Porridge fairy tale
The Magic Porridge Pot Story
This is The Magic Porridge Pot Story. This is Melody lived with her mother. The two of them were very poor, but Melody tried to make her mother happy by singing songs to her morning and evening. Her mother said, “Melody! What would happen to me if it weren’t for your songs? They make me happy, you know.” “I know mother,” Melody said. “If only our bellies could be filled with music. I’m very hungry.” Her mother began to cry. “Don’t cry, mother. I’ll go into the forest and find us something to eat,” Melody assured her. Also, read Sweet Porridge Summary.
As she wandered through the forest, Melody sang one of her beautiful songs. An old witch heard her singing and rushed to meet her. “Oh!” Melody said, “You frightened me!” “I’m sorry!” the kind witch said. “I just wanted to find out who had such a magnificent voice.” Melody’s cheeks grew pink and she lowered her head. “Well, thank you! I hope I didn’t disturb you.”
the magic porridge pot Image Source–> @www. in.pinterest.com
“Disturb me? Nonsense. Your voice is like a gift to me. What can I do to reward you for your singing?” the witch asked. “Reward?” Melody asked. “Yes, anything you’d like,” the witch said, “if only you’d come back again and sing for me,” Melody told the witch about her poor mother and how they had nothing at all to eat. “Here,” the witch said, showing a small black spot into the young girl’s hands. “Take this!”
“I don’t mean to be rude, but what good is an empty pot if there is no food to cook in it?” “It’s magic,” the witch explained. “Magic?” Melody repeated. “Yes, yes. Take it home, put it on the stove, and say these words, ‘Little pot, cook.’ It’ll surprise you with more sweet porridge than you’ve ever been. Go, go, try it. But be sure to come back tomorrow to sing for me.” You may also like, The Paper Bag Princess.
“But how will the pot know when to stop cooking?” asked the hungry little girl. “Oh yes!” the witch said. “I almost forgot the most important part. ” “The most important?” Melody asked. “Indeed! When your mother and you have had your fill of sweet porridge, simply say ‘Little pot, stop!’ and it will stop cooking. Now don’t forget.” “I won’t,” promised Melody as she rushed home holding tightly to the magical pot.
Every day, Melody and her mother ate their fill of sweet porridge. And every day, the little girl kept her promise and traveled into the forest to sing for the kind witch. One day, Melody left to meet the witch while the sweet porridge was still cooking. “Now don’t forget what to say,” she warned her mother. Her mother just shooed her away, acting insulted that her daughter treated her like a fool.
the magic porridge pot
Image Source @www.in.pinterest.com. The pot cooked and cooked, then cooked some more. “Quit,” Melody’s mother said. But the pot kept cooking. “Knock it off,” she cried, as the porridge spilled out over the stove and onto the floor. “Enough!” the woman shouted. Melody’s mother said everything she could think of to make the pot stop cooking, but it was useless. She didn’t remember the magic phrase and before long, the entire cottage was filled with hot sweet porridge.
Spilling out the windows and pushing the door, the sweet porridge swelled into the streets. It filled home after home, as the neighbors screamed and tried to escape. “Ow!” “Ouch!” “Ewww!” they cried as the steaming hot sweet porridge burned their skin.
By the time, Melody returned, the entire village was covered in sweet porridge. “Little pot, stop,” she yelled. And the little pot did just that. The poor little girl with the enchanting voice had to eat her way back to the cottage. Her mother never again forgot the magical words. Also read, The Nightingale Story.
Here is a visual depiction of, “The Magic Porridge Pot Story”. See the video story below,
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Sweet Porridge Story/ English Fairy Tales
Once upon a time, in a little town, there lived two sisters. Their names were Jane and Ella.
Jane was the eldest and she was very smart. But she was also very arrogant about her
intelligence. She thought herself to be the smartest of all and turned up her nose at every person in the town. The younger one, Ella was a very kind girl and was sweet to all. But although lovable, she was extremely forgetful. Both sisters never bothered to mend their ways
And because of this , they would always have differences. Now Jane and Ella were very poor.
They would go hungry almost every night and were lucky if they had even a little bread and cheese to eat. One day, Ella was sitting at the table looking out at the sky.
When suddenly her tummy started growling very loudly. Oh, I feel so hungry! I haven't eaten properly for days and even now there is nothing to eat. Maybe if I go out for a walk, I'll forget about how hungry I am. So out into the woods she went to take a stroll carrying nothing but a single flask of water. She kept walking on and on and soon had to stop and rest for she was very tired. - Haah! I am so tired and so thirsty. I should drink some water.
But as she was about to drink, an old Woman appeared in front of her. She was dressed in a dark robe and looked so appalling that Ella was about to run away.
-My child. Will you please give me some water? I am very thirsty and have not had a drink for two whole days. The old woman coughed so badly, that even though she looked very appalling.
Ella felt sorry for her and her tender heart gave way. -Of course! Here drink as much as you like.
I do hope it will be enough for you. -How kind you are. Thank you so much my dear. Let me repay you for your kindness. And in a burst of light, the old woman had turned herself into a beautiful young witch. Ella was most amazed at what she saw. -Wowww!!! Now, tell me what you wish for and I shall give it to you, no matter what it is.
So Ella told her everything about how poor they were and how they had to remain hungry for days. -Hmmm. I see. Very well. When you return home, you will find a pot lying on your table.
It is a magic pot.
Yes! A magic pot. To it you must sing. “Cook. Little pot. Cook”. And it will cook as much sweet porridge for you as you like. This way you and your sister will never go hungry. And when you are done eating and are satisfied, say -”Stop. Little pot. Stop”! And it will cease to cook.
-How wonderful! I will return home immediately!
-Wait! Before you go I must tell you one last thing. To keep this magic pot forever, you must
earn it, if you do nothing to deserve it, then it will vanish from lives and you will both go hungry again! Remember these words or you will fall into a lot of trouble..
-I will. Oh, thank you kind Witch. I will go home right away.
-Eat well my dear, Ella. Hehehe.
-Wait! How do you know my name?
But the Witch had disappeared and was nowhere to be seen. Ella soon returned home and found the pot on the table, just as the witch had said. Jane was standing near, starting at it crossly.
-Ella! Did you bring this pot home?
-I did! Am I not amazing? -Amazing?! What's amazing is when you find a way to put food into the pot to cook!
-Jane, you will be very happy to know that this pot is magical. And will feed us forever!
-My poor sister. Since we have no food. I am aware of our shrinking bellies. but it seems your brain has begun to shrunk even more.
-Hah! I will prove it to you!
Ella looked at the pot and said: -Cook, little pot. Cook!
As soon as Ella ended her spell, the pot started bubbling and brewing the hot porridge on it's own. Jane was extremely amazed and Ella looked on with glee. In an instant the porridge was done and the aroma filled the room and made both the girls hungrier than even. They both tasted it and it was indeed the best porridge they'd ever eaten. In this way they ate to their heart's content every day and were never hungry again. They were never tired of it since it was very tasty. But one day, Ella decided to go out.
-I must remember to tell Jane the ending spell to the cooking pot before I go.
-Oh! But…what were the words?
-What is it? Why are you staring at me like that?
-Well, there was something important I had to tell you.
-What important thing could you tell me.
-You are there, I need to be fine. I won't tell you anything. I bet you forgot where you were gonna tell me.
-I didn't forget I'm leaving but as she left she remembered the spell.
-I remember now well it doesn't matter since she already ate in the morning. I'm sure she won't feel hungry
But after a while Jane started to feel hungry.
-Hmm! I feel like eating that delicious porridge. I wasn't here so I have it all to myself.
She went to the pot and clapping her hands in glee shanted the spell happily:
-Cook, little pot. Cook. And the next second It was cooking up the hot porridge that Jane loves so much. She smelt it greedily and once It was cooked she ate it all up
-That was so delicious. -Oh! The pot stop cooking
-Stop cooking pot! But those were not the right words. Ella had never told Jane the spell to stop the pot from cooking.
-Oh! No, what do I do! Enough no more porridge, stop you silly part odds
No matter what she screamed out the pot went on bubbling up more and more sweet hot porridge. Poor Jane kept yelling at the pot but nothing helped. After a while Ella returned home.
-I'm sure, nothing bad must have happened after all what harm could come out of forgetting, just a small silly spell.
-Hmm,hmm? What is that coming out from under the floor and I smell part 2?
Ella went to look through the window and what a sight. She saw the whole house was filled with sticky sweet porridge, the vases and chairs were swimming in it.
-Oh! And where's Jane?
-That's when she saw poor Jane sitting on top of a table that was slowly and steadily sinking into the steaming porridge.
-Jane! Jane! I'm here. What happened? Oh, my sweet sister, please chop some magic spell and stop a horrible. Potter for making more porridge.And at last the magic pot stopped bubbling.The porridge stopped pouring out of it and Jane and Ella sighed in relief.
-Thank goodness that is done, but the house is still in such a mess.
-I'm sorry for forgetting to tell you the spell today, this is all my fault.
-No, I am to be blamed too. I should have asked and listened to what you had to say today.
Cuz, too arrogant and mean to you.
-But, what do we do Jane. Our house is filled with porridge and cleaning it would take days.
Jane thought for a while and then said:- There are so many poor people in this town. Why,
Don't we share some of the porridge with them.
-I bet there are a lot of people simply starving. They would love the hot steaming porridge.
And away went Ella to fetch all the poor and starving people from their homes and off the streets.
-Everyone we have some delicious parts to give you. All I am sure you will all just love it, get your balls and stones come to eat.
And up came all the people, with bright sparkling eyes. Jane filled the Bulls while inside and Ella's served them out to all the people. They ate up the porridge with gusto.
-Thank you Ellen, Jane, I hadn't eaten for five days. -We are very thankful to you, both.
Soon the house was empty. There was no porridge, anywhere Jane had climbed out the window and now standing at the side of Ella. Seeing all the people's happy faces and bright smiles.
Ella and Jane felt very happy.
-Ella it feels very nice to care about others more.
-I know right now we already had so much of the poison to eat for so many days, but whenever I shared it at all.
-Let's share the part with the poor and needy. -Let's beat them every day so they never go hungry again.
So every day Jane and Ella, would go out to the streets and to the poor people's homes and feed them with fresh hot tasty porridge. This went on for a long time, until one such day an
Old beggars came to them. He was draped in torn clothes and Ella and Jane looked at him, as he came up to them.
-My dear children, would you be so kind as to offer me the part that makes this porridge. I have come far off and my little grandchildren are sick. I have nothing to feed them. May, I take it home with me.
-What do we do Jane?
-If he takes the pot then we will be hungry again. It's fun we have had our fill. And it would be worse for the children. If they didn't eat at all.
So Jane turned to the old beggar and smiled.
-Sir, you may take the pot to your grandchildren and feed them well. I hope they feel better after eating it.
And immediately the old beggar turned into the witch.
-Oh, the porridge witch!
-I am very impressed with you two.You have learnt to care and think about others before yourselves. You would also help the poor and hungry people of this town.
-Does That man. Yes, it means that you can keep the parched pot. You two deserve it.
-Yeah, yeah! Sweet, sweet porridge, every day!
And even after that Ella and Jane continue to feed the poor and hungry every day. They enjoyed seeing the happy smiles on people's faces and this in turn made them very happy.
Fairy tale The Pot of Porridge - The Brothers Grimm, read online
The Brothers Grimm
The Pot of Porridge is a world-famous fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, loved by children and adults. It tells about a girl who shared berries with an old woman in the forest. Grandmother, in return, gave her a magic pot. He cooked porridge and stopped doing it after special words. The girl shared with her mother an amazing gift. Once, when the daughter went to the forest, the mother decided to eat porridge. How this idea ended, learn from the fairy tale about modesty, kindness, spiritual purity and mutual assistance. nine0003
Reading time: 2 min.
Once upon a time there was a girl. The girl went to the forest for berries and met an old woman there.
“Hello, girl,” the old woman said to her. Give me berries, please.
“Here, grandmother,” the girl says. The old woman ate the berries and said:
— You gave me berries, and I will also give you something. Here's a pot for you.
All you have to do is say:
- One, two, three,
Pot, cook!
and he will start cooking delicious, sweet porridge. And tell him:
- One, two, three,
Boil no more!
and he will stop cooking.
— Thank you, grandmother, — said the girl, took the pot and went home to her mother.
The mother was delighted with this pot. And how not to rejoice? Without labor and hassle, delicious, sweet porridge is always ready for lunch.
One day a girl left home somewhere, and her mother put the pot in front of her and said:
— One, two, three,
Pot, cook!
He started cooking. Made a lot of porridge. Mother ate, became full. And the pot cooks everything and cooks porridge. How to stop it?
Should have said:
- One, two, three,
Boil no more!
Yes, the mother forgot these words, but the girl was not at home. The pot cooks and cooks. Already the whole room is full of porridge, already in the hallway porridge, and porridge on the porch, and porridge on the street, and he cooks and cooks.
The mother got scared, ran after the girl, but she couldn't get across the road - hot porridge flows like a river. nine0003
It's good that the girl was not far from home. She saw what was happening in the street, and ran home.
somehow climbed onto the porch, opened the door and shouted:
— One, two, three,
Boil no more!
And the pot stopped cooking porridge. And he cooked it so much that anyone who had to go from the village to the city had to eat his way through the porridge.
But nobody complained about it. The porridge was very tasty and sweet. nine0003
More fairy tales
Grimm V., Grimm J. (brothers). Pot of porridge
In a small town in Germany, I don’t remember now whether this town was in the north or in the south, lived a poor seamstress Marta. She had a daughter named Gretchen. They lived poorly. And Martha sometimes did not know how to feed her daughter. nine0003 One day Gretchen went to the forest for raspberries. She picked up a full basket, and suddenly a hunched old woman comes out to meet her. - Treat me with raspberries, the old woman asked. - Eat, grandma, - the girl said kindly to her and held out the basket. The old woman ate only three berries and says: - I see you are a good child. For this, accept this pot as a gift from me. All you have to do is say:
and the pot will immediately begin to cook sweet porridge.
and immediately the pot will stop cooking. Gretchen thanked the old woman, took the pot and ran home. Such was the joy that day in a low house under a tiled roof - sweet porridge is ready for dinner. nine0003 Gretchen once again went to the forest to pick berries. And Marta got hungry, took the pot off the shelf and said:
And immediately the pot was filled with porridge. Martha eats, she can’t get enough, the porridge is so delicious. At that time a cat came, began to purr and ask for porridge. - I haven't eaten myself yet, - Marta said and pushed the cat away. nine0003 The poor cat mewed loudly in resentment, and Martha lost all the magic words in her head. I must say:
But Marta has forgotten these words and cannot remember. Meanwhile, the pot boils and boils. Porridge poured on the table, from the table to the floor. March says:
And the pot boils and boils everything. Already the whole room is full of porridge. Already porridge is flowing on the porch. Marta screamed:
But the pot keeps on cooking, it doesn't stop. Already porridge is flowing down the street like a river. People walk knee-deep in porridge. Steam is above the city. Horses cannot move a carriage. It's good that at that time Gretchen returned from the forest. She just said:
and then the magic pot stopped cooking. Then the whole city ate this porridge for a whole month. |