Learning pictures for 2 year olds
Free Printables for Toddlers - My Bored Toddler
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Are you looking for free printables for toddlers - particularly 1, 2 or 3 year olds? I know many of you homeschool and are always on the lookout for quality free educational printables for toddlers so I've put together a great free toddler printable collection for you.
If you're a homeschooling parent, or you're looking for some way to entertain your toddler printables can be a good way to go. If you're a regular reader of my site, you'll know that I encourage play based learning like these ABC activities for toddlers , Counting Activities and Science Experiments.
I do encourage you to avoid traditional worksheets for toddlers - at this age, toddlers shouldn't be learning by filling in pieces of paper. Trust me - play based is better!
What you can do though is use educational printables in your play.
These free printables for toddlers are designed to be used in a fun play based way. These printables are all free to download.
Our most popular free toddler printable is our color matching cards - these area huge hit!
One of our most popular free printables for toddlers is our Alphabet do-a-dot printable - get yours HERE.
Number Free Toddler Printables
Counting Do-A-Dot Printable
Number to Ten Coloring Sheets
Spring Free Printables for ToddlersSpring Flower Playdough Mats - Free Toddler Printable
Autumn / Fall Free Toddler PrintablesFree Autumn/ Fall Numbers to Ten Color & Tracing Sheets
Winter Free Printables for ToddlersFree Printable Snowman Playdough Mats for Toddlers
Free Printable Winter Dot Pages for Toddlers
A fun fine motor activity idea for toddlers with a Winter theme.
Free Printable Halloween Playdough Mats for Toddlers
Free Printable Halloween Alphabet & Number Cards for Toddlers
Thanksgiving Free Printables for Toddlers
Looking for some fun free printable games for toddlers to do this Thanksgiving? Try this free Bingo printable game for toddlers.
There's also a fun toddler free printable Scavenger Hunt game too.
FREE Printable Disguise the Turkey Craft for Toddlers
Print out this fun picture and get creative with how to 'hide' the turkey! So much fun!
Christmas Do-a-Dot Pages
Christmas Playdough Mats - Free Printable
Free Printable Blank Christmas Ornaments for Toddlers to decorate
This is a great group activity for toddlers and preschoolers. Print them out and have them decorate them. Great to hang on the Christmas tree.
Free Printable New Year's Eve Toddler Dot Printables
Get out your bingo markers or stickers and have fun with these New Year's Eve Dot Printables.
FREE Printable New Year's Eve Playdough Mats for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Free Printable New Year's Eve Scavenger Hunt for Toddlers
Free Printable Toddler New Year's Eve Bingo Game
Lunar New Year Free Toddler PrintablesFREE Printable Lunar New Year Playdough Mats for Toddlers
Space Themed Free Toddler PrintablesFree Printable Space Number Matching Cards
More toddler printable activities:
The Very Hungry Caterillar Counting Mats
Sticker and Dot Makers Fine Motor Art Project - Moswood Connections
Zoo Train Printable Play Mat - Party Through the USA
Sock Matching Folder Game - Homeschooling My Kinetic Kids
Flower Shape Matching Activity - School Time Snippets
Printable Reward Charts
I Spy Shapes - Teach Me Mommy
Free Shapes Lacing Printable - 3 Dinosaurs
Free Printable Do-a-dot Rainbow Activity
Peek-a-Boo Farm Animals Activity - Buggy and Buddy
Make a Monster Activity - Fun with Mama
Color Matching Dominos Printable - Simple Fun for Kids
Summer Flower Color Matching
Free Printable Sign Language Flashcards - Look We Are Learning
Polar Bear Printable Craft - Fireflies and Mud Pies
Little Blue Truck ABC Animal Pick-Up - Growing Book the Book
Black and White Pattern Cards for Baby Tummy Time
Nature Craft Collage - Mother Natured
Shape Tracing Printable - Kiddy Charts
Animal Name Activity - Sandbox Academy
Octopus Do-a-Dot Fine Motor Activity
Bug Scavenger Hunt Printable - Messy Little Monster
Printable Activity Dice - Twitchetts
Fish Crackers Counting Activity - Best Toys 4 Toddlers
Winter Themed Lego Puzzle Printable
Dinosaur Shape Matching Puzzle Printable - Powerful Mothering
Shape Roll & Color Printable Activity - Modern Preschool
Color Scavenger Hunt - Natural Beach Living
Loose Parts and Patterning - Pickleblums
Hide and Match Farm Animal Printable Puzzle - Toddler Approved
Animal Shadow Matching - Totschooling
Printable Mix & Match Puzzle - Itsy Bitsy and Fun
I hope you find these free toddler printables helpful. I'd love to see some pictures of your toddler using them. Share them in our Facebook group or on Instagram (follow @myboredtoddler and use #MyBoredToddler so we can all see).
Toddler Activities you might enjoy
ABC Activities for Toddlers
Counting Activities for Toddlers
Science Experiments for Toddlers and Preschoolers
50+ ABC Activities for Toddlers
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I get so many requests for alphabet and ABC activities for toddlers that's it's about time I put a collection together! These play based, educational ABC activities are perfect for 2 and 3 year olds who are keen to start exploring their letters.
If you are looking for ABC activities for toddlers, you'll love this great collection of over 50 fun, hands on, play based ABC and alphabet activities. When it comes to teaching toddler the alphabet, the emphasis should be on play. At 2 and 3 years old, there is no requirement for toddlers to know their alphabet, but they are naturally curious and love to learn through play. We have previously explored counting activities for toddlers using the same play based approach. Toddlers also learn their letters though incidental learning. This is where they see letters in everyday life - at the shops, in their books, on signs etc. The easiest way to start teaching letters is to begin learning to recognize the first letter of their name. You'll be amazed how excited they will get when they see this on signs around the place! Remember, the activities below are designed t be fun, and part of regular toddler play.
The Little Engine That Could ABC Activity from Growing Book by Book
Fine Motor ABCs from A Dab of Glue Will Do
2 fun Letter Games with Salt from Learn with Play at Home
Letter Recognition from Kelly's Classroom
Stuffed Felt Letters from Buggy and Buddy
ABC Matching Game Clothes Line from Line upon Line Learning
Alphabet Vacuuming Activity from Nerdy Mamma
Toddler and Preschool Alphabet Activities from Natural Beach Living
Alphabet Puzzle Activity Sensory Play and Rice Sensory Bin from Little Bins for Little Hands
Fine Motor Letter Matching Activity from School Time Snippets
Say and Spray from A Dab of Glue Will Do
ABC Cookies Preschool Alphabet Activity from Fantastic Fun and Learning
Make Your Own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Play Set from Buggy and Buddy
Alphabet Hunt Activity from Artsy Momma
Dr. Seuss's ABC Book from There's Just One Mommy
DIY Outdoor Letter Line from Adventures Of Adam
Letter Sounds Activity and Science Experiment from Little Bins for Little Hands
Swimming Letters with Dory Sensory Bag from The Educators' Spin on It
ABC Jello Sensory Play from Busy Toddler
Make Way for Ducklings ABC Activity from Growing Book by Book
Toddler ABC Sensory Table from Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds
Giant Car Track For Name Writing from Adventures Of Adam
Baking Soda and Vinegar Fizzy Letters from Fun-A-Day
Alphabet Car Wash Sensory Bin from Parenting Chaos
Alphabet Rainbow Gel Painting Tray from Nerdy Mamma
Tactile Nature Letters with Free Printable Letter Templates from Living Montessori Now
Vehicle Activities for Letter "D" from There's Just One Mommy
Alphabet Construction Zone from Munchkins and Moms
ABC Excavation Sensory Bin from Parenting Chaos
Alphabet Goo from Learn With Play at Home
Garden ABC Letter Hunt from Fantastic Fun and Learning
ABC Match from Busy Toddler
Alphabet Sensory Play from Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds
Wax Resist Name Recognition and Letter Learning from Learn With Play at Home
ABC Sort: Toddler Literacy Activity from Busy Toddler
Letter Tuff Spot from Adventures Of Adam
Name Practice Activity Using Toy Cars from Buggy and Buddy
Pool Noodle Letters for Early Learning Alphabet Activities from Little Bins for Little Hands
Letter Bath Time from Adventures of Adam
Fine Motor Dot Sticker Letter Learning and Name Recognition from Learn With Play at Home
Sticky Letters Busy Bag from Best Toys 4 Toddlers
Letters Sensory Bin for Toddlers and Preschoolers from Best Toys 4 Toddlers
Homemade Sensory Alphabet Cards from Best Toys 4 Toddlers
Bottle Cap Name Recognition Activity for Toddler from Best Toys 4 Toddlers
Montessori-Inspired Letter B Introduction from Mama's Happy Hive
Name Craft For Kids: Personalized Caterpillars from The Inspired Treehouse
Movement Games: Spell Your Name Hopscotch from The Inspired Treehouse
Goldfish Crackers Alphabet Tracing from Totschooling
If you want to keep your toddler busy makes sure you subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. If you enjoyed these ABC Activities for toddlers, make sure you and check out our other posts including. You can also join our toddler Facebook group for more great toddler activities and ideas.
Counting Activities for Toddlers
Water Play Activities for Toddlers
This giveaway can be found on Hypersweep
Educational activities for children 2–3 years old
At the age of two or three years, a child actively explores the world around him, learns to talk and communicate with adults and peers. During this period, his personality begins to form. Therefore, parents need to pay special attention to the development of speech, thinking, social skills.
Contents of the article:
- Classes for the development of logical and mathematical thinking
- Lessons for the development of speech
- Gross and fine motor activities
- Classes on the study of the properties of objects
- Getting to know the outside world
- Output
Classes for the development of logical and mathematical thinking
The thinking of two and three year olds is clearly effective. The ability to think logically implies the ability to analyze, compare and generalize. You can develop logic and teach your little one basic math skills with the help of the following exercises.
Take a handful of buttons or other small items and divide them into two unequal piles. The child must determine which pile has a lot of buttons, and which has few. If he does not see the difference between the concepts of "a lot and a little", explain to him what it is.
The second variation of this exercise is the value comparison. Take several objects or toys of different sizes. Ask the baby to show where the small objects are and where the large ones are.
Children at the age of two or three are not yet familiar with numbers. It is better to master the counting skill on surrounding objects or on the fingers. Teach your child to show his age on his fingers, tell him how old he will be in a year, two, three.
It is convenient to use counting sticks or any other items for counting. Climbing the stairs with your child, count the steps, passing houses - windows, walking along the alley - trees or lampposts.
✅ Hidden Object
Hide the toy in the room and ask your baby to find it. Help him by suggesting places to search - under the sofa, behind the armchair, in the closet, etc. Then you can switch roles - the child hides the toy, and you are looking for it.
Speech development classes
Between the ages of two and three, children experience a significant leap in speech development. Their vocabulary is replenished very quickly. Having become acquainted with a new word, children bring it into their vocabulary and begin to actively use it. Simple exercises will help develop speech skills.
The best way to develop speech is reading. Buy picture books for 2-3 year olds. Choose poems, fairy tales, nursery rhymes. It is useful for a child to listen to both prose and poetry.
When reading a fairy tale, ask your child questions about the plot. If he finds it difficult to answer, help him. Explain the meaning of each unknown word. Look at the illustrations in the book and discuss with your child.
This fun activity encourages speech development and voice training. Sing with your baby children's songs with and without musical accompaniment. Children quickly memorize rhyming lines and a motive, and sing along with adults with pleasure.
✅Composing proposals
Think of the beginning of a sentence and ask your child to continue it. For example, "Mom bought today in the store ..." or "Black runs down the street ...".
✅ Discuss the events of the day
Discuss the events with your child every day. For example, “You and I went to the park today and fed the ducks in the pond. And in the evening, my grandmother came to visit and brought a delicious pie, ”etc. If the baby goes to kindergarten, ask him to tell you how the day went, what he did, what interesting things happened.
✅Describing objects
Take an object and ask the child to describe it, asking leading questions (What color is it? Is it big or small? What does it look like? What is it for? etc.).
At the age of 2–3, children still do not pronounce words well, many of them abbreviate and distort. Be sure to correct your child when they speak incorrectly. Of course, he still does not know how to pronounce all the sounds, so a clear pronunciation will not work. But still, try to teach the baby to speak as correctly as possible.
Classes for the development of attention
At such an early age, attention is involuntary. This means that the child does not yet know how to concentrate it by willpower. His attention is attracted by what is of interest (a bright toy, the sound of music, people around him). Attention, like other mental processes, can and should be developed.
✅Search for an object
Take a picture with a story and ask the child to find a certain object or character in it. The same exercise can be performed outdoors. Ask the baby to show a flower, a red car, a cat, a girl in a green jacket, etc.
✅Similar Detection
Take an object, such as a book, and ask the baby to look around the room for things similar in shape to her. It can be a phone, a tablet, a picture on the wall. You can search for objects that are similar not in shape, but in color, size and other features.
✅Finding the Missing Item
Take some toys, arrange them on the table and ask your child to look at them carefully and memorize them. Then he should turn away or leave the room, and at this time you remove one toy. The task of the child is to determine which toy has disappeared.
Classes for the development of gross and fine motor skills
Finger motor skills are directly related to cognitive processes - speech, memory, thinking. Therefore, it needs to be developed. There are many exercises for this.
✅ Games with small objects
Invite your child to sort the buttons by size, string large beads on a string, roll the balls in his hands. Be careful not to put a small object in your mouth, nose, or ear.
✅Construction set and jigsaw puzzle
Buy your child a construction kit or jigsaw puzzle for kids and build with him. This exciting activity strengthens the small muscles of the hand, makes the fingers more dexterous, trains attention and imagination.
Sculpt with your child various figures from clay, plasticine or salt dough. To make the lesson more interesting and exciting, read a fairy tale or watch a cartoon, and then try to make a character you like.
✅Finger games
Not only babies love to play finger games. Toddlers aged two or three love them too. Teach your baby to fold fingers into different shapes:
- fold your thumb and forefinger into a ring and bring it to your eyes - you get glasses, and if you use all your fingers - binoculars;
- clench the hand into a fist and stick out the index finger and little finger - these are the horns of a goat;
- "Step" with your index and middle fingers on the table, representing the legs.
Invite your child to show their imagination by inventing and putting together unusual shapes from their fingers.
Gross motor skills are developed by ball games, cycling, jumping, wall bars and any physical activity. Teach your child to fasten and unfasten buttons, Velcro, hooks on clothes, put on and take off things on their own.
Classes for the development of intellectual abilities
Reading, music, creative work, solving logical and mathematical problems contribute to the development of the baby's intellect.
Invite your child to draw a house, himself, mother. Set a theme for the picture, tell the child what details can be added to it. For example, a house can be surrounded by trees, the sun and clouds can be depicted in the sky.
✅ Role-playing games
Make up a story, choose the right toys and play it out with your baby. For example, a doll is sick: you need to put her to bed, take her temperature, give her medicine in a spoon.
Listening to classical music has a positive effect on the mental development of children, and also brings up a sense of beauty in them. It is useful not only to listen to music, but also to dance to it. This has a positive effect on both mental and physical development.
Collecting puzzles trains attention, thinking, memory. Buy your child large puzzles with a small amount of detail and a clear image. First collect them together with the baby, and then invite him to do it on his own.
✅Sorting items
Shuffle the cards with different items and ask the child to sort them into categories, eg vegetables, fruits, clothes, furniture.
Riddles are good for training the intellect. The main thing is to select tasks that are age-appropriate and understandable to the child.
✅Sunny bunny
On a clear day you can play with sun bunnies. Take a mirror and start letting bunnies on the ceiling, floor, walls. Then give the mirror to the child and let him try it himself. Coordinate his movements, suggesting how to catch a ray of the sun and direct it in the right direction.
Classes to study the properties of objects
Learning the properties of various objects develops the thinking of the baby, helping him to understand how and for what this or that thing can be used.
Teach your child to compare objects according to the following criteria:
- size - big, small, tall, low, long, short;
- state - hard, soft, liquid, warm, cold;
- shape - round, square, rectangular, etc.;
- color.
Anything can be used as a "learning tool".
- Pour cold water into one glass and warm tea into another and ask your child how they differ (color, temperature, taste).
- Sew a few fabric bags (you can use old socks) and fill them with sand, beans, small stones, balls, etc.
Let the child try to feel what is in each bag.
- Buy a sorter - a special container with slots in the form of different geometric shapes and a set of matching inserts. The task of the child is to choose the right figure for each hole.
- Invite the baby to feel different materials - leather, fur, silicone, wood. Let him tell you how they differ (fluffy fur, smooth skin, etc.).
Getting to know the outside world
The scope for exploring the outside world is very wide:
- Animals. Tell your child which animals are domestic and which are wild, in what conditions they live, what their cubs are called. If you have the opportunity to visit the zoo, be sure to do it.
- Plants. On a walk, pay your baby's attention to the trees, flowers, shrubs growing around. Tell us what they are called, which ones are fruit. Collect the leaves and look at them with your baby.
- Natural phenomena. Tell your child about different natural phenomena, the change of seasons and the weather. By the age of three, the baby should already know the name of the seasons and their main features.
- Materials. Tell your child about the materials from which various things are made (wood, metals, fabrics, paper, plastic).
At the age of two or three years, learning takes place in the form of a game. The main thing is to interest the child, and then he will be happy to study. Try to spend as much time as possible with the baby, do not dismiss his questions, but always answer them.
Invite the baby to help with the housework, give him small tasks (bring bread to the table, pour food for the cat, put away toys). Daily activities contribute to the development of independence and discipline.
Child development centers and kindergartens "Baby Club" conduct classes for children of younger and older preschool age. Experienced teachers will help to reveal the abilities of your baby and teach him useful skills. We have general and individual development programs. Sign up for a consultation and come to a trial lesson. We look forward to seeing you and your child!
TOP-10 educational aids for children from 1 to 3 years old
1. Smart Books series, Olga Zemtsova. Makhaon Publishing House
The "Smart Books" series is a whole set of educational aids for preschool children, and the series includes both educational aids and various collections of tests so that parents can keep track of what skills the child still needs to be developed. Together with "Smart Books" children develop speech and memory, learn to draw with their hands and fingers, master the concepts of "up-down" and "left-right", learn to find differences, get acquainted with numbers and letters, broaden their horizons. The goal of the Smart Books project is to comprehensively develop the child and prepare him for school in a timely manner, because the series is designed for children from 1 to 6 years old. The author of "Smart Books" is Zemtsova Olga Nikolaevna, candidate of pedagogical sciences and head of the Center for Preschool Development and Education of Children.
"Smart books" for children 1-2 years old : "Developing tests", "Right-left, up-down", "Obediant sounds", "Memorize pictures", "Problems for the mind", "Develop speech" , "An obedient pencil", "Animated letters", "Funny hours", "Numbers and numbers", "Gramoteka", "What surrounds us", "Spot the differences"
"Smart books" for children 2-3 years old : “Tests”, “Draw with palms”, “What a child should know and be able to”, “Right-left, up-down”, “Find the differences”, “Draw with fingers”, Obedient pencil”, “Problems for the mind”, “ Gramoteika”, “Numbers and Numbers”, “From Word to Story”, “Funny Hours”, “Obedient Sounds”, “Drawing with Fists and Fingers”, “What Surrounds Us”, “Remember Pictures”, “Revived Letters”

Another series of manuals from Olga Zemtsova - only brighter, more interesting and already with stickers. Children love colorful illustrations, and mothers appreciate manuals for interesting and useful tasks - thus, developing activities with a child become as effective as possible. In a playful way, kids master the sections “Thinking”, “Literacy”, “Speech development”, “Mathematics”, “The world around us”, “Motor skills”, “Sensing”, “Attention” and “Memory” - just imagine how much it is useful from a small series of books!
"Preschool mosaic" for children 2-3 years old : "Tests", "Develop intelligence", "Develop attention", "Develop thinking", "Numbers and counting", "Tests with a speech therapist", "Get acquainted with nature ”, “Developing speech”, “Preparing the hand for writing”, “Learning letters”, “Colors and shapes”, “Developing memory”
3. Series “School of the Seven Dwarfs”.

Perhaps the most famous series of educational aids in the Russian-speaking world, with which children get acquainted almost from birth. The series is aimed at developing all basic skills and includes 7 courses (one per year) of 12 books each. Benefits are issued with large, bright at the same time simple pictures, so kids really like it. In addition, the manuals include time-tested assignments, as well as parent pages that explain the scheme of work in detail. It is worth considering only one nuance: not all books in the course are equally in demand; therefore, many mothers agree that it makes no sense to purchase the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” in full sets. Study the proposed set and build on the interests and age characteristics of your baby.
“School of the Seven Dwarfs” 0+ : “Jokes for a little one”, “Colored pictures”, “What does it sound like?”, “My favorite toys”, “Who is doing what?”, “My first book”, “ Cat-cat”, “What color is this?”, “Square and circle”, “Day and night”, “Merry round dance”, “Fold the picture”
“School of the Seven Dwarfs” 1+ : “Whose voice is this ?”, “Big, small”, “Plasticine snowball”, “Merry-sad”, “My house”, “In the village and in the country”, “Drawing with fingers”, “Walking around the city”, “Shape, color”, “Whose tail is this?”, “My first dictionary”, “Who is this, what is this?”
“School of the Seven Dwarfs” 2+ : “One-many”, “Color, shape”, “Plasticine pictures”, “Seasons”, “What are the professions”, “In a forest clearing”, “Drawing with fingers” , “Pets”, “Who lives where?”, “ABC for kids”, “What is good?”, “Smart cutter”

The series includes annual courses, each of which contains benefits for the development of precisely those areas that are most relevant for the age of the baby. So, for example, in the course for one-year-olds you will find aids for modeling, drawing and speech development, as well as reusable brochures for developing creative skills and detailed instructions for parents. The author of the series is Elena Yanushko, a recognized expert in the field of early development and the author of over 200 books on the subject.
Series "New Child" 1+ : "Magic seeds", "Plasticine beads", "Where did the sun hide?" "My Favorite Animals", "Little Sparrow Stories", "Magic Dough", "Who's Hiding Under the Christmas Tree?", "Hide the Fish!", "Colorful Balls", "Come to the Zoo!", "Little Frog Stories" , "Underwater world and a small world", "Hide the mouse!", "I draw the sun", "Little stories about a Kitten", "Little stories about a Bear cub"
Series "New child" 2+ : Mathematics (Giants and kids, “We count everything around”, “One, two, three!”), Speech development (“What the Bunny can do”, “The Bunny and his family”, “About the Bunny”), Application (“Funny hide-and-seek”, “Paper cloud”, “Paper balls”), Drawing (“Merry family”, “Colorful balls”), Construction (“Wand by stick”, “Building a house”, “Houses from shoelaces”), Sculpting (“ I'll Bake a Pie”, “Plasticine Oranges”)

A series of inexpensive, but bright and very useful aids for the development of fine motor skills and creative abilities of a baby aged 1 to 3 years. The tasks are fun, interesting, and most importantly - the power of the baby.
In the series : "Drawing with paints", "Seasons", "Plasticine hide and seek", "Funny drawing", "Stick a picture", "Draw with palms", "Geometric applique"
6. Series "We're talking right." Rosmen Publishing House
You simply cannot find a more reliable method for developing speech. Very simple and understandable for parents - and very effective for children. Exercises to coordinate the muscles of the speech apparatus, improve phonemic perception, expand the vocabulary and form coherent speech are organized in a convenient sequence from simple to complex. Approved by leading speech pathologists.
In series : “Speech development album for the smallest”, “Speech development album”, “Speech development album for preschoolers”, “Speech development album for future first graders”, “Speech therapy primer”, “Speech therapy encyclopedia»

Kumon is an international brand originally from Japan, behind which today there is a whole network of educational centers around the world, a unique method of learning mathematics and teaching reading, as well as a series of developmental notebooks, which 4 million children study. The main principle of the benefits is to provide exercises in a playful way that is as attractive as possible for the child, so that the learning process does not become tedious for him. In addition, all exercises are given in a strict sequence “from simple to complex”, the load level increases so gradually that the child does not even notice it. Each age has its own set of notebooks: there are manuals for kids 2-4 years old, there are manuals for teenagers. With Kumon notebooks, preschoolers learn to draw, glue, cut, navigate mazes and more.
“Kumon” series for children from 2 years old : “Let's draw” (2 issues), “Let's glue” (4 issues), “Let's cut” (4 issues), “Let's add pictures” (2 issues)
Kumon Series for 2-4 year olds : Simple Lines, Magic Lines, Simple Mazes, Learn to Color, Learn to Cut

Another Japanese series of educational aids - and also very popular. The tasks and the principle of their presentation are in many ways similar to Kumon, so the series are considered almost identical. It is curious that pupils of state kindergartens in Japan are currently studying Gakken notebooks - and there they certainly monitor the quality of preschool education. Therefore, feel free to purchase bright illustrated manuals with very cute characters on the covers - and develop the skills of coloring, drawing, passing mazes and creating applications with your baby.
“Gakken” series for children 2-4 years old : “Do it yourself and learn”, “Labyrinths”, “Learn to think”, “My first lesson”, “My first application”, “My first pencil”, “ Account, 1st step»
9. Series «Gifted child. Korean Teaching Methods. Eksmo Publishing House
Did you know that South Korea is one of the top five countries in terms of school performance? It is not surprising that their method of preschool and school education has become very popular. Take note of the Gifted Child series, the so-called “Korean” series. Its peculiarity is in the desire to simultaneously develop 3 main types of thinking of the child: logical (what we traditionally call the word "intelligence"), emotional (the child's ability to work with his own and others' emotions) and creative (imagination, mental flexibility, the ability to think outside the box) . At the same time, all tasks for all types of thinking are presented in a fun way, with a lot of stickers, and bright illustrations complement the image of a boring but effective manual. The series is designed for children from 1 to 7 years old. And remember: South Korean educators believe that any child can be developed to the level of a gifted child, you just need to create a favorable environment.
In the series for children 1-2 years old : “Mathematical thinking. Annual course”, “Mathematical thinking. Annual course. Advanced level”
In the series for children 2-3 years old : “I am learning to think”, “I am developing logic”, “I am developing attention”; "Logical thinking", "Creative thinking", "Emotional thinking"; “Mathematical thinking. Annual course”, “Mathematical thinking. Annual course. Advanced level”
10. A series of workbooks “I can!”. Publishing house "I can!"
The series appeared relatively recently, but immediately won a place in the hearts of preschoolers and their mothers. The manuals are really bright, very modern and incredibly exciting; this is the rare case when the child himself invites you to "work out." Workbooks "I can!" teach children to cut and glue, find solutions, memorize, draw lines and complete mazes. Each manual contains high-quality illustrations and a set of stickers, and tasks, in addition to the main direction like passing a labyrinth, are often accompanied by additional questions that stimulate logical reasoning and coherent speech. Particularly picky critics may reproach the series for partially failing to comply with the important principle “from simple to complex” - but even this does not make them less charming. After all, nothing enhances the effectiveness of classes as much as a child’s deep enthusiasm - and according to this parameter, the series “I can!” receives 10 points out of 10 possible.
Learn more
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- Childrens bedtime stories
- Reading level text
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