Sight word day
Worksheets | TPT
Sight Word Activities
All the sight word worksheets you could ever need! This product is a bundle of my 4 best selling worksheets, including 3 worksheet sets that are editable. Each of these 4 products has 220 pre-made sight word worksheets. This means you are getting 880 worksheets in this download! Three of these worksheets are editable, so you create worksheets for any word! Click on the preview button to see each of the 4 worksheets close up.Use these pages as morning work, daily practice, in your literacy center
English Language Arts, Spelling
K - 3rd
Centers, Worksheets
Pathway 2 Success
Use these lessons to get kids' self-control skills in shape! Activities focus on understanding self-control, impulse control, stopping and thinking to make a decision, waiting our turn, following rules and directions, staying motivated, doing our best work, managing emotions, using coping strategies, and practicing self-control to strengthen skills over time. Other skills that impact self-control are also addressed, including planning, time management, and perseverance.Digital VersionUpdated to
School Counseling, Social Emotional Learning, Special Education
4th - 8th
Lesson, Printables
Haley O'Connor
Do you have students in your class who need extra behavior supports? Are you spending valuable instructional time constantly redirecting a few challenging students, and aren't sure what to do to support them? This packet is FULL of resources, ideas, and tools to help every student in your classroom be successful. This resource is ideal for any primary teacher that needs additional behavior resources to support the students in their class! By working WITH the student, you're able to create strong
Classroom Community, Classroom Management, School Counseling
K - 2nd
Classroom Forms, Printables
Especially Education
Before you download please note that this download includes:Visual SchedulesHelpful HandoutsVisuals & Positive Behavior SupportsData SheetsAlong with the stress of teaching, Special Educators often spend countless hours making icons, visuals, schedules, positive behavior supports, data sheets, etc. Make your school year a bit easier with this Life-Changing Special Education Bundle:- token board templates- positive behavior supports- first/then charts- reinforcement icons- visual schedules- s
Back to School, Classroom Management, Special Education
PreK - 4th
Assessment, Handouts
Lucky Little Learners
This pack of handwriting pages gives your students the handwriting practice they need in an engaging way. They will build writing stamina, review letter & number formation, and practice sight words while learning new jokes and fun facts!⭐️DOWNLOAD THE PREVIEW FILE TO SEE THIS HANDWRITING RESOURCE IN DETAIL⭐️Read more about how I use handwriting practice sheets here.
Need letter & handwriting practice that’s not “baby-ish?”The silly jokes and fun facts will engage your students while they
Balanced Literacy, Handwriting, Writing
1st - 3rd
Independent Work Packet, Printables, Worksheets
Whimsy Workshop Teaching
Sentence building + writing with sight word sentences! This is a comprehensive set of 80+ worksheets with hands-on activities to practice writing complete simple sentences. Students cut and arrange words to build each simple sentence, then write, illustrate, self-edit and peer-edit the sentence. There are a lot of skills packed into one page!This product is a TPT top seller! Please take a look at thousands of positive reviews of this resource to see how other teachers are using it!"I wanted to s
Balanced Literacy, English Language Arts, Writing
K - 2nd
Centers, Printables, Worksheets
Also included in: Sentence Building Minibundle 1 - Writing Sentences Worksheet Practice 1st Grade
Nothing but Class
This novel study for Holes, by Louis Sachar, contains 124 pages of resources, including comprehension and vocabulary by chapter, reading response activities, assessments, and more. Focus standards include figurative language, theme, character analysis, plot, and opinion writing.No-prep, predictable, and extremely user-friendly, this literature guide is perfect for whole class, small group, or independent study. ♥You're free to use the printable OR digital version; BOTH are included with your pur
English Language Arts, Literature, Reading
3rd - 6th
Literature Circles, Printables
RL.3.2, RL.3.3, RL.3.4, RL.3.6, RL.3.7…
Also included in: Holes and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe | Novel Study Bundle
My Teaching Pal
$22. 00
This bundle features a HUGE 263 math worksheets for first grade! The worksheets cover addition and subtraction, numbers and place value, 2D & 3D shapes, data and graphing, fractions & partitioning and time. These fun-filled worksheets are great to use all year round and they are perfect for whole-class activities, math stations, fast finisher activities, homework and review. This bundle consists of the following packets:First Grade Addition and Subtraction WorksheetsFirst Grade 2D and 3D
Basic Operations, Math, Numbers
Printables, Workbooks, Worksheets
Kaitlynn Albani
Inside you will find 6 fun and unique fonts in a ZIP file! Most accent characters included in all fonts.Please check the preview to see all of the fonts included in this set!Notes-There are 5 fonts included + 1 doodle font.All script fonts include capital/lowercase letters.More Dreams, Rainbow Dreams and Elementary are all caps fonts. Check the preview to see all of the fonts in action!$ SAVE MONEY $OVER 400 FONTS + EVERY NEW FONT FOR FREE!CHECK OUT THE GROWING FONT BUNDLE HERETerms of Use*Fonts
For All Subjects, Products For TpT Sellers, Specialty
PreK - 12th, Higher Education, Adult Education, Staff
By TpT Sellers for TpT Sellers, Clip Art
Joanne Miller
Boost engagement and excitement with these interactive game boards using sticky notes. These game boards can be used with any subject or lesson. They are perfect for review or test prep. Students can work as teams, partners, or as a whole class. Use your already printed worksheet or workbook and add these game boards to excite and motivate your students! This is the perfect way to spice up a review lesson or use for test prep. ***PowerPoint and PDF versions included. *These game boards were desi
English Language Arts, For All Subjects, Math
2nd - 6th
Activities, Games, PowerPoint Presentations
Also included in: Interactive Game Bundle | Student Engagement
Miss Giraffe
$18. 00
Money worksheets and money games and activities unit JAM-PACKED with fun and differentiated money activities is filled with almost 200 pages of everything you need to teach coins and working with money. This pack covers 3 main standards/concepts: identifying coins (quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies), adding like coins, and adding mixed coins (counting coins). From identifying and sorting coins to adding them to money word problems, this has everything you need!Check out this blog post to see
Basic Operations, Math, Measurement
1st - 2nd
Activities, Centers, Worksheets
Digital Divide and Conquer
Project Based Learning: GEOMETROCITY! Build a City Made of Math with Geometry.Imagine, Design, and Build a City with this 2D and 3D Adventure!-Project Based Learning-Real World Application-Geometry, Maps, & More -Extension Activities -Differentiated Levels***THIS RESOURCE IS NOW DIGITAL!***There is a link to a Google Slides Version. Details below. *This resource can be used for distance learning and e-learning.*Geometrocity is a project based learning activity where students will take their
Critical Thinking, Geometry, Math
3rd - 7th
Activities, Printables, Projects
Also included in: The Project Based Learning Bundle! 14 PBL Activities
Speechy Musings
Target perspective taking and making inferences and predictions using real pictures with this resource! This resource includes 100 real life picture cards that allow you to provide effective, direct teaching on how to make inferences from picture scenes.Each card includes a visual across the top outlining the "Look", "Think", "Infer", "Predict" strategy (along with sentence starters for students to provide increased support). Next to the photo, there are four questions that require your students
School Counseling, Special Education, Speech Therapy
K - 6th
Activities, Printables
Also included in: Real Pictures Resource Bundle for Speech Therapy
Lucky Little Learners
$34. 00
Phonics reading passages, or Phonics Mats, are the perfect no-prep, print and go resource to help students turn isolated phonics skills into reading text! Students practice isolated phonics skills, decoding, fluency, and comprehension all in one resource. *** NEW UPDATE *** This resource has been updated with a brand new 2022 version! The new phonics mats have decodable passages, comprehension questions, word writing practice, and a warm-up page for each skill. Make sure to download the preview
Phonics, Reading, Writing
Printables, Worksheets
RF.2.3, RF.2.3a, RF.2.3b, RF.2.3c, RF.2.3d…
Karen Jones
One of TPT's top selling phonics resources! This pack contains over 100 pages of printable phonics worksheets that are ready-to-use! No prep work required, just print and copy! Each page is a stand alone activity that your students can work on independently. They work great for word work practice, morning work, literacy centers, or homework. Each page includes some interactive element of cutting and gluing, coloring, or sorting. A PowerPoint version and Image files are also included for uploadi
English Language Arts, Phonics
K - 1st
Activities, Centers, Printables
RF.K.2a, RF.K.2b, RF.K.2c, RF.K.2d, RF.K.3…
Especially Education
If you are looking for an individual schedule book, visual schedules, or a first then board, this Positive Behavior Support resource has it all! Please note: All editable files are compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint. Some pages may now be edited using Google Slides.Included in this download: - 6-tabbed and 2-tabbed flip book options- 200+ visual schedule icons (these are not editable)- First then board (separate from flip book)- First next then board (separate from flip book)- Token boards (wi
Back to School, Special Education, Speech Therapy
PreK - 2nd
Also included in: BUNDLE: First Then Board & Visual Schedule Flip Books (clipart + real pictures)
Secret Stories
$15. 00
*Note: This product is intended for use WITH the Secret Stories, as it does NOT include the Secret Stories® Phonics posters and stories. Learn more about Secret Stories® and download FREE RESOURCES in the Secret Facebook Group Files! The Secret Stories® Better Alphabet™ Song is the FASTEST way to learn the individual letters and sounds, using muscle memory to accelerate mastery in as little as 2 weeks for preK and kindergartners. This product contains three video versions of the Better Alphabet™
Phonics, Reading Strategies, Spelling
PreK - 2nd
Homeschool Curricula, Songs
Lucky Little Learners
This 2nd grade spiral math resource WITH 3 LEVELS OF DIFFERENTIATION is perfect math worksheets for math morning work, homework, daily math review, and independent math centers. It is a nice spiral review to take you through the entire year and is available in both printable and digital formats. 2nd grade spiral math review for the ENTIRE YEAR includes 40 weeks of spiral math sheets with answer keys. What's Included in the Spiral Math Review Sheets BUNDLE:►At A Glance Sheet►40 Weeks of Spiral M
Measurement, Place Value, Word Problems
Printables, Worksheets
2.MD.A.1, 2.MD.A.2, 2.MD.A.3, 2.MD.A.4, 2.MD.B.5…
Amy Groesbeck
Save 25% and purchase select AG Fonts in the GROWING BUNDLE!This font pack includes 9 true type fonts:AG 180 DaysAG All You Need is SleepAG I Can'tAG I Can't EvenAG Monday BundayAG Nope Not TodayAG Running Late is My CardioAG Sorry Not SorryAG Third is the WordAll fonts include Spanish, French, Norwegian, and German accents, as well as macronized vowels.**UPDATED: 2/17/22** Capital letters added to All You Need is Sleep and Third is the Word.Check out the preview to see exactly what you'll get!W
Products For TpT Sellers
Not Grade Specific
By TpT Sellers for TpT Sellers, Fonts
Also included in: Amy Groesbeck Fonts: The GROWING Bundle
Pocket of Preschool
Fine motor journals are a fun way to teach pre-writing skills, handwriting foundations, and strengthen fine motor muscles. There are so many fine motor activities you can do in a journal! It's like a mini-portfolio of all their fine motor activities all organized and in one place making it easy to visually see student growth. Here are some activities to do in fine motor journals: writing types of lines/letters (aka fun handwriting), name activities, letter activities, number activities, stamp ac
English Language Arts
PreK - K
Also included in: Preschool, Pre-K, and Kindergarten Complete Curriculum BUNDLE
Lucky Little Learners
Addition and subtraction fact fluency is essential in 1st and 2nd grade. These Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer Color by Number math worksheets are a fun way to practice math facts in an effort to memorize and recall math facts quickly and easily. They are also a great NO PREP option for teachers! These make great homework options as well!What's Included?25+ Fall Sheets with Answer Keys (includes Back to School, Fall, Halloween, and Thanksgiving)25+ Winter Sheets with Answer Keys(includes Win
Basic Operations, Holidays/Seasonal, Mental Math
1st - 2nd
Activities, Homework, Printables
The Teacher Next Door
$18. 00
Looking for a way to make teaching paragraph writing so much easier ? Want to help your students write well-crafted paragraphs? This Complete Paragraph Writing Bundle in both print and digital will help you teach each part of the paragraph in a direct way! It combines four of my very popular writing strategy sets: Paragraph Color Coding and Outlining, Topic Sentences, Transitions in Writing, and Conclusion Sentences. Everything you need is here to help your students truly understand how to creat
English Language Arts, Informational Text, Writing-Expository
3rd - 8th
Graphic Organizers, Posters
W.3.2, W.4.2, W.5.2, W.5.2a, W.5.2b…
Patricia Pat Resources
Is writing complete sentences or sentence structure a struggle for your students? If so, you’ll love how these sentence building worksheets will help you teach how to write complete sentences. ✏️ The many visuals in the worksheet will help your students COMPREHEND and REMEMBER the correct sentence structure. ✏️ This is a no-prep resource that even reluctant writers will love, plus you will save a lot of time with THREE Differentiations and Scaffolding done for you.✏️ These hands-on worksheets wil
EFL - ESL - ELD, English Language Arts, Special Education
K - 2nd
Centers, Homeschool Curricula, Homework
RF.1.1a, SL.1.6, L.K.1f, L.1.1c, L.1.2b
Also included in: Sentence Writing Center | Complete Sentences | Sentence Structure | Small Groups
Aylin Claahsen
This is a bundle of my Reading Fluency Passages, Set 1, for Levels A-M. This bundle includes 48 reading fluency passages, with comprehension questions, for students reading at Kindergarten, 1st Grade or 2nd Grade reading levels. These passages are great for quick fluency assessments and to work on improving students' fluency. Fluency is such an important skill to work on, and assess, as it helps many literacy skills, including comprehension. The purpose of this pack is to help students develop th
Literature, Reading, Reading Strategies
K - 2nd
Activities, Assessment, Printables
RF.K.4, RF.1.4, RF.1.4a, RF.1.4b, RF.1.4c…
How to Teach Sight Words In Just 10 Minutes A Day ~ The Organized Homeschooler
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When I was in college, studying to be a teacher, I became aware of a big debate in the education world. This debate has been called the “reading wars“.
Do kids learn to read best through phonics or whole language (sight words)? Is it really necessary to teach sight words? How can we help our kids with sight word mastery as well as learn to read unfamiliar words? Many parents wonder how to teach sight words and improve reading fluency.
Phonics supporters argued that children need to break every word down to its parts in order to really read well.
Whole language supporters believed that kids can learn to memorize words without needing to decode every letter sound.
I believe that the best reading instruction blends the two methods. They work together to create fluent readers.
Teaching phonics gives children the tools necessary to decode new and unfamiliar words.
It is important to teach sight words (whole language) because it helps kids develop fluency. Sight word recognition can go a long way in building reading confidence.
Sight words are also known as high-frequency words, instant words, or common words, because they are used so often.
I came across a strategy for how to teach sight words in the book, See Johnny Read! The 5 Most Effective Ways to End Your Son’s Reading Problems by Tracey Wood, which really helped me teach sight words quickly.
The sight word folder method helped my son burn through multiple grade levels of Dolch sight words in just a few months. It was a great way to quickly boost his reading skills and confidence.
One of the great things about this method for how to teach sight words is that it is quick. Your child can learn to memorize sight words in only 10 minutes each day with this sight word folder technique, making this an effective way to learn.
Sight word instruction does not need to be complicated.
How to set up a sight word folderThis sight word folder method is very easy and inexpensive to set up. You will need:
- a file folder
- 7 pocket envelopes
- index cards
- marker
- Dolch word lists
*Update – I created free printable sight word flashcards so now you don’t need to create your own!
Ask your child to decorate the front of the sight word file folder.
This is his/her folder and no one else uses it. If you have multiple children that need to practice sight words, they will each need their own set of supplies.
I like to provide my kids with a variety of stickers, markers, and colored pencils to use for decorating their folders.
Arrange the pocket envelopes inside the file folder.
Glue them down when you have an arrangement you like. I like these pocket envelopes because they are brightly colored and self-adhesive.
Label each pocket envelope with a number 1-6. Label the last pocket ‘Done’.
Write one sight word on each index card.
Keep the cards in order, getting progressively more difficult.
Put the first (easiest) 10 cards in the first pocket envelope.
Now you are ready to practice with the sight word folder!
How to Teach Sight Words ~ Daily Practice(Keep reading for a short video demonstration. )
On the first day show your child the index cards in pocket 1, one at a time and ask him/her to read it.
If the word is read correctly, move it to the next pocket (in this case, pocket 2).
If the word is read incorrectly, read the word to the child and ask them to repeat it. That card will go back into the first pocket.
Practice every day. Consistency is a crucial element in how to teach sight words.
As words are read correctly move them to the next pocket until they reach the ‘Done’ pocket.
Each day add enough new words to the first pocket so that there are 10 cards total in that pocket.
Part of the reason this sight word folder method works so well is because a child correctly reads a word 6 times before it is put in the ‘Done’ pocket. There is lots of repetition. This word is now truly mastered.
I recommend creating a home environment that fosters a love of reading to help motivate kids to learn to read.
This can be accomplished in a few ways:
- Parents need to read books they enjoy. Let your kids see you reading for fun. This shows the kids that reading is a life-long skill.
- Create book baskets full of seasonal books. I keep this basket in my living room near my fireplace so there is always a cozy spot to settle down with a book.
- Read books and then do fun related activities. My kids loved reading The Hole Story of the Doughnut because we baked doughnuts after the story. Setting up a doughnut bar on Saturday mornings has become a favorite activity in our house!
- All About Learning is a fantastic reading program if you need a little extra help and want the guidance of a full reading curriculum. They also offer free fun games to use at home.
In my experience, as a former classroom kindergarten teacher and homeschool mom, the sight word folder method is the quickest way to teach sight words.
Sign up below to receive free printable sight word flashcards, Dolch word lists, and a completion certificate.
Tips for Teaching Sight Words
You can choose either the Dolch sight word list or the Fry list. The Fry list is longer at 1000 words, but that can be overwhelming. I used the Dolch sight words because that was what I was familiar with as a kindergarten teacher. The Fry words work just as well for this sight word folder method.
Include fun sight word activities. Try adding in a few hands-on or movement-based activities to keep your child’s attention. Playing swat the sight word is a fun way to practice new sight words. This also makes it easy to include a multi-sensory approach.
This folder method works best one on one instead of in small groups. Kids will progress through the sight word lists at different speeds, making this difficult to do in groups.
If you or your child start to get really frustrated, take a break. You can always come back to learning sight words later.
Frequently Asked Questions About How to Teach Sight Words at Home
What is the fastest way to teach sight words?
The fastest way to teach sight words is to use the sight word folder method suggested above while also playing sight word games. The games provide a fun way to review sight words.
What sight words should be taught first?
The free sight word printable described above contains a list of every sight word. They are organized in the order they should be taught. Every student should start with the Pre-k level, regardless of their grade level.
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Digital day/night sights for pcp rifles
* Structurally similar to weapons.
Psp rifles brand store sells pneumatics of 4.5 mm, 5.5 mm and 6.35 mm caliber. More than 4500 models are available, from 27 world brands. Due to the narrow specialization in pcp rifles and pistols, we tried to collect only the best and most proven models in the catalog. Experienced consultants will tell you about the features of each product, help you compare and choose the best option for your goals. Most often, we buy pneumatics for hunting and sports shooting. At the moment, the catalog contains products: Ataman, Storm, FX, Hatsan, Horhe-Jager, Huben, KALIBR, Сricket, Kral Arms, Aselkon, iRay, Umarex, Dubrava, Kalashnikov, KAMPO, KSPZ. The list is regularly updated, including automatic and semi-automatic products. If you did not find the model you need - we are always ready to place an order directly from the manufacturer and bring a rifle, especially for you! You can also order cartridge cases and other accessories from us.
We sell only official products - all products are certified, which is confirmed by the relevant documents. The store strictly complies with the laws of the Russian Federation. All pcp rifles for sale can be purchased without a license. We do not sell military or firearms, as well as large-caliber pneumatics that require licensing.
In 2022, the kral puncher series, caliber, huntsman, ataman and kral are the most popular. In addition to the sale itself, we provide repair, tuning and maintenance services for pneumatics in an official workshop. You can always install optics (including hunting monoculars), shoot and tune a PSP rifle. In addition, more than 5700 items of accessories are available - cartridges, bullets, pumps, cylinders, valves, filling stations and other necessary products. All this can be purchased, in a ready-made kit and without overpayment. By the end of the year, it is expected to expand the bullpup kits, optical sights, as well as the range of pumps to increase pressure in cylinders. We work 7 days a week, seven days a week and ship products throughout Russia. Express delivery in Moscow is possible, as well as pickup from the showroom. We also have items for Reloading.
More detailed information about the characteristics of the product, photos and video materials can be found on the official website of the brand you are looking for. The site "" is not the official site of manufacturers, the materials posted on it are for informational purposes only. Intellectual property objects (photos and video materials) belong to their authors. Additional information about pcp hunting rifles can be found on the official website of the manufacturer you are looking for.
The site "" is not an official site of any brand, the materials posted on it are for informational purposes only and may differ from actual models. We work completely legally. We draw your attention to the fact that this website is for informational purposes only and is not a public offer determined by the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. All licensed products are presented for informational purposes only and cannot be paid for or purchased remotely. Technical data and scope of delivery of goods are subject to change by the manufacturer without notice. All intellectual property objects (photos and video materials) belong to their authors. Photos are taken from open sources - social networks, blogs and other sites and are used to familiarize yourself with the products. At the request of the authors, the photos will be removed from the site!
Riflescope ATN X-Sight 2 HD 5-20x85 day/night, Weaver/Picatinny, photo/video, Wi-Fi, GPS, IOS/Android + IR flashlight, 1160gr.

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Home / Night vision riflescope / Riflescope ATN X-Sight 2 HD 5-20x85 day/night, Weaver/Picatinny, photo/video, Wi-Fi, GPS, IOS/Android + IR flashlight, 1160gr.
Article: AB02834
- Description
- Reviews 1160g
ATN X-Sight is a weapon sight powered by the revolutionary new ATN Obsidian core that manages a suite of sensors to meet all your needs: high definition day and night, GPS, geo-tagging recording, WiFi, digital zoom, HD video and photo recording, compass, gyroscope, ballistics and other useful functions.
The ATN X-Sight HD Digital Night and Day Riflescope is an innovative riflescope that includes many features with the most intuitive and user-friendly menu interface. One of the big pluses is the firmware update. Now, in case of any malfunctions, you do not need to wait for you to eliminate any manufacturer's defects, update the firmware or restore the original settings. Firmware update takes no more than 5 minutes. Also, in new versions of the scope firmware, additional features appear: for example, in one of the latest versions, video and photo viewing on the sd-card has been added.
When in doubt whether to choose a night sight - green (Green) or black and white (B&W) - now it's enough just to choose the mode that the user likes best, the ATN X-Sight HD has both colors! If it is inconvenient to adjust the sight while looking into the lens, you can connect it to your smartphone or tablet (the application is available on Android & IOS) via wi-fi, and set the settings, change the reticle remotely. A few big pluses for ATN X-Sight users: HD picture that you can easily transfer to your computer or TV and watch the material. This means recording video and photos, without additional devices that add cost and weight to the scope.
The Obsidian core processes 1 billion cycles per second, making the X-Sight the 21st century scope. The Obsidian Core is a highly specialized computer that is designed to run a suite of sensors and compress huge image/video files in the blink of an eye. Powered by a powerful processor and uses a high resolution 1080p sensor with excellent night vision capability. Obsidian produces sharp color images.
Another advantage of this scope is the geotag. This feature allows you to create geotagged photos, which is very convenient: at home, you can restore the entire route and know exactly where the last photo was taken.
* Batteries not included.
model | ATN X-SIGHT II HD 5-20x |
Sensor | HD 1080p ATN L130 Sensor |
Magnification, multiple | 5 - 20 X |
Visibility at 1000 yards, meters | 67 |
Angle of view, ° | 5 |
Lens focal length, mm | 85 |
Micro display | HD Display |
Core | ATN Obsidian II |
System resolution lp/mm | 160 |
Pixel adjustment, " | 1/8 |
Exit pupil, mm | 65 |
Protection class | IP66 |
Video recording resolution | 1920 x 1080 - 30 fps |
Microphone | Yes |
Built-in memory | 4GB |
Micro SD card | Up to 64GB |
Micro USB | External power supply |
Micro HDMI | Yes |
WiFi (broadcast, gallery, control) | iOS & Android |
Bluetooth | 4. |
GPS (geo-tagging, altitude, etc.) | Yes |
3D gyroscope | Yes - GS7 |
3D accelerometer | Yes |
3D magnetometer | Yes |
Electronic barometer | Yes |
Smart Rangefinder | Yes |
Smart Shooting | Yes |
AAB (Auto Video Activation) | Yes |
Electronic compass | Yes |
Smooth Zoom | Yes |
Sight | Many brands and colors |
Installation | Weaver |
Battery life (li-ion), hours | 8 - 12 |
Operating time from an external source (16000mah), hours | 22+ |
Battery type (batteries not included) | 4 AA (Li-Ion) |
Length, mm | 289 |
Width, mm | 90 |
Height, mm | 88 |
Weight, grams | 1090 |
Warranty | 1 year |