Prepositions pictures for kids
Useful Prepositions for Kids • 7ESL
Prepositions for Kids! Prepositions with Pictures! Learn English Preposition pictures with example sentences, videos and ESL worksheets. Learn prepositions of place and movement for kids.
Table of Contents
Prepositions with Pictures for KidsPrepositions of PlacePrepositions for kids: list of Prepositions of Place with examples.
- In - My parents live in New Zealand now.
- On - The town is right on the border.
- Under - We slept under the open sky.
- Next to - The hotel is situated next to the lively bustling port.
- Between - There is a gulf between the two cities.
- Among - I enjoy being among my friends.
- In front of - They massed in front of the city hall.
- Behind - The horse fell behind in the race.
- Above - Our friends in the apartment above us are really noisy.
- Below - He dived below the surface of the water.
- Near - There is a bush near the school playground.
- Far from - The children dont go far from home.
- At - I was waiting at the bus stop.
Learn prepositions with pictures: prepositions of place list
Meaning: Used to say exactly where something or someone is
Example: I saw a cat at the window.
Meaning: Higher than something else, but not directly over it
Example: Theres a cat above the dog.
Meaning: Lower than something else
Example: The dog lies below the cat.
Meaning: Touching a surface or being supported by a surface
Example: A dog lies on the rug.
Meaning: Lower than (or covered by) something else
Example: There is a dog under the desk.
On top ofPin
Meaning: On the highest surface of something
Example: There was a cat on top of the table.
In front ofPin
Meaning: Further forward than someone or something else
Example: The cat was in front of the fireplace.
Meaning: Something in the middle of two objects or things (or places)
Example: There is a mouse between the cats.
Meaning: Into a container, place etc
Example: Youll find a mouse in the drawer.
Next toPin
Meaning: Further forward than someone or something else.
Example: The dog came and sat next to the boy.
Meaning: At the back (part) of something
Example: This dog still sat behind the chair.
Prepositions for Kids: Prepositions of Place Image 1Pin
Prepositions for Kids: Prepositions of Place Image 2Pin
Prepositions for Kids: Prepositions of MovementList of Prepositions of Movement in English with examples.
- Down - Its easier to run down the hill than go up.
- Up - She doesnt like riding her bike up these hills.
- Out of - He jumped out of the window.
- Into - Dont put new wine into old bottles.
- Toward - She was carrying a suitcase and walking towards.
- Away - Dinah was crying as she drove slowly away.
- Past - You drive past the stadium on your way to work, dont you?
- Over - The hotel is over the bridge.
- Onto - I slipped as I stepped onto the platform.
- Off - I must be off now.
- Around - Her hair whipped around her face in the wind.
- Under - The pen fell under the desk.
- Along - We went for a walk along the beach at twilight.
- Across - The boys swam across the lake.
- Through - The Charles River flows through Boston.
In this section, we are going to show you some preposition words and phrases that you can add to your English vocabulary which do not fit into any other category. This is a great way to expand your general understanding of the language and add words and phrases that can be used in a variety of situations. In addition to this, you will have the opportunity to link each word or phrase to an image which is a proven way of helping you to remember them more easily.
Categories Visual Vocabulary
Prepositions Worksheets
Make your sentences a very-well-connected affair with our printable prepositions worksheets for kindergarten through grade 4 children! Words that link other words in a sentence, prepositions are inevitable for a sentence to make sense. Awash with exercises like identifying frequently occurring prepositions, coloring prepositions, matching prepositions, and identifying prepositions in sentences, our prepositions worksheets with answer keys exude enthusiasm in spades. Become preposition-sharp with our free prepositions worksheets!
Identifying Prepositions
Say hello to prepositions, words that help a sentence stand on its feet! In this identifying preposition worksheet pdf, kids read words, identify which of these are prepositions, and color them red.
Checking Correct Prepositions to Describe Pictures
Prepositions are little words that sweetly bombard our attention every day! Children from kindergarten, grade 1, and grade 2 observe each picture and check the preposition that best represents what they see.
Matching Prepositions to Pictures
Few prepositions command more respect than "in", "on", and "at". Make friends with a whole lot of them in this preposition pdf, where kids choose a preposition for each picture. Write the picture number in the circle.
Frequently Occurring Prepositions Chart
Set alight a preposition-smile on your face with this printable frequently occurring prepositions chart! Help 1st grade kids grab a good stock of prepositions of location, time, and movement.
Where Is the Parrot? | Cut and Glue
Observe the position or movement of the parrot from "in the cage" to "on the branch" to "over the pond", and so on. Grade 3 and grade 4 kids cut each preposition and glue it under the appropriate picture.
Reading Instructions and Drawing Objects
Prepositions precisely tell where things are located. In this printable preposition worksheet, grade 2 and grade 3 kids read the instructions and draw objects in the places specified.
Matching Sentences to Correct Prepositions
Let 3rd grade and 4th grade kids live and breathe rather than learn and practice prepositions! Take a look at each picture and match each sentence to a preposition that they think completes it correctly.
Cut & Glue Objects as Instructed
Every time kids cut and glue an object "on", "beside", or "under" another as instructed in this worksheet, their preposition-learning prospers! Once they're done gluing, they will see the picture in full.
Underlining Prepositions and Matching to Pictures
Pictures work like magic in the prepositional learning because they clearly depict the position of an object with respect to another. Find the prepositions in sentences. Match sentences to relevant pictures.
Reading Instructions and Coloring Pictures
Put on your preposition-cap and spread preposition-cheers wherever you go! In this part of our prepositions worksheets, 2nd grade kids read the preposition instructions and color the appropriate picture.
Observing Pictures and Completing Sentences
Watch how this super-brisk, super-imaginative puppy teaches kids in kindergarten and grade 1 how to use prepositions! Look at the puppy in each picture to complete the sentences with correct prepositions.
Which Preposition Correctly Completes the Sentence?
Start boasting prepositions as your most loved, most empowering tool! Task yourselves with observing each picture and check the preposition that helps correctly complete each sentence here.
Observing the Pictures and Answering Questions
Depending on whether we use them aptly or not, prepositions can make or break our sentences! In this preposition exercise, look at the people, animals, or things. Answer each question using the correct preposition.
Is the Preposition Correct?
This park, bustling with activity, is a paradise of prepositions. Look at the position or movement of each person, animal, or thing. Read the sentences; color yes if the preposition is correct and no if it’s not.
Completing Sentences with Prepositions from the Box
Don't just practice prepositions when you're asked to. Make prepositions a sweet habit that you would like to get into! Observe the picture; complete each sentence with a preposition from the word box.
Circling Prepositions in Sentences
If children stick to the preposition definition given in this worksheet to a tee, they will be able to effortlessly identify and circle the preposition in the sentences in this printable preposition pdf.
Choosing Prepositions to Complete Sentences
Although seemingly inconsequential words, prepositions are responsible to knit the sentence together. Look at each picture, choose and color the preposition that helps complete each sentence.
Filling in the Blanks with Prepositions
Experience how it would feel like to complete a bunch of sentences with prepositions of your own choice! The key is to read each sentence carefully and use a preposition that you think might fit.
Prepositional Phrases Worksheets
Test and stretch the limits of your preposition practice with prepositional phrases! Sometimes adjectives and other times adverbs, prepositional phrases both excite and challenge beyond measure.
(15 Worksheets)
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Prepositions for children in pictures
Home » Home developmental activities
Knowledge of prepositions and their correct use in speech is a common problem not only for preschoolers, but also for schoolchildren. Therefore, it is extremely important to teach children from early childhood to recognize prepositions, understand what they are for, and use them correctly. Of course, this goal cannot be achieved in a short time and solely by coercion. In this case, games are needed, cards with inscriptions and pictures that demonstrate prepositions and situations in which their use is appropriate.
We offer you prepositions in pictures for children. This is a methodological assistance not only to parents who want to work with their children, but also to educators and tutors. At the same time, the illustrations do not cancel the creative approach to the study of prepositions, but are an example of the situation in which it is appropriate to use this preposition.
Related pictures for children0002
After introducing the children to the available pictures, ask them to draw their own, come up with a different situation with a different pretext. Maybe the children will create their own application from parts of the pictures that you can print on our website. From the prepositions in the pictures, you can easily make simple puzzles, disassembling and assembling which the kid will remember both the prepositions themselves and the situations of their use.
Why is it undesirable to just write a preposition or voice it and tell how to use it? The fact is that children do not know how to think abstractly: this property of the mind develops in a person with age. Even if you explain in words in an accessible, understandable way, there is no guarantee that the child will do and remember everything the way you explained it to him.
Picture tablets with the use of prepositions
Prepositions in pictures for children clearly depict an example of a very specific situation of communication. The kid sees, remembers, literally scans the information and puts it into practice in the same situation in life. Therefore, images are very useful for such trainings. And if you want your baby to learn to speak competently, beautifully, appropriately from an early age, study with him, the prepositions in the pictures on our website will be a great addition and a guide for lessons.
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from, from, at, for, over.

Dear speech therapists, educators and parents. Before you is an educational game for preschoolers "Prepositions", the tasks of which:
- to help children understand the meaning and rules for using the most common prepositions in the Russian language.
- to develop the child's speech.
- prepare for school.
With the help of this manual, the child will learn the meaning of prepositions
C - movement of an object outward
FROM - movement of an object from the boundaries of something
Y - finding an object next to something
FOR - finding an object behind another object
ABOVE - finding an object above something
The game set consists of 8 sheets. Sheet with preposition schemes, 5 lotto cards, 2 split sheets with cards for each preposition (40 cards).
Game preparation
Cut sheets 7-8 with cards along the dotted lines. The sheet with schemes of prepositions should not be cut - use it to teach and systematize the child's knowledge. Look at the diagrams and related pictures with the children, explain their meaning. To make it easier for the child to understand it, let's play the material: take a cube and any toy and invite the child to put the toy and the cube by the cube, hold the toy over the cube, throw the toy off the cube, remove the cube from your clenched hand. Ask the child to explain what he is doing. After that, proceed to work with cards. When the child remembers the meanings of prepositions, the diagrams on the cards can be sealed.
Option I
Look at the pictures on the cards together and ask your child to arrange the cards on the lotto sheets according to the diagrams. If the child made a mistake, draw his attention to the inconsistency of the scheme on the sheet with the content of the card.
Option 2
Players have big lotto cards. At the leading card. The facilitator asks a question, for example: “Where is the bee sitting?” or “What is the bee flying over?” The player responds. If the answer is correct, the player takes the card and puts it on the loto sheet.
Option 3. “The fourth extra”
Lay out 4 small cards in front of the child, 3 of which will fit the scheme of one preposition, and the fourth - another. The child must explain which card is superfluous and why.
Option 4. “Find according to the scheme”
Put 3 cards with pictures on different prepositions in front of the child and ask him to find the necessary card according to the scheme.
Option 5. "Who is faster"
No more than 2-3 people take part in the game. Give each player 1 lotto card. Lay out different cards in front of the players. The one who fills his lotto card faster will win.
Option 6
Select several cards with the same (or different) prepositions and invite the child to describe the pictures using the correct preposition.