Ordering number activities
What Is Ordering Numbers? (And 11 Games To Teach It) – Early Impact Learning
Having taught maths for ten years to children from the age of 3-5, I have found that one of the most crucial early skills is ordering numbers. It is a foundation block of learning, on which many other skills are then built. It is also something all of use in our daily lives regularly.
But what is ordering numbers?
Ordering numbers is putting them into a sequence. This could be ‘ascending’, which means the numbers are getting larger. Alternatively, it could be ‘descending’, which is when the numbers get smaller. There are many ways of ordering numbers.
Ordering numbers starts simply, for example with 1,2,3,4… However, this is just the start, and there are numerous ways of putting numbers into a sequence. How do you begin to teach children this skill? What comes before it? What sequence do you teach the process? Read on to find the answers to these questions, and more.
Ordering Numbers – Ascending
The simplest way to start with ordering numbers is to teach how to sequence them in an ascending order.
In simple talk, this basically means putting them in the right order – 1,2,3,4,5…etc
The numbers are getting bigger, and so ‘ascending’. It is like going ‘upwards’.
However, this is not the only way numbers can be put in ascending order.
You also have these following types of ascending numbers orders:
• The numbers ascending and going up in 1s, but not starting from 1. An example would be 5,6,7,8,9
• A selection of numbers that are not in a sequence of going up in 1s, put in ascending order. For example, the numbers 6,3,17,14 could be put in ascending order like this: 3,6,14,17
• You can have an ascending order of numbers in times table, e.g. 10,20,30,40,50. Or it could be 2,4,6,8…
For children, the above are the most common types of ascending orders of numbers. Now let’s go on to descending…
Putting numbers in order this way is basically the opposite of ascending. Descending is like ‘going down’. The most common ways of creating descending orders of numbers are:
• Starting from a number and going backwards. The most common is like a count-down for a spaceship – 5,4,3,2,1,0.
• The same as above, but not going to 0 – e.g. 8,7,6,5,4
• A selection of random numbers that are decreasing, e.g. 9,6,5,2
• A times table in descreasing order – 60,50,40,30,20,10,0
Right, now let’s go on to a really important bit, which is what order do you teach ordering numbers.
- What is rote counting? (And how to teach it)
- How do you use a counting stick for early maths?
What Comes Before Ordering Numbers
Now to the real nitty-gritty: how to actually teach ordering numbers to children.
The really important thing is that children need a few basic skills before they will be able to order numbers, so it is important to expose them to some of the following things first…

This is definitely easier than ordering numbers and is sometimes children will experience through play from a younger age. Some good activities for them to try include:
- Hanging differently sized clothes up on a washing line. I like to use the ‘giant’s clothes’ (normal adult clothes) and baby clothes
- Weighing things either outdoors or in. Some examples could be, trying to find the heaviest stick or stone
- Playdough ordering through length. Children make models and order them. Some good examples are snakes, magic wands, worms, or broom-sticks. This is one of the ideas in my article 15 playdough maths games.
- Talking in play about which is heavier/lighter, longer/shorter
There are many songs which include sequences of numbers, and these are good for getting children to memorize sequences in a fun and multisensory way.
Good songs include:
1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught A Fish Alive – an ascending number sequence
The lyrics in full go:
1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive
6,7,8,9,10 then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so!
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on my right!
There are surprisingly few counting songs that actually go forwards. The vast majority involved counting backwards for some reason.
Luckily I have written an article about the top ten counting songs that count upwards that you can read if you go here.
There are quite a few songs that involve a descending sequence of numbers.
Probably my favorite one is the Zoom Zoom Zoom song. This is a rocket-launch song. You stand in a circle and sing:
Zoom zoom zoom
We’re going to the moon!
Zoom zoom zoom
We’ll be there very soon!
10, 9, 8,7 ,6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Blast Off!
This is brilliant done with a parachute. The children stand round the chute and gently lift it up and down to the beat as they sing the song.
Then shake the chute for every number of the countdown, and when you get to the blast off everyone lifts the parachute quickly into the air and lets go! If you do it right, the parachute will soar into the air and stick briefly to the ceiling.
This is just one of the activities involved in my post The Greatest 40 Parachute Games For Kids that you can check out here.
Practising Rote CountingThis is really important. Before children can realistically start to order numbers, they need to be able to confidently say them in order.
The simplest way to rote count is starting with 1 and going upwards – 1,2,3,4,5. However, there are all sorts of ways to rote count, and practising this before going on to order numbers in that way is definitely the way to go.
Some great games to practice rote counting include:
- Dance counting – put music on and chant the numbers to the beat whilst doing dance moves
- March counting – march and count!
- Say the numbers with a puppet
- Buddy Count – face a partner, one person says ‘one’, the next ‘two’ and keep going!
These are just a few good examples of how to rote count. I really would recommend that you check out my article 17 Fantastic Ways To Teach Rote Counting.
Recognizing NumbersIt is pretty much essential to recognize numbers first, order them second.
Some good ways to help children recognize numbers include:
- Sky-writing the numbers in the air with ribbons or streamers
- Practising drawing them in ‘fun’ substances like shaving foam
- Games with number dice
- Introducing them with stories
- Show the numbers whilst singing number songs.
I have written the definitive guide to how to teach recognizing numbers (with 16 games) that you can check out here.
The Process Of Teaching Ordering Numbers
If children are ready, and have the skills outlined above, then there is a definite process and a sequence that it is a good idea to follow to help them learn the different ways of ordering numbers.
It is a seven-step process and goes like this:
Step 1 – Start with putting numbers in order from 1 – e.g. 1,2,3,4…
Step 2 – Next is to try to order a few numbers that are not next to each other on a normal number line, e. g. 2,5,9,10
Step 3 – Order numbers in a sequence, but not starting from 1, e.g. 3,4,5,6,7
Step 4 – Order numbers in decreasing order, e.g. 5,4,3,2,1,0
Step 5 – Order random selection of numbers in decreasing order, e.g. 9,6,4,3
Step 6 – Order numbers in a times table, e.g. 10,20,30,40
Step 7 – Order numbers in decreasing order in a times table that they know, e.g. 8,6,4,2,0
But how do you start teaching them?
How To Teach Ordering Numbers – 11 Games
There are some excellent ways to start children off with ordering numbers that include:
1.Using A Counting Stick
This is my number one way to start them off.
I use a broomstick with Velcro pieces stuck on it. I then place the numbers on the Velcro sections.
Start simple – probably just with the numbers 1 to 5. I’d only mix up two numbers, and then see if they can put them back in the right order.
Next steps include:
- Mix up more numbers
- Use numbers 1-10
- Use a random selection of numbers
- Use numbers in 10s, 2s or 5s
For a full look at different maths games you can do on a counting stick then check this out.
2.Group Ordering
They really enjoy this. Get a group of children (probably no more than 5 to start with) to all hold a separate number card (of the numbers 1-5 to begin with). They try to put themselves in order.
3.Toys Or Objects With Numbers On
Make it into a fun story or a game. Have some kind of objects with numbers on.
Also have a magic chest or box that is closed. Get the numbers in order, and we can open the magic chest, and there will be something exciting inside!
4.Using Number Lines
There are many ways of beginning to order with number lines include:
- Games like hopscotch
- Number lines on the floor outside for games like roll a dice and jump that number
- Number lines with missing numbers
- Blank number lines. Use objects such as stones or shells with numbers on to put in order on the number line.
5.Containers With Numbers On
There are so many things that you can put numbers on and then try to put them in order.
It really helps the experience if the children fill them up with something as well – this matching numeral to quantity can help with the understanding of ordering.
Some great items to put numbers on include:
• Plant pots
• Shot glasses
• Egg cups
• Plastic cups
• Small boxes
• In a muffin tray
To fill them, use something like stones, or pompoms, or beans.
For example, fill up some shot glasses with the right number of items and then put them in order.
You can really see the numbers getting bigger, as the quantities of pompoms increase. For example, one pompom looks a small number. Five pompoms in the container looks much larger.
6.Ordering With A Puppet
Puppets invoke a kind of magic spell on many children. There are lots of kids that struggle to listen to adults, but the same children are captivated when a puppet comes out!
You can order with puppets in several ways. A great technique is for the puppet to be really bad at something, and the children try to help it.
For example, a puppet might have 5 plant pots with numbers on. It tries to put them in order but goes 1,2,5,4,3. Is that right!?
The children love helping the puppet and coaching it to success!
Any puppet would work for this. You could even use a teddy, or a toy, or maybe a finger puppet.
7.Washing Lines
Washing lines are one of the ultimate resources for early maths.
You can do ordering in a range of ways.
You can get some number cards and get children to peg them onto the line in different ways to order.
An even easier strategy is to use pieces of card that are bent over into a ‘v’ shape. These are simple for children even that have fine motor difficulties to put onto the line with little hassle, as some have big problems trying to peg things on.
On these pieces of card you can have some numbers. Of course you could have:
• The numbers from 1-5, or 0-10 (or beyond)
• Have a random array of numbers (e.g. 3, 7, 8 and 10) that could be put in either ascending or descending order
• You could have numbers from a times table (e. g. 2s or 10s) that again could be put either going up and going down
When children are starting off, it is often wise to have a number line that they can refer to. Later on, they will probably be able to order without a visual aid such as this.
8.Number Stones
Natural and interesting resources are always a great option for teaching most skills.
If you can fire children’s curiosity, then they usually become much more fully engaged in what they are doing.
These number stones are great for this.
They are simple to make, and once made will last a lifetime.
Get some stones and simply draw or paint some numbers on to them. The ones I have made are like a repeating pattern also – they go yellow, white, yellow, white if they are put in order. This is optional! However, it is good for an introduction to odd and even numbers, and great to being seeing patterns in number sequences.
You can put the stones in a line, or you can put them on something like a plank number line. I have made these ones that have curtain hooks superglued to planks:
These are excellent for ordering things such as number stones.
I have different types of number stones, that are all great for ordering, including:
• 10s stones – e.g. 10, 20, 30 etc
• Numerals stones – 1 – 20
• Stones with quantities on – 1-10
All these are great for a wealth of ordering experiences.
9.Secret Code!
Most children love anything to do with superheroes or top secret spies.
So why not include secret codes where ordering numbers are concerned!
You could do this in many ways, but one way could be the following:
Have some stepping stones (maybe rubbers spots) with numbers on. Also have secret box with something hidden inside. The children must put the stepping stones in order on the floor leading to the box.
If they get the order right they have broken the secret code, and can peek inside the box!
Once again, this could be extended to having different types of number sequences as the secret code that they need to break.
Sports are very exciting for many children, and the more you can include them in what you do the better!
Golf is a great example of this.
One simple way to play it is draw huge circles on the floor outside in chalk. These circles are the golf ‘holes’. Put big numbers in them as well (whatever numbers you want to order).
Then use something like a big sponge ball and something to hit it with (it could be a small plank, or your foot). Try to get the ball into the ‘hole’.
For ordering you can go in order around the golf-hole. Start at one, and go onto two etc. Or, if you’re doing it tens, start at ten then go onto twenty, and keep going.
Golf can be done in a similar way, but on a smaller scale inside. For example, you can use lolly (popsicle) sticks for the golf clubs, and a pom-pom for the ball. Draw the golf course on a big piece of paper on the floor.
11. Treasure Hunts!
For a treasure hunt you make some kind of clues or secret code, but the children have got to find it in the right order!
For example, have the first clue with a number ‘1’ on it. The clue will lead them to clue number ‘2’ and so on.
At some point they will have found the ‘treasure’ (whatever that is).
The clues could be:
• A picture of where the next clue can be found
• A short sentence for reading children, such as ‘go to the sink.’
Top Tips For Ordering Numbers
- Before they can order numbers, children should be allowed to order through size, length and weight
- Children require exposure to number lines to visualize sequences of numbers
- Help them to understand how numbers increase and decrease in size through a play-based curriculum, where they can visualize matching numeral to quantity
- Practice the skill with rote counting games
- Move in order through the 7-step sequence
- Link it to life and make it practical
Ordering numbers brings a lot of skills together. By regularly working on recognizing numbers, rote counting, and matching numeral to quantity, children will pick up the skills required for ordering and start to apply it.
If you have found this article useful, then why not check out one of these:
- Outdoor maths games – 50 ideas that really work
- Maths circle time games – the essential guide
Ordering and Sequencing Numbers Games
Choose a Category:
Ordering and Sequencing Mental Maths Place Value Addition and Subtraction Times Tables Multiplication and Division Fractions and Decimals Money Shape, Position and Movement Measures Data Handling Problem SolvingThese fun learning games for kids involve a wide variety of ordering and sequencing numbers activities.They provide opportunities both to recognise a number sequence and complete sequences of numbers.
Caterpillar Ordering
A wonderful game for ordering numbers and for number sequences. Fantastic on an interactive whiteboard.
Coconut Ordering
Compare and order different numbers, including decimal numbers, and metric quantities involving length, mass, capacity and money.
Includes UK, Euro and Dollar currencies.
Rocket Rounding
A multiple choice game involving rounding numbers to ten, a hundred and to a whole number. There are two options, one with a number line and the other more difficult level, without one.
Paint the Squares
An interactive number charts resource with 8 different sized number grids including a regular 100 number square. Can you make a pattern of number sequences? Charts are printable on desktop machines.
Range Arranger
Build a tower with the blocks in the correct order from smallest to largest. Suitable for Year 2 to Year 6.
Compare Decimals
Draw greater than and less than signs before the time bar runs out to compare decimals.
Placing Numbers on a Number Line
A versatile number line that can be used at many different levels beginning at numbers 1 to 10 up to fractions, decimals and negative numbers. Place numbers on a number line and see how close you can get.
Test your knowledge of numbers in a sequence. Useful for use throughout Key Stage 2 as it has many different levels.
Counting Caterpillar
Order numbers along a branch. You can select the minimum and maximum numbers.
Chinese Dragon Game
Chinese Dragon Game is an ordering and sequencing numbers game based on the Chinese New Year dragon theme.
Compare Numbers on a Number Line
Compare numbers on two different number lines and decide which is bigger. A great game to get children thinking about reading varying scales.
Higher and Lower
How good are you at ordering numbers? Lots of examples to try from simple ordering numbers to 10 to fractions, decimals or negative and positive numbers. Please be aware the input your own numbers section is faulty.
Numbers to Words Fruit Splat
Match numbers to the fruits to the target number words. There are four levels of difficulty: 1-10, 1-20, 1-100 and 1-1000.
Number Trains
Make a train by sequencing the numbers on their carriages.
The numbers are represented in a range of formats such as words, numerals, dice dots or counting frames. The levels progress in difficulty. Level 5 has sequences of twos, fives and tens.
Arcade Champion
Order the numbers from highest to lowest in this place value game with numbers up to 1 million.
Ticket refund
Ticket refund
If you want to return a ticket, please select your situation and then follow instructions
- Ticket refund due to replacement/cancellation events
- Return of the ticket at the request of the buyer
The event for which I bought a ticket was canceled / rescheduled / changed to another event. I'm not comfortable with the new time/date/event. How to return tickets?
- Through the ticket refund service. Download instructions
This service is designed to return tickets to viewers in a few simple steps. At using this service, you will receive funds on the bank card with which you purchase has been made.
You can return any number of tickets from your order or the entire order.
Unfortunately, automatic return is not possible in all cases. This is due to the special conditions refund of tickets put forward by Event Organizers. If, after checking the possibility of return by number of your order, the system said that the return is not possible, please use the second return option as described below.
Frequently asked questions
Dear customer! Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about canceled events due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
I made a refund through the service at https://intickets.ru/refund-service/#/ before 06/18/2020. How long can I receive my money?
All returns received before 06/18/2020 will be processed within 30 days of conditions decrees No. 442 from 04/03/2020
I made a refund through the service at https://intickets.ru/refund-service/#/ after 06/18/2020. When can I receive my money?
Refunds for tickets to events of the high alert period currently moment is carried out according to decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2020 No. 830
The essence of the resolution that entered into force:
- Information about the cancellation or postponement of a spectacular event is posted by the organizer no later than 14 calendar days from the date when the regime of restrictions on holding mass events.
- In case of cancellation of the event , a refund of money for tickets will be made by the organizer of the event within 180 days from the date of cancellation of restrictions on holding massive events;
- In case of postponement of the event, the organizer of the event undertakes to within 6 months from the date of cancellation of restrictions on holding mass events, to announce a new date of the event. If the organizer does not will determine the date and time of the event and have not posted information about this on their official website in the information and telecommunications network "Internet", such a spectacular the event is considered cancelled. Refunds for such tickets will be made in the day the viewer applied for a refund.
How do I know what's going on with my event? Has it been cancelled, rescheduled or will it go as planned?
The organizer himself decides on the fate of each of his events in each of the cities, on on the basis of local resolutions and decrees of the heads of cities or regions.
The organizer places information about the new status of the event on his website on the Internet.
If my event is cancelled, what should I do?
Expect information about the beginning of the return on your e-mail.
We will send you a notification letter as soon as the refund for your event is open organizer.
The deadlines for the return are set by the regulation Government of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2020 No. 830
If I received a notification letter, what should I do?
Follow the link for automatic refund of tickets on the website intickets. ru in the section "For Spectators".
Exact service address https://intickets.ru/refund-service/#/
Follow the link and complete the return process yourself.
How do I know if the return went through or not?
Use the auto return service. After confirming the email, you will see a list of tickets from of your order and the "Return" button.
This means that your event returns opened .
Select all the tickets you want to return, agree to the return policy and click the button "Return".
The funds will be received by you in accordance with the deadline set by the regulation Government of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2020 No. 830
If instead of a list of tickets you see an inscription
Ticket refunds for your event are temporarily closed. Wait for the email notification mail about the beginning of the return.
This means that ticket refunds for your event are not yet open. Be patient and wait for an email with information about the start date of the return.
This means that the organizer has not yet decided on the procedure for the return and the timing of its start.
Expect information about the beginning of the return on your e-mail.
We will send you a notification letter as soon as the refund for your event is open organizer.
When can I expect a letter - notification?
We communicate with the organizers every day on the current situation and expect information from organizers will receive until the date of the official lifting of the ban on holding cultural mass events. At the moment, despite the fact that the government is systematically removing restrictions on various sectors of the economy, cultural events are still remains banned.
If my event has been rescheduled by the organizer, what should I do?
In this case, Inticets or the organizer itself will notify you by e-mail about the transfer.
The same letter will contain information about when the return will be opened for those customers who decide return tickets.
If my event does not fall under the canceled or allowed period members, what should I do? Will it be carried out?
The organizer himself decides on the fate of each of his events.
Some events will be rescheduled to new dates, others will be cancelled.
In any case, Intikets or the organizer itself will notify you by e-mail about situation for each event.
The same letter will contain information about when the return will be opened for those customers who decide return tickets.
If I return the tickets, how much will I receive?
If the event is canceled or rescheduled and the refund is open, you can return the amount set by the organizer (as a rule, this is the total amount of purchased tickets). Service the fee is non-refundable (if the service fee was charged when purchasing tickets Buyer)
If you still have questions, please contact us by calling +7 (495) 225-54-22
You can always read the official ticket return policy at the link: Memo.
My own plans have changed and I would like to return some or all of the purchased tickets. Like this do?
- Through the ticket refund service.
Download instructions
This service is designed to return tickets to viewers in a few simple steps. At using this service, you will receive funds on the bank card with which you purchase has been made.
You can return any number of tickets from your order or the entire order.
Unfortunately, automatic return is not possible in all cases. This is due to the special conditions refund of tickets put forward by Event Organizers. If, after checking the possibility of return by number of your order, the system said that the return is not possible, please use the second return option as described below.
LLC "Intikets" returns to the Buyer the funds for the electronic tickets to the event in accordance with the Federal Law of July 18, 2019 N 193-FZ "On Amendments to Law of the Russian Federation "Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Culture", in force since 09/01/2019.
In accordance with the new rules, if the Buyer applied for a return:
- less than 3 days before the start of the event - no refund
- 3 to 5 days before the start of the event - only 30% of the nominal value is returned tickets
- 5 to 10 days before the start of the event - only 50% of the nominal value is returned tickets
- 10 days or more before the event - 100% of the nominal cost of tickets is refunded
In addition to the above, Intikets LLC withholds from the Buyer 10% (Ten percent) of face value of each e-ticket returned in the order, as a fee for processing return.
The service fee is non-refundable (if the service fee was charged when the Buyer purchased tickets).
Dear customer! Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions. If your question remains unresolved after reading, please contact us by calling +7 (495) 225-54-22
When will the money for returned tickets be returned
to my bank card?
As a rule, the refund takes from one to three days. In rare cases, returns Maybe occupy up to 30 days (depending on the Bank that issued your card).
Can I change the purchased ticket for
another date or event?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to exchange a ticket for another ticket. You can return the ticket according to return policy, and then purchase another ticket for a new date or for another event.
The tickets in the order were paid for, but they did not come to the post office. How to be?
Practice shows that tickets arrive within one minute after payment. Make sure that card payment was successful.
If the payment really went through, but there were no tickets, then there was probably an error in the postal address box when ordering. Call our support service at 8 (495) 225-54-22 and check the postal address with the operator.
There were several tickets in the order, but only one ticket came to the post office
. How to be?
Unfortunately, 90% of mobile devices do not display the second and following pages from pdf - files. Try opening the email on a PC. If there is still one ticket, call us at telephone support 8 (495) 225-54-22.
I have a promo code for a discount, how can I use it?
After you have chosen the performance and seats in the hall, proceed to the payment process. At the stage Entering contact details You will see a field for entering a promo code. After filling it out, the system will automatically recalculate the ticket price for you, according to the discount for this offer.
Order status check in Nizhny Novgorod
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