Reading test for 6 year olds
Reading Level Assessment – Assess your child's reading now!
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Want to know how to assess your child’s reading fluency quickly and easily? Just take our 5 minute free reading test below!
Our reading assessment tools and books are developed by experts in language learning, so you can be confident your child will learn to read fast while having fun!
Has your child already tried using a different reading level test? There’s no harm in testing their reading abilities again!
Step 1. How Old is Your Child?
Step 2. Quick Reading Assessment
Use our One-Page Reading Level Assessment to find your child’s level.
Then choose books from your child’s level and start reading!
Can your 3 year old read this sentence?
The cat sat.
Yes   –> Then Start Reading on the 3 Year Old Learning Path
No   –> Then Subscribe to Red Cat Reading and we'll help your child catch up!
Can your 4 year old read this sentence?
I pack my bag.
Yes   –> Then Start Reading on the 4 Year Old Learning Path
No   –> Then Subscribe to Red Cat Reading and we'll help your child catch up!
Can your 5 year old read this sentence?
Birds fly in the sky.
Yes   –> Then Start Reading on the 5 Year Old Learning Path
No   –> Then Subscribe to Red Cat Reading and we'll help your child catch up!
Can your 6 year old read this sentence?
Did you ever see bees crawl inside flowers?
Yes   –> Then Start Reading on the 6 Year Old Learning Path
No   –> Then Subscribe to Red Cat Reading and we'll help your child catch up!
Can your 7 year old read this sentence?
Birds can be many different sizes.
The largest bird of all is the ostrich.
Yes   –> Then Start Reading on the 7 Year Old Learning Path
No   –> Then Subscribe to Red Cat Reading and we'll help your child catch up!
Step 3. Start Reading!
1. Watch the video
2. Watch again & read along with the e-book
3. Complete the quiz
Age 3-5
- Kindergarten Reading Level Books
Age 5-6
- First Grade Reading Level Books
Age 6-7
- Second Grade Reading Level Books
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Just email us and we’ll assess your child’s reading for free!
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Want your child to improve their reading comprehension, pronunciation and vocabulary? You’re all set with Red Cat Reading!
Our phonics, storybooks and leveled books will take your child from early reader to confident third-grader!
Press play on our video below, and earn how to use our book levels, lessons and quizzes to help your child learn to read the fast and fun way!
After your child has finished our guided reading level books, you can use each lesson’s quiz to test their reading comprehension and see if they should level up!
Reading Level Chart
Want to know more about our different guided reading levels? Check out our Reading Level Chart below!
Our books and videos are perfect for ages 3-8. Children will learn to read and get better at reading with our exclusive learning materials.
Use this chart as a reading level finder. You’ll find just the right books and videos to improve your child’s reading skills.
Assess Your Child's Reading ~ Learning Abled Kids®
Using a Free Reading Test Can Help You Help Your Child!
Do you need to know your child’s reading level, his decoding skills level, reading fluency and reading comprehension?
Using these free online reading tests for kids can help you assess your child’s current reading level. Below, I’ll break down the types of reading test types you may want to use.
You can use these reading tests for kids as a screening for the possible presence of dyslexia in your child, a reading grade-level placement test, or to assess your child’s current level of reading fluency. Just pick the free reading test(s) that will provide with the information you are seeking.
Assessing your child’s reading level may provide you with information to determine the type of reading help your child may need and determine how far behind your child may be.
If you find your child is far behind, you will want to seek a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation to determine the root cause of your child’s reading difficulties. Having an evaluation will help you provide the best reading program to meet your child’s needs.
Reading skill involves reading decoding, fluency, and comprehension. You’ll need to decide which aspect of reading concerns you. Select an appropriate reading test based upon your child’s individual needs.
Reading decoding is the ability to understand or decipher the sounds represented by each letter or combination of letters in a word. This is the first, and most basic, skill required for a child to be able to read. It is the core problem area for children with dyslexia.
For an overall snapshot of your child’s reading abilities, there is a Free Reading Test at K5 Learning (includes a math assessment too). This test will provide you with your child’s current grade level in the following areas:
- Phonemic Awareness – individual sounds within the spoken language
- Phonics – understanding letters and sounds in the written word
- Sight Words – high frequency words
- Vocabulary – the meanings of words in context
- Reading Comprehension – understanding what is read
- Math Numbers and Operations – adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, fractions
- Measurement Concepts – time, money, measuring
- Geometry – characteristics and properties of geometric shapes.
I like the K5 Reading and Math Assessment because it gives you a visual bar with your child’s performance level. It also gives the “Mastery Range,” so you can easily see what level of performance your child has within his or her current performance level.
Additionally, this assessment also gives you your child’s “Placement Level,” which is ideal for knowing exactly where to START working with your child.
The K5 Reading assessment is free, but you do have to sign up for an account to use the assessment. At the time I’m writing this, NO credit card info is required and there are no obligations for the free trial. Your first 14 days are free, so you can even try out their lessons to see if your child likes them.
The first area of reading test you may need to use is a reading decoding test
If you suspect your child has dyslexia, you may want to begin with a free online reading test for dyslexia available through the **Reading Success Lab. “The Reading Success Lab’s tool is a quick assessment that indicates whether a basic reading decoding problem might be present. ” Since an inability to decode words is at the heart of true dyslexia, it is very important to understand issues which may be involved in poor reading abilities if your child shows signs of dyslexia.
The Sound Reading program is backed by research showing it to be an effective instructional program for reading. They offer a free reading test that your child can take to determine his current reading skill level. Given this free test is related to the Sound Reading program, of course they’d love it if you’d buy their program, but you’ll want to check out a variety of program options prior to choosing a program.
If you would like an informal, free, online reading test without having to register (like is required for the Reading Success Lab), you may find the **”Red Flag Reading Screening” to be helpful. This test is only a screening test. It is best used to gauge how well, or if, your child is progressing in reading. You can also use it to determine if your child is indeed reading at or near grade-level. The Red Flag Reading Screening is “not designed to be a comprehensive evaluation or placement tool. It is merely a ‘snapshot’ indicator, and poor performance indicates the need for further investigation of a student’s academic skills and deficiencies.”
Another free online reading test for kids is called “Abecedarian” and it’s available through Balanced Reading’s Assessments page. Written by two reading researchers, Sebastian Wren and Jennifer Watts, the Abecedarian is available for you to download and use for free. This is a comprehensive and thorough evaluation of several different important skills for reading which will give you a solid indication of your child’s short-comings when it comes to reading. By using this reading test, you’ll know which skills require direct instruction and which ones your child has already mastered. This is an excellent reading test to use at any time to get a solid snapshot of your child’s reading abilities.
If your child can decode words fairly well, you may want to determine what grade-level your child currently reads at, whether he reads fluently, or whether his comprehension is good. You can check these higher-level reading skills of your child’s by picking a free reading test from the list below. These Free Reading Test options are primarily used for grade-level placement or screening for reading disabilities, so they may or may not provide you the specific information you are seeking.
- Sonlight Curriculum’s Reading Assessments
- K12’s Reading Placement Tests
- National Right to Read Reading Competency Test
The second component of reading skill is called “Reading Fluency”
Reading fluency is a demonstrated ability to read smoothly in a rhythmic, and expressive manner. If your child is reading fluently, he will be able to read through a passage without stopping for more than a second or two to figure out words. Your child will generally read the passage as if he were a smooth talker. A child may falter briefly every few paragraphs and still read fluently. It is the degree and frequency of hesitations that determine if a child reads fluently.
For children with reading decoding difficulties, reading smoothly with understanding can be a significant issue. When you have your child practice Reading Fluently, it will be helpful to measure your child’s fluency level.
A great free Reading Test to use is DIBELS. The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) is a set of standardized, individually administered measures of early literacy development. They Reading Test is designed to provide short (one minute) fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of pre-reading and early reading skills. You can use the DIBELS Reading Test when you begin working on fluency and at regular intervals to measure progress. DIBELS is offered by the University of Oregon Center on Teaching and Learning.
The third component of successful reading is “Reading Comprehension”.
There is a comprehension Reading Test available for free at:**Pearson Longman, which is a textbook publisher. There are Reading Tests for grades 1-8, and each grade level has multiple reading tests to choose from.
If you used a Reading Test to determine your child’s reading level and found your child has significant issues with reading decoding, reading fluency, or reading comprehension, I HIGHLY recommend seeking a comprehensive evaluation for learning disabilities, like dyslexia. If your child has dyslexia, he will need special help to learn how to read well.
You may also wish to check out our information on Reading Fluency, Reading Comprehension, and Vocabulary since these aspects of reading skill can have a significant influence on Reading ability as well. Our information on Speed Reading may be of interest once your child reads fluently beyond a third grade level.
Best Wishes in helping your child learn to read well!
Table of Contents
- 1 Using a Free Reading Test Can Help You Help Your Child!
- 2 The first area of reading test you may need to use is a reading decoding test
- 3 The second component of reading skill is called “Reading Fluency”
- 4 The third component of successful reading is “Reading Comprehension”.
No need to rush: check if your child is ready to read
When should I teach my child to read? Someone shows cards with letters to babies who have not yet learned to walk, someone, on the contrary, believes that "they will teach you at school", and does not touch the alphabet until the age of 7. Our blogger, teacher and philologist Oksana Levchenko, made a small checklist that will help you understand whether it's time to start studying with your child or it's too early.
In Montessori pedagogy, children begin to write before they read. And they start reading spontaneously. Why? Because the process of writing is much easier than the process of reading. At about 3.5 years old, the child begins to be actively interested in writing - to draw scribbles, saying "I write", or ask what the letters are called. This is the time when he wants to share his thoughts. Children who start writing usually do not read what they have written. nine0003
Reading is always the interpretation of other people's thoughts. It seems to us that this is easy and simple, because we have long mastered this wise science, and the whole process in our brain occurs automatically. Understanding how difficult it is comes when you start working with reading problems. Indeed, in order to master this skill, one must not only know the letters - one must be able to conduct a serious analysis of sounds, words, sentences, the text as a whole, synthesize the author’s thoughts, correlate what is read with one’s own experience. nine0003
When a child has mastered writing, reading will come to him by itself, without coaching. As a rule, this happens in the period of the "cipher" - from 4.5 to 5 years. But in order for the skill to be mastered, the child needs to prepare the brain and hand for this complex process.
In the Montessori environment, reading is a small tip of the iceberg of the work that the child did 1.5–2 years before, starting with the simplest exercises. Every day he saw the guys who read, many times the children themselves read to him. Around him now are simple, interesting materials that you really want to pick up, and most importantly, there is no adult who would force him to read by hook or by crook. nine0003
So, your child is ready to read if:
- he has developed speech and has no speech problems;
- he has a fairly rich vocabulary;
- is quite independent;
- he has developed spatial orientation - he does not confuse "right" and "left", "up" and "down";
- the ability to build certain sequences has been developed - what I put on first and what then; first breakfast - then lunch; nine0016
- can hear and recognize sound at the beginning, middle, end of a word.
- and the main criterion: the child shows interest in letters and reading.
If, nevertheless, you decide that the time has come to read, and the child already knows some letters, you can play a simple game with him: put on the table several simple objects whose names consist of three letters familiar to the child, but do not contain “iotized » vowels (i, e, u, e). For example, figures - a cat, a house, a bow, a cancer, a bull, a whale. nine0003
Write a word on a small piece of paper, show the child and say in a mysterious voice: “I thought of some figure, but I won’t say it out loud, please read my thoughts and give it to me!” When the child finds the right figurine, rejoice at his wizard's ability to read other people's minds! This game can be expanded to infinity! Write the names of other objects in the room, apartment. Write instructions: from "stomp" to "circle five times on one leg." Swap places - let the children come up with interesting assignments. And teach to read when the child is ready, and not because "a neighbor's son is already reading Pushkin at the age of two." nine0003
You are in the "Blogs" section. The opinion of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.
Photo: Tatiana Bobkova / Shutterstock / Fotodom
Teaching preschoolers to read
The section "Teaching preschoolers to read" introduces letters to children aged 5-6 and allows them to learn how to put them into words. Forming a list of tasks, the specialists of the Razumeikin development site used traditional methods of presenting material. However, some methodological techniques are copyrighted. nine0003
Please note that when we learn consonants in online tasks for children 5 years old, we call them without a vowel overtone. For example, not [be], but [b], not [ef], but [f], etc. This approach will allow the baby to facilitate the process of establishing the relationship between sounds and letters. And their names the child will be able to learn, getting acquainted with the alphabet.
In order to make the process of learning letters in the form of a game easy for children of 5 years old, it is advisable to use the maximum number of analyzers. The specialists of the Razumeikin development site tried to take this nuance into account when compiling a list of exercises. When completing online tasks in the “Teaching Preschoolers to Read” section, the child hears the sound corresponding to the letter, sees it in whole and in parts, creates it from wire, lace or plasticine, draws it with a finger. You can design letters from any materials at hand. It can be pebbles, matches, sticks, etc. Such exercises help kids learn letters while playing. nine0003
Very useful and effective are games with "rough" letters. They can be cut out of sandpaper or sheet with a velvet surface. At first, you can invite the baby to swipe the letter with his finger. This will help him understand how it is written and remember the direction of the hand movement. Then invite the child to recognize this letter among several others. In this case, the baby's eyes should be closed.
When creating exercises for preschoolers, our specialists tried to make them not only understandable and fun, but also really useful. Consistently passing online classes from this section, the child learns to read. At first, we learn to read simple and short words in syllables, then gradually the tasks become more difficult. By the end of the lesson, the child will be able to read and, most importantly, understand texts of several sentences. nine0003
A few words about the submission of material
In order to make reading for children aged 5 easy and productive, the specialists of the Razumeykin development site have prepared special thematic pictures and voiced text for each task. Some exercises also involve the motor area. All developmental tasks in the block "Reading for children 5-6 years old" can be completed online by preschoolers.
How are results evaluated?
For the correct performance of tasks-games in the section "Teaching preschoolers to read" there is a whole system of rewards. We are sure that in this way it is possible to increase the interest of preschoolers in learning and form positive motivation. nine0003
Toddlers receive a reward by completing tasks in the form of an educational game in the "Reading and letters for children of 6 years" section. For their achievements, they can be awarded medals, cups, pennants and certificates.
Most of the exercises in the section "Reading for children 5-6 years old" are evaluated depending on how the child was able to give the correct answer.