Preschoolers games and activities
30 Fun Indoor Games & Activities for Preschoolers
Need some indoor games and recess ideas? Tired of musical chairs? You’re in the right place! We all know that kids need to move to burn off excess energy, but it can be tricky when it’s too cold, hot, or wet to go outside. Instead of dreading those days, here are more than 30 fun indoor activities and games for kids your students will love. These preschool games, music, and movement activities are perfect for indoors and still keep active preschoolers moving and having fun.
Indoor Recess Preschool Group Games
Many of these indoor recess games also help develop important gross motor and social skills – yes, please! And many of these indoor games for kids can be played outdoors too!
4 Corners: This classic indoor game is simple to teach and easy to play. Forgot how to play? Here’s a step-by-step guide to jog your memory. Use pictures of popular storybook characters if your kids aren’t ready for numbers.
Color Corners: Or use colors (indoors or out).
Duck Duck Goose – This classic game is a great way to get a little exercise in, but also helps children develop self-regulation skills and pay attention.
Popcorn! Parachute Game- This whole group game is great for students to learn how to work together. It’s also a great game for developing important gross motor skills.
Bluebird, Bluebird Through the Window – Watch the video to learn this classic song and movement game. Kids love moving and singing along to this fun game.
Row, Row, Row, Your Boat- Students can be partnered up to sing along to this classic song!
Indoor Preschool F
or Listening & Self-RegulationHuckle Buckle Beanstalk- Watch the video to learn how to play this 19th century game that still packs a powerful punch today.
What Time is it Mr. Fox? – The perfect fun game for developing important listening and self-regulation skills.
Red Light, Green Light – Students can work on their executive function skills with this preschool game.
Simon Says – 2 Versions
—Snowman Listening Game
—Bunny Listening Game
Do your kids need a little extra help listening and following directions? Then you need these simple Simon Says movement games in your life!
Freeze Dance: A classic game that’s not only fun, but helps kids develop self-regulation skills. Play a favorite song, the kids have to “freeze” when the music is paused. Use a variety of musical styles and tempos to encourage different types of dance and movement. Use your smartphone and a bluetooth speaker so you can pause the music without tipping off the kids. Everybody loves playing freeze dance!
Hot Potato- Your kids will have a blast with this fun, classic game while working on their listening and self-regulation skills.
Chicken Dance- Who doesn’t love the chicken dance? Watch the video to learn how to do this super silly and fun dance!
Limbo – An oldie but a goody! Watch the video to learn how to play this classic game.
Please Mr Crocodile- Please, Mr Crocodile is a fabulous game for all different sized groups, from small groups to large groups of kindergarten or preschool kids.
Gross Motor Preschool Games
Zoo Animal Movement Game- Are you looking for a fun, easy game for your Zoo thematic unit that builds in following directions, listening, and movement? Roll and Move with the Zoo Animals will give your children multiple opportunities for learning while having fun too!
London Bridge –This one never gets old! Watch the video to learn how to play this classic preschool game.
Farmer in the Dell- This one is fun to sing and easy to teach. Watch the video to learn how to play this classic preschooler game.
Rolling Pin Races- Grab some rolling pins and have fun with these races!
Bowling with Plastic Bottles- Save those plastic bottles for a fun bowling game!
Paper Plate Ring Toss- Recycle some paper plates and make your own ring toss game!
Musical Chairs – This classic game is great for teaching children patience, gets students up and moving, and learning how to deal with frustration (a very important life skill!)
Ring Around the Rosy- Watch the video to refresh your memory of how to play this classic memory game!
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes- Watch the video and remember how easy it is to play this preschool game.
Hokey Pokey- Your preschoolers will have fun with this classic simple song.
Indoor Music, Songs and Dance Activities
Cool Bear Hunt Movement Song- Students will learn work on their social skills and oral language skills as they go on a cool bear hunt.
Dr. Jean’s Banana Dance-Preschoolers will love joining in on the movements of this song!
Number Race Game- Your preschoolers will have better retention of their numbers since it pertains to their life.
What’s Missing?-Your students will love this game and it’s easy to set up. And it’s a great one for your toddler at a restaurant as well!
Glow Stick Hide and Seek- Did somebody say glow sticks? Grab some glow sticks and play this super fun version of hide and seek.
XO Hop-If you have a small space, but lots of energy then your preschoolers are sure to love this activity.
Animal Hide and Seek –This is the perfect rainy day activity!
Active Movement Activities for PreschoolersJump the Candlestick – Move like Jack in the nursery rhyme or think of other ways to move over or around the candlestick.
Dinosaur Movement Game – Incorporate a favorite interest as preschoolers roll and move like dinosaurs.
Weather Movement Game – Can’t go outside? Talk about different kinds of weather in this movement game.
Swatting Game – I guarantee your preschoolers will love swatting letters, colors, numbers, or whatever you choose in this DIY game.
Uno Movement Game – Use cards from a favorite card game to move around the room. Don’t have the game? These color and number cards could easily be created or you could adapt any type of number cards to move.
Dumpster Diving Game – No, don’t bring a dumpster inside. Fill a large box with recycled materials and a few toys. Kids will love searching for the “hidden” items in the box.
Block Basketball – Easily adaptable for younger or older preschoolers. Use materials on hand to create a fun adaption of basketball for preschoolers.
What are your favorite indoor recess games and activities? Leave a comment below, we’d love to hear from you and expand our list of awesome ideas!
16 Indoor and Outdoor Group Games for Preschoolers
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Need some ideas for group games to play with preschoolers and kindergarteners that are also educational?
Children learn best through play and games are a great way to work on building foundational skills.
These are great for small groups on a playdate or to play with your preschool class. They are separated into indoor and outdoor games, depending on where you choose to play.
Your kids will love these 16 fun group games for preschoolers.
9 Fun Indoor Group Games for Preschool ChildrenSome of these are active indoor games for preschoolers, while others are quiet, calming games to play indoors.
Active games are great for building gross motor skills and quiet ones also have many benefits – improving concentration, listening skills, problem-solving abilities, etc.
1. Simon SaysSimon Says is a classic game that can be altered to fit your particular needs. It can be an indoor game or an outdoor game.
With small children, you as the parent will usually be Simon.
To play Simon Says, the person who is chosen as Simon gives a set of commands and the children must follow them.
When you want the children to follow the command, begin by saying ‘Simon Says. ’ When you don’t want them to follow, only say the command.
If a child still carries out the command, without you saying, ‘Simon Says,’ he is out of the game. The last person standing is the winner.
You can make this game as easy or as difficult as needed to suit the children. You could also nominate the winner to play Simon next.
Because this game is so versatile, it has numerous benefits for children. It builds both their gross motor skills as well as fine motor skills. ‘Simon Says’ can also teach skills such as balance and crossing the midline.
In addition to physical skills, kids learn listening skills and develop a great vocabulary as well. By playing the role of Simon, they will also learn to communicate and lead others.
Here are 70 Simon Says commands kids will love.
2. Broken TelephoneBroken Telephone is a quiet game best played indoors. The rules go as follows:
- Start by sitting in a circle.
- One person begins and whispers a sentence into the ear of the person next to them.
- That person then passes the message on to the next person.
- Once it reaches the last person in the circle, she says the sentence out loud.
The goal of the game is to send the message, intact, all the way around the circle.
This game is great for learning listening skills. It can also help your children interact and gain social skills with their peers as well. Children also learn sound recognition as they try to listen to what the person is whispering.
It is also loads of fun as the message often gets ‘broken’ on the way and leads children into fits of laughter!
3. Story Time ClapAnother great quiet game to play with your preschoolers includes some clapping. Choose to either tell a story or read a book. Then, whenever you say a particular word or phrase throughout the story, the children must clap each time they hear it.
As with the previous game, this is another great game to help kids develop sound recognition and listening skills. It will also aid in their language development as well.
A touch-and-feel box is another fun activity for your kids. First, collect some items that have unique textures. Then, put them in a box or a bag you can’t see through.
Go around the room and have everyone quietly touch and feel one of the items. Once everyone has had a turn, have them share what they think is in the bag.
See how many children guessed an item correctly.
The Touch and Feel Box is a great way to build their language. They have to connect their senses to words to describe what they are feeling.
5. I SpyI Spy can be played both indoors and outdoors. The rules go as follows:
- One person picks an object in the room.
- Then, they say, “I spy with my little eyes, something …” followed by the colour of their object.
- The rest of the group takes turns guessing what that object could be.
- The person can only answer yes or no.
This game is great for thinking but also for socializing. It gets the children to talk to each other and develops their social skills. They also have to listen to hear what the colour is and what other people are guessing as well.
6. Musical ChairsMusical Chairs really helps children learn to let go and have fun with other kids.
Start by putting chairs in a circle. There should be one less chair than the number of children playing.
Once the music begins, everyone walks around the chairs. When the music stops, everyone must find a chair to sit in. The person without a chair is out of the game. For each round, remove another chair.
The game continues until there is only one chair left. Whoever sits in the last chair, wins.
This game teaches your children great listening skills. They also have to multitask, walk while listening to music, and at the same time try to get to the closest chair.
They can also develop balance and speed while trying to get to the chair first.
Red Light, Green Light is a game your children will love to play. It can be played indoors or outdoors as well.
One player stands in the front of the room while the rest are on the opposite side. When that person turns their back and says, “green light,” everyone tries to reach that person first, moving as quickly as they can.
When that person turns around and says, “red light,” everyone has to freeze and not move at all. If anyone moves after, “red light” is called, they must go back to the start line. The first person to touch the caller wins the game.
This game improves physical skills such as speed, balance and gross motor skills. Children also practise their listening skills.
8. Heads Up, Seven UpWhile the other games don’t necessarily require a specific number of people, this game does. You will need at least 14 players. However, if you have less, then you can always adapt to fit your needs. This game is well suited to the classroom.
To begin, seven children go to the front of the room. The rest put their heads on their desks and their thumbs up. The seven children go around and touch only one thumb of their classmates and push it down.
Once they finish, they return to the front. One calls out, “heads up, seven up.” Those who had their thumbs touched stand up and try to guess who touched their thumb.
If they are correct, they get to switch places with the person. If not, the game continues as normal.
This game helps your children to interact with one another. They will develop great social skills and learn the names of their classmates. If you have less than 14, you can always adapt and have fewer people in the front.
9. Button, Button, Who’s Got the ButtonButton, Button, Who’s got theButton is another quiet game to play indoors with a group of children. Everyone sits in a circle with their hands out, and their eyes closed.
One person takes a button and goes around the circle pretending to put the button in everyone’s hands. The person will put the button in one person’s hands.
Once they finish with the circle, everyone opens their eyes and tries to guess who has the button. Once the group finally guesses who has the button, they get to go around the circle to give it to someone else.
This is a great game to help the children interact and learn more about each other. They will also strengthen their social skills.
7 Fun Outdoor Group Games for PreschoolersHere are seven outdoor games for kids.
These are great learning games for preschoolers to play and interact with each other. They also make good group movement activities.
1. Scavenger HuntBefore you take your children outside, prepare a list of things you want them to look for. You can print off a picture of each item for them to identify outside.
You can then let them go together in small groups or all at once, trying to find each item on the list.
This will get your children to interact and develop social skills while also having a good time in nature and learning about the outdoors.
2. HopscotchEvery child loves to play Hopscotch. Follow these guidelines to play with a group of preschoolers:
- With some sidewalk chalk, make a hopscotch grid with the numbers 1-9.
- Find a rock for the kids that is easy to toss and will stay in place.
- Start by tossing the rock on square 1.
- Then jump over the square, and continue hopping on each square until you come back to square one.
- Pick up the rock then hop on square 1.
- In your next turn, toss the rock to square 2 and repeat.
- If your toss isn’t on the right square, you have three chances to get it into the right square or you miss your turn.
Hopscotch will teach your children many great physical skills. They will develop their gross motor skills as well as their fine motor skills. They will learn better balance as they hop on each square.
Jump rope is another fun outdoor activity to play with your group of preschoolers. Start by finding a larger jump rope than normal. Have two people swing the rope, each holding one end.
You can jump rope however your kids prefer. They can begin with the rope held still or jump into it while it’s moving. You can say a rhyme as they jump or have the other children count each other’s jumps.
Jump rope can develop physical skills such as balance, strength and coordination, as kids have to learn to jump at the right time.
4. TagTag is a very active outdoor game your kids will love. It is a great chasing game to get them moving.
There are many variations to tag. Simply have one person be “it.” They then have to tag someone else. Then that person becomes “it.”
You can also play freeze tag – once they are tagged, they must freeze in place until a teammate unfreezes them.
Tag is a great way to have your children make new friends and develop their social skills. They will also strengthen their physical skills as well as their speed.
5. Red RoverRed Rover is another great active outdoor game. Start by dividing your group into two teams. Then, have them get in a line and hold hands.
Space the two teams out about 20 feet or so from each other. Then, each team must take turns saying, “red rover, red rover, let … come over.” That particular person then has to leave their line and run to the next line.
They should run as fast as they can and try to break apart the other team’s line. If they break through, they return to their original team along with someone from the line they just broke. If they do not break through, they have to stay in that team’s line.
This game is good for speed and strengthening, as well as for teaching kids to work together with others.
6. Hot Potato/VolleyballThe Hot Potato Game, or Volleyball, can be played inside as well as outside; however, it is safer to play outside.
Toss an inflatable ball to one person. They have five seconds or less to toss it to someone else in the circle. If they don’t, they are out of the game.
You can change things up as well to make it more suitable to fit your children’s needs. For example, you can ask them to call out the name of the person to who they are throwing the ball in order to strengthen friendships and unity in the group.
This game will help develop social interaction skills as well as good physical skills including crossing the midline, catching, balancing, etc.
7. Duck, Duck, GooseDuck, Duck, Goose can be played inside or outdoors, but is easier outdoors. If it is a beautiful day outside, go enjoy the sunshine and nature.
Have everyone sit in a circle. Choose one person to be “it.” This person walks around the outside of the circle, touching each person on the head and saying either “duck” or “goose.”
If they say “duck,” they continue to the next person. If they say “goose,” that person must stand up and start chasing the person.
If the person who was “it” runs around the entire circle and sits down, they are safe, and the next person becomes “it.” If the person who is chasing tags them, they must repeat the circle again.
Duck, Duck, Goose is a fun social game as children get to interact with everyone in the circle. It will also help them develop speed and spatial awareness as they chase around the circle.
And there you have it. I hope you’ll enjoy playing these fun preschool group games. Read more about the many benefits of outdoor games for kids.
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Games and activities for preschoolers - Teacher's newspaper
In 2020, an online resource for educators and parents of preschool children "Games and activities for preschoolers" was created in Moscow, developed by specialists from the City Methodological Center.
The portal contains sections containing relevant materials and useful links for organizing developmental activities. Weekly video instructions from Moscow educators are published on how to conduct interesting games and creative activities with preschool children, as well as ideas for parents on organizing useful leisure and creativity for children.
– I have always been a very creative person. It was not easy to realize oneself in this direction within the framework of one preschool group. After all, there is not much time allotted for creative activity during the day. For almost a year now, I have been running my own column, where more than 150 creative master classes have been published. The educational portal is not only a place to gain new knowledge, but also a place to implement your creative ideas,” says Oksana Seyitmedova, the leader of the Creative Piggy Bank column, a teacher at school No. 1503.
In the "Games and Activities" section, you can find thematic collections with materials of city projects, a list of literature recommended for reading to children. Under the heading "We play all year round" there are links to videos about organizing different types of games at home and in kindergarten. Routes of educational walks around the capital and information about historical events and interesting places of our city can be found in the section "Walking around Moscow".
Those who are interested in the development of children of preschool and primary school age can find answers in the section "For adults about children", which contains author's short cartoons.
- For me personally, the portal has become not only a tool for planning and organizing educational events with children, but also a point of professional growth and self-improvement, - says Daniil Semichev, leader of the author's column "Male view of the profession", educator of school No. 354 named after D.M. .Karbysheva.
The Children's Calendar of Events section is a practical tool for organizing educational activities for children every day.
Portal "Games and Activities for Preschoolers" opened partner sections, where the creators of educational games, animation studios post their unique author's materials: cartoons, audio fairy tales, game tasks and educational exercises for children. For example, in the "Riki Recommends" section, you can find educational materials with favorite characters of children's cartoons - Fixiki and Smeshariki from the partner of the City Methodological Center - the Department of Educational Projects of the Riki Group of Companies, the leader of the Russian animation market. The Lego Education section provides practical materials for the development of modern skills of preschoolers using Lego sets.
– A modern teacher does not have much time to look for interesting information for children. For educators, this resource is an incredible find, and children watch educational videos with great pleasure and at the same time receive a lot of useful information, - Anna Volkova, the head of the author's column "For the kids about animals", a teacher at school No. 2083, is sure.
During the year of the portal's existence, more than 137,000 users from 55 regions of Russia and 13 countries of the world have become its visitors. Posted about 900 videos in 80 categories on various topics. The authors of the portal are 80 Moscow teachers from 56 educational organizations of the city.
In 2020, the Games and Activities for Preschoolers portal became the official information resource of the Moscow City Contest of Professional Excellence and Public Recognition Educator of the Year.
– Undoubtedly, the portal is very useful for educators. On the one hand, this is an opportunity to share your experience. On the other hand, a teacher can find a lot of new and interesting things to work with children, improve their professionalism. I am very interested in the portal. And I plan to soon become the author of my own section, - says Tatyana Anikeeva, winner of the Moscow city competition of professional skills and public recognition "Educator of the Year of Moscow" -2021, teacher of school No. 1980.
Natalia ANIKANOVA, senior methodologist, GMC DONM
Educational activities, games and exercises for children online
Fascinating games, exercises and activities for children by age groups.
Educational games for boys and girls. Choose the age you want and get started!
Practice on any device, anytime.
68 962
assignments for children
Exercises by topic
Preschool branch
2 years old
The first steps
3 years old
Start of training
4 years old
Knowledge Joy
The desire for
Lightly 9000 9000
First call
Grade 2
I want to know everything
Grade 3
Wonderful world
Grade 40007
What your child needs!
Dear parents, on the Kids Smart platform, all educational exercises and games for children online are distributed by subject/topic and by age groups. In this section of our service, exercises are specially selected for a certain age of the student.
First, you can try to go through several exercises from different groups, then, in the process of performing developmental activities and games, determine in which group your child will be comfortable and productive in learning. Depending on the preparation of the child, you can choose tasks according to his age or go to the older or younger group of games.
Educational games on any device and at a convenient time!
Also developing exercises for children are divided into three levels of difficulty. The service will automatically select the difficulty level of the exercise for each child, taking into account the learning statistics. By performing correctly developing tasks, the service will increase the level of complexity and adapt individually to the student. Periodically, the system issues tasks for repetition, which helps to remember and repeat the material covered.
Kids Smart is convenient because you can perform online developmental activities both on PC and on smartphones, tablet computers and netbooks from anywhere in the world. One registration is enough for you to be able to log in from any device.
A huge number of tasks!
Fascinating, informative, interesting games and tasks for children help develop attention, logical thinking, train memory and other useful skills in a child. Developing online classes help preschoolers to learn new knowledge, and schoolchildren to consolidate the skills learned in the classroom.
Our team regularly updates and expands the database of exercises and educational games for the development of children online, adding new tasks and items. Show children the fascinating world of new knowledge, develop the ability and train the mind of the child.
Develop logic, intelligence, memory and imagination!
Completing our activities for kids is fun and rewarding! You can devote very little time to doing exercises and tasks online (10-20 minutes a day), and the acquired knowledge and skills will definitely come in handy for your baby.