Pictures start with m
Letter M Activities
Grade Level: Kindergarten
The letter M is an extremely reliable letter. It only makes the mmmm sound as in mat. This makes it an easy letter to teach.
The activities are organized from easiest to most difficult. Feel free to go only part way through the activities depending on the comfort level of the child!
Letter Recognition
- Activity Sheet: Poem -- circle the capital letter M, underline the lower case letter m.
- Activity Sheet: Hidden image -- color the capital letter M one color and the lower case m another color to reveal the hidden image.
Words that Begin with the Letter:
- Activity Sheet: Say the name of each picture out loud and listen for the Mm sound.
- Activity Sheet: Modern
Manuscript: Trace (print) the words
that begin with the letter m.
- Activity Sheet: Standard Font: Trace (print) the words that begin with the letter m.
- Activity Sheet: Draw a line to the words that begin with the sound of M
- Activity Sheet: Color the words that begin with the sound of M
- Connect the dots MOON: Connect the dots to find the hidden picture
- Itsy Bitsy Book: Little activity book with word that begin with the sound of M.
Words that End with the Letter:
- Activity Sheet: Say the name of each picture out loud and listen for the Mm sound.
- Activity Sheet: Modern Manuscript: Trace (print) the words that end with the letter m.
- Activity Sheet: Standard Font: Trace (print) the words that end with the letter m.
- Activity Sheet: Draw a line to the words that end with the sound of M
- Activity Sheet: Color the words that end with the sound of M
Letter M Word Bank:
- mad
- man
- map
- mat
- match
- milk
- mitten
- mom
- moon
- mop
- mouse
- mouth
- mud
- mug
Other Links:
Although the activities are geared more to the preschool age group, adding
one or two less challenging activities when learning the letters can be a
welcome break for the kids and can be given as a bonus activity for those who
finish their work early.
- Visit the Alphabuddies for some fun coloring pages and crafts to reinforce learning.
- Visit Coloring ABC's for more coloring pages.
Browse Letter M Worksheets & Printables
Skip to contentWorksheets and printables for teaching the letter M. Practice letter recognition, letter formation, handwriting, and beginning sound M.
Although children may be able to sing the “ABC” song, letter recognition requires them to identify letters in various contexts, both individually and within words. To help support their acquisition of letter knowledge, expose them to different print materials, including books, poems, rhymes, labels, and signs. Allow them to use manipulatives such as magnetic letters, letter stamps, and letter tiles. They can use these tools to practice identifying and sorting letters.
When teaching the letter “m,” it is helpful to have it displayed in the room where children can refer to it. This can take the form of alphabet posters or individual alphabet charts that children keep at their tables or desks. Provide them with opportunities to participate in letter hunts, use flashcards, and create the letter “m” using playdough.
When teaching children how to print the letter “m,” focus on beginning the letter at the appropriate point and the motions needed to complete the letter. Learning to print letters properly will assist children with both their legibility and their speed. With practice, they will gain automaticity with printing, allowing them to direct their focus to the content of their writing.
It is helpful to teach children verbal pathways that they can say aloud or think in their heads as they print. These pathways cue children with what direction to move their pencil in. For the lowercase “m,” teach them the phrase, “Pull down, up, over, down and up, over and down.” For the uppercase “M,” teach them the phrase, “Pull down, slant down, slant down, pull down.” Model how to print the letters, slowly and deliberately, as you recite the verbal pathway. Provide children with opportunities to trace the letters before moving on to printing them independently.
Beyond traditional paper and pencil activities, children can practice printing using materials such as whiteboards, chalkboards, fingerpaints, and sand or salt trays. For a kinesthetic experience, they can use juggling scarves to make the writing motions in the air.
To teach children the sound the letter “m” makes, help them associate it with familiar items that begin with “m.” For example, they can relate “m” to mops, money, and maps. Have them fill a block letter “m” with pictures or drawings of the objects. Similarly, you can have them create their own alphabet book with a page for each letter. Include the uppercase and lowercase formations and have children add pictures of objects that begin with the letter. They can refer to these visuals to help them recall the sound the letter “m” makes.
Letter sounds can be practiced using matching activities where children match the letter “m” to the correct objects. They can also complete coloring tasks where they color only the items that begin with “m.” (e.g., Color the mermaid. Do not color the dolphin.)
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Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:37:34-05:00
With this activity, kids help the map to find her letters by circling the upper and lower case letters M. Kids work on letter M recognition and discrimination skills.
Letter M Recognition WorksheetAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:37:34-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:33:41-05:00
This worksheet features pictures of things that begin with the letter M: mad, mermaid, mailbox, magic, money, menu, map, mop.
Things That Begin With The Letter MAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:33:41-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T17:19:44-05:00
With this beginning letter M worksheet, children strengthen their reading, writing, and phonics skills by performing three activities.
Beginning Letter M WorksheetAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T17:19:44-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:31:28-05:00
This uppercase letter M printable template is a comprehensive resource that helps kindergarten kids identify the letter M and its sound.
Uppercase Letter M Template PrintableAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:31:28-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:29:14-05:00
Practice letter M or beginning sound M with cute pictures kids will reveal as they spin the wheel. This letter M spinner would be a great addition to your literacy centre.
Letter M Wheel SpinnerAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:29:14-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:41:03-05:00
With this hands-on activity, kids cut out and paste images that start with the letter M inside the house. Great for literacy centers and promoting phonics skills!
Cut And Paste Letter MAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:41:03-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:30:57-05:00
This lowercase letter M printable template is a comprehensive resource that helps kindergarten kids identify the letter M and its sound.
Lowercase Letter M Printable TemplateAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:30:57-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:35:53-05:00
Using markers or crayons, kids help the mermaid find the map by coloring the boxes following the pattern M-m-M-m. Letter M is exceptional for kindergarten kids.
Letter M Maze WorksheetAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:35:53-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:34:15-05:00
Help children learn the alphabet with these printable letter M flashcards. Introduce the letter M, beginning sound M, and primary words starting the letter M.
Letter M FlashcardsAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:34:15-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:35:21-05:00
This fundamental activity is an excellent opportunity for kindergarten students to learn the letter M. Read and paint it with do-a-dot markers!
Do A Dot Letter MAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:35:21-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:28:44-05:00
With this letter M crown, kids practice uppercase and lowercase letter M formation and identify four pictures that begin with the letter M sound.
Letter M CrownAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:28:44-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:29:48-05:00
With this find the letter M activity, kids find color all lowercase letters M. Kids can use do-a-dot markers or finger paint. After, kids can color teddy bear.
Find The Letter M WorksheetAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:29:48-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:24:54-05:00
Reinforce beginning sound M skills as kids color things that start with the M: mad, mermaid, mailbox, magic, money, menu, map, mop.
Things That Start With MAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:24:54-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:33:07-05:00
Introduce words that start with M: my, make, mad, mop, man, many, maybe, mean, melt, mouth, more, money, map, mail, magic, me, meal, meat, menu, mess.
Words That Start With M For KindergartenAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:33:07-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:38:44-05:00
Help your children learn the alphabet and develop a solid foundation for reading with this letter M flipbook. It is a great activity to introduce or review the letter M.
Letter M Flip BookAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:38:44-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:36:59-05:00
With this sorting activity, students cut the Letter L and then paste the Uppercase Letters L upstairs and Lowercase Letters L downstairs of the house.
Sorting The Letter M WorksheetAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:36:59-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:39:53-05:00
This letter M phonics worksheet incorporates letter sounds and writing at the same time. Letter M words: map, magic, mermaid, mailbox, mop, money, mad, menu.
Letter M Phonics WorksheetAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:39:53-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:24:21-05:00
On this letter M page, kids work on their letter M sound identification skills. Kids practice the initial sound M by matching pictures with the letter.
Letter M Practice PageAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:24:21-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:25:55-05:00
This letter M poster promotes the recognition of the letter M, and helps students remember how to form the letter M. Great for Preschool and Kindergarten kids.
Letter M PosterAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:25:55-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:31:59-05:00
Learn to write Letter M with this engaging activity. Kids will form a letter following the arrows and practice correct letter formation.
Learn To Write Letter M Playdough MatAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:31:59-05:00
Alesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:43:37-05:00
These alphabet letter M Cards build handwriting confidence by teaching the correct letter formation guidelines from the very beginning.
Alphabet Letter M CardsAlesia Netuk2022-12-23T16:43:37-05:00
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Home » ABC for kids
Here are some interesting and simple games and activities for young children that can be used in the lesson where the letter "M" is studied.
Also on the site there are coloring pages, photos, projects, presentations for teaching kids. They are perfect for children attending 1st grade or preschool.
- Games and activities
- Copybooks
- Videos and presentations
- Riddles
- Poems
Games and tasks
I will briefly write what our kids will need to do.
- Circle the items that begin with the letter M.
- Draw and color the large and small letters “M” blue.
- Draw a small “m” in a circle under each picture and circle the first “m”. Discuss the pictures and who is depicted in them?
- What letter do all these words begin with? nine0014
Color the pictures, find out who is depicted on it, insert the letter “M” in the word “Moydodyr”. Kids can try to draw and color the letter on their own. You can download coloring pages for free here.
Let's try to draw the letter "M" - you need to circle the letters with multi-colored pencils, and then help Mishka from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" find a gift that contains honey. You need to find a gift with the letter "m" and draw a line from Bear to this gift. Learning to write capital large and small letters “M” - circle the dotted lines to make a beautiful letter M.
We are looking for five letters "M" among other pictures and color them blue. (A game of letters for attentiveness).
Here you need to circle the letter "M"
Help Mickey Mouse collect all the letters "M" - circle neatly dotted lines.
Videos and presentations
Sound and/or letter M present in video and photo. Also on our website there is a project and a presentation with the letter M. The presentation and the project with a photo can be used both in teaching preschoolers and children attending grade 1. nine0003
View presentations here, here and here.
from the creators of the mind:
From the Aunts of the Owls from the ABC Baby
Shishkina School
From Kapuka Kanuki
Children's corner
PRODUCTION STEED WITH OUR SIT . Here the letter M is represented by various objects, words, etc. The project and presentation with a photo present a living image of a letter that children will definitely like. nine0003
A selection of good riddles about the letter "M" and answers to the letter "M".
A selection of the best poems about the letter "M" for children.
The form of the game - the optimal form of tasks for teaching toddlers . Educate children with pleasure!
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Learn the letter M | Tasks with the letter M
Here you will find primer pages with the letter M, worksheets for preschoolers and first grade students, homework with the letter M for preschoolers, cursive with block and capital letters, speech therapy aids for the development of phonemic perception, sound-letter analysis.
On the first page you need to circle and color a bear that sleeps and sucks its paw in a den. Next, add the printed letter M. In the next task, you need to write the letter M in the empty windows of the house, read the resulting syllables and name the words with these syllables based on the pictures (poppy, hammer, mouse, bear).
Then add the letter M and read. And at the end, paint over the parts of the mosaic with the letter M.
Primer letter M Tasks with the letter M for preschoolers nine0126 "ABC book". Klimkina Yu.E., Solovieva S.A.
Letter M card for 4-5 year olds.
Coloring with a bear to learn the letter M.
Children 4-5 years old get acquainted with the sound and the letter M, write it with their finger, then circle along the lines and hatch in different directions.
From a set of pictures, the child names those in which he hears the sound [M], from a number of letters he underlines only the letter M. Together with an adult, the child makes a sound-letter analysis of words ball, gnome, winter.
Y. Fisher “Workbook No. 5 for children 4-5 years old “Letters”
Tasks with the letter M for preschoolers of the preparatory group. Children need to continue the pattern, write a printed letter M, choose the letter M from the suggested ones, draw the pictures so that they become the same, add the printed letter M.
Oksana Gomzyak “I will write correctly. Album of exercises for the prevention of writing disorders in children of the preparatory group "
At the discretion of the adult, the printed letter M can be colored or hatched. Next, the children write down the printed letter M. After that, they determine the place of the sound M in the words: bridge, dwarf, lemon. They are indicated graphically in the tables in blue or green (soft and hard sounds).
Find all the letters M in the picture and color them.
Tasks for learning the letter M and learning to read. Children get acquainted with the letter and immediately read the syllables and words with the studied letter. In the card, everything that is written in red is read by an adult. nine0003
Source: Valeria Ivleva "Steps to Reading"
Tasks for preschoolers to develop fine motor skills with the letter M:
- draw pots of honey for a clubfoot bear;
- write the letter M;
- guess the picture and count the mice in the picture;
- write the script.
Tasks for determining the position of the sound M - at the beginning, middle, end of a word. The sheets can be used as coloring books to study sound. nine0003
Author of the manual: Yu. A. Kosenko “Learning to read and write”
Copy-book with the letter M
Copy-book with the letter M (capital, printed). From the tasks - finding the letter M among the letter row, coloring fragments of the picture with the letters M, finding identical pairs (development of logical thinking, visual perception), search for words.
Spelling with M
Capital letter M Uppercase MLetter M spelling Prescription class 1 M Letter M cursive Letter M
Tasks with the letter M for speech therapists, speech pathologists
On the page of the primer, the concepts of hard and soft sound [M] are given. Children learn to merge closed and open syllables, then words, phrases and sentences.
Natalia Tegipko "Speech therapy primer"
Primer letter M Reading syllables with the letter M Reading syllables, sound M Primer soft sound M nine0002 Elena Novikova “Speech therapy alphabet.