Preschool learning letters games
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Search Kindergarten Alphabet Games
Mastering all 26 letters of the alphabet can feel overwhelming to kids just beginning their school journey. In our kindergarten alphabet games, delightful animation, charming characters, and engaging challenges will make practicing the alphabet exciting. Your students will have time to master each letter, both in uppercase and lowercase, as they play to win these interactive kindergarten alphabet games.
Is your child itching to read and spell words?'s kindergarten alphabet games can scratch that itch for your young learner! These interactive games make learning the alphabet a breeze. Whether uppercase or lowercase, your kindergartener will get lots of practice identifying all the letters of the alphabet. Some letters look the same, so give your child all the practice he needs with these animated games. Once he's mastered all the letters in the alphabet, he can move onto phonics and learn the sounds that go with each letter. Then, before you know it, he'll become a master reader!
Can your child find letters he knows in our kindergarten sight word games? Finding letters in words is a great way for your child to identify and use letters in word contexts.
50 ABC Letters and Sounds Games • Kids Activities Blog
Today we have a whole bunch of alphabet fun with letter and sounds learning games and activities for toddlers and preschoolers to help you young students prepare to read with fun pre-reading playful learning ideas.
ABC Games & Alphabet Sounds
Many parents have kids that are soon to enter kindergarten for the first time and are wondering what their kids should know before they head out to school on their own.
As a mom who once taught Kindergarten, I always wanted to make sure my kids are well-prepared and ready to begin their school career with a bit of an advantage by knowing their letters and sounds.
Related: Grab our free Kindergarten readiness checklist as a guide
I have seen the value in children knowing their letters early.
That said, I also recognize that kids are kids, and I want to make sure they have time to play – both independently and with me.
Learning Through Alphabet Games
Children acquire knowledge through play, so learning letters at our house is rarely a sit down structured time.
It’s a time of play and games!
The kids have fun and don’t even realize they are learning at the same time. I don’t believe we should leave teaching up to the schools. You get the great honor of being an educator of your child, and you can supplement what is happening at school by engaging your child in enjoyable yet educational ways.
Related: Check out our huge abc letters resource that has letter activities, letter crafts, letter printables and more for every letter of the alphabet!
I hope these resources help you feel equipped to take the reins in your own child’s education.
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Let’s play a hands on letter game!Hands On Letter Games
1. Letter Toss Game
Muffin Tin Learning – Want to make learning fun? This game involving throwing pennies and will keep your kids engaged. They will barely know that this is actually a lesson.
2. Growing Letters Game
Alphabet Flower Garden – This garden is full of letters and learning opportunities. It is definitely a great way to explore and grow in alphabet knowledge.
3. Unlimited ABC Games for Kids
ABC Mouse – This site gives kids tons of alphabet and phonics practice through interactive games and printables.
4. Matching Letter Game
Magnetic Alphabet Board – This letter matching activity is self-contained and is a tool to get kids to match up letters and help with identification.
5. Touch and Feel the Alphabet Game
Play Dough and Magnet Letters – Letting kids explore using their senses is a great way to learn. Play Dough is a tactile way to watch this happen.
–>Need a Set of Alphabet Magnets? I like this Magnetic Letters Alphabet Fridge Magnets Set that comes in a handy carrying tub.
6. The Great Alphabet Race
Race the Alphabet – Do you have race tracks and a child that loves playing with cars? This activity is for you! If you don’t have your own track, here’s another version.
Preschool Alphabet Games
7. Fishing for Letters
Magnet Letter Fishing – Take your magnet letters and make a simple fishing pole. With a pond full of letters, your kids will have a lot of fun casting their line for another catch.
8. Pirate Vowel Game
Gold Coin Vowel Sound Drop – Your little pirate will have fun learning his or her vowels be playing this game.
9. Letter Stacking Game
ABC Letter Stack Game – Stacking up letters has never been so fun. They get to stack and stack until they fall, which I am sure will become the favorite part.
Related: Use these with our playful preschool homeschool curriculum
10. It Begins With…
Initial Sounds Blackout Game – Want kids to be able to identify the beginning sounds of words? This fun game will help them do exactly that.
–>Need a Wooden Alphabet Set with Flashcards? I really love the cuteness of this Tangame Wooden Magnetic Letters Alphabet Refrigerator Magnet Flash Cards for Preschool Kids that comes in a magnetic tin.
11. Letter Scavenger Hunt
Architecture Letter Scavenger Hunt – Have you seen those photos that find letters in architecture? Your kids get to go on their own letter scavenger hunt with this fun activity.
Let’s play a creative alphabet game!Creative Letter Games for Alphabet Sounds
12. Interactive Alphabet Learning Games
A-Z Letter Learning Activities – This post brings you over 90 activities for each and every letter of the alphabet. What a great resource!
13. Climb the Word Ladder
Word Ladder – Kids get to “climb” to the top of the ladder as they successfully identify letters and sounds. They don’t need to worry if they “fall,” they have the opportunity to try again.
14. Flashlight Alphabet Game
Flashlight Alphabet Game – My kids are obsessed with flashlights. I know my preschooler would love this game!
–>Need Foam Alphabet Letters for Practice? This Gamenote Classroom Magnetic Alphabet Letters Kit comes in a plastic organization case and magnet board and would be great for home too.
15. Make a Letter Game
Letter Formation Activity – Using materials you probably have at home, your kids will have a lot of fun forming their letters.
16. Hungry Hungry Letters Game
Alphabet Monster – This hungry monster will only eat letters if you can say the name or sound of a letter. What a fun craft to make that also turns a great letter learning opportunity.
Let’s play a game that helps us learn letters!ABC Games that Help Kids Learn Letters and Sounds
17. Let’s Host a Reading Hop
Reading Hop – This letter learning game will keep your kids active and hopping all around. If you are looking for a way to take learning outdoors, you have found it.
18. Alphabet I Spy
Alphabet “I Spy” – Take the classic and beloved game of “I Spy” and turn it into an alphabet search activity. Brilliant!
19. Can You Catch the Letters Game?
Runaway Letters Game – Your child gets a chance to grab letters and runaway while you creativity beacon the letter’s return. This is a great way for moms, dads or teachers to interact with their kids during the educational process.
–>Need a Fun ABC Game? I love this ABC Cookies Game from Goodie Games that is a fun alphabet learning game for toddlers and preschoolers.
20. LEGO Spelling
Lego Spelling – If you add letters to duplex legos, you have a great way to work on sounds and words.
21. Letters Inside of Letters Activity
Making Letters with Letters – Learning letters will be reinforced over and over again as your kids use letters from magazines to create their own larger letters.
Fun Pre-K Learning games for kids!ABC Games for Pre-K
22. Letter Swat Game
Spider Letter Swat – Kids will enjoy learning their letters as they swat away at the flies in this entertaining game.
23. Letter Squirt Game
Squirt the Letter – This is a game I know my son, especially, would love. He loves anything squirt gun and anything water. Squirting the correct letter is right up his alley.
24. Letter Lacing Activity
Letter Lacing – This letter lacing, quiet bag activity works on fine motor skills while also developing the skills needed to develop in reading.
–>Need Letter Lacing Cards? I like this wooden set from Melissa & Doug that has both animals and letters on the sturdy lacing cards.
25. Alphabet Sounds Race
Letter Sounds Race – Get your kids moving with this letter sounds race. This is a great learning opportunity for your active kids! More alphabet sound learning activities are fun too!
26. Disappearing Letters Game
Disappearing Letters – Kids will learn to love to trace their letters as they see the trick to making them disappear.
Let’s play ABC Learning Games!Alphabet Games for Learning
27. The Game of Bang
Bang – Bang is a letter identification game that will be a lot of fun for the little gamers in your life.
28. Letter Chomp Game
Mr. Shark Alphabet Chomper Game – I love the idea to make a shark out of an envelope in general. Add the learning aspect of having the shark chomp letters, and you have a great game.
29. Letter Tiles Activity
DIY Bananagrams Letter Tiles – Here’s a really smart way to make letter tiles. You can turn them into magnets or play the classic Bananagram game with your creation.
–>Need a Bananagram Game? Here is the original Bananagram game for kids.
30. Make Pretzel Letters
Soft Pretzel Letters – Kids can learn their letters as they have fun making pretzel dough. Through using both the sense of touch and taste, this becomes a fun activity for all.
31. Travel Alphabet Game
Alphabet Words Game – This is a learning game that can be taken anywhere. Keep your kids occupied working on their letters at restaurants, home, car rides and more.
Let’s play letter and sound games!ABC Games for Letters and Sounds

Sensory Bins with Letters – Sometimes the best way to help kids learn is to let them explore. This sensory bin will help kids do just that.
33. Alphabet Seek & Find
Seek-N-Find Alphabet – This letter game is like an eye spy for letters. It involves a plastic tube (easily substituted by a water bottle), and will keep your kids searching for their letters for quite some time.
34. Letter Formation Fun
Tactile Writing – Kids learn to write letters as they use rice and paint to feel their way through the process or writing.
–>Need a Wooden Letter Matching Set? I like this durable Alphabet flash cards and wooden letter puzzle set from LiKee Alphabet.
35. Homemade Domino Letter Fun
Craft Stick Dominos – These craft stick dominos are an easy, homemade version of a domino game with a focus on learning letters and matching symbols. What a fun idea.
36. Flashcard Games
ABC Flashcards – Flashcards can be used by a variety of games and activities like flashcard basketball. These ones are free. And so are these kids alphabet cards you can download & print instantly.
Related: Here are a bunch of ideas for flash card games for kids
Let’s play some more abc games!How to Help a Child Learn Letters and Sounds Through Play
37. Make a Sun-Powered Letter Puzzle
Make a DIY shape puzzle using the sun with alphabet letters for a really fun matching game you can play inside or out. Or use this method without the sun to make this fun abc matching game for kids.
38. Collect Alphabet Treasures
Use these free alphabet labels to create small containers for each letter of the alphabet for a special letter collection activity!
39. Make Easy Alphabet Crackers
Making alphabet crackers has never been easier or more fun!
–>Need an Alphabet Snack? I like these Happy Tot Organics ABC Multi-Grain Cookies…yum!
40. Play Alphabet Zipline!
Use these alphabet printable letters to create your own alphabet zipline in your living room. It is really fun.
41. Play a Silly Letters Game
Try these alphabet games for preschool that are full of fun and a little silly…
42. Make Pipecleaner Letters!
Try to do some fun abc formation with pasta and pipe cleaners which is a fun way to explore letter shapes.
43. Make Bathtub Alphabet Soup
Use bath letters for a big big big batch of bubblebath alphabet soup {giggle}.
44. Color a Letter Coloring Page
- Letter A Coloring Page
- Letter B Coloring Page
- Letter C Coloring Page
- Letter D Coloring Page
- Letter E Coloring Page
- Letter F Coloring Page
- Letter G Coloring Page
- Letter H Coloring Page
- Letter I Coloring Page
- Letter J Coloring Page
- Letter K Coloring Page
- Letter L Coloring Page
- Letter M Coloring Page
- Letter N Coloring Page
- Letter O Coloring Page
- Letter P Coloring Page
- Letter Q Coloring Page
- Letter R Coloring Page
- Letter S Coloring Page
- Letter T Coloring Page
- Letter U Coloring Page
- Letter V Coloring Page
- Letter W Coloring Page
- Letter X Coloring Page
- Letter Y Coloring Page
- Letter Z Coloring Page

These playdough pre writing activities are both fun and super hands-on learning.
Let’s make a yummy…I mean gummy…alphabet!46. Make Gummy Letters
This sour gummy recipe makes the cutest alphabet letters to learn and eat!
47. Try a Fun Alphabet Activity Book
There are so many quality workbooks for kids on the market right now so we narrowed it down to some of our favorites that just might fit your kid.
Let’s find the letters and make pictures with crayons!48. Color by Letter Activities for Letter Recognition Fun
We have a whole bunch of color by letter printable pages for kids that help them recognize letters while playing a game:
- Color by letter – A-E
- Color by letter worksheets – F-J
- Coloring by letters – K-O
- Color with letters – P-T
- Preschool color by letter – U-Z
49. Play the Missing Letter Game
Use one of our favorite preschool games, What is Missing? and use either letter flashcards or abc fridge magnet sets to create sequencing of the alphabet and then remove a letter or two.
50. Play Alphabet Beach Ball Toss
Modify our fun sight word game with letters instead of sight words. Your beach ball can be covered with the letters of the alphabet for throwing and catching learning fun.
Games for ABC Sounds
51. Learn and sing the ABC sounds song
I love this fun song from Rock ‘N Learn that goes through the entire alphabet with sounds for each of the letters.
52. Play an online ABC sounds game
Monster Mansion is a free online alphabet match game that kids can learn the abc sounds and match them with the proper letter on the proper monster!
53. Print & Play a letter sounds game
Preschool Play and Learn has a really colorful and fun letter sounds board game you can print and play at home or in the preschool classroom. Each player will pick up a card and identify the letter and /or say the sound that the letter makes.
More Learning Games from Kids Activities Blog
- Now that we learned out letters, don’t miss out on our number activities for preschoolers!
- When your child is ready, we have a big giant list of sight word activities that are fun too!
- We have some really fun games teaching kids how to read a clock.
- My favorite massive resource of fun is our kids science games here at Kids Activities Blog.
- It doesn’t have to be October to play some frightful Halloween games.
- Let’s play math games for kids!
- If you need to work out the wiggles, we have the best indoor games for kids.
What was your favorite abc game? Did we miss some alphabet activities that you do with your kids?
Educational games with letters / Methods of early development of preschool children, problems of education and training / Luntiki. We develop children.

I think that many children among their toys will find a set of multi-colored magnetic letters , and there is probably a magnetic board. Although, instead of a magnetic board, you can use a refrigerator, which is even more fun, because children always like to use objects for other than their intended purpose. Therefore, playing with letters on the refrigerator will be much more interesting for the baby than on the board intended for this. And games with letters are very useful, as they develop speech, thinking and imagination of the child.
So what games can play with the letters ?
In this game, we offer the kid to be a wizard. And the secret of “magic” is this: by replacing only one letter in the proposed word, you can turn it into another word with a different meaning. First, choose simple words for "witchcraft" that consist of three letters.
SOK - CURRENT - KOK. Ask the child to lay out the word SOK from the letters of the magnetic alphabet. Then offer to turn it, replacing just one letter, into what is in the electrical outlet. Give the baby time to think and guess for himself that this is a TOK. Then, changing one letter again, turn the word into ship's cook (COC).
LION - FOREST. Lay out the word LION with your child. Then do a little magic on the letters - and a formidable predator will become a place where many trees grow.
BOW - LAK - LAZ. Let the child make the word BOW from the magnetic letters. Then he will turn this vegetable into something that paints nails (or covers furniture) - LAC. After that, ask the baby to make a hole out of the word LAK through which you can climb (LAZ).
BEETLE - BITCH - TUK - BOW. The child lays out the word BEETLE, then turns it into a sharp branch on a tree (SUK), then into a sound that is obtained when they knock with a hammer (TUK). And then this word will become a vegetable that is added to soup and salad.
BOB - LOB. Lay out the word BOB with your child and explain what it means. Then change the grain so that you get a part of the face (FRONT).
HOUSE - SMOKE. Give the baby three letters - D, O, M - and ask them to add the word for the building (HOUSE). Then ask to transform this word into what is formed during the burning of a fire (SMOKE).
WORLD - PIR. What happens when there is no war? Of course! Let the baby lay out the word WORLD. Then change one letter so that WORLD turns into a big feast where guests are treated to delicious food (PIR).
Other chains of words can be played in a similar way: KOM - TOM - HOUSE, CHEESE - SOR - THIEF, BOR - FIGHT - BOK, GOD - DOG, DAM - GIFT, OX - GOL - KOL - FLOOR, TANK - BOK, BULL - BUK, WAS - BALL.
If your child enjoys the game and has already learned how to easily change simple words, you can choose to play with more complex words consisting of 2-3 syllables.
BOAT - SPOON. Write the word BOAT with your child. Then offer to replace one letter in the word so that what they swim on turns into what they eat (SPONN).
RAM - BANANA. Make up the word RAM from magnetic letters. A little witchcraft - and the animal will turn into a sweet fruit.
PEA - CITY. Together with the child, lay out the word PEA from the magnetic letters. Then turn it into a place where there are many houses, roads, cars and people.
COW - CROWN. Ask the child to “write” the word COW and then change one letter so that the animal becomes the headdress of the king.
The game can also be continued with other words: SLIDE - MINK, SQUIRREL - BUN, CLOUDS - HANDLE - Bug, DAY - STUMP - SHADOW - LAZINESS, POINT - DAUGHTER - BUMP - BARREL - KIDNEY.
This is another interesting game. And again, the baby can feel like a magician! After all, there are words that consist of the same letters, but the letters are arranged in a different order, therefore the meanings of the words are different. And it is very interesting to guess what new word is hidden in the given one! We select options by rearranging the letters in places.
AU - UA. Here is the baby crying wow. And now let's turn this word into another - as if the baby was lost in the forest (put the word AU together with the baby)
RAK - CAR. Invite the child to lay out the word CANCER, and then swap the letters so that the river dweller turns into a loud cry of a big bird.
LAZ - HALL. Ask the child to make the word LAZ, and then make a large and spacious room (HALL) out of a narrow passage.
MOUNTAIN - HORN. Let the kid lay out the word MOUNTAIN from magnetic letters, and then rearrange the letters in places so that the mountain becomes what grows on the head of an elk or deer (HORN).
BANK - BOAR. Lay out the word BANK with your child. Then swap the letters so that the glassware turns into a wild animal that lives in the forest and loves acorns very much (BOAR).
We gave examples of the game, when the baby is given a hint - a description of the meaning of a new word. You can complicate the game: let the little one independently guess what the word is.
CURRENT - CAT. Spell out the word TOK. Ask the baby how to swap the letters in places so that you get a different word? What's this word? Let the child guess for himself. Continue the game with other words: YEAR - DOG, WORD - HAIR, MADY - SLAVE, CITY - ROAD.
If you remove just one letter from some words, you get a completely new word! Give the child the opportunity to visually verify this with the help of the same magnetic alphabet.
MOLE - MOUTH. Ask your child to spell out the word MOLE. And then - remove one letter from the word so that the underground inhabitant turns into a part of the face (ROT).
KIDNEYS - GLASSES. Make up the word KIDNEYS, and then remove one letter from the word so that the KIDNEYS on the branch, in which green leaves are hidden, suddenly become a glass object in a frame, which is needed for those who see poorly (or which grandmother has).
THUNDER - ROSE. Together with the crumbs, lay out the word THUNDER. And then remove one letter from the word - the formidable element will miraculously turn into a beautiful flower (ROSE).
WOLF - VOLK. Ask the kid to write the word WOLF in magnetic letters, and then remove one letter so that the predatory and dangerous forest animal turns into a completely peaceful domestic animal (VOLK).
These were variants of the game with descriptive prompts for the baby. Of course, there are other options for tasks in which the baby must find the answer on his own: GUNS - EARS, BATH - ANNA, SCREEN - CRANE, SPIDER - OSA.
You can play a similar game with syllables: if you remove one syllable from some words, they turn into other words! But before offering this game to the child, it is worth getting acquainted with the syllabic structure of the word. A little hint: clapping your hands with the simultaneous pronunciation of the word (one syllable - one clap) helps to divide the word into syllables.
SAND - JUICE. Spell out the word SAND. Ask the child to read the word and highlight the syllables with claps, name the first syllable, the second syllable. Then offer to remove one syllable from the word so that it turns out a completely different word. If the baby can’t guess on his own, tell him: “Remove one syllable from the word SAND so that it turns into a delicious fruit drink” (JUICE).
PIE - HORN. Let the kid lay out the word PIE and name its syllables. Then ask them to remove one syllable to create a new word. If the child is at a loss, prompt: “Remove one syllable from the word PIE so that delicious food turns into something that grows on the nose of a rhinoceros.”
HAMMOCK - POPPY: In the same way, ask the baby to make a flower out of a bed for sleeping and resting.
Continue to play with other words: BUTTERFLY - BARREL, SWAMP - LOTTO, SAILOR - CABLE, BASKET - ZINA, Zucchini - TANK.
The described games are useful for the development of speech, they help to teach the child to listen to words more attentively, pay attention to their spelling, and understand the meaning. All this develops literacy, which is very useful for the crumbs both at school and in life.
Magic Letters Game
There are amazing words that can become the subject of a whole fairy tale. Let's get acquainted with one of them.
(According to the fairy tale by S. Pogorelovsky)
One letter can work miracles.
Pencil drew a lawn. She has a Pobeda car. Wrote under the picture: VICTORY (lay out with the baby this word from the letters of the magnetic alphabet).
Peeked into the lawn Hedgehog. He liked the letter P. “I will put it,” he thinks, “in front of my house. There will be good gates.” He put the letter on his back and took it away. (Remove the letter P, and in the future - other letters, in the text).
The Bear came, gloomy, hungry. Immediately began to complain:
— I don’t have today…
LUNCH, said the letters.
- Right! the Bear barked. - Oh, honey to eat! Yes, stock up for the winter! Here, by the way, is the hoop for the tub.
He took the letter O under his arm and stomped to the apiary. And on the lawn the Bunny jumped out. Trembling, looking around. Suddenly I saw a terrible word: TROUBLE.
- Oh, where's the trouble? - Bunny rushed about.
I ran into the letter B with a fright. She bounced off, and the Bunny rushed off into the forest.
The stork has arrived. I saw a tasty word: FOOD. And in the grass, food is true: frogs - as much as you want. Stork attached a stick to the letter E, it turned out a fork. The stork ate, flew away and took the fork away.
Then Baran came, bleated offendedly:
- They say that I'm stupid. Am I stupid?
And the letters to him:
- YES.
Baran got angry. He ran up, hit the letter D with his horns, and it crumbled. The last letter left is A. She stands alone. What can she do without friends? Just cry: ah-ah-ah!
Comfort the letter A as soon as possible - put your friends and comrades next to it to get new words!
Liza. My child".
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Code: 9785171448653
Author: ZHUKOVA O.