Pre primer sight word games
Dolch Sight Words Games for Kids Online
Dolch Sight Words Games: Learning the English Language Made Fun!Whether your son or daughter is a kindergartener or is in the first or second grade, our colorful and animated Dolch Sight Words Games will make it a breeze for them to practice and learn new words. Plus, it will also allow the kids to improve their vocabulary while developing their reading skills.
The process of learning how to read can be a little challenging for most kids. So, once your kid gives a thumbs up to the 26 letters and the sounds of the alphabet, it is time to begin their reading lessons. Most importantly, you should make sure to help your kid understand that the letters they have learned might not behave as expected when it comes to making words with them. There would be silent consonants and vowels, the same letter producing different sounds, and much more. No wonder English is a very quirky language.
Dolch words refer to high-frequency English vocabulary. These words help prepare your kids to read. Once the kids learn to recognize them on their own, their reading will become fluent. Dolch words are also known as sight words, and they comprise around 50% to 70% of the English vocabulary of reading materials in grade school. Plus, kids and adults with learning difficulties like dyslexia can also benefit from sight words.
SplashLearn’s unique range of online sight word games will help parents and teachers streamline the learning process by allowing their children to learn and memorize the commonly used words. If the kids can do it successfully, they can identify those words on sight.
Do you want to have a look at the list of Dolch Sight Words Games we have for your kids? What are you waiting for? Sign up with SplashLearn now!
Dolch Sight Words GamesMinecart Rules the Roost: Understanding and spotting sight words instantly is a crucial step in learning how to read. And, none other than Minecart to help your little ones do that. Play this exciting and educational game with your child and help them gain firm control on sight words. Our interactively and colorfully designed interface will keep your child hooked to the game.
What Sound Did the Sight Word Produce?: Sight and sound make a great pair as far as reading is concerned. Therefore, decoding a sight word from its sound is as important as identifying it on sight. The fun game from SplashLearn's collection will help your kid identify the sight words by the sounds they make. An all-encompassing lesson, indeed!
Dolch Sight Words Games: Practice and Practice More: Are you sure that your kid understands sight words properly? Well, even if you are not, sit back and relax. This tactically designed game follows a timed mode. It tests the knowledge of your kid about identifying sight words by their respective sound.
These are some of the most exciting ways which can help your child learn the art of reading. But, our list of games does not end here.
There are many more super-stimulating games available with us.
Most children run away from studying as most of us did. Remember your childhood days? However, with so many unique solutions around and a do-it-differently approach, you can make learning fun and how. Here are some valuable tips for you:
- Initially, your kids or students might not get the games right. Try not to force them into doing something. Help them understand the gameplay and be patient.
- Make it a regular habit of playing along with your kids. It motivates them like nothing else.
- Play as teams and let them win at times, even if you are winning. It encourages them a lot.
At SplashLearn, we strive to help every child have impeccable reading, writing, and speaking skills. Sign up with us and let your child develop all these skills flawlessly.
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10 Interactive Online Games to Teach Sight Words to Beginning Readers
Sight words and high frequency words are an important part of teaching new readers. These words have to be memorized, which means they require a lot of repetition and practice. I love using these online games to teach sight words in my classroom.
Sight word instruction can be really challenging in the classroom because you have a classroom filled with students who learn different things in different ways at different paces. 🥴
It requires so much repetition and practice, yet all of our students need those things in different ways.
I tackle sight word instruction from all sides. We read them in sentences, practice them with music and movement, do art projects, and more!
These 10 online games to teach sight words are FREE and super interactive. [Free as of August 2019] They give students the chance to practice identifying, matching and reading sight words, all while playing fun games.
Note: Did you know there is a difference between sight words and high frequency words? I thought they were the same for the longest time. Knowing their differences has helped me with my instruction.
Read more about that here!
Sight Word Bingo
This classic bingo game from is a favorite for all of my students. The little amoeba monster at the top says a word, then the student identifies it and clicks it.
This game words great on a computer or on an interactive white board. I have my students take turns at the SmartBoard in my classroom during a center or we do it whole group when we have a minute to spare.
No matter when we use it, it’s a student favorite. 👍🏼
Sight Word Smash
Students love this fun, sight word identification game. The computer says a word. Then they use the pointer to find it and smash it.
I like this game because the word is on more than one block so students get the repetition of seeing and identifying the word multiple times!
Sight Word Memory
There are many, many sight word memory games online but this one is my favorite. I like that the computer says the word as you flip the card, whether it’s a match or not.
Seeing and hearing a word multiple times is perfect for auditory and visual learners. I also appreciate that when they finish a level, they can keep playing with new words!
Sight Words in Space
Students love this space themed sight word game. A cat says the word they are trying to find. Words float by in power cells and they have to click the right one.
The words are floating up so students have to identify them quickly. Just like in Sight Word Smash, words appear more than one time, too. 👏
Listen & Spell
I absolutely love this Listen & Spell game! We know that readers struggle with sight words because they do not follow phonics rules or because they are too advanced. We also know that students learn to read and write words at the same time.
This game gives them the chance to spell sight words with a limited number of letters at the bottom. First it says the word, then students use the yellow letters to spell it. The only letters available are letters that are in the word.
Playing this game helps students move on from “identifying” to “creating” on Bloom’s Taxonomy, which we know helps make information stick. Students will gain confidence in writing their sight words as well as reading them!
Sight Word Jigsaw
This identification game uses the same concepts as matching, except students are able to see all of the words at one time. They click the sound button on one of the yellow pieces to hear the word they are looking for. Then they find the blue word puzzle piece and drag it over.
I like that this game adds the element of looking at several words to find the correct one. It gives students practice at quickly identifying words by their beginning sounds.
Popcorn Words
Students playing this game are working the popcorn machine at a movie theater. A monkey comes up to the counter and says a sight word. Students click on the correct sight word to give it to the monkey.
Once they have handed out 10 popcorn buckets correctly, they get to play a quick in-between game and then are promoted. Their goal is to become the manager. I’m sure it will not surprise you to hear that my students beg to play this game!
Kitten Hop
This silly game is another favorite of my students. They are playing a kitten who bounces from yarn ball to yarn ball. The computer says a sight word. That word is on one of the four yarn balls in front of the one your kitten is on.
Students love this game because they are racing three other kittens. The winner is the one who reaches the couch at the end of the game first. They have to be quick at matching the sight word their hear to the correct ball of year if they want to win!
Note: this game has options at the beginning for choosing a color, a name, etc. You will want to teach your students how to do this quickly (and set that expectation) so that they can do it independently.
Starfall Sight Words
Though I’ve already included a Memory Sight Word game, who doesn’t love Starfall? In this sight word game, the students need to determine if it is the same sight word by sight alone as it is not read until the match is made. But I love that they have three stars in the upper left corner to show their progress to the next level.
Once the student completes the game, they can move on to Level 2, where the sight words are slightly more difficult. The students love moving up a level to show their achievement!
My Reading Tools
In My Reading Tools, students see a kangaroo get several tools to become a better reader. The first tool is a flashlight. He uses it to highlight words in a dark cave.
This game is more challenging than the rest because students are asked to finish the sentence with the word spelled correctly. The computer reads the sentence. Then students hover their flashlight around the cave to find the word. 🔦
In this example, I was looking for the word “again.” The other options in the cave were misspelled words “agin,” “agane,” etc. This game is perfect for students who are confidently reading many sight words and are ready for a challenge!
These 10 online games to teach sight words are perfect for giving students extra practice and lots of repetition during centers in my classroom. Did I miss any of your favorites? How do you like to practice sight words? Let me know below! 👇
Digital Sight Word Lessons with Practice
Are you looking for digital ways to teach sight words?
I mean, what’s the point of practicing a word (even with the fun and free sight word games shared above) if a student has not explicitly been taught a sight word? 🤔
For this very reason, I’ve created 150 sight word lessons with practice.
These Google Slides lesson and practice can be used with any free Google accounts and are so easy to assign in Google Classroom!
As you assign words to your students one at a time, they will learn, identify, build, read in context, and master the new sight word. It’s explicit instruction and practice, all in one.
Don’t just take my word for it, watch the lesson in action in the video below. 👇🏽
While the lessons DO have audio, this preview video does not. 🎧 Students can have the words and sentences read to them, if needed.
You can purchase the 150 Digital Sight Word Lessons and Practice (for use with Google Slides™️ on my website or TpT.
Click HERE to buy on Teachers Pay Teachers
Click on the button below to purchase on my website (where you get lifetime access)!
How to teach a child the alphabet with the help of games
How to quickly learn the letters of the Russian alphabet with a child? Just invite him to play! The game is the best form of learning for children, where the child is always involved in the process and quickly learns the material. We have prepared for you a selection of 7 simple games for learning letters. Your child will have fun and easily memorize the letters of the Russian alphabet.
1. Catch Game
You will need plastic bottle caps, corrector or nail polish. Write letters on the lids, let dry and you can play.
With this game, your child will not only memorize the letters, but also practice manual dexterity and play enough with water - after all, all children love to frolic in the water.
Pour water into any container and put the lids with the letters there. Give the child a spoon or net and let him catch the letters in turn, name and remember.
If your child does not know a single letter yet, then call the “catch” yourself first and ask the child to repeat.
2. Letter Quest
This is a mobile and very fun game that helps develop imagination and memorize letters quickly. Here, too, there may be different options, depending on your imagination.
You will need stickers, markers and a primer. Write letters on sticky notes and stick around the house. For example: "K" - on a chest of drawers, "L" - on a spoon, "C" - on a washing machine, etc.
Then take the primer and show the child the letter to be found. Let him repeat after you and go in search. When the desired letter is found, ask the child to name it again, and then name the object that begins with it.
For children who already know letters, syllables can be glued at home according to the same principle.
3. Walkers
You will need a clean sheet of paper, a ruler, colored markers and a cube with glasses. Draw a square on the sheet, draw it into 35 small squares. In the lower left corner, write "Start" and draw a line from it with a light felt-tip pen to the "Finish", which will be in the middle. Then from "Start" to "Finish" write the letters "A" to "Z" in alphabetical order.
The game is ready. Now take turns throwing a cube with glasses with your child and walk. If the child still does not know how to count, help him, and call the letters that both of you will drop out together.
4. Puzzle letters
Collecting puzzles, children develop logic, attention, memory and imagination. And by collecting puzzle letters, the alphabet is memorized much faster.
You will need unused cardboard packaging from toys or any other items. Choose with your child suitable large letters on the package and cut them out. Then draw with a marker on the back of the line, so that you get the details of the puzzle and let the child cut it out. The more details you get, the more complex the puzzle will be.
Then shuffle the pieces and have your child reassemble the letter. And when he collects it, let him loudly name it and the words that he knows with this letter.
If there are no boxes at home, then just draw a big letter on a piece of paper, color it and also cut it into pieces - the puzzle is ready.
You can also download our best letter learning games.
5. What letter does it begin with
This game not only helps to learn letters, but also develops logical thinking.
You will need: any household items and letters of different colors (you can take magnetic ones) or cardboard cards with letters.
Anything can be taken from items: dishes, fruits, vegetables, clothes, etc. Put all this in front of the child, select the letters you need and put them in a pile next to it.
Next, pointing to the object, ask the child: “What is this?” He answers: “Bananas”, and you: “What letter do bananas begin with?” If the child answers, ask him to find his letter "B" in a pile and put it next to the bananas.
Help the child if at first it is difficult for him to find the right letters on his own.
6. What does the letter look like
This game will help the child quickly reinforce each new letter.
For example, you are teaching the letter “A” with your child. Ask what item it looks like. If he can’t immediately answer, fantasize about this topic together. Ask leading questions and let the child answer. For example: “The letter “A” looks like a tree? Or maybe it looks like a house? etc. Try to play association on the street, where you are surrounded by many different objects.
If you do not live in a Russian-speaking country, then let the child look for familiar letters in his books.
7. Letters on the walk
Learn the Russian alphabet right on the street. In the fresh air in the game, any information is absorbed faster.
Everything that is around is useful to you: sticks, pebbles, moss or shells. Write any letter on the ground or sand with a stick and ask the child to lay out the same one next to it. To begin with, you can practice laying out the letters along the drawn outline, and then try to lay them out yourself.
Do not forget to say all the letters out loud together and move on to a new letter only after the child remembers the previous one.
Did you like our ideas?
And we also want to give your child a very fun and exciting RUSBUKA game right now. Simple and fun exercises will help you quickly learn all the letters of the Russian alphabet, pump your hand motor skills and develop your imagination. The child will love it.
Download, print and play!
We also invite you to try our online lessons in a playful way. More than 3,000 children from the USA, Europe, Australia, and the UAE have already learned to read with us and were able to keep the Russian language abroad. Join and you.
Let's teach your child to read and love books.
The first lesson is free.
Read also:
5 ways to quickly learn Russian words!
Learn poetry with a child in 5 minutes! Mnemotables
9 life hacks: how to quickly memorize information for a child
How to develop a child's memory with the help of kinesiology exercises!
selection of games for Rekin's primer | Educational and methodological material on the Russian language (Grade 1) on the topic:
Formation of the initial
ideas about the word
1. Tear the right piece of paper
The teacher names the words. Students choose the desired model, or call the number of the leaflet.
A word that names an object.
A word that names an action.
A word that names a feature.
Presentation words: apple, plum, ripe, flower, pluck, red, fallen, round, hanging, etc.
2. Who lives in the house?
There are three houses on the board, each has its own sign.
Children have three chips.
The teacher names three words. The child working at the blackboard points to the appropriate houses. The rest of the children show the chips from the spot.
Presentation words: gnome, sings, cheerful; puppy, small, barks; black, ran, cat, etc.
3. Yes, no
(selective auditory dictation)
The teacher says the words to the first model: doll, big, spoon, walks, etc. Children show signs of agreement or disagreement.
The work on the second and third models is organized similarly.
4. Find a way
A shaggy dog sits by the road. Students connect the models with arrows in the correct sequence.
Note: the arrows represent only the sequence of words in the statement.
5. Living words
There are five students at the blackboard. Each of them holds one of the chips:
The sixth student is the driver. The teacher utters a statement: The students are sitting at the new desk; A small bird sits on a branch, etc. The task of the driver is to make a living statement, that is, to arrange the children in the right order.
6. Find extra!
There is an incorrectly composed statement model on the board. Children are asked to find an extra word.
A goat is grazing in a meadow.
The task can be with the opposite task: to find the missing word in the model.
7. Decorate the statement
The teacher says the statement: The girl sings a song.
The teacher shows the place where the children should insert the sign word.
A little girl sings a song.
A little girl sings a cheerful song.
When completing the task, children can make models of new statements.
8. Complete the statement
The children are asked to complete the statement.
The book lies on ... .
The person is in . .. .
We played on ... .
The children went in the morning ... .
9. Where did you hide?
The teacher places a small object one by one: on the table, under the table, behind the door, etc. and asks where the item is. Children answer with a phrase, clearly highlighting the word - "assistant" (functional word).
10. Find the word "helper"
The teacher reads the sentence with a preposition. When reading again, the students give a sign in the place where there is a preposition (claps, etc.).
Lena is on the tram.
Bullfinches are sitting on a branch.
An airplane flies over the forest.
Ira hid in the closet.
Andrei left the classroom.
11. Heal the statement
Option 1
The teacher offers a statement by ear without prepositions. Children must pronounce it correctly, with the right preposition.
... chicks squeak in the nest.
The handkerchief lies ... in the pocket.
The vase was placed ... a table.
The kettle is boiling ... the stove.
The fish lives ... in the river.
The task is accompanied by the compilation of models of statements.
Variant 2
Correct the errors orally.
A portrait hangs on the wall.
The soup is boiled in a saucepan.
Milk was poured into a cup.
Magpie sat in a tree.
The boy is standing in the bridge.
The children went to the forest.
Leaves fall from the tree.
Ira came from the store.
12. Fill in the word
The teacher names phrases with prepositions. Children should insert words between them that name the signs.
in ... the forest
under ... a tree
in ... the street
You can ask the children to complete the statements.
The branches of ... an oak have withered.
Alyosha's temperature has risen.
The boat has left ... the shore.
13. Help a friend
The teacher makes a statement and asks the children to indicate the appropriate model, if any.
For example: Bunny runs along the path.
Sound analysis
14. Vice versa
The teacher pronounces the words. Children should pronounce these words in reverse.
Sleep, slave, zero, forehead, com. (Nose, steam, flax, floor, wet.)
The task is accompanied by the compilation of sound models of words.
15. Required worker
Children have to name the same sound in each pair of words.
Book Mount Bag
Boxing Gusi Dog
Broy Breeches Pol
Light Club
16. Declass the house
(sound analysis)
The teacher offers a statement with which children should work in the following sequence:
- whole sentence;
- drawing up syllabic patterns under word patterns;
- highlighting vowels with dots.
The house stands on a mountain.
17. Match the word
The teacher offers to match the word with the house denoting the first sound in this word (consonants).
Children choose words themselves.
- hard, voiced consonant.
is a soft, voiceless consonant.
18. Chorus of vowels
(vowel sounds)
The teacher names the words. Children in chorus pronounce only vowel sounds without stress, then with stress. Words are chosen such that there is no difference between sounds and letters. When performing the task, the sounds are not fixed by letters.
Mice were walking
- [s] - [a] - [a] - [y] - [a] - [u]
- [s] - [a'] - [a] - [y] - [a'] - [i]
19. Rhythmic pattern
Children compose a rhythmic pattern of words (syllabic pattern with stress).
When voicing a model, children emphasize stresses with claps.
20. Which word is longer
Children answer the question: which word is longer, having previously made a sound model.
Presentation words: hour, minute, stream, river; worm, snake; key, key.
IV. Use of game situations and poetic texts. When getting acquainted with sounds, the correlation of speech sounds with the sounds of the surrounding world is used. U - a locomotive hums, A - Alenka cries, P - a dog growls, etc. To form a sound-letter connection, to assimilate the visual image of letters, entertaining poetic texts are used that help to correlate a sound or letter with objects of the surrounding world.
Poems have always made it possible to master this or that topic with ease and with interest. They especially occupy the reader with the unusual construction and sound. Zhurzhina Sh.V. and N.V. Kostromina offer many such fascinating didactic tasks.
Shop bought Rubber Zin. Rubber Zin Brought in a basket. She was gay, Rubber Zina. Fell out of the basket, Soaked in mud. | We will wash in gasoline Rubber Zina, We will wash in gasoline And we will wag our finger6 0002 Otherwise we'll send Zina Back to the shop. (A. Barto) |
— What sounds are repeated most often here
The word rumbles,
Like thunder.
Say it softer:
And immediately the mice will rustle.
(A. Barto)
Writers use the repetition of sounds or combinations of sounds to create artistic images.
The letters got lost.
The snow is melting, the stream is flowing,
the branches are full of doctors.
Misha didn't cut firewood,
heated the stove with caps.
There are no roads in the swamp,
I like cats - lope and lope.
The cauldron gored me,
I am very angry with him.
- Write down the words in which the letters got lost. Write a word next to it.
Psychologists have proven that knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one's own positive attitude, emotions, does not become useful - this is dead weight. Amusement can be given by an unexpected formulation of a question, the creation of a problem situation, an unusual form of conducting a lesson. The tasks that are given below are taken from the book by V.V. Volina "Learning by playing."
Only the letters in these lines
Given no more than once,
They will help you quickly, accurately
Secret to fulfill the order. Note Delete the letters that appear more than once and read the order.
Find a word within a word.
Proverb, we know you,
Did you take someone's place again?
Pound SODU in a mortar.
The frightened CROWN is afraid of the bush.
Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into FASHION.
REGIMENT in sheep's clothing.
The sound is lost.
The letter was lost (Ts,B,M,SCH,L)
Naughty letter "A"
We are ordinary words,
Everyone knows us all.
We contain the letters A
Three times or twice.
Sometimes just one
(Just not at the beginning).
But today...-well, well! -
They all escaped.
Grammar tales.
Frog and Elephant
Once upon a time there was a Frog. A frog is like a frog. Little frog. Small, but of three syllables! FROG.
And there was an Elephant! Big-big! And only from one syllable ELEPHANT. And it's all!
And the little Frog teased the big Elephant.
But came from the swamp TsAP-LA of two syllables. And she swallowed LA-GUSH-KU from three syllables. All!
Why did the Beetle drive away the Spider?
Crawling Beetle. Look - the beast is not a beast...
- Who are you?
- Spider.
- Spider? Shh!
— How so — shoo?!
- And like this: shoo and that's it.
Beetle - bold. And that one is a coward, sniffing through a crack!..
Well, friend, what is the point here?
What's the salt, huh?
(Answer: all the words in the story are monosyllabic, except for the word spider, which has two syllables.)
Rhyming exercises.
Vowels are friends with a consonant, Composing together a syllable. MA and SHA (remember, Masha!) They came to our lesson. If the syllables stand side by side, Words are obtained. YOU and KVA, and together PUMPKIN, SO and VA, read OWL. | To make it faster and better, We read everything by syllables. MA-MA WE-LA MI-LU WE-SCREW. MA-SHA VA-RIT KA-SHU NAM. You see a word on a line. Divided into syllables, Like a train in the distance Rushing along the steel road. |
If we know syllables,
Let's not get confused by the word.
We will transfer it,
We will go along the line again.
Knowing the rules of all transfer,
We will not be left with a nose!
Talk about the syllable.
A syllable is one or more sounds pronounced with one expiratory push. This is easy to check if you pronounce the word in front of a burning candle: kos-mo-navt - the flame will oscillate three times, and when pronouncing the last stressed syllable, it may even go out. But in ordinary speech we do not notice these shocks, since one syllable continuously follows another during a conversation. In Russian (as in other languages), vowels are syllabic.
How many vowels are in the word -
So many syllables.
Everyone knows this
Of the students.
Linguistic tasks.
1. There is one sound in a word. What is it: a vowel or a consonant?
2. There are two sounds in a word. What are these sounds?
3. There are three sounds in a word. How many vowels? How many consonants?
4. There are four sounds in a word. How many consonants does it have? Why?
5. There are consonants and one vowel in the word. How many syllables are there in a word? Name these words -
6. There are three consonants and three vowels in the word. How many syllables can this word be divided into? Give examples of such words.
7. There are two sounds in a word. How many syllables?
8. In the words wedge, clown, three consonants each. How many syllables are in each word and why?
9. What was the name of the sad donkey from Alan Milne's fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh and Everything"? What was the name of the baby kangaroo, the son of Kanga's mother? Write down the names of both heroes (Eeyore, Ru). How many syllables are in these names and why?
10. There are three sounds in the word cat and three sounds in the word meow. Is the number of syllables in these words the same? Explain why.
11. Flowers
Postcards with flowers are on the teacher's desk. You must first choose those of them that depict flowers with monosyllabic names, then those consisting of two syllables, three, etc.
(Flowers can be: poppy, rose, gladiolus, lilac, carnation, lily, magnolia, aster, lily of the valley, violet, forget-me-not, etc.)
Funny poems.
How I suffered the words
(first -grader story)
We study the transfer, stake -
That's how I suffered words: and got
, as soon as the “stake”.
I suffered: again
E - I suffered:
two, - about -
How to get five.
For this "two". Now,
What do you guys think?
Grammar tale.
Soft sign and hyphenation rules
Soft sign is friendly with different letters.
In words skates, days, stumps - with I, in words droplets, loops, coals - with L. But for some reason not with K.
K appears only after a soft sign. He tried several times to get up after her, but K wouldn't let him. Well, it doesn't allow it, so be it. And then, in the end, he came to terms with this and even became friends with K. “It’s even very good for me to stand between the two letters L and K. We will be friends forever and never part, it will be more fun for me!”
But one day a girl began to write these words in a notebook. It came down to coals. The word does not fit. What to do? The girl broke the word into syllables: u-gol-ki and decided to move the coals. The soft sign got worried, got agitated, did not want to part with the letter K. He began to ask: “Do not separate from K, please!”
- How else?
- U-golki, - asked for a soft sign.
This is not possible. I can not. We have strict rules, they don’t allow it,
- Then the corners, - again asks for a soft sign.
- That's not possible. Not by the rules.
- Then coals.
— What are you? What you? Is it possible? It turns out that you don't know the rules of transfer at all.
So the soft sign had to part with his girlfriend.
Grammar tales and stories.
The vowels quarreled
One day A and O were walking in the forest picking berries. And suddenly they quarreled so much that even the birds scattered, the animals fled, the trees drooped - everyone felt ashamed of them, it was disgusting to listen to how they cursed.
Why did they suddenly quarrel? The fact is that when O or A stand without stress, then each wants to take the place of the other. And so it begins...
Fortunately, the magician Accent came to the rescue. As soon as he strikes a vowel with a magic wand, it is immediately heard clearly and there can be not even the slightest doubt about its spelling. Children who passed by and also picked berries learned about this. They really wanted to make friends with the wizard so that they could always write vowels correctly. They agreed to always call him for help when unstressed vowels A and O occur in words (and others too, for example E - I).
Since then, children have been writing correctly, and vowels have not quarreled. And why should they quarrel if there is a magician Accent! You just need to call him for help in time. And you guys call him too when you're in doubt about what letter to write. He will always help!
Magician - Emphasis
Words once gathered for advice, they began to say how useful and significant they are. But they forgot to invite words to their advice Emphasis. And it was very offended. When the words began to come out, the Accent suddenly jumped out from somewhere and screamed:
— What do you mean without me? If I want, I'll take it and change the values of some of you!
Words, of course, were not believed. Zamok stepped forward and said:
- I am not afraid of you, I am so strong and heavy that I can cope with some kind of Accent. After all, Emphasis is just a dash!
The stress got angry and suddenly jumped from the last syllable to the first, and the Castle disappeared, and Zmok appeared before everyone's eyes. The words were noisy. Then came forward Squirrels to said:
- We are the most important parts of any living organism, and the Emphasis will not do anything with us.
The accent smiled slyly and moved to another syllable: everyone saw that they were living, graceful Squirrels. The words began to resent, to shame the Emphasis, but it continued to prove its significance. The stress on the words jumped, and now instead of Atlas it turned out to be Atlas, instead of Kάpel Capel, instead of Road - Roads, City - Cities. And how many more such words have been chosen by the Emphasis on its way! They see the words that things are bad - they cannot do without the Emphasis! They gave him a place of honor at their meeting and since then they have been treating Stress with great respect.
Arrows and carnations
KVN was held at the school between the fourth grades. The turn has come to the competition of captains. The facilitator wrote the words arrows and carnations on the board and offered to draw the named objects. When the captains showed their drawings, everyone laughed because the drawings were different. Why do you think?
One boy drew a soldier with weapons in his hands and small nails. And another in the drawings had a watch with thin hands and beautiful carnation flowers. The host asked the captains why it happened? The captains, in general, were not at a loss, they explained everything as it should. Only they should have guessed about it earlier - this was the competition.
Guess what? Yes, that in each of the written words there are two hidden ones that are written the same way, but are pronounced differently, since the stress in these words falls on different syllables: arrows - arrows, carnations - carnations.
Curtain opens. Room. The boy is in bed.
- So I want to go to school as soon as possible. You need to take medicine. Takes a bottle of medicine. Reads: three times a week by
one tablespoon. After eating. Starts to squeak. Mom runs.
— What happened, son? Why are you squeaking?
— And I took the medicine. And here it is written ... (reads).
- Oh, you fool. Because you read it wrong. Three times after meals, not meals.
— Oh, Mommy. The teacher told us at school that the meaning of a word can change from a rearrangement of stress.
Rhyming exercises
And now about stress
Let's compose a poem..
Stressed syllable, stressed syllable...
He doesn't call it that for nothing.
Hey invisible hammer,
Hit him.
And the hammer knocks, knocks,
And my speech sounds clear.
Follow the command of the hammer.
Hold a hundred in your hands, mischievous!
He is a joker, an invisible hammer,
Knock! - and hit an unstressed syllable...
... And immediately the huge CASTLE disappeared,
And a little CASTLE appeared...
- Listen, hammer, don't mix up the syllables,
Playing naughty again, don't lie...
No, again - knock! Suddenly, PIROGS floated instead of them!
Talk about stress.
Stress is like the beating of the heart. But we do not remember it until someone distorts the word by incorrect placement of stress - it immediately loses its rhythmic pulse, and sometimes both meaning and grammatical form.
Stress is the musical tone to which the word is tuned. But the assimilation of stress in Russian is associated with a number of difficulties:
1. It is free, it is not attached to any particular syllable in a word (as in some other languages of the world).
2. It is movable and changes its place depending on the shape.
3. Russian accent also characterizes variability over time. If we open the works of Krylov, Griboedov, Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov and other Russian poets, we will find there many words pronounced with a different accent than in modern Russian.
The definition of stressed syllable, strangely enough, causes difficulties for younger students, although they pronounce this or that word with the correct stress.
How to find stress in a word? Yes, very easy! The stressed syllable is pronounced with greater force and duration in the voice. It is necessary, as it were, to sing or call out to an object (even if it is inanimate):
- Book-and-and-burn! Ru-u-u-chka! De-e-e-vochka!
We hope that this simple trick will help kids to easily find stressed and unstressed syllables in words.
Linguistic tasks.
1. Put the stress in pairs of words that have the same spelling.
The word is wonderful to me. ... In a bucket of perches, Don't be afraid: these are perches. Clay dried up, Nina got angry: — Not flour, but flour, Science for cooks. | The mower is mowing, A hare is mowing, A coward is cowardly, A donkey is cowardly. The needle goes up and down, The leaves have appeared. Alyonushka is sucking an iris A is embroidering an iris. On the way I see forty Forty galloping briskly. This view is very dear to me Among unknown roads. |
- Put and remember the accents.
Fulfilling contracts, Engineers and Chauffers, Stolyars and Malyars - | Anyway all to Slava, To build houses of the quarter ... 0 90 9049 9 Charades.
We are a stand for sawers, We are a seat for a coachman. But try it, put it on We have a different emphasis. Be careful with us: We gore with horns. (Goats - goats) V. Use of didactic games. Didactic games are of great importance in the process of speech therapy work, which is primarily due to the fact that their main goal is teaching. During the didactic game, the child must correctly complete the task proposed by the speech therapist, and the game situation, fairy-tale character, toy help him in this. It is important that each of the games has a relatively complete structure and includes the main structural elements: game task, game actions, rules and the result of the game. Purpose: formation of the skill of elementary sound analysis of words. Tasks: development of the ability to select words for a four-, five-, six-, seven-sound conditional symbolic model. Fix the correct pronunciation of the given sounds. Development of skills to perform sound analysis of words; distinguish between hard and soft consonants, stressed unstressed vowels. Formation of gender identity, education of a respectful attitude towards the opposite sex. Guidelines. At the initial stage, starting from the age of five, the concepts of “vowels” and “consonants” sounds and the corresponding symbols (square and circle without color) are introduced. Next, children are introduced to the division of consonant sounds into soft and hard (green square - soft consonant sound, blue square - hard consonant sound). At the final stage, the concepts and designations of "stressed" and "unstressed" vowels are introduced (red circle - stressed vowels, green circle - unstressed vowels). This game is used as a teaching aid for organizing educational activities in preparation for learning to read and write, and in independent extracurricular activities of children. Description of the game. An adult acquaints children with the silhouettes of a boy and a girl and offers to choose clothes for them according to the conditionally symbolic model of the word given by the adult. Option No. 1: an adult offers children to pick up an element of the missing clothing (trousers) for the girl according to a conditional-symbolic model of the word, composed by an adult of five sounds. Option 2: the adult offers to choose clothes for the boy and girl according to the given models, which are entered alternately (a skirt for a girl and shorts for a boy, etc.). Option No. 3: Children are invited to independently conceive conditional-symbolic models of words in order to choose clothes for a boy and a girl. Having mastered the technique of the game, children use it in independent activities, a variant of a pair or group game is possible. Legend hard, consonant, voiced soft, consonant, voiceless
Didactic game. Syllable by syllable Purpose of the game: to consolidate the skill of dividing words into syllables. Each player has a sheet of paper and a pencil. One of the participants in the game names a word consisting of two or more syllables. Everyone writes down this word. Then each must write a chain of words so that the last syllable of the previous word is the initial syllable of the next. The winner is the one who first writes 10 words (15, etc. - by condition). An example of a syllabic chain: ya-ma, ma-shi-na, na-tu-ra, ra-ke-ta, ta-rel-ka, ka-sha, etc. Didactic games and exercises. 1. On a certain topic, for example, SCHOOL, the participants of the game write down two-syllable words with stress on the first syllable (school, desk, pen), then on the second syllable (textbook, pencil case), and then on the third (student, change). |