Pre k numbers
Learning Numbers in Preschool - Fantastic Fun & Learning
Learning numbers in preschool is a continual process of hands-on experiences and opportunities for real life counting. As kids are counting numbers they are learning many important skills. This collection of preschool number activities will give you a terrific springboard for helping preschoolers learn numbers.
Tips for Helping Kids Learn About Counting Numbers
Although counting may seem like a relatively simple process, there are actually a lot of steps to learning to count.
For starters children have to learn and memorize the numerical sequence for rote counting so they know the numbers to say as they count a set of objects.
They also need to understand one-to-one correspondence and be able to touch one object for each number they are saying as they count a set.
As they begin to count sets kids also need to learn that the set represents a quantity, and the last number they say when they are counting the objects in a set corresponds to that quantity. This is know as quantification.
And they must also recognize that if we add or remove an object from the set this changes the quantity, so we must count carefully and count again if we change the objects in the set.
Finally they must learn to recognize the written format of numbers and connect that concept to their rote counting and other knowledge about counting numbers.
As you can see it’s much more complicated than it seems on the surface, but we make it easier and more meaningful when we provide kids with a lot of hands-on counting opportunities throughout their learning and play.
For additional information about teaching numbers in preschool, visit these great teaching resource books.
Preschool Number Activities
Below are some tools that work well for a wide variety of number activities.
This list of DIY math manipulatives is also very helpful.
Hands-on Number Activities without Printables
There are so many hands-on ways to help kids who are learning numbers and counting.
We can practice counting throughout the day in many ways:
- as we wait for something
- as we prepare snacks and meals
- as we gather objects
- as we sing songs
- as we take steps
On Fantastic Fun and Learning we’ve also shared many fun hands-on ideas for counting numbers. The options in this first section are all done without printables. If you’re looking for some free printables to help kids learning to count, I’ve added those in the next section.
In this listen and spray counting game, little learners listen for a number to be called and then spray it that many times with a spray bottle. It’s great for toddlers and preschoolers!
Wiggle to 1. Tiptoe to 2. Have fun with alliteration, and get kids up and moving with this fun counting game that emphasizes number recognition.
Tea anyone? During our tea time theme we practice counting and comparing tea packets.
Set up a caterpillar sensory bin. Then use it for a variety of caterpillar counting activities.
Continue the spring sensory fun with a counting seeds gardening sensory bin.
Use play dough and number stamps to create a counting garden.
Or head outdoors with some chalk to create your own sidewalk chalk counting garden.
Race to get the gold in this rainbow counting game.
Count Rainbow Fish’s beautiful scales in this play dough Rainbow Fish counting activity inspired by Marcus Pfister’s popular book.
Make your own pumpkin faces with this fall pumpkin counting activity.
Turn old egg cartons into a fun counting activity with these bat number matching sets.
Create and count antlers for this reindeer counting game.
Feed the reindeer in this reindeer counting pretend play activity.
Help the penguins cross the ice in this winter counting sensory bin.
Printables for Counting Numbers and Sets
On Fantastic Fun and Learning we also have a lot of free printables that give kids the opportunity to practice counting and number recognition.
Some of them are nonseasonal and can be done any time of year. While others are more seasonal in nature. Many are also from our preschool lesson plans, as we prefer to include a wide range of skills and activities in each thematic unit.
With these dinosaur play dough mats, kids practice creating sets to match a specific number.
Exercise those fine motor muscles as you match the correct number of caterpillar “eggs” to leaves.
Use these rain theme counting cards to count out objects in a rainy day sensory bin.
Or have some creepy crawly fun counting worms in this spring sensory bin activity.
Grab some beach theme manipulatives and practice counting with these beach counting mats.
Count out snowballs to match the numbered snowmen in this winter counting activity.
Create your own printable book to read over and over again with this snowflake counting book.
Have fun creating your own play dough “chocolates” in this chocolate box counting activity.
Practice number recognition and sequencing 1-20 in this Valentine Scavenger Hunt.
Use this number scavenger hunt to help kids learn to read and write numbers to 20.
Use our roll and color math games to practice counting numbers and sets. There are a wide variety of options to choose throughout the year.
Printables for Teaching Different Ways to Represent Numbers
As kids become more comfortable creating sets of objects and recognizing numerals, we can extend their learning by introducing additonal ways to represent numbers.
The following printables are helpful for introducing this concept.
Insect Counting Mats
Spider Counting Mats
Gingerbread Counting Mats
Seashell Counting Mats
More Resources for Learning Numbers
Counting books are an excellent resource for learning numbers. Kids enjoy reading many of them over and over again. Here is a list of our favorite counting books for kids.
There are also more ideas for counting numbers in this collection of counting games.
The counting games and puzzles below are kid-tested and teacher approved.
What next?
As kids become proficient at counting numbers we can continue helping them develop number sense by:
- working on concepts like one more and one less
- comparing amounts
- beginning to add and subtract
Pre-K Math Numbers and Counting
Are you looking for ways to help your preschoolers learn how to count and identify numbers in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom?
Numbers and Counting
Activities and information about teaching numeral recognition, identification, and counting skills in preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classrooms.
Books About Numbers and Counting
Use this counting book list to help your little learners practice numeral recognition and identification skills.
Numbers and Counting Activities for Preschool
Number and Counting Books
You can find a complete list of books about numbers and counting here.
Place books about numbers and counting in your classroom library.
Number Activities
Sandpaper Number Rubbings
Materials: sandpaper, glue, die-cut machine, heavy cardstock, regular paper, crayons
Buy inexpensive sandpaper at the Dollar Store and cut numerals on it with the die-cut machine. If you don’t have access to a die-cut machine you can trace the numerals on the sandpaper and cut out with scissors. Next, glue the numerals to heavy cardstock paper. I keep a set of these numbers in my math center and the children cover the numbers with paper and make number rubbings using the side of a peeled crayon. They also love to just trace the numbers with their fingers, it’s great for tactile learners.
Ziploc Quilt Game Board
Learn how to make your own Ziploc quilt game board to practice number identification and counting HERE.
Penguin Counting Game
Learn how to play this fun, hands-on penguin counting game HERE.
Printable Dot Counting Book
This free, printable 1-5 dot counting book pictured above is available here.
The free, printable 6-10 dot counting book is available on the blog here.
Glue Dot Numbers
Make glitter glue dot numbers to help your students learn and retain numeral names. Just write each numeral on an index card and add thick glue dots all along the number. When the glue is dry, students can use their finger to trace over the top of each numeral as they say the numeral name. This tactile activity helps the numeral name stick in long term memory.
Fishing for Numbers Game Freebie
You can download the Fishing for Numbers Game printable HERE. It includes the directions for making your own magnetic fishing poles, fish templates, and recording sheet.
Play Dough Number Mats
Materials: paper, computer printer, playdough
Print out large numerals 0-10 on your printer and laminate. Put these “play dough mats” in your play dough center and show your students how to roll out snakes and place them on the mats to make numbers. This is good practice for both number recognition and fine motor skills. You can find printable play dough mats HERE
Thematic Math Activities
I have many thematic math activities on the individual Theme Pages.
More Math Ideas from Pre-K Pages
X. Pre-selection of military candidates \ ConsultantPlus
X. Pre-selection of candidates
from military personnel
for health reasons;
according to the level of physical fitness;
according to the category of professional suitability on the basis of psychological and psychophysiological examination in accordance with the methodological documents developed for military commissariats and military units, as well as socio-psychological study in the process of military service. Preliminary selection is carried out in military units by full-time and non-staff units of professional psychological selection.
69. Servicemen who wish to enroll in a military educational institution, before April 1 of the year of admission, submit a report to the commander of the military unit on command, which indicates: military rank, last name, first name, patronymic, position held, year and month birth, education, name of the military educational institution and the specialty in which they wish to study.
70. Attached to the report: a copy of the document (certificate, certificate, certificate, diploma) of secondary education, three certified photographs (without headgear, size 4.5 x 6 cm), autobiography, description (Appendix No. 6 to this Regulation ), service card, professional psychological selection card, which is issued in accordance with the Guidelines for professional psychological selection in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation <*>. An original document on education, and for military personnel who have completed the first and subsequent courses of educational institutions of higher professional education with state accreditation, in addition, an academic certificate, are presented upon arrival at the military educational institution.
<*> Approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2000 N 50. According to the conclusion of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation N 1009-ER dated February 17, 2000, it does not need to be registered.
71. Documents for candidates from among the military personnel listed in paragraph 70, and medical documents in the prescribed form, and for military personnel undergoing military service under the contract, in addition, personal files, the commanders of military units are sent to the headquarters of the formations until April 15 of the year university admissions. Candidates entering universities, the selection to which is carried out after obtaining access to information constituting a state secret, are issued an appropriate admission <*>.
<*> Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 28, 1995 N 1050 (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1997, N 43, item 4987).
72. Preliminary selection of candidates from among the servicemen ends with the commander of the unit making a decision to send the serviceman to a military educational institution for entrance examinations (refusal to send with an indication of the reasons in accordance with this Regulation).
73. Lists of pre-selected candidates from among the military personnel, approved by the first deputy commanders of formations, and the documents listed in paragraph 70, are sent to military educational institutions by May 15 of the year of receipt.
74. Servicemen pre-selected for admission to military educational institutions, by June 3 are sent to the relevant universities for professional selection. From June 5 to June 30, training camps are held with them to prepare for entrance exams.
XI. Preliminary selection of candidates from among citizens who have completed and have not completed military service \ ConsultantPlus
XI. Preliminary selection of candidates from among citizens who
passed and did not pass military service
April 20 of the year of admission <*>.
<*> Applications of citizens, including oral ones, about the desire to enter to study at universities are registered in a separate journal according to the established form (Appendix N 8).
76. The application shall indicate: surname, name and patronymic, year, date and month of birth, address of the candidate's place of residence, name of the military educational institution and the specialty in which he wishes to study.
77. Attached to the application: autobiography, reference from the place of work or study (Appendix N 7 to this Regulation), a copy of the document on secondary education (students submit a certificate of current academic performance, persons who have completed the first and subsequent courses of educational institutions of higher professional education submit an academic certificate), three photographs (without a headdress, 4.5 x 6 cm in size).
78. Passport, military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, and an original document on secondary education are presented by the candidate to the selection committee of the military educational institution upon arrival. 90,003 90,002 military educational institutions based on the results of a medical examination and professional psychological selection. Candidates entering universities, the selection for which is made after obtaining access to information constituting a state secret, are issued an appropriate admission.
80. The decision to send candidates from among citizens who have completed and not completed military service to military educational institutions for professional selection is made by the draft commissions of the military commissariats of the districts, drawn up in a protocol and announced to the candidates within ten days. The military commissars of the districts send documents for these candidates listed in paragraphs 77, 79, medical documents and cards of professional psychological selection to universities until May 20 of the year of admission of candidates.
submit applications with the attachment of the documents listed in paragraphs 77, 79 of these Regulations to the head of the relevant university before May 20 of the year of admission.
82. Admission committees of military educational institutions, on the basis of consideration of the received documents of candidates, make a decision on their admission to professional selection. The decision is drawn up in a protocol and communicated to candidates through the relevant military commissariats or headquarters of groups of troops before June 20 of the year of admission to study, indicating the time and place of entrance examinations or the reasons for refusal.
83. Information on the course of the preliminary selection of candidates is submitted in the form and in the manner established by the Report Card on Urgent Reports on the personnel of officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and the activities of military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, developed by the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and introduced into action by the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.