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Mädchen tun alles!

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Growing up

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Baby probiert Schuhe an, die für ihn zu groß sind

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Baggy für Mädchen

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Halloween-Gemüseinstallation im modernen Outdoor-Kids-Park

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Weibliche Zeichentrickfigur wählt Mann mit größerem Herzen

Weibliche Zeichentrickfigur, die einen Mann wählt, der ein größeres Herz hält. Mädchen, das männlichen Charakter mit kleinem Herz, Liebesdreieck flache Vektorillustration ablehnt. Romantik, Beziehung, Ablehnungskonzept für Banner

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Lustiges Kind Mädchen Fashionista in großen Mutter Schuhe auf. ..

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Kleines Mädchen mit großen Sonnenbrille ist so

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Ich gehe nicht überall ohne ihn!

Porträt eines kleinen Mädchens, das seinen Teddybären zu Hause hält

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Kinder spielen Riesenschach. Jungen und Mädchen spielen mit...

Kinder spielen Riesenschach. Jungen und Mädchen spielen mit Bischofs-, Damen- und Ritterfiguren auf riesigen Schachbrett-Cartoon-Vektorillustrationen. Kleine Charaktere mit Bildung und Unterhaltung

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Online-Schulbildung zu Hause Landing Page Template Set. Winzige...

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Junge mit Eltern Schuh

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Kleine süße Mädchen mit Hund

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Kleine Füße auf großen Schuh

Kleine Füße für Jungen in großen schwarzen Schuhen

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Kleines Blondes Kind junge spielt mit riesigen Seife Luftblasen. ..

Kleiner blonder Junge, der mit riesigen Seifenblasen spielt, die drinnen gebaut werden. Glückliches, gesundes, lächelndes Kind, das Spaß an Experimenten hat.

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kleine Zwillingsmädchen essen Melone

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Comic balloon Schriftart aus. Bunte Buchstaben mit dunkler...

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The Big Kids Stock-Fotos und Bilder


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Little heavyweights: 7 biggest kids in history


Lu Hao

China Foto Press ” was 60 kilograms, that is, five times higher than that of an ordinary child at this age. At first, nothing foreshadowed such a development of events - at birth, Lou weighed 2.5 kilograms, but at the age of 3 months, the weight began to increase rapidly. The boy's mother says that she would be glad not to give him food, but then he screams and cries all day.

China Foto Press

And this child eats a lot - he can eat three large bowls of chicken rice in one sitting. His parents are concerned about his health, they try to make him move more and take him to the doctors, but the experts shrug their shoulders - they are not able to find the reason for Lu Hao's immoderate appetite.

Dzhambulat Khatokhov


Russia also had its own champion in this category - at the age of 3. 5 years, he was entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the largest and strongest boy in the world for his age. At 19In 1999, a baby of quite normal dimensions was born in Kabardino-Balkaria - 50 cm tall and weighing about 3 kg. But by the age of 2, his weight was 34 kilograms, at 7 years old - 115, and at 13 - more than 180. At the same time, his parents assured that Dzhambulat did not differ in special appetite - he ate like all children. He was fond of sports, went in for sumo, becoming the first sumo wrestler in Kabardino-Balkaria, but, alas, in December 2020, Dzhambulat died due to kidney problems. He was only 21 years old.

Suman Khatun

Barcroft / Barcroft Media / Getty Images

A native of India at the age of 6 was considered the fattest girl in the world - with a height of 104 centimeters, her weight was 91 kilograms. She was born with a normal weight, but then problems with hormones said their word: doctors say that it was because of hyperthyroidism (a disease caused by an excess of thyroid hormones in the body) that her appetite became simply brutal. According to her parents, Suman becomes hysterical if she is not given what she wants for dinner or tries to reduce the portion, which is why her father, with his low salary, has to literally work on her daughter's stomach, and sometimes other family members are malnourished. Regarding the health of the girl, doctors do not make good predictions - she practically does not move, and walks with difficulty, watches TV all day, and with such a weight this can lead to various diseases.

Alia Salim

Barcroft Media / Barcroft Media / Getty Images

A native of a small village in eastern India, she was born in late 2013 with an almost normal weight of about 4 kilograms, the excess was negligible. Up to 3.5 months, her development took place within the normal range, but after that she began to gain weight dramatically - by 10 months she already weighed about 18 kilograms, which is typical for a five-year-old child, and at 18 months her weight exceeded 24 kilograms. Soon, the baby became the heroine of an Indian television report, her story received wide publicity, and the well-known pediatrician Havya Kumar, who already had experience working with overweight children, offered his help to Aliya's family. The doctor developed a special low-calorie menu for the child, and the diet worked - by the age of 3 she already weighed 19kilograms, which is only 3-4 kg above the norm.

Jessica Leonard

Weighing 222 kilograms at the age of 7, the Chicago native was rightfully considered the fattest girl in the world. She gained such weight with the help of her mother, who intensively fed the child with fast food. Mom "did her best" - the daughter could not only walk on her own, but roll over from side to side, it was often difficult for her to even speak. After several TV spots that made Jessica famous all over the world, the guardianship authorities decided to save the girl - they placed her in a specialized clinic, where they put her on a strict diet without flour, fried and fatty foods, and also began to encourage her to move more. The result was impressive - in 1.5 years the girl lost 140 kilograms, and by the age of 10 her weight had completely returned to normal, she began to go to school and communicate with her peers. True, before that she had to go through several plastic surgeries - doctors removed about 10 kilograms of sagging skin from her.

Li Hang

Due to Prader-Willi syndrome, the 9-year-old Chinese native is always hungry: by the age of 9, he already weighed more than 140 kilograms. This rare hereditary disease leads not only to an unhealthy appetite, but also to other health problems, mood swings, and a low level of intelligence for his age. The parents tried to somehow cope with the problem - they sent their son to a special health camp, where, as a result of dietary nutrition and greater mobility, he lost about 20 kilograms. However, upon returning home, the boy began to eat uncontrollably again and quickly gained what he had lost.

Freddie Hunt

The little native of England suffers from hypothalamic obesity, which arose as a result of the removal of a brain tumor that disrupted the metabolic processes in the body. Literally in six months, his weight increased from 15 to 37 kilograms, which is why now the boy cannot walk. Being overweight is not Freddie's only health problem. He is blind in one eye, and his skin is so sensitive that he shudders at the slightest touch from his mother.

More interesting things about unusual children - in our channel on Yandex.Zen.

Lyubov Prishlaya

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Large dog breeds - top 15 large breeds with photos - ProPlan.


Large dogs

June 02, 2022

If you like big, tall, powerful dogs, choose from breeds that are conventionally classified as large or even giant. This category includes animals with a height at the withers of 60 cm or more and a weight of 30 kg or more. Representatives of giant breeds can be taller than 75 cm and weigh more than 100 kg!

Undoubtedly, dogs of these breeds need an experienced and responsible owner who can properly educate them, give them the necessary physical activity and enough free space so that large dogs feel comfortable both indoors and outdoors.

Basically, all large and very large dogs are either service (guard or shepherd) or hunting breeds. But this does not mean that they cannot become excellent companions, because in the nature of so many of them, not only the instincts of protection were originally laid down, but also the protection and preservation of their master and his family.

Among the large breeds of dogs, you can choose a pet from the more massive, representative - they are usually calmer, unhurried, phlegmatic in nature, almost all Molossians can be attributed to them. Or, on the contrary, more athletic, athletically built, who need constant movement, play or errands. Many large dog breeds are versatile and can be trained to do a wide variety of tasks, from guarding the home and raising children to fetching game and escorting blind people.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Mountain Dogs originated in Switzerland, where initially they were guards of the yard, shepherds for cattle, they were harnessed to small carts in which milkmen transported cans of milk.

This is an imposing, very beautiful dog with an attractive tricolor and a long coat that needs to be brushed. Above average height, with strong limbs. With a height of 58 to 70 cm at the withers, they are harmoniously and balanced. The weight of these dogs varies from 36 to 50 kg.

The Bernese Mountain Dog gets along well in the city, but will be happy if he has a house with a plot where he will be assigned to protect someone, whether it be your children or pets. These dogs live 6-8 years.

Bobtail, or Old English Sheepdog

Old English shepherd breed. Initially used to exterminate wolves, then as a cattle driver. The origin of the name "Bobtail" is associated with the length of the tail, or rather its almost complete absence, since for a long time puppies were born with a short tail or without it at all.

Due to their very unusual appearance and color, which seems to divide the dog in half, bobtails have gained a leading position in the world of advertising and fashion. Their height at the withers is at least 56 cm, but due to the abundant wool they seem taller. Wool is their pride, but it will require careful care so as not to turn into tangles. The weight of dogs is 27-45 kg. Bobtails are perky by nature, love children, alert and smart, but at the same time self-willed, they need a consistent and firm upbringing. Live 10-11 years.


German breeders wanted to get service and guard dogs with developed protective qualities. They succeeded - this is how the Doberman breed appeared, which was often used as a guard and police dog, as well as on the hunt for large predators.

This is an athletic, muscular dog, like a carved statue, in which you can feel great energy. At the same time, it looks very elegant and noble. The height of these dogs is 63-72 cm, weight - from 32 to 45 kg. The coat is short and easy to care for.

Thanks to the chiseled lines of the body, his proud and slender posture, temperamental behavior and decisive actions, he fits the ideal idea of ​​a dog that can be guard, service or companion for the whole family. The life expectancy of these dogs is 12-16 years.

Golden Retriever

It was bred in Scotland at the end of the 19th century to fetch dead birds, but very soon became a breed that won thousands of hearts as an excellent pet, a true companion dog.

The golden retriever received this “title” not only due to its attractive appearance with a good-natured expression of the muzzle, but also to its really golden character, like the coat color. This dog is absolutely non-aggressive, reliable, patient, smart and easy to train, so even an inexperienced person will have no difficulty in training it.

These dogs are 51-61 cm tall and weigh 25-42 kg. Smooth coat of medium length requires systematic combing. Golden Retrievers live 10-12 years.

Cane Corso, or Italian Cane Corso

This ancient breed originates from the Roman Molossians, who were used as warriors, guards and boar hunters. For some time it was practically lost, but not so long ago in Italy they were able to revive the breed, and it became popular all over the world due to its protective qualities.

This is a powerful dog, but not coarse, but athletic build, with prominent muscles, quick reaction, intelligent, with a developed instinct for protection and protection. She is affectionate with her family and distrustful of strangers. With consistent upbringing, it becomes obedient. Height at the withers - 58-68 cm, weight - 38-50 kg, coat is short, shiny, easy to care for. Cane Corso live 10-12 years.

This breed originated in Scotland, where these dogs were professional sheep herders. Thanks to the love of Queen Victoria and their attractive appearance, they very soon became favorites at many shows, prompting dog breeders to breed more and more elegant Scottish Shepherds in various elegant colors: sable, tricolor and blue merle (marble).

This is a dog of exceptional beauty, proportionate, full of dignity, but at the same time friendly. Collies are long-haired and short-haired, but their height and weight are the same: the height at the withers is 51-61 cm, weight - 18-30 kg.

Collies became popular not only because of their beauty - they are universal dogs that can be rescuers, participants in agility and obedience competitions, shepherds and excellent nannies. They live 12-14 years.

Labrador Retriever or Labrador Retriever

These dogs come from the South Coast of Newfoundland, but are short-haired and not as large as the bear-like Newfoundlands. These dogs are very fond of water, swimming and have an innate ability to fetch. Labradors have become excellent helpers for fishermen and hunters, as they perfectly fed the downed bird on the water and on land.

Perhaps, compared to other breeds, the appearance of the Labrador is somewhat rustic, but the expression of the muzzle betrays a very intelligent, shrewd dog who wants to please the owner. Thanks to this property, Labradors have become versatile dogs for various services and excellent companions for children and adults all over the world. The height of these dogs is 53-57 cm, weight - 30-38 kg. Labradors love to eat delicious food, so it's important to keep an eye on their weight. They live 10-14 years.


English fishermen discovered these dogs on the small island of St. John's near Newfoundland, where they helped pull boats and fishing nets, and brought them back to their homeland. These bear-like, good-natured dogs have an innate love of the water, as well as a passion for finding and fetching items from the water, making them the ultimate rescuers.

Despite their outward clumsiness, these are very strong and agile dogs, without a trace of aggression, their character is distinguished by a combination of dignity with goodwill and gentleness. Long coat with thick waterproof undercoat requires regular brushing. Height at the withers - 64-75 cm, weight - 52-72 kg. Newfoundland is perfect for a family with children, for whom it will become a constant companion. They live 9-13 years old.

Giant Schnauzer

These dogs originated in Germany and were originally used as cattle drivers. The word "schnauz" means "bearded muzzle".

The dog is large, powerful, strong, but at the same time not devoid of grace, with hard, like a wire, short hair of black color or “pepper and salt” color. Height - 60-70 cm, weight - 35-47 kg. To maintain beauty and health, the Schnauzer's coat should be trimmed regularly.

Thanks to its bright temperament, which combines leadership qualities, readiness for defense, intelligence and calmness, the Giant Schnauzer, with proper consistent education of the owner-leader, can become a universal dog. He is used by the police and the rescue service, he can be a great family dog, ready to play with children and protect the family. Life expectancy is 12-14 years.


One of the oldest breeds, the origin of which can be traced back to Roman times. After the ancestors of the Rottweilers came to Germany, their main purpose was to accompany and protect herds of cattle, and protect the owner and his property.

This is a powerful, agile and enduring dog, giving the impression of great strength. Her coat is short, the color is only black with dark red tan. Height at the withers - 52-68 cm, weight - 42-50 kg.

Rottweilers are friendly but alert, attentive, fearless, with an innate defensive demeanor. They are very attached to the family and children of the owner, but require a firm hand in education and knowledge about the behavior of dogs. Rottweilers live an average of 10-12 years.

Setters (English, Irish, Scottish Setters, Gordon Setters and Irish Red and White Setters)

This is a group of so-called island pointing hunting dogs bred in Great Britain. It includes four breeds: English Setter, Irish (Red) Setter, Scottish Setter (aka Gordon Setter) and Irish Red and White Setter.

All setters have a very attractive, memorable appearance, on average, these dogs are 55 to 68 cm tall and weigh 20 to 32 kg. All setters have a very beautiful flowing coat, short on the head and back, and creates beautiful feathering on the chest, paws and tail. The color depends on the breed.

By nature all setters are passionate hunters, at the same time they are very aristocratic dogs, the so-called intellectuals among dogs. They are absolutely not characterized by aggression, they are very affectionate, good-natured and calm at home. In nature, they are transformed, becoming reckless, fast and tireless. Setters are strongly attached to the owner, they need constant contact and communication. You need to educate them with affection and encouragement, they do not tolerate rudeness. Setters live 12-15 years.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog

As the name of the breed suggests, this dog was bred in the countries of Central Asia. This is an unsurpassed guard and shepherd who fearlessly enters into a fight with a wolf and for a long time can graze herds of sheep without human help.

Initial working conditions determined the nature of this breed. This is an intellectual among the Molossians, able to assess extraordinary situations and make decisions independently. Considering this, as well as its impressive size (height at the withers not less than 60 cm, weight not less than 40 kg), it is recommended to have such a dog for an experienced dog breeder who can become a leader for her.

The color of the dogs of this breed can be different, the coat is rough, short. They live 10-14 years.

Large breed dogs have a different digestion process than small dogs, so they need food that is balanced for their needs and energy requirements. These requirements are fully met by Pro Plan ® Dog for large and medium breeds. The diet of large breed dogs should be given close attention, it is very important to choose a food that will help them maintain the correct balance of essential substances.

All breeds of large dogs are unique, and anyone who wants to have such a pet will be able to find a puppy or an adult dog to their liking. You can see photos of large dogs in this article or go to the "Breeds of Dogs" section.

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