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Games for the development of logical thinking
Didactic games for the development of logical thinking of children of primary preschool age.
Didactic games for the development of logical thinking of children of primary preschool age.
In my work with preschool children, I often use games to develop logical thinking. I often come up with them myself, they are simple, but at the same time they develop the memory and logical thinking of children.
These games will help children consolidate the concepts of "color and shape", repeat geometric shapes, make children more attentive and teach them to think logically.
Here, for example, didactic game "Dress for Mom" for the 2nd junior group. Before the children, preparation of a dress for mom. It needs to be decorated. Color the circles red and the squares blue.
“Color the beads” - you need to color, the circles alternate: red, blue.
Children enjoy coloring.
Educational and methodical material on the topic:
Games and exercises for preschool children for the development of thinking
Published on 04. 05.2013 - 1:34 - Balueva Oksana Vladimirovna
Thinking is one of the highest forms of human activity. This is a socially conditioned mental process, inextricably linked with speech. In the process of mental activity, certain techniques or operations are developed (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, concretization).
There are three types of thinking:
1) visual-effective (knowledge by manipulating objects)
2) visual-figurative (cognition with the help of representations of objects, phenomena)
3) verbal-logical (cognition with the help of concepts, words, reasoning).
Visual-effective thinking develops especially intensively in a child from 3-4 years old. He comprehends the properties of objects, learns to operate with objects, establish relationships between them and solve a variety of practical problems.
On the basis of visual-effective thinking, a more complex form of thinking is formed - visual-figurative . It is characterized by the fact that the child can already solve problems on the basis of ideas, without the use of practical actions. This allows the child, for example, to use diagrams or mental arithmetic.
By the age of six or seven, a more intensive formation of verbal-logical thinking begins, which is associated with the use and transformation of concepts. However, it is not leading among preschoolers.
All types of thinking are closely related. When solving problems, verbal reasoning is based on vivid images. At the same time, the solution of even the simplest, most specific problem requires verbal generalizations.
Various games, construction, modeling, drawing, reading, communication, etc., that is, everything that a child does before school, develops such mental operations as generalization, comparison, abstraction, classification, establishing cause-and-effect relationships , understanding interdependencies, the ability to reason.
Features of thinking in children with mental retardation
The thinking of a child with mental retardation at the age of 5-6 years is at the level of his everyday experience. He cannot establish connections and relations of objects in a logical way. The ability to think implies the selection of essential features of objects, the combination of various features into a whole idea of the subject; comparing objects and identifying differences in them, etc. All these skills in children with developmental delay are formed much worse than in their peers.
Games and exercises.
Pictures with images of animals and food for these animals are selected. Pictures with animals and separately pictures of food are laid out in front of the child, they offer to “feed” everyone.
The child is read the words and asked to name them in one word. For example: a fox, a hare, a bear, a wolf are wild animals; lemon, apple, banana, plum - fruits.
For older children, you can modify the game by giving a generalizing word and asking them to name specific items related to the generalizing word. Transport - ..., birds - ...
The child is given a set of pictures depicting various objects. The adult asks to consider them and arrange them into groups, i.e. suitable with suitable.
FIND AN EXTRA PICTURE: development of thought processes of generalization, abstraction, selection of essential features.
Pick up a series of pictures, among which three pictures can be combined into a group according to some common feature, and the fourth one is superfluous. Invite the child to find the extra picture. Ask why he thinks so. How similar are the pictures that he left.
Read a series of words to your child. Offer to determine which word is "extra".
old, decrepit, small, dilapidated;
Brave, evil, courageous, courageous;
Apple, plum, cucumber, pear;
Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread;
Hour, minute, summer, second;
Spoon, plate, pan, bag;
Dress, sweater, hat, shirt;
Soap, broom, toothpaste, shampoo;
Birch, oak, pine, strawberry;
Book, TV, radio, tape recorder.
Invite your child to draw, color or string beads. Please note that the beads must alternate in a certain sequence. In this way, you can lay out a fence of multi-colored sticks, etc.
Offer the child the game "I will say the word, and you also say it, just the other way around, for example, big - small." You can use the following pairs of words: cheerful - sad, fast - slow, empty - full, smart - stupid, hardworking - lazy, strong - weak, heavy - light, cowardly - brave, white - black, hard - soft, rough - smooth and etc.
Name some situation and throw the ball to the child. The child must catch the ball in the event that the named situation happens, and if not, then the ball must be hit.
You can offer different situations: dad went to work; the train flies through the sky; the cat wants to eat; the postman brought a letter; salted apple; the house went for a walk; glass shoes, etc.
The child must imagine what he will compare. Ask him questions: "Have you seen a fly? But a butterfly?" After such questions about each word, offer to compare them. Again ask questions: "Are a fly and a butterfly similar or not? How are they similar? And how are they different from each other?"
Children especially find it difficult to find similarities. A child of 6-7 years old should correctly make a comparison: highlight both similarities and differences, moreover, according to essential features.
Pairs of words for comparison: fly and butterfly; house and hut; table and chair; a book and a notebook; water and milk; ax and hammer; piano and violin; prank and fight; city and village.
An adult offers to guess what (what vegetable, animal, toy) he is talking about and gives a description of this subject. For example: This is a vegetable. It is red, round, juicy (tomato). If the child finds it difficult to answer, pictures with various vegetables are laid out in front of him, and he finds the right one.
Ready-made series of plot sequential pictures are used. The child is given pictures and asked to look at them. They explain that the pictures should be arranged in the order in which events unfold. In conclusion, the child writes a story from the pictures.
An adult talks about something, including several tall tales in his story. The child must notice and explain why this does not happen.
Example: Here's what I want to tell you. Yesterday, I was walking along the road, the sun was shining, it was dark, the blue leaves were rustling under my feet. And suddenly a dog jumps out from around the corner, how it growls at me: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" - and the horns have already set. I got scared and ran away. Would you be scared?
I am walking through the woods yesterday. Cars drive around, traffic lights flash. Suddenly I see a mushroom. It grows on a branch. He hid among the green leaves. I jumped up and tore it off.
I came to the river. I look - a fish sits on the shore, crosses its legs and chews sausage. I approached, and she jumped into the water - and swam away.
Offer the child drawings that contain any contradictions, inconsistencies, violations in the behavior of the characters. Ask the child to find errors and inaccuracies and explain their answer. Ask how it really is.
1) Guess Game
Pictures with such images are shown: wheel, steering wheel, pedal.
Edit: Guess what it could be?
Children: Car, bicycle …
Question: What other transport do you know?
(techniques - synthesis, classification)
2) Game "What did the artist forget?"
Edit: Look at the picture. What did the artist forget to draw?
Children: The sofa is missing one leg, the flower is not finished on the vase,
Some stripes on the carpet are not painted . ..
(techniques - analysis of the picture, comparing it with the alleged mental standard).
Thus, logic, albeit not in its pure form, but in the form of its simplest forms and techniques, has a significant place in the preschool education system
4. Features of the developing environment in the middle group.
Game as a leading activity.
One of the features of the middle group is a vivid manifestation of different rates of development of children: some retain the features of a younger age for a longer time, the restructuring of their behavior and activities seems to slow down, while others, on the contrary, “grow up” faster and already from the second half of the middle preschool age, they begin to show more and more clearly the features of more senior age level.
Based on this, the development environment must necessarily include game material of different levels of complexity.
For level I (younger - middle age) it is recommended to have a lotto, paired pictures, magnetic, large and carnation mosaics, a set of cubes of 4 - 9 pieces, educational games ("Fold the pattern", "Fold the square"), games with modeling elements and substitutions, lightweight modular material, building kits (floor, desktop).
For the development of fine motor skills of the hands, special didactic toys are needed: liners, lacing (with “sewing”, drawing up a pattern). For the same purpose, plastic containers with lids of various shapes and sizes can be included in the environment.
II level (middle - senior age). Among the didactic games, first of all, there should be games for comparing objects by various properties (color, shape, size, material, function), grouping by properties, for recreating a whole from parts (“Tangram”, puzzles), for seriation by various properties, games on account. It is important that the child always has the opportunity to choose a game, and for this the set of games must be quite diverse and constantly change (change is about 1 time in 2 months).
15% of the games should be intended for children of the older age group in order to enable children who are ahead of their peers in development not to stop, but to move on.
For the development of the imagination, it would be better if, instead of some real objects, we offer objects - substitutes that have a certain similarity with the original, for example: geometric three-dimensional figures - "vegetables", a bar - "iron", a stick - "thermometer", a box - "TV".
The developing thinking of the child, the ability to establish the simplest connections and relationships between objects induce his interest in the world around him. The child already has some experience of knowing the environment, but it requires generalization, systematization, deepening, clarification. For this purpose, a “sensory center” is organized in the group - a place where objects and materials are selected, which can be learned with the help of various senses (noise objects, jars with a smell, etc. )
Games with sand, water, clay, paints, foam, mirrors are organized in a special place for children's experimentation.
Middle age is the beginning of a sensitive period of development of the sign-symbolic function of consciousness, this is an important stage for mental development in general and the formation of readiness for schooling. In the environment of the group, it is necessary to use symbols, models to designate objects, actions and their sequence. It is better to come up with such signs, models together with children, leading them to the understanding that everything can be denoted not only in words, but also graphically.
The game is the leading activity of the preschooler.
Younger preschoolers often play alone, but in their object, design games, they already improve perception, imagination, memory, and thinking.
By the middle preschool period, games become collaborative. The main thing in these games is the imitation of certain actions and relationships, the selection of the rules of the game and following them.
At an older age, the design game begins to turn into labor activity, during which the child builds something useful, necessary in everyday life. In the game, the child learns to use household items, learns to plan his actions. It is in the game that manual movements and mental operations are improved.
“The great importance of play in the development of the personality of a preschool child is determined not by the fact that individual mental processes are exercised in it, but by the fact that individual mental processes are improved in the game, due to the fact that the game raises the personality of the child, his consciousness to a new stage of development. The child in play is aware of his "I", learns to act, subordinating his actions to the desired goal and determining them depending on the goal.
The game, therefore, is a school of such activity, in which the need appears not as external, imposed from the outside, but as desired ... It is the prototype of future serious activity . .. ”(D.B. Elkonin)
Games for the development of logical thinking, games for expanding horizons, games for analysis and synthesis, games for the development of creative imagination.
Small fish - worm
The game teaches you to argue your answers, broaden your horizons
Required equipment: pictures of animals, birds (can be cut from old books, magazines; postcards).
◈ How to play: first a poem is read:
Bunny loves carrots,
Bear - raspberry,
Sparrow - mountain ash,
Fish - worm,
Avoid, fish, hook.
◈ You name an animal, and the child needs to quickly and correctly say what it eats, for example: cow - hay, dog - bone, mouse - cheese, cat - milk, etc.
◈ You can play as two participants, and more. Periodically change roles with the child, this is a great incentive for him.
◈ We fix: ask the child questions: “What does Carlson love? Cannibal? etc.
◈ Play the reverse game: carrot - hare, grain - bird, horse - hay.
◈ When possible, feed birds, squirrels, animals together. Watch their habits.
◈ We complicate: can a chicken gnaw a bone? Does the dog peck at the grain? Ask the child to argue his answer, if the baby is at a loss, find an explanation together.
One, two, three extra go away
The game helps to form conceptual thinking; cut off the excess (analysis - synthesis)
Required equipment: pictures.
◈ How to play: show pictures with objects of the same class, but different groups, for example: bus, car, motorcycle - plane; tram, bus, electric train - KAMAZ; fire truck, ambulance, grocery car - taxi, etc. Which picture of the four is superfluous? Why?
◈ Fixing: change roles. You can also play the verbal version of this game. It is advisable to take various concepts familiar to the child, for example: “clothes”, “shoes”, etc. Help the child, if he finds it difficult, to justify the answers.
The game helps to form logical thinking, creative imagination
Equipment needed: ball.
◈ How we play: it is better to play this game with the whole family, then the child will quickly master it.
◈ The leader throws the ball to the player and says a phrase. If this phrase is a fiction, then there is no need to catch the ball, for example: “The wolf is walking in the forest,” the player catches the ball. "The wolf is sitting on a tree" - you do not need to catch the ball. "Girl draws a house" - the player catches the ball. “The house is drawing a girl” - no need to catch the ball, etc.
◈ Try to come up with as many funny, ridiculous phrases as possible.
◈ The one who never makes a mistake wins.
◈ Play this game more often, because a child of this age loves to invent shifters, fables.
◈ Reinforce: Play Tales with short stories. For example: "For Vanya's birthday, the children ate apples, ice cream, cookies and ... salty sweets." The child should correct your mistake and explain why it is wrong.
◈ Do you cook borscht in the kitchen? Use this situation for the game. “I put beets, carrots, cabbage… pear in borscht.” Laugh with your child, switch roles.
◈ You can play with pictures. For example: the picture shows summer: the sun, flowers, butterflies and ... a snowman. Ask the child why the snowman is superfluous, what can happen to him? What can I do to keep it from melting?
◈ Next time, you can come up with up to 3-4 fables in the story. For example:
A sparrow sat at home,
a game that will turn the expectation of the New Year into a small holiday
Photos: Unsplash. Illustration: Yulia Zamzhitskaya
Before each new year, Evgenia Komova, head of the content distribution department at the Teachers' Council, arranges a game for her daughter - "The December Dwarf". They asked her to tell how it works and how the "gnome" can grow with the child.
On my daughter's second New Year's Eve, I decided that I wanted to give her more magic than could fit in one New Year's Eve. Then I rethought the advent calendar, and the result was the game "December Dwarf", which we are playing for the seventh time this year.
I constantly experiment with formats: once the gnome came every night in December, and on the 31st, Santa Claus himself. It happened that the "gnome" came only for two weeks. But every time a child is waiting for something new.
Option 1: small gifts
For the first time, the dwarf left gifts with tags under the tree. Each of them had a date. Since my daughter was only two years old, the gifts there were quite simple and understandable to the child: I poured mini-dryers into a glass juice bottle, wrapped my favorite purees in kraft paper, put a squeaker toy somewhere, and in which One day I poured various cereals into a small jar, and my daughter and I sorted peas from buckwheat and rice.
Option 2: creative tasks
For older children, the gnome brings interesting tasks. On one day you need to make a New Year's house, on the other - paint a New Year's coloring book, make an applique, an edible snowman or plasticine ice cream. Here I have collected all the instructions and templates, you can print and use (of course, the pictures are taken from the Internet).
Even more useful materials - in the Telegram channel of the Pedagogical Council. Subscribe to keep up to date with the latest articles and news.
Option 3: Treasure Quest
There was a year when a dwarf brought an A3 size map on the first night, and then left notes with tips on where to find a new part of the map. The goal was to get to the main gift from the gnome. He was then only one, but larger (it seems like a doll).
Option 4: a game with a plot
The dwarf was very sophisticated, so there was an option with a rather complicated scenario (for 10 days). So the legend is as follows:
The dwarf teaches a child magic to help him find a friend in a magical land. Otherwise, the dwarf will not have time to help Santa Claus load bags with gifts into the sledge on New Year's Eve, and the New Year will be lost. And your child's gift is heavy, one dwarf cannot cope. To find a friend, you need to say a magic spell.
But even it does not work without three components: a magic crystal, a potion and magic water.
For 10 days, different magical heroes come to your house and bring some ingredients and a letter from the dwarf. The link contains all the materials that need to be printed by each day. And there are instructions on what to prepare.
Option 5: classic Advent
There was also a classic version of Advent: the dwarf left 30 gifts, and every day my daughter opened one. The contents were varied, but all the little things were inexpensive: a pen, nail polish, a hair clip, a small puzzle, a bath bomb, etc.
See also: 28 ideas for an unusual advent calendar with gifts
This year, my daughter has already started first grade. And I really want her to read her first book in a month. Therefore, the gnome will bring her a book, and every night a bookmark sticker will appear in it, which will tell you until what time it needs to be read in a day.