldfish crackers!
Make or purchase large round sugar cookies.
Have children cover half of the cookie with ‘blue food color-tinted’ frosting. Sprinkle sugar on the other half. (Ocean and Beach!)
Cut large celery stalks in half. Fill each half with peanut butter, cream cheese, or Nutella.
Place triangle-shaped crackers in the center of each to simulate a sail.
- Checkerboard, windowpane or round-shaped pretzels
- Choice of Hershey’s Kisses of Hugs chocolates
- GoldFish snack crackers
(KidActivities used only chocolate kisses and cheese-flavored crackers–any flavor cracker will taste great!)
- Preheat oven to 170 degrees.
- Open the bags of pretzels and place them on a parchment or waxed paper-lined cookie sheets in a single layer. DO ONLY ONE TYPE OF CANDY PER SHEET because the ‘Hugs’ melt faster than the kisses.
- Unwrap Hugs or Kisses, place one on each pretzel, repeat for an entire cookie sheet.
- Place cookie sheets in the preheated oven; bake 4 MINUTES FOR THE SHEET OF pretzels and HUGS—5-6 minutes for the pretzels and KISSES. Remove from oven and immediately place a goldfish on top of each pretzel/chocolate, pressing down gently.
- Place cookie sheet in the freezer or refrigerator until the chocolate is reset. (Image/sample by KidActivities.net)
When serving a group of kids that all like something different…Put out several ingredients. For our “Ocean Snack mix” choose from…
- Goldfish crackers, plain or cheese (Fish)
- Cheerios and/or Froot Loops (Life Savers/Life Rings)
- Pretzel sticks (Pieces of driftwood)
- Raisins, Yogurt covered raisins and/or chocolate chips (Small stones and pebbles)
- M&M’s (Colorful beach glass and stones)
- Mini marshmallows (Foam of the waves)
- Chow Mein noodles (Sea Weed)
- Put the variety of ingredients out in bowls.
For some added fun–make small signs with the name of the “Ocean Themed” ingredient and place in from of each food choice. Draw or cut out pictures for children who can’t read!
- After children wash their hands–give them each a baggie. (To keep track of whose is whose – have them write their name on it) The ingredients will then go into each child’s baggie with their choice of mixes.
TIP from Snack Mix page: Let children know how much ‘measurement-wise’ they can take of offered foods; also how many choices they can have. Example: Each child can take 1/2 cup of 4 food choices offered.
- A small fishbowl or clear glass bowl
- Swedish or gummy fish
- Blue Jell-O mix
- Make blue Jell-O according to directions. (The sample used blueberry)
- Pour into clear containers or fishbowl.
(The sample fish bowl used in the image used 4 small packages of Jell-O with 4 cups of boiling water and 4 cups of cold water)
- Refrigerate until the Jell-O begins to thicken. Add fish–they may need to be poked down a bit to suspend them ‘Under the Sea’ or Ocean.
- For foaming waves–cover or serve with whipped cream or topping. Be sure to have extra ‘fish’ so each child gets one…
NOTE: Fish will fall to the bottom of the Jell-O–if they are put in Jell-O before it has thickened a bit. After fish are placed in the Jell-O Ocean, they also tend to soften. It is best that the Jell-O be eaten within a day after it is firm. Small white and black jelly-beans
can be placed on the bottom to look like stones.
This may also be made in individual small clear plastic cups. Image by KidActivities.net
- 2 Graham crackers
- Chocolate sprinkles or raisins
- Place graham crackers in a plastic sandwich bag and crush with a rolling pin.
- Add a few chocolate sprinkles or raisins to make ants; seal the bag.
- Give the bag to the kids to take outside to eat; they can also pour it into a small bowl and eat at the table (Using their fingers, of course.)
ANT HILL on the BEACH– Make edible ant hills in cups!
Use clear plastic punch cups to see the layers.
- For the ‘sand” layer–first put vanilla or butterscotch pudding into the cup.
- Crush graham crackers in a plastic Ziploc bag and pour the crumbs into the cup for the anthill “sand”.
- Add chocolate chips or raisins for the “ants”.
SANDY SHELLS (Most kids like pasta tossed in butter!)
- Pasta shells
- Butter or Margarine
- Grated Parmesan Cheese (The Sand)
Optional: After defrosting frozen spinach–drain and pat spinach (seaweed). Toss in with shells and butter.
- Following package directions–Boil shell macaroni until tender.
- Have children add butter or margarine to drained pasta. (If adding spinach–do so before butter is added)
- Sprinkle on parmesan cheese. It can also sprinkle on parsley (more seaweed) for color.
…MAKE MAC AND CHEESE adding a drop of blue food coloring…
- Apple or pear slices (The palm Fronds)
- A favorite variety of graham crackers (tree trunk)
- Peanut butter–if no allergies (Beach)
- Raisins (Coconuts)
- Simply create a tree.
- Have extra ingredients to munch on!
THEMES ARE GREAT to culminate the school year or to build day camp around! (Actually, themes are wonderful ANY time)
An example is adapted from Lori Eisner in Florida… Her last week of school is Caribbean/Ocean week.
Children imagine they’re all on a CRUISE SHIP leaving from MIAMI, FLORIDA ON MONDAY, and sailing to different islands.
Tuesday: Arrive in Grand Cayman
Wednesday: Oranjestad, Aruba
Thursday: Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas
On Friday: Back at school. (You can choose your own islands.)
- During the week limbo, hula,make fruit smoothies, try exotic fruits, read island books, and learn about the ocean.
- Have children wear cruise wear all week; play Caribbean music, bring beach towels and relax! (‘Water Games’ category of KidActivities)
The last day of school is a luau.
- Kids could make/wear a white T-shirt that says, “Aloha ______ 2012” with a hibiscus drawn on the front and the autographs of children on the back.
- Have children create visors; girls wear hula skirts; boys wear Bermuda shorts. Create lei’s out of beads, foam flowers, and other materials.
How Do YOU SAY_________ IN SPANISH?
- Clam – Macha
- Conch – Concha
- Crab – Cangrejo
- Fish – Pescado (As food), Pez (Alive)
- Flounder – Lenguado
- Hermit Crab – Cangrejo emerito
- Jellyfish – Medusa
- Lobster – Langosta
- Ocean – Mar
- Oyster – Ostra
- Sea Horse – Caballo de Mar
- Sea Gull – Gaviota
- Sea Star – Astrella de Mar
- Sea Urchin – Erizo de mar
- Shark – Tibaron
- Shrimp – Gamba
- Snail – Caracol
- Stingray – Raya
- Sun Star – Sol de Mar
- Wave – Ola
- Whale – Ballena
Read the RAINBOW FISH BOOKS. And then…
Make rainbow fish by coloring, painting, decorating and putting sequins on cut out fish shapes.
Make some SALT WATER…
Leave it in a warm place for a few days.Questions to ask:
What happens when salt dissolves in water? What happens to the standing salt water after a few days? Why?
ANSWER…Salt dissolves in water. That does not mean that the salt disappears when this happens.
The salt and water are mixed together in the solution. When the water evaporates, the salt is left behind. The sodium and chloride atoms rejoin with each other.
A SEAis a large body of relatively deep (usually salt) water with limited or no connection to the greater oceans of the world.
An OCEAN is a vast body of saltwater forming the interconnected waterway that surrounds the entire world. Oceans are deep and derive their currents from a complex system variable water temperatures and weather systems borne out of their varying depths and their absorption of the sun’s radiated energy.
According to the NOAA, there is only one global ocean.
If you look at a map of the globe, it’s easy to see that there is really only one ocean.
While there is only one global ocean, the seas are geographically divided into the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern (Antarctic) Oceans.
These five oceans are not separate bodies of water; they form one continuous oceanic mass. The boundaries between these five oceans arose over time for a variety of historical, cultural, geographical, and scientific reasons.
- The Pacific, the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean are known as the three major oceans.
- The Southern Ocean is the ‘newest’ ocean. The boundaries of this ocean were set in 2000 by the International Hydrographic Organization.
Information Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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- Patriotic Theme for Preschool
- What Am I Questions
Underwater games for PC
Games that allow you to look through a monitor or VR helmet into the abyss of the oceans hidden from the eyes of the majority, as well as visit fictional underwater stations and even entire cities.
The little-studied depths of the ocean still keep many unthinkable, perhaps sinister and even dangerous secrets. At least in the imagination of game developers, who are quite willing to address this topic. For those who are also excited and interested in the mysterious underwater world, we have prepared a special selection of the best games about the underwater world on PC.
A sensational survival game set in the depths of an alien ocean where the protagonist's starship crashed. An interesting and beautiful game with an open world, a well-thought-out and convincingly functioning ecosystem, decorated with a competent fantastic setting.
Literally from the very first minutes, Subnautica catches on with its proportional and unobtrusive gameplay, which allows the player to explore, fight, build and, of course, survive in completely unfamiliar conditions by all means and means.
Subnautica: Below Zero
Below Zero is a stand-alone add-on for Subnautica: it is sold separately, it is also installed. The game takes place in the arctic region of the planet 4546B, where players will have to immerse themselves in a new story related to the search for the protagonist's sister.
The setting is new, but the adventure is still exciting: abandoned scientific stations, dangerous underwater monsters and extremely low temperatures await you. Subnautica: Below Zero will not be conquered by everyone, but those who manage to curb it will discover a lot of interesting things!
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Without a doubt, one of the most original, tense and unpredictable horror games on PC. SOMA takes place on the underwater research station PATHOS-2, which has suddenly become a realm of insane machines, seeking to kill all the personnel.
What lies behind such terrible events - the main character will have to find out, and at the same time help the surviving researchers and, of course, find a way to get to the surface.
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BioShock and BioShock 2
Not all of the games on our list have the underwater depths as uninhabited, wild territory inhabited exclusively by plankton, fish and algae. In the first two games of the famous BioShock series, players had a unique opportunity to get acquainted with Rapture, a marvelous underwater city that, after a series of sad events, turned from a utopian secluded place into a real underwater hell.
The first two parts of BioShock, which are the spiritual heirs of System Shock, still amaze with their unique gameplay with an abundance of combat options, an amazing storyline and a fantastic environment that combines the surroundings of underwater dystopia and retrofuturism.
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The best multiplayer first-person shooter where battles take place in a dark underwater world, and the player can try out the role of not only a combat diver, but also a multi-ton shark. The game offers seven types of sharks with upgradeable (evolving) abilities, an impressive selection of weapons, and an AI play mode.
The latter is especially important, given the specific gameplay of Depth, which is very difficult for beginners to get used to.
Relaxing and atmospheric adventure game in a mesmerizingly beautiful underwater world. The world of ABZU is full of bright colors and quirky inhabitants, and its nooks and crannies often hide various secrets. However, it is still impossible to be completely careless here: at any moment, certain dangers hidden in the depths of the sea can fall on a carefree diver.
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An action-adventure game in which the player takes on the role of a shark. He will have to take revenge on the people who killed his mother, and for this he will keep at bay everyone who is in or near the ocean. The goal is simple - you need to eat, kill and become the most dangerous shark in the underwater world. And this task is seasoned with an intriguing plot about revenge.
A large open world is available that can be explored without restrictions. The player can improve the shark and unlock different skills. Murder in the game is a spectacular thing, but at the same time, the developers tried to reproduce real cases of attacks on people, and often refer to statistics. Maneater is not only a unique game in its genre, but also a way to let off steam!
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SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated
We have already explored the beauty of the deep sea and even considered horror stories about the underwater world - but we completely forgot that someone else lives at the bottom of the ocean. Meet the people's favorite Sponge-Bob! In the 3D platform game SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated, a remake of the 2003 game, the player will go on an adventure with SpongeBob's friends and try to stop Plankton once again.
The game boasts juicy graphics and elements for which we love platformers - collecting items, simple fights and a variety of puzzles. There is also the possibility of cooperative passage - a great reason to write to a friend.
Last Tide
The battle royale has reached the depths of the sea! A hundred divers, harpoon guns, bloodthirsty sharks and torpedoes - of course, all this gave the hackneyed genre, consisting of dozens of the same type and uninteresting clone games, a tangible shake-up and ignited a seemingly hopelessly extinguished spark of interest.
And the gameplay in Last Tide is significantly different from the usual battle royale. The advantages include excellent graphics, a large selection of equipment and good optimization.
Survival horror from independent studio Honor Code, released on PC in 2017. After a man-made disaster, the hero finds himself all alone under many kilometers of water, sealed in a half-ton spacesuit.
The almost complete absence of light, hostile flora and fauna, lack of oxygen that threatens to plunge the mind of an unfortunate diver into complete madness, stress and pressure - all this can catch fear no less than demons and monsters of all stripes familiar to the horror genre.
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Shark Attack DEATHMATCH 2
Deathmatch in an underwater world where players fight not only with each other, but also with sharks - the most ancient and dangerous predators on the planet. The main advantages of Shark Attack are dynamic and tense confrontations up to 8 players, unusual environment, good visuals and, of course, great white sharks.
Survival in the underwater world, ahead of the mega-popular Subnautica, considered an innovator in this direction, by as much as 4 years. The final version of FarSky came out in 2014, when Subnautica had just arrived in Early Access and looked very raw.
Today FarSky is much more accessible to ordinary people than the already mentioned Subnautica due to its price and system requirements. True, the graphics in the game are appropriate. Also, the disadvantages include the lack of the Russian language, fresh updates and multiplayer (although the latter is also absent in Subnautica). In general, as a budget alternative with limited gaming functionality and moderate graphics, FarSky looks quite decent.
The game is withdrawn from sale in official digital services
Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive
Another relaxing game on our list, which gives a unique chance through the computer to join such an unusual type of recreation as spearfishing. Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive is divided into 3 large locations, each with its own set of missions and unique underwater inhabitants.
For those who prefer a more peaceful leisure activity, there is a photo hunting mode and the opportunity to search for marine treasures. And for complete relaxation and reboot after a busy day, Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive has a free play mode.
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AquaNox series
The cult series of shooter/submarine simulators, despite its considerable age, is still included in the list of the best games about the underwater worlds on the PC. Frantic battles with pirates and mercenaries of hostile corporations, collecting resources and trading, completing quests for various factions and, of course, a dark and bewitching world of the future in which people are forced to continue their existence in the depths of the world's oceans - no other computer game can offer anything like this .
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Song of the Deep
A beautiful and interesting 2D game that belongs to the Metroidvania category. The main character is a 12-year-old girl Merrin, who went in search of her beloved father, a fisherman who disappeared at sea. Convinced that his father is still alive but held captive by the ocean, Merrin gathers the necessary equipment for diving, builds a submarine and begins to explore the mysterious underwater world.
The gameplay of Song of the Deep consists of battles, collecting the parts needed to upgrade the submarine, and solving various puzzles.
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Reveal The Deep
Atmospheric 2D walker for people with nerves of steel. The action of the game takes place on an English ship that sank at the beginning of the 20th century, carrying archaeological finds.
What caused the shipwreck? Why do some shadows flicker in the gloomy flooded compartments of the ship? Where did the remains of the crew go? The player will have to find answers to all these questions that disturb the psyche, exploring the huge skeleton of a ship creaking anxiously under the water column, finding notes left by no one knows who and solving simple puzzles. Atmospheric and exciting. Fans of horror, pixel art and marine themes should especially like it.
Note: the game does not officially support the Russian language, but you can download a custom crack online.
World of Diving
Online diving simulator with support for virtual reality devices. Although we hasten to warn lovers of realism and reliability: there is no link to real deep diving and the difficulties and dangers associated with this.
World of Diving is a game for relaxation and recreation, which allows you not only to explore the wonderfully beautiful underwater world, but also to interact with its inhabitants, complete various missions (including custom ones) and compete with other players.
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Ocean Rift
A VR game that gives players the chance to experience an exciting underwater safari experience.
The developers at Llyr ap Cenydd have managed to recreate in virtual reality a surprisingly vibrant and diverse underwater world, divided into 12 themed zones, including mangrove swamps, coral reefs, shipwrecks, a prehistoric sea with dinosaurs and even the freezing waters of the Arctic Ocean.
In addition to free-swimming among dolphins and manatees, Ocean Rift has a special learning mode that allows you to learn a lot of interesting information about marine life.
2D cooperative submarine simulator. According to the plot, people in the future went to live on the moon of Jupiter, but because of its radioactive surface, they are forced to live in the ocean. The player assumes the role of a submarine crew member and sets out to explore the dark corners of the underwater world.
Gameplay is reduced to team interaction between players (recommended to play in co-op). The team will have to manage the submarine and quickly fix various problems. And they will appear not only because of the realistic control, but also various alien monsters who will try to destroy the aliens. During the mission, players can leave the boat. True, the local inhabitants will be against the free study of their underwater world.
Feed and Grow: Fish
Do you know evolution games? These are projects in which you, having taken control of the lowest link in the food chain, are trying to survive and get to its top (for example, as in Spore). In Feed and Grow: Fish you will start playing as a small fish. To get bigger and stronger, you need to constantly eat and hide from large predators that are too tough for you so far.
As you level up, the fish get bigger and you develop new skills. You will eventually become the most dangerous predator in the ocean! Feed and Grow: Fish impresses not only with the gameplay, but also with beautiful views of the underwater world. Thanks to the graphics and visual effects, it is a pleasure to study it.
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A short adventure game that, according to the developers, was entirely made on the sea. Although there is gameplay here, it comes down to exploring the world around us and solving simple puzzles. The main essence of the game is the study of the beautiful expanses of the underwater world.
Through a peculiar plot, the developers talk about the various features of the ocean and touch upon the problem of its pollution and, in general, human influence. Thus, in an easy game form, gamers are invited to learn a lot of new details about the underwater world. We are sure that this trip will be remembered for a long time.
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We Need To Go Deeper
We Need To Go Deeper is a co-op simulator for 2-4 players. As a team, gamers will have to control a submarine and travel through the underwater world in search of various secrets and treasures. Locations are randomly generated, and therefore each launch is a new adventure!
Much of the game depends on teamwork. For example, one player must sit at the helm of a submarine, the second - to shoot back from the monsters, the third - to close up holes. At the same time, you can go beyond the submarine and, armed with a harpoon, go to explore the dungeons and fight enemies.
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A casual game for kids that can entertain even an adult. In Insaniquarium, you take on the role of an aquarium owner who has to grow fish and other marine life. The game is similar to a simple economic strategy - you are developing your "pets", and they give you coins that you need to spend on the development of the aquarium.
In this case, some "aliens" sometimes attack the fish, and you need to defend yourself using various attacking inhabitants of the underwater world. Insaniquarium is undemanding to computer components, so it will go on weak PCs without any problems.
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Beyond Blue
Return to atmospheric, soothing adventures in the underwater world. In Beyond Blue, learn the story of scientist Mirai, who is building a team armed with innovative technology to explore the depths of the sea. The game has a fascinating storyline, but most of the gameplay is exploration, during which you will need to take impressive pictures.
In addition to the exploration itself, you can also enjoy short documentaries called "Ocean Insights" featuring interviews with leading ocean scientists.
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FREEDIVER: Triton Down
FREEDIVER: Triton Down is an interactive adventure game for virtual reality glasses. And she, like the previous candidate, has a plot, but more intriguing: the freediver Ren Tanaka, on the instructions of her mentor, goes to an underwater cave, where, on tips, a stunning discovery awaits her. However, her "boss" did not foresee the dangers due to which the heroine could lose her life.
Gameplay includes exploration, deep sea survival, combat and interactive puzzles, and hand-crafted music adds to the already great immersive atmosphere.
My Koi
My Koi is not really a game. This is a relaxing fish pond simulator that will definitely appeal to those who have an aquarium at home. Here you are invited to follow the fish in their natural habitat, feed them and watch how the "kids" grow. Each inhabitant can be personalized and named, and as a result, you can create a dream aquarium. My Koi, in addition to the gameplay, pleases with a nice picture.
Jaws Unleashed
Jaws Unleashed - a bloody action game based on the movie "Jaws", which allows you to look at the expanses of the sea through the eyes of a great white shark. And not just to look - but also to show the little people that it is better not to deal with predators, and also to grapple with other inhabitants of the ocean. The gameplay of the game is similar to GTA - the player has to explore the open world and create endless chaos in it.
The game could not be found in the official digital services
Aquaria, a 2D arcade game, opens up the fabulous underwater world of Aquaria, which is going through hard times. The local people mysteriously disappeared, monsters crawled out of the depths of the sea, and the priests of a mysterious cult were up to something wrong. The player, controlling Naya's amphibian, will try to unravel the secrets of this place. The gameplay can be called relaxing - the gamer will explore locations, search for artifacts and solve simple puzzles.
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Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden
Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden is a worthy representative of the "quest" genre and invites gamers to sink to the bottom, but without negative overtones. According to the story, the player will go to look for the missing bride in a forgotten underwater city that hides not only secrets, but also ancient evil. The gameplay is built on the type of "search for objects" - more than 40 hand-drawn locations are available for study.
Anno 2070: Deep Ocean (DLC)
Deep Ocean is the official add-on for Anno 2070's city-building strategy. It unlocks the faction of Technologists - advanced geniuses who have mastered technology to perfection. Thanks to them, players will be able to penetrate deep under the water and start extracting resources, as well as build underwater trade routes. Simply put, the DLC makes the ocean a full-fledged play area, and quite important for the gamer's city.
Supplement is not available for sale in official digital services
Stranded Deep
Stranded Deep is not exactly an underwater game. This is an open world survival simulator that embodies one of the scariest situations - this is when a person manages to survive in a plane crash, but finds himself completely alone in the middle of the endless ocean. In such an unusual environment, the player is invited to extract resources, look for means of survival, defend against sharks and try to get to a safe piece of land. You can dive under the water, and both dangerous predators and valuable items are waiting there.
Raft is also a survival simulator, and also connected with water. Alone or with friends, the player is invited to survive in the middle of the ocean by building a raft, raking garbage in search of food and defending themselves from shark attacks. But even upon arrival on land, the adventures do not end - new dangers await travelers there, but already beyond the scope of our selection.
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In Other Waters
In Other Waters is a highly acclaimed underwater adventure game in which you play as an AI to guide a scientist through the ocean floor on an unknown planet. What discoveries await you - you will find out during the adventure.
Despite the sketchy picture, the game is quite emotional, and the developers are trying to get to the bottom of life. We will not recommend In Other Waters to everyone, but if you like to discover something new in games, take a closer look at this project.
True to its name, Ecosystem is a game about evolution and the creation of ecosystems. You will create new life forms and watch their development through natural selection, and it depends only on your skill whether the creature becomes a mistake of nature or climbs to the very top of the food chain.
It's mostly a contemplative game, but that doesn't make it any less interesting. If you're looking for something in the vein of Spore, check out Ecosystem.
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Stirring Abyss
Tactical RPG based on the works of Lovecraft, in which you will uncover the secrets of the deep sea - of course, dark and nightmarish. The crew of a sunken submarine find themselves among the ruins of an ancient civilization, where not only majestic buildings and beautiful statues are located - but also something creepy.
Stirring Abyss looks authentic, and despite the cartoony visual style, it can scare. This is a good indie project, after passing which you will definitely not regret the time spent.
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A game for VR devices about exploring the underwater world. Diving to the seabed, you will meet amazing creatures, you can get close to them and see them in all details. theBlu is divided into several episodes, each of which includes an extraordinary virtual reality adventure.
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In FISHER you watch the underwater world from the side, through the glass of an aquarium that you create yourself. Here you can add about 20 species of fish, place plants and decorations. And the new residents of the aquarium will thank you with interesting scenes, convincingly imitating the behavior of real marine life.
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Death in the Water
Death in the Water is a survival game in which you will encounter fearsome white sharks, aggressive and bloodthirsty. Armed with a spear gun, you will try to survive in the uncompromising fight for life. A short, moderately addictive shooter in which you can spend a couple of boring evenings.
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Submarine Titans
An old real-time strategy game from our developers at Ellipse Studios. The guys managed to transfer large-scale wars between two groups of people and aliens under water, and events are developing in the future, when the surface has become uninhabitable.
For people here, one of the most important resources is air, which is used, suddenly, to build buildings and submarines. Oxygen stations will become one of your first buildings, unlike aliens. The rest of the game is a classic representative of the genre - we go through a single player campaign, divided into missions, build up the base and try to destroy the opponent.
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Mysterious and very beautiful adventure, in appearance and happening reminiscent of Limbo, only under water - nothing is clear, but very interesting. A lone scuba diver, freely moving through the depths of the sea and taking the souls of ancient sea monsters in order to start some gigantic mechanism - this was the plot of SILT, and don't even try to delve into it.
The gameplay is woven from small puzzles, the main mechanism of which is the ability of the hero to move into the bodies of various fish: you can become a piranha, stingray, hammer, eel and other living creatures. At the same time, the game severely punishes for any mistake, so do not rely on an easy walk under water.
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And if you're looking for something more upbeat and fun, then try Pronty, a colorful action-platformer where battles with mutated inhabitants of the depths do not stop for a minute. Moreover, one of them will become your weapon - a robotic swordfish, which replaced the inexperienced protagonist with a spear.
The action of the game takes you underwater again, where you will try to find out the truth about the global pollution that led to the emergence of mutants. Battles with giant bosses are especially memorable.
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This colorful adventure is reminiscent of the Finding Nemo cartoon in appearance and content - here you will also go to the devastated area where your species used to live in order to find relatives. At the same time, the plot brings up, suddenly, the topic of corruption, which greatly influenced the fictional underwater world.
The gameplay offers not only to enjoy the sea views, but also to try out the transformation mechanic, with the help of which the character can change form from stingray-like to humanoid, and vice versa. Moreover, the time spent in the form of a fish depends on how many mysterious friends you managed to find on your journey.
Mythic Ocean
Mythic Ocean combines a narrative exploration of the picturesque underwater depths with a visual novel, as your interlocutors will be the ancient gods, each of which seeks to create their own ideal world.
But how ideal it will be, and whether it is really so, will have to be decided through deep dialogues and choices with consequences. In the game you can not lose, die or slap someone with flippers - it is as kind as possible. If you're not sure what you'll like, try playing the free prologue.
Free PrologueBuy
Flow is an example of how not all student theses are useless. The subject of the developer's research was the topic of dynamically changing the difficulty in games, and this resulted in a charming simulator, which was first a browser project, and later released on the PlayStation family of consoles.
This is a microorganism simulator where you initially control a small resemblance of a worm. The gameplay boils down to the phrase "eat or be eaten" - you have to eat other microorganisms in order to become bigger and stronger. This is what dynamic difficulty is all about - players themselves are aware of the moment when they are ready to face the boss.
Not available on digital services
An action RPG that takes pirate adventures underwater. As planned, the world was flooded, but smart people created a civilization under water with their own kingdoms, cultures and religion. You will become the newly minted captain of a small submarine, who goes on a long underwater journey in search of an answer to the greatest secret of mankind.
Diluvion's gameplay has a lot of quirks. So, the game combines 2D and 3D styles, and the study of the deep sea is imbued with the spirit of Jules Verne's books. A whole team will be under your control, a spacious underwater base will become your home, and you can also upgrade a variety of submarines. Well, battles - where without them. Opponents will be both other adventurers and giant sea monsters.
Board games. Oceans. First there was water....
A long time ago (a couple of million years ago, and maybe earlier), life on the planet existed exclusively in water. What kind of outlandish creatures did not flounder in the oceans: tailed monsters with tentacles chased each other, eating everything in their path with pleasure; corals grew to incredible sizes, and in these new buildings multi-colored fish built their family nests; melancholic, armored mutants crawled along the bottom and pinched careless travelers who decided to rest on the sand ... In a word, stormy activity was in full swing under the water, worthy of a separate evolutionary chapter.
If (subsequently) on land, each species happily adapted to a certain habitat and proudly went to the Pampas, looking with undisguised contempt at not so successful fellows forced to vegetate in the permafrost, then in the water there was not much place to “separate”, except that by changing the depth of dwelling, or becoming a hermit, fenced off from the rest with a strong shell.
In the new game "Oceans" we will fully experience the difference between the terrestrial isolated process of development and the cooperative underwater coil of genetic mutation. Well, it's time to feel the full depth of evolutionary depths!
Since I got a preprinted "promo" copy of the board game "Oceans", published by the publishing house " Correct games ", I will not evaluate the quality of the components and the convenience of the box (I was promised to send the final version, then I will make a separate review ). Therefore, straight to the point…
Stylishly designed and very informative rules of the game; a detailed guide to surface maps, containing a modest list of the specifics of depth maps (a strange choice, since all questions just arise on deep-water properties), as well as a small booklet with a "squeeze" of the basic rules and concepts - this is what a player who takes a risk will deal with explore the ancient ocean.
The motley reef assembled from cardboard elements and the ocean divided into three zones will become the suppliers of colorful fish, which the rivals will place on the boards of the species they have created.
Part of the population chips will hide behind beautiful screens, two hundred ocean fish will inhabit an imaginary ocean, becoming the desired prey of all kinds of deep-sea creatures. Victory Points reward tokens compensate for the starting inequality.
Twenty-five Scenario Cards to personalize the games; more than a hundred creatures living on the surface and a slightly smaller number of monsters of the depths - all this is at the disposal of opponents. The Cambrian explosion will significantly bring the end of the game closer, although ... it is not so easy to complicate the life of underwater inhabitants.
Several add-ons and promo cards have been released for the base box. Want to explore the depths with five or six players (the base game is designed for four players)? No problem - add new fish, give your opponents additional compensation tokens and their tablets.
Two sets of inhabitants of the sea depths look terrifying, next to them the toxic biome looks like an innocent slimy creature. .. and hurried to retreat deep into the continents ...
Of course, the "promo" set also includes several new scenarios designed to diversify the already turbulent life of the underwater kingdom.
Let's dive!
Each member of the expedition receives a small screen, as well as a token with bonus turn order compensation points (the first player will earn seven fish when playing with four, the last will be left with nothing). The deck of surfaces is shuffled, and a discard pile is organized next to it (remove one card and put it face up, we will return to it later). Place a deck of depths nearby and remove two cards from it, which will become the initial gene pool. The Cambrian explosion will "sink" under multi-colored chips in the first cell of the ocean.
Pour the required number of fish from the bag (depending on the number of opponents), divide them into four approximately equal parts and populate the ocean with a coral reef. Set aside six dozen representatives of the tailed population, they will be needed closer to the end of the game.
Remember the deferred surface map? Look in the lower left corner and move from the first ocean cell to the second the required number of fish (in our example - six).
Two random scenarios are placed in the corresponding cells, the rest are put into the box. Blue properties work constantly while there are no fish in this segment of the ocean, purple ones are activated every time the cell is empty (flocks like to migrate).
The game will speed up twice as soon as the cells with the Cambrian Explosion run out of chips (take out the card and put it in the center of the table). From now on, you can activate depth maps.
Opponents take six random surface cards in their hand, with their help we will populate the water with unthinkable creatures.
Well, the ocean is seething with living creatures, it's time to mutate something in the blue sea, white foam . .. By the way, opponents will walk in turn, performing four actions.
First of all, either create a new species by placing a card from your hand on the table and placing a tablet next to it, or add another property to the previously created creature. Please note that your wards cannot have more than three abilities, but the properties can be repeated. Remember, the ocean ecosystem is closed, and some traits will affect rival creatures, and theirs will affect you. This is a very important moment of the gameplay!
Don't want to mutate? In this case, make others worry by migrating from anywhere to anywhere the number of fish indicated in the picture (lower left corner). Then discard the played card.
In the next phase, feeding occurs, and only one of your individuals is allowed to feed, while according to the basic rules, fish tokens are taken from the reef. The gluttony of an instance is indicated by green, red or blue icons, and some predatory properties allow you to attack neighbors by stealing food from them. If there are not enough fish chips, then take all the remaining ones, no compensation is due. Read the rules for more details, this phase may be controversial...
Alas, there is no "fat reserve" from now on - excess food (skeleton on the tablet) causes automatic reset of half of the accumulated fish. Preparing food for the future, unfortunately, will not work.
After a hearty meal, it's time to... grow old. Move one token from each type of population behind your screen (during the Cambrian Explosion, two). If your ward is completely out of supplies, he dies. At the end of the turn, get your hand up to six cards (deep-sea creatures are included in this number, they are taken in a special way). After that, the next explorer of the deep sea enters the game.
I repeat... Remember that the ecosystem is closed, and all neighboring creatures, regardless of their owners, can be subject to special properties that imply interaction between individuals. This is important when you create another ward: whether he will become an object of attack, or he himself will pose a threat to others - it's up to you.
Depth cards (unlike surface creatures) require spending the amount of tokens shown in the lower left corner from your personal supply to play them. The rest is just another property that is added to your view.
As soon as the food on the reef and in the ocean runs out, the final round will begin (add the population tokens set aside before the start of the game to the third ocean zone). The winner will be determined by the stock of provisions collected behind the screen. To this is added the fish from your surviving species boards, as well as the numbers indicated on the tokens.
Having survived the Cambrian Explosion
An interesting and unusual "offshoot" of the basic Evolution . From now on, the rivals are developing a common ecosystem around the reef, but at the same time, each pursues personal goals. Opponents create small worlds and try in every possible way to complicate the life of others, because you can also parasitize on your neighbors, expropriating their food “into the family”. The gameplay allows you to control the properties of the ocean through migrations - an unusual innovation that adds unpredictability to every game.
You won't be able to sit out in a "burrow" - if in the ground Evolution everyone was digging in their own sandbox, now it is vital to keep an eye on your neighbors, who, if the occasion arises, will bite you without delay. From now on, you do not need to spend a card to create an "empty" look, your pet is immediately ready to join the fight for survival, having certain skills.
Stylish card design and a scattering of cardboard fish "swimming" around the reef create a pleasant atmosphere of immersion in the ocean world. The mechanics of interaction adds spice, while no one forbids you to retire between your own two predators and calmly drift over the seabed, eating at someone else's expense.